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In the late 90’s I worked in Tony Robbins Empire for 3 years…

There is one massive resource I will share with my Licensed Associates that I discovered when I
worked in Tony Robbins Empire that is vital for your personal and business success that very
few people use even though it is really simple to do, that needs no skills or experience or any
kind of tech or study of anything, and can be done in a few minutes a day.

It’s NOT covered in any of Tony’s books or programs…

He only shares it in his $85,000 a year platinum membership …

This “One Thing” is the foundation to

if we make some money or get rich...
If we combine this “One Thing” with what $Billionaire Peter Thiel says about “Secrets”
and “Mafia” and use the “Rule of One” and that “Competition is for Losers”! that you will
discover inside this manifesto…

…then you will have no limits to what you can achieve and you will be certain that you
can have true Lifestyle & Financial Freedom.

I guarantee you have never seen anything like this before… so strap in!

I will give you access to personal success and marketing secrets that are not normally seen
outside of high-end masterminds or inner circles that the Guru’s don’t want you to know.

See on next page an example of what can happen when you combine the “One Thing” with the
wisdom of Peter Thiel and the new discoveries and breakthroughs I cover in this manifesto…

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
$300K a year to $77 Million in last 2 year’s
See inside what made it possible for Brooke to go from $300K a year to doing
$77 Million in last 2 year’s while only working 3 ½ days per week with her same 2
products in same industry and how YOU can take advantage of NEW breakthroughs…
See why others are becoming first time $Millionaires in record time… with many more
people making a “BIG” full-time or side-line income. How much do you want?
See inside how YOU can have a recurring passive monthly FREEDOM income starting
in next few days, without your own products or web site and without any past
experience while others do the hard bits for you.

Read every word, and then I want to have a one – on - one chat with you, not to test you in
anyway, just an open chat to see if you share some of my mission and vision and why I will
mentor you as my “Licensed Associate” to make Freedom levels of recurring monthly income in
just a few hours a week…

Your past experience or skills are not important, I used to be a farm mechanic fixing
tractors in rural England… anyone can have true lifestyle freedom with what I’m going
to share with you… with my help all the way… you are NOT doing this alone!

I don’t want to sell you a course or software or any kind of investment/advice etc! This is a
one-time invite to be my “Licensed Associate” and be mentored – held accountable and be part
of a community to help you achieve true lifestyle & financial FREEDOM…

You can do this alongside whatever you do now!

If a dumb ass ex farm mechanic like me that fixed tractors, that had issues with ADHD
and overwhelming anxiety can create the freedom life then so can anyone else…

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
A one-time invitation to be part of an amazing adventure and create your lifestyle
and financial freedom in rapid time doing something you can feel great about by
helping others live a healthier positive vibrant life while you’re having fun, that you can
do alongside whatever you do now in just a few hours a month. You don’t need your
own products or do any tech stuff; all you do is drive traffic.

I’m going to show you how to have several simple recurring income streams that don’t
take up much of your time, with the first one I expect you to be making $7,500 to
$30,000 a month within 6 months from now…

Step 1; read every word of this manifesto right now and see that there is no limit to
what monthly recurring $$$$ YOU can achieve.

Step 2; we get on a one-on-one chat to answer your questions, for me to get a feel of
who you are and if we can work together…

Step 3; we create something amazing together and disrupt these industries by giving
people what they really want which is not just more information!
In this manifesto I talk about how to create income in the Personal Development and Natural
Health Industries.

But this is NOT about just selling information in books – courses– webinars or virtual events
etc. If these were the answer then there would be a lot more healthy wealthy people.

Have you ever thought, I have read all the books, bought the courses, done the programs,
joined a membership site, been part of a mastermind, joined many biz opps, got the crypto but
you still don’t have the success or changes you thought you would have!

I have been in the personal development industry for over 30 years… I have seen it all, good
and bad… Most of it bullcrap and hype… When you have and use the “One Thing” then you will
achieve your goals and get results faster than anything else you could try…

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
This niche is already over $1 Billion a week. All the money you could ever want is here just
waiting for you. Someone is making that money… So why not you?

The health and wellness market is set to increase to almost seven trillion U.S. dollars by 2025!

The USA spends more on pharmaceutical drugs than all other countries combined… So, where
should we focus our time? I want to help millions of people get off these drugs! And have a
healthy life with natural alternative health solutions.

My mission/vision/goal is to educate people how to enjoy and live in a state of optimal health, a
condition that has been defined as complete physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social
well-being, with peak vitality, optimal personal performance and high productivity and obtain
true lifestyle & financial freedom at any age or location in the world…

Put your credit card away… When you have read this, I want to have a chat with you to see
if you share some of my mission and that we can work together over the next 6 to 36 months
have some fun and make serious income while really helping others live a better life…

See inside what $Billionaire Peter Thiel says about “Secrets” and “Mafia” and
use the “Rule of One” and that “Competition is for Losers”!
If you want to make a lot of money online today… you have to be part of something that
people really want and need that they can’t easily find anywhere else, more about this inside…

No matter if you are selling your own products or an affiliate or part of an MLM I will mentor
you in how to sell a lot more of whatever you do now using underground marketing secrets you
have not seen before and add an extra $7,500 to $30,000 a month as my Licensed Associate…

You can do this alongside whatever you do now…

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
I have stuck to the same industries of Personal Development & Natural Health for over 30
years… because I got to live with passion and fulfillment – feel good about really helping people
like no other industry could – to travel all over the world as a business trip – meet some
amazing people… and make freedom levels of income…

Name one other industry where someone could make $77

million in 2 years while only working a few hours a week…
Where one person could do $12.5 Million in one and a half hours from stage.

Where email selling a $37 product could make enough money to buy a brand-new Bentley car
for cash in 5 months.

That allowed another guy to do $600 Million in sales of a live event over last 15 years.

Where a guy got out of prison with $200 and did $5 Million in sales his first 4 years.

With all the new developments and new technology taking place, these types of income will
become small fry to what some people no better than you will achieve.

Not claiming you will, you may be a small thinker… but the money is there for the taking.

If you just want an extra few thousand a month recurring income… then you can easily!

Tony Robbins says his companies will do between $1 to $5 Billion in next few years…

Now is best time in history to get in these industries…

That’s why I am coming out of semi-retirement as this unique opportunity

is just too great to miss out on!

