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Until / till – до, допоки They stayed at home until / till rain hadn’t stopped.

Time After– після After you finish your essay, you’ll need to check it carefully.

Before – раніше, до (того як) Think carefully before writing an essay.

While / When – поки (одночасні дії) While Mary was reading a book, her brother was watching TV.

When – коли (одна дія передувала іншій) When you see Mary, you’ll give my regards to her.

First – по-перше
First, my family will book a hotel room and then we’ll pack our things.
Sequence Then / next – потім
Eventually, he became one of the richest people in
Eventually / Finally – зрештою the country.

Also – також Mark is a great football player. He also plays football well.

Addition Too – також Mark is a great football player. He plays football well, too.

As well as– так само як This shop sells fruit as well as vegetables.
John passed his final exam yesterday. Moreover, he
Moreover / In addition to … – більш того did well at a Math test.
In addition to … – в додаток до … John passed his final exam yesterday. In addition to
this success, he did well at a Math test.

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