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As amended by;


Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Preliminary

Chapter 2: Identity,Vision,Mission

Chapter 3: Objectives

Chapter 4: Membership

Chapter 5: Officials

Chapter 6: Structure/Organs

Chapter 7: Oversight

Chapter 8: Partnership and Amendment

Chapter 9: Predominant

We the members of Kenya Youth Federation in order to

promote,encourage and execute the economic,social
and political empowerment of youths within the
Republic of Kenya do ordain and establish this
constitution for the Government of our Organization.

We honour the Constitution of the Republic of Kenya

and are proud of the ethnic and cultural heritage of our

We acknowledge the history of the Republic of

Kenya,her government structure and her democracy.


1.1 There is established a youth organization known as

Kenya Youth Federation hereinafter referred to as KYF.

1.2 There is established federate branches of Kenya

Youth Federation known as KYF Chapters in each county
within the Republic of Kenya.

1.3 In this constitution;

‘Organization’ means Kenya Youth Federation.

‘KYF’ means Kenya Youth Federation.

1.4 The emblem as illustrated in article 2.2 hereinafter

Symbolic meanings are;
‘Eagle’ is symbol of courage and freedom to
look ahead.It bestows honesty,truthful principle,power
and resilience.

‘Stars’ the eight stars converge and meet at one

point forming one big star.The eight stars are symbols
of the eight regions of the Republic of Kenya converging
to form a coming together Federation.

‘Marigold yellow belt’ is a symbol of

awareness and support.

‘Suspended planet’ The dark green spherical

structure is known as the suspended planet and it is a
symbol of direct influence upon human affairs.


2.1 This constitution shall be the supreme organ of the


2.2 The Emblem of KYF is an eagle centered within a

dark green spherical structure beneath it with eight
stars meeting in unison interspersed by a belt of
marigold yellow and the words KENYA YOUTH
FEDERATION embodied in it.

2.3 The slogan is KYF na Vijana

2.4 Vision shall be to transform socio-economic

ideologies into opportunities for every youth of the
Nation’s workforce.

2.5 Mission shall be transforming and strengthening

youths to be world’s proffesionals to make them more
productive and successful.

2.6 The headquarter of Kenya Youth Federation shall

be as determined by National Executive Committee.


3.1 To create opportunities for every youth to discover

their abilities by empowering them in their decision

3.2 To create healthier and higher qualities of life for

underpriviledged or at-risk youth by eradicating
ignorance,poverty and diseases.

3.3 To empower young people to participate actively

in society to improve their own lives by respresenting
and advocating their need and interests.

3.4 To promote a democratic framework based on the

popular interest of the youth exercised through
participation in activities up to grassroot level.

3.5 To establish fiscal policies to ensure there is free

and fair usage of resources accounted for the youth.

3.6 To collaborate and work with or form coalition with

organizations pursuing similar objectives.
3.7 To protect the rights of the Kenyan youth against
tribalism,discrimination and exploitation as enshrined
in the constitution of the Republic of Kenya.

3.8 To safeguard our national heritage and cultural

diversity in every spectrum of administration.

3.9 To promote and put to action sound environmental

conservation laws as our national wealth for the
betterment of the lives of all youths in Kenya.

4.10 To promote a federal coalition between the youths

of Kenya and the government of the Republic of Kenya.

4.11 To form branches nationwide and register youths

to the movement irrespective of status.


4.1 Personal Membership of Kenya Youth Federation

shall be open upon registration to the County Chapter
Executive Committee to all youths in possession of a
valid National Identification Card or passport.

4.2 All members upon registration shall sign to the

organization’s code of conduct and note of

4.3 Group membership such as Trade Unions,Societies,

Student Unions,Leadership entities and any other
organization shall be applied to the National Executive

4.4 Membership to Kenya Youth Federation shall be

free to all youths of Kenya.

4.5 All members shall be eligible to participate in

movement activities.

