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Dayforce Product Documentation

Compensation Guide

August 4, 2022 1/102
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Getting Started
The Compensation module allows compensation administrators to configure flexible compensation cycles that provide guidelines and decision
support to managers as they allocate their assigned budget to employees. Managers are provided with a worksheet that includes a variety of tools
and graphics to help them ensure that they are compensating employees fairly and consistently when they allocate their budget for salary or hourly
rate increases and bonuses.

The following image provides an overview of the compensation cycle workflow from start to finish:

The functionality available for each role in the cycle, as well as the setup required to get started, are described in more detail in the following sections
of this guide:

Section Description

This section provides information about:

Manager worksheets in Compensation

Changing the worksheet currency
Entering performance ratings for employees
Entering experience levels for employees
Manager Experience Reviewing market data for employees
Allocating budget to employees
Promoting employees
Exporting worksheet data
Submitting worksheets for approval
Reviewing allocation changes by other users
Generating reward letters for employees

This section provides information about:

The senior manager view of Compensation

Senior Manager Experience Adjusting manager allocations in worksheets
Exporting your organization's worksheet data
Approving employee promotions
Approving manager worksheets 2/102
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Section Description

This section provides information about:

The Compensation Cycle Administration feature

Adjusting manager allocations and promotions in worksheets
Administrator Experience Modifying the organization hierarchy and budgets for published cycles
Locking, approving, and posting rewards for compensation cycles
Exporting worksheet data
Generating reports

This section provides information about:

The Compensation Setup features

Configuring compensation guidelines
Configuring reward letter templates
Compensation Configuration Configuring compensation cycles
Configuring worksheet approval workflows
Configuring target bonuses
Configuring the use of market data
Assigning compensation notifications
Assigning compensation role features 3/102
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Manager Experience
Managers are responsible for allocating the assigned budget to their direct reports in a compensation cycle (configured by the compensation
administrator). Budget allocations are done in a worksheet that provides information to assist managers in determining how much of the budget each
employee should receive.

To view your worksheets, select Compensation in the navigation panel. The application opens the feature and displays a summary of all the
compensation cycles for the current period to which you are assigned. Along with the name of the compensation cycle, the application also displays
basic details including status, compensation type, and budget information.

Select a compensation cycle to open a slide-out panel with the corresponding worksheet. For more information, see Manager Worksheet Overview.

Note: The summary screen may display compensation cycles that were published prior to the allocation start date. You can review the budget and
employee list for these worksheets, but you can’t allocate your budget until the defined start date. If you notice anything that needs to be
changed, you can contact the compensation administrator to update the cycle before the allocation period begins.

Manager Worksheet Overview

The worksheet provides all of the information that you need to make allocation decisions for your employees.

The different components of the worksheet are described in more detail in the following sections:

Budget Summary
Status Summary
Employee List


The toolstrip contains the following buttons:

Button Description

Save as Draft Click Save as Draft to save your changes in the worksheet and update the status of the compensation cycle to In Progress.

When you have finished allocating your budget, click Submit to submit the worksheet for approval. Once submitted, you
can no longer edit the details, and the application updates the status of the worksheet to Pending Approval.

Click Refresh to ensure that all of the data displayed in the worksheet is updated when you edit allocations in the

Click Filter to open the Filter panel, and then use the available parameters to filter the list of employees in the worksheet by
Filter employee name, currency code, or job assignment.

When you’ve finished configuring the filter parameters, click Apply Filter to filter the employee list.

Click View to open the View panel in which you can modify the columns that are displayed in the employee list. To update
View the list of selected columns, click Choose Columns and then update the columns in the Selected list using the arrows in
the Column Options dialog box. When you’ve finished, click Select and then click Apply to update the employee list.

The application displays the Problems panel automatically when there are issues in the worksheet, however, you can click
the Problems button at any time to open or close the panel.

If there are a lot of problems, you can export the list to make it more manageable. Click the down arrow in the Problems
panel, and select Export:


The application generates a spreadsheet listing all of the issues in the worksheet. 4/102
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Button Description

Click Auto-Allocate to distribute your assigned budget to employees automatically based on the configured guideline,
percentage of salary, or equally. If there is more than one pay component in the cycle, the button is displayed as a drop-
down list and you can select the pay component that you want to allocate for.

Auto-Allocate When you click the Auto-Allocate button or select a pay component in the drop-down list, the application opens a dialog
box in which you can configure the allocation details. The application displays different options depending on the selected
pay component type (that is, salary increase or bonus with payout factors).

For more information, see Allocate Budget to Employees.

If the compensation cycle includes more than one currency type, the application displays the Currency drop-down list
which you can use to change the currency used in the worksheet.

Currency You can also control whether data in the employee list is displayed in the worksheet currency or in each employee’s
local currency using the Show Employee Local Currency in Worksheet checkbox in the drop-down list.

For more information, see Currency in Compensation Worksheets.

If the compensation cycle was configured to allow promotions, the application displays the Promote button in the toolstrip.
Select an employee in the worksheet and click Promote to open a dialog box in which you can assign a new job
Promote assignment and enter a justification for the promotion.

For more information, see Promote Employees in Compensation.

Export Click Export to export all of your worksheet data to an Excel file. For more information, see Export Your Worksheet Data.

The Reward Letter button is enabled for worksheets when the compensation cycle is in the Approved or Completed status.

Select the checkbox next to one or more employees in the worksheet and then click the Reward Letter button to do the

Download reward letters. For more information, see Generate Reward Letters.
Send reward letters to Message Centers. For more information, see Send Reward Letters.
Reward Letter Save a reward letter template. For more information, see Save Reward Letters.

This reward letter outlines any promotions, salary changes, equity rewards and bonuses awarded to the employee during
the compensation cycle.

If the compensation cycle was configured without a reward letter template, this button does not show. You must
communicate the reward information to employees using an alternative method, for example, verbally or through a letter
prepared outside of Dayforce.


The instructions configured for managers in the Instructions tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles are displayed under the toolstrip
in the worksheet.

Budget Summary

Note: The application displays the budget summary in the currency that was selected for the compensation cycle during configuration.

The worksheet includes a budget summary section that displays the name of each pay component in the cycle, the total budget that you’ve been
provided, the amount that you’ve already allocated, and the amount that's still available for allocation. By default, this section is expanded, but

you can click the collapse button ( ) to display a simplified view instead:

If the cycle configuration allows managers to allocate based on guidelines alone (that is, without a specified budget), the application displays only the
allocated amounts in the expanded budget summary. In this case, the Budget and Remaining amount columns are not displayed.

Status Summary

The worksheet includes a status summary section that displays the current status, as well as a count of any errors, warnings, and comments
associated with the worksheet.

You can view the details of the errors and warnings in the Problems panel. For more information, see Toolstrip. 5/102
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If needed, you can click the number displayed next to Comments to view a dialog box displaying any comments that were added to the worksheet,
as well as a record of status changes (for example, submitted or approved) You can also add a new comment to the worksheet by entering the text in
the provided field, and then clicking Post. When you’ve finished, click the X.


Before You Begin: The charts described in this section are only displayed if your user role is assigned access to the associated role features in the
Features tab of System Admin > Roles.

Depending on cycle configuration, the worksheet can include one or both charts described below. The application only displays one chart at a time,
so if both are included in the worksheet, you have to toggle between the two using the drop-down list above the chart.

If needed, you can click the expand icon ( ) in the top-right corner to open an expanded view of the chart in a dialog box.

These charts are described in more detail in the following sections:

Job Assignment in Salary Range and Performance Rating

Gender Pay Equality

Note: Each of these charts display data based on employee salary information. If the compensation cycle includes employees with the Hourly pay
type (that is, employees without a defined salary), the application calculates and uses an annualized salary in the charts. For more information, see
How Salary Is Calculated for Hourly Employees.

Job Assignment in Salary Range and Performance Rating

Before You Begin: This section describes the Job Assignment in Salary Range and Performance Rating chart as it is displayed for organizations
that use salary ranges. For organizations that don’t define salary ranges for all job assignments, the application only displays each
employee’s current salary in this chart. The salary range (identified by the blue shaded line) is not displayed.

This chart provides a visual representation of each employee’s salary range in relation to their performance rating. This allows you to easily
identify employees who require attention, for example, employees who are high performers and are not paid enough, or low performers who are paid
too much.

The chart lists the names of all employees in the worksheet along the left vertical axis of the chart, and then displays the salary range along the
bottom horizontal axis.

The salary range for each employee’s job assignment is represented in the chart using a shaded blue block, and the mid-point of that range is
indicated with a darker blue line in the middle of that block. The employee’s performance rating is represented in this chart using circles with the
employee’s rating on it, and the employee’s actual salary job assignment is marked with a line extending from this circle.

If the circle is displayed in blue, it indicates that the employee has not been assigned a performance rating.

Note: If the application displays a blue triangle instead of a blue circle, it indicates that the employee’s review cycle does not use performance

If the circle is displayed in yellow with an arrow next to it, it indicates that the employee requires attention because they are either being paid too
much or too little based on their performance rating and job assignment in the salary range (that is, above or below the mid-point).

For example, this chart can be used to identify situations where high performers are being paid below the mid-point of their salary range, as seen in
the following image with Barclay Williams:

The arrow next to Barclay’s performance rating indicator points towards the mid-point of the salary range to indicate that you might need to
increase his salary.

The application identifies employees who are high performers by mapping each employee’s performance rating to High, Medium, or Low ratings
in the system-defined Performance Rating Base Scale (in the Rating Scale feature). Any rating scales that are used in the selected review cycles
are mapped to this three-point scale, and the application identifies employees as high performers if their current rating is mapped to the High range
in the scale. For more information, see “Rating Scale Configuration†in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.

If needed, you can hover the cursor over each employee’s performance rating indicator in the chart to display a tooltip with additional

If your compensation cycle uses more than one currency type, the Job Assignment in Salary Range and Performance Rating chart displays salary
information in the worksheet currency (that is, the one selected in the Currency drop-down list). For employees who are paid in an alternate currency
type, the application converts their salary or hourly rate to the worksheet currency when displaying it in the chart.

When you hover the cursor over their performance rating indicator, the tooltip displays the exchange rate that was used in the conversion. For more
information about the worksheet currency, see Currency in Compensation Worksheets.

When you select an employee’s name in the chart, they are also highlighted in the employee list at the bottom of the worksheet so that you can
easily review and update their allocations as needed.

Compensation Cycles Without Performance Ratings 6/102
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If the compensation cycle is configured not to use performance ratings, the application displays the Job Assignment in Salary Range chart rather
than the Job Assignment in Salary Range and Performance Rating chart in the worksheet. The Job Assignment in Salary Range chart uses a blue
triangle rather than a circle to indicate each employee’s salary in relation to their job assignment’s salary range and mid-point; it does not,
however, provide an indication of whether the employee’s salary requires attention:

When you hover the cursor over the triangle, the tooltip does not include any performance information for the employee.

Gender Pay Equality

Before You Begin: The Gender Pay Equality chart displays salary information in the worksheet currency (that is, the one selected in the Currency
drop-down list). For employees who are paid in an alternate currency type, the application converts their salary to the worksheet currency when
displaying it in the chart.

This chart provides a visual representation of the average compensation based on gender and job assignment so that you can easily identify and
address areas that require attention while making compensation decisions in your worksheet.

The chart lists the names of each job assignment along the left vertical axis and the salary range along the bottom horizontal axis:

The chart also displays a bar representing the average salary for each gender in the job assignment. Females are displayed in purple and males are
displayed in blue. Each bar also includes a count in the left axis indicating the number of employees that are represented for each job assignment by

If needed, you can hover the cursor over each bar in the chart to open a tooltip with more details, including average performance rating for each
gender (if used in the compensation cycle) and average time in the job assignment.

Employee List

Before You Begin: By default, the application displays all of the data in the employee list using each employee’s local currency. If needed, you
can clear the Show Employee Local Currency in Worksheet checkbox in the Currency drop-down list to convert all of the values to the worksheet
currency instead (that is, the one selected in the Currency drop-down list). For more information, see Currency in Compensation Worksheets.

The worksheet displays a list of employees that you are responsible for and provides information to help you make compensation decisions. When
you first open the worksheet, the list displays all the columns that the compensation administrator has configured to display by default. If needed, you
can update the list of displayed columns by clicking the View button in the toolstrip. For more information, see Toolstrip.

Depending on configuration, your employee list might include the following items:

Items in the Worksheet Employee List

Item Description

Information An information icon ( ) is displayed next to calculated values (such as target bonuses, prorated salaries, and currency
Icon conversions) in the worksheet. You can click this icon to view additional calculation details. For more information, see
Calculations in Compensation Worksheets.

A column with an expander arrow is included by default to the left of each employee’s name. You can click this arrow to
expand a panel that contains additional information to help you with allocations. This additional information is displayed in three
Expander tabs which are described in detail in the following sections:
Details Tab
Compensation Summary Tab
Performance Summary Tab

The Employee column is included by default and displays the name of each employee that you manage.
Column 7/102
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Item Description

Depending on configuration, the Experience Level column is displayed either as a read-only field or as a drop-down list in the
worksheet. Either way, if an employee has an experience level saved from a previous compensation cycle, it's populated in this
field by default.

If the field is read-only, it indicates that the market data is not mapped based on experience level.
Level If the field includes a drop-down list, it indicates that the market data is mapped based on experience level. In this case, you
Column must select an experience level for each employee to load their applicable market data in the worksheet. If there is already an
experience level selected, you can update it using the drop-down list.

To help you determine which level is appropriate, the application displays the help icon ( ) next to the drop-down list for each
employee. You can click this icon to open a tooltip with a description of each of the available experience levels.

For more information, see Experience Levels in Compensation Worksheets.

The Currency column is included by default in worksheets that include one or more employees with a currency type that’s
Currency different than the cycle currency. This column displays each employee's local currency.
If needed, you can filter the list by currency type using the Currency Code filter parameter in the Filter panel. For more
information, see Toolstrip.

The Market Hourly Rate 50th Percentile and Market Hourly Salary 50th Percentile columns display the mid-point of the market
Market distribution range (for either salary or hourly rates) for jobs with similar responsibilities to the employee's, according to the
Percentile configured market data.
For more information, see Market Data in Compensation Worksheets.

Job The Job Assignment column is included by default in worksheets that are configured to allow promotions. This column displays
Assignment each employee's current job assignment.
When you promote an employee, the application displays both the old and new job assignment in this column.

Performance The Performance Rating column is included in worksheets that are configured to use performance ratings. This column allows
Rating you to review or enter performance ratings for your employees. For more information, see Performance Ratings in
Column Compensation Worksheets.

Pay Pay component columns are included in each worksheet, as configured in Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles. You
Component can use these columns to allocate budget to your employees. For more information, see Allocate Budget to Employees.
Note: These columns are color-coded in the worksheet according to the cycle configuration.

Details Tab

Before You Begin: If the Show Employee Local Currency in Worksheet checkbox is cleared in the Currency drop-down list, the application
converts all of the data in the Details tab to the worksheet currency (that is, the one selected in the Currency drop-down list) and displays the
exchange rate used in the conversion for your reference. For more information, see Currency in Compensation Worksheets.

The Details tab (displayed when you expand a row in a compensation worksheet) displays general details about the employee such as their job
assignment, location, manager, length of service, time in job assignment, performance rating, and pay grade. It also displays information about their
pay type, current salary or hourly rate, and compensation history.

The tab also displays a graphic that provides key information about the employee's compa-ratio, performance, and time in job assignment which
includes absences and inactive periods, along with a count of unexplained absences, and their attendance percentage.

Note: The Time in Job Assignment value is only reset when the employee changes job assignments, so that this value is not affected by location
changes for the same job assignment.

Compensation Summary Tab

The Compensation Summary tab (displayed when you expand a row in a compensation worksheet) displays information about the employee’s
compensation history in a graph:

Salary or hourly rate increases are displayed using a yellow circle in the graph. When you hover the cursor over the circle, the application displays a
tooltip with information about the new salary or the new hourly rate: 8/102
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Performance Summary Tab

The Performance Summary tab (displayed when you expand a row in a compensation worksheet) displays information about the employee’s
performance history in a graph.

The vertical axis of the timeline displays the rating scale selected for the compensation cycle during configuration, and the horizontal axis displays the
year. Performance reviews are then plotted accordingly based on their assigned rating.

If the compensation cycle doesn’t use a rating scale, and none of the performance reviews use ratings, the timeline is displayed without a vertical

On the timeline, each performance review is plotted using one of the following icons:

Icon Description
Review with a rating. This review uses the same rating scale as the compensation cycle. If a rating scale is not defined for the
compensation cycle, the reviews with ratings are plotted on the timeline according to where they fall on the default rating
scale (with high, medium, and low values).

Review with a converted rating. This review uses a different rating scale than the compensation cycle. The rating for the
review is converted to the compensation cycle rating scale, and plotted on the timeline accordingly. The actual (unconverted)
value is displayed as a label next to the icon so that the employee’s actual rating is clear:

In the example above, the review uses a four-point scale, while the compensation cycle uses a five-point scale. The review is
plotted on the timeline using the converted value, but the label displays the actual rating assigned to the employee in the

Review without a rating.

When you hover the cursor over the icon, the application displays a tooltip that contains the rating and the date of review:

Calculations in Compensation Worksheets

The application shows an information icon ( ) next to calculated values in the worksheet, such as values that are prorated for new hires or inactive
periods during the compensation cycle. When you click this icon, the application opens a tooltip with the calculation details.

For example, when you click the icon next to the Current Salary value for an hourly employee, the application shows the calculation used to
determine their salary based on their hourly rate and annual hours: 9/102
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If your compensation cycle uses target bonuses, you can click the information icon to view the target bonus payout calculations for each employee:

Target bonus payout calculations (including those using a funding percentage) and bonus eligible salary calculations are also shown in these tooltips:

For pay components that were configured to use proration rules for allocations, the application shows a Proration Factor column in the worksheet.
This column shows the proration factor for each employee, as well as an information icon that you can click to view the calculations used to determine
that proration factor:

For pay components that were configured to use quantity rounding rules for equity allocations, the application shows a Value column in the
worksheet. This column shows the value of equity for each employee, and an information icon that you can click to view the calculations used to
determine the value.

Currency in Compensation Worksheets

Before You Begin: By default, the application displays all budget information in your local currency, as long as your local currency was included in
the cycle during configuration. If your local currency was not included, the budget information is displayed in the default cycle currency instead.

In cycles with multiple currency types, you can convert the budget information to view the values in any of the other available currencies. You can
also set the employee list to display data in the worksheet currency, rather than each employee’s local currency. This allows you to allocate to all
employees using a single currency type throughout the worksheet.

You change the worksheet currency using the Currency drop-down list in the worksheet toolstrip. This list displays all currencies included in the
cycle with your local currency or the cycle currency (depending on configuration) selected by default. 10/102
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Select an option in the list to switch all budget data in the worksheet to that currency.

Whether the currencies in the employee list are converted to the worksheet currency depends on the Show Employee Local Currency in
Worksheet checkbox in the Currency drop-down list. This checkbox is selected by default, and the monetary values in the employee list are
displayed in the employees’ local currencies rather that the worksheet currency selected in the drop-down list. Clear the checkbox, and the
monetary values in the employee list are converted to the worksheet currency along with the budget data.

Performance Ratings in Compensation Worksheets

Depending on how the cycle is configured, compensation worksheets show one of the following in the Performance Rating column:

N/A: If the compensation cycle was configured not to include performance ratings, the Performance Rating column displays N/A.
Rating value or review form link: If the compensation cycle was configured to include ratings from review cycles, the column displays the
employee’s most recent review rating, or a link to their most recent review form.
Drop-down list: If the compensation cycle was configured to allow managers to enter ratings directly in the worksheet, the column displays a
drop-down list with the available rating options for each employee.
You can select an option in the drop-down list to assign that rating to the employee. Dayforce updates the charts and calculations in the
worksheet to reflect the selected performance rating.
Note: The performance rating options displayed in the drop-down list depend on the rating scale selected for the compensation cycle during

Experience Levels in Compensation Worksheets

Note: The experience levels that you enter in compensation worksheets are not currently tracked in employee profiles and do not directly correspond
with the years of experience an employee has in their job assignment.

Your compensation worksheet might be configured to include the Experience Level column. Depending on configuration, this column displays either
a read-only field or a drop-down list from which you can select an experience level for each employee. If an employee has an experience level saved
from a previous compensation cycle, it's populated in this field by default, but can still be updated as needed using the drop-down list (if available).

When the Experience Level drop-down list is displayed, it indicates that market data in the compensation cycle is mapped based on experience
level. In this case, you must select an experience level for each employee to refresh the row and populate the appropriate values in the market
percentile columns of the worksheet. For more information about viewing market data for employees, see Market Data in Compensation

The options displayed in the Experience Level drop-down list are configured in Market Pricing > Experience Levels. When you expand the drop-down
list for an employee, only the experience levels that apply to the country in which they work are displayed. This means that the experience level
options displayed for an employee who works in Ireland might be different from those displayed for an employee who works in Canada.

To help you determine which level is appropriate, the application displays the help icon ( ) next to the Experience Level drop-down list for each
employee. You can click this icon to open a tooltip with a description of each of the available experience levels.

Once the worksheet is approved by the compensation administrator, the selected experience level is saved for each employee's primary work
assignment. In future compensation cycles, this experience level will be populated automatically in the worksheets for each employee.

Market Data in Compensation Worksheets

Before You Begin: To access market data in compensation worksheets, your user role must be assigned access to Compensation > View Market
Data in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles.

Compensation worksheets that use market data might include the Market Hourly Rate 50th Percentile and Market Hourly Salary 50th Percentile
columns. For each employee, these columns display the mid-point of the market distribution range (based on salary or hourly rates) for similar jobs,
according to the market data selected for the cycle.

If there is no market data available for an employee, or if there are multiple market data records available, the application displays N/A for them in the
market data percentile columns. For more information, see How Market Data Is Mapped.

For compensation cycles configured to map market data based on the experience level for each employee, you must assign an experience level
using the drop-down list in the Experience Level column to load the employee's market data in the worksheet. When you select an option, the
application refreshes the row and displays the market data in the corresponding percentile columns in the worksheet. For more information, see
Experience Levels in Compensation Worksheets.

You can click the value in the percentile columns to open a dialog box with the market data details for the employee. This dialog box includes the
current and new salary or hourly rate for the employee, as well as a market data distribution graph which plots the 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th
percentile values to provide a visual representation of the market range for the employee's job assignment. If any of these percentile values are
missing from the market data record, the application displays N/A in the graph: 11/102
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You can click the percentile sections in the graph to view the available compensation details (including bonuses, salary, and so on) in the Total
Compensation section of the dialog box.

Compensation Plans in Compensation Worksheets

In compensation worksheets, Dayforce displays compensation plan details for bonus pay components that were configured to calculate bonuses
based on the compensation plan assigned to the compensation cycle. For more information, see Compensation Plans for Compensation Cycles.

Based on the effective date records configured for the assigned compensation plan, the following plan details are displayed in the worksheet for
employees who are eligible for a bonus in the payout period after the compensation cycle is published:

Compensation plan name

Bonus eligible salary
Target bonus
Proration factor
Bonus factors
Bonus Pay
Total Payout
Total bonus payout for the compensation plan

Note: These values are not displayed for employees who are not eligible for bonuses during the plan payout period.

The application displays an information icon ( ) next to each of the calculated values in the worksheet. Click the icon and the application opens a
tooltip with the calculation details.

The values in the Bonus Pay column cannot be edited for bonus factors based on metrics. However, you can update the bonus pay values by
importing new values in the Metrics Data tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics. This import can be done even after the compensation
cycle is published. For more information, see Update Bonus Factors. For bonus factors based on direct values, you can edit the bonus pay values
that are configured to allow editing.

If the compensation plan in the payout period is configured to use Percentage of Total Pay as the target payout, the worksheet displays an information
icon in the Bonus Eligible Salaries column which contains the calculations based on the applicable earning codes.

If the compensation plan in the payout period is configured to use Amount as the target payout, the worksheet will not display the Bonus Eligible
Salary column, and a percentage value in the Target Bonus, and Total Payout columns.

If the Apply Target Bonus and Apply Funding checkboxes were selected for a plan-based or target bonus-based pay component in the Budget
Calculations section in the Pay Components tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles, the worksheet displays the Funding column: 12/102
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Allocate Budget to Employees

Before You Begin: If the worksheet includes hourly employees, the application calculates and displays values for these employees based on their
annualized salary. For more information, see How Salary Is Calculated for Hourly Employees.

When you open your worksheet, the application displays a budget summary section in the top-left corner, which provides information about your total
and remaining budgets for each pay component in the compensation cycle.

You can allocate a portion of this assigned budget to each employee in the associated pay component columns in the employee list section of the

You can allocate your budget manually by entering values in the editable fields for each employee, or you can click the Auto-Allocate button in the
toolstrip to distribute the budget automatically. You can auto-allocate the budget to the entire employee list or the filtered list in the worksheet. For
more information, see Auto-Allocate Budget.

Note: You might be asked to provide a justification if you allocate outside of a pay component’s guideline. For more information, see Justify
Budget Allocations.

Depending on configuration, your worksheet might include the following columns:

Column Description

Before You Begin: If the pay component uses a flat amount guideline (that is, one based on amounts rather than percentages), the
% column does not show. This functionality is because you can't allocate as a percentage for pay components that use flat amount

The % and Amount columns are typically included for both bonuses and salary increases. If the compensation cycle includes one
or more employees with the Hourly pay type, the Hourly Rate Increase column also shows for each salary increase pay component:

To allocate in the worksheet, do one of the following:

% Enter a value in the % column to allocate based on a percentage.

Enter a value in the Amount column or the Hourly Rate Increase column to allocate as an amount.
Note: In a worksheet with both salaried and hourly employees, the application shows both the Amount and Hourly Rate
Hourly Increase columns for salary increase pay components, however, only the applicable field is editable.
When you enter a value in the %, Amount, or Hourly Rate Increase fields, Dayforce automatically populates the corresponding value
in the other columns. For example, if you enter 4 in the % field, Dayforce calculates what 4% of the employee’s annual salary is
and shows that value in the Amount field.

Similarly, if you enter a value in the Amount field, Dayforce calculates that amount as a percentage of the annual salary and
displays that value in the % field.

Depending on configuration, the worksheet might include the Lump Sum column in which some or all the allocated percentage
amount might be populated automatically. For more information, see Lump Sum.

If you configured rounding rules for equity pay components in the compensation cycle, when you auto-allocate budget, the % and
Amount columns of the worksheet show values based on the configured rounding rule.

Note: The application shows an information icon ( ) between the two columns to indicate that they are dependent on one another.
When you click the information icon, the application opens a tooltip showing the calculations for the employee’s allocated

If a pay component is configured to use bonus factors, Dayforce shows additional columns for bonus factor information in the
worksheet (such as the assigned weight and allocation guidelines). If a bonus factor is configured to allow editing, the Payout
Factor and Total Payout columns are editable and you can adjust the associated values:


Note: Whether a bonus factor is editable is determined by the Allow Edit checkbox in the Pay Components tab of Compensation
Setup > Compensation Cycles. 13/102
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Column Description

If a pay component was configured to apply target bonuses and funding for budget calculations, the application displays a
Funding column in the worksheet. This column displays the portion of the employee's total target bonus that is used to fund target
bonus payouts. The funding is displayed as a percentage and as an amount in the Funding columns and when you click the
information icon in the Payout Factor column for the pay component, the funding percentage is displayed as part of the payout


If a salary increase pay component was configured to allow lump sum allocations, the application displays a Lump Sum column in
the worksheet.

When you allocate using the % field, Dayforce automatically populates any amount above the employee's pay grade in the Lump
Sum field.
Managers can override the lump sum calculation to allocate above the employee's pay grade by entering the allocation value in the
Amount field. This amount is still subject to validation and will display either an error message or warning message depending on
the Restrict Out Of Grade setting for the associated pay grade in Org Setup > Jobs and Job Assignments.

