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Assignment 4

Upload your PowerPoint for your career presentation here. 

Here is the form I will use to evaluate your PowerPoint

Visual Aid Evaluation Form

Appearance of Visual Aid(s): 0-25%: _______
___Neat "professional" appearance
___Aid(s) easily visible to audience
___Aid(s) clearly legible and understandable
___Aid(s) visually interesting to audience
Quality of Visual Aid(s): 0-25%: _______
___Visual aid(s) contributed to understanding speech content
___Visual aid(s) did not contain irrelevant material
___Type of aid(s) appropriate for purpose
___Aid(s) did not detract from overall speech effectiveness
Use of Visual Aid(s): 0-50%: _______
___Shown only when referred to
___Used at appropriate point(s) in speech
___Use did not interfere with oral presentation
___Handled competently
___Did not allow aid to come between self and audience
___Explained adequately
___Did not significantly reduce eye contact with audience
Visual Aid points: ________/25
Grade: ________ out of _______ possible points

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