4.5 Termination of Membership

4.5.1 A member shall cease to be one:

a) By writing resignation to the County Chapter

Executive Committee if personal membership or
National Executive Committee if Group
b) By a verdict passed by the National Executive
Committee and approved by the National
Governing Council.
c) If a member accept an offer from an office whose
objectives are against or in opposition with those
of KYF.
d) If a member dies.

4.5.2 Anyone who ceases to become a member shall

return all documentations of the organization within
his/her custody.


5.1 National Officials shall be;

1. National Chairperson
2. Deputy Chairperson
3. Secretary General
4. National Treasurer
5. National Deputy Treasurer
6. National Organizing Secretary
7. National Deputy Organizing Secretary
8. National Auditor General
9. National Cordinator
10. National Director of Communications
11. Secretary for Legal and Constitutional Affairs
12. Secretary for Sports,Arts and Culture
13. Secretary for Environment
14. Secretary for National Security
15. Secretary for PWD
16. Secretary for National and International
17. Secretary for Resource Mobilization
18. Secretary for Science and Technology
19. Secretary for Religious Affairs

5.2 County Officials shall be;

1. General Organizing Secretary

2. Deputy general organizing Secretary
3. Executive Director
4. County Auditor General
5. County Director of Communications
6. County Treasurer
7. County Secretary
8. Subcounty Public Administrator
9. Subcounty Data Officer
10. Subcounty Secretary
11. Ward Representative

5.3 Election of Officials

5.3.1 All county officials except the Executive Director,

and County Director of Communications shall be
elected and shall win through public mandate by
popular votes.
5.3.2 The Executive Director and Director of
Communications shall be appointed by the National
Executive Committee.
Subject to article 5.3.1 (a) All officials,both County and
National Shall hold office for a term of three years and
a maximum of two terms.

a) The National Organizing Secretary shall be the

National Chief Whip.

b) In the event that an elected member in the

County has resigned,impeached or ceases to
be a member,the Executive Director holds the
vacant position until a re-election is done.

c) In the event that the Executive Director has

resigned or ceases to be a member,the
position remains vacant for a maximum of
seventy two hours and a new Executive
Director is appointed.

d) In the event that an elected member has

resigned,impeached or ceases to be a
member,the position is announced vacant
after forty eight hours and re-election is
done after a period of fourteen days from the
day of announcement.

e) County elections shall be through a

technological secret ballot or any other
method accepted by the members and
approved by the National Elections Board.

f) Nomination to the National Secretariat shall

be through a written letter to the Office of the
Nationa Chief whip and vetting done by the
National Governing Council.

g) In an event where a National Official ceases to

be a member,an announcement is made
within twenty four hours and re-appointment
is done with immediate effect.

h) Any National Official may attend any County


5.4 Duties and Responsibilities of Officials

5.4.1 The main duties of National officials shall be;

1) The National Chairperson shall:

i. Provide leadership,vision and oversee

administration of the organization.
ii. Promote positive cohesion among all members
of the organization.
iii. Lead the organization at National negotiations
with any entity having the agendas similar to
those of KYF.
iv. Honor any member in the highest opinion of
the National Executive Committee,has made
massive outstanding support to the
v. Chairs all National Executive Committee
vi. Ensures discipline and strong sense of unity
among all members in relation to the
organization’s constitution.
vii. Oversee administrative operations of
viii. Convene and preside over the organization’s
ix. Shall be responsible for the vetting of five
department members under the office of the
National Chairperson.
2) National Deputy Chairperson

i. Shall assist the National Chairperson and carry

on with the duties of the National Chairperson
in his or her absence.
ii. Shall be the deputy of the National Chairperson
and shall perform any other function
designated to him or her by the National
Chairperson from time to time.
iii. Assist the National Chairperson in formulating
administrative policy processes.
iv. Assist the National Chairperson on all
organization’s logistics and operations.
v. Encourage strategic plannings of activities upto
the grassroot level in liason with County
Chapter Executive Committee.
vi. Assists in advice on how to structure the
vii. Shall be responsible for the vetting of five
department members under the Office of the
National Deputy Chairperson.