If a pay component was configured to use proration rules for allocations, the application displays a Proration Factor column in the
worksheet. This column displays the proration factor for each employee, as well as an information icon that you can click to view the
calculations used to determine that proration factor:

Factor This proration factor is applied to the employee's salary for allocation calculations in the worksheet. For example, an employee with
a current salary of $45,000.00, and a proration factor of 16%, would have a prorated salary of $7,200 ($45,000 x 0.16 = $7,200).
Based on this prorated salary, an allocation of 28.83% would give them an increase of $2,075.76 ($7,200 x 0.2883 = $2,075.76):

Allocating for Cycles with Multiple Currencies

By default, the values in the employee list of the worksheet are displayed in each employee’s local currency and you allocate to each employee
in that currency. When you enter a value in the Amount, Hourly Rate Increase, or any other amount-based field, the application displays the
currency code next to the value to indicate that the allocation is in that currency, rather than the cycle currency:

If you enter a value in the % field, the corresponding amount is automatically displayed in the employee’s local currency.

Similarly, using the auto-allocate budget option automatically populates the allocated value in the employee's local currency.

If you’d prefer to allocate to employees using a single currency, you can clear the Show Employee Local Currency in Worksheet checkbox in
the Currency drop-down list. This converts all monetary values to the currency you selected for the worksheet, allowing you to view and allocate in 14/102
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that currency, rather than in each employee’s local currency.

For more information, see Currency in Compensation Worksheets.

Auto-Allocate Budget

Auto-allocation provides a starting point for allocations. Once the budget is allocated, you can adjust the values in the editable pay component
columns. You can auto-allocate your budget to the entire employee list or the filtered list of employees in the worksheet.

To auto-allocate your budget:

1. Click Auto Allocate. The application opens a dialog box with the allocation options.
2. Note: If there is more than one pay component in the cycle, the Auto Allocate button is displayed as a drop-down list from which you can
select the pay component that you want to allocate for.
2. Select one of the following options:
By Guideline: Allocate a portion of the budget to each employee based on the guideline. If the guideline value is a range, the application
allocates based on that range's mid-point. This option is only enabled if guidelines were configured for the pay component.
Percentage: Enter a value to allocate a portion of the budget to each employee based on the defined percentage of their annual salary
or current hourly rate, as applicable.
Note: If the pay component uses a flat amount guideline (that is, one based on amounts rather than percentages), the Percentage option
is not enabled. This is because you can't allocate as a percentage for pay components that use flat amount guidelines.
Equally: Allocate an equal portion of the budget to each employee.
Note: This option is not displayed when you have applied the filter to view a specific list of employees in the worksheet.
3. Click OK.

If the pay component uses bonus factors, the auto-allocate dialog box displays a different set of options. The following options are available:

By Guideline - Allocates mid-point of guideline: Allocate a portion of the budget to each employee based on the mid-point of the guideline
associated with the bonus factor. This option is only enabled if guidelines were configured for the pay component.
Payout Percentage: Enter a value to define what percentage of the target bonus should be allocated to each employee based on their eligible
salary. For example, if an employee has a target bonus of 10% and the weight of the payout factor is 100%, if you enter a payout percentage of
50%, the application will allocate only 50% of the target bonus (that is, 5% of their eligible salary).
Note: If the pay component is configured to apply target bonuses and funding for budget calculations, the payout is calculated using the
configured funding percentage.

Justify Budget Allocations

If you allocate outside of a pay component’s configured guideline, the application displays either an error message or a warning message
(depending on configuration) in the Problems panel, and highlights the fields in the employee list with an informative tooltip:

If the application displays an error message, you must update the allocated amount prior to submitting the worksheet. If the application displays a
warning, you do not have to update the value, but you must enter a justification in the comments for that employee. You can do this by clicking the

note icon ( ) next to the employee’s name. The application opens a comment panel in which you can enter your justification for the allocation
and then click Post. If you don’t enter the justification here, the application will request it again when you try to submit the worksheet. For more
information, see Submit Compensation Worksheets for Approval.

Promote Employees in Compensation

Before You Begin: Your user role must be assigned access to the Promotions sub-feature under Compensation in the Features tab of System
Admin > Roles.

When a compensation cycle is configured to allow promotions, the application displays the Promote button in the worksheet toolstrip. You can select
an employee and click Promote to open a dialog box in which you can assign a new job assignment and location, and enter a justification for the

The Promote dialog box also displays a salary or hourly rate comparison which allows you to compare the pay details of the new job assignment with
the old one.

To promote an employee in Compensation:

1. Open a compensation worksheet that's configured to allow promotions.

2. Select the employee that you want to promote. 15/102
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3. Click Promote to open the Promote dialog box.

4. In the New Value column of the dialog box, define the details of the promotion by entering a value in the Job Assignment and Location fields
for the employee.
5. Note: The Location drop-down list only displays the locations that you have access to. If you want to promote an employee to a job assignment
in a location that you don't have access to, a senior manager with access to that location or a compensation administrator must initiate the
promotion for you in the worksheet. Compensation administrators can initiate promotions even if the worksheet is still pending manager input.
5. (Optional) If the Business Title field is displayed, enter a new business title for the employee to go along with the promotion.
6. Note: This field is only displayed if the Enable Business Title client property is selected in the Employee section of the Properties tab of
System Admin > Client Properties.
6. (Optional) Enter comments in the Justifications section of the dialog box to provide a reason for the promotion. These comments are displayed

along with your name and the date as part of a promotion event when you click the note icon ( ) next to the employee's name in the worksheet
or in the Submit dialog box.
7. Click Promote. The dialog box closes, and the new job assignment is recorded below the old job assignment in the Job Assignment column
of the employee list.
8. Click Save as Draft to save the promotion and update the fields in the worksheet to reflect the new job assignment. If there is a change in the
location, compa-ratio, or range penetration values, the application displays the new data below the old data in the corresponding columns of
the worksheet.
9. Further, validation for salary increases will be based on the pay grade of the new job assignment rather than the old one, so if the new pay
grade allows it, you can allocate a larger salary increase for the promoted employee. If the lump sum functionality is enabled, these salary
increases could trigger a lump sum calculation based on the max salary point of the new job assignment’s pay grade.
10. Note: Guidelines for salary increases and bonuses are still based on the pay grade of the old job assignment, because they are meant to
measure the employee's performance while they were in their old job assignment.

Once the employee is promoted, the Promote button is no longer available for them in the worksheet. If needed, you can click the Job Assignment
field next to the employee's name in the worksheet to open a read-only dialog box with the promotion details.

You can undo the promotion at any time before submitting the worksheet by clicking the Unpromote button in this dialog box, and then clicking Save
as Draft.

Note: When you unpromote an employee, their new salary value is validated again based on the old job assignment's pay grade.

Export Your Worksheet Data

You can export your worksheet data to an Excel file from the Compensation feature. Exporting allows you to review the information and work on
allocations outside of Dayforce, if needed.

To export worksheet data:

1. Go to the Compensation feature.

2. Select a compensation cycle to open the plan slide-out panel.
3. In your worksheet, click Export.

When you click Export, the application displays a confirmation message indicating that the export background job has been queued, and that the
file will be delivered to your inbox in Message Center when it’s ready. You can then download the Excel file, and use the exported data as

Submit Compensation Worksheets for Approval

Before You Begin: You cannot make changes to a worksheet after submitting it for approval.

When you’ve finished allocating the budget in your compensation worksheet, click Submit in the toolstrip. You can submit worksheets with no
allocations. The application opens the Submit dialog box in which you can review worksheet level comments and add justifications for any allocation
warnings or promotions that exist in the worksheet.

The dialog box displays all warnings individually, so you can add a separate justification for each employee. The warnings that require justification are

displayed in the Comments column with a red note icon ( ). Click the red note icon and the application opens a comment panel in which you can
enter your justification and then click Post.

You can also enter general comments for the worksheet at the bottom of this dialog box, if needed.

When you’ve finished reviewing the warnings and adding justifications, click Submit in the dialog box. The application updates the status of the
worksheet to Pending Approval and displays the names of the managers who are responsible for approving the worksheet next to the status.

These approvers are also sent a notification to let them know that the worksheet was submitted and is now pending their approval. When the
compensation cycle is completed, the application notifies you so that you can share reward information with your employees.

Review Changes by Other Users in Compensation Worksheets

After you submit your worksheet, a senior manager or compensation administrator might adjust the allocations or the funding used to calculate target
bonus payouts for your employees. If there are changes, when you open the submitted worksheet, the application shows an audit flag next to each of
the modified values: 16/102
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You can view the audit information for the following columns:

Pay component allocations

Performance rating

You can click these flags to view details about the changes, including who made the changes, percentage or amount values, and when the changes
were made.

Generate Reward Letters

Before You Begin: This functionality is only available if a reward letter template was defined for the compensation cycle in the Schedule and
Approval tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles. For more information, see Schedule and Approval.

After the compensation administrator approves the allocations in a cycle, Dayforce enables the Reward Letter button for the associated worksheets
and sends each manager a notification to let them know that the reward letters are ready to be downloaded or sent to employees.

Managers can download the reward letters which contains information on the performance rating with the review date, equity pay component details,
bonus pay component details, salary/ hourly rate increases, lumpsum payouts, total reward chart and promotions awarded during the compensation
cycle. You can view the different pay component sections included as part of the total reward or excluded from the total reward in a separate section
in the generated reward letter based on the configuration.

To download reward letters:

1. Go to your worksheet for the completed or approved cycle in Compensation.

2. Select the checkbox next to one or more employees.
3. Click Reward Letter in the toolstrip.
4. In the Reward Letter dialog box, do the following:
a. Select the reward letter template in the Select a reward letter template drop-down list if more than one reward letter template was
configured for the compensation cycle. To preview the selected reward letter template, click Preview next to the drop-down list. The drop-
down list does not show if only one reward letter template was configured for the compensation cycle.
b. Select the Download Reward Letter option to download the reward letters.
c. Click Continue. Dayforce automatically downloads a ZIP file which contains the individual reward letters as PDF files for the selected

The reward letter icon ( ) shows in blue for eligible employees in the Reward Letter column of the worksheet for an approved or completed
compensation cycle. The reward letter icon shows in gray for ineligible employees or employees excluded from the pay component posting process.
This icon is assigned for eligible employees by default if a single reward letter template is configured for the compensation cycle. When more than
one reward letter template is configured for the compensation cycle, you must save the required template to show the icon for employees. For more
information, see Save Reward Letters. Hover over the reward letter icon to view the name of the reward letter template saved for the employee. You
can click the reward letter icon at any time to quickly generate and download the reward letter for the employee.

Note the following about compensation reward letters:

You cannot generate reward letters for employees that are manually excluded from the pay component posting process. These employees are
highlighted in the worksheet, and when you select them, the Reward Letter button is not enabled.
If you require a reward letter for these employees, a compensation administrator can generate one, however, a record of the excluded
allocations is included.
Pay components that use flat amount guidelines rather than percentage-based guidelines show without an allocation percentage value.
If your organization uses business titles, the business title rather than the job assignment title may show in the Promotions section of the
reward letter.
When you print the letter, the application localizes the content for each employee based on their Culture and Numeric Culture settings in
System Admin > User. This functionality allows employees to view their compensation information in the language and numeric format that
they are familiar with. If the reward letter template is not localized for the employee's preferred culture, the application prints the reward letter
using the default culture for the template instead.

Note: When a reward letter is generated after making edits during the posting process, the reward letter shows the updated information.

Send Reward Letters

Before You Begin: Select the Allow delivery through Message Center checkbox in the Schedule and Approval tab of Compensation Setup >
Compensation Cycles.

For compensation cycles with the Approved or Completed status, you can select employees and send reward letters to their Message Centers from
compensation worksheets.

To send reward letters to employees’ Message Centers:

1. Go to your worksheet in Compensation. 17/102
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2. Select the checkbox next to one or more employees in the worksheet.

3. Click the Reward Letter button in the toolstrip.
4. In the Reward Letter dialog box:
a. Select a reward letter template in the Select a reward letter template drop-down list. The drop-down list shows if you configured more
than one reward letter template for the compensation cycle. To preview the selected reward letter template, click Preview next to the
drop-down list.
b. Select Send Reward Letter option to send the reward letter to the selected employees’ Message Centers.
c. Click Continue.
d. Modify the default subject and body of the reward letter as needed to show for employees in their Message Centers. You can also select
the spot in the text where you want to place a new token, select the name in the Token drop-down list and then click Insert.
e. Click Send.

After successfully sending the reward letters, the reward letter icon ( ) shows for the selected employees in the Reward Letter column of the

worksheet. Otherwise, the reward letter icon shows as ( ). Hover over the reward letter icon to view the name of the reward letter template saved for
the employee. You can click the reward letter icon at any time to quickly generate and download the reward letter for the employee.

Note the following about sending reward letters to employees’ Message Centers:

If you update the reward letter template after sending the reward letter to the employee’s Message Center, the reward letter icon ( )
indicates it has not been sent.
After sending reward letters to employees’ Message Centers, you can access them from the following areas in Dayforce:
Documents > Document Explorer
Employee notes in the Overview screen of People

Save Reward Letters

For compensation cycles with the Approved or Completed status, you can save reward letters for employees in the worksheet.

To save reward letters for employees:

1. Go to your worksheet in Compensation.

2. Select the checkbox next to one or more employees in the worksheet.
3. Click the Reward Letter button in the toolstrip.
4. In the Reward Letter dialog box, do the following:
a. Select the reward letter template in the Select a reward letter template drop-down list if more than one reward letter template was
configured for the compensation cycle. To preview the selected reward letter template, click Preview next to the drop-down list. The drop-
down list does not show if a single reward letter template was configured for the compensation cycle.
b. Select Save and Exit.
c. Click Continue.

The reward letter icon ( ) shows in blue for the selected employees in the Reward Letter column of the worksheet. Hover over the reward letter icon
to view the name of the reward letter template saved for the employee. You can click the reward letter icon at any time to quickly generate and
download the reward letter for the employee. 18/102
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Senior Manager Experience

Before You Begin: The process by which managers complete worksheets for their own direct reports is the same as for front-line managers. For
more information, see Manager Experience.

Senior managers are users who directly manage other managers with direct reports. Along with completing their own budget allocations, senior
managers are also responsible for monitoring and approving the worksheets assigned to their direct reports.

When senior managers go to the Compensation feature, the application displays a summary of all current period compensation cycles to which they
are assigned. Along with the name of the compensation cycle, the application displays basic details for the compensation cycle including status (for
example, Not Started or In Progress), compensation type, and budget information.

This summary page is the same for both front-line managers and senior managers, however, when you select a compensation cycle, the application
displays the My Organization tab in the compensation cycle slide-out panel.

For more information, see My Organization Tab Overview.

Senior managers can do the following in Compensation:

Adjust Manager Allocations

Export Your Organization’s Worksheet Data
Approve and Reject Promotions in Worksheets
Approve and Reject Worksheets

My Organization Tab Overview

The My Organization tab displays the names of all managers below you in the cycle’s organization hierarchy and allows you to review and
monitor the status of the worksheets assigned to your direct reports. The My Organization tab also includes a status chart that allows you to quickly
and easily identify the progress of the worksheets in your organization.

The organization hierarchy section of the tab displays the budget for each manager in your organization, as well as their allocated and remaining
amounts. It also includes the total base salary of each manager’s employees, the status of the worksheet, and the number of problems in the

Note: If a manager's allocated budget for a pay component is zero, the corresponding budget columns in the organization hierarchy are left blank.
Further, the pay component with zero budget is excluded when you open that manager's worksheet.

If needed, you can add comments to individual worksheets by clicking the note icon ( ) next to the manager’s name in the hierarchy. The
application opens a note panel in which you can enter and post notes. If one or more notes were already added, the application displays the existing

notes icon ( ) to indicate that there are notes for you to view.

You can open your own worksheet to allocate to your direct reports or view the worksheets of the managers in your organization. To find a specific
worksheet, click the arrow next to each manager’s name, this expands the organization hierarchy so that you can view the available manager
worksheets. You can also quickly locate and highlight a manager in the hierarchy using the Search for a manager drop-down list in the My
Organization tab toolstrip: 19/102
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The name of each manager with a worksheet is displayed in blue as a link:

When you click the link, the application opens the selected worksheet in a new tab in the slide-out panel. This allows you to review the worksheets of
the managers in your organization throughout the compensation cycle. If you were assigned a worksheet, you can select it in the list and allocate your
assigned budget. If needed, you can also edit any worksheets that are currently pending your approval in the compensation cycle.

For more information about the functionality available in manager worksheets, see Manager Experience.

Adjust Manager Allocations

Note: If a manager's allocated budget for a pay component is zero, that pay component is excluded when you open their worksheet.

If needed, you can adjust manager allocations in worksheet that are pending your approval. When you open a manager’s submitted worksheet,
the application shows editable fields where you can add or edit allocations for the manager’s employees.

Note: As a senior manager, you must follow the same guidelines and override settings as the front-line manager.

After you save your changes, the updated values show for the manager when they view their worksheet, and the application shows an audit flag next
to the modified values:

You can view the audit information for the following columns:

Pay component allocations

Performance rating

The manager can click these flags to view details about the changes, including who made the changes, percentage or amount values, and when the
changes were made. 20/102
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Export Your Organization’s Worksheet Data

In the My Organization tab of Compensation, you can export all of the worksheet data for yourself and for the managers reporting to you in the
cycle hierarchy. Exporting this data allows you to review all of the information at once in an Excel file.

To export worksheet data:

1. Go to the Compensation feature.

2. Select a compensation cycle to open the plan slide-out panel.
3. In the My Organization tab, click Export.

When you click Export, the application displays a confirmation message indicating that the export background job has been queued, and that the file
will be delivered to your inbox in Message Center when it’s ready. You can then download the Excel file and use the exported data as needed.

If needed, you can also export data for individual worksheets by selecting the worksheet in the My Organization tab, and then clicking Export in the
worksheet toolstrip.

Approve and Reject Promotions in Worksheets

Before You Begin: In addition to approving promotions, senior managers can also initiate employee promotions in their own worksheets and the
worksheets that they have access to. This process is the same as for front-line managers. For more information, see Promote Employees in

As a senior manager, you can approve or reject promotions in worksheets that are submitted for your approval. When you open a worksheet that
includes one or more promotions, the application displays an informational message for each of the promoted employees in the Problems panel:

You can click this message to highlight the employee's name in the worksheet so you can view additional information about the promotion.

In the Job Assignment column of the worksheet's employee list, the application displays the name of both the old and new job assignment for
promoted employees, along with a yellow pending icon ( ) indicating that the change requires approval.

Note: The arrow icon is only displayed next to promotions that require your approval (that is, it is not displayed for promotions that you initiate

When you click the value in the Job Assignment field, the application opens the Promote dialog box, in which you can click Approve or Reject for
the promotion.

If you click Reject and then Save, the application removes the promotion data from the worksheet and only the data for the old (that is, current) job
assignment is displayed. Further, the new salary value is validated again based on the old job assignment's pay grade, and an error or warning
message may be displayed if the new salary exceeds the maximum salary defined for the old job assignment.

If you click Approve and then Save, the application records the promotion as approved and displays a green approved icon ( ) next to the
promotion in the Job Assignment column.

If needed, you can also approve multiple promotions at once in the Approve or Approve and Submit dialog box for the worksheet. For more
information, see Approve and Reject Worksheets.

Approve and Reject Worksheets

Note: If needed, compensation administrators with delegated access can approve, reject, and submit worksheets on behalf of managers in the
compensation cycle. For more information about delegating access, see “Delegate Access†in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.

When a front-line manager submits their worksheet, the senior manager responsible for approving it is sent a notification in Message Center. This
notification includes a read-only version of the worksheet which allows you to approve or reject the worksheet from within Message Center (unless
there are promotions in the worksheet, in which case the approvals must be done in Compensation). If the approver is assigned access to the
Compensation feature, the notification includes a link that opens the worksheet in the senior manager view of Compensation so that the approver
can edit the details as needed before approving or rejecting the worksheet.

When you open a worksheet that is pending your approval in Compensation, the application displays the Approve and Reject buttons in the
worksheet toolstrip.

Click Approve and the application displays a dialog box in which you can enter worksheet-level comments and then click Submit to submit the
worksheet to the next level of approval. If there are any warnings in the worksheet, you must enter justifications before submitting (as you do when
you submit your own worksheet). 21/102
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Click Reject and the application displays a dialog box in which you can enter justifications for warnings, as well as a worksheet level message
indicating why the worksheet was not approved. Once rejected, the manager is notified so they can make the necessary changes and resubmit for

Depending on how the cycle is configured, Dayforce might display the Approve and Submit button in the My Organization tab of Compensation.

You can click Approve and Submit to approve and submit all of the worksheets that you are responsible for at once. Once submitted, the status is
updated, and the worksheets are sent to the next level of approval. For more information, see Worksheet Approval Process.

Note: If the application displays Approve and Submit, the compensation cycle uses an organization level submission process which means that
while you can approve each worksheet individually, you must submit all of them at the same time once they are all completed. Worksheets cannot be
submitted individually.

Approve Worksheets with Promotions

When you click Approve or Approve and Submit for a worksheet with promotions, the application includes an Approve column next to the
Comments column in the approvals dialog box. Any promotions that require your approval are displayed with a checkbox, which you can select to
approve the job assignment change before submitting the worksheet:

Note: This checkbox is only displayed for promotions that were submitted for approval by another manager. Promotions that you initiate do not require
your authorization, so they are not displayed with a checkbox.

If you want to reject a promotion, you must do so from the Promote dialog box prior to approving the worksheet.

If you have already approved a promotion in the Promote dialog box, the Approve checkbox for that promotion will already be selected when you
approve the worksheet. For more information about the Promote dialog box, see Approve and Reject Promotions in Worksheets. 22/102
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Administrator Experience
Before You Begin: To use the functionality described in this section, your user role must be assigned access to the Compensation Administration
feature in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles.

Compensation administrators are typically users who are familiar with compensation systems, the market, and competitive forces for your
organization’s job types and locations. After publishing a compensation cycle in Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles, administrators
can monitor and take actions for it from the Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration feature.

Administrators can also monitor and adjust compensation plans used in compensation cycles from the Compensation Administration > Compensation
Plan Administration.

For more information about the Compensation Administration feature, see the following topics:

Compensation Cycle Administration

Compensation Plan Administration
Generate Reports

Compensation Cycle Administration

Before You Begin: To use the functionality described in this section, your user role must be assigned access to the Compensation Administration >
Compensation Cycle Administration feature and sub-features in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles. Further, you must be assigned either
organization-level or cycle-level access to compensation worksheets. For more information, see Compensation Administrator Role Security.

Note: Managers who were purged from Dayforce in the Data Management Center feature are identified by a user ID number rather than their name
in compensation cycle screens. Replacing their name with an ID number ensures that information about budgets and allocations are preserved, while
still purging the manager’s private information to address the data minimization requirements of the European Union's (EU) General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information about purging data in Dayforce, see “Personal Data Management Administration†in the
Dayforce Implementation Guide.

Administrators can monitor and take actions for compensation cycles after it is published from the Compensation Administration > Compensation
Cycle Administration feature.

When you open the Compensation Cycle Administration feature, the application shows a summary of all the current period compensation cycles that
you have access to. For more information about viewing the details and worksheets for these compensation cycles, see View Compensation Cycles.

In the Compensation Cycle Administration feature, you can:

Access Pervasive Learning for Compensation

View Compensation Cycles
Adjust Budget Allocations
Reject Promotions by Managers
Promote Employees in Compensation Cycle Administration
Reopen Worksheets
Modify the Organization Hierarchy and Budgets
Post Completed Compensation Cycles
Approve and Reject Assigned Worksheets
Approve, Reject, or Submit Worksheets on Behalf of Managers
Export Cycle Worksheet Data
Update Bonus Factors
Single Worksheet Overview
Generate Reports

If needed, administrators can also assign experience levels and view any associated market data for employees from the worksheets in
Compensation Cycle Administration. In this case, the user experience for administrators in the Compensation Cycle Administration feature is the same
as that of managers in the Compensation feature. This experience is described in more detail in the following sections:

Experience Levels in Compensation Worksheets

Market Data in Compensation Worksheets

Note: Unlike for managers in Compensation, compensation administrators do not require separate role feature access to view market data in the
Compensation Cycle Administration feature.

Access Pervasive Learning for Compensation

In Compensation and Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration, you can access courses to get detailed instructions for
compensation processes. If the courses are configured for your role, you see the pervasive learning banner in the lower right corner of the screen
with a Learn More button. For more information on configuration, see "Pervasive Learning" in the Learning Management Guide.

To access pervasive learning for compensation:

1. Go to Compensation or Compensation Cycle Administration > Compensation Administration.

2. Click the Learn More button in the pervasive learning banner to launch the list of courses related to the feature. The list of courses configured
for your role are shown. 23/102
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3. Click the Launch Course button to access the required course. The banner changes to a book icon which you can click to access the courses.

View Compensation Cycles

When you open the Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration feature, Dayforce displays a summary of all current period
compensation cycles that you have access to. Along with the name of the compensation cycle, the application also displays basic details including
the status (Not Started, or In Progress), compensation type, cycle currency, and budget information.

Note: The budget information for the cycle is displayed based on the managers that you have access to, rather than the entire organization.

If you only have access to specific managers' worksheets in a compensation cycle, you can view the names of those managers below the cycle's
name on the summary page. Only the first manager's name (alphabetically) is displayed, but you can hover the cursor over the count of additional
managers to view the other names, if needed:

This summary page is the same as the one displayed to both front-line managers and senior managers, however, when you select a compensation
cycle, the application opens the compensation cycle slide-out panel to the administrator view of the My Organization tab. For more information, see
My Organization Tab Overview.

My Organization Tab Overview

Before You Begin: The My Organization tab displays budget information in the cycle currency, which is defined by the Currency drop-down list in
the Details tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

When you open the compensation cycle slide-out panel in Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration, the application
displays the My Organization tab, which is similar to the one displayed to senior managers, except it shows information for all of the managers that
you have administrator access for, rather than just the managers that report to you directly. The tab includes a status chart that allows you to quickly
and easily identify the progress of the worksheets in your organization.

The tab also includes a hierarchy of all managers that you have access to in the cycle and displays the total budget at each level, as well as each
manager’s allocated and remaining amounts. It also includes the total base salary of each manager’s employees, the status of the worksheet,
and the number of problems in the worksheet.

If needed, you can add comments on the worksheet by selecting the note icon ( ) next to the manager’s name in the hierarchy. The application
opens a note panel in which you can enter and post comments. If one or more notes were already added, the application displays the existing notes

icon ( ) to indicate that there are notes for you to view.

Note: Comments added from this screen are visible to all users who have access to the worksheet.

You can view the worksheets for managers in your organization by clicking the arrow next to each manager’s name to expand the hierarchy. You
can also quickly locate and highlight a manager in the organization hierarchy using the Search for a manager drop-down list in the My Organization
tab toolstrip.

You can click the arrow next to each manager’s name to expand the hierarchy. The name of each manager with a worksheet is displayed as a link
in the hierarchy.

When you click the link, the application opens the selected worksheet in a new tab in the slide-out panel.

In this tab, you can take the same actions that managers can take in their worksheet, including allocating budget and sending reward letters to
employees. For more information about the functionality available in manager worksheets, see Manager Experience.

Note: If a manager's allocated budget for a pay component is zero, that pay component is excluded from the manager's worksheet when you open it.

