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Nombre: Matrícula:

● Miriam Gonzalez Padilla ● 4499553

● Miguel Angel Juárez Quintero ● 3013959
● Gabriel Francisco Villegas Vázquez ● 2917141

Nombre del curso: Comunicación en Nombre del profesor: Jose Leobardo

marketing Cerezo Nevarez

Módulo 3 Actividad : 6

Fecha: 12 de mayo del 2023

Bibliografía: Oxfam, E. (2021). Estereotipos de género que escuchamos cada día.

Ingredientes que Suman.

Part 1

1. First, the professor will divide the class into two groups in order to
undertake a debate on one of the main criticisms towards marketing
communication: the perpetuation of stereotypes and the risk that this
represents for society.

2. Then, a group will debate in favor of the use of stereotypes in advertising,

while the other will debate against it. Some detonating questions for the
debate are the following:

1. What do you think about the use of stereotypes in advertising

directed towards men and women? Why? Use actual examples
to support your arguments.

In favor: Stereotypes help to be able to make sales, or reach advertising with them, it is not
that everyone falls into such categories but the vast majority of times it helps in the market,
an example is with the color blue and pink, these colors help to be able to segment the baby
items market, to make it easier to find such products in stores and be in the consumer's
mind. Apart from the fact that these stereotypes are not imposed by the same advertising or
marketing, but are the same reflection of society, that is why they can be used in favor and
that is that the vast majority of times a woman is more interested in advertisements clothes,
makeup, shoes and bags that a man who is this will be more interested in sports, personal
fulfillment or luxury cars. Men and women in terms of tastes are different, that is why
stereotypes can help in marketing to encompass these tastes.

Against:Well, this is something that is wrong because it pigeonholes the role that a woman
or man should choose.This causes to alter the perception of reality in such a way that its
contents become immune to it, as is what advertising shows to women as something sexist
and the role that was traditionally assigned to them. Provoking an erroneous idea of reality,
for example, we always have to assign objects to women or that they are related to
household activities and not giving them a work role. On the other hand, with men, they are
always stereotyped as having the role of "alpha" since they are someone hard-working but
who will still be interested in looking at beautiful women, just as they must always be tough,
therefore they cannot cry. All this pigeonholing men or women into roles, causing them to
follow him from a very early age and to continue in the same age. It is understood that
stereotypes are born as a result of how society is, but if they continue to be fed we will not
be able to move forward.

2. What is your position regarding advertising directed towards

teenagers and its use of stereotypes?

In favor: It becomes the same with the stereotypes of men and women, in this case it comes
to be with a stage of life where at a certain stage obviously certain things are going to be
considered that predominate when we like them, since it is not as bad as to use in these
stereotypes that adolescents prefer video games, that they seek to experiment, that they are
in a stage that is difficult in the face of hormones, which makes them emotionally unstable,
among other points that in itself encompasses the majority and that the same is a reflection
of reality.

Against:There are stereotypes directed at them that are wrong, it is a sector that has some
very bad stereotypes, for example, that are taken for exaggerated. Being in a stage that we
all know is difficult, they are taken for exaggerating situations or emotions, minimizing what
they feel. At the same time that they are in a stage that is in the middle of children and
adults, so they cannot see themselves as children or behave as such, but at the same time
they are considered naive and inexperienced compared to adults. Being a sector that is very
attacked and that can affect their development, minimizing their situations at an early age
and treating them for fools or that they do not know anything, being the complete opposite in
that it is also a sector that can contribute to society.

3. What is your opinion on the beauty standards that marketing

communication promote? Are these positive, negative or
indifferent for society?

In Favor: Regarding beauty stereotypes, it is more than anything to reach an ideal, it can be
positive to see yourself on the side that motivates you to reach these types of standards,
such as having a healthy body, getting ready to look presentable and so on. improve
self-esteem, because looking good and presentable generates in people the well-being of
satisfaction of achieving it and being happy.