3) Secretary General
i. Shall be responsible for the management of
the National Secretariat.
ii. Shall ensure all meetings held by National
Executive Committee or National Governing
Council take place at designated times.
iii. Shall ensure a proper keeping of all minutes to
meetings held by the National Executive
Committee and National Governing Council.
iv. Shall prepare annual remarks on the work of
the National Executive Committee.
v. Shall be the organization’s spokesperson in any
delegates conference.
vi. Shall issue notices and correspondence on
behalf of the office he/she manages.
vii. Any other role as may be designated to
him/her by the National Executive Committee.
viii. Shall be responsible for the vetting of five
department members under the office of the
Secretary General.
4) National Treasurer

i. Shall be responsible for the organization’s

finances and shall supervise all financial
transaction from County to National as
directed by the National Executive Committee.
ii. Shall be a signatory in any financial account
opened from County to National as specified
by the National Executive Committee.
iii. Keep the financial books for easy record of the
financial statements.
iv. Shall,together with the National Deputy
Treasurer and County Treasurer,open all
county financial accounts as specified by the
National Executive Committee if need be.
v. Shall work in conjunction with Resource
Mobilization Committee for formulation of the
organization finances.
vi. Shall be responsible for the preparation of the
annual budget.
vii. Shall be responsible for the vetting of four
department members under the office of the
National Treasury.

5) Deputy National Treasurer

i. Shall assist the National Treasurer in matters

pertaining to accounts management.
ii. Shall be a signatory in all financial accounts as
directed by the National Treasurer.
iii. Shall discharge financial duties from time to
time as designated to him or her by the National
iv. Shall take part in the vetting of four department
members under the office of the National
v. Shall take part in the preparation of the annual

6) National Organizing Secretary

i. Organize any public meeting or press release.

ii. He/she shall be the National Chief Whip.
iii. Shall be responsible of receiving any letter from
a member applying to the National Secretariat.
iv. Shall coordinate effective functioning of
Chapters in liason with the General Organizing
v. Shall organize and supervise any National
Delegates Conference.
vi. Shall be responsible in vetting of four
department members working under the office
of the National Organizing Secretary.
7) Deputy National Organizing Secretary

i. Shall work under the direction of the National

Organizing Secretary and assist him/her in the
roles designated.
ii. Shall assist the National Organizing Secretary in
organizing National meetings.
iii. Shall take part in the vetting of four department
members under the office of the National
Organizing Secretary.

8) National Auditor General

i. Shall audit under the direction of the National

Executive Committee the Financial
ii. Shall keep records pertaining receipts of all
financial expenses.
iii. He/she shall ensure both internal and external
audit is executed in a timely manner.
iv. He/she shall coordinate and have record of all
county audits with liason of the County Auditor
v. Shall be responsible for vetting of five
department members under the office of the
National Auditor General .

9) National Cordinator

i. Shall receive and ensure coordination of all

county projects from the General Organizing
Secretary to the office of the National
Cordinator and back to the county.
ii. Shall be responsible and give record for all
matters pertaining the youths in academic
iii. Cordinate and be responsible for the
approvement of all county projects by
designated bodies in liason with county
iv. Shall be responsible for doing National Project
Proposals as designated by the National
Executive Committee.
v. Undertake other duties as the senior
management team may from time to time
vi. Shall be responsible in the vetting of five
department members under the office of the
National Cordinator.

10) National Director of Communications

i. He/she is incharge of both internal and

external communications.
ii. He/she produces the organization’s
newsletters (KYF Gazette) .
iii. Works with marketing teams to develop
communications plans with relevant content
that reflects the organization’s image.
iv. He/she sets the tone for messaging and
portray the organization’s values.
v. He/she works in liason with County
Communications Directors for easy outlay of
information from County to National level.
vi. He/she shall be responsible in vetting of three
department members under the National
Communications Office.

