Important Terms Used in Organon

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terms with meaning:

Some of the important translation of non-English terms are as follows:

Latin words:

1. Ab usu in morbis – knowledge obtained from the use of medicines in diseases5

2. Adjuvantia – Assiting medicine to principle medicine5
3. Aequalia aequalibus curantur – Treat equals by equals; Identicals by identicals2;
Same by same6
4. Aude Sapere – ‘Dare to know’- P. Schmidt2
5. ‘Have courage of your own convictions; dare to be wise’- R. Haehl1,2
6. Basis – The principle (main) medicine effective5
7. Beruf- It means ‘vocation’ or ‘profession’ used by Hahnemann3,6
8. Berufung- Historically, Beruf is derived from Berufung which means a ‘calling’ or
9. Causa chronicorum morborum – Causes of chronic diseases2,6
10. Causa effectus chronicorum non venorium – Cause of non-venereal chronic
11. Causa occassionalis – Manifest exciting and maintaining cause5
12. Cessat effectus cessat causa – If the effects (diseases) cease then cause ceases
13. Cito, toto et jucunde – Quickly, safely and pleasantly5,7
14. Confortantia- Stimulating or Strengthening medicine2,6
15. Contraria contrariis curentur- Let opposites be cured by opposites6
16. Corrigens – Corrective remedy5
17. Darup treasure- Sixth edition of Organon of Medicine was termed as Darup
18. De morborum epidemicorum – On the epidemic diseases2
19. Disease perse- Morbid process of functioning of the life principle5
20. Diseases sui generic- Different kind of diseases2
21. Duce natura – ‘Follow the nature’ or ‘guided by nature’5,6
22. Echte helbig – Real path of healing1
23. Excitantia and Roborantia- Exciting and stimulating medicine2,6
24. Fragmenta deviribus medica mentorum positivis sivi insano corpora humano
observatis – ‘Fragmentary observation relative to positive power of medicine on
human body’. It is the first book published by Hahnemann in 1805. It has two
parts; pars prima- first material medica and pars secunda- first repertory or
25. Genus epidemicus – Specific medicine which becomes indicated in a particular
epidemic at least for most of the cases.2
26. Lege artis – According to the rule of art2,5,6
27. Materia pecans – Material cause of disease5
28. Minister naturae- ‘Helpers of nature’ or ‘Servant of crude power of nature1,2,6
29. Nervina- ‘Stimulating medicines’ or ‘tonica’2
30. Non inutilis vixi – Not lived in vain

31. Non plus ultra – There is nothing more beyond, than to imitate nature1,5
32. Nota bena- Note well

33. O tempora! O mores! – O the time! O the way2,8

34. Placer – To please1
35. Prima causa morbi- Primary cause of disease5,6
36. Psora agria – Psora

37. Secundum artem – According to rule2,5

38. Similia similibus curantur – Treat similar by similar2
39. Similia similibus curentur – let similar be treated by similar2
40. Si modo essent – If only they were or if existed1,2,6
41. Status morbi – The diseases state2
42. Supporters- Supporting medicine5
43. Surrogatus or surrogate- ‘One medicine in place of other’ or Substitute. In footnote
of aphorism 119 Hahnemann says that medicine cannot be used as substitute in
curing diseases (i.e., no surrogates)2,9
44. Tolle causam – Remove the cause5,6
45. Ungueta nervina – Strengthening medicine5
46. Vis medicatrix – Instead of medicine1
47. Vis medicatrix naturae – Depend on nature instead of medicine5

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