Against:It becomes bad for the fact of reaching an ideal of beauty that does not exist, this is
because most of the time photographs or videos are edited to give perfect skin, an ideal
body, among others. Being sometimes impossible to have or if possible but with extreme
methods affecting the mental health of people to reach them, even their physical health for
what they can do. Today it is bad to stereotype the standards because we are becoming
more dehumanized and see our body as just another piece of clothing, for example before in
the 2000s fashion for women was to be thin at an extreme point and then in 2015 because of
the Kardashians the ideal of beauty was to be curvy but with a high standard, which again is
fashionable to be extremely thin, changing the fashion in the body. The vast majority of the
ideal of beauty is imposed on women, but in part it is also imposed on men to be fit and still
reach high standards that cross the line of not being healthy.

4. Do you consider that the current regulations are enough to

regulate the impact of marketing communication?

In favor: Yes, because there has still been an attempt to regulate more, but it is not usually
the entire weight of marketing or the people who do the advertising, but it still falls on people
because, as I said before, stereotypes are a reflection of today's society, so that until the
society as oneself does not change the environment will not change.Now if more rules are
put, it will end up in the same, companies cannot make everything change, more than
anything it is the change of people and that they choose what to consume. This is because
even so, measures are taken today and what it causes is the discontent of the people
because there is a large part that still grows with stereotypes, this because a change is not
overnight, it takes time and the time that It is okay to go a slow pace because if you add
more it can cause a negative impact between people.

Against:If what we have discussed should be regulating the stereotypes that encompass
the role of men and women who must choose, that of adolescents, what is imposed on a
culture among others. This is because if there is no change there will never be and the same
will continue, that is why brands or companies must change because they encourage this
type of stereotype and they have the power to change this.

5. Is marketing communication inclusive for sexual diversity?

In favor: If it has already reached a point where it includes both sexes in all kinds of
situations, the fact that men and women have the same type of physical strength are coming
to buy, it would already be passing at a point where it is already becoming unreal. Also with
the people of the LGBT community they already have a lot of inclusion around various
aspects and if it gets more involved it would already be overweight in using this community
for the company's own benefits.

Against: If today more diversity is being included in this area, the only bad thing is that it is
falling into stereotypes that will affect it in the not too distant future.

6. Discuss other stereotypes that the IMC promotes in Mexico.

In favor: There are more types of stereotypes such as the representation of images that are
associated with a situation such as the image of the devil being an evil being, among others.
We have an example in advertising where a role is presented of a person who does not
know what to do when faced with a need until the solution is presented by a representative
of the brand, this giving how he represents the clients but in a caricatured way, this to do the
bearable situation with consumers. All this of stereotypes is simply giving the presentation of
a situation that happens to be a reflection of the same society.

Against: There are stereotypes that classify ideas or symbols in society, but more than
anything, those are imaginary ideas that are not real. Being fiction before characters but
already the stereotypes that are given as before the role that they must take being that it can
affect because it is already something of reality and in the case that the stereotype is
commented on before the clients, it is still bad because what is presented it is to take them
as stupid or that they do not know how to solve the needs that they have by themselves that
can affect them. Another stereotype that is bad is before any culture or country, for example
stereotyping the Chinese who eat only dog meat, before the Indians who are and behave in
such a way, just as we Mexicans have suffered before the American stereotypes that we
they instill that we only think in tacos, we have mustaches and we are all brown-skinned.
Part 2

1. In addition, gather in teams.

2. Moreover, imagine you are part of a marketing agency, and the Gamers
store is interested in you designing a database, to identify their customers
and establish relationships with them. To make the proposal, develop the
following points in a supported way:

1. What information will you include in the database?

● How many times customers access the website.
● Birthday dates for promotions.
● Name and surname.
● Client age
● Email
● Town address and postal code.
● Date of the last purchase.

2. How will the information be obtained?

One part will be through an identification code on the store page, by this means it will
be required to put a name, postal code, age, specify sex, as well as an email to keep
the record and thus it is saved in a Database the times the client has entered the
3. What use would you recommend the company to give the
database to achieve a more direct and customized
communication with the target consumer?

