Hailey Lapierre - Write A Speech

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Have you ever had moths eat your clothes? It is a pretty common occurrence.

will be talking about how Moths are so inconvenient to humans, the differences
between them and butterflies and how they are overall pretty dumb creatures by
going towards the light.

Moths are pretty creepy creatures, but they get mistaken by butterflies too often.
There are a lot of differences between them such as, moths are really gross
looking and dull in color while butterflies are colorful with cool unique patterns.
Butterflies fold their wings while in resting position while moths have their wings
spread out and Moths are nocturnal only flying around bugging people at night.

Moths are very inconvenient to us. They are always everywhere at night trying to
eat stuff and bug us. Moths cause 4 billion dollars worth of damage for crops
each year worldwide. They wreck and eat broccoli, colliflower, collard greens,
brussel sprouts and other greens. There are over 160000 types of moth species
and 12 thousand of them in the United states. They eat clothes a lot too and
wreck them with holes so they can no longer be worn.

Moths are quite stupid. They go towards lights they see like, lamps, lightbulbs,
phonelights, flashlights etc. The lights Confuse the moth's navigational system,
when they are by the light too long they overheat. Because they are nocturnal
they travel using the light from the moon, but with other man made lights they
confuse it for the moon.

In conclusion moths shouldn't exist because the animals that feed off them could
eat something else, and it would make things easier for humans.

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