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FORM TP 2017058 test cove 01251032 MAY/JUNE 2017 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE* EXAMINATION ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT PREPARATION AND MANAGEMENT. Paper 032 — General Proficiency 1 hour 50 minutes (2 JUNE 2017 (a, READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1, This examination consists of TWO questions. Answer BOTH questions. After completing EACH question, save your work on the available storage device. At the conclusion of the examination, the invigilator will give you submitting the saved files. struetions for 3. Answer ALL questions. tructions carefully before attempting EACH question, 5. The 1 hour and 50 minutes allocated should be used as follows: arm-up on the computer followed by 10 minutes = reading time Vhour and 30 minutes — responding to ALL the questions 6. Report any defect in the machine to the invigilator who will make the appropriate notation and indicate on your folder any time lost. The invigilator will also record this information on the Supervisors’ Imregularity Report. 7. Key your candidate number in the upper right-hand corner of each page 8. You will be penalized for uncorrected errors. 9. Any accepted method of display consistently used in letters and/or tabular exercises will be credited unless otherwise instructed. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO So. OO Copyright © 2015 Caribbean Examinations Couneil All rights reserved. 01251032/F 2017 Answer ALL questions. Questions on this paper MUST be completed using the appropriate production tools. Question 1 Imelda Corporation is expanding its operations and is planning to relocate its Information Technology (IT) Department to a new building. The notes below were written by the facilities manager, Franklyn Joseph, in preparation for the move. As administrative assistant to Mr Joseph, you are required to use the notes to prepare the documents as indicated on page 4 Notes ew IT Dept. move ty are baaiding D \T Dept rrovingy +o OB Cricket. Court, Couva, St Lucio, on Hy Dor. Beg. will be chesed er Fe Sete tote Factittate he. umove aD MM seh un the IT Dept. are expected +> prepare hele work sinters Por te more. fil Hooxes cre te be detel Lebelled wit the name of the st amnembor . See ft GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01251032/F 2017 he room Ritndoee cbbeeachen OnLy - DNowng Schedules will be staggered aS follows: “Admministahen Seph 2 @ 1000m . ‘i : yt Kies Design Senices Sepl!@ 2:00pm eo . Rallaase Management Sept 2@ 4:00am, 4) From Allocohens hove been made as follovs: Nlaia Bert, Administahan , Room (07; Seb Sewers, Alyssa Jones, Room 30%; Allen Frantlan, Dataoase Management, Room 2243 Terry Ramlogan , Adntiay Room 20% Martin Chua, Veb Serviceg ye Room B10, Leesa Moreler , Adewiry Roem Sot, Khel Anderssen , Draloase Nonogement, Room les, 01251032/F 2017 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (a) Prepare a blocked memorandum to all staff members of the IT Department informit =4- ‘Time: 20 minutes them of the impending move. Follow ALL instructions given. @ Gi) Gi) (iv) (b) a (i) Gi) (iv) Ww) oy wii) Use Times New Roman font, size 14 point with 1” (2.54 em) all around. Use today’s date and the reference FJ/your initials. Aroom allocation table is to be attached to the memorandum, Save the memorandum as moving. (25 marks) Time: 20 minutes, Create a table listing the names of the employees, their departments and room allocations. Use nes New Roman font, size 14 point. ‘The table should have the Following: + An appropriate ttle, centred across the columns used + Data sorted according to department and room allocations, respectively + Column headings centred and bold with 15% grey shading + Visible gridlines Centre the data in the column with the room numbers. Contre the table vertically and horizontally. Place a thick border around the row containing the information for Leesa Morales. Save the table as alloca 25 marks) Total 50 marks GO ONTO THE, T PAGE, 01251032/F 2017 Question 2 Time: 30 minutes {ivan effort to ensure the safety of all employees, the board of directors asked Mr Joseph to prepare a report to the IT director advising on health and safety in the new building as well as good workplace habits. (@) (i)_ Prepare a report as described above using blocked style, Times New Roman font, size 14 point and margins of 1" (2.54 cm) all around, ii) The report MUST include: ‘An introduction TWO statements on ergonomies in the workplace ‘TWO statements on safety considerations in the workplace ‘TWO statements on desirable work habits and attitudes An appropriate conclusion All subheadings should be bold and underlined. (ii) The text in the conclusion section should be bold and italicized. (iv) Save the report as report, (29 marks) Time: 20 mi (es (b) Prepare a presentation, with at least FIVE slides, which summarizes the content of the report prepared in (a) above. () The presentation should include: Gi) Insert Gi) Apply an appropriate desi 01251032/F 2017 A title slide showing a suitable title for the presentation and the name of the presenter Appropriately headed slides with correct content x slide Aconelu ;ppropriate graphic on the tite slide. to the presentation. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, née (iv) Onalll slides EXCEPT the title slide: + Insert the current date in the left footer area. + Insert the presenter’s name in the centre footer area. + Insert the slide number in the right footer area () Save the document as presentation, (21 marks) Total 50 marks END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 01251032/F 2017 CANDIDATE’S RECEIPT. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE: lL in all the information requested clearly in capital letters. testcove | 0{1]2]5]|1]0]}3]2 SUBJECT: ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT PREPARATION AND MANAGEMENT PROPICIENCY: GENERAL FULL NAME: (BLOCK LETTERS) Signature: Date: 2. Ensure that this s hand in this booklet. is detached by the Supervisor or Invigilator and given to you when you 3. Keep it ina safe place until you have received your results. INSTRUCTION TO SUPERVISOR/INVIGILATOR: ‘Sign the declatation below, detach this slip and hand it to the candidate as his/her receipt for this booklet collected by you. Thereby acknowledge receipt of the candidate’s booklet for the examination stated above. Signature: Supervisor/inv Date: I 1 I 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 I ! | 1 1 1 I ! 1 1

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