By default, if the compensation cycle includes more than one currency type, the charts and budget information are displayed in the cycle currency,
and the information in the employee list is displayed in the local currency for each employee. You can change the worksheet currency to any other
currency in the cycle or set the employee list to use the worksheet currency rather than each employee’s local currency using the Currency
drop-down list in the worksheet toolstrip. This is the same drop-down list available in the manager and senior manager view of the worksheet. For
more information, see Currency in Compensation Worksheets.

Adjust Budget Allocations

Before You Begin: Administrators can only modify the worksheets while the compensation cycle is unlocked.

In Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration, you can allocate budget to employees manually by entering values in the
editable fields of the worksheet, or you can click the Auto-Allocate button in the toolstrip to distribute the budget automatically. The functionality for
each of these options is the same as the functionality available to managers in the Compensation feature. For more information, see Allocate Budget
to Employees. 24/102
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As a compensation administrator, you can also adjust the allocation values that managers entered in the Compensation feature. When you open a
manager's submitted worksheet in Compensation Cycle Administration, the completed allocation fields are editable so that you can adjust the values.

In the Compensation Cycle Administration feature, administrators can edit payout factors for bonus pay components even if they were configured as
non-editable in the Pay Components tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles. This feature allows administrators to make changes to the
payout factor values without having to unpublish the compensation cycle to do so.

Administrators can also allocate outside of the guidelines and exceed the budget for the worksheet even if the compensation cycle restricts
managers from doing so. However, you should only make these changes after the senior manager has approved the worksheet to avoid errors during
the worksheet approval and submission process.

After you save your changes to a manager's allocations, the application updates the worksheet in Compensation and shows an audit flag next to
each of the modified values:

You can view the audit information for the following columns:

Pay component allocations

Performance rating

The manager can click these flags to view details about the changes, including who made each change and when the changes were made.

Note: When administrators edit allocations, the status of the compensation cycle is not affected.

Reject Promotions by Managers

Before You Begin: In addition to rejecting promotions, administrators can also initiate employee promotions from any worksheet in the cycle. For
more information, see Promote Employees in Compensation Cycle Administration.

As a compensation administrator, you can reject promotions from the Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration feature
even if they've already been approved by the senior managers in the cycle. This allows you to override promotions if, for example, they are not
consistent with your company's promotion policy.

When you open a worksheet that includes one or more promotions, the application displays an informational message for each of the promoted
employees in the Problems panel.

You can click this message to highlight the employee's name in the worksheet, so you can view additional information about the promotion.

For promoted employees, the application displays the name of both the old and new job assignment in the Job Assignment column of the
worksheet's employee list.

When you click the value in the Job Assignment field, the application opens the Promote dialog box, in which you can click Reject to cancel the

When you click Reject, the application removes the promotion data from the worksheet and only the data for the old (that is, current) job assignment
is displayed.

Promote Employees in Compensation Cycle Administration

Before You Begin: Your user role must be assigned access to the Promotions sub-feature under Compensation Administration > Compensation
Cycle Administration in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles.

When a compensation cycle is configured to allow promotions, the application displays the Promote button in the worksheet toolstrip. You can select
an employee and click Promote to open a dialog box in which you can assign a new job assignment and location, and enter a justification for the

The Promote dialog box also displays a salary or hourly rate comparison which allows you to compare the pay details of the new job assignment with
the old one.

As a compensation administrator, you can add promotions at any time, even if the worksheet has not been submitted yet by the manager, or if it is still
pending approval.

When you add a promotion to a worksheet that has not been submitted for approval yet, the manager has the option to withdraw the promotion that
you initiated before submitting the worksheet. Similarly, when you add a promotion to a worksheet that is still pending approval, the senior managers
have the option to approve or reject the promotion while approving the worksheet.

If you don't want your promotions to be modified, it is best practice to enter them after the approvals process is completed for the worksheet.

To promote an employee from the Compensation Cycle Administration feature:

1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration.

2. Open a compensation cycle that's configured to allow promotions. 25/102
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3. Open a worksheet and select the employee that you want to promote.
4. Click Promote to open the Promote dialog box.
5. In the New Value column of the dialog box, define the details of the promotion by entering a value in the Job Assignment and Location fields
for the employee.
6. (Optional) If the Business Title field is displayed, enter a new business title for the employee to go along with the promotion.
7. Note: This field is only displayed if the Enable Business Title client property is selected in the Employee section of the Properties tab in
System Admin > Client Properties.
7. (Optional) Enter comments in the Justifications section of the dialog box to provide a reason for the promotion. These comments are displayed

along with your name and the date as part of the promotion event when you click the note icon ( ) next to the employee's name in the
8. Click Promote. The dialog box closes, and the new job assignment is recorded below the old job assignment in the Job Assignment column
of the employee list.
9. Click Save to save the promotion and update the fields in the worksheet to reflect the new job assignment. If there is a change in the location,
compa-ratio, or range penetration values, the application displays the new data below the old data in the corresponding columns of the

Once the employee is promoted, the Promote button is no longer available for them in the worksheet. If needed, you can click the Job Assignment
field next to the employee's name in the worksheet to open a read-only dialog box with the promotion details.

You can undo the promotion at any time before submitting the worksheet by clicking the Unpromote button in this dialog box.

Reopen Worksheets

Before You Begin: Your user role must be assigned access to the Reset To In Progress role feature under Compensation Administration >
Compensation Cycle Administration in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles.

You can reopen worksheets with the Pending Approval or Error status from the Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration
feature, if needed. This allows you to send worksheets back to managers so that they can make necessary changes before the worksheets are
locked, approved, and posted.

To reopen a worksheet in a compensation cycle:

1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration.

2. Open the compensation cycle that includes the worksheet that you want to reopen.
3. In the My Organization tab, select the worksheet in the organization hierarchy.
4. Click the Reset to In Progress button in the toolstrip. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
5. In the dialog box, click OK. The status of the worksheet is updated to In Progress. Dayforce also sends a notification to the appropriate
managers to let them know that they can now make changes to the reopened worksheet.

After reopening a worksheet, you can track its progress by clicking the notes icon in the My Organization tab. This opens the worksheet comments
dialog box, which displays the comments and workflow actions associated with the worksheet.

When a worksheet is reopened, approved promotions are saved so that you do not have to reapprove them when the worksheet is resubmitted.
Managers can still reject promotions in the worksheet, if needed. Any newly added promotions will require approval in the resubmitted worksheet.

Note: A compensation administrator cannot provide final approval for worksheets until all reopened worksheets are approved by the managers at the
appropriate levels in the org hierarchy. For more information, see Worksheet Approval Process.

Modify the Organization Hierarchy and Budgets

Before You Begin: Your user role must be assigned access to the Add Employees, Delete Employees, Move Employees, and Edit Budgets role
features under Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles.

You can modify the budgets for worksheets in the My Organization tab of Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration with
the Not Started or In Progress status. To update the budget for these worksheets, enter the new budget value as a percentage or a fixed amount in
the editable fields of the hierarchy.

If a pay component is configured to base its budgets on target bonuses, Dayforce shows the Total Base Salary and Total Target Bonus fields, in
addition to the budget percentage and amount fields, in the budget worksheet. It also displays "(By Target Bonus)" next to the Budget label to
indicate that it's dependent on the configured target bonuses:

For these pay components, you can adjust the budget (or funding) for target bonus payouts in the worksheet by entering a new value as a fixed
amount or as a percentage of the total target bonus in the fields provided.

You can adjust the funding for individual employees by opening the associated manager's worksheet and entering new values in the Funding
columns for that pay component.

Note: Custom funding values entered for individual employees in the worksheet or using the Bonus Funding by Employee import (in Compensation
Setup > Compensation Cycles) are not affected when you update the total funding in the My Organization tab. 26/102
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If you want to prevent a manager from allocating for one or more of the pay components in the cycle, you can enter 0 in the corresponding budget
fields in the My Organization tab. Pay components for which a manager is assigned zero budget are not displayed in that manager's worksheet.

Important: If there are existing allocations in the worksheet, they will be removed when you update the manager's assigned budget to zero.

You can also adjust the organization hierarchy and budgets in the individual worksheets using the Add, Delete, and Move buttons. These buttons
allow you to:

Add Employees to Worksheets

Delete Employees from Worksheets
Move Employees Between Worksheets

When updating the organization hierarchy, you can do the following, if needed:

Add an employee to a worksheet for which their peer (an employee who reports to the same manager) is the compensation manager.
Add a manager to a worksheet for which their direct or indirect report is the compensation manager.
Add a manager to their own compensation worksheet as an employee.

Dayforce displays a warning for each of these scenarios but allows you to continue and save the assignments.

When you click Add, Delete, or Move, the application displays a dialog box in which you can complete the associated action and adjust the
worksheet budgets:

Note: When you add, delete, or move an employee using these buttons, the budget adjustment options displayed in the dialog box reflect the budget
configuration in the My Organization tab. For example, when moving an employee to a worksheet in which a pay component was assigned zero
budget, that pay component is excluded for the manager in the dialog box (as it is in the worksheet), and any existing allocations for that pay
component are removed for the employee to reflect the zero-budget configuration for their new manager's worksheet. Promotions awarded on the
original worksheet are not affected by the move.

In these dialog boxes, values displayed on the left are in the employee’s local currency, while the values displayed on the right are in the cycle

currency. The application also displays an information icon ( ) next to any values that were calculated.

For example, the icon would be displayed next to the budget change value if the compensation cycle was configured to calculate the total base
salary using bonus eligible salaries as of a specific date. You can click the icon next to each calculated value to view the calculation details.

Add Employees to Worksheets

In Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration, you can add employees to a manager’s worksheet and adjust the budget
to accommodate that change using the Add dialog box.

Note: For pay components that were configured without a defined budget, the option to set the budget is not available. Further, pay components
configured with zero budget are not displayed.

To add an employee to a worksheet:

1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration.

2. Open a manager's worksheet.
3. Click Add in the worksheet toolstrip to open the Add dialog box.
4. In the Employee drop-down list, select the name of the employee that you want to add to the manager’s worksheet.
5. In the Eligible Salary fields (displayed if one or more pay components use imported bonus eligible salaries for budget calculations), enter the
employee’s bonus eligible salary information for each pay component that requires it: 27/102
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6. In the Budget Adjustments drop-down list, select one of the following options to specify how the addition will impact the budget:
Proportionally based on Configured Salaries: Dayforce uses the existing percentage of total salary to calculate the budget after
adding the new employee to the total eligible salary. The dialog box displays the current budget and the new budget for the selected
worksheet and for the entire organization.
Manually: Dayforce displays the new worksheet budget with editable fields so you can manually update the budget:

You can enter the new budget as either a percentage or fixed amount. When you enter a value, the corresponding value is automatically
populated for the other format. The total budget for the organization is also updated to reflect the change.
None: The budget is not updated to accommodate the addition.
7. Note: If a pay component is configured to apply proration rules for budget calculations, Dayforce automatically adjusts the budgets according
to the selected employee's proration eligibility for the Proportionally based on Configured Salaries and Manually options. After the employee
is added, the funding percentage configured for the pay component is applied to the target bonus calculations in the worksheet. If employee
funding is configured, then the added employee’s funding is automatically set to the budget % for the pay component and can be
7. Click Add.

If the compensation cycle is configured to display market data, the application automatically loads the market data for employees when you add
them to the worksheet. If there is no market data available, the application displays N/A in the associated market data percentile column.

Delete Employees from Worksheets

In Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration, you can delete employees from a manager’s worksheet and adjust the
budget to accommodate that change using the Delete dialog box.

Note: For pay components that were configured without a defined budget, the option to set the budget is not available. Further, pay components
configured with zero budget are not displayed.

If you delete the only employee in a worksheet, the status of that worksheet is changed to Removed. Removed worksheets are still visible in the My
Organization tab; however, all budget values are removed and the worksheet is no longer accessible:

To delete an employee from a worksheet:

1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration.

2. Open a manager's worksheet.
3. Select an employee, then click Delete in the worksheet toolstrip to open the Delete dialog box.
4. In the Budget Adjustments drop-down list, select one of the following options to specify how the deletion will impact the budget:
Proportionally based on Configured Salaries: Dayforce uses the existing percentage of total salary to calculate the new budget after
removing the employee from the total eligible salary. The dialog box displays the current budget and the new budget for the selected
worksheet and for the entire organization.
Manually: Dayforce shows the new worksheet budget with editable fields so you can manually update the budget. You can enter the new
budget as either a percentage or fixed amount. When you enter a value, the corresponding value is automatically populated for the other
format. The total budget for the organization is also updated to reflect the change.
None: The budget remains the same when you remove the employee. 28/102
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5. Note: If a pay component is configured to apply proration rules to budget calculations, Dayforce automatically adjusts the budgets according
to the selected employee's proration eligibility for the Proportionally based on Configured Salaries and Manually options. If the pay
component was configured to base budgets on target bonuses and funding, the application automatically adjusts the budget according to the
employee's target bonus and funding percentage.
5. Click Delete.

Move Employees Between Worksheets

Before You Begin: You can only move employees to managers who are already included in the organization hierarchy.

In Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration, you can move employees from one manager’s worksheet to another and
adjust the budget to accommodate that change using the Move dialog box.

Note: For pay components that were configured without a defined budget, the option to set the budget is not available. Further, pay components
configured with zero budget are not displayed.

If needed, you can move all of the employees out of a worksheet to change the worksheet's status to Removed. This allows you to remove worksheets
for managers with an inactive or terminated status without having to unpublish the compensation cycle first. When you click Move for the last
employee in the worksheet, the application displays a message in the Move dialog box informing you that the worksheet's status will be changed to

Once removed, a record of the worksheet is still visible in the My Organization tab; however, all budget values are removed and the worksheet is no
longer accessible.

To move an employee to another manager’s worksheet:

1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration.

2. Open a manager's worksheet.
3. Select an employee, then click Move in the worksheet toolstrip to open the Move dialog box.
4. In the Move to Manager drop-down list, select the name of the manager that you want to move the employee to. The application displays the
budget information for the new manager, along with the current manager in the dialog box:

5. Select one of the following options to specify how the move will impact the budget for each manager:
Proportionally based on Configured Salaries: Dayforce uses the existing percentage of total salary to calculate the new budget using
the total eligible salary for each manager after moving the employee. The dialog box displays the current budget and the new budget for
the selected worksheets and for the entire organization.
Manually: Dayforce shows the new worksheet budgets with editable fields so you can manually update the budget for each manager.
You can enter the new budget as either a percentage or fixed amount. When you enter a value, the corresponding value is automatically
populated for the other format. The total budget for the organization is also updated to reflect the change.
None: The budget remains the same when you move the employee.
6. Note: If a pay component is configured to apply proration rules to budget calculations, Dayforce automatically adjusts the budgets according
to the selected employee's proration eligibility for the Proportionally based on Configured Salaries and Manually options. If the pay
component was configured to base budgets on target bonuses and funding, the application automatically adjusts the budgets according to the
employee's target bonus and existing funding percentage.
6. Click Move. The application closes the dialog box and updates the worksheet for each manager.

Post Completed Compensation Cycles

Before You Begin: Your user role must be assigned access to the Approve Cycles, Lock Cycles, and Post Cycles role features under
Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles. You should also review the
Prerequisites for Posting before beginning the posting process.

After all of the worksheets in the cycle are submitted and approved by the appropriate managers, you can begin the process of posting the
compensation cycle. This process involves locking and approving the cycle, and then posting the pay components to HR or Payroll.

Important: Equity grants are exported and processed for employees through equity administration systems, for example, E*TRADE. You cannot post
compensation cycles with equity pay components. However, if merit and bonus pay components are configured for the same compensation cycle, 29/102
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you can post the compensation cycle.

The following sections describe the posting process in more detail:

Lock and Approve Compensation Cycles

Post Pay Components to HR or Payroll

After bonus pay components are posted, payroll administrators can review the details in the Compensation Data tab of Payroll > Data Entry. For
more information, see Process Bonuses in Payroll.

Note: If needed, compensation administrators with delegated access can approve, reject, and submit worksheets on behalf of managers to complete
the compensation cycle. For more information about delegating access, see “Delegate Access†in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.

Prerequisites for Posting

To successfully post pay components in Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration, you must first do the following:

Ensure that your user role is assigned Can Create, Can Read, Can Update, and Can Delete access to the following authorizations in the
Authorizations tab of System Admin > Roles:
Employee Status Information
Employee Pay Information
Employee Work Assignment - Primary Records (if promotions are enabled).
For more information about each of these authorizations, see "Appendix: Access Authorization Library" in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.
Select the Change Reason is Mandatory checkbox in the General section of the Properties tab in System Admin > Client Properties and
ensure that there is a reason code recorded for all existing employment status records affected by the compensation cycle.
If the cycle includes promotions, ensure that access to the Require Job Rate Value feature is not enabled under Application Container >
People > Employee Profile > Work > Work Assignments in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles. If this feature is enabled for your
user role, the application will display an error message when you try to post the pay component with promotions. This is because, although
Compensation updates the base salary and base rate for promoted employees, it does not update the pay rates for the associated work
assignments as required by this role featured.

Lock and Approve Compensation Cycles

Important: Once you lock and approve a compensation cycle you can no longer make changes to it, so it is important to ensure that the cycle is
complete and accurate before beginning this process.

Once all of the worksheets in the compensation cycle are complete, you can lock the worksheets in the Compensation Cycle Administration feature.
Locking the compensation cycle ensures that the details can no longer be modified by other users and allows you to review and approve the cycle
with confidence.

To lock and approve a compensation cycle:

1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration.

2. Select the compensation cycle that you want to approve.
3. In the My Organization tab, click the Lock button in the toolstrip.
4. The Lock button is replaced with the Unlock button, and the Approve button is added.
5. Note: If needed, you can click the Unlock button to unlock the cycle and make budget or organization changes.
4. When you are satisfied that the cycle is complete and accurate, click Approve to approve the cycle.

When you click Approve, the application updates the status of each worksheet to Approved and sends a notification to the appropriate managers to
let them know that they can now share reward information with their employees. The Reward Letter button is also enabled in both Compensation and
Compensation Cycle Administration for the associated worksheets.

Further, the Unlock and Approve buttons are replaced with the Post button in the My Organization tab toolstrip, which you use to initiate the posting
process for the cycle. For more information, see Post Pay Components to HR or Payroll.

Post Pay Components to HR or Payroll

Before You Begin: There are currently some limitations when posting pay components in the Compensation Cycle Administration feature. For more
information, see Posting Limitations.

After locking and approving a compensation cycle, you can post the associated pay components so that employees receive their allocated reward.
Posting allows you to update the affected employees’ HR record for salary increases, and to initiate the processing of bonuses through Payroll.
The process for posting salary increases and bonuses is slightly different, so each reward type must be posted separately for the compensation
cycle, as described below.

To post the pay components in a compensation cycle:

1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration.

2. Select the compensation cycle that you want to post pay components for.
3. In the My Organization tab, click the Post button to open the Post wizard.
4. In the Reward Type tab of the wizard, select an option in each of the displayed fields, as follows:
Reward Type: Define the reward type that you want to post. Select Salary Increase and the application adds the HR Mapping tab to the
wizard. Select Bonus and the application adds the Payroll Mapping tab in the wizard
Pay Components: Select the pay components that you want to post from the cycle. If the compensation cycle includes promotions, it is
best practice to post the pay component with the promotions before posting any other salary increase to HR. If you were to post the other 30/102
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pay components first, HR would validate the salary increases based on the max salary of the old job assignment rather than the new job
assignment, and possibly reject the change.
Note: When you select a salary increase pay component that includes one or more promotions, the application displays an informational
message reminding you to select the correct reason code for the promotions in the Review tab. If your user role is assigned the Require
Job Rate Value feature, the application will also display an error message indicating that you cannot post the promotions. For more
information about the prerequisites for posting, see Post Completed Compensation Cycles.
5. Click Next. The application opens the HR Mapping or Payroll Mapping tab, depending on the reward type that you selected.
6. Review and adjust the displayed mapping. A warning message is displayed when the compensation cycle includes employees with an inactive
or terminated employment status, so you can decide whether to exclude those employees from the posting in the Review tab.
7. Note: In the Payroll Mapping tab, the application displays a list of the pay groups that will be processed in Dayforce Payroll, as well as a list of
the pay groups that require processing outside of Dayforce Payroll.
7. Click Next. The application opens the Review tab.
8. In the Review tab, review the mapping for each employee. For salary increase pay components, the Reason Code and Effective Date fields
are editable. This allows you to adjust the reason code and effective date of increases for individual employees or for multiple employees. You
can also exclude one or more employees from the posting, if needed, using the checkboxes in the Exclude column. Employees who are
excluded from the posting process are highlighted in the manager worksheets displayed in Compensation and Compensation Cycle
Administration. For more information about editing the posting details for employees, see Filter and Modify Posting Details for Multiple
9. Note: You cannot edit the effective date for salary increase pay components that were configured to use the employee’s anniversary date
as the effective date.
10. Important: If the pay component includes promotions for one or more employees, you must update the Reason Code value for each of those
employees to reflect that the increase is due to a promotion. You can use the Promotions Only filter parameter (in the Filter panel) to view all of
the employees with promotions at once. For your reference, the application displays both the old and new job assignment and location for each
promoted employee in the Review tab.
9. Click Next. The application opens the Summary tab with details.
10. Review the posting summary, and then click Finish. The application closes the wizard and updates the status of the compensation cycle to
11. Note: If the pay component included promotions, the application displays a total count of the promoted employees in the Summary tab.

After the compensation cycle is posted, the application does the following depending on the reward type:

Salary Increase: HR administrators are sent a notification of the salary changes, and the employee records are updated for the change as of
the effective date. If the posted change includes one or more promotions, the new work assignment is added for each affected employee in
their HR record using the effective date of the pay component and the reason code that you selected during the posting process.
If the effective date of a salary change is in the past, the application also sends the payroll administrator a notification informing them that they
must use the Sync Pay Changes functionality in Payroll to capture the retroactive corrections.
For more information about syncing pay changes, see the Payroll Administrator Guide.
Bonus: Payroll administrators are sent a notification informing them that the compensation cycle is complete and that bonuses are ready for
processing. For more information, see Process Bonuses in Payroll.

These are controlled by the Compensation HR Posting Status and the Compensation Payroll Posting Status notifications, which you can assign to the
necessary users and user roles in System Admin > System Notifications. For more information, see Compensation Notifications.

Posting Limitations

The following limitations currently exist when posting pay components in the Compensation Cycle Administration feature:

Compensation Cycle Administration does not support posting bonus pay components for employees with the Hourly pay type. This is because
paying bonuses to hourly employees could result in a recalculation of overtime payments which is not currently handled in the Payroll feature.
To ensure that these employees are compensated, you must export the data for the payroll administrator. The payroll administrator can then use
the data to make adjustments manually, and then import the changes to Payroll. For more information about exporting data, see Export Cycle
Worksheet Data.
Compensation Cycle Administration does not support posting bonus pay components for employees with the Terminated employment status by
default. If you want to include one or more terminated employees in the posting, you must ensure that they've been added to the Terminated list
for the associated pay run in the Pay Run Management tab of Payroll. For more information about adding terminated employees to this list, see
"Including Terminated Status Employees in Pay Runs" in the Payroll Administrator Guide.
The Payroll feature does not support retroactive salary changes for employees with the Hourly pay type. If you are using WFM, the application
displays a message when you post the pay component informing you that you must run retroactive changes through WFM. To ensure that these
employees are compensated, you must export the data and then run the retroactive changes manually in WFM. For more information about
exporting data, see Export Cycle Worksheet Data.
You can only post bonus pay components for currencies that are supported in the Payroll feature. As such, employees with an unsupported
pay group currency type are excluded from payroll mapping in the posting wizard. To ensure that these employees are compensated, you must
export the data from the Compensation Cycle Administration feature and send it to a third-party payroll provider to process the payments. If
your organization uses ConnectedPay for these other countries, you should contact ConnectedPay support to process the exported data. For
more information about ConnectedPay, see “ ConnectedPay Overview†in the Payroll Administrator Guide.
For more information about exporting data, see Export Cycle Worksheet Data.
If an employee is moved to a different pay group after the compensation cycle is published, and their currency code changes as a result of the
move, they are excluded from the posting in the postings wizard. To ensure that these employees are compensated, you must export the data
and provide it to the HR or Payroll administrator so that they can make the necessary changes manually. For more information about exporting
data, see Export Cycle Worksheet Data.

Filter and Modify Posting Details for Multiple Employees 31/102
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Before You Begin: The effective date cannot be edited for salary increase pay components that were configured to use the employee’s
anniversary date as the effective date.

For salary increase pay components, the Effective Date and Reason Code fields are editable in the Review tab of the posting wizard. This allows
you to adjust the effective date and reason code for individual employees or multiple employees. You can also exclude one or more employees from
salary increase or bonus pay component postings using the checkboxes in the Exclude column.

If you want to update these posting settings for multiple employees at once, you can do so by filtering the list in the Review tab, and then clicking Edit
All Filtered. A dialog box opens in which you can edit the details for the filtered employees.

The Edit all Filtered functionality is useful, for example, if you want to exclude all employees who have an Inactive employment status for a particular
reason (for example, if they are on maternity or paternity leave). You can filter the list to show only employees with that status reason, and then use
the Edit All Filtered option to exclude all of those employees from the posting at once.

You can also use this functionality for pay components that include promotions for multiple employees. For promotions, you must update the Reason
Code value in the Review tab to reflect that the salary increase for each of the affected employee is due to a promotion. In this case, you can use the
Promotions Only filter parameter (in the Filter panel) to filter the list and then update the reason code for all of the employees with promotions at
once in the Edit All Filtered dialog box.

Note: The reason code that you select for promoted employees must be one that is associated with both position change and compensation change
in HR Admin > Employment Status Reason. Employees who are not promoted can have a reason code of compensation change only.

To filter the list and edit the settings for multiple employees:

1. In the Review tab of the pay component posting wizard, click Filter to open the Filter panel.
2. Add and configure the filter parameters as needed, and then click Apply Filter to narrow the list of employees.
3. Click Edit All Filtered to open the Edit All Filtered dialog box.
4. Do one of the following:
In the Effective Date and Reason Code fields, select a new effective date and reason code for the filtered employees.
In the Exclude drop-down list, select Yes or No to include or exclude the filtered employees from the posting.
5. Click OK.

Process Bonuses in Payroll

Before You Begin: Payroll administrators must be assigned the Compensation Data feature under Payroll > Data Entry and Payroll > Pay Run
Management in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles. For more information, see Role Features for Compensation.

Once a bonus pay component is posted in the Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration feature, payroll administrators can
review the details in the Compensation Data tab of Payroll > Data Entry or Payroll > Pay Run Management:

If needed, payroll administrators can use the Move functionality in this tab to change the pay run in which the employee will receive the bonus. To
move the pay component to a different pay run, select one or more employees, and then click Move > Move Selected in the toolstrip.

If you want to move all of the displayed pay components to a different pay run, select Move All in the Move drop-down list, rather than Move

The application opens the Move dialog box, which contains a list of relevant pay runs. Each pay run is displayed with a Move to Pay Run drop-down
list in which you can select a pay run to which to move the pay components. By default, the application populates the next scheduled pay run in the
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When you’ve finished, click OK to move the pay components to the selected pay run.

For more information about the Payroll feature, see the Payroll Administrators Guide.

Approve and Reject Assigned Worksheets

In the Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration feature, the application displays Approve and Reject buttons in any
worksheet that the administrator is configured as an approver for. These buttons allow administrators to approve or reject the worksheet in the
Compensation Cycle Administration feature, without having to go to the Compensation feature to do so.

The link in the approval request notifications sent to these administrators in Message Center also navigates to the Compensation Cycle Administration
feature, rather than the Compensation feature. This reduces the need to navigate between multiple features and provides access to the worksheet for
administrators who do not have the Compensation feature enabled.

The functionality for approving assigned worksheets in Compensation Cycle Administration is the same as the functionality available for senior
managers in Compensation. For more information, see Approve and Reject Worksheets.

