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EEST Nº1 Materia: Inglés Profesora: Aranda, Luciana Ciclo lectivo: 2019

Curso: Primero Name: ___________ Date: ______________

Mesa examinadora de diciembre – final examination

Criterios: comprensión lectora, escritura, vocabulario y gramática

A) finally.

Hi !
I’m John, your new friend at school. What do you do every day?
Can you tell me about your routine?
See you

Hi John,

Well, this is my routine. _________________________________________________________________


Answer the following questions about you. Give complete answers whenever possible,

1. Where were you yesterday at 2 am? _________________________________________________

2. Were you at the supermarket yesterday at 5 pm? _____________________________________
3. Where were you last Monday at 7 pm? _______________________________________________
4. Were you at home yesterday at 4 am? _______________________________________________
5. Where were you last Sunday morning? _______________________________________________

Below, there is a short paragraph about Saya’s routine. Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Saya _________________ (get up) at 7 and then she _______________ (have) breakfast with her brother. After that,
they ________________ (go) to school on foot. She __________________ (finish) school at 1 and her brother, at 12.
They _________________ (have) lunch at home. In the afternoon, Saya _______________ (go) to a school club, drama.
She ________________ (not like) it very much but she is learning. Her brother ______________________ (not go) to a
school club. He _________________(do) his homework and ______________ (watch) TV.

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