4 Object

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Every real world entity is an object.

Every object has following two characteristics:


Ex:- if we call pen as a object.

attribute-> size, color, height,weight etc.
Behaviour->refil, writing etc

state of an object:
Value of attribute is state.
10 inch is state of pen.
red is state of pen.
56kg is state of pen.

Every object is identified by its state.

programme create object to store the real world entity.

Q-What is state ?
A- value of attribute is called state
it is data.

code to create object:

new classname(parameters);
new patient("amit","singh",673.5,5.78,23);

on execution of above code:

1.variables are created //Memory allocations.-->these values are attribute of the
real world entity.
2.values are assigned to the varibale //initialisation.-->these values are state of
the real world entity.

-it is a blueprint or template from which object is created.
-java programmes uses class to create one or more than one object.
-we need to write code to create objects

new classname();
new classname(parameters);

-inside class attribute and behaviours of the objects are defined.

-for attributes we need to define variables and constructors.
-for behaviour we need to define methods.

public class circle

int radius; //attribute creating the variable
public circle(int r) //attribute creating the constructor
public void setradius(int r) // behaviour it is a method
public int getradius() // behaviour it is a method
return radius;
public void showArea() // behaviour it is a method
double area=3.14*radius*radius;
System.out.println("area of circle="+area);


public class App


public static void main(String[] args)

//code to create object
circle obj1=new circle(10);
//code to call method
//code to call method

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