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Acta Physiol Scand 2001, 171, 233±239

Exercise-induced muscle damage and in¯ammation:

fact or ®ction?

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden and
Stockholm University College of Physical Education Sports, Stockholm, Sweden

Physical exercise is necessary for maintaining normal function of skeletal muscle. The mechanisms
governing normal muscle function and maintenance are vastly unknown but synergistic function of
hormones, neurosignalling, growth factors, cytokines and other factors, is undoubtedly important.
Because of the complex interaction among these systems the lack of complete understanding of
muscle function is not surprising. The purpose of exercise-induced changes in muscle cell function is
to adapt the tissue to a demand of increased physical work capacity. Some of the approaches used to
investigate changes in skeletal muscle cell function are exercise and electrical stimulation in animals
and human models and isolated animal muscle. From these models, it has been concluded that
during physical exercise, in an intensity and duration dependent manner, skeletal muscle is damaged
and subsequently inflamed. The purpose of the inflammation would be to repair the exercise-induced
damage. Because of the design and methods used in a majority of these studies, concerns must be
raised, and the question asked whether the paradigm of exercise-induced muscle inflammation in
fact is fiction. In a majority of conducted studies, a non-exercising control group is lacking and
because of the invasive nature of the sampling methods used to study inflammation it does not
appear impossible that observed inflammatory events in human skeletal muscle after physical
exercise are methodoligical artefacts.

Keywords adaptation, biopsies, creatin kinase, immune system, immunohistochemistry, leuco-

cytes, physical, repair.

Received 12 December 2000, accepted 24 January 2001

Exercise-induced muscle damage and in¯ammation in where the initiating agent may or may not be known.
both human and animal studies are well-described in Although success is not always guaranteed, the objec-
the literature (Armstrong et al. 1991, Smith 1991, Friden tive of any in¯ammation is to repair injury and restore
& Lieber 1992, Fielding et al. 1993, Sorichter et al. 1995, tissue function. Several studies have demonstrated
Hellsten et al. 1997, Child et al. 1999). The main muscle tissue damage after physical exercise (for review
conclusions made in these studies are that: (1) exercise see Kuipers 1994, Clarkson & Sayers 1999), and it has
can induce damage and in¯ammation in human muscle also been shown that damaged muscle will induce an
tissue; (2) the severity of the in¯ammation depends on in¯ammatory response (Tidball 1995). Some investiga-
the type, duration and intensity of exercise; and (3) tors have also demonstrated increased leucocyte in®l-
exercise with eccentric contractions will cause more tration in human muscle tissue after physical exercise
damage and in¯ammation than concentric exercise of (Round et al. 1987, Fielding et al. 1993). Based on these
equal intensity and duration. ®ndings, exercise-induced muscle in¯ammation appears
In¯ammation is a well-described series of events, in to be an obvious and well-described phenomenon.
some instances initiated by tissue injury and concluded However, because of methodological considerations
upon tissue repair. The in¯ammation can be of acute in many of these studies, the existence of exercise
character, initiated by a number of different traumatic induced muscle damage and in¯ammation may be
factors such as burns, chemicals, virus and bacteria debated.
(Sheldon 1992) or secondary to a speci®c immune This short review will discuss the possibility that
reaction to muscle, as in myositis (Hohlfeld et al. 1997) the exercise-induced, in¯ammation-related changes

Correspondence: Christer Malm, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institute, Box 56 26, S-114 86 Stockholm, Sweden.

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Exercise induced muscle in¯ammation  C Malm Acta Physiol Scand 2001, 171, 233±239