Approve, Reject, or Submit Worksheets on Behalf of Managers

Before You Begin: Your user role must be assigned access to the Approve Worksheets, Reject Worksheets, and Submit Worksheets role
features under Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles.

In the My Organization tab of Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration, you can use the Manager Actions drop-down list
to submit, approve, or reject worksheets on behalf of managers in the compensation cycle.

This functionality allows you to move worksheets along in the approval process if, for example, a manager failed to approve or submit the worksheet
by the assigned due date, or if the worksheet is assigned to a manager who now has an inactive or terminated employment status.

To take an action on behalf of a manager, select the worksheet in the My Organization tab and then select one of the following options in the
Manager Actions drop-down list:

Submit Worksheet: This option is only enabled for worksheets with the Not Started, In Progress, or Rejected status.
Note: If the compensation cycle is configured to use the Organization Level Submission approval process, Dayforce shows Approve and
Submit, rather than Submit Worksheet, when you are taking the action for a senior manager.
Approve Worksheet: This option is only enabled for worksheets with the Pending Approval status.
Reject Worksheet: This option is only enabled for worksheets with the Pending Approval status.

Note the following:

Administrators can only approve or reject worksheets on behalf of managers that they have access to in the organization hierarchy.
Administrators can submit and approve worksheets on behalf of a manager, even if there are missing allocations or validation errors in the
worksheets. As an exception, if the worksheet includes errors for pay grades configured with the Restrict Out Of Grade setting selected (in Org
Setup > Jobs and Job Assignments), the worksheet cannot be approved or rejected until those errors are resolved.
If there are promotions in the worksheet, the compensation administrator must approve them while approving the worksheet.
Once an action is taken, it's recorded in the worksheet comments as being done by the compensation administrator on behalf of the assigned

Export Cycle Worksheet Data

In the My Organization tab of Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration, you can export the cycle worksheet data for all of
the managers that you're assigned access to in a compensation cycle. Exporting this data allows you to view the information in Excel and provide the
information to the payroll or WFM administrators so they can manually make retroactive salary changes or bonus adjustments for employees with the
Hourly pay type (as this functionality is not currently supported in Payroll), or for employees whose currency code changed after the compensation
cycle was published. For more information, see Post Pay Components to HR or Payroll.

To export worksheet data:

1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration.

2. Select a compensation cycle to open the plan slide-out panel.
3. In the My Organization tab, click Export. 33/102
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When you click Export, the application displays a confirmation message indicating that the export background job has been queued, and that the file
will be delivered to your inbox in Message Center when it’s ready. You can then download the Excel file and use the exported data as needed.

Update Bonus Factors

Before You Begin: Your user role must be assigned access to Update Bonus Factors role feature under Compensation Administration >
Compensation Cycles in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles. For bonus factors based on a compensation plan, you must also ensure that the
updated bonus values have been imported in the Metrics Data tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics. For more information, see
Import Metrics Data.

In Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration, you can update the payouts of metric type bonus factors for pay components
that are based on a compensation plan. You can update the bonus payout values even after the compensation cycle is published.

To update the bonus factors in compensation worksheets:

1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration.

2. Open the compensation cycle that includes the worksheet for which you want to update the bonus factors.
3. In the My Organization tab, select the worksheet in the organization hierarchy.
4. Click Update Bonus Factors in the toolstrip. The application opens the Update Bonus Factors dialog box.
5. Note: The Update Bonus Factors button is available for the organization and for individual manager worksheets. This button is only displayed
for the worksheet if the pay components for the compensation cycle are configured based on compensation plans. The Update Bonus Factors
button is disabled if the compensation cycle has already been approved.
5. Select the checkbox next the metric type bonus factors to update the bonus factors.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Refresh in the toolstrip to display the updated bonus payout values, the total payout for the bonus factors, and the total payout for the
compensation plan in the compensation worksheet.

Note: If the compensation cycle is unpublished and then republished, the bonus payout values are calculated based on the most recently imported
metrics data in Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics.

Single Worksheet Overview

Before You Begin: Your user role must be assigned access to the View Organization in Single Worksheet sub-feature under Compensation and
Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles.

In Compensation and Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration features, you can view the worksheets of all managers
across the organization consolidated in a single worksheet. Typically, senior managers, compensation administrators, and business partner roles
have access to view the single worksheet in the organization. This single worksheet view helps you review and enter allocations for employees by
monitoring the organization's overall budget. You can also use the single worksheet view for the following purposes across the organization:

Compare allocations for employees with similar performance ratings.

Review allocations for employees in their local currency.
Compare the current and new salary for employees in a similar job assignment.

You can access the single worksheet if you have the role feature access, an organization for the compensation cycle, and more than one worksheet
in the organization, including your worksheet.

The single worksheet contains the budget summary section, which includes each pay component's total and remaining budget in the currency
configured for the compensation cycle. When you expand the budget summary section, you can view the list of managers who are direct or indirect
reports in the selected organization along with the number of employees in their worksheet.

The single worksheet lists a maximum of 400 employee records. You can filter the list of employees in the worksheet. The single worksheet shows pay
components configured with the Salary Increase, Bonus, and Equity reward types, as grouped columns for the employee list. You can enter or
update allocations for the pay components if the fields in the single worksheet are editable. The fields in the worksheet are editable based on your
role, the configured compensation cycle, the workflow level, and the worksheet status. For example, a senior manager that uses a compensation
cycle with the worksheet level workflow cannot edit the single worksheet when the status of the submitted worksheet is Pending Final Approval,
whereas a compensation administrator can enter or update allocations. When you enter allocations, the budget summary section gets updated

You can also do the following in the single worksheet view:

Display the required worksheet columns using the View button in the worksheet toolstrip.
Filter employees based on various criteria using the Filter button in the worksheet toolstrip.
Save and manage filters using the Favorites button in the worksheet toolstrip.
View compensation details in different currencies other than the local currency of the employee using the Currency button in the worksheet
Auto-allocate for the filtered list of employees using the Auto-Allocate button in the worksheet toolstrip.
View the Job Assignment in Salary Range and Performance Rating and Gender Pay Equality charts using the Charts button in the worksheet
Export employees in the selected organization using the Export button in the worksheet toolstrip.
View the calculation details for pay components.
View the promotion details of employees.
View audit information in a tooltip.
Enter worksheet level comments for managers.
Enter comments for each employee. 34/102
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Update the experience level for each employee.

View the market data information for each employee.
Access performance review information of employees.
Select or update performance rating for employees.
View employees that are manually excluded from the pay component posting process.
Save worksheets with blank or no allocations.

The following topics provide more information about the single worksheet view:

Access Single Worksheet

Filter Employees in Single Worksheet
Save Filters in Single Worksheet
View Columns in Single Worksheet
View Single Worksheet in Multiple Currencies
Auto-Allocate Budget in Single Worksheet
View Charts in Single Worksheet
Export Data in Single Worksheet
View Audit Information in Single Worksheet
Enter Comments for Managers in Single Worksheet
Enter Comments for Employees in Single Worksheet

Access Single Worksheet

Before You Begin: Your user role must be assigned access to the View Organization in Single Worksheet sub-feature under Compensation and
Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles.

In Compensation and Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration, you can access the single worksheet showing employees
in worksheets of multiple managers and the individual manager’s worksheet showing employees that are direct reports.

To access the single worksheet:

1. Go to Compensation or Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration.

2. Select the required compensation cycle for the current period.
3. In the slide-out panel that opens, click All or the specific manager’s name (shown in bold) in the Compensation Manager column.

5. The single worksheet opens in a separate tab next to the My Organization tab, showing all employees in the organization or the selected
manager's organization.

Note: You can view the list of all managers whose worksheets will show in the single worksheet when you click the expand icon next to the
manager’s name. When you click the manager’s name (that is not in bold), you can view the individual worksheet of the manager. For more
information, see Manager Worksheet Overview.

Filter Employees in Single Worksheet

You can filter the employee list in the single worksheet to display a limited set of records relevant to you. For example, you could filter the single
worksheet only to show promoted employees, or employees with new salaries in a specific pay grade.

To filter employees in the single worksheet view:

1. Go to Compensation or Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration and select the required compensation cycle.
2. In the slide-out panel that opens, click All or the specific manager’s name in the Compensation Manager column for which you want to view
the employees in a single worksheet.
3. Click Filter in the toolstrip to open the Filter panel.
4. Add filters to the Filter panel as follows:
a. Click Add Filter.
b. In the dialog box that opens select the checkboxes for the filters that you want to add.
c. Click Update.
5. Configure the filter parameters as needed.
6. Click Apply Filter.

Save Filters in Single Worksheet

You can save the filter criteria used to view the single worksheet. You can then use this saved filter criteria to view the single worksheet in the future. 35/102
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To save the filter criteria in the single worksheet:

1. Go to Compensation or Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration and select the required compensation cycle.
2. In the slide-out panel that opens, click All or the specific manager’s name in the Compensation Manager column for which you want to view
the employees in a single worksheet.
3. Click Filter in the toolstrip to open the Filter panel.
4. Configure the filter parameters as needed.
5. Click Apply Filter.
6. In the toolstrip, select Save Favorite As in the Favorites drop-down list.
7. Enter a name for the filter.
8. If needed, select the Load by Default checkbox to load the single worksheet for the saved filter by default.
9. Click Save.

View Columns in Single Worksheet

You can include or exclude specific columns in the single worksheet.

To update the view of columns in the single worksheet:

1. Go to Compensation or Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration and select the required compensation cycle.
2. In the slide-out panel that opens, click All or the specific manager’s name in the Compensation Manager column for which you want to view
the employees in a single worksheet.
3. Click View in the toolstrip to open the View panel.
4. You can view the default columns in the employee list. If the column you want to view is not visible in the employee list:
a. Click Choose Columns.
b. Update the columns in the Selected list using the arrows in the Column Options dialog box.
c. Click Select.
5. Click Apply.

View Single Worksheet in Multiple Currencies

Before You Begin: By default, the application displays all budget information in your local currency if your local currency was included in the cycle
during configuration. If your local currency was not included, the budget information is instead displayed in the default cycle currency.

You can view the salary information of employees in a currency different from the local currency of the employee and compare the salary information
in the required currency. The Currency button is available in the toolstrip of the single worksheet when you have an organization with multiple
currencies. You can view the single worksheet in all the different currencies configured for the compensation cycle.

To view the single worksheet in the required currency:

1. Go to Compensation or Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration and select the required compensation cycle.
2. In the slide-out panel that opens, click All or the specific manager’s name in the Compensation Manager column for which you want to view
the employees in a single worksheet.
3. Click Currency in the toolstrip and select the required currency in the drop-down list to view the budget data in the selected currency.
4. Clear the Show Employee Local Currency in Worksheet checkbox in the Currency drop-down list of the worksheet toolstrip to convert the local
currency values of the employee to the selected currency in the single worksheet.

Auto-Allocate Budget in Single Worksheet

You can automatically allocate the budget up to 400 employees in a single worksheet based on the configured guideline or percentage. You can also
allocate the budget for the filtered employee list in a single worksheet. If there is more than one pay component in the cycle, the Auto-Allocate button
in the toolstrip displays a drop-down list to select the pay component you want to allocate. Once the budget is allocated, you can adjust the values in
the editable pay component columns of the worksheet.

To auto-allocate budget in the single worksheet:

1. Go to Compensation or Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration and select the required compensation cycle.
2. In the slide-out panel that opens, click All or the specific manager’s name in the Compensation Manager column for which you want to view
the employees in a single worksheet.
3. Click Auto-Allocate in the toolstrip and select the pay component in the drop-down list for which you want to allocate the budget to employees
4. Select one of the following options:
By Guideline: Allocate a portion of the budget to each employee based on the guideline.
Percentage: Enter a value to allocate a portion of the budget to each employee based on the percentage.
For more information, see Auto-Allocate Budget.
5. Click OK.

Note: The Equally option is not available when you click Auto-Allocate in the single worksheet toolstrip.

View Charts in Single Worksheet

You can view the following charts for filtered employees in the single worksheet:

Job Assignment in Salary Range and Performance Rating

Gender Pay Equality 36/102
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Depending on cycle configuration, the worksheet includes one or both charts.

To view charts for employees in the single worksheet:

1. Go to Compensation or Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration and select the required compensation cycle.
2. In the slide-out panel that opens, click All or the specific manager’s name in the Compensation Manager column for which you want to view
the employees in a single worksheet.
3. Click Charts in the toolstrip.
4. Select the required chart in the drop-down list above the chart if more than one chart is configured.

Export Data in Single Worksheet

You can export data in the single worksheet to an Excel file from the Compensation and Compensation Cycle Administration features. Dayforce
exports all employees in the selected organization (not just 400 records). Exporting allows you to review the information and work on allocations
outside Dayforce if needed.

To export single worksheet data:

1. Go to Compensation or Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration and select the required compensation cycle.
2. In the slide-out panel that opens, click All or the specific manager’s name in the Compensation Manager column for which you want to view
the employees in a single worksheet.
3. Click Export in the toolstrip. The application displays a message indicating that the export background job has been queued and that the file
will be delivered to your inbox in Message Center when it’s ready.
4. Download the Excel file, and use the exported data as needed.

View Audit Information in Single Worksheet

You can view the audit information in a tooltip and review the changes for an employee in the single worksheet. The modified field in the worksheet
column shows an audit flag when audit information is available for the employee. You can view the audit information for the following columns:

Pay component allocations

Performance rating

To view the audit tooltip:

1. Go to Compensation or Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration and select the required compensation cycle.
2. In the slide-out panel that opens, click All or the specific manager’s name in the Compensation Manager column for which you want to view
the employees in a single worksheet.
3. Click the audit flag ( ) next to modified values in the worksheet columns to view details about the changes. The tooltip includes information
about who made the changes, percentage or amount values, and when the changes were made.


Enter Comments for Managers in Single Worksheet

You can add comments for managers in the single worksheet by clicking the note icon ( ) next to the manager’s name in the budget summary
section of the single worksheet.

To enter comments for managers in the single worksheet:

1. Go to Compensation or Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration and select the required compensation cycle.
2. In the slide-out panel that opens, click All or the specific manager’s name in the Compensation Manager column for which you want to view
the employees in a single worksheet.
3. Expand the budget summary section of the single worksheet to display the list of managers.

4. Click the notes icon ( ) next to the manager’s name.

5. Enter the comments.
6. Click Post.

Note: If one or more comments were added, the existing notes icon ( ) shows next to the manager's name to indicate comments recorded.

Enter Comments for Employees in Single Worksheet

You can add comments for each employee by clicking the note icon ( ) next to the employee’s name in the single worksheet.

To enter comments for an employee in the single worksheet:

1. Go to Compensation or Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration and select the required compensation cycle.
2. In the slide-out panel that opens, click All or the specific manager’s name in the Compensation Manager column for which you want to view
the employees in a single worksheet.

3. Click the notes icon ( ) next to the employee’s name.

4. Enter the comments. 37/102
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5. Click Post.

Note: If one or more comments were added, the notes icon ( ) shows the number of comments to indicate comments recorded.

Compensation Plan Administration

Before You Begin: Your user role must be assigned access to the Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration feature in the
Features tab of System Admin > Roles.

In Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration, administrators can monitor and take actions for compensation plans assigned
to employees.

The Compensation Plan Administration feature contains two tabs:

Target Bonus Overrides

The Assignments tab shows the following details for your organization's compensation plans:

Assigned employees
Plan start date and end date for employees
Plan eligible from and to dates
Target bonuses for employees

In this tab, you can also filter, view, import and report on records.

The Target Bonus Overrides tab shows the target bonus override details for employees in a compensation plan. In this tab, you can filter, view, add,
edit, and delete target bonus overrides.

The following topics describe how to manage compensation plans assigned to employees from the Compensation Market Data feature in more detail:

Filter Compensation Plan Assignments

View Compensation Plan Assignments and Target Bonus Overrides
Export Compensation Plan Assignment Dates
Import Compensation Plan Assignment Dates
Update Employee Plan Eligibility Dates

Generate Reports
Filter Employee Plan Target Bonus Overrides
Configure Employee Plan Target Bonus Overrides
Edit Target Bonus Overrides for a Single Employee
Edit Target Bonus Overrides for Multiple Employees
Delete Target Bonus Overrides
Export Employee Plan Target Bonus Overrides
Import Employee Plan Target Bonus Overrides

Filter Compensation Plan Assignments

In the Assignments tab of Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration, you can filter compensation plan assignments to
display a limited set of records that are relevant to you without scrolling through the entire list.

To filter compensation plan assignments:

1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration.

2. Click the Assignments tab.
3. Click the Filter button to open the Filter panel.
4. By default, you can filter the compensation plan assignments by eligibility, compensation plan, department, employment status, location, job
assignment, pay group, and employee without any assignment. If the field you want to filter is not displayed in the Filter panel:
a. Click Add Filter.
b. In the dialog box that opens, select the checkboxes for the filters that you want to add.
c. Click Update.
5. Configure the filter parameters.
6. Click Apply Filter.

You can use the Employee Without Any Assignment parameter to filter employee records without any assignments between eligibility dates. This
retrieves employees who have no compensation plans assigned to them or those whose eligibility in the compensation plan for the selected eligibility
dates have ended. When using this parameter, ensure that you do not select any compensation plan, because this displays only those employees
who are currently ineligible for any plan.

View Compensation Plan Assignments and Target Bonus Overrides

In the Assignments tab and Target Bonus Overrides tab of Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration, you can specify the
columns that you view in the list.

To update the view for the employee plan assignments and target bonus overrides: 38/102
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1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration.

2. Click the Assignments tab or the Target Bonus Overrides tab.
3. Click View in the tab's toolstrip. The View panel opens.
4. You can view the default columns in the list. If the column you want to view is not displayed:
a. Click Choose Columns.
b. Update the columns in the Selected list using the arrows in the Column Options dialog box.
c. Click Select.
5. Click Apply.

Export Compensation Plan Assignment Dates

In the Assignments tab of Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration, you can export the employee's assignment dates for
compensation plans. After you export the assignment dates for employees in compensation plans, you can review, modify, and import the exported
file back into Dayforce as needed.

To export assignment dates for employees in compensation plans:

1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration.

2. Click the Assignments tab.
3. Click Export.

When you click Export, the application shows a confirmation message indicating that the export background job was queued and that the file will be
delivered to your inbox in Message Center when it's ready.

Note: If you want to edit and import the exported file, you must modify the dates in the file to YYYY/MM/DD format.

Import Compensation Plan Assignment Dates

In the Assignments tab of Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration, you can import the employee's assignment dates for
compensation plans.

When employees are automatically assigned to compensation plans through compensation groups (defined in the HR Admin > Groups), the
employee’s plan start date in the group is automatically updated to the group creation date when the Group Members Generation background
job runs. Although the employee may be in the compensation plan earlier, their plan start date is displayed as the group creation date. The
Assignments tab allows you to import the correct assignment dates for the employee.

To import assignment dates for employees in a compensation plan:

1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration.

2. Click the Assignments tab.
3. (Optional) In the Import drop-down list, click Create Column Reference to download a reference sheet that provides a description, as well as
the expected format, for each column included in the import template.
4. In the Import drop-down list, click Create Import Template to download a template for the import.
5. In the template, enter the assignment details, and then save the template as a CSV file on your computer. The columns included in this file must
match the columns in the template provided exactly. You must not add or remove columns from the template. Further, each value that you enter
must match the format defined for the associated column in the column reference sheet.
6. In the Import drop-down list, click Import File. The application opens the Import File wizard.
7. Enter a name for the import set in the field provided, and then click Next. This name will appear in the import history.
8. Click Add File and then select the file that you saved on your computer.
9. Click Upload in the wizard to import the assignment details and refresh the data in the Assignments tab. The imported data is displayed on the

Update Employee Plan Eligibility Dates

In the Assignments tab of Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration, you can update the eligibility dates of employees within
the compensation plan period to make employees eligible for a payout earlier or later than their actual eligibility date in the compensation plan.

To update the eligibility dates for employees in a compensation plan:

1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration.

2. In the Assignments tab, filter the required employee records.
3. Click the field in the Eligible From or Eligible To column.
4. Enter or select a new date.
5. Note: You can select an Eligible From date that is before the Plan Start Date, but not after the Plan End Date. You can select an Eligible To date
that is after the Plan End Date, but not before the Plan Start Date.
5. Click Save.

Filter Employee Plan Target Bonus Overrides

In the Target Bonus Overrides tab of Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration, you can filter target bonus overrides for
employees in a plan to display a limited set of records that are relevant to you without scrolling through the entire list.

To filter target bonus overrides:

1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration.

2. Click the Target Bonus Overrides tab. 39/102
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3. Click the Filter button to open the Filter panel.

4. By default, you can filter the target bonus overrides by override effective date, compensation plan, employment status, location, job
assignment, and pay group. If the field you want to filter is not displayed in the Filter panel:
a. Click Add Filter.
b. In the dialog box that opens, select the checkbox next to the filters that you want to add.
c. Click Update.
5. Configure the filter parameters.
6. Click Apply Filter.

Configure Employee Plan Target Bonus Overrides

In the Target Bonus Overrides tab of Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration, you can add new target bonus values or
override the target bonus configured in the compensation plan for employees.

Note: The Target Bonus Override (%) value defined in the employee profile is not used for calculating the target bonus percentage in compensation

To configure the target bonus override for employees in compensation plans:

1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Market Data.

2. Click the Target Bonus Overrides tab.
3. Click Add in the tab’s toolstrip. The Add wizard opens.
4. In the Select Employees tab of the wizard, click Add. The Search dialog box opens.
5. In the Search dialog box:
a. Use the available filters to find the required employees.
b. Select the checkbox next to each employee that you want to add.
c. Click the Add button to move the employees to the Selected Employees list.
d. Click Select. The dialog box closes, and the selected employees are displayed in the Add wizard.
6. In the Add wizard, click Next.
7. Do the following in each field:
Compensation Plan: Select the compensation plan for which you want to add the target bonus override percentage or amount.
Target Bonus Override (%) or Target Bonus Override (Currency): Enter the target bonus override percentage or the amount that you want
to use for the employee. This field displays (%) or (Currency) based on the effective date record of the selected compensation plan.
Effective From: By default, the current date is displayed as the start date for the target bonus override. Use the calendar to select a
different effective from date, if needed.
Effective To: (Optional) Use the calendar to select an end date for the target bonus override.
8. Click Finish. The Add wizard closes and the target bonus override is added to the Target Bonus Override tab for the selected employees.
9. Click Save.

Edit Target Bonus Overrides for a Single Employee

In the Target Bonus Overrides tab of Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration, you can edit the value in the Target Bonus
Override column for individual employees.

Note: If the target bonus overrides for employees in a compensation plan are edited for a published compensation cycle, the edits will not be
reflected in the compensation worksheets unless the employee is deleted and then added back to the compensation plan.

To edit the target bonus override for a single employee in a compensation plan:

1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration.

2. Click the Target Bonus Overrides tab.
3. Filter to find the required employee record.
4. Select the checkbox next to the employee.
5. Click the field in the Effective From and Effective To column and then select a new date. Leave the Effective To field blank, if needed.
6. Note: The target bonus override dates can be outside the plan eligibility dates of the employee.
6. Click the field in the Target Bonus Override column and enter a new percentage value or currency value based on the selected employee
7. Click Save.

Edit Target Bonus Overrides for Multiple Employees

In the Target Bonus Overrides tab of Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration, Dayforce allows you to edit the target bonus
overrides of multiple employees. You can also partially edit the target bonus override details for employees. For example, you could update only the
Effective From dates or only the Effective To dates of target bonus overrides for employees.

Note: If the target bonus overrides for employees in a compensation plan are edited for a published compensation cycle, the edits will not be
reflected in the compensation worksheets unless the employee is deleted and then added back to the compensation plan.

To edit the target bonus overrides for multiple employees in a compensation plan:

1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Market Data.

2. Click the Target Bonus Overrides tab.
3. Filter to find the required employee records.
4. Select the checkbox in the header to select the group of employees in the list. Alternatively, select the checkbox next to the employee records
in the list for which you want to edit the target bonus overrides. 40/102
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5. Click Edit in the tab's toolstrip. The Mass Edit dialog box opens.
6. Do the following for each of the displayed fields, as needed:
Edit Effective From: Select the checkbox to enable the field and then select an effective from date for the target bonus override.
Target Bonus Override (%) or Target Bonus Override (Currency): Select the checkbox to enable the field and then enter a percentage
value or a flat amount value for the target bonus override.
Note: This field displays Target Bonus Override (%) if you selected employee records in a percentage-based compensation plan. This
field displays Target Bonus Override (Currency) if you selected employee records in an amount-based compensation plan. This field is
disabled if you selected employee records in both percentage-based and amount-based compensation plans, or amount-based
compensation plans with different currencies.
Edit Effective To: Select the checkbox to enable the field and then either select the effective to date for the target bonus override or select
the No Effective To date option.
No Effective To date: Select this option to indicate that the target bonus overrides have no end date.
7. Click OK in the Mass Edit dialog box. The application displays a confirmation dialog box.
8. Click OK and the override details are updated for the selected employees in the list.

Delete Target Bonus Overrides

In the Target Bonus Overrides tab of Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration, you can delete an existing target bonus
override record.

To delete target bonus override records:

1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration.

2. Click the Target Bonus Overrides tab.
3. Select the checkbox next to one or more target bonus override records that you want to delete.
4. Click Delete. The selected records are marked for deletion.
5. Click Save.

Export Employee Plan Target Bonus Overrides

In the Target Bonus Overrides tab of Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration, you can export target bonus overrides for
employees in compensation plans. The exported file contains separate columns for compensation plans based on the percentage and amount
values. After you export the records, you can review, modify, and import the exported file into Dayforce as needed.

To export target bonus overrides for employees in compensation plans:

1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration.

2. Click the Target Bonus Overrides tab.
3. Click Export.

When you click Export, the application shows a confirmation message indicating that the export background job was queued and that the file will be
delivered to your inbox in Message Center when it’s ready.

Import Employee Plan Target Bonus Overrides

In the Target Bonus Overrides tab of Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration, you can import target bonus overrides for
employees in compensation plans. The import function allows you to add target bonus overrides for multiple employees in compensation plans.

Ensure the following during an import:

The employee number is valid.

The employee is in the compensation plan during the effective date range of the target bonus override.
Any added or modified dates are in the YYYY/MM/DD format.
The effective date range does not overlap the plan effective dated records with different payout types. For example, percentage and amount, or
amount with different currencies.
The target bonus override (percentage or amount value) field must be based on the plan payout type during the selected effective date range
of the target bonus override.
The effective date range does not overlap multiple target bonus overrides for the same employee in the compensation plan.
If an existing record does not have an Effective To date, the effective date range for the import must fall before this record, or the Effective From
date must be after the Effective From date of the existing record.

To import target bonus overrides for employees in compensation plans:

1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration.

2. Click the Target Bonus Overrides tab.
3. (Optional) In the Import drop-down list, click Create Column Reference to download a reference sheet that provides a description, as well as
the expected format, for each column included in the import template.
4. In the Import drop-down list, click Create Import Template to download a template for the import.
5. In the template, enter the target bonus override details and then save the template as a CSV file on your computer. The columns included in this
file must match the template provided exactly. You must not add or remove columns from the template. Further, each value that you enter must
match the format defined for the associated column in the column reference sheet.
6. In the Import drop-down list, click Import File. The application opens the Import File wizard.
7. Enter a name for the import set in the field provided, and then click Next. This name will appear in the import history.
8. Click Add File and then select the file you saved on your computer. 41/102
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9. Click Upload in the wizard to import the assignment details and refresh the data in the Target Bonus Overrides tab. The imported data shows
on the screen.