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
Timing is the #1 factor in creating a
FREEDOM level of income in rapid time…
Massive Distruption due to NEW breakthroughs in the Personal Development and
Alternative Health industries thanks to recent discoveries due to NEW science and NEW
technology offers a NEW UNIQUE Opportunity for YOU right NOW!…

If YOU want the fast BIG money then you have to be smart
and jump on trends and NEW opportunities at the right time…
Or YOU can keep doing what the masses do and work hard for many years for little
returns and never get to enjoy a true Freedom Lifestyle…

Let’s look at the real truth facts;

The Personal Development - Alternative Health and Internet Marketing industries are all crying
out for new opportunities. We can make our Freedom Fortune right NOW!

There is more information out there about how to create income online than ever before, yet
95% to 98% of people still fail to make much income online today…

There are 100’s of different weight loss material and diet programs people can buy, but today
there are even more people classed overweight and obese! And more people with mental health
issues like depression than ever before.

I have been in the Personal Development and Alterative Health

industries for over 30 years and I have never seen a better
time to get financial freedom in record time than now.

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
New breakthroughs in the Personal Development and Health industries thanks to recent
discoveries due to NEW science and NEW technology has created a once in a lifetime
opportunity to be in the right place at the right time with the right people and create
Freedom income in record time... like Brooke who did $77 Million in sales last 2 years
while working 3 ½ days per week with a very simple business model and just two
products! (You DON’T need your own products or experience/skills to get started)

Many people will become first time Millionaires and few will become Billionaires.

This is about getting on the ground floor of something NEW and unique and being
mentored by millionaires who know how to live the freedom lifestyle in multi - $billion a
week industries and creating something amazing that really helps and impacts people
that you feel good about doing and make your freedom fortune at the same time…

These $Billions have to go to someone, I will show you how to get all the $$$ you
want, without any experience or your own products.

I went from broke farm mechanic in England to working in Tony Robbins Empire to
meeting Ted Nicholas who gave me some marketing secrets that he had used to do
over $7 Billion in direct sales that I leveraged and I made my first $Million in just
over 9 months starting with virtually no money not knowing what I was doing, to now
being a tax exile living the dream life in Central America to legally pay no income taxes!

I am coming out of semi-retirement as this once in

a lifetime opportunity to make limitless income in
rapid time is just to good to miss out on.
At 6 months I expect you to be making between $7,500 and $30,000 a month recurring passive
income and you feel certain that you can achieve Lifestyle & Financial Freedom…

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
I have a NEW & UNIQUE powerful 6-month program that will give you all you need to
create the true freedom lifestyle and have financial freedom.

Where you get mentoring by real millionaires all the way to give you a sense of certainty and
by giving you simple sure-fired methods and DONE FOR YOU opportunities of creating passive
recurring monthly income without any past experience of anything or products of your own to
get started.

Inside this manifesto you will see advanced marketing secrets NOT normally shared out side of
$25,000 plus mastermind groups…

You DON’T have to wait 6 months to start creating income…

you can get started next week with a ready-made just open box and go
recurring income stream where I do all the hard stuff and all you do is
simple marketing and invite people…
You will get as my Licensed Associate everything you need in the 6 months to allow you to be
able to achieve lifestyle & financial freedom as you will now see…

At 6 months I expect you to be making between $7,500 and $30,000 a month recurring passive
income and you feel certain that you can achieve Lifestyle & Financial Freedom…

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
This is A One Time Personal Invitation To Explore the Possibility Of Being My Licensed Associate
And Be Mentored In How To Achieve True Lifestyle and Financial Freedom in Record Time…

In Just A Few Hours A Week… With all the Hard Stuff Done For You…

It’s all done for you… all you do is invite people… in a unique way…

I am NOT promoting this on any web site or podcast etc…

Every week $Billions are being spent in

industries I suggest you focus on.
That money has to go to someone!

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
Only a person living a dream freedom lifestyle can
really know how to help you live yours…
I have lived the freedom lifestyle for over 30 years, never working hard or long hours and
always selling something I felt good about doing. Now it’s YOUR TURN to live this way!

As your mentor I will help you make money in 4 ways;

1. You promote my income streams that give YOU monthly recurring income and
YOU will have NEW one every 6 months. I make money when you do!
2. I help you build your own simple monthly recurring income streams for which I
want 15% of what you make each month. Our goal with this is to get you to be
making minimum of $1 Million a year…
3. I help you improve your sales/marketing in whatever you do now.
4. We build a business to sell within 3 - 5 years. (You don’t have to do this one)

The ultimate lifestyle business of money and time freedom!

Do you want to make the above a reality… it can happen

for you faster & easier than you can imagine right now!

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
I am an ex farm mechanic that fixed tractors…
If I can create the lifestyle I have then anyone can with my help!
No hype… Just straight talk… and a NEW - unique opportunity to make passive monthly
recurring income working no more than 10 to 15 hours a week and you get paid before me!

This is one of my favorite places to work from, in my back garden in the mountains of northern
Panama Central America. Over looked by the biggest softy of a rotti ever… Monty!

I live the dream lifestyle of only working a few hours a week from my home in the mountains or
from my appartment on a private beach that’s a couple of hours from the mountains.

So when it’s raining in the mountains I go to the beach to have fresh fish and tropical fruits.

And when I get bored of the beach I go back to the mountains where I love hiking in the cloud
forests or going out on ATV’s or horse riding on friends farms looking for his cows…

If I get bored of both of these I can pop down to Panama city to get taste of the night life and
amazing places to eat.

Or I fly a couple of hours to the Caribbean to really chill out and live the laid back lifestyle.

So, read on to see how and why I want to help you live your dream lifestyle & location!

Only people living the dream lifestyle can show you how to do the same…

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
As my Licensed Associate you will make monthly recurring
commissions of $300.00 on a 397.00 offer and $425.00 on a
$597.00 offer marketing my new 6 Months to Freedom program…
and YOU get paid before I do directly from your clients!
Start this week getting commissions of $300 and $425 recurring passive monthly income
while all the hard work is done for you!

Over $1 Billion a week is spent in the niche/market I suggest you focus on, that money has to
go to someone, so why not us? You never need to look anywhere else for the rest of your life!