Well, something that can help is to know your birthday in order to send personalized
promotions to customers, as well as the fact that you are counting on the email, this
information is being sent to you, about the brand and news. Having relevant
information from customers will help make their experience personalized and have a
closer relationship, which is why it is important to recognize what stage of the
purchase process they are in and be able to implement strategies that will be
necessary to carry out. I finish this with the use of knowing how many times the page
enters, what it sees, if anything it has already bought and a repurchase is required.

4. In what way could the customer's profile be identified?

Based on the games that the customer buys, since with our database we can save
user information, likewise we can use information that we collect from google
analytics to see what tastes, preferences, or searches are carried out and thus we
already have true data of your preferences.

5. What would you recommend for the company to perform a

selective search? What criteria do you consider relevant?

Well, first of all, I would recommend that you make an ideal buyer profile in order to
create a good segmentation and know how to treat each of the potential customers
of gamers or constant customers, Also use software that allows you to segment the
information that the gamers dam itself provides you to help find more leads and
convert them into customers.
● Geographic location: Knowing the location of customers is important to
identify your target market, as well as to determine if a given product or
service is a good fit for your location.
● Demographics: Age, gender, income, and other demographic factors can
influence the type of products and services a customer purchases.
● Consumer behavior: knowledge of a customer's purchasing behavior can help
define the type of products and services that would be most suitable for him.
● Purchase History: A customer's purchase history is a great way to understand
their buying behavior and determine the type of products and services that
interest them.

6. As they are dealing with teenagers, what kind of data could be

● Devices they use to play
● Preferred social networks
● Hours in which they play
● Game experience
● Education level
● Tastes in video games
● Own economic resources or those of the parents
● Age of the adolescent
● Gender of the player
● Location
3. Once the aforementioned is done, every one of you must share their
advertisement of a product directed towards teenagers that is sold in the
Gamers store, and as a team, choose one of them to undertake the
evaluation of the message together with the test that you consider the
most appropriate. This, within its context and possibilities, so you can do it
before the next session.

The ad that we consider to be the most appropriate is the following, based on the
criteria presented below:
● It is directed to the correct segment.
● The geographic area where the ad can be published is ideal (Gamers
● The message is clear, concise and uses appropriate language.

Part 3
1. Also, analyze the information you obtained from applying the test for the
evaluation of the message, reach a conclusion about the effectiveness of
the advertisement and make improvement proposals.

If we may offer a proposal for improvement to the effectiveness of the advertisement, I would
like to mention adding more visual details with easier readability in the fonts as well as
specifying some branches where the games can be found.

2. Likewise, reflect on the evaluation of the message you performed,

answering the following questions:
1. What test did you use? Why?

With the resources at our disposal we did as if it were a survey, the publication of the ad
asking those who saw it what they thought, thus the convenience of application and
response became a strategy where we could find many answers in an accessible and fast
2. If you had the necessary resources, what test would you use?

I would keep the survey option but in a more elaborate way, knowing directly the opinion of
consumers is the best way to meet the needs that customers have and in the difficult
situation in which the physical stores of video games are, customer loyalty is the most
important thing.
3. Finally, make a code of ethics with at least five points for the management
of the music store database.
● Respect for privacy: The information stored in the "Gamers" database must be
treated with the utmost respect for the privacy of customers. Personal data can only
be accessed when necessary to carry out the commercial operations of the store.
● Data protection: Information stored in the database must be protected from
unauthorized access. Adequate security measures must be put in place to prevent
any type of information security breach.
● Legitimate use: The information stored in the database may only be used for
legitimate purposes and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Under
no circumstances should the information be used illegally or for discriminatory
● Transparency: Customers have the right to know what information is being stored in
the database and how it is being used. Therefore, customers must be provided with
clear and detailed information about "Gamers" privacy policy.
● Responsibility: Employees in charge of managing the database must be responsible
and ethical in their work. Adequate procedures must be in place to ensure that
employees are trained to handle customer information appropriately and that they are
accountable for any violations of the privacy policy.

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