11) Secretary for Legal and Constitutional Affairs

i. He/she is the chief legal adviser to the
organization in all legal and constitutional
ii. Shall perform any other duty as may be
designated by the National Executive
iii. Shall be responsible in the vetting of three
department members under the National office
of Legal affairs.

12) Secretary for Sports,Arts and Culture

i. He/she researches,plans and implement

cultural policies.
ii. He/she is incharge of doing a Memorandum Of
Understanding with any entity supporting the
same docket.
iii. Cordinates all sports programmes for the
youths Nationally.
iv. He/she develops and preserve arts heritage.
v. He/she is responsible for vetting three
department members under the office of
Sports,Arts and Culture.

13) Secretary for Environment

i. He/she is incharge of doing a Memorandum
Of Understanding with any entity supporting
the same docket.
ii. Ensures there is proper environment
conservation policies.
iii. He/she is responsible for vetting three
department members under the office of
Sports,Arts and Culture.

14) Secretary for National Security

i. Involved in planning,implementation and

testing information security systems.
ii. He/she is incharge of doing a Memorandum
Of Understanding with any entity supporting
the same docket.
iii. He/she is responsible for vetting three
department members under the office of
Sports,Arts and Culture.

15) Secretary for PWD

i. He/she is the coordinator of all youths living

with disabilities.
ii. He/she is in charge of appointing forty seven
youths in each county representing the
interest of youths living with disabilities.
iii. He/she shall be the Minority Leader of the
iv. He/she shall be responsible for vetting three
department members under that office.

16) Secretary for National and International


i. He/she is incharge of doing a Memorandum

Of Understanding with any entity supporting
the same docket.
ii. He/she is responsible for matters pertaining
National and International interests of the
iii. Performs any other duty as may be directed
by National Executive Committee.
iv. He/she shall be responsible for vetting three
department members under that office.

17) Secretary for Resource Mobilization

I. He/she drives the execution of resource
mobilization to ensure operational
requirements of the organization.
II. He/she works closely with ward
representatives for resource mobilization
at county level.
III. He/she ensures events comply with local
workplace safety and Health regulations.
IV. Any other duty as may be directed by the
National Executive Committee.
V. He/she shall be responsible for vetting
three department members under that

18) Secretary for Science and Technology

I. Enhancing and promoting technology

usage within the organization.
II. He/she is incharge of doing a
Memorandum Of Understanding with any
entity supporting the same docket.
III. Any other duty as may be directed by the
National Executive Committee.
IV. He/she shall be responsible for vetting
three department members under that

19) Secretary for Religious Affairs

I. Cordination of organization engagement
with Religious organizations to promote
responsible and accountable conduct.
II. Managing religious education programmes
offered by the organization.
III. He/she will be the principal guide and lead
the religious affairs of the organization.
IV. He/she shall be responsible for vetting three
department members under that office.

5.4.2 The main duties of County Officials shall be;

1) General Organizing Secretary ( G.O.S)

I. He/she is the overall elected official and

head of the County Chapter Executive
Committee ( CCEC).
II. He/she coordinates and manages resources
allocated for the County Chapter Executive
III. He/she is incharge of leading the CCEC into
a Memorandum of Understanding with any
entity in liason with the Executive Director
and coordination of National Executive
IV. He/she leads the registration of members at
the county level into the organization in
coordination with other CCEC.
V. He/she works in supervision of the National
Organizing Secretary.
VI. He/she must be aware and receive all
projects proposals from the ward to county
level and forwards the same to the office of
the National Cordinator for approval.
VII. In liason with other County Officials,he/she
makes up meetings with county
government offices to present youth
VIII. Chairs any CCEC meeting held.

2) Deputy General Organizing Secretary

I. He/she works in guidance of the General

Organizing Secretary at the County level.
II. He/she chairs CCEC meetings in the absence
of the G.O.S .
III. Receivess CCEC project proposals in liason
with the G.O.S .
IV. He/she leads the registration of members at
the county level into the organization in
coordination with other CCEC.
V. Shall assist the General Organizing
Secretary in organizing county meetings.