Generate Reports
If needed, you can generate a report on the compensation details from the Compensation Cycle Administration feature and the Compensation Plan
Administration feature. The following reports are available:

Compensation Cycle - Worksheet Status: This report uses the Compensation Management topic to display status details for the worksheets in a
compensation cycle.
Compensation Cycle Details: This report uses the Compensation Management topic to display details for your organization's compensation
cycles. It lists all the employees getting rewards under each cycle and includes the different reward types.
Compensation Plan - Employee Target Details: This report uses the Compensation Management topic to display details of the compensation
plans used in your organization's compensation cycles. It lists the salary and target bonus information for all employees who are eligible for a
payout in the compensation plan period.

To run a compensation report:

1. Go to Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration or Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan
2. Do one of the following:
In the Compensation Cycle Administration feature, click the Reports button in the toolstrip.
In the Compensation Plan Administration feature, click the Reports button in the Assignments tab's toolstrip. The application opens the
Reports dialog box.
3. Select the report under Compensation Management in the Report Library section of the dialog box, and then configure the parameters as
4. Click Run. The application opens a dialog box with the report output options.
5. Configure the output options as needed, and then click Run Report.

Once the report is generated, it’s delivered to you in Message Center.

For more information about generating reports from the Reporting feature, see the Ad Hoc Reporting Guide. 42/102
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Compensation Configuration
Before You Begin: Compensation administrators should be assigned access to the Compensation Administration and Compensation Setup features,
and to all associated sub-features in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles. For more information, see Role Features for Compensation.

Configuration for the compensation features in Dayforce is typically done by an administrator who is familiar with compensation systems, the market,
and competitive forces for your organization’s job types and locations. The administrator uses this knowledge when configuring the
Compensation Setup features to ensure that your organization’s compensation needs are met.

For more information about the Compensation Setup feature, see the following topics:

Configure Compensation Guidelines

Configure Reward Letters
Configure Compensation Metrics
Configure Compensation Plans
Configure Equity Setup
Configure Compensation Cycles

If you want to configure your guidelines and compensation cycles to factor in employee performance ratings entered in the Talent screen of People
or in the Performance feature, you must ensure that the Rating Scale role feature is enabled in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles. Ratings
from the Talent screen and Performance are automatically mapped to the selected rating scale for guidelines and compensation cycles. Ideally, you
should use the same rating scale for reviews, guidelines, and compensation cycles in your organization.

For more information about the Rating Scale feature, see “Rating Scale Configuration†in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.

Depending on the needs of your organization, you may also want to add target bonuses for specific jobs or for individual employees. Target bonuses
allow you to create flexible bonus plans with different pay out metrics within your organization. For more information, see Configure Target Bonuses.

Also, if your organization has access to market data (supplied by a third-party survey vendor), you can import it into Dayforce from the Market Pricing
feature. Once imported, you can add this market data to your compensation cycles and then use it for salary benchmarking in your compensation
worksheets. For more information, see Market Pricing Configuration.

Configure Compensation Guidelines

Before You Begin: If you are configuring guidelines based on compa-ratio or range penetration, you must ensure that pay grade and salary range
configuration is completed in the Pay Grade tab of Org Setup > Jobs and Job Assignments. For more information, see “Define Pay Gradesâ€
in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.

Compensation guidelines help managers determine the correct amount to award employees based on specific criteria. This helps to ensure that all
employees are compensated fairly and consistently, according to configuration.

To add a compensation guideline:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Guidelines.

2. Click Add in the toolstrip.
3. In the General section, enter values in each of the fields as follows:
Name: Enter a name for the new guideline. Click outside of the field and the application updates the name in the left-side panel.

Effective From: Enter a date in the field or click the calendar icon ( ) and select a date from the calendar to define when the guideline
will become available in compensation cycles.

Effective To: (Optional) Enter a date in the field or click the calendar icon ( ) and select a date from the calendar to define when the
guideline will no longer be available in compensation cycles.
Description: (Optional) Enter a description for the guideline.
4. In the Criteria section, select one of the following options in the Criteria drop-down list to define the criteria on which the guideline values will
be based:
Performance Rating Vs. Range Penetration: Select this option to configure the guideline values based on both the employee’s
performance rating as well as their salary range penetration.
Performance Ratings Vs. Compa-Ratio: Select this option to configure the guideline values based on both the employee’s
performance rating as well as their compa-ratio value.
Compa-Ratio: Select this option to configure the guideline values based on the employee’s compa-ratio value only.
Performance Ratings: Select this option to configure the guideline values based on the employee’s performance rating only.
5. The application updates the remaining fields in the Criteria section according to your selection.
6. Note: For more information about compa-ratio and range penetration, see How Compa-Ratio and Range Penetration Are Calculated.
5. Configure the remaining fields. Depending on your Criteria selection, the following fields might be displayed:
Performance Rating Scale: Select the rating scale that will be used to define the guideline.
Rating scales are configured in the Rating Scale feature. For more information, see "Rating Scale Configuration" in the Dayforce
Implementation Guide.
Value Type: Define whether the guideline values are displayed as a range or as a single value.
Guideline Type: Define whether the guideline values are displayed as a percentage or as a flat amount. If you select Amount, the
following additional fields are displayed:
Guideline Amount Type: Define whether the guideline amounts will be based on annual salary or hourly rates.
Important: Guidelines configured based on hourly rates cannot be used for bonus pay components. 43/102
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Annual Hours: Define the annual hours that will be used to convert the defined guidelines amounts for salaried or hourly
employees. For example, if you select Annual Salary in the Guideline Amount Type field, the guideline amounts that you enter in the
Guideline Matrix will be based on annual salary. If you have hourly employees in your organization, the defined salary guidelines
will be converted to an hourly rate guideline using the Annual Hours value.
Note: By default, Dayforce populates the Pay Grade - Annualized Hour value in this field if it is configured in the General section
of the Properties tab in System Admin > Client Properties.
Guideline Matrix: Define the matrix values used to calculate the guidelines. For more information, see Configure the Guideline Matrix.
6. Enter a custom message in the Hard Stop Message field. This message is displayed as an error message to managers when they reward
employees outside the defined guidelines and the guideline is not configured to allow override.

7. Enter a custom message in the Soft Stop Message field. This message is displayed as a warning message to managers when they reward
employees outside the defined guidelines and the guideline is configured to allow override.

8. Click Save.

Once saved, the guideline becomes available to you when you are configuring compensation cycles.

If needed, you can delete a guideline by selecting the name in the side-panel, and then clicking Delete in the toolstrip.

Note: You cannot edit or delete a guideline that is already being used in a compensation cycle.

Configure the Guideline Matrix

In the Guideline Matrix section of Compensation Setup > Guidelines, you define a set of guideline values in relation to the criteria that you selected
in the Criteria drop-down list. The following topics describe how to configure the talent matrix for each criteria type in more detail:

Performance Rating Vs. Range Penetration or Performance Ratings Vs. Compa-Ratio Matrix
Compa-Ratio Matrix
Performance Ratings Matrix

By default, the application displays only two rows in the matrix when you select Performance Rating Vs. Range Penetration, Performance Ratings
Vs. Compa-Ratio, or Compa-Ratio in the Criteria drop-down list.

If needed, you can add rows by clicking the add icon ( ) in the last column of the matrix. You can also delete the additional rows by clicking the
delete icon ( ) in the same column.

Each guideline matrix also includes an Allow Override row in which you can define whether managers are permitted to award employees outside of
the defined guideline. Select the checkbox and the manager can award outside of the guideline, as long as they enter a justification for their decision.
For example, the manager can award the employee a 7% increase, even though the guideline only recommends a 2-5% increase, and then enter the
justification that the employee’s performance was beyond what was expected for the role. When the checkbox is cleared, the manager must
follow the guideline that was defined.

Performance Rating Vs. Range Penetration or Performance Ratings Vs. Compa-Ratio Matrix

Before You Begin: Values in the talent matrix are entered either as a percentage or a flat amount, depending on your selection in the Guideline Type
field. For amount-based guidelines, you should ensure that the entered values are reflective of the Guideline Amount Type selection.

When you select Performance Rating Vs. Range Penetration or Performance Ratings Vs. Compa-Ratio in the Criteria drop-down list, the
application displays a table in which you can configure guidelines that factor in both the employee’s compa-ratio, as well as their individual
performance rating. This table includes a Range Penetration or Compa-Ratio column (depending on the selected criteria), as well as performance
rating columns.

In the Range Penetration or Compa-Ratio column, you can define different compensation levels in the guideline based on employees’ range
penetration or compa-ratio.

You define the range for each level of the Range Penetration or Compa-Ratio column by entering a value in the text field, and then selecting an
operator in the corresponding drop-down list. When you enter a value, the row below is automatically populated with that value indicating that the
start of that range level is either greater than, or equal to or greater than, the value that you entered (depending on the operator that you selected).

For example, if you enter 10 for the first level and select the less than operator ( ), the application automatically populates the first value in the next
level as greater than or equal to 10: 44/102
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The Performance Ratings section allows you to specify the guideline values for employees with each performance rating based on their range
penetration or compa-ratio level. The application displays a separate column for each value in the selected rating scale, and each row in these
columns corresponds with one of the range penetration or compa-ratio levels that you configured.

If you selected Range in the Value Type drop-down list, the application displays two fields in each row of the Performance Ratings columns. Enter a
number in each field to define the range for each guideline value for each performance rating and range penetration or compa-ratio level in the

If you selected Single in the Value Type drop-down list, the application displays a single field in each row of the Performance Ratings columns.
Enter a number in each field to define the guideline value for each performance rating and range penetration or compa-ratio level in the matrix:

The following example shows a Performance Rating Vs. Compa-Ratio guideline matrix with two compa-ratio levels and a three-point performance
rating scale. With this guideline matrix, the guideline value would be 5.5% for an employee with a compa-ratio of 12% and a “Goodâ€
performance rating.

Compa-Ratio Matrix

Before You Begin: Values in the talent matrix are entered either as a percentage or a flat amount, depending on your selection in the Guideline Type
field. For amount-based guidelines, you should ensure that the entered values are reflective of the Guideline Amount Type selection.

When you select Compa-Ratio in the Criteria drop-down list, the application displays a table in which you can configure guidelines based on the
employee’s compa-ratio. This table includes a Compa-Ratio column in which you define different compensation levels in the guideline based on
the employees’ compa-ratio, as well as a Guidelines column:

In the Compa-Ratio column, you can define different compensation levels based on compa-ratio by entering a value in the text field, and then
selecting an operator in the corresponding drop-down list. When you enter a value, the row below is automatically populated with that value indicating
that the start of that range level is either greater than, or equal to or greater than, the value that you entered (depending on the operator that you

For example, if you enter 10 for the first level and select the less than operator ( ), the application automatically populates the first value in the next
level as greater than or equal to 10. 45/102
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In the Guidelines column, you define the guideline values that correspond with each compa-ratio level in the matrix. If you selected Range in the
Value Type drop-down list, the application displays two fields in each row of the Guidelines columns and you enter a number in each field to define
the guideline range. If you selected Single in the Value Type drop-down list, the application displays a single field in each row of the Guidelines
columns and you enter a single number in each field.

Performance Ratings Matrix

Before You Begin: Values in the talent matrix are entered either as a percentage or a flat amount, depending on your selection in the Guideline Type
field. For amount-based guidelines, you should ensure that the entered values are reflective of the Guideline Amount Type selection.

When you select Performance Ratings in the Criteria drop-down list, the application displays a table in which you can configure guidelines based
on employee performance ratings. This table includes a Performance Rating column in which the application automatically populates the values
from the selected rating scale, as well as a Guidelines column in which you define the corresponding guideline values:

If you selected Range in the Value Type drop-down list, the application displays two fields in each row of the Guidelines columns and you enter a
number in each field to define the guideline range. If you selected Single in the Value Type drop-down list, the application displays a single field in
each row of the Guidelines columns and you enter a single number in each field.

Localize Compensation Guidelines

If needed, you can localize a guideline by selecting the name in the left-side panel, and then clicking Localize in the toolstrip. The application opens
the Localization - Guidelines dialog box in which you can enter a localized name, description, hard stop, and soft stop message for the required

When you’ve finished configuring the guideline localizations, click Save.

Configure Reward Letters

When the compensation cycle is in the Completed or Approved status, managers can send reward letters to each employee's Message Center. You
can configure several different reward letter templates with customized content. Templates can be attached to different compensation cycles so that
you can provide specific details for the employees receiving the reward.

When you first go to the Compensation Setup > Reward Letter Templates feature, the application displays a system default reward letter template.

You can click Copy in the toolstrip to create a copy of the system default template and then modify the elements to suit your organization’s
needs, or you can create a blank template and then add content.

When configuring reward letters for your organization, you can:

Create Reward Letter Templates

Preview Reward Letter Templates
Add a Company Logo for Reward Letters

Create Reward Letter Templates

To add a reward letter template:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Reward Letter Templates.

2. Click Add.
3. In the General section, enter values in each of the fields as follows:
Name: Enter a name for the new template. Click outside of the field and the application updates the name in the left-side panel.
Description: (Optional) Enter a description of the template.
4. In the Body section, enter the text that will be displayed in the body of the reward letter.
5. Optionally, you can insert one or more tokens (for example, Employee Full Name or Manager First Name) into the body of the reward letter so
that when the manager generates the reward letter, the corresponding information is automatically inserted for the employee. To add a token,
select the name in the Token drop-down list, select the spot in the text where you want to place the token, and then click Insert.
5. In the Footer section, enter the text that will be displayed in the footer of the reward letter. For example, you may want to include information
about the additional company benefits (for example, vacation days or sick days) that are provided to the employee.
6. Optionally, you can insert one or more tokens into the footer text, as described above.
6. Click Save.

Once configured, the list of templates is displayed for the manager in the Schedule and Approvals tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation
Cycles. For more information, see Schedule and Approval.

Preview Reward Letter Templates 46/102
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After you enter the details for the reward letter template in Compensation Setup > Reward Letter Templates, you can download and preview the
template in the pdf format to see how it appears for managers when they select it in the compensation worksheet.

To download and preview a reward letter template:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Reward Letter Templates.

2. Select the template that you want to preview.
3. Click Download Preview in the toolstrip. The application downloads the reward letter in the pdf format

Localize Reward Letter Templates

If needed, you can localize a reward letter template by selecting the name in the left-side panel, and then clicking Localize in the toolstrip. The
application opens the Localization - Reward Letter dialog box in which you can enter a localized name, description, body content, and footer for the
required cultures.

When you’ve finished configuring the reward letter localizations, click Save.

Add a Company Logo for Reward Letters

To include your company’s logo on the reward letters for employees, you must add the image as a compensation logo in Site Setup > Client.
You can only upload one logo to this location. Once uploaded there is no additional configuration required to display the logo.

Important: Supported file types are JPEG and PNG. Do not upload a TIF image, because these are not supported for display in Dayforce.

To add a logo that will be used in compensation reward letters:

1. Go to Site Setup > Client.

2. Click the Images tab.
3. Click Add.
4. Do the following for each of the displayed fields:
Name: Enter a name for the image.
Description: (Optional) Enter a description for the image.
Image Type: Select Compensation Logo. 47/102
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Start Date: Enter the date from which the image will be available to users.
End Date: (Optional) Enter the date after which the image will no longer be available to users.
Comment: (Optional) Enter a comment for the image.
5. In the Image section, select Upload in the Edit Image drop-down list. The application displays the Open window.
6. Select the image that you want to add from your files, and then click Open. Dayforce uploads the selected image file and displays a preview of
it in the Image section.
7. Note: If needed, you can remove the image by selecting Remove in the Edit Image drop-down list.
7. Click Save.

Configure Worksheet Approval Workflows

This section covers the following topics:

System-Defined Worksheet Approval Workflows

Custom Worksheet Approval Workflows
Assign Access to Custom Worksheet Approval Workflows

System-Defined Worksheet Approval Workflows

Before You Begin: The workflows described in this section are used in the Schedule and Approval tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation
Cycles. For more information, see Schedule and Approval.

The following system-defined compensation workflows are listed in the System section of Workflow Administration > Workflow Designer:

Compensation Organization Approval: This workflow is used for compensation cycles that use the Organization Level Submission approval
process. This workflow requires senior managers to approve the worksheets for all their direct reports before they can submit their own
worksheet for approval, ensuring that all worksheets are approved before moving forward. For this approval process, only one level of approval
is required for each worksheet; that is, once approved by the senior manager, it automatically moves to the Pending Final Approval state.
Compensation Worksheet Approval: This workflow is used for compensation cycles that use the Workflow approval process. For this
workflow, each worksheet goes through the approval process independently and senior managers are not restricted from submitting their own
worksheet for approval if the worksheets of the managers below them are still pending. For this approval process, the worksheet must be
approved by a manager at each level of the organization hierarchy before moving to the Pending Final Approval state.
If the Set Top Level Approvals field is defined, the worksheets do not require approval from every level of the hierarchy. In these workflows,
once the worksheet reaches and is approved by a defined top-level approver, it moves to the Pending Final Approval state automatically.

The following screenshot shows the structure of both the Compensation Organization Approval and Compensation Worksheet Approval system-
defined workflows:

The function of each node in these system-defined workflows is described in more detail in the following table:

Node Description
Start The Start node marks the beginning of the workflow (that is, the point when the front-line manager submits their worksheet).
Route To
The Route To All from a List node sends the worksheet to the approver (or approvers, depending on the approval type) using
All from a
the Route to a list member connection in the workflow.
List 48/102
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Node Description

The Decision node allows each approver to either approve or reject the worksheet.

After the first person in the list approves the worksheet, the following occurs for each workflow:

Compensation Organization Approval: The worksheet is sent back to the Route To All from a List node using the Accept
connection then, because the workflow only requires one level of approval, it moves directly to the Approval Notification
node using the End of the list connection.
Compensation Worksheet Approval: The worksheet is sent back to the Route To All from a List node using the Accept
connection, and is then sent to the next person in the list. This continues until each person on the list has approved the
worksheet, and then it finally moves to the Approval Notification node using the End of the list connection.

If the worksheet is rejected at any point, the worksheet is sent to the Rejection Notification node using the Reject connection.

Notification The notification nodes are used to inform the submitter (that is, the front-line manager) that the worksheet was either approved or
rejected. If you do not want the front-line managers to receive approval or rejection notifications, you must select the required
Rejection node and clear the Send To Submitter checkbox in the right side of the screen.

The Observing Class Notification node updates the status of the worksheet based on the decision.
Class Important: As a requirement, each decision (accept or reject) must pass through an Observing Class Notification node in the
Notification workflow. In the properties of this node, the Observer class Type parameter must be set to Compensation Worksheet Approval.
Each Observing Class Notification node should have only one input connection and one output connection.

End The End node marks the completion of the workflow.

Custom Worksheet Approval Workflows

Important: As a requirement, all custom Compensation Worksheet Approval workflows must include an Observing Class Notification node for each
decision (accept or reject). Each of these Observing Class Notification nodes should have only one input connection and one output connection, and
the Observer class Type parameter in the node properties should be set to Compensation Worksheet Approval. You should also ensure that you
use the <<CompensationWorksheet.ManagerName>> token, and not the <<Display Name>> token, when configuring workflow notifications to
include the compensation manager's name.

In Workflow Administration > Workflow Designer, you can create one or more custom worksheet approval workflows to use for approvals in
Compensation. To simplify this process, you can create a copy of the system-defined Compensation Worksheet Approval workflow, and then use
it as a template for your custom workflow. For more information, see System-Defined Worksheet Approval Workflows.

If you want to use a different set of approvers than the one defined by the compensation cycle's organization hierarchy, you can do so by replacing
the Route To All from a List node with the Routing node in the workflow. Once added, you can use the Routing node's properties to define who the
worksheets will be sent to when it's submitted for approval. These properties rely on the organization hierarchy defined in each employee's HR
record, rather than the hierarchy defined in Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles. For example, you can select the Send to Submitter's
Manager checkbox to specify that the worksheet should be sent to the submitter's manager (as defined in their HR record) for approval, even if that
manager is not included in the compensation cycle hierarchy.

For more information about creating custom workflows, see Workflow Administration in the Self Service Guide

Once configured, you must enable your custom workflow for use in compensation by associating it with the Compensation Worksheet Approval
form and parent feature and assigning access for the necessary user roles in Workflow Administration > Role Privileges. For more information, see
Assign Access to Custom Worksheet Approval Workflows.

Note: You can approve or reject the compensation custom workflows on behalf of the manager or if you have delegated access and submit it to the
next manager in the hierarchy or to the delegator’s manager.

Assign Access to Custom Worksheet Approval Workflows

If you create one or more custom worksheet approval workflows, you must add them to the Compensation Worksheet Approval parent feature and
assign access to the necessary user roles to make them available in Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

To enable access to custom workflows:

1. Go to Workflow Administration > Role Privileges.

2. Click Add.
3. Do the following:
In the Parent Feature column, select Compensation Worksheet Approval.
In the Form column, select the Compensation Worksheet Approval form.
In the Workflow column, select the custom workflow that you want to associate with the form.
In the Role column, click the field to open a dialog box in which you can define which roles will have access to the workflow. Click OK to
close the dialog box.
Note: These role privileges only control access to the workflow in Compensation Setup, they do not affect who has approval access for
worksheets in the workflow.
4. Click Save. 49/102
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Once enabled, the workflow is displayed for the selected user roles in the Workflow drop-down list in the Schedule and Approval tab of
Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles. For more information, see Schedule and Approval.

Each workflow is also added as a separate sub-feature under the Compensation Setup > Compensation Worksheet Approval role feature in the
Features tab of System Admin > Roles.

Here, each workflow is displayed as "Compensation Worksheet Approval" because they are all assigned to the same parent feature in Workflow
Administration > Role Privileges. When you add a workflow in Workflow Administration > Role Privileges, the associated sub-feature is
automatically selected for the user roles defined in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles.

Configure Compensation Metrics

Before You Begin: To use the functionality described in this section, your user role must be assigned access to the Compensation Metrics feature
and sub-features under Compensation Setup in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles.

Compensation metrics define the individual and business metrics for an organization and are used to calculate target payouts based on employee

For more information about the Compensation Metrics feature, see the following topics:

Create Metrics Definitions

Copy Metrics Definition
Localize Metrics Definition
Delete Metrics Definition
Import Metrics Data
Filter Metrics Data and Metrics Definitions
Delete Metrics Data

Create Metrics Definitions

Before You Begin: Your user role must be assigned access to the Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics > Metrics Definition feature in the
Features tab of System Admin > Roles.

In the Metrics Definition tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics, you can configure one or more compensation metrics definitions that
can be used for your organization's compensation plans.

To add a metrics definition:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics.

2. Click the Metrics Definition tab.
3. Click Add in the tab's toolstrip.
4. Do the following in each column:
Name: Enter a name for the metrics definition.
Description: (Optional) Enter a description for the metrics definition.
Reference Code: Enter a unique reference code for the metrics definition. Reference codes are used to export data from Dayforce to
other applications.
Note: Do not use special characters such as hyphens in reference codes.
Type: Select the metrics type for the metrics definition. The following options are available in the drop-down list:
Employee Property: Allows you to define metric payouts for a group of employees based on employee properties. Some
organizations use employee properties to track metrics for employees.
Individual: Allows you to define metric payouts for individual employees.
Org Unit: Allows you to define metric payouts for different org levels in Dayforce.
Value: (Optional) Select a value for the metrics definition based on the selected Type option as follows:
For the Employee Property type, select an employee property. This list includes only a limited set of employee properties (based on
the string, boolean and pick list data types) that were configured in the HR Admin > Employee Properties feature. For more
information, see “Create Employee Properties†in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.
For the Individual type, this field is not used.
For the Org Unit type, select the org level for which the metrics is applicable.
Measurement Period: Select a measurement period for the metrics definition. The following options are available:
Annually: Defines the metrics period as annual, or for twelve months.
Monthly: Defines the metrics period as monthly.
Quarterly: Defines the metrics period as quarterly, or for three months.
Semi-Annually: Defines the metrics period as semi-annual, or for six months.
Start Day: Select First Day of the Month or Last Day of the Month as the start day for the metrics definition.
Start Month: (Optional) Select a start month for the metrics definition. This drop-down list is enabled only if you selected the Annually,
Quarterly or Semi-Annually option in the Measurement Period drop-down list.
Active: (Optional) By default, the checkbox is selected, and the metrics definition record is active. If needed, you can clear the checkbox
to set the record as inactive. Only active metrics definition records are available when configuring compensation plans.
5. Click Save.

Copy Metrics Definition

In the Metrics Definition tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics, you can create a copy of an existing metrics definition record.

To create a copy of an existing metrics definition record: 50/102
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1. Go to Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics.

2. Click the Metrics Definition tab.
3. Select the metrics definition record that you want to copy.
4. Click Copy in the tab's toolstrip.
5. Modify the metrics definition details. For more information, see Create Metrics Definitions.
6. Click Save.

Localize Metrics Definition

In the Metrics Definition tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics, you can localize the name and description of metrics definition records
so that users who speak different languages can view the records in their preferred language.

To localize the name and description for a metrics definition record:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics.

2. Click the Metrics Definition tab.
3. Select the metrics definition record that you want to localize.
4. Click Localize in the tab's toolstrip. The application opens the Localize Metrics Definition dialog box.
5. Click Add.
6. Click the field in the Language column, and then select a language in the drop-down list.
7. Click the field in the Name column, and then enter the localized name for the record.
8. (Optional) Click the field in the Description column, and then enter the localized description.
9. Click Save.

If needed, you can create a copy of an existing localized record by selecting it and then clicking Copy in the dialog box. You can then update the
fields as needed instead of creating a new localized record. You can also delete localized records that are no longer needed by selecting them and
then clicking Delete.

Delete Metrics Definition

In the Metrics Definition tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics, you can delete existing metrics definition records.

To delete a metrics definition record:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics.

2. Click the Metrics Definition tab.
3. Select the metrics definition record that you want to delete.
4. Click Delete in the tab's toolstrip. The metrics definition record is removed from the list.
5. Click Save.

Import Metrics Data

Before You Begin: Your user role must be assigned access to Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics > Metrics Data sub-feature in the
Features tab of System Admin > Roles.

In the Metrics Data tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics, you can import data for metrics payouts to calculate bonus payments for
employees in the compensation plan. If needed, you can also import bonus percentages after a compensation cycle is already published to update
the bonus pay for employees in a compensation worksheet.

To import metrics payout data:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics.

2. Click the Metrics Data tab.
3. (Optional) In the Import drop-down list, click Create Column Reference to download a reference sheet that provides a description, as well as
the expected format, for each column included in the metrics data import template.
4. In the Import drop-down list, click Create Import Template to download a template for the import.
5. Enter the metrics information, and then save the template as a CSV file on your computer. The columns included in this file must match the
columns in the template provided exactly; do not add or remove columns from the template. Further, each value that you enter must match the
format defined for the associated column in the column reference sheet.
6. In the Import drop-down list, click Import File. The application opens the Import File wizard.
7. Enter a name for the import set in the field provided, and then click Next. This name will appear in the import history for the metrics data.
8. Click Add File and then select the file that you saved on your computer.
9. Click Upload in the wizard to import the metrics data and refresh the data in the Metrics Data tab. The imported data is displayed on the

Important: The existing metrics data are not deleted on subsequent imports. If any records have the same metric reference code, metric category or
employee number, measurement period start date, and measurement period end date, then the bonus pay value is overridden for the record.

Note: You can override the payouts for an employee by importing the employee number instead of the metric category.

Filter Metrics Data and Metrics Definitions

In the Metrics Data tab and Metrics Definition tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics, you can filter existing metrics data and metrics
definitions to display a limited set of records that are relevant to you. For example, you could filter metrics data to display records created with the org
unit metric category or you could filter metrics definitions to display records created with the employee property type. 51/102
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To filter metrics data or metrics definitions:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics.

