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Anna Sewell was born in Great Yarmouth, in Norfolk, in England in 1820. Anna wrote
“Black Beauty” because she loved horses. This was her only book.

There were trains between the towns and cities. In town or in the country you walked
or used a horse. The horse carried you, or pulled you in a carriage, cart or bus.

There were many thousands of horses at work in Europe, America and other

Often horses had to work for hours and hours and some worked with unkind people.
Anna knew this and she wanted to tell other people. So she wrote her book.

Anna was often ill and she died in 1878; Black Beauty is finished in 1877 and went
into the bookshops. But many people were kínder to horses after they read Anna’s

My time reading this book was a four hours.

This book begins to talk a Little about the childhood of the horse, his mom talks to
him about good and bad people; and she tells “always be good, so people Will love
you. Always work hard and do your best”.

First he lived on a farm with his mom and other horses. The Farmer Grey was kind
and good with all horses.Then the horse lived in Birtwick Park house with Gordon’s
family; at the Gordon´s family stable, he met Merrylegs and Ginger, they were so
different, and they were other family horses.

Mr. Gordon was a good rider, and he was kind with Black Beauty, Mr. Gordon was
happy with the horse.

John was a very good groom and he liked to Black Beauty and he also liked James
Howard. They worked for the family.
Mr Gordon calls James one day and said “I have a letter from my friend, Sir Clifford
Williams of Clifford Hall. He wants to find a good young groom. He pays well, and
the young man Will son be head groom. He Will have a room, stables clothes and
driving clothes. I don’t want to lose you, and John Will be sad”.

Ginger, Merrylegs and Black Beauty were sad, too, when they heard James’s
answer. He wanted to go, it was a better job for him. Little Joe Green was fourteen
and he would do James’s job when he left. Little Joe Green was small, but was quick
and wants to learn and he was kind too.

James taught him things before he left and Joe was a fast learner.

One night Mrs Gordon was ill and John and Black Beauty they went with the doctor
at 3 am, the horse was fast and they thanked him for that, but Black Beauty was also
ill, they both recovered and after a pleasant year in Birtwick Park only one thing
made they sad; Mrs Gordon was often ill again, the family had to south of France.

Everyone was sad, then John took Ginger and Black Beauty to Earls Hall. It was a
vey big house with a lot of stables.

At the stables John asked for Mr. York, the boss of the drivers and grooms.

Mr and Mrs Westland were different with horses;Ginger and Black Beauty dind’t do
very well with that family, I think Ginger died and Black Beauty was put up for sale
because his legs were hurt, since a man had ridden him wrong.

After Black Beauty was bought by Jerry Barker, his family was low income but it was
a happy, kind and good family.

Black Beauty worked with Jerry in a cabin in London, the family didn’t know the name
of the horse and decided to call him Jack.

Jack worked hard for the family as everyone was very kind to him.

Jerry was ill, then Mrs Fowler wrote a letter to Polly, Jerry’s wife, offering Jobs to the
whole family. They had to accept the proposal due to the conditions.

Black Beauty was sad, but happy too for the opportunity of them.

Jerry took Black Beauty and took him with Mr Thoroughgood, he was very kind with
him and Black Beauty has a very happy time on his farm.

Mr. Thoroughgood took him to Rose Hall. The women were at home, but their driver
was away.
After the driver went to the farm for the horse and at first when he looked at him he
could see something familiar in him, on the contrary the horse could not recognize
him because Joe had grown up, then both were very happy to meet again after a
long time. The driver was Little Joe Green, only bigger.

A year latter now, Joe is the best and kinder groom and everybody loves Black
Beauty. So Black Beauty work happily for them, he’s not afraid of anything.

I think the book is Good, whoever reads it thinks about the treatment of animals,
especially horses, how they can feel and act for Good and bad treatment of people.

I liked the book because Black Beauty does deserve a happy ending, but it still made
me sad for the horses that treated badly.

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