3) Executive Director

I. He/she represents the Executive arm of the

NEC at the county level.
II. He/she oversees day to day organization’s
operation at county level.
III. Monitors and oversees the perfomance of
CCEC and gives a record the NEC.
IV. He/she is accountable for the order within
the CCEC.
V. He/she in liason with CCEC makes up for
meetings with any entity for partnerships in
cordination with NEC.
VI. Performs any other duty as may be assigned
by the NEC from time to time.

4) County Auditor General

I. He/she checks the spending of Chapters
money by looking at whether it has been
used ideally and for the purpose intended.
II. He/she audits all project proposals at county
level done by CCEC.
III. Shall keep records pertaining receipts of all
financial expenses at county level.
IV. Any other duty as may be assigned by the
National Auditor General from time to time.

5) County Director of Communications

I. Works with marketing teams to develop

communications plans with relevant content
that reflects the organization’s image at the
II. He/she represents the Executive arm of the
NEC at the county level.
III. He/she is incharge of county
communications team.
IV. He/she works in liason with National
Communications Directors for easy outlay of
information from County to National level.
V. He/she is incharge of notifying media entity
for coverage incase CCEC organizes a press
VI. Any other duty as may be assigned by the
National Director of Communications from
time to time.

6) County Treasurer

I. Shall be responsible for the organization’s

finances and shall supervise all financial
transaction at County level as directed by the
National Treasury.
II. Keep the financial books for easy record of the
financial statements at county level.
III. Shall,together with the National
Treasury,open county financial account as
specified if need be.
IV. Shall be responsible for the preparation of the
county annual budget in liason with the
National Treasury.
V. Shall work in conjunction with County
Resource Mobilization Committee(Ward
Representatives) for formulation of the
organization finances.

7) County Secretary
I. He/she is the secretary at the County level.
II. He/she is responsible for smooth operations
of all county committee.
III. He/she maintains diaries of County leaders
and arrange appointments.
IV. He/she organizes and arranges meetings at
county level.
V. Keeping minutes of any County meeting
VI. Writing and receiving letters on behalf of the
County when called upon.

8) Subcounty Public Administrator

I. He/she works together with the Subcounty

Data Officer and Secretary at Constituency
II. He/she is incharge of realizing projects at
constituency level as well as receiving
projects proposals from ward
III. Forwards all project proposals to the office of
General Organizing Secretary upon receival.
IV. Together with other subcounty
leaders,he/she makes up meetings with
constituency offices to present youth
V. He/she is incharge of follow ups with
respective Member of parliament on any
projects at constituency level for youth
benefit in liason with National Cordinator.

9) Subcounty Data Officer

I. He/she does a census of youth population in

respective constituency in liason with ward
II. Monitors and analyzes project performance
III. Any other duty as may be assigned from time
to time by the public administrator.

10) Subcounty Secretary

I. He/she is the secretary to the subcounty level.

II. He/she maintains diaries of SubCounty leaders
and arrange appointments.
III. He/she organizes and arranges meetings at
Subcounty level.
IV. Keeping minutes of any Sub County meeting
V. Writing and receiving letters on behalf of the
SubCounty when called upon.

11) Ward Representative

I. He/she is incharge of youth representation at

ward level.
II. He/she realizes and does project proposals
within the ward and sends them to the Public
III. He/she works under the office of Resource
Mobilization at county level.
IV. He/she drafts projects in the Chapter
V. He/she makes up meetings with respective
Member of County Assembly to present
youth interest.
VI. He/she is incharge of follow ups with
respective Member of county Assembly on
any projects at ward level for youth benefit in
liason with National Cordinator.
VII. He/she is a Member of Chapter Congress
5.4.3 All appointed department members in the
National Executive Committee shall be approved by the
National Governing Council.

5.4.4 Appointed department members shall be

designated roles by heads of their specific departments.