You don’t need any past experience or skills or products of your own as you will get started
with my monthly recurring income opportunity called the 6 Months toFreedom Program …
where I expect you to make freedom levels of income within 6 months working
no more than 10 -15 hours a week, while I do all the hard work…

…and you get paid directly from your clients before I do…
As I don’t want anyone to use this opportunity of promoting my 6 Months to
Freedom Program as their only source of income, there will be a limit of 100
clients you can have enrolled at any one time.
If recurring monthly commissions of $300.00 & $425.00 interests you and you are tired
of all the Internet Marketing Overwhelm online today and just want something simple
but real that just works… then don´t miss this one-time offer.

At 6 months I expect you to be making between $7,500 and

$30,000 a month recurring passive income and you feel certain
that you can achieve all your Lifestyle & Financial Freedom…

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
Because of the Covid 19 pandemic and changing world, the personal development
industry over the next 5 years is going to see staggering revenues worth…


If this money is going to be spent then someone is going to get it. My question to you is;
why not us? It has to go somewhere? I know how to give people what they really want!

I have been in the personal development niche since the 90’s… I love it…

I will mentor you as my Licensed Associate in how to get as much $$$ as you desire, doing
something you can feel great about while having fun in no more than a few hours a week for
you, by using my done for you opportunities while I do all the hard work!

Here is what got me fired up to create what I’m

sharing with you in this report...
…I saw Brooke go from making $300K a year to making $77 million last 2 years.

She was in the same personal development niche with same products!

She is not the only one, David B has made over $10 Million in last 2 years and many others
have become first time $Millionaires… This is just too good to miss…

The Covid pandemic has created massive demand in this industry that I have been in since the
90’s, which you can feel great about, by helping people have a better life.

I have made multiple $7 figures from this industry, but I have never seen incomes like that are
being created now, many new millionaires who have never been in this niche before.

"Brooke Has Made $77 Million in Sales Since Last 2 Years

While Only Working 3 ½ Days Per Week"…

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
Let me introduce you to Brooke who inspired me to get back in the game of getting money
when I saw how much money she was making while really helping people live a better life and
most of all how simple and easy, she was doing it… using the new breakthroughs…

I don’t know her personally, but I have been closely studying her business method as I was
fascinated by how she was making $Millions per year with a very simple business model and
only working a few hours per week doing something she loves.

She modeled part of Tony Robbins Empire!

She found something working that Tony was doing and added her touch to it!

In 2019 Brooke did $300K selling a personal development program, which is ok, but she said
she was working hard and long hours with the way she did it.

In 2021 She changed her offer to a monthly subscription and totally changed her marketing and
selling methods and last 2 years has done over $77 Million in sales…

And she is certain she can grow her business to $100 Million a year within next 5 years, with
massive profit margins hard to find anywhere else.

What is really exciting is that her business method is so simple! We are modeling her methods.
Not her particular niche she focuses on!

Seeing what Brooke has achieved and how she built her business and how she wants to get to
$100 Million a year in her same business model.

If ordinary people like Brooke can make $77 Million in two years with a very simple business
model, while only working 3 - ½ days a week… yes 1 and a half days per week…

…then you need to sit up and pay very close attention right now to how
YOU can get a slice of the $Billions being spent right now!
At 6 months I expect you to be making between $7,500 and $30,000 a month recurring passive
income and you feel certain that you can achieve all Lifestyle & Financial Freedom…

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
Above is me hard at work, well as hard as it gets for me… I haven’t worked hard for over 30
years… and I don’t intend to start now… Hard work is for the miss-informed and those who
don’t know the Freedom Marketing Methods. You should never need to work more than 15
hours a week…you will be creating income 24/7/365 with passive recurring income streams…

…and below my home town here in the mountains of northern Panama… where every day is a
great day to be alive…

Panama may not be your choice of where to live and enjoy freedom and no stress, but with
what I’m going to share with you now… you can live anywhere in the world you want!

I want to mentor Licensed Associates who are driven to create recurring

monthly income…while helping potentially millions of people live a better
life starting in the $1 Billion a week Personal Development niche that
is growing like crazy right now…

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
Dave Ryan Panama. (507) 699-486-52

Above is me on top of Volcan Baru the highest point in Central America which is close to my
home (of 15 years) here in Panama! I’m originaly from England…. (Moved for tax reason’s)

The reason being, I hated to pay income tax’s to the idiots in governments that waste it!

I have been online full-time since 2004 and in direct marketing from 1994!

From 1990 to 1993 I worked with Ron G Holland a UK based author of many
books including the Eureka Enigma – Escape from where I am – Turbo Success – Talk & Grow
Rich – Where I had my first taste of recurring income when I helped Ron build up his
Apprentice Millionaires Club newsletter.

From 1994 to the end of 1997, I worked in the London office within the
sales team of Tony Robbins Empire. Where I really discovered the power of the “ONE
THING” and how to use in my business.

My life changed overnight back in 2004 when I attended a Ted Nicholas work
shop in Texas as I learnt his simple marketing secrets that allowed him to do $7.6 Billion in
sales by direct marketing and help turn 100’s of once ordinary people into $Millionaires
me included.

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
You know you’re onto something when it makes you
over $1Million in 9 months…
When Ted revealed his unique methods at that event, I was amazed that it was so
simple. I knew I could not fail.

I put £72,000 ($115,000) into my savings account in 3 months

Imagine $115K going into your account in 3 months… and a

$million in 9 months… would that be life changing for you? I have learnt a lot since 2004…

Photo of Ted Nicholas on right and me in 2004! (When I had hair)

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
Below is what I used to make my first $Million in profit in just 9 months.
This was back in 2004…

This product was so good it was featured on one of the biggest news channels in the world.

The reason I was able to make my first $Million profit in 9 months was I had contacts in the
USA that I knew made big money with various offers/products….

I saw what they were doing in the USA and I was the first person in the UK to sell a diet patch
that you stuck on your arm and people lost weight.

I sold the diet patch business.

I then sold an anti-aging patch and then a patch to help women with hormone problems.

I rode the health patch wave for 5 years, then I moved onto information products.

With all the marketing I have done online I have always focused on being
first or one of the first with a new idea, or a new offer or new products.
Right now, I have more ideas and products than I have time to do… that’s why I want Licensed
Associates to help me get my knowledge and opportunities out into the world!

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
Who am I? Firstly, I’m real proof that where you start from has nothing to do with where
you finish… (Farm mechanic to making $Millions and living the freedom lifestyle).