2. Click the Metrics Data tab or the Metrics Definition tab.
3. Click the Filter button to open the Filter panel.
4. (Optional) Add filters to the Filter panel as follows:
a. Click Add Filter.
b. In the dialog box that opens, select the checkboxes for the filters that you want to add.
c. Click Update.
5. Configure the filter parameters.
6. Click Apply Filter.

Delete Metrics Data

In the Metrics Data tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics, you can delete an existing metrics data.

To delete metrics data:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics.

2. Click the Metrics Data tab.
3. Select the checkbox next to one or more metrics data records that you want to delete.
4. Click Delete in the tab's toolstrip. The application displays a confirmation dialog box.
5. Click OK to confirm the deletion and remove the metrics data from the list.

Configure Compensation Plans

Configuring compensation plans allows organizations to reward employees based on their contributions by supporting multiple bonus plans for
different groups of employees with different metrics and calculation rules. Compensation plans also track employee eligibility in different bonus plans
for a given period for changes such as employee promotions and transfers.

Compensation plans do not have to be created for every compensation cycle period. You can define multiple effective date records for a
compensation plan. The compensation plan can then be used in compensation cycles to determine bonus payouts. You can create a plan once, and
then reuse it annually, semi-annually, quarterly, or monthly, depending on how frequently bonuses are paid. If there is an update to a compensation
plan for a period, for example, if the bonus factors or some of the payout rules were changed, then you can create an instance of the compensation
plan with new effective dates and updated settings.

Only compensation plans that were configured for the dates within a compensation cycle period can be added to a cycle. Compensation cycles
assign bonus payouts to eligible employees based on the rules configured for the assigned compensation plan.

The following topics describe how to configure compensation plans in more detail:

Create Compensation Plans

Add Effective Date Records for Compensation Plans
Localize Compensation Plans
Delete Compensation Plans

Create Compensation Plans

Before you configure a compensation plan, you must ensure the following:

You have access to the Compensation Plans sub-feature under Compensation Setup in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles.
One or more groups are configured with the Compensation group type in HR Admin > Groups. For more information about configuring groups,
see "Groups Setup" in the HR Administration Guide.
You ran the Group Members Generation background job in System Admin > Background Jobs. This background job enables membership for
employees in compensation groups based on the eligibility criteria configured in HR Admin > Groups. It is a best practice to run this job daily to
keep data synchronized. For more information, see "Group Members Generation" in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.
One or more metrics definition records are configured in Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics. For more information, see Create
Metrics Definitions.

To create a compensation plan:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Compensation Plans.

2. In the Add drop-down list, click Plan. The Add Plan dialog box opens.
3. In the General section, do the following for each field:
Name: Enter a name for the compensation plan.
Description: (Optional) Enter a description for the compensation plan.
Plan Period: Select a period for the compensation plan. The following options are available in the drop-down list:
Annually: This option defines the plan period as annual, or for twelve months.
Monthly: This option defines the plan period as monthly.
Quarterly: This option defines the plan period as quarterly, or for three months.
Semi-Annually: This option defines the plan period as semi-annual, or for six months.
Start Month: Select a start month for the compensation plan period. This drop-down list is enabled only if you selected Annually,
Quarterly, or Semi-Annually in the Plan Period field.
Start Day: Select a start day for the compensation plan period. The following options are available in the drop-down list:
First Day of the Month: Select this option to use the first day of the selected month as the start day for the compensation plan. 52/102
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Last Day of the Month: Select this option to use the last day of the selected month as the start day for the compensation plan.
Note: You can edit the Name and Description fields of the compensation plan at any time, but you cannot edit the Plan Period, Start
Month, or Start Day fields after saving the plan.
4. In the Eligibility section, do the following to add groups of employees to the compensation plan:
a. Click Add.
b. Configure the details of the group using each column as follows:
Groups: Select a group to identify the included employees as eligible for the compensation plan. The drop-down list displays
groups that were configured with the Compensation group type in HR Admin > Groups. For more information, see "Group Setup" in
the HR Administration Guide. After selecting a group, you can click View Members to view all the members in the assigned group, if
needed. You can also export the list to a CSV file by clicking Export in the dialog box.
Note: If an employee moves from one group to another due to promotions or transfers, and as a result, the employee becomes
eligible for another plan, and if this group change occurred earlier than the current date, the group effective dates do not display
the actual date in the past when the change occurred. The dates are only updated when the Group Members Generation
background job runs. This background job checks the employee's eligibility in groups and sets the employee's Effective From date
to the date when the background job runs for the first time after the change occurred. You can use the Compensation Plan
Administration feature to update the dates, if needed.
Effective From: Enter a date in the field or click the calendar icon and select a date from the calendar to define when the group will
be eligible in the compensation plan.
Effective To: (Optional) Enter a date in the field or click the calendar icon and select a date from the calendar to define when the
group will no longer be eligible in the compensation plan.
If needed, you can delete a group by selecting the group and clicking Delete.
5. Click Add. Dayforce closes the Add Plan dialog box and adds the compensation plan to the left-side panel in alphabetical order. The
compensation plan details are displayed to the right.

Note: You cannot delete a compensation plan that is linked to a compensation cycle.

Add Effective Date Records for Compensation Plans

You can create a new instance for a compensation plan as an effective date record. This allows you to configure the waiting period, target payout,
bonus eligible salary, bonus factors, and proration rules in the compensation plan for a period.

To create an effective date record:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Compensation Plans.

2. Select a compensation plan in the left-side panel.
3. In the Add drop-down list, click Effective Date. A new effective date record is added under the compensation plan in the left-side panel and the
configuration fields are displayed to the right.
4. Configure the effective date record details using the available fields. For more information, see Effective Date Fields for Compensation
5. Click Save.

If needed, you can delete the effective date record by selecting it in the left-side panel and clicking Delete. For more information, see Delete
Compensation Plans.

Note: When you create an effective date record, Dayforce automatically ends the previous effective date record with an Effective To date as one day
prior to the new record's Effective From date. You cannot create effective date records with overlapping effective dates. Also, you cannot edit
effective date records (except for the Effective From and Effective To fields) or delete effective date records that are linked to the payout period of a
compensation cycle.

Effective Date Fields for Compensation Plans

Dayforce displays the following fields when you add an effective date record for compensation plans:

Field Configuration Details

General (Section) Defines the general details of the compensation plan instance.

Click the calendar icon and select a date to define when the plan instance will be effective. The calendar
displays months and dates based on the Plan Period, Start Day, and Start Month that you selected for the
compensation plan.
Effective From
For example, if the plan period is quarterly with the start day as first day of the month, and the start month as
January, only the first day in the months January, April, July, and October are available for selection. For a
semi-annually plan period with the start day as last day of the month, and the start month as April, only the
dates 30 or 31 in the months April and October are available.

(Optional) Click the calendar icon and select a date to define when the plan instance will no longer be
Effective To effective. The calendar displays months and dates based on the selected Effective From date. If this field is left
blank, the plan instance displays "No End Date" in the left-side panel once saved. 53/102
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Field Configuration Details

Select the earning codes that will be associated to the effective date record during payroll processing. Earning
Earning Code codes are configured in Payroll Setup. For more information, see “Earning Codes†in the Dayforce
Implementation Guide.

Waiting Period (Section) Defines the waiting period for employees to be eligible for a payout in the compensation plan.

Enter a value and select either Days or Months in the drop-down list to define the waiting period for employees
Waiting Period
to receive a payout in the compensation plan. By default, the waiting period is displayed as Zero Months.

This field applies only if the waiting period is configured to be greater than zero days or months in the plan. In
the drop-drown list, select the rounding rules that determine when an employee becomes eligible to receive a
payout in a plan as follows:

None: Selected by default. No rounding rules are applied to determine when employees should receive a
payout in the plan. The employee becomes eligible for a payout when the waiting period ends.
Start of Month: Dayforce uses the first day of the month when the employee becomes eligible in the
compensation plan (after the waiting period ends) to determine when the employee is eligible to receive
a payout in the plan.
Start of Next Month: Dayforce uses the first day of the month after the employee becomes eligible in the
plan (after the waiting period ends) to determine when the employee is eligible to receive a payout in the
Closest Start of Month: Dayforce uses the first day of the employee eligible start month, or the next
month, depending on whichever is the closest date after the waiting period ends, to determine when the
employee is eligible to receive a payout in the plan. For employees who start in the plan on or before
15th of the month, Dayforce uses the first day of the month for the payout. For employees who start in the
plan after the 15th of the month, Dayforce uses the first day of the next month for the payout.
For example, if the Waiting Period for a compensation plan is set as One Month and an employee starts
End Date Rounding on January 22, the payout date is determined as follows for each End Date Rounding option:
None: The employee is eligible for a payout in the plan on February 22.
Start of Month: The employee’s waiting period is until February 22 and they are eligible to
receive a payout on February 1.
Start of Next Month: The employee’s waiting period is until February 22 and they are eligible to
receive a payout on March 1.
Closest Start of Month: The employee’s waiting period is until February 22 and they are eligible
to receive a payout on March 1.

Note the following:

If an employee moves from one group to another within the same plan, the waiting period remains the
same and is calculated based on when the employee initially started in the plan.
If an employee moves out of the plan, and then becomes eligible for the plan again, the waiting period
rules are applied again based on when they were re-added.
If an employee starts in a plan after the group effective end date, the employee is not considered for a
If an employee starts in a plan but becomes eligible after the waiting period and the Payout Eligibility
Cutoff Date has passed, the employee is not eligible for a payout.

Target Payout (Section) Defines the target bonus details for eligible employees.

Select one of the following options to define the target type:

Percentage of Base Pay: Dayforce considers a percentage of the employee’s annual salary as the
target bonus in the compensation plan. When you select this option, the Target Percentage and Job
Assignment Target Bonus fields are added to the screen.
Target Type Percentage of Total Pay: Dayforce considers a percentage of the employee's total pay in the pay period
as the target bonus in the compensation plan. When you select this option, the Target Percentage,
Eligible Earning Codes, and Job Assignment Target Bonus fields are added to the screen.
Amount: Dayforce considers a flat amount as the target bonus in the compensation plan. When you
select this option, the Target Amount, Currency, and Job Assignment Target Bonus fields are added to
the screen.

Enter a percentage value for the target bonus. You can enter a value of maximum 999%.
Target Percentage
Note: This field is only displayed when the Target Type is selected as Percentage of Base Pay or Percentage of
Total Pay. 54/102
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Field Configuration Details

Select one or more earning codes to calculate the total pay for employees in the payout period based on their
actual earnings. Earning codes are configured in Payroll Setup. For more information, see "Earning Codes" in
Eligible Earning Codes the Dayforce Implementation Guide .

Note: This field is only displayed when the Target Type is selected as Percentage of Total Pay.

Enter a flat amount for the target bonus. You cannot enter a value greater than 9999999999999.99 or a
Target Amount negative value.

Note: This field is only displayed when the Target Type is selected as Amount.

Select the currency for the target amount. You can define system default currencies and exchange rates in the
System Admin > Exchange Rates feature. For more information about the Exchange Rates feature, see
Currency “Configure Exchange Rates†in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.

Note: This field is only displayed when the Target Type is selected as Amount.

Select one of the following options:

Apply: Select this option to apply the target bonus that is set for the employee at the primary job
assignment level. If the job assignment target bonus is blank, the application considers the value entered
in the Target Percentage field to calculate the target bonus for the employee. If an employee’s job
assignment changes in the plan period, a prorated target bonus is calculated for the employee in the
payout period. For more information, see Bonus Pay Component Fields.
Do Not Apply: This option is selected by default and the target bonus set for the employee at the primary
Job Assignment Target Bonus
job assignment level is not used. The target bonus value entered in the Target Percentage field is used if
the Target Type is selected as Percentage of Base Pay or Percentage of Total Pay, by default.
If the Target Type is selected as Amount, this option is disabled, and the target bonus value entered in
the Target Amount field is used by default.

Note: The Target Bonus Override (%) configured in an employee’s profile is not used to calculate the target
bonus for compensation plans. Only job assignment-level target bonuses are used. For more information, see
Add Job Assignment-Level Target Bonuses.

Defines how employee salaries are used for bonus calculations. This section is displayed when the Target Type
Bonus Eligible Salary
is selected as Percentage of Base Pay or Percentage of Total Pay. This section is not displayed when the
Target Type is selected as Amount.

This option is selected by default, if the Target Type is selected as Percentage of Base Pay and uses employee
salaries for the current date as the bonus eligible salary. If an employee is no longer part of the compensation
Use Current Salary plan during the compensation cycle setup, the employee's salary on the last date of the compensation plan is

Note: This option is not displayed if you selected the Target Type as Percentage of Total Pay.

Select this option to calculate employee salaries based on a selected date in the compensation period. When
this option is selected, you must also enter a date and month (without a year) in the Bonus Eligible Salary As of
As of Date Date column for the period. If you select a date which is later than the employee's last date in the plan, the
employee's salary on the last date of the compensation plan is used.

Note: This option is not displayed if you selected the Target Type as Percentage of Total Pay.

Select this option to prorate employees’ salaries if they had a salary change during the plan period for the
compensation cycle. If an employee is not part of a compensation plan for the entire payout period, only the
Prorated by Salary Change salary changes within their time in the plan are used.

Note: This option is not displayed if you selected the Target Type as Percentage of Total Pay.

Select this option to enable the import of bonus eligible salary information from the Budgets tab of the
Import Eligible Salaries
compensation cycle linked to the compensation plan.

Select this option to calculate salaries based on the employees' actual earnings in the payout period.
Total Pay
Note: This option is only displayed if you selected the Target Type as Percentage of Total Pay. 55/102
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Field Configuration Details

Defines the payout eligibility cutoff date and bonus eligible salary as of date used to qualify employees for a
Period Details (Section)

Displays the periods based on the plan period, start day, and start month of the compensation plan. For
Period example, if the plan period is semi-annually, the start day is first day of the month, and the start month is
January, the period is displayed as Jan 1 - Jun 30 and Jul 1 - Dec 31.

Period Type Displays "Plan Period", by default.

Name Format Enter a custom name for the plan period. The plan period is displayed in this field, by default.

Name Preview Displays the name of the period.

(Optional) Click the field in this column and then select a date (without a year) that is within the plan period in
the displayed calendar. Employees who are eligible in the compensation plan on or before the selected date
are eligible for a payout in the period. The year is determined based on the compensation cycle period. If an
employee qualifies for the plan but only becomes eligible after the configured waiting period (including the End
Date Rounding) and this cutoff date has passed, the employee will not receive a payout in the period.
Payout Eligibility Cutoff Date
For example, a quarterly plan period is dated January 1 - April 31 and the payout eligibility cutoff date is March
1. If the waiting period is configured as one month and an employee starts on February 15, 2020, the employee
will be eligible for the plan once the waiting period is completed on March 15, 2020. As the payout eligibility
cutoff date on March 1 has already passed, the employee will not receive a payout for this period. The
application displays a warning message if this date is outside the payout period range.

This column is displayed if the As of Date option is selected in the Bonus Eligible Salary section. Click the field
Bonus Eligible Salary As of in this column and select a date from the calendar (without a year) to use the employee salaries as of this date
Date to calculate bonus for the compensation period. The year is determined based on the compensation cycle
period. The application displays a warning message if this date is outside the payout period range.

Defines the metrics and the different weights and calculation rules that are used to calculate the target bonus
payout. You must enter at least one bonus factor to save the effective date record.

To add a bonus factor in this section, click Add, and then enter the details in each of the available columns
(explained below).

If needed, you can select a record and click Delete to delete it from the list.
Bonus Factors (Section)
You can also select a record and click Localize to localize the name of the direct bonus factor in a different

Note: You cannot localize a metric bonus factor in this section. You must localize metric bonus factors in the
Metric Definition tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics. For more information, see Localize
Metrics Definition.

Select one of the following options:

Direct: This option identifies a bonus factor that is based on a direct value. For example, bonus factor
based on performance.
Metric: This option identifies a bonus factor that is based on a metric defined in the Metric Definition tab
of Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics.

Do one of the following based on your selection in the Type field:

If you selected Direct, enter a name for the bonus factor.

If you selected Metric, select the name of the metric in the drop-down list. These metrics are configured
in the Metric Definition tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics. For more information, see
Create Metrics Definitions.

Enter a value to define the weight of the bonus factor when calculating how much of the target bonus is paid
out. For example, if you enter 40% for a bonus factor based on performance, the application calculates the
payout amount based on 40% of the target bonus amount. You can enter a value that is greater than 100%.
The value should not exceed 999%. 56/102
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Field Configuration Details

Enter a bonus payout percentage for each bonus factor in the effective date record of the compensation plan.
This percentage is automatically awarded to the employee when the configured target is met. This field is
optional when the Allow Edit checkbox is selected.

For a metric bonus factor, this field can be left blank as you can import the bonus payout percentage in
Payout Factor Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics even after the compensation cycle is published. For more
information, see Import Metrics Data.

For a direct bonus factor, this field is required when the Allow Edit checkbox is cleared. The payout percentage
can be greater than 100% and less than 999%. For example, if you configure the bonus payout factor as 150%,
the employee receives 150% of the bonus amount.

Select this checkbox to allow editing the payout factor. When this checkbox is selected for a direct bonus
Allow Edit factor, the Guideline drop-down list is enabled. When this checkbox is selected for a metric bonus factor, the
Guideline drop-down list is not enabled.

Select the guideline that you want to use for the bonus factor. Guidelines can be selected for direct bonus
factors. Guidelines are not currently available for metric bonus factors.
This list only displays guidelines that were configured in Compensation Setup > Guidelines with the Percent
guideline type. Flat amount guidelines are not displayed.

Defines the proration rules used in effective date records of the compensation plan to pay employee bonuses.
If multiple proration rules are applicable for an employee, the priority is considered in the following order.
Proration Rules (Section)
1. Prorate by Eligibility
2. Prorate for New Hire
3. Prorate for Inactive Periods

Select this checkbox to calculate the employee’s proration factor for a plan based on their eligible period in
the plan. If waiting period is configured, then the date when the employee became eligible for the plan is used
instead of the plan start date.
Prorate by Eligibility
This proration rule is calculated for the employee after the waiting period ends, and the employee becomes
eligible for a payout. The employee's eligible date is calculated after deducting the waiting period from the
employee's plan start date. This is also applicable if the employee moves into the plan in the middle of the
payout period.

Select this checkbox and the application calculates the proration factor for new hires based on the number of
days that they worked during the payout period from their hire date.
Prorate for New Hire
When the Prorate by Eligibility and the Prorate for New Hire checkboxes are selected, and if an employee is
eligible in a plan before the hire date, then the proration factor will be calculated based on the eligible days in
the payout period and the hire date will not be displayed.

Select this checkbox and the application calculates the employee's proration factor based on their inactive
periods in the payout period. When you select the Prorate for Inactive Periods checkbox, the application
Prorate Inactive Periods
displays the Prorated Inactive Periods drop-down list from which you can select the employment statuses that
identify inactive periods for employees in your organization.

Localize Compensation Plans

In Compensation Setup > Compensation Plans, you can localize the name and description of compensation plans so that users who speak different
languages can view the records in their preferred language.

To localize the name and description of a compensation plan:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Compensation Plans.

2. Select the compensation plan that you want to localize in the left-side panel.
3. Click Localize in the toolstrip. The application opens the Localize - Compensation Plan dialog box.
4. Click Add.
5. Click the field in the Language column and then select a language in the drop-down list.
6. Click the field in the Name column and then enter the localized name for the compensation plan.
7. (Optional) Click the field in the Description column and then enter the localized description for the compensation plan.
8. Click Save.

If needed, you can create a copy of an existing localized record by selecting it and then clicking Copy in the dialog box. You can then update the
fields as needed instead of creating a new localized record using the Add button. You can also delete localized records that are no longer required 57/102
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by selecting them and then clicking Delete.

Delete Compensation Plans

Before You Begin: Ensure that the compensation plans or effective date records are not in use.

In Compensation Setup > Compensation Plans, you can delete compensation plans and effective date records, if needed.

To delete a compensation plan or an effective date record:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Compensation Plans.

2. Select the compensation plan or the effective date record under the compensation plan that you want to delete from the left-side panel.
3. Click Delete in the toolstrip. The application displays a confirmation dialog box.
4. Click OK to confirm the deletion and remove the compensation plan from the list or the effective date record from the compensation plan.

When you delete a compensation plan, any effective date records configured for the compensation plan, employee plan assignments, and target
bonus overrides will also be deleted.

Configure Equity Setup

Equity setup helps you define the type of equity that your organization awards employees. For example, stocks. You can allocate equity as cash.
Equity setup enables you to define the vesting schedules as needed. Vesting schedules allow employees to earn their equity over a specified period.
In the Equity Setup sub-feature, you can enter the details of the vesting period and when employees can avail their equity.

The following topics describe how to configure equity setup:

Create Equity Types

Localize Equity Types
Delete Equity Types
Create Vesting Schedules
Localize Vesting Schedules
Delete Vesting Schedules

Create Equity Types

Before You Begin: Your user role must be assigned access to the Equity Setup sub-feature under Compensation Setup in the Features tab of System
Admin > Roles.

In the Equity Types tab of Compensation Setup > Equity Setup, you can configure your organization's different types of equity to award employees.

To add an equity type:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Equity Setup.

2. In the Equity Types tab, click Add. A record is added in the left-side panel, and the configuration fields are shown to the right.
3. In the General section, do the following:
a. Name: Enter a name for the equity type.
b. Allocation Type: Select Cash in the drop-down list. This allows you to allocate currency values to employees.
c. Reference Code: Enter a unique reference code for the equity type. Third-party equity systems will use this code to identify the equity
awarded to employees.
d. Note: Do not use special characters such as hyphens in reference codes.
d. Active: (Optional) By default, the checkbox is selected, and the equity type is active. If needed, you can clear the checkbox to set the
record as inactive. Only active equity types are available when configuring equity pay components for compensation cycles.
e. Description: (Optional) Enter a description for the equity type.
4. Click Save. The equity type is added to the left-side panel in alphabetical order.

You can use the Active/All switch to toggle between active equity types and all equity types.

Note: You can edit equity types by clicking the record in the left-side panel and editing the details on the right even after the compensation cycle is
published. The changes will be shown in the compensation worksheets.

Localize Equity Types

In the Equity Types tab of Compensation Setup > Equity Setup, you can localize the name and description of equity types so that users can view the
records in their preferred language.

To localize the name and description of an equity type:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Equity Setup.

2. In the Equity Types tab, select the equity type in the left-side panel that you want to localize.
3. Click Localize in the tab's toolstrip. The application opens the Localization - Equity Type dialog box.
4. Click Add.
5. Click the field in the Language column, and then select a language in the drop-down list.
6. Click the field in the Name column, and then enter the localized name for the record.
7. (Optional) Click the field in the Description column, and then enter the localized description.
8. Click Save. 58/102
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If needed, you can create a copy of an existing localized record by selecting it and then clicking Copy in the dialog box. You can then update the
fields as needed instead of creating a new localized record. You can also delete localized records that are no longer required by selecting them and
clicking Delete.

Delete Equity Types

In the Equity Types tab of Compensation Setup > Equity Setup, you can delete an existing equity type.

Note: You cannot delete an equity type that is linked to a compensation cycle.

To delete an existing equity type:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Equity Setup.

2. In the Equity Types tab, select the equity type in the left-side panel that you want to delete.
3. Click Delete in the tab's toolstrip. The application displays a confirmation dialog box.
4. Click OK to confirm the deletion and remove the equity type from the list.

Create Vesting Schedules

Before You Begin: Your user role must be assigned access to the Equity Setup sub-feature under Compensation Setup in the Features tab of System
Admin > Roles.

In the Vesting Schedules tab of Compensation Setup > Equity Setup, you can configure multiple vesting schedules to define the period for employees
in the organization to receive their equity. The vesting schedule is associated with the equity type in the Pay Components tab of Compensation Setup
> Compensation Cycles.

To add a vesting schedule:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Equity Setup and click the Vesting Schedules tab.
2. Click Add. A record is added in the left-side panel, and the configuration fields are shown to the right.
3. In the General section, do the following:
a. Name: Enter a name for the vesting schedule.
b. Reference Code: Enter a unique reference code for the vesting schedule. Third-party equity systems will use this code to identify the
vesting schedule for equity.
c. Note: Do not use special characters such as hyphens in reference codes.
c. Active:(Optional) By default, the checkbox is selected, and the vesting schedule is active. If needed, you can clear the checkbox to set
the record as inactive. Only active vesting schedules are available when configuring equity pay components for compensation cycles.
d. Description:(Optional) Enter the detailed explanation for the vesting schedule.
4. Click Save. The vesting schedule is added to the left-side panel in alphabetical order.

You can use the Active/All switch to toggle between active vesting schedules and all vesting schedules.

Note: You can edit the vesting schedule by clicking the record in the left-side panel and editing the details on the right even after the compensation
cycle is published.

Localize Vesting Schedules

In the Vesting Schedules tab of Compensation Setup > Equity Setup, you can localize the name and description of vesting schedules so that users
can view the records in their preferred language.

To localize the name and description of a vesting schedule:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Equity Setup.

2. Click the Vesting Schedules tab.
3. Select the vesting schedule in the left-side panel that you want to localize.
4. Click Localize in the tab's toolstrip. The application opens the Localization - Vesting Schedule dialog box.
5. Click Add.
6. Click the field in the Language column, and then select a language in the drop-down list.
7. Click the field in the Name column, and then enter the localized name for the record.
8. (Optional) Click the field in the Description column, and then enter the localized description in the Description field.
9. (Optional) Click the field in the DescriptionText column and enter the localized text for the vesting schedule description.
10. Click Save.

If needed, you can create a copy of an existing localized record by selecting it and then clicking Copy in the dialog box. You can then update the
fields as needed instead of creating a new localized record. You can also delete localized records that are no longer required by selecting them and
clicking Delete.

Delete Vesting Schedules

In the Vesting Schedules tab of Compensation Setup > Equity Setup, you can delete an existing vesting schedule.

Note: You cannot delete a vesting schedule linked to an equity type for the compensation cycle.

To delete an existing vesting schedule:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Equity Setup.

2. Click the Vesting Schedules tab. 59/102
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3. Select the vesting schedule in the left-side panel that you want to delete.
4. Click Delete in the tab's toolstrip. The application displays a confirmation dialog box.
5. Click OK to confirm the deletion and remove the vesting schedule from the list.

Configure Rounding Rules

Before You Begin: Your user role must be assigned access to the Rounding Rules sub-feature under Compensation Setup in the Features tab of
System Admin > Roles.

The Rounding Rules feature helps you define rules to round equity allocations (amount and quantity) for employees in your organization’s
compensation cycle. For example, you can define rules to round an equity allocation of $2446.75 to a specific number based on a rounding
increment and rounding method. The application rounds the amount to $2000 if you set the rounding increment as 500 and the rounding method as
Round Down.

After defining the rounding rules, you can assign them to a compensation cycle for rounding equity allocations in compensation worksheets. You can
round equity allocations to specific cash or quantity values in compensation worksheets.

The following topic describes how to configure rounding rules:

For more information, see Create Rounding Rules.

Create Rounding Rules

In Compensation Setup > Rounding Rules, you can configure rules to round equity allocations for employees in a compensation cycle.

To add a rounding rule:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Rounding Rules.