6.1 There is hereby established these movement’s

a)National Governing Council (NEC)
b)National Secretariat (NS)
c)National Dispute Resolution Committee (NDRC)
d)National Elections Board (NEB)
e)National Executive Committee (NEC)
f)County Chapter Executive Committee (CCEC)
g)Chapter Congress (CC)

6.2 National Governing Council (NGC)

6.2.1 There is hereby established a National Governing

Council,which shall be the highest organ of the
organization and shall constitute of the following

a) National Chairperson
b) Deputy Chairperson
c) Secretary General
d)National Treasurer
e)National Deputy Treasurer
f) National Organizing Secretary
g)National Deputy Organizing Secretary
h)National Auditor General
i) National Cordinator

6.2.2 The National Governing Council shall have the

following powers and obligations:

a) Formulate the organization’s programmes and

give directions where necessary.
b) Ratify and amend the constitution and rules of
the organization when need be.
c) Receive monthly audits of county and National
d) Review and discuss monthly reports of CCEC
and NEC and keep the records.
e) Appoint officials to represent the organization
at the National Executive Committee.
f) Approves all group membership to the
g) Represent the organization at any National
Delegates Meeting with any entity.
6.2.3 The National Governing Council shall meet atleast
once every month to review the organization’s prowess.
6.3 National Secretariat (NS)

6.3.1 There is hereby established a National Secretariat

constituting the following Departments:
a) Office of Communications
b) Office of Legal and Constitutional Affairs
c) Office of Sports,Arts and Culture
d) Office of Environment
e) Office of National Security
f) Office representing PWD
g) Office of National and International Relations
h) Office of Resource Mobilization
i) Office of Science and Technology
j) Office of Religious Affairs

6.3.2 The duties of National Secretariat shall be:

a) Linking the organization to any relevant National

and International entity offices represented hereto
article 6.3.1
b) Management and implementation organization
c) Cordination of membership recruitment in liason
with CCEC.
d) Any other duty as may be assigned from time to
time by the National Executive Committee.

6.3.3 The NGC may bring in any other position that fit
in the National Secretariat if need be from time to time.

6.4 National Dispute Resolution Committee (NDRC)

6.4.1 The NDRC shall be the Judicial Organ of the


6.4.2 The NDRC shall constitute of five officials

appointed by NEC and approved by the National
Governing Council.

6.4.3 The NDRC shall perform the following functions:

a) Settling constitutional and dispute matters in the

organization including elections disputes.
b) Promotion of equal access to justice and fair
implementation of policies in the organization.
c) Advancing local jurisprudence by upholding the
rule of law.
d) Receival and resolution of any misconduct from
the Chapter Congress .
e) Any other judicial duty as may seem fit from time
to time.

6.5 National Elections Board (NEB)

6.5.1 There is hereby established KYF National Elections

Board to organize and supervise County elections.

6.5.2 The NEB shall constitute five officials of high

intergrity with whom shall be;

a) Chairperson
b) Deputy Chairperson
c) ICT Manager
d) Data Analyst
e) Deputy Data Analyst

6.5.3 The NEB shall be incharge of appointing Regional

Elections Committee with whom shall constitute of
three officials of high intergrity per Region in liason with
6.5.4 The NEB shall be appointed by the National
Executive Committee and shall hold office for a term of
three years of two terms limit.

6.5.5 The NEB meetings shall be chaired by the NEB

Chaiperson and shall be held in procedure of their own
6.6 National Executive Committee (NEC)

6.6.1 The National Executive Committee shall be the

Executive Organ of the organization and shall constitute
the following organs:

a) National Governing Council

b) National Secretariat
c) National Dispute Resolution Committee
d) National Elections Board

6.6.2 The NEC shall have the following functions:

a) Be the executive organ of the organization and

execute measures of the National Governing

b) Supervise and send instructions to the County

Chapter Executive Committee.
c) To oversee the operations of the National
Secretariat and the Chapter Congress.
d) Shall appoint two county executive representatives
in each chapter;Executive Director and County
Director of Communication.

e) Appoint officials of the National Elections Board.

f) Assign duty to an official or a committee when need


6.6.3 The National Executive Committee shall meet

once every month on a date agreed upon,conveyed
fourteen days earlier unless an emergency meeting
called by the Secretary General according to occurences
in consultation with the National Chairperson or on an
agreement of atleast 50% of the NEC.