Bullied at school and had massive self-doubt for many years…

For 20 + years my focus in life was competing in off road motor bike races all over Europe and
some in USA. I lived and breathed it 24/7/365. I created simple money-making systems, first in
mail order in UK, and then moved online in 2004.
I worked no more than 10 hours a week and was making $1000’s everyday…

I lived my perfect life; Race – Train – Race Train for 20+ years it was my obsession… nothing
else mattered… no time for girl friends or kids… the racing community was my family… I raced
almost every weekend for years… in races that lasted 3 hours to 8 hours a day, for 6 days…

You may think it is ok for you to be positive, you have money and success now… Trust me my
life hasn’t been a bed of roses… I know what’s it like to wade through the shit life throws at
you and you just think when is this going to end… you can’t even imagine there is a light at the
end of tunnel. So, no matter how bad things are now, I know I can help you get out of it…

I don’t think you can truly help people if all you have known is success!
If you haven’t hit hot rock bottom – or been way past broke – not having money to buy food
and going hungry for several days – being heart broken by someone who cheated on you after
you gave them so much – feeling so depressed you couldn’t get out of bed and didn’t care what
happened to you – feeling lost and overwhelmed not knowing which direction to go.

I have been through all the above and more… so I know I can relate to people and know how
to help them get the success they want using my success system that you will see later …

This is a photo I took of Tony doing a presentation to Members of Parliament in the House of
Commons in London.

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
Above is a page from the first Apprentice Millionaires Newsletter with a photo of Ron G Holland
with woman who was a lookalike Queen of England - Me – Steve our agent in Ireland and Errol
our agent from Australia (hence the upside-down photo).

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
To back up what I’m telling you here, this book by Peter Thiel inspired me to create the
6 Months to Freedom Program, when he wrote about “The power of ONE” and
“Secrets” and the “Mechanics of Mafia”.
If you don’t know of Peter, he started PayPal and was one of the first big investors in

So, if a $Billionaire suggests that you operate in certain ways so that you have NO real direct
competition and that secrets are vital to success, then you should sit up and pay very close
attention to what I’m sharing in this manifesto!

I’m going to show you how WE can take Peter’s advice and disrupt the $Billions a week
personal development industry by giving people what they really want, which is NOT just
more information.

I have 20+ years of experience of knowing how to live the freedom lifestyle in this industry by
giving people what they really want, which is NOT just more info!

If you want to make serious income online today, you can’t just do what everyone else is doing.

We need to be smarter than most… I know how to make this simple and fun…

You have to decide, do you want the freedom life, or always be struggling to make money?

I know how to create long term income streams that don’t have direct competition and are hard
to copy. I’m doing it for you so you don’t need to create anything yourself…

There is just too much competition today online in most niches which makes it hard to create
freedom income, so you have to work hard and 95% make little or no money.

We must do something new – unique and different!

I can create something different because I have the years of wisdom and knowledge and
contacts and I get access to new and unique opportunities before the masses.

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
Let me repeat Peter Thiel is a self-made $Billionaire, so when he suggests we follow his wisdom
of zero to one – secrets and mechanics of mafia then we should listen.

Peter Thiel says;

➢ You have to build something unique one of a kind that’s so much of a monopoly that
it’s not even competing!
➢ Every great business is built around a secret that’s hidden from the outside.
➢ The secret question… have you identified a unique opportunity that others don’t see?
➢ The most valuable business of coming decades will be
built by entrepreneurs who seek to empower people.
Read that last one again about the most valuable business… The 6 Months to Freedom
Program is all about empowering people… I’m following the advice of $Billionaires
because they are smart…
Don’t worry about understanding this, I have done it for you. I just want you now to appreciate
that what I’m sharing with you here is NOT the typical internet marketing stuff and no one has
ever shared anything like this before, and you have never had the opportunity to get in on
something first at the foundation level so you get to make the most money and freedom.

Why Personal Development is such a great niche to use Peter’s principles… compared to
other industries with $Billions being spent, there is much less competition and it’s quite simple
to differential your offer from all the others and hard for people to copy you, and most of the
current material is old rehashed materials that just doesn´t get results.

In the Personal Development world new breakthroughs are allowing us to create new
products and services that were not possible just a few years ago.

With the Freedom Marketing Methods that you will see later I’m going to mentor you in… You
will always have an advantage over everyone else so you don’t need to worry about

This quote is from Peter’s book… and it’s so true. If you

are doing marketing in such a way that there is lots of direct competition...

Or you are an affiliate where there are lots of affiliates all doing the same things, then you are
making life much harder than it needs to be. I will show you simple ways to use his principles.

You DON’T need to understand this now; I can tell you

more when we speak…
© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
If you can get access to an income opportunity that anyone can
have then you should question how good that opportunity really
is in regards to achieving the freedom lifestyle in record time.
We should note what $Billionaire Peter Thiel says about having Secrets and the Mechanics
of Mafia and Zero to One… I will explain this when we speak…

If you want to make big money fast in todays over crowded online world then you have to have
access to NEW & UNIQUE opportunities and have sales & marketing secrets the masses will
never know about… See more about these $Million Dollar Marketing Secrets later…

In todays competitive online world if you want the easier life and to make big money
then we have to be different and NOT do what most others are doing…

Don’t worry about you being different, I have done it for you with what you are about
to discover… this is a one time personal invite to explore the possibility of being my
Licensed Associate.

This opportunity can not be found on any

web site or podcast etc.
© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
“Neuro Marketing & Personal Development Academy”
Be aware of this, I would not say I’m going to do what I am suggesting
here and say I’m going to help people with their personal development or
growth, if I wasn’t confident in my ability and passion to do so!

Unless you have worked with the people I have and you have invested
many hours of your time learning about the psychology of why people buy
or don’t buy and bought countless books and courses on the subject at
hand and you have studied and learnt the art of copywriting and
salesmanship then you could never figure what I know alone and get the
results I can get for you.

You can join me now or spend years and lots of $$$ trying to get it!

What I’m going to show you NOW is something I’m extremely

passionate about, and I have a BIG dream and mission that will
help people have better lives for years to come!

YOU can make recurring passive income from anywhere in the

world while I do all of the hard work for you?
All you have to do is “FREE” and paid marketing where I give you everything you need!