observed in blood and muscle are manifestations not of turn cause changes in the muscle cell that never occur
muscle in¯ammation, but adaptive processes involving with voluntary physical exercise. No animal model, with
immunological events. In this context, the role of the or without electrical stimulation, can thus be considered
immune system in muscular adaptation to physical to accurately describe voluntary physical exercise in
exercise will also be considered [reviewed in more detail humans.
1 by Pedersen (1997) and Mackinnon (1999)]. Secondly, of all published studies on exercise
induced muscle damage using human subjects, few
have actually measured muscle cell damage (Friden et al.
1983, Jones et al. 1986, O'Reilly et al. 1987, Round et al.
In order for in¯ammation to occur, tissue damage or 1987, Fielding et al. 1993, Goodman et al. 1997).
alteration must precede to initiate the release mediators Instead, analysis of presumable markers for muscle cell
of in¯ammation. It has been postulated that physical damage in blood is a commonly used approach to
exercise can cause damage to muscle cells in terms of assess structural damage to muscle tissue (Clarkson &
disrupted contractile structures and cytoskeletal Dedrick 1988, Donnelly et al. 1992, Sorichter et al.
components (Friden & Lieber 1992, Fielding et al. 1997). This approach was recently criticized in a
1993), loss of desmin (Lieber et al. 1996) and perme- publication by Warren et al. (1999) where the authors
abilization of the muscle cell plasma membrane argue that even if muscle damage is present, it can
(McNeil & Khakee 1992, Malm et al. 1996). Several never be correctly estimated by any marker in circula-
previous review articles have discussed this topic ting blood. This conclusion is based on the fact that the
(Evans & Cannon 1991, Kuipers 1994, Clarkson & concentration of any substance present in blood is
Sayers 1999). When scrutinizing published results, the simply a re¯ection of the difference between release
concept of exercise-induced damage in human skeletal and uptake by other tissues. Several previous studies
muscle during and after voluntary muscle contraction have indicated that the appearance of muscle protein in
associated with physical exercise and training may the blood is not a relevant marker of tissue damage
appear somewhat questionable. (Van der Meulen et al. 1991, Kuipers 1994, Komulainen
Firstly, many of the published studies on exercise- et al. 1995). In one study leucocytosis is suggested to be
induced muscle damage, where damage has actually an indicator of tissue damage (Kayashima et al. 1995),
been measured in the muscle, were performed on ani- but several other possible factors such as infections
mals (Armstrong et al. 1983, Kuipers et al. 1983, Lieber (Kuby 1994) and increase in plasma catecholamine
et al. 1991, McNeil & Khakee 1992, Lieber & Friden concentration (Benschop et al. 1996) can also result in
1993, Komulainen et al. 1994, Lieber et al. 1996, Smith leucocytosis. Thus, leucocytosis cannot possibly be a
et al. 1997). The advantage with this approach is that an reliable marker for estimation of muscle tissue damage.
entire muscle can be removed and examined. Because If any relevant information regarding muscle cell
of differences in numerous physiological and anatom- damage is to be obtained from blood samples, it would
ical variables between species, results from animal be necessary to calculate the arterial±venous difference
studies may or may not apply to voluntary physical across the muscle tissue investigated. Consequently,
exercise in humans. For example, ®bre type distribu- studies where muscle damage is investigated only by the
tion, oxygen delivery, oxidative potential and enzyme measurement of creatine kinase (CK) activity,
activity varies considerably between species (Gollnick myoglobin concentration (Mb) or other intracellular
et al. 1972, Tonkonogi & Sahlin 1997, Tonkonogi et al. muscle proteins in venous blood must be questioned.
1999). The relative physical and psychological stress In fact, in one study by Fielding et al. (1993) where both
induced on the body, e.g. by downhill running on a z-band streaming and blood CK activity were investi-
treadmill, may thus differ between normally trained gated, no correlation between the two were found. This
human and cage-raised animals. These differences may may not be surprising because the appearance of
result in different relative strain on structural compo- muscle proteins in blood should depend on leakage of
nents in the muscle. Another common model for the muscle cell membrane. In rat, disruptions of muscle
studying the effects of muscle contraction on muscle ®bre plasma membranes were increased after exercise
cell damage is the use of electrically stimulated animal (McNeil & Khakee 1992), but rather than interpreting
muscle (Friden 1984b, Jackson et al. 1991, Lieber et al. this as a sign of damage, the authors suggested that the
1991, Lieber & Friden 1993, Friden & Lieber 1996, observed disruptions could have a biological function
Hesselink et al. 1996, Lieber et al. 1996). Compared in the release of growth factors from the muscle cells.
with voluntary contraction, electrical stimulation can No study has yet directly investigated the possible
result in higher force (Allen et al. 1998) and over a relationship between sarcolemma permeability and the
period of time, considerable larger total work may be appearance of intracellular protein in blood after
performed by the muscle before exhaustion. This can in physical exercise. In one in vitro study (Jackson et al.

