Enzymes Experiment - Grade 10 Biology

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Lab #: 8
Title: Enzymes

Skill: MM
Aim: To investigate the factors affecting the action of the enzyme catalase on hydrogen

 What are enzymes?
 Role of catalase in cells and importance of catalase in living organisms
 Factors that can affect enzyme activity

 Test tubes
 Test tube rack
 White tile
 Knife
 Mortar and pestle
 Measuring cylinder, 10ml
 Wooden Splint
 Matches
 Ruler

 2 whole potatoes (1 cooked and 1raw)
 Distilled water
 Hydrogen peroxide, 3%
 Hydrochloric acid, HCl
 Sodium hydroxide, NaOH


1. Label four test tube: A1 (raw and cubed), A2- (raw and crushed), B1(raw and crushed)
and B2 (cooked and crushed) then place them in a test tube rack.
2. Use a knife to cut 3 cubes of dimensions 1cm × 1 cm × 1cm from a raw potato.
3. Use a knife to cut 1 cube of dimensions 1cm × 1 cm × 1cm from a cooked potato.
4. Conduct the tests outlined below once the measurement and manipulation assessment has
been completed.


Tube 1
1. Place a cube of raw potato in the test tube labeled A1.
2. Add 6ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
3. Record the height of the foam produced in the table below.

Tube 2
1. Macerate a raw potato cube using the mortar and pestle and add to the tube labeled A2.
2. Add 6ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
3. Record the height of the foam produced.

Tube 1
1. Macerate a raw potato cube and add to the test tube labeled B1.
2. Add 6ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
3. Student 1 – Cover the test tube with your thumb for about a minute
4. Observe test tube and using the key provided record results in table
5. Student 2 – After a minute light a wooden splint and blow out the flames; the splint
should be glowing
6. Student 1 remove thumb from test tube and student 2 put glowing splint in test tube
making sure not to touch the contents
7. Bring splint to the mouth of the tube and observe. Record results in table

Tube 2
1. Macerate a cooked potato cube and add to the test tube labeled B2.
2. Add 6ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
3. Repeat steps 3-7 from the test B1.

 Proper title above table, underlined, CAPITAL LETTERS

TEST Tube Contents Intensity of Height of Glowing Splint

reaction Foam (mm) relit? Yes/No
A 1 Raw potato, cubed + --
hydrogen peroxide
2 Raw potato, crushed + --
hydrogen peroxide
B 1 Raw potato, crushed +
hydrogen peroxide
2 Cooked potato, crushed +
hydrogen peroxide

Table of Catalase Activity

Result Record
No fizzing/foaming 0
Little fizzing/foaming +
Moderate fizzing/foaming ++
Very good fizzing/foaming +++
Excellent fizzing/foaming ++++

 Draw a bar graph to represent the data from Test A

Discussion: Use the questions/statements to help write your discussion

 Name the enzyme in potato
 Write the word equation for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide
 What factors are being investigated in each test?
 Describe what aspects of each test which allowed you to identify these factors
 Explain your observations by describing the effect of each factor on enzymes with
respect to the lock and key hypothesis

 Related to aim

 Anything that could have prevented the experiment from occurring as it should

Source of error:


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