Sport Trip

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Report – Sport Trip

The aim of this report is to evaluate the trip that has been supported by the club,
as well as to present its success.

The Event
Following a discussion among members of the trip, the majority of them are of
the opinion that the sport event they attended was by far one of the most thrilling
experiences they have ever had. This is, in part, due to the fact that the
atmosphere was incredibly welcoming and the organisers ensured that
everything was running smoothly. Needless to say, a large number of well-
known athletes participated and it goes without saying that every one of them
demonstrated once again why they are worthy of their reputation.

Research suggests that sports have the capacity to connect youth to positive
adult role models and provide development opportunities. Moreover, experts
have reached the conclusion that sport is not only beneficial to the physical
health, but it also contributes to one’s mental health by improving self-esteem,
enhancing social bonds and reducing the level of stress. For this reason, the trip
might have proved rewarding in terms of personal development mainly because
it encouraged members to get more involved in this field.

Taking all of the factors of this report into account, the funding offered by the
club in order to organise the trip was well-invested considering the positive and
powerful impact that the sport event had on every participant.

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