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1991) the release of intracellular muscle proteins was (6) tissue repair (Kuby 1994). Thus, if exercise-induced
not related to the size of the in¯icted injury, and could muscle damage a natural consequence would be
be inhibited by the removal of calcium from the muscle in¯ammation. Early observations of exer-
medium. These ®ndings further support the arguments cise induced leucocytosis date back to 1893 (Schultz
against intracellular muscle protein in blood as a rele- 1893). Numerous subsequent studies have con®rmed
vant marker for muscle damage, and suggest that other large changes in circulating leucocyte with physical
mechanisms than passive diffusion across the exercise (Pedersen 1997, Mackinnon 1999). These
membrane may be involved in the release of intracel- observations, together with the appearance of in¯am-
lular proteins from muscle to blood. mation-related substances in blood and muscle (e.g. C-
Thirdly, only a few studies have used a non-exerci- reactive protein, CK, interleukin-6 and interleukin-1),
sing control group (Friden 1984a, Friden et al. 1988a, muscle swelling and the sensation of delayed onset of
Staron et al. 1992). This is surprising because of the muscle soreness (DOMS) have led researchers to the
obvious muscle damage in¯icted by the biopsy proce- conclusion that physical exercise causes muscle
dure itself. The possibility that some of the damage in¯ammation, especially if the exercise is strenuous
observed in studies without control group is caused by and/or involves eccentric contractions. Because the
the sampling procedure cannot be ruled out. Although relevance of blood-borne markers of muscle damage
no statistical analysis was made, Friden et al. (Friden and in¯ammation can be questioned (Warren et al.
2 1984a) concluded that there were more z-band 1999), and the lack of studies including a non-exercising
disruptions in the exercise compared with the control control group, the above-mentioned ®ndings of exer-
group. Staron et al. (1992) observed increased number cise-induced muscle in¯ammation must be categorized
of degenerating±regenerating ®bres in both the control as circumstantial. Direct investigations of exercise-
and exercise group. No statistical analysis was made, induced muscle in¯ammation in humans are relatively
but the average percent affected ®bres was four times scarce (Round et al. 1987, Fielding et al. 1993, Hellsten
higher in the exercise group (8.53 vs. 2.08%). Intra- et al. 1997) and in no study was a non-exercising control
cellular disorganization (z-band streaming, myo®brillar group included. In a recent study by Aronson et al.
disruption) was, on the other hand only observed in the (1998) it was demonstrated that a single needle biopsy
exercise group. increased the activity of mean arterial pressure (MAP)
Skeletal muscle damage caused by voluntary physical kinase in a subsequent biopsy taken 30±60 min later
exercise is not convincingly and repeatedly demon- from the same incision. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
strated in published scienti®c studies using human and glycogen re-synthesis after exercise was impaired by
subjects. The limited number of well-conducted studies, multiple biopsies taken 2.5 cm apart (Constantin-
the lack of statistical analysis, circumstantial evidence Teodosiu et al. 1996). In addition, intramuscular injec-
and theoretically plausible arguments has turned a tion of saline has been shown to cause mast cell
theoretical possibility into a well-documented scienti®c in®ltration (Rafael et al. 1996) and because mast cells
fact. The need for studies where non-exercising control are very potent immunomodulators, it is likely that not
groups are included and statistically suf®cient data only the needle biopsy but also the anaesthetic injection
collected is necessary to determine whether or not preceding tissue sampling can affect various marker of
exercise induced muscle damage is a physiological muscle in¯ammation. In our own laboratory, the
reality. muscle tissue expression of several leucocyte speci®c
If intracellular structural anomalies are a conse- antigens (CD11b, CD15, CD56, CD163) as well as
quence of physical activity, the term `damage' may be interleukin-1b increased similarly in the exercise and
somewhat misleading if these changes are normally control group (Malm 2000) over a period of 7 days and
occurring events in the adaptation process. It appears seven consecutive biopsies. In addition, interleukin-1a
contradictory that muscle tissue would be damaged by decreased in the third biopsy in the control group only.
physical activity, the very task for which it has evolved. Because the ®rst two biopsies were taken in the right
leg 1 h apart, and the third biopsy taken in the left leg
and 6 h after the ®rst biopsy, muscles distal from the
biopsy site also appear to be affected, as indicated by
the increased IL-1a expression. In this study, exercise
In¯ammation is a pathological event, which occurs consisted of 30 min eccentric cycling at a maximal or
according to a well-described temporal scheme. In close to maximal (250±300 W) work rate, resulting in
brief, the major events are: (1) tissue injury, (2) release severe muscle soreness as well as changes in circulating
of vasoactive substances by the injured tissue, (3) leucocyte numbers and activity. The effects on circu-
vasodilation, (4) leucocyte adhesion, (5) leucocyte lating leucocytes were detected in the exercised group
migration from blood to the injury site and eventually only. Another important conclusion, and in contrast to