2. Click Add in the toolstrip.
3. In the General section:
a. Name: Enter a name for the rounding rule.
b. Description: (Optional) Enter a description for the rounding rule.
c. Rule Type: Select the type of rule to round equity rewards in the drop-down list.
Cash: The rounding rule applies to cash allocations in the base currency value of the compensation cycle.
Quantity: The rounding rule applies to the quantity of equity allocated in the compensation cycle.
d. Active: By default, the checkbox is selected, and the rounding rule is active. You can clear the checkbox if you don’t want the
rounding rule to be available when configuring equity pay components for compensation cycles.
4. In the Details section, click Add to configure the details for the selected rule type.
For the Cash rule type, do the following in each column:
Allocation Currency: Select one or more currencies for which the rounding rule applies. For equity rewards, the base currency of
the compensation cycle is the allocation currency.
Employee Pay Type: Select one or more pay types for which the rounding rule applies.
For the Cash and Quantity rule type, do the following in each column:
Rounding Method: Select the rounding method for the rounding rule:
None: The rounding method is not applicable. If you select this option, the Rounding Increment column is disabled.
Round Down: Rounds equity allocations or quantity down to the multiple of the rounding increment.
Round Up: Rounds equity allocations or quantity up to the multiple of the rounding increment.
Round Nearest: Rounds equity allocations or quantity up or down to the nearest multiple of the rounding increment.
Rounding Increment: Select the rounding increment to apply the rounding method:
For the Cash rule type, the options are 0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, and 1000. For example, if
you selected the rounding method as Round Up and the rounding increment as 500, when the equity allocation is $850, the
application rounds up the amount to $1000.
For the Quantity rule type, the options are 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, and 100. For example, if you selected the rounding method as
Round Down and the rounding increment as 10, when the quantity of equity is 28, the application rounds down the quantity to
Display Precision: Select the number of decimal places to show the rounded equity values. The options are from 0 (##) to 5
(##.#####). For example, to show equity amounts in two decimal places, select 2 (##.##).
5. Click Save.

Note: You can edit a rounding rule even after it is linked to a published compensation cycle. You cannot delete a rounding rule that is linked to a
published compensation cycle.

Configure Compensation Cycles

Note: Managers who were purged from Dayforce in the Data Management Center feature are identified by a user ID number rather than their name
in compensation cycle screens. Replacing their name with an ID number ensures that information about budgets and allocations are preserved, while
still purging the manager’s private information to address the data minimization requirements of the European Union's (EU) General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information about purging data in Dayforce, see “Personal Data Management Administration†in the
Dayforce Implementation Guide.

You can add and configure compensation cycles in the Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles feature of Dayforce.

To add a compensation cycle, click Add in the toolstrip. The application adds the cycle in the left side panel. 60/102
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Once added, you can configure the compensation cycle using the tabs provided. The application displays the tabs in the order that you should
complete them, however, you can navigate between the completed tabs as needed to update data that you previously entered.

Each of these tabs is outlined in more detail in the following sections:

Management Assignments
Pay Components
Worksheet Setup
Schedule and Approval


In the Details tab, you enter the general information for the compensation cycle.

This tab is divided into sections in which you can enter the compensation cycle details as follows:

General: Enter the general details of the compensation cycle using the available fields as follows:
Name: Enter a name for the compensation cycle.
Compensation Period: Enter a start date and end date using the From and To date fields.
Performance: Define whether performance ratings are used in the compensation cycle, and how they are populated if they are used. For more
information, see Define How Performance Ratings Are Used.
Market Data: Select the market data set that will be used for the compensation cycle. This drop-down list includes the data sets that were
configured in Market Pricing > Compensation Market Data. When you select a data set, the application adds the Load Market Data button to
the toolstrip so that you can load the associated data before publishing the compensation cycle. For more information, see Load Market Data
for Compensation Cycles.
Reward History Data: Select one or more reward history data files that you want to show for employees in the worksheet. This drop-down list
includes the reward history data files that were configured in Reward History Setup > Reward History Data and have effective dates that
overlap with the compensation period dates.
Currencies: Define the currencies that will be included in the compensation cycle. For more information, see Define Cycle Currencies and
Exchange Rates.
Note: When you generate the org structure for the compensation cycle in the Organization tab, only employees who have a pay group
associated with one of the selected currency types are included.

Define How Performance Ratings Are Used

In the Details tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles, you can define how performance ratings are populated in the compensation
cycle. This is done using the Rating drop-down list in the Performance section of the tab. The following options are available in the Rating drop-
down list:

Do Not Include: The compensation cycle will not include performance data for employees.
Include from Selected Review cycles: The compensation cycle retrieves performance data from the specified review cycles. The application
displays the following additional configuration fields for this option:
Review Cycles: Select one or more review cycles from which the application will retrieve performance data for employees. The
application displays review cycles that were configured in both Performance Setup > Review Cycles (if enabled) and HR Admin >
Performance Cycle. These review cycles are filtered in the drop-down list as follows:
Performance Review Cycles: Review cycles from Performance are displayed if their start date or end date falls within the defined
compensation period.
HR Review Cycles: Review cycles configured in HR Admin are displayed if their start date is in the same month as the
compensation cycle’s start date, and the end date is in the same month or after the end date of the compensation period.
Filtering the review cycles ensures that employees are compensated based on current performance reviews that were conducted during
the compensation period.
Performance Rating Scale: Select the global rating scale that will be used to display performance ratings in the compensation cycle.
Employee ratings are displayed using this global scale, even if the review cycle used a different scale, so that all ratings are displayed
consistently. In this list, only rating scales that are active during the defined compensation period are displayed.
Note: For performance reviews completed in the Talent screen of People, the ratings entered for employees in the Rating field are
mapped to the rating scale selected for the compensation cycle. As of Release 56, Service Pack 1, you are no longer required to rate
employees on a scale of 1 to 100 for review cycles that are configured in HR Admin and then completed in Talent.
Require Justification: Select or clear the checkboxes to define whether managers are required to enter a justification for incomplete
performance reviews (from the Performance feature) when submitting worksheets that use performance-based guidelines. The following
options are available:
For Performance Reviews Pending Manager Submission: Select this checkbox and managers have to enter a justification for
employees whose performance review form is in the Pending Manager Submission state.
For Performance Reviews Pending Approval: Select this checkbox and managers have to enter a justification for employees whose
performance review form is in the Pending Approval state. This option is only available when the For Performance Reviews Pending
Manager Submission checkbox is selected.
By default, each of these checkboxes is selected and a warning message is displayed to managers in the Submit dialog box for each
employee that requires justification. When one or both checkboxes are cleared, the application displays an informational message in the 61/102
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Problems panel for incomplete performance reviews but does not require managers to enter a justification before submitting their
Enter in Worksheets: Managers can manually enter performance ratings for their employees in their compensation worksheets. The
application displays the following additional configuration field for this option:
Performance Rating Scale: Select the rating scale that will be used when managers assign ratings for employees in their worksheets. In
this list, only rating scales that are active during the defined compensation period are displayed.

Define Cycle Currencies and Exchange Rates

Before You Begin: You can define system default currencies and exchange rates in the System Admin > Exchange Rates feature. When defined,
these values are displayed as options in the Currencies section of the Details tab (described below). If you don’t use the Exchange Rates
feature, the application displays all currencies associated with the organization’s pay groups as options in the Currencies section instead. For
more information about the Exchange Rates feature, see “Configure Exchange Rates†in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.

You can configure your organization’s compensation cycles to include more than one currency type. This is useful if your organization has offices
in more than one country, or if you have virtual employees who are paid in a different currency than the rest of the organization.

To define the currencies and exchange rates used in the compensation cycle:

1. Go to the Currencies section of the Details tab in Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.
2. In the Currency drop-down list, select the currency that will be used when displaying budgets in the compensation cycle.
3. If your organization uses more than one currency type, you can add those currencies and define the exchange rates for each in the Exchange
Rates list. Click Add.
4. Click the Currency column and then, in the drop-down list, select the currency that you want to add.
5. If an exchange rate was defined for the selected currency in System Admin > Exchange Rates, that information is populated in the Exchange
Rate column by default. If there is no exchange rate defined, the application displays N/A in the Exchange Rate column.
5. (Optional) If needed, you can retrieve past exchange rates by selecting a date in the Exchange Rates As Of field. When you select a past
date, the exchange rates are updated to reflect the exchange rates from that date.
6. If an exchange rate is not defined for the currency, or optionally, if you want to override the default exchange rate, enter a custom exchange
rate in the Override column.
7. Repeat steps 3 to 5 to include additional currencies in the compensation cycle.
8. (Optional) Click the Lock Exchange Rates button to ensure that if the rates change at a later date, the current rates will be preserved. When
you click Lock Exchange Rates, the fields in the Exchange Rates list are no longer editable, and the button changes to Unlock Exchange
Rates. You can click this button to unlock the exchange rates if needed.
9. Important: When you unlock exchanges rates, the rates are reloaded, and you must regenerate the Budgets tab to reflect the current rates.


Note: Dayforce only considers the primary work assignment of employees when determining eligibility for a Compensation cycle.

In the Eligibility tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles, you can define which employees are included in the compensation cycle using
a number of different eligibility qualifiers. You can create multiple qualifier sets and define criteria for each of the qualifier sets to qualify employees
when generating the organization for a compensation cycle. When you configure multiple eligibility qualifier sets for a compensation cycle, employees
are qualified when they satisfy all of the criteria in any of the sets. For more information, see How Eligibility is Determined for Compensation

Important: You cannot add, edit, copy, or delete eligibility qualifiers after a compensation cycle is published.

To configure an eligibility qualifier set:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

2. Click the Eligibility tab. The Default qualifier set is displayed with the Employment Statuses criterion set to Active by default.
3. Do one of the following:
To update the Default qualifier set, continue to step 4.
To add a qualifier set, click Add in the tab's toolstrip. A new blank set is added in the left-side panel and the configuration fields are
displayed to the right.
4. Configure the qualifier set details using the available fields:
Name: Enter a name for the eligibility qualifier set. The entered name is displayed in the left-side panel.
Description: (Optional) Enter a description for the eligibility qualifier set.
5. In the Criteria section, do the following to add criteria to the qualifier set:
a. Click Add in the Criteria section.
b. Select a criterion in the Criteria drop-down list. Once a criterion is selected, it is not available in the list for selection. This ensures that
each criterion is added only once in a set.
c. Select an operator in the Operator drop-down list. An operator is displayed for the selected criterion, by default. You can change the
d. Select one or more values for the selected criterion in the Values drop-down list. For more information, see Eligibility Criteria and
6. Click Save.

Note: If needed, you can copy qualifier sets within a compensation cycle, or from one cycle to another when creating a cycle.

Eligible Employees by Pay Type 62/102
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If your organization includes both hourly and salaried employees, you can use the Pay Types criteria to define which types of employees will be
included in the compensation cycle.

Note the following when including hourly employees in your compensation cycle:

If the cycle includes one or more hourly employees whose pay rates are determined by a scheduled background job (for example, Base Rate
Recalc), manager allocations associated with the compensation cycle may be overridden by the scheduled background job.
Compensation doesn’t currently support posting bonus pay components to Payroll for employees with the Hourly pay type. To handle
these bonuses, you can export the data from Compensation and then manually import it into Payroll after making any necessary adjustments.
Payroll doesn’t currently support retroactive salary changes for employees with the Hourly pay type, so any retro changes from
Compensation to Payroll are handled for future earnings only. If you are using WFM, you must run retro changes for hourly employees from that


Before You Begin: You must configure the Details and Eligibility tabs before you can generate the org structure in this tab.

In the Organization tab, you define which managers are responsible for each employee in a compensation cycle. When you go to the tab and click
Generate, the application creates an organization structure based on the hierarchy defined for your organization.

Employees who are paid in at least one of the cycle currencies and who match the qualifiers defined in the Eligibility tab are included in this
generated organization. Employees who match the eligibility criteria but who are paid in a currency other than those defined for the cycle in the
Details tab are excluded. The application displays a message in the Problems panel identifying each of these excluded employees.

You can click the arrow next to each manager’s name in the organization structure to view both their direct and indirect reports. For each
manager with direct reports, the application displays a Directs row with a count of the employees that they directly manage.

These are the employees that will be included in the manager’s worksheet, and for whom the manager is directly responsible when allocating
budget. If any of these direct reports are also managers, they are included in another expandable row with all of their own direct and indirect reports,
and so on.

If needed, you can adjust the generated organization structure using the Add, Move, and Delete buttons in the Organization tab toolstrip. The
following topics describe each of these actions in more detail:

Add Employees to the Organization

Move Employees within the Organization
Delete Employees from the Organization

When updating the organization hierarchy, you can do the following, if needed:

Add an employee to a worksheet for which their peer (an employee who reports to the same manager) is the compensation manager.
Add a manager to a worksheet for which their direct or indirect report is the compensation manager.
Add a manager to their own compensation worksheet as an employee.

Dayforce displays a warning for each of these scenarios but allows you to continue and save the assignments.

If there are one or more employees without a manager in the generated organization, or with multiple managers in the organization, they are
displayed in the hierarchy in the Unassigned Employees list:

The Unassigned Employees list also includes any managers who report to one another and therefore have a circular reference to one another in the
hierarchy. In this case, you can move one of these managers under the other in the worksheet or move them both to the top level of the hierarchy
using the Move button in the Organization tab toolstrip.

Regenerate the Organization Structure

If you edit the cycle currencies in the Details tab or the qualifiers in the Eligibility tab at any time during configuration, the application displays a

warning icon ( ) and message in the Organization tab to indicate that the data is no longer current. You can regenerate the organization to reflect
the new eligibility criteria by clicking the Regenerate button in the toolstrip.

Important: When you regenerate the organization structure, any changes that you made manually (that is, adding, moving, or deleting employees)
are lost.

Add Employees to the Organization

Before You Begin: When you add an employee to a worksheet for a manager other than their direct manager, you should ensure that the selected
manager is authorized to view employee data in the worksheet. 63/102
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In the Organization tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles, you can add employees to the organization if they were not originally
included based on the eligibility criteria.

To add an employee to the organization:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles and click the Organization tab.
2. Click Add in the Organization tab's toolstrip. Dayforce opens the Add Employee dialog box.
3. In the Employee drop-down list, select the name of the employee that you want to add. The Employee list is filtered to only display employees
who are not already included in the organization structure.
4. When you select an employee, the application populates the name of their direct manager in the Manager field by default. The manager field
determines on which manager’s worksheet this employee will appear. If the employee’s direct manager is not included in the
organization structure, the Manager field is left blank.
5. If needed, select a name in the Manager drop-down list to add or change the defined manager. The Manager list is filtered to display only
those managers who are already included in the organization structure.
6. When you’ve finished, click OK. The dialog box closes and the selected employee is added to the organization.

Move Employees within the Organization

Before You Begin: When you move an employee to a manager other than their direct manager, you should ensure that the selected manager is
authorized to view employee data in the worksheet.

In the Organization tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles, you can move employees from one manager's worksheet to another. This
is useful, for example, if you have a manager in the list who should not be a compensation decision-maker. You can move all of that manager’s
assigned employees to another manager’s worksheet, and then delete them from the list. You can also use this functionality to move employees
who were placed in the Unassigned Employees list to the correct manager's worksheet in the hierarchy.

Depending on the reporting structure defined for your organization, the Unassigned Employees list might include managers who report to one
another in a circular reporting structure. For example, Robert, Christine, and Hugo are all managers. If Robert reports to Christine, Christine reports to
Hugo, and Hugo reports to Robert, it creates a circular hierarchy because everyone reports to one another as either a direct or indirect report.
Because there is no linear hierarchy for these managers, they are placed in the Unassigned Employees list. In this case, you can use the options in
the Move dialog box to either move these managers to a different manager's existing worksheet or to the top level of the hierarchy (so that their
worksheets are processed independently of one another).

To move one or more employees within the organization:

1. Go to the Organization tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

2. Select the checkbox next to the name of each employee that you want to move.
3. Click Move in the Organization tab toolstrip. The application opens the Move dialog box.
4. Select one of the following options:
Move to Top Level of Hierarchy: The employee will be moved to the top level of the hierarchy and will act as a top-level approver for
their direct and indirect reports.
Note: This option is only enabled for employees who have one or more direct reports in the compensation cycle.
Move to Manager: The employee will be moved to another manager's worksheet. In the drop-down list below this option, select the name
of the manager whose worksheet you want to move the employee to.
Move employees only: Select the checkbox to move only the employees from the current manager to selected manager's worksheet. This
checkbox is shown when you select the Move to Manager option.
5. Click Move. The dialog box closes, and the employee is relocated to the top of the hierarchy or to the selected manager’s worksheet.

Delete Employees from the Organization

In the Organization tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles, you can delete employees from the compensation cycle.

To delete employees from the generated organization hierarchy:

1. Go to the Organization tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

2. Select the checkbox next to the name of each employee that you want to delete.
3. Click Delete in the Organization tab toolstrip.
4. The application displays a confirmation dialog box.
4. Click OK. The dialog box closes and the selected employees are deleted from the organization structure.

Management Assignments

Before You Begin: If an administrator's user role is assigned the Access to All Cycles role feature (under Compensation Administration >
Compensation Cycle Administration) in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles, you don't need to specify management assignments for them in
this tab. Administrators with the Access to All Cycles feature have access to all manager worksheets by default. For more information, see
Compensation Administrator Role Security.

In the Management Assignments tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles, you can configure which compensation administrators have
access to data in your compensation cycles and which managers each of those administrators are responsible for in the organization. This allows you
to limit the responsibilities of your administrators to a smaller group within a large organization, if needed.

When you assign a manager to an administrator in the Management Assignment tab, that administrator is given access to the worksheets for that
manager, as well as any managers that report directly or indirectly to that manager, in the Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle
Administration feature. 64/102
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To configure an administrator's access to managers in a compensation cycle:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

2. Select a compensation cycle in the sidebar.
3. Click the Management Assignments tab.
4. Click Add in the tab toolstrip.
5. Click the field in the Compensation Admin column and select a compensation administrator in the displayed drop-down list. This list includes all
users who are assigned access to the Compensation Cycle Administration feature in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles.
6. Click the field in the Assigned Managers column, and then click the hierarchy button ( ) to open the Assign Managers dialog box. This dialog
box displays the organization hierarchy that you configured in the Organization tab and allows you to see the direct and indirect reports for
each manager that you're assigning.
7. In the Assign Managers dialog box, do one of the following:
To provide the administrator with access to all managers in the compensation cycle, select the All checkbox in the hierarchy.
To provide the administrator with access to only specific managers in the cycle, select the checkbox next to the name of one or more
managers in the hierarchy. If needed, you can search for managers using the following methods:
In the search field, start typing a manager's name and then select them in the filtered list of options.
Click the arrow next to the search field, and then select a manager in the displayed drop-down list.
Click + to expand the hierarchy and then select the checkbox next to a manager's name.
8. Note: When you select a manager, all of the managers under them in the hierarchy are also selected.
8. Click OK. Dayforce adds the manager to the Assigned Managers column.
9. Click Save.

Pay Components

In the Pay Components tab, you add and configure the pay components that will be included in the manager worksheets.

To configure a pay component, click Add in the Pay Components tab toolstrip.

In the Reward Type drop-down list, select one of the following options to define the type of increase that you want to award:

Salary Increase: This reward type is used to increase the employee’s salary.
Bonus: This reward type is used to award a one-time bonus for employees.
Equity: This reward type is used to award equity to employees. This option is displayed only if equity types are configured in the Equity Types
tab of Compensation Setup > Equity Setup.
Important: You can update the equity settings in the Pay Components tab even after the cycle is published.

When you select a reward type in the drop-down list, the application updates the remaining pay component fields to reflect your choice. The following
sections describe the configuration details for each reward type:

Salary Increase Pay Component Fields

Bonus Pay Component Fields
Equity Pay Component Fields

Salary Increase Pay Component Fields

The application displays the following fields when you select the Salary Increase reward type:

Field Configuration Details

Name Enter a name for the pay component.

In the drop-down list, select one of the following options to define the effective date of the reward:

Anniversary Date: Employees become eligible for the increase on their next anniversary date (that is, the anniversary of
Effective their hire date) after the end date of the compensation period.
Date For example, if an employee is hired on May 5, 2015, and the compensation period is January 1, 2017 to December 31,
2017, then the employee will receive the increase from this cycle on May 5, 2018.
Fixed Date: Employees become eligible for the increase on a specific date. When you select this option, the application
also displays a date field in which you can specify a fixed effective date for the pay component.

Select a reason for the salary increase (for example, promotion or cost of living increase).

Allow Lump Select the checkbox and the application displays a lump sum column in the worksheet in which excess amounts are recorded
Sum for employees whose salary or hourly rate increase exceeds the maximum value of their pay range or maximum hourly rate. 65/102
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Field Configuration Details

Before You Begin: You can only select the Allow Promotions checkbox for one pay component in each compensation cycle.

Select the checkbox and the application displays the Promote button in the worksheet toolstrip, which you can use to promote
eligible employees while allocating salary increases in the compensation cycle. For more information, see Promote Employees
in Compensation.
When you select the Allow Promotions checkbox, the Reason Code drop-down list is updated so that only the reason codes
that are associated with both position change and compensation change in HR Admin > Employment Status Reason are
displayed. For more information, see "Create Employment Status Reasons" in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.

Select the guideline that you want to use for the pay component. This list displays guidelines that were configured with either the
Percent or Amount guideline type.

If you select a guideline that uses flat amounts rather than percentages, the application displays a confirmation dialog box
informing you of the following:

Proration will not be applied to allocation amounts using flat amount guidelines.
Managers will be required to enter all allocations for the pay component as flat amounts, rather than as percentages.
The allocate by percentage column will not be displayed for the pay component.
The guideline values will be displayed as flat amounts in each employee's local currency by default.

Click OK to select the flat amount guideline or click Cancel to clear the selection in the drop-down list.

For more information, see Configure Compensation Guidelines.

Display color Select the color that will be used to identify the pay component in the worksheet.

Proration Configure proration rules for the pay component.

(section) Note: Proration rules cannot be used for pay components that use flat amount guidelines.

Select the checkbox and the application prorates employee allocations based on the number of days that each employee was
inactive during the compensation period.

When you select the Prorate for Inactive Periods checkbox, the application displays the Prorated for Inactive Periods drop-
Prorate for down list from which you can select the employment statuses that identify inactive periods for employees in your organization.
Periods When you allocate for an employee in a worksheet, the application deducts the number of days that they had an inactive status
from the total number of days in the compensation period to prorate the allocation amount.

For example, if the compensation period is January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017, and an employee was on leave (inactive) for
three months during the compensation period, they would receive 75% of the allocated amount.

Select the checkbox and the application prorates the allocation for new hires based on the number of days that they worked
during the compensation period.

For example, if an employee is hired on July 1, 2019 and the compensation period is January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019,
then the salary increase for the employee is prorated by 50% because they only worked for half the period.

When you select the Prorate for New Hire checkbox, the application provides you with the following additional options:

Prorate for Past New Hire: Select this checkbox to prorate allocations for employees who were excluded from the previous
compensation cycle because they were new hires at the time. In this case, the application calculates the number of days
that the past new hire worked during the previous compensation period and adds that number to the days worked for the
Prorate for
current cycle when calculating allocations.
New Hire
For example, a past new hire who started on October 1,2018 was excluded from a compensation cycle with the January
1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 compensation period. If the Prorate for Past New Hire checkbox is selected for the next
cycle with the January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 compensation period, allocations for that past new hire will be
prorated at 125% to account for the three months (October 1 - December 31) that they missed out on in the previous
compensation period.
Past New Hire Date On or After: This field is only displayed when the Prorate for Past New Hire checkbox is selected.
Enter a date and any employees who were hired between that date and the start date of the compensation period are
eligible for proration.
For example, if you enter September 1, 2018 in this field and the compensation period is January 1, 2019 to December
31, 2019, any employee hired between September 1, 2018 and December 31, 2018 is eligible for proration. 66/102
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Field Configuration Details

Select the checkbox and the application prorates the increase for employees who already received a salary increase during the
compensation period.

For example, if an employee receives a salary increase on July 1, 2017 and the compensation period is January 1, 2017 to
December 31, 2017, then the salary increase allocated to them during the compensation cycle will be prorated by 50%. This is
because they already received an increase for the first half of the period, so only the second half of the period (after the July 1,
2017 increase) is considered in the compensation cycle.

When you select the Prorate for Last Salary Increase checkbox, the application provides you with the following additional

Last Salary Increase On or After: Enter a date to prorate for any employees who already received a salary increase
Prorate for between that date and the end date of the compensation period. Any salary increases before the selected date are not
Last Salary considered when calculating proration.
Increase Salary Increase Reason Codes: Select one of the following options to define which reason codes (associated with
compensation changes) are considered for proration.
All: This option is selected by default and salary increases associated with any compensation change reason
codes are eligible for proration.
Selected: Select this option and the application displays a drop-down list from which you can select one or more
compensation change reason codes that mark eligible salary increases.

Note the following:

If an employee received multiple increases during the compensation period, the application prorates allocations based on
the latest salary increase and reason code (between the selected date and comp period end date).
If the proration rules include inactive periods, the proration factor is calculated based on the number of inactive days after
the last salary increase date with the specified reason codes.

Budget Define how budget is calculated for the pay component.

(section) Note: This section is only displayed if there are one or more proration rules selected for the pay component.

Apply Select the checkbox and the configured proration rules are applied to each employee's record when generating worksheet
Proration budgets for managers in the Budgets tab. This ensures that budgets are calculated and distributed more accurately for
Rules employees in the cycle.

Bonus Pay Component Fields

The application shows the following fields when you select the Bonus reward type:

Field Configuration Details

Name Enter a name for the pay component.

Select one of the following options to define the effective date of the reward:

Anniversary Date: Employees become eligible for the bonus on their next anniversary date (that is, the anniversary of
their hire date) after the end date of the compensation period.
Effective Date
For example, if an employee is hired on May 5, 2018, and the compensation period is January 1, 2019 to December 31,
2019, then the employee will receive the bonus from this cycle on May 5, 2020.
Fixed Date: Employees become eligible for the bonus on a specific date. When you select this option, the application
also displays a date field in which you can specify a fixed effective date for the pay component.

Select one of the following options to define the source of the bonus reward type:

None: Selected by default. The pay component does not use target bonuses or compensation plans to award
employees in the compensation cycle.
Target Bonus: The pay component uses target bonuses to award employees in the compensation cycle. Target bonuses
are defined as a percentage of the employee’s annual salary and are assigned based on job assignment. For
example, a software developer may have a target bonus of 10%, while a senior developer has a target bonus of 15%.
Target bonuses can also be assigned at the employee level if you want to award a specific employee a higher bonus
than others in the same job assignment. For more information, see Configure Target Bonuses.
Compensation Plans: The pay component uses the rules configured in the compensation plan to award employees.
When you select this option, the Compensation Plan and Payout Period fields are added to the screen.
Note: This option is only displayed if compensation plans are configured in Dayforce. 67/102
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Field Configuration Details

Select a compensation plan for the pay component. This list displays all compensation plans that have at least one effective
date record within the compensation cycle period (configured in the Details tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation

Select the payout period for the selected compensation plan. This list displays the periods configured in the effective date
Payout Period records of the selected compensation plan. The date and month of the payout period depends on the compensation plan
period and the year depends on the compensation cycle period.

Select the earning codes that will be associated with the bonus during payroll processing. Earning codes are configured in
Payroll Setup. For more information, see “Earnings and the Earnings Tab†in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.

If you selected the Source as Compensation Plan, the earning code assigned to the selected payout period in the effective
Earning Code
date record is displayed, by default.

This field is optional and can be defined later, prior to posting the pay component to Payroll. For more information, see Post
Completed Compensation Cycles.

Display color Select the color that will be used to identify the pay component in the worksheet.

Select the guideline that you want to use for the pay component when the Source is selected as None. This list displays
guidelines that were configured with either the Percent or Amount guideline type. However, for flat amount guidelines, only
those configured using the Annual Salary guideline type are displayed for bonus pay components.

For more information, see Configure Compensation Guidelines.

If you select a guideline that uses flat amounts rather than percentages, the application displays a confirmation dialog box
informing you of the following:

Guideline Proration will not be applied to allocation amounts using flat amount guidelines.
Managers will be required to enter all allocations for the pay component as flat amounts, rather than as percentages.
The allocate by percentage column will not be displayed for the pay component.
The guideline values will be displayed as flat amounts in each employee's local currency by default.

