Spreadsheet Notes - Introduction

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Spreadsheet Notes

1. Definition of Spreadsheet
2. Purpose of spreadsheet Software
3. Examples of Spreadsheet Software
4. Features of spreadsheet
1. Definition

This is application software organized in rows and columns which allows the user
to perform calculations on large volumes of numbers.

2. Purpose

To organize and manipulate large volume of numbers and to allow the user to
present the data in creative ways

3. Examples
a. Microsoft Excel
b. Quattro Pro.
c. Lotus 1-2-3
4. Features
1. Calculations
a. Formula – user defined operations to perform calculations within a
spreadsheet. They include cell address, values and mathematical
operators. E.g., =B2 * 10 ; =B1 + B2 + B3

b. Functions – These are predefined or built-in formula that performs

common calculations such as adding the values in a group of cells or
generating a value such as time or date. =sum(Range);
=count(Range); =counta(Range); =Average(Range); =Max(Range);
=Min(Range); =Today(); =Now(); =Date(); =Rank(Arguments);
=If(Arguments); =Vlookup(Arguments)

2. Recalculation – The worksheet automatically updates the result of a

formula or function when a value is changed in the data range.
3. Charting – For depicting data in a graphical format. A visual representation
of data through charts often makes it easier for users to see at a glance the
relationship among the numbers.

a. Line Chart – shows a trend during a period of time, as indicated by a

rising or falling line.
b. Column Chart – also called a bar chart, displays bars of various
lengths to show the relationship of data
c. Pie Chart – Takes the shape of a round pie cut into slices, and shows
the relationship of parts to a whole.

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