6.7 County Chapter Executive Committee (CCEC)

6.7.1 The organization shall have forty seven CCEC

which shall come to office through an election by public
mandate every three years except for two appointed
representatives of the Executive arm and shall have the
following officials:
a) General Organizing Secretary
b) Deputy General Organizing Secretary
c) Executive Director
d) County Auditor General
e) County Director of Communications
f) County Treasurer
g) County Secretary
h) Subcounty Public Administrator
i) Subcounty Data Officer
j) Subcounty Secretary
k) Ward Representative

6.7.2 Duties of the County Chapter Executive

Committee shall be:

a) Popularize the organization at county level to

promote it’s objectives and mandate.
b) Registration of members to join the organization at
county level.
c) Report any code of misconduct among members to
the NEC and write report to NDRC when called
d) Promote a sense of unity and civic education
among all youths of the county’s workforce.
e) County Chapter Executive Committee shall have
meeting at least once every three months.

6.8 Chapter Congress (CC)

6.8.1 Each chapter shall have an assembly known as the

Chapter Congress and shall constitute of the following

a) Ward Representatives
b) Speaker, EX-OFFICIO

6.8.2 Each Chapter Congress shall have a majority

leader among themselves elected by Members of
Chapter Congress (MCC) in the presence of the Speaker
and name forwarded to NEC.

6.8.3 Members of Chapter Congress may come to a

quorum of discussing CCEC misconduct through a
debate in the Chapter Congress and a letter done to the
NDRC by the Speaker of the Chapter Congress for a
verdict to be made.

6.8.4 A Chapter Congress meeting may be either virtual

or physical depending on the agreement of the
Members of Chapter Congress through a letter written
to the speaker by the Majority Leader.

6.8.5 The main function of Chapter Congress will be to

formulate projects that can push the agenda of the
organization at County level.

6.8.6 A Chapter Congress will be held atleast once every

month on a designated date agreed by members and a
letter of confirmation done to the National Executive
Committee on the same.

6.8.7 Speaker of the Chapter Congress shall give

minutes of any congress held to the General Organizing
Secretary who will forward to National Executive
Committee in a timely manner every month.


7.1 The National Executive Committee shall organize

methods of financing the organization.

7.2 The organization shall be financed in the following


a) Donations and grants from any entity in support of

the organization.
b) Proceeds of any project the organization is
c) Voluntary Contribution from any person or entity in
support of the organization.
d) Incomes from publications and consultancies.

7.3 The organization shall own a seal,stamp and any

other relevant document and in which shall be under
the custodian of the National Chairperson or Secretary
7.4 The organization may operate an Information
Dissemination Media which shall be under mandate of
the National Director of Communications.



8.1 The organization may form partnership with any

entity of similar interest and documents of evidence
kept under custodian of the Secretary General.

8.2 Agreements of partnership shall be determined by

atleast 50% of the National Executive Committee.

8.3 Amendment of the Constitution

8.3.1 National Governing Council may receive proposals

from any Committee in pursuit to amend the

8.3.1 Proposal to amend the constitution shall be

supported by atleast 75% of the National Governing


9.1 The constitution of Kenya Youth Federation dated

year 2022 is hereby repealed and replaced with this

9.2 Kenya Youth Federation shall come to operation in

all the forty seven counties through this constitution.

9.3 The National Executive Committee may form any

other committee that will be functional under
instructions in a quorum of atleast two-thirds

9.4 Inauguration of CCEC shall take place after elections

on a designated date agreed upon by National Executive
Committee,County Chapter Executive Committee and
respective County Government.

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