• For YOU there are NO web sites to create… and…

• NO products to create
• NO sales or marketing material for you to create.
• NO ads for you to come up with
• NO personal selling from you
• NO emails to write
• NO need for you to do any webinars
• NO content for you to create
• NO coaching for you to do
Introducing the 6 Months to Freedom Program giving people all they need in one
location to achieve lifestyle & financial freedom while never feeling left alone…

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
This is what YOU will be making as my founding Licensed
Associate for promoting the 6 months to freedom program
Clients pay $397.00 per month for 6 months. You keep $300.00 of the $397.00

My income goal for you is at 3 to 6 months to have 25 to 100 clients giving you passive
recurring monthly income. And they pay you directly first…

Out of 100’s of Millions of potential customers you can get, your target will be to
have this many people within the next 3 - 6 months.

Why $397.00 a month? because Brooke charges $297 for her deal. And she only gives
personal development products, I will also supply powerful marketing secrets as you
will see in a moment that 99% of marketers don´t know about…

Personal development is so wide open to be disrupted as it’s full of the same old material with
new name on it. If it was working then more people would have more success in all areas of
their lives… Thanks to NEW discoveries we can help millions of people.

New discoveries in the personal development and health industries are going to create a
$Trillion opportunity… 1000’s of people will become first time $Millionaires many will become
multi-millionaires and a few will become $Billionaires… Will you be one of them?

Read every word of this manifesto and then let’s get on a call so I can tell you more…

The niche is changing dramatically and those that get in now will make the most money and
help the most people… others no better than you that just have a bit of experience are making
crazy life changing amounts of money… Brooke’s $77 Million is proof…

You can create your freedom income in a matter of months NOT years…

I have uncovered the Holy Grail of Personal Development that

gets BIG results fast… and it’s so much easier than you think that most people just overlook it.

I had kind of retired, making a nice income from rental property and small hotels and a farm.

But seeing how many of millions of people still need help I feel is my duty and calling and
mission to share with people what I have discovered.

Recent scientific breakthroughs have uncovered why more people don’t have the success they
want, even when they have read all the books… been to events … set goals and done many
courses and programs and why they don’t change even when they want to.

These NEW breakthroughs in the Personal Development industry solves people’s mindset and is
also the answer to preventing or curing a high % of disease including Cancer and Heart Disease
and all inflammatory disease like Parkinson’s and Dementia, and mental disease of Depression
and Anxiety…and is great for rapid fat loss if people are overweight…

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
Not many online marketers have discovered what’s happening with these breakthroughs so
right now we have little competition, and the ones now that have, are pioneering doctors or
medical experts who don’t know how to market very well… which is another opportunity for us.

I’m not going to tell you here what it is, because if you don’t join me, I don’t want you to know.

I will share with you a bit more about these NEW breakthroughs when we speak…

Using my formula; P. T. F. B. A. O. R. V.
New breakthroughs in brain science combined with new technology now allows us to create
personal success in ways that just a few years ago was not possible…

Do you want to spend rest of your life with the brain you have
now, or one that is capable of achieving anything you want in life fast!

My formula will help you;

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
My vision is to help millions of people around the world so they can become the person they
want to be and achieve their goals.

When we combine the NEW discoveries and

breakthroughs with my formula, then there is no
stopping anyone from having all they want in life…
Why Personal Development – Self Help – Spiritual?
Why personal development is such a great opportunity right now… NEW breakthroughs in
science and technology has the potential to help millions of people that has never been seen or
done before. We can be one of the first to ride this wave of opportunity.

Here is why my recurring monthly income system in personal development and health is a good
option for anyone today to create true financial freedom in the fastest time without any past
experience or knowledge or your own products doing something you feel great about.

Timing – 100’s of millions need help with mental – emotions – health which has created
massive demand of the likes we have never seen before. Covid has created such a massive
awareness and open minded to new solutions.

The fact that today there are more obese fatter people – more broke – more suicidal - more
unhappy – more lonely - more divorce – more drug taking and more people in jobs they hate
proves that information alone is not enough… which spells massive opportunity for us who
can give people more than information… I will be doing all the hard work; you just do the easy
bits and I will be helping you all the way!

That money is going in some one’s bank account…

Think about that, every week millions of people are spending $Billions, that money is going in
some one’s bank account, so why not yours? I will mentor you in how to get a nice slice of the
$Millions being spent every hour by setting up recurring monthly income streams for you

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
The Personal Development industry is booming and now famous actors like Matthew
McConaughey are getting in on the explosion…

He has written a book and just did a virtual event with Tony Robbins and 2.4 million people
tuned in to watch the event.

Name one other niche in the online space that could attract that many people to a live virtual
event… We can make money from their live events without spending 1 cent!

He is not the only one… Mike Tyson also has a personal development product.

As I will keep saying $Billions are being spent right now by millions of people… These famous
people are bringing Millions of new people into our universe that we can make money from in
the ways that I will give you…

One of the richest hedge fund guys called Lewis Bacon is creating a personal development
product called, Slices of Bacon… It will be out in next 6 months…

You don´t need to look anywhere else to make your Freedom Fortune…

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
Freedom Marketing Short-Cuts
You will have access to all the millionaire making marketing methods that you could
ever wish to discover, that I am personally going to mentor you in how to use. So you
have a massive advantage over everyone else in any niche you choose… you don’t need
any experience or to be a sales person or a copywriter… Nothing to do with AI at all.

In todays competitive online world if YOU want the easier life and to make serious
money then we have to be different and NOT do what most others are doing…

Now for marketing methods that only a few

online marketers know and use…
These are not something that you need to personally learn or master, you just need to be
aware of the power of what I will uncover and show you once you are my Licensed Associate.

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
Have you ever wished you could just find that unfair
marketing advantage over everyone else………
The marketing methods I’m going to share with my Licensed Associates
are truely advanced marketing methods that few people understand.

You don’t need to understand them now or learn them, as I do it for you, you just need
to be made aware that they will make you wealthy if you allow them to.

Have you ever wondered why in the same niches most people make little money and a few
always make big money… and why most copwriters make $50K to $100K a year after about 5
years of getting started… while the top ones get paid $50 to $100K plus % for each campaign
they do and make a $Million plus a year…

The truth is they know what can only be decribed as a special language
that gets results like no other… and the ones that really do know it rarely
share with others unless they get paid a big fee.
I giving you access to wisdom that you would normally pay $25,000 plus to get hold of!
These are super advanced methods that $Millionaires and $Billionaires use all the time.