Click OK to select the flat amount guideline or click Cancel to clear the selection in the drop-down list.

Note: This field is not displayed if you selected the Target Bonus option in the Source drop-down list because, in that case,
you could define the guideline for each bonus factor individually. Flat amount guidelines are not supported for pay
components that use target bonuses.

Defines how the target bonus is determined for the pay component.
Target Bonus
(section) Note: This section is only displayed if you selected the Target Bonus option in the Source drop-down list for the pay

Use Current Select this option to use the target bonus configured for the employee as of the current date.

Select this option and enter a date in the date field to use the target bonus configured for the employee as of a certain date. 
As of Date
For example, if your organization hands out promotions on a certain date, you may want to use the target bonuses before that
date so that employees are receiving bonuses based on their job assignments during the compensation period. 68/102
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Field Configuration Details

Select this option, and for employees whose target bonus changed during the compensation period, the application prorates
each bonus based on the effective periods, and then adds them together to calculate the total target bonus percentage for
each employee.

For example, if the compensation period is January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017, and the target bonus changes from 5% to
8% during the cycle, the employee’s total eligible target bonus would be calculated as follows:

Period 1 (January 1, 2017- March 6, 2018)

Target Bonus Proration: 65/365 days
Prorated Target Bonus: 5%
Target Bonus Eligible Target Bonus for period: (65/365 days) x 5% = 0.89%
Period 2 (March 7, 2017 - December 31, 2017)
Target Bonus Proration: 300/365 days
Target Bonus: 8%
Eligible Target Bonus for period: (300/365 days) x 8% = 6.58%
Total Eligible Target Bonus: 0.89% (period 1) + 6.58% (period 2) = 7.47%

Similarly, if the bonus eligible salary is prorated by a salary change, the prorated bonuses are calculated for each period
separately and then added together for the total.

Add the bonus factors that will be used to calculate the target bonus payout for the pay component.

To add a bonus factor in this section, click Addand enter the details in each of the available columns (described in more detail

Bonus If needed, you can also import bonus factors for individual employees in the Budgets tab to override the values entered here
Factors for the pay component. For more information, see Import Bonus Factors.
Each bonus factor is displayed for the pay component in the worksheet along with the configured details (weight, payout
factor, and guideline) so that managers can review the payout, and, if the factors are configured to allow editing, modify the

Note: This section is only displayed if you selected Target Bonus in the Source drop-down list for the pay component.

Name Enter a name for the bonus factor.

Enter a value to define the weight of the bonus factor when calculating how much of the target bonus is paid out. For example,
if you enter “40%†for a bonus factor based on performance, the application calculates the payout amount based on
Weight 40% of the target bonus amount.

Note: The combined weight of all bonus factors can equal less than or more than 100%. When the total bonus factor weight
does not equal 100%, the application displays a warning message but does not prevent you from publishing the cycle.

Bonus Enter a bonus payout percentage for each factor. This percentage is automatically awarded to the employee when the
Payment configured target is met. This percentage can be greater than 100% if the employee exceeds the target for that factor.

Select this checkbox to allow managers to edit the payout for the bonus factor in their worksheets. When this checkbox is
Allow Edit
selected, the Guideline drop-down list is enabled.

In the drop-down list, select the guideline that you want to use for the bonus factor. This list only displays guidelines that were
Guideline configured with the Percent guideline type; flat amount guidelines are not displayed.

Note: This field is only enabled if you selected the Allow Edit checkbox.

Proration Configures proration rules for the pay component.

(section) Note: Proration rules cannot be used for pay components that use flat amount guidelines. 69/102
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Field Configuration Details

Select the checkbox and the application prorates employee allocations based on the number of days that each employee was
inactive during the compensation period.

When you select the Prorate for Inactive Periods checkbox, the application displays the Prorated for Inactive Periods drop-
Prorate for down list from which you can select the employment statuses that identify inactive periods for employees in your organization.
Periods When you allocate for an employee in a worksheet, the application deducts the number of days that they had an inactive
status from the total number of days in the compensation period to prorate the allocation amount.

For example, if the compensation period is January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017, and an employee was on leave (inactive)
for three months during the compensation period, they would receive 75% of the allocated amount.

Select the checkbox and the application prorates the allocation for new hires based on the number of days that they worked
Prorate for during the compensation period.
New Hire
For example, if an employee is hired on July 1, 2017 and the compensation period is January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017,
then the salary increase for the employee is prorated by 50% because they only worked for half the period.

Defines how each employee’s salary is determined for bonus calculations.

Use Current
Select this option to use employee salaries as of the current date.

As of Date Select this option and enter a date to use employee salaries as of a certain date. 

Prorated by
Select this option to prorate employees’ salaries if they had a salary change during the compensation period. If their salary
remains the same, the application uses their salary as of the end date of the compensation period.

Select this option to enable the import of bonus eligible salary information in the Budgets tab of Compensation Setup >
Import Eligible Compensation Cycles.
For more information, see Import Eligible Salaries.

Calculations Defines how budget is calculated for the pay component.

Select one of the following options to specify how the total base salary is calculated for the pay component’s budgets:

Current Salary: Select this option to use employee salaries as of the current date to calculate the total base salary for
the cycle.
Bonus Eligible Salary: Select this option to use each employee’s defined bonus eligible salary to calculate the total
base salary for the cycle. When the Source is selected as Target Bonus, the bonus eligible salary that is used is based
Base Salary
on your selections in the Bonus Eligible Salary section for the pay component. When the Source is selected as
Compensation Plan, the bonus eligible salary that is used is based on the Bonus Eligible Salary configured in the
compensation plan.

Note: This section is not displayed when the Source is selected as Compensation Plan configured with a flat amount target

Select the checkbox and the configured target bonuses are applied to each employee's record when generating worksheet
budgets for managers in the Budgets tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.
Apply Target
When the Source is selected as Compensation Plan, the target bonus configured for the selected compensation plan is used
when generating worksheet budgets for managers. If the compensation plan is configured to use job assignment-based target
bonus, Dayforce uses the target bonus defined for the employee's primary job assignment. This field is displayed as selected
and disabled, if the selected compensation plan is based on a flat amount target type. 70/102
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Field Configuration Details

Select the checkbox and the configured proration rules are applied to each employee's record when generating worksheet
budgets for managers in the Budgets tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles. This ensures that budgets are
calculated and distributed more accurately for employees in the cycle.
When the Source is selected as Compensation Plan, the proration rules configured for the selected payout period in the
compensation plan are used to generate worksheet budgets for managers.
Note: This checkbox is displayed if there are one or more proration rules selected for the pay component. It is not displayed if
both the Import Eligible Salaries option in the Bonus Eligible Salary section and the Bonus Eligible Salary option in the
Budget Calculations section are selected.

Select the checkbox and the application allows you to apply the target bonus as funding to all employees in the budgets for
manager worksheets. When you select this checkbox, the Bonus Funding by Employee option shows in the Import drop-down
list in the Budgets tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles. This option allows you to import funding for specific
Apply Funding employees. You can also view the Funding column in compensation worksheets when this checkbox is selected. When you
clear this checkbox, the Budgets by Manager option shows in the Import drop-down list in the Budgets tab of Compensation
Setup > Compensation Cycles.

Note: This field shows and is selected by default when the Apply Target Bonus checkbox is selected.

Equity Pay Component Fields

The application displays the following fields when you select the Equity reward type:

Fields Configuration Details

Name Enter a name for the equity pay component.

Select an equity type for the pay component. This list displays active equity types defined in the Equity Types tab of
Equity Type
Compensation Setup > Equity Setup.

Select the vesting schedule for the equity type. This list displays active vesting schedules defined in the Vesting
Vesting Schedule
Schedules tab of Compensation Setup > Equity Setup.

Expiration Date Enter the date when the grant expires if the employee has not accepted or confirmed receiving the equity.

Grant Date Enter the date when the equity will be given to employees.

Enter the value of the equity on the grant date. You can enter an amount of up to two decimals. When the grant
Grant Price (Currency) price is configured, the compensation worksheet displays the Quantity column indicating the number of units for the
equity award.

Select the rule to round the quantity of equity allocated to employees in the compensation cycle. This list shows
active rounding rules defined with the Quantity rule type in Compensation Setup > Rounding Rules. The Quantity
Quantity Rounding Rule column of worksheets show the rounded quantity of equity based on the selected rule. If needed, you can change
the quantity rounding rule after the compensation cycle is published until it is approved.

Note: This drop-down list shows when you enter a value in the Grant Price (Currency) field.

Select the rule to round equity allocations in the currency value of the compensation cycle. This list shows active
rounding rules defined with the Cash rule type in Compensation Setup > Rounding Rules. You can allocate equity in
Allocation Rounding Rule worksheets based on the rounding increment defined for the selected rule.

Note: This drop-down list shows when you select a cash-based equity type in the Equity Type drop-down list.

Display color Select the color used to identify the equity pay component in the worksheet.

Target Equity (section) Defines the type of target for the equity pay component.

Select the target type from the list:

None: This option is selected by default, and the pay component does not use targets to award equity to
Target Type employees in the compensation cycle.
Flat Amount: Select this option, and the pay component uses a flat amount as the target type to award equity
to employees in the compensation cycle. 71/102
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Fields Configuration Details

Enter the amount for the Flat Amount target type in the currency as configured in the Details tab of Compensation
Amount (Currency) Setup > Compensation Cycles.

Note: This field is displayed only when the Target Type is selected as Flat Amount.

Select the guideline that you want to use for the equity pay component. When the target type is selected as None,
the drop-down list displays guidelines configured with the Amount guideline type. When the target type is selected
as Flat Amount, the drop-down list displays guidelines configured with the Percent guideline type. For more
information, see Configure Compensation Guidelines.

If you select a guideline that uses flat amounts, the application displays a confirmation dialog box informing you of
Guideline the following:

Proration will not be applied to allocation amounts using this guideline.

The pay component will be displayed in the worksheet without the allocate by percentage column.
Managers will be able to allocate using a flat amount only, and guideline values will be displayed as flat
amounts in each employee’s local currency.

Click OK to select the flat amount guideline or click Cancel to clear the selection in the drop-down list.

Defines the proration rules for the equity pay component. This section is displayed when the Target Type is selected
Proration Rules (section) as None or Flat Amount.
Note: Proration rules cannot be used for equity pay components that use flat amount guidelines.

Select the checkbox, and Dayforce prorates employee allocations based on the number of days each employee
was inactive during the compensation period.

When you select the Prorate for Inactive Periods checkbox, the application displays the Prorated Inactive Periods
drop-down list. You can choose the employment statuses that identify inactive periods for employees in your
Prorate for Inactive organization.
When you allocate equity for an employee in a worksheet, the application deducts the number of days they had an
inactive status from the total number of days in the compensation period to prorate the allocation amount.

For example, if the compensation period is January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020, and an employee was on leave
(inactive) for three months during the compensation cycle period, they would receive 75% of the allocated amount.

Select the checkbox, and Dayforce prorates the allocation for new hires based on the number of days they worked
during the compensation period.
Prorate for New Hire For example, if an employee was hired on July 1, 2020 and the compensation cycle period is January 1, 2020 to
December 31, 2020, then the salary increase for the employee is prorated by 50% because they only worked for
half the period.

Budget Calculations
Defines how the budget is calculated for the equity pay component.

Select this checkbox and Dayforce calculates the budget based on the option selected in the Eligible Salary
Percentage of Salary
Note: This field shows when you set the Target Type as None. You cannot select the checkboxes in the Proration
Rules section when this checkbox is cleared.

Select the checkbox, and the configured flat amount is applied to each employee's record when generating
Apply Target Equity worksheet budgets for managers in the Budgets tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

Note: This field shows when you set the Target Type as Flat Amount.

Select the checkbox, and the configured proration rules are applied to each employee's record when generating
worksheet budgets for managers in the Budgets tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles. This ensures
that budgets are calculated and distributed more accurately for employees in the cycle.
Apply Proration Rules
Note: This field shows if the proration rules are selected when the Target Type is set as None and Flat Amount, and
if one or more proration rules are selected for the pay component. This field does not show when the Import Eligible
Salaries option in the Eligible Salary section is selected. 72/102
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Fields Configuration Details

Defines how each employee’s salary is used for equity calculations.

Eligible Salary (section)

Note: This section is displayed when the Percentage of Salary checkbox is selected in the Budget Calculations

Use Current Salary Select this option to use employee salaries as of the current date.

As of Date Select this option and enter a date to use employee salaries on a specific date.

Prorated by Salary Select this option to prorate employees’ salaries if they had a salary change during the compensation period. If
Change their salary has not changed, the application uses their salary as of the end date of the compensation period.

Select this option to import eligible salary information in the Budgets tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation
Import Eligible Salaries Cycles.

For more information, see Import Eligible Salaries.


Before You Begin: Typically, the compensation administrator receives budget approval for the organization before configuring the compensation

In the Budgets tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles, you assign a budget amount to each manager in the compensation cycle.

When you go to the Budgets tab and click Generate, the application displays a budget worksheet with the list of configured pay components and the
org structure that you defined. If compensation plans are configured for the pay components, the budget worksheet is generated based on the bonus
eligible salary configured in the plan period of only eligible employees to determine the total base salary. You can set the budgets for each pay
component in the cycle using the Set Budget option in the toolstrip, and then adjust the amounts as needed for each manager. For more information,
see Set Budgets for Pay Components.

If one or more of the pay components were configured to use imported bonus eligible salary values, the application displays a warning icon ( ) next
to those pay components in the budget worksheet. This warning indicates that you need to import the salaries before continuing. For more
information, see Import Eligible Salaries.

If the Apply Target Bonus checkbox was selected for a pay component, the application displays the Total Base Salary and Total Target Bonus
columns, in addition to the budget percentage and amount fields, in the budget worksheet. It also displays (By Target Bonus) next to the Budget
column to indicate that it's dependent on the configured target bonuses:

If the Apply Target Bonus checkbox was selected for a pay component that is based on a compensation plan configured with a flat amount target
type, the application displays only the Total Target Bonus and Budget (By Target Bonus) columns in the budget worksheet.

If the Apply Target Bonus checkbox was selected for a pay component based on the compensation plan configured with a percentage target type,
the total target bonus is calculated using the job assignment target bonus or target bonus percentage configured in the plan for eligible employees.
You can define target bonus overrides in the Compensation Plan Administration feature, if needed. For more information, see Configure Employee
Plan Target Bonus Overrides.

For these pay components, you can adjust the budget (or funding) for target bonus payouts in the worksheet by entering a new value as a fixed
amount or as a percentage of the total target bonus in the Set Budget dialog box, or you can use the Bonus Funding by Employee import to set the
budget based on custom funding percentages for each employee. For more information, see Import Bonus Funding by Employee.

If the Target Type was selected as None and the Percentage of Salary checkbox cleared for all equity pay components in the compensation cycle,

The Set Budget option in the toolstrip is disabled.

Important: If one of the pay components with the equity reward type in the compensation cycle has the None target type and the Percentage of
Salary checkbox cleared, then that specific pay component is not shown when you click the Set Budget option in the toolstrip.
The Total Base Salary and % columns are not displayed in the budget worksheet.

In this case, you can proceed by selecting the No Budgets Distributed checkbox or using the Import > Budgets by Manager drop-down list in the
toolstrip. You can also enter the budget as a flat amount for each manager in the worksheet.

If the Target Type was selected as None, the Percentage of Salary checkbox and the Import Eligible Salaries option was selected for the equity pay

component; you must import eligible salaries before generating the budget. The application displays a warning icon ( ) next to the pay components 73/102
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in the budget worksheet. Use the Import > Eligible Salaries drop-down list to import eligible salaries. For more information, see Import Eligible

If the Target Type was selected as Flat Amount, and the Apply Target Equity checkbox was selected, the Total Target Equity column is displayed in
the budget worksheet. The total target equity value is calculated and displayed for each manager based on the number of employees and their target
equity. The budget is calculated and displayed as % of the total target equity. When proration rules are configured for the pay component, the
proration factor is calculated and shown with the total target equity. You can set the budget using the Set budget option in the toolstrip or select the
No Budgets Distributed checkbox. If needed, for equity pay components, you can import budgets for managers using the Import > Budgets By
Manager drop-down list in the toolstrip. You can also import target equity for employees using the Import > Target Equity by Employee drop-down list
in the toolstrip.

In the Budgets tab, you can also do the following:

Import Bonus Factors

Import Eligible Salaries
Import Budgets by Manager
Import Bonus Funding by Employee
Import Target Equity by Employee

Note: For compensation cycles that include hourly employees, the application calculates the budget using an annualized salary for these employees.
For more information, see How Salary Is Calculated for Hourly Employees.

Regenerate the Budget

If you edit the information in any of the preceding tabs during configuration, the application displays a warning icon ( ) and message in the
Budgets tab to indicate that the data is no longer current. You can regenerate the data in the tab to reflect changes by clicking the Regenerate
button in the toolstrip.

Important: When you regenerate the budget any changes that you made manually are lost, along with any bonus factors or eligible salaries that you

Set Budgets for Pay Components

Note: Budgets are displayed in the cycle currency that you defined in the Currency drop-down list of the Details tab.

You can define the budget for each pay component in the Set Budget dialog box. Alternatively, you can import the budgets for each manager, which
provides more flexibility when assigning budgets. For more information, see Import Budgets by Manager.

If the Apply Target Bonus and the Apply Funding checkboxes were selected for a pay component, you set the budget by defining the amount (the
portion of the total target bonus) that will be used for target bonus payouts. By default, this budget is set at 100%, but you can update this setting by
entering a value either as a fixed amount or as a percentage of the total target bonus in the Set Budget dialog box. Alternatively, you can use the
Bonus Funding by Employee import to update the distributed budget values based on custom funding percentages for each employee. For more
information, see Import Bonus Funding by Employee.

If the Apply Target Bonus and the Apply Funding checkboxes were selected for the pay component, once you set the budget, the default funding
percentage is set as the budget percentage in the manager worksheet.

To define budgets using the Set Budget dialog box:

1. Go to the Budgets tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

2. Click Set Budget in the tab toolstrip. The application opens the Set Budget dialog box.
3. For each pay component, select an option to define how you want to calculate the budget, and then enter the corresponding value in the text
box as follows:
Fixed Amount: Enter the total budget as a fixed amount. This amount will be distributed to the managers in the organization structure
according to the number of their direct reports.
Percentage of Total Base Salary: Enter a percentage value to set the budget based on that percentage of the total base salary. For
example, if you enter 3% and the total base salary is $333,000 for the organization, the total budget would be $9900, and each
manager’s budget would be set at 3% of their employees’ total salary.
Percentage of Total Target Bonus: Enter a percentage value to set the funding amount for target bonus payouts in the cycle. This value
defines what portion of the total target bonus will be used to fund target bonus payouts in each manager's worksheet. For example, if you
enter 85% as the funding percentage, and the total target bonus is $333,000, the total budget would be set as $283,050, and each
manager’s budget would be set at 85% of their employees’ total target bonus.
Note: This option is only displayed if the Apply Target Bonus checkbox was selected for the pay component in the Pay Components tab.
4. When you’ve finished, click OK. Dayforce updates the budget for the managers in the org structure according to the values that you

If needed, you can set a pay component to not use a budget or to allow managers to exceed their budget by selecting one of the following options in
the list of pay components:

No Budgets Distributed: Select this checkbox to allow managers to allocate salary increases or bonuses based only on guidelines or payout
factors, without a defined budget. When you select the checkbox, any existing budget information in the organization list is cleared. For pay
components that use budget calculations based on target bonuses, the default funding percentage is 100% when the No Budgets Distributed
checkbox is selected.
Important: Imported funding values are not affected, they remain in the worksheet when you select the No Budgets Distributed checkbox. 74/102
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Note: This checkbox is disabled after you import the funding values for employees.
Allow Managers to Exceed Budgets: Select this checkbox to allow managers to exceed their allotted budget when completing their
worksheets. The manager will be asked to enter a justification for exceeding the budget before submitting the worksheet.

Once the budgets are set for the pay components, you can adjust the budgets for individual managers as needed. If you want to allow a manager to
allocate for some of the pay components in the cycle but not others, you can set the budget for those pay components as 0.

Pay components with zero budget are excluded from the manager's worksheet when they open it in the Compensation feature. For senior managers
reviewing the worksheets in the My Organization tab of Compensation, the pay components with zero budget will only be displayed if one or more
of their direct or indirect reports was assigned budget for those pay components.

Note: Managers assigned zero budget for a pay component must be assigned budget for at least one other pay component in the cycle, or at least
one of the pay components must have the No Budgets Distributed checkbox selected.

Import Bonus Factors

Before You Begin: The importing functionality is only available when the cycle is unpublished.

You can define custom bonus factor weights and payout factors for individual employees by importing a spreadsheet with the required values in the
Budgets tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles. These imported values override the bonus factors configured in the Pay
Components tab and are displayed for the employees in their managers’ worksheets. When you upload a new file in the Budgets tab, it
overwrites any data that was previously uploaded.

Important: You cannot import bonus factors for pay components based on compensation plans.

To import bonus factors for individual employees:

1. Go to the Budgets tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

2. In the Import > Bonus Factors drop-down list, click Create Import Template to open a template for the import in Microsoft Excel.
3. Enter the required information and save the list as a CSV file on your computer.
4. Note: The total weight for the bonus factors assigned to each employee can equal less than or more than 100%. You can also enter 0 as the
individual bonus factor weight or total bonus factor weight for employees in the import file.
4. In the Import > Bonus Factors drop-down list, click Import File. The application opens the Import File wizard.
5. Enter a name for the import set in the field provided, and then click Next.
6. Click Add File and select the file that you saved on your computer.
7. Click Upload in the wizard to import the bonus factors and refresh the data in the Budgets tab.

If needed, you can review the files that have been imported by selecting Import History in the Import > Bonus Factors drop-down list. The
application opens a dialog box displaying a list of all the files that have been imported for the compensation cycle.

Note: Once you publish the cycle, the Import > Bonus Factors drop-down list is replaced with the Bonus Factors Import History button in the

Import Eligible Salaries

Before You Begin: This functionality is only available if one or more of the bonus pay components in your cycle are configured to use imported
bonus eligible salaries. For more information, see the “Bonus Eligible Salary†description under Bonus Pay Component Fields. Also, the
importing functionality is only available when the cycle is unpublished.

You import eligible salary information for employees in the Budgets tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles. Once imported, these
salary values are used to calculate the cycle budgets.

If compensation plans are configured for the compensation cycle, the application allows you to import the eligible salaries of only eligible employees
in the plan payout period.

The imported file must include salary information for each employee in the cycle, and the names must match the names displayed in the
Organization tab exactly. If one or more employees are missing, or if their names are entered incorrectly, the import will fail. If you leave the Eligible
Salary column blank in the file, the application records that employee’s salary as zero.

Important: When you upload a new file in the Budgets tab, it overwrites any data that was previously uploaded.

To import eligible salary information:

1. Go to the Budgets tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

2. In the Import > Eligible Salaries drop-down list, click Create Import Template to open a template for the import in Microsoft Excel.
3. Enter the required information and save the list as a CSV file on your computer.
4. In the Import > Eligible Salaries drop-down list, click Import File. The application opens the Import File wizard.
5. Enter a name for the import set in the field provided, and then click Next.
6. Click Add File and select the file that you saved on your computer.
7. Click Upload in the wizard to import the eligible salaries and refresh the data in the Budgets tab.

If needed, you can review the files that have been imported by selecting Import History in the Import > Eligible Salaries drop-down list. The
application opens a dialog box displaying a list of all the files that have been imported for the compensation cycle.

Note: Once you publish the cycle, the Import > Eligible Salaries drop-down list is replaced with the Eligible Salaries Import History button in the
toolstrip. 75/102
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Import Budgets by Manager

Before You Begin: The importing functionality is only available when the cycle is unpublished and when the Apply Funding checkbox is cleared for
budget calculations in the Pay Components tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

You can import budget information for managers in the Budgets tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles. Importing provides you with
more flexibility when assigning budgets, allowing you to calculate each manager's budget outside of Dayforce and then populate that data (including
zero budget values) into the budget worksheet at once.

Pay component names and manager details in the imported file must match the data in the Organization tab exactly. If data is missing or incorrect,
the import will fail. If you want to allocate zero budget for a manager, you must enter 0 for them in the Budget Amount column.

Important: When you upload a new file in the Budgets tab, it overwrites any data that was previously uploaded.

To import budgets for managers:

1. Go to the Budgets tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

2. In the Import > Budgets by Manager drop-down list, click Create Import Template to open a template for the import in Microsoft Excel.
3. Enter the required information and save the list as a CSV file on your computer.
4. Note: You cannot import budgets for pay components that are configured to use target bonus-based budgeting. Budgets for these pay
components must be set manually as a percentage in the Budgets tab.
4. In the Import > Budgets by Manager drop-down list, click Import File. The application opens the Import File wizard.
5. Enter a name for the import set in the field provided, and then click Next.
6. Click Add File and select the file that you saved on your computer.
7. Click Upload in the wizard to import the budgets and refresh the data in the Budgets tab.

Once imported, the application uses the budget values for each manager to calculate the total budget at each level for your organization hierarchy.

If needed, you can review the files that have been imported by selecting Import History in the Import > Budgets by Manager drop-down list. The
application opens a dialog box displaying a list of all the files that have been imported for the compensation cycle.

Import Bonus Funding by Employee

Before You Begin: This functionality is only available if you selected the Apply Target Bonus and the Apply Funding checkboxes for one or more
bonus pay components in the Pay Components tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles. Also, the importing functionality is only
available when the cycle is unpublished.

You can define custom funding percentages for individual employees by importing a spreadsheet with the required values in the Budgets tab of
Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles. The funding percentage defines the percentage of the employee's total target bonus that should be
used in budget calculations. Once the funding is determined for each manager (based on the defined percentage) the amounts are totaled to
determine each manager's worksheet budget. These imported values override calculated budgets in the worksheet.

Important: When you upload a new file in the Budgets tab, it overwrites any data that was previously uploaded.

To import bonus funding for individual employees:

1. Go to the Budgets tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

2. In the Import > Bonus Funding by Employee drop-down list, click Create Import Template to open a template for the import in Microsoft
3. Enter the required information and save the list as a CSV file on your computer.
4. In the Import > Bonus Funding by Employee drop-down list, click Import File. The application opens the Import File wizard.
5. Enter a name for the import set in the field provided, and then click Next.
6. Click Add File and select the file that you saved on your computer.
7. Click Upload in the wizard to import the bonus funding and refresh the data in the Budgets tab to update only the imported employee's
funding percentage.

After you successfully import funding values for employees, the Set Budget option in the toolstrip, the No Budgets Distributed checkbox, and the
manager's budget in the grid are disabled. The Allow Managers to Exceed Budget checkbox remains enabled after importing funding and when the
budget is locked. This checkbox is disabled only when the No Budgets Distributed checkbox is selected.

The Unlock Budgets drop-down list is also enabled in the toolstrip which indicates that the budget for the pay component is currently locked. If
needed, you can select the pay component in the Unlock Budgets drop-down list to delete the imported funding values and reset the budget to
100% of the total target bonus for employees in the worksheet.

You can also review the files that have been imported by selecting Import History in the Import > Bonus Funding by Employee drop-down list.
When you select this option, the application opens a dialog box displaying a list of all the files that have been imported for the compensation cycle.

Note: Once you publish the cycle, the Unlock Budgets drop-down list is disabled in the toolstrip.

Import Target Equity by Employee

Before You Begin: This functionality is only available if equity pay components are configured for the compensation cycle. Also, the importing
functionality is only available when the cycle is unpublished.

In the Budgets tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles, you can import target equity for employees in the base currency. This import
uses the budget currency