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Name: Angel L.

Oarde Date: May 16, 2023

ENG 21
Literary Criticism

Engaging Activities

Writing Activity:

Essay Writing: Select 3 schools of thought and explain in 200 words.

The three (3) schools of thought that I have chosen are Marxism, Critical
Theory, and Gender Studies/Feminism. To begin with, critical theory, which some
people may refer to or know as "Cultural Marxism," is more political than
Marxism. Critical theory focuses on the dynamics of power in order to defend
people in power. Marxism, on the other hand, is primarily economic and focused
on what Karl Marx saw as the capitalist class's exploitation of labor. However,
these two views may be compatible, and many critical theorists have a Marxist
background. However, critical theory is largely political, whereas Marxism is
primarily economic. To expand, Marx argued that there had never been a
classless society, and he employed the dialectic, a historical accounting of past
histories, to show how society had been brought to capitalism over time. As
previously said, critical theorists in sociology and it is important to note that
literary scholars also discuss critical literary theory have been affected by Marx's
work and his critique of society in his works of literature. Moreover, gender
studies or feminist studies, are concerned with the challenges that women face in
their daily lives. It is also known as the multidisciplinary study of how gender,
color, age, class, nationality, ethnicity, ability, sexuality, and other differences
interact and affect practically every aspect of social, political, and cultural
experience. Many civil rights and women's movements talked about their
sufferings, but all of those arguments are still being yelled out because they have
yet to reach a resolution. They fought for their well-being on social, political, and
economic levels. Women's studies and gender studies investigate how greater
structural influences shape the lives of individual women and men in both
historical and contemporary contexts.

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