The field of Neuro-Marketing is the application of the latest brain science breakthroughs to the
field of marketing – in order to connect on the deepest levels with your customers.

I don’t expect you to understand this now…

if you did you would be rich already!
I’m going to make it easy for you to use these methods to make BIG $$$$

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
I can not say for sure if this is the Greatest Marketing Strategy of all time,
but Perry Belchers Secret Selling System comes very close to being so…

There is one person I have made a lot of money from learning his marketing secrets, and that
is Perry Belcher. I bought his Secret Selling System a few years ago….. These secrets are
priceless…. As my Licensed Associate we are going to focus on just one secret of Perry’s…

I’m only sharing Perry’s secret with my Beta Licensed Associates!

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
One secret I learnt from watching Perry’s Secret Selling System video’s is
what he calls the Buddha principle. This one marketing secret I believe is the most incredible
method I have ever seen, and 99% of marketers don’t know how to use it! It is the main key to
how Brooke was able to have such massive income success, and so can YOU!

It is amazing powerful and I have never seen any other Guru than Perry talk about it! And the
best thing this one secret is so simple to implement for anyone…

How Perry makes $50,000 an hour!

Amazing… as I was preparing this report, I received an email from Perry… about a new
live 2-day virtual event, where he is going to reveal for the first time how he has done
$400 Million in sales by using his Secret F.I.B.S. “Fill In The Blanks System” for
Creating Multi-Million Dollar Offers…

Here’s a copy of Perry’s email to me... with the subject line text first…

I’m going to be sharing this with you!

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
Clients will also get as part of the Freedom Marketing Short-Cuts a method that is called
Seducing The Subconscious “The Psychology of Emotional Influence in Advertising”.

The above is the book cover by Robert Heath… Which I studied deeply…

This marketing wisdom is the difference to if you make some money or you get very rich…
it’s what allowed me a dumb ass farm mechanic to be a tax exile in Panama…

It’s the difference to if you have to work hard and hustle lots of hours… or you work less
than anyone you know and make 100X more money than anyone you know spending
as much time as you want having fun, while genuienely helping millions of people!

Without you having to do any selling personally… this is not really about
selling… if you need to hard sell something then you are doing it all wrong…

Here is the difference between selling and influence;

• In sales you try to get them to say yes to your offer. People don’t like to be sold…
• With influence you are inviting them to buy… People love to buy…

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
If you get to be my Licensed Associate, I will reveal to you the biggest marketing
underground method in the history of internet marketing, when you understand what happens
when Marc Savard can hypnotize for example grown men to fall in love and dance with each
other, or get a guy to believe he is a Mafia Boss and how this simple human nature secret can
make you very successful and very wealthy in a good way using simple influence methods…

You don’t need to be hypnotized, and you don’t need to be a hypnotist or

hypnotize anyone ever! It’s all about the RAS in our brain!
This will amaze you and make you very excited knowing that you can make all the money and
success you desire, done ethically that really helps people.

This is an advanced powerful marketing method

you will find extremely hard to find anywhere
else online without paying a big chunk of cash!

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
I will also give clients another success system that I created myself called L1 – L2.

I created my L 1 – L 2 success method from my memory a method I received from Lawence

Thompson (above) who was one of the key people in Herbalifes massive success in the 80’s.

This is a ultra simple system you will understand in a few minutes, no books/courses to read.

Yes, I was involved in MLM for a few years in late 80’s and early 90’s.

I did not make much money then, but I have used Larry’s methods to create success in my life.

I have fine tuned it and improved what I first discovered from him back then into a simple
method that cann’t fail to get people the success and results they want without reading books
or going through programs or any other typical stuff you have seen before.

What can you discover from British T.V. Mentalist and Netflix star about influence that will
rapidly and massively increase your income in good way and for your clients????

Asking Strangers for Their Wallet… Derren Brown

What I’m sharing with you here is about leveraging and understanding how to influence human
psychology with super advanced marketing methods that very few people know.

The above image is from Youtube video’s that you can watch whenever you want.

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
I’m 1000% sure you won’t know how Derren Brown is doing it when he stops random strangers
in the street and asks them for directions and while talking to them he gets them to hand over
valuables like their wallet – keys – phone and then Derren walks off with them!

Of course Derren gives them back moments later as he was just filming for his UK TV show!

So, what the hell does this have to do with you making money online? Do I suggest you to do
something illegal? No of course not!

What if we can use the same very simple psychological secret to stop people online and get
them to hand over their attention and then get them to want our marketing message and for
them to want to go to a website or webinar – or our funnel – or get our report etc?

• The main reason most people don’t create a large income online is
that they believe they are in the Internet Marketing business, so
they focus on strategies – tactics and tools.

• Another reason they don’t have the success they want is they
believe they are in the business of what they sell…

Both of these beliefs will make you some money, but they are not the real truth to
having the lifestyle and financial freedom you may desire. If you want to make BIG
money online you first have to know what business you are really in!

My Licensed Associates will know the answer to this important BIG $$$ secret…

If you want to make decent money online today… you have to create something that
people really want and need… that they can’t easily find anywhere else…
Here lies the problem for most people, they don’t have the knowledge – wisdom or
contacts to be able to create something amazing that is new and unique…

So, what the solution for you?

Team up with those that can create offers people really want… and will pay
good money for! Everything you want, you have to get from others…

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
No individual has sufficient experience, education, native ability and knowledge to insure the
accumulation of a great fortune, without the cooperation of other people…

So, if you want to build wealth and freedom, and fast track your success, you must be part of a
community/network that supports income building and creating freedom!

Here is the #1 reason why a community is so important and having access to other people;

Who is the first person you talk to now when you have a problem?
Yourself right! And you are the worst person to talk to about your own problems…

Alone it’s hard… when associated with the right people you can achieve anything…

How well are you doing alone or with your network now? You become who you get around.

When you have access to other people who have been through what you have, and they
came out of it to achieve success, then you feel inspired to keep going… you can’t have that
experience alone. It´s never the what or how… it’s always the who you get around!

The PayPal Network. Did these people’s success mostly come from buying
information products/courses, or from the people they associated with?

