Prof Ed 6-Activity (Napuran)

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Foundation in Special Education and Inclusive Education : ACTIVITY

Answer the following questions briefly and concisely.

1. Why is there a need for you to study all about special and inclusive education for the
different disabilities among learners?
— As I become an educator in the future, I want to understand and consider
their differences in abilities and personality, and address their needs in order to
teach them effectively. With that, studying special and inclusive education for
the different disabilities among learners would be an enrichment for us to better
understand the special needs of the learners and the learners themselves. It is
also a great opportunity for us to know how we can help them enhance their
skills, abilities and nurture them for their future successes regardless of their

2. What do you think are the different benefits of inclusive education for all students?
— I think one benefit that inclusive education has for all students is that
students can be able to understand and accept their individual differences as
they interact with each other in the classroom. Because of these, they’ll be able
to broaden and enhance their social and emotional skills, social awareness, and
attitude towards their fellow students, with or without disabilities. It is also
somewhat of a way for the students to prepare them for a real-life setting where
they may interact with diverse people. More importantly, inclusive education
helps nurture and fulfill the educational needs of all the students, catering to
their different conditions.

3. For you as a future educator, what is the most important thing to learn in special and
inclusive education and why?
— As a future educator, I think learning how we can effectively educate or
teach students with special needs together with other regular students in a
single classroom is the most important thing that must be learned in special and
inclusive education, and on how we must ensure that we are meeting and
addressing their educational needs. We all know that learners are different from
one another, especially those who have special needs, and it may become a
challenge in the future to handle learners in that condition. However, when we
are knowledgeable enough about how we can teach them effectively using
various teaching strategies, we can ensure that they will acquire learning as we
address their needs academically and understand and accept them individually.
In this way, we may help them build themselves up, enhance their skills, and
support them to be their best.

4. What is the value of special and inclusive education?

— Special and inclusive education awakens the awareness of the diversity of
the learners, not only by the teacher but also by the students and, perhaps, their
parents. Others may question why students with special needs can be in a
regular classroom and make them join the “mainstream,” given the fact that
they need more attention than other students. But regardless of that, this is also
a way for the students to develop an understanding of one another and their
respect for how they differ individually. Special and Inclusive Education not only
provides all of the students with quality education but also helps the learners
build a safe and friendly classroom environment.

5. What is the significant impact of special and inclusive education to the children and
— Special and inclusive education provides for the educational needs of
learners regardless of their conditions. It addresses their needs in order for them
to learn effectively. This has a significant impact on the children’s ability to fulfill
their goals in life through a sense of belongingness as they engage with other
students in a classroom setting. Also, this has served as an eye-opener for others.
It can impact them by making them value diversity, in which everyone has to be
accepted regardless of how they differ from one another. Special and inclusive
education justifies that everyone has the right to education, wherein extreme
social awareness and acceptance of individual differences happen in a societal

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