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previous investigations by Round et al. (1987) and Shek Hellsten et al. 1996, Husmann et al. 1996, Gustafsson
& Shephard (1998) concerns the use of physical exer- et al. 1999). In these studies, macrophages have
cise as a model for the study of in¯ammatory myopa- repeatedly been shown to enhance muscle recovery and
thies. Our own investigation did not ®nd any changes satellite cell proliferation and in future studies other
in T cell antigens (CD3 and CD8) in muscle in neither circulating or tissue resident non-muscle cells may turn
the exercise nor the control group, indicating that there out to serve similar functions. One non-muscle cell that
is not a speci®c immune response in exercised skeletal may be of interest for future studies of muscular
muscle. Because in¯ammatory myopathies involves T adaptation to physical exercise is the mast cell.
cells (Engel & Arahata 1986) physical exercise does not Mast cells, resident in many different tissues (inclu-
appear to be a suitable model for the study of these ding muscle and connective tissue), originate from bone
diseases. In the study by Round et al., CD4 positive marrow mononuclear cells but mature under the
cells were classi®ed as T helper cells although they were in¯uence of the local environmental factors. Therefore,
not double-labelled with CD3. Later studies have mast cells are an extremely heterogeneous cell popula-
con®rmed the presence of CD4 on monocytes and tion (Metcalfe et al. 1997). Mast cells can be activated by
macrophages (Rafael et al. 1996) and the observed CD4 a number of different stimuli including temperature,
positive cells by Round et al. could therefore have been cytokines and hormones. Upon activation mast cells
monocytes or macrophages. can release a myriad of substances involved in immuno-
Suggestions have been made that the phenomenon modulation, tissue repair and angiogenesis (Metcalfe
of DOMS is caused by muscle in¯ammation (Hikida et al. 1997). No study has yet investigated the possible
et al. 1983, Smith 1991), or the swelling of the muscle role of mast cells in muscular adaptation to physical
®bres (Friden et al. 1988b, Smith 1991, Nosaka & exercise.
Clarkson 1996) that may or may not be caused by Muscle cells can also themselves release factors with
muscle in¯ammation. According to the above discus- potential autocrine roles in muscle function and adap-
sion, exercise-induced muscle in¯ammation may not be tation to different stimuli (Husmann et al. 1996,
the cause of DOMS. One possible explanation for Goldspink 1998, Sheehan et al. 2000). Several cytokines
DOMS could be in¯ammation of the perimysium or have been reported to be present by muscle homo-
epimysium. Muscle pain could also be in¯icted by the genate (Lundberg et al. 1997, Ostrowski et al. 1998) and
release of substances from the muscle cells (Stebbins at least some of them (IL-1b) appears to be located
et al. 1990) or from non-muscle cells such as endothelial within the muscle cells (Malm 2000). A muscle-speci®c
cells, tissue mast cells or macrophages. A number of growth factor, the mechano growth factor (MGF) has
such substances (e.g. bradykinin, substance P, PGE2) recently been reported (Goldspink 1998) and deserves
are known to cause pain (Dray & Perkins 1993, further attention. Investigations are needed to identify
Babenko et al. 1999) and nociceptors have been found potential factors involved in muscular adaptation to
in the interstitial space in human skeletal muscle physical exercise, and the potential therapeutical
(Marchettini et al. 1996). At the moment of writing, the usefulness of these factors in treatment of disease and
author is not aware of any published study which has muscle hypotrophy. Many of these factors, if not most
investigated any of these substances in muscle tissue of them, are yet to be discovered.
after DOMS-in¯icting exercise in human subjects. A Based on data both from previously published
second possible explanation of DOMS could be muscle studies as well as data from our own laboratory (Malm
swelling caused by other factors than in¯ammation, 2000) a crude model for the interaction between the
such as increased protein metabolism in the muscle cells immune system and human skeletal muscle is presented
and subsequent increase in osmotic pressure. Because (Fig. 1). The purpose of this model is to demonstrate
DOMS decreases the likeliness that the affected person that two different stimuli (biopsy or exercise + biopsy)
will undertake any strenuous physical exercise, DOMS can result in similar changes in human skeletal muscle,
could serve a physiological purpose in allowing but via different pathways that are partially common,
adequate time for muscle recovery and adaptation. partially discrete. This model uses the appearance of
CD56 positive cells (activation satellite cells, myoblasts
or denervated muscle cells) as the ®nal outcome of
Muscular adaptation to physical exercise
muscle degeneration±regeneration, and demonstrates
Although muscle in¯ammation may not be a conse- that because some factors are common and some
quence of physical exercise, even when the exercise is different when comparing the two pathways, it would
strenuous and eccentric, the presence of immuno- be impossible to draw correct conclusions without a
competent cells and various growth factors appears control group. The model is not intended to explain
inevitable for optimal muscle function (Robertson et al. muscular adaptation to physical stress, but rather to
1992, Tidball 1995, Chambers & McDermott 1996, serve as a possible guide for further research strategies.

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dures can be detected by the methods used today, and

even smaller changes by tomorrow's technology. Non-
exercising control subjects must be included in future
studies, and should perhaps be a criterion asked for by
journal editors.
Other modi®cations in the study design, not covered
in this review, are perhaps also necessary in order to
achieve accurate results and draw the correct conclu-
sions in future studies.
Past studies must be carefully re-evaluated by the
research community in order to determine conclusively
Figure 1 Simpli®ed scheme of possible interactions between skeletal
muscle and the immune system (compiled with data from Malm et al.
whether the paradigm of exercise induced muscle
J Physiol, 2000). The initial stimulus begins with either multiple muscle damage and in¯ammation is fact or ®ction.
biopsies and eccentric exercise, with arrows indicating a temporal
subsequent event correlated to the previous (R2 > 0.9 and P < 0.05
in all cases). Resting NK cell number in blood appeared to have a REFERENCES
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