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
What do clients get each month?
Each week clients will get access to live group coaching/training meetings where they can ask
questions to dig deep into their personal issues or business problems.

(Remember Brooke has built her Multi Million business by doing group coaching)

Through the community people will be held accountable to their actions and
none actions to ensure their ongoing success.

I will NOT be giving clients the typical info - books or

courses… as 95% of people never complete them… they
will get workbooks that they have to return to me...
On the live events we will have Q&A and discussion on various subjects and hold people
accountable from past calls, so people take action and get massive results.

Every month I will be sending your clients a new Zip File;

• With a new personal development breakthrough and real case study example of
people using the breakthrough to have massive success.
• New advanced marketing material and methods and secrets from my “Freedom
Marketing Method” tool box…
• The latest news about what’s happening in the Personal Development and Make
Money Online niches and new recurring monthly income opportunities.
• New workbooks to complete and return to me.

They will get one new “Freedom Marketing Method” each month, which each one in its self can
create massive $$$$ results.

Here are the 6 “Freedom Marketing Methods” in no particular order

1. The Buddha Principle.

2. Seduce the Subconscious.
3. The Art of Money.
4. Sex, Drugs, Rock ‘n’ Roll.
5. Agora’s Secret.
6. NEPQ.

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
Soap Opera & Cliff hangers…
You may be thinking how do we keep clients
onboard for 6 months or more?
One reason is they want to have access to the marketing secrets and methods and resources,
but a big part is they want to be part of the network and feel connected, and I use the soap
opera and cliff hanger affects.

Brooke who you will remember has done $Millions in sales does group coaching and lets say
she does a hot seat session with Tom on how to deal with his depression just as an example…
and she helps Tom and says she will work with him again… well it our human nature to want to
know what happens to Tom…

So people will stay members just to find out what happens to people because they may have
the same issue or they just want to know… this is why group coaching is so luctrative… Brookes
results prove it…

If you have ever watched a TV series or Binged on a series on Netflix you know that they use
cliffhangers to make you want to watch the next episode to see what happened to one of the
characters… It’s our human nature to need to know what happens next…

I know how to keep people hooked and wanting more… it’s all about telling stories… don’t
worry you don’t need to create stories yourself… It will be done for you…

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
I’m going to give you my FREE traffic method I created myself that I call “The Facebook
Piggyback Method” where you get highly targeted traffic by leveraging Famous People’s –
Gurus – Sports Stars or Teams – Actors – Brands - Companies Facebook pages in a simple way
I know you haven’t seen before!

You will also have the below;

I will also give an underground traffic source where you can target your ideal
buyer in the main countries like USA UK Austrailia Canada and main
European countries. That is so simple to set up a campain in 5 to 10 minutes
and you will find it hard to get banned or restricted by them if you follow a
few simple rules… with average CTR of 26.31 in competitive niches…

The Internet is full of Gurus’s teaching hundreds of different ways to generate traffic, and it
seems like a new tactic or trick pops up everyday.

For me, I focus on one real strategy….

I prefer to find out where the traffic already exists and then just plunk myself down in front of it
and send it on a little detour to my pages or sites.

As part of my “Mentoring” I will show you how to see what others

are doing to generate profitable traffic, where their traffic is
coming from and most importantly how to transform their traffic
into your traffic…

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
I like to make the game of getting money as easy and simple as possible… don’t you?

There is a company online that I model parts of their

marketing system. They have no web site you could visit
to see their products, they have NO social content
whatsoever, no podcasts yet they do between $1.5 and
$2Billion a year in online sales of which 80% is profit.
They have stuck to the same simple marketing methods
for over 30 years.
Could a simple email method be…

I’m going to share this simple marketing system with my Licensed

I know for sure you have NOT used or seen their method before as they make a BIG effort to
keep their methods underground…

How did I get to know their secrets? They are based here in Panama and I go out off roading
with one of the owners…

As I will keep saying to you… if you can easily get access to info or opportunities that anyone
can get who pays for it, then it is most likely not very valuable when it comes to rapid $$$

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
The Lifetime Customer Value is not just the $397.00 a month they invest.

Each customer can be worth $3,000 to $10,000 to you over next 3 years.

The 6 Months to Freedom Program will be a one stop location for people to get all they
need to have true lifestyle and financial freedom.
We will bring them into our world with the personal development program which they should be
part of for 6 months.

Starting at month 3 they will be offered other high ticket offers. Such as live virtual events and
workshops or challenges. I will be partnering up with others to offer a real estate investing
deal, a wealth management program to teach people how to make their money work for them.

As a Licensed Associate you will be limited to having 100 monthly recurring clients in the
6 Months to Freedom Program as I DON’T want it to be your only source of income…

In the new recurring products/offers pipeline I have;

➢ A anti – aging product that is totally NEW and unique to the niche
➢ A new diet product never seen before with all ingredients sourced from here in Panama
➢ A Nootropics natural product
➢ A natural way to improve eye sight with one herb only found in India
➢ Several gut health supplements

Why do I want Licensed Associates?

I take the advice of one of the richest people that ever lived… I can make much more by having
Licensed Associates than trying to do it all myself… There just so much opportunity to get rich
right now… I want to take advantage of this without working hard myself.

There are just so many opportunites I could never do them all… I see this as as 3 to 5 years
chance to get freedom levels of income… remember more $Millionaires are made durring a
recession than any other times in history.

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
Here is the deal for you to become my founding
beta Licensed Associate;

The commissions;

Level one: $300.00 per month for as long as they pay which will be 6 months for them to get
all the personal growth materials and marketing secrets.

Level two: $425.00 per month which is a 5-month program in which they get access to
advanced marketing methods and access to events and contacts level one doesn’t have…

The objective is to get people to attend one of my live presentations…

Where I present the 6 Months to Freedom Program and why they need to join and
answer all their questions and close them to get involved by getting back to the person
who invited them.
Your customers will pay you directly the full amount and you will send me the email details of
each new customer. Then you PayPal or Wise Bank me my $$$ for each client.

I will send your customers a NEW zip file each month with material/content that is linked to
their name so can’t be copied by anyone.

At the end of the 3 months as a member, they will be given the opportunity to move to the
advanced membership for $597.00 a month where you get a $425.00 commission each month.

At month 4 we start to offer them backend offers that are one off payment of $697.00 and
$1297.00 you get 75% commission on those and a live event here in Panama for 2670.00 for
which you get a 35% commission. The first two offers are a combination of an information
product and software. Each client should be worth $3000 to $10,000 +++ LTV to you.

I will supply you with marketing messages to keep customers almost begging to remain
a member of 6 Months to Freedom Program and to move up the levels.

Once I have my Beta Licensed Associates, I am going to then

introduce a license fee of $1500.00 which will rise as we develop.
So, get in now while beta spots are available. Brooke who spoke about in this report right now
charges $18,000 to be able to promote her offers, and I hear she is raising that to $30,000.

Later I will be charging a minimum of $5000.00 to $10,000 for my licensing program.

So, for now to be a founding Licensed Associate you just need to invest the $397.00 and fill out
the Licensed Associate agreement!

I don’t believe anyone should sell something they haven’t invested in themselves.

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
Here’s what to do RIGHT NOW if you want one of my founder beta Licensed Associate spots,
send an email with Licensed Associate in subject line to; I will then
email you a simple Marketing License & Commission Agreement to fill out and get back to me
with details of how to use PayPal or Wise Bank me $397.00. I believe no one should sell
something that they haven’t invested in themselves. I want to have a quick chat with you first…
on messenger or skype just to make sure we are good fit – that we can communicate and both
on the same page in wanting to help people live better lifes…

To our joint financial success, I look forward to working closely with you!

Dave Ryan To Life Without Limits!

Casa Vista Boca Chica - Alto Jaramillo – Boquete – Chiriqui - Rep of Panama
(507) 699 48 652.

As you can see above, this is me with just a few of my toys;

I’m more interested in buying fun toys than flash sports cars to boost my ego!

I also have small boat and 2 jet ski’s…

If you have a question, email me NOW don’t miss out just because you’re not sure about
something that could cost massive amounts of lost income in next few months/years.

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 69 94 86 52 my direct cell
phone number CT - USA time zone my personal email.

So, email me at NOW!

This will be a business expense for you so can claim it back from your taxes if you pay them.

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
I’m going to end with just some of people in my personal
network, that my members can learn from;
Sir Richard Field was the Chairman of Robbins Research UK Ltd when I worked there.

I have kept in touch with him ever since because he is such an amazing influence to so many

Tony had massive respect for Richard.

He was awarded by the Queen of England the OBE for his service to industry.

Richard said all his success was the result of always working on his mindset.

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
You will learn what I’m getting about online marketing from one of my mentors Stefan, who has
created over $1 Billion in sales online for himself and clients without you having to pay $38,000
a year to be in his inner circle.

Stefan charges min of $100,000 now to create a marketing campain for a client and $50,000 to
write a sales letter. He has a waiting list of people who want him to work for them.

This is Trevor he is worth about $400 million from being involved in the starting and selling of 3
companies, none of which he knew anything about when he started them and he never worked
more than 5 hours a day 4 days a week. He is British but lives in USA.

He wrote a book called “3 simple steps” in which he tells how he used his knowledge of the
human brain as a scientist to create his financial success.

Trevor made all his $$$$ without any staff… He had NO paid employees and NO office and
never worked more than 5 hours a day. He really understood and used leverage.

What Trevor is going to share with my members is from his background as a Quantum Physics
scientist is proof that the Law of Attraction is proven by science to work when you understand
everything is energy and you can use universal energy to get anything you want in life.

When you hear his life story and how he started his first business with $100 with no contacts
and no experience in the product or industry he was in and how he attracted the right people to
develop the product and build the business, and many other examples of proof he gives, you
will then believe in L.O.A and how it can change your life almost overnight.

Paul Cooper 4-time British Motocross Champion

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
I first met Paul about 20 years ago. He used to live not far from me in England and I went
many times to practice MX tracks and tried my hardest to keep up with him, usually ending up
with me crashing or thinking I was going to die.

MX is said to be the hardest physical sport going as you are using 90% of your muscles at the
same time… So, to be a champion in this sport you have to be very dedicated to your fitness
and nutrition, with a winner’s mindset. He will show you how to have a winner’s mindset.

I am going to create a live event here in Panama on an uninhabited island where people will get
to spend 5 days with myself and my longtime friend called the Fox!

You will have 2 sets of clothes a large knife and a jungle hammock and water filter.

Mike had 12 years active service in the British SAS where his expertise was jungle warfare and
knowing how to live on what you found in the jungle.

If you decide to come to one of these events, I guarantee you will leave as a different person to
who started… you will most likely never have fear of anything or have any limiting beliefs.

The island has sharks all-around, salt-water croc’s, snakes, big spiders, scorpions and many
other things that bite and sting.

Not open to unfit overweight people. It is 95 to 100 degrees, with 90% humidity

Below are more people in my network you will be learning from. I will be adding more contacts
as the network grow and develops.

Ian who has done over $250 Million in sales for himself and clients, just using email and simple
short videos on YouTube. He will show you how to write money making emails in under 20
minutes using proven email framework and structure…

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
Eli below sold over $100 Million of Tony’s events, his best DAY being $12.5 million. I will show
you how to use Eli’s secrets without you ever being on stage or doing any personal selling.

It’s not where you start that’s important is when you have a vision of where you want to be.

Yes, this is just getting started, but I see no reason why it can’t be a $100 Million to $Billion-
dollar opportunity… The demand is there, we just have to do it…

As Jeff Bezos photo above proves we are only limited by our vision of what we believe is
possible for us…

I have a no limits attitude…

The people who get in first in most things stand to make the most $$$

I will answer any question you may have when we speak so don’t worry if you did not
understand any part of what I just shared with you…

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652
My final thoughts are that successful people often do what other people think is
impossible. I will help YOU set and achieve much bigger goals…

Just because people think it is impossible, doesn’t mean we have to think that way.

Steve Jobs told his tech team what he wanted and they said it was not possible, he said do it
or he would fire them and find those that could, they created what he wanted.

Henry Ford told his engineers he wanted a V8 motor, they said it was impossible… he said I
want it anyway and they did it.

The point here is to only share your goals with those that will support you.

Peter Thiel above sparked my idea for my 6 months to freedom program…

It´s OK to be crazy… Jobs said it’s the crazy ones that change the world!

So… I don’t mind if people think I am crazy…

© Dave Ryan 2023 All Rights Reserved. Panama (507) 699 48 652

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