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Jovan Bilkhu

Block B

Reflection of Academic Achievement - Marketing Course

Reflecting on my grade 11 Marketing Course, it is a course that I am extremely proud of myself for completing
and attaining a B grade mark. I thought it was going to be boring and not challenging, it was the opposite.
Completing this course made me realize i was good at it and I had what it takes. Reflecting back the skills I gained
were many. I learned about marketing concepts and strategies, communication skills, selling skills and digital
selling and marketing skills. What I enjoyed the most was coming up with real practical scenarios to developing a
marketing plan to sell a product and also looking at real business marketing plans. My group partner and I
foucssed on Red Robin’s Restaurant marketing strategy and how they use it to attract customers and promote
their business. I learned that Red Robin uses the color red for their slogan because it represents excitement and
energy towards their business. Learning about the marketing strategies behind different colors used in different
business and campaigns interested me and I can apply this knowledge when I become a business owner.

I learned about the 4 P’s of marketing, price, product, place and promotion. This course also provided me the
understanding of how human behaviour impacts their buying and decision making. I learned some valuable
lessons about time management and setting realistic deadlines, and critical thinking skills when evaluating
marketing campaigns and the impact of market trends.

During the various projects I worked on improving my communication skills. I was able to participate in the many
group discussions, I collaborated on various projects and was able to articulate my ideas clearly with a
persuasivenes. I worked with diverse people with different backgrounds and learned that everyone is diverse in
their own way and that I should celebrate diversity.

The marketing course fueled my passion for this field and provided me a strong foundation in marketing
pricincles and strategies. I am excited to apply this knowledge in my future career goals. Areas I would like to
improve or gain more skills is digital marketing skills. I plan to take further selfstudy or online courses to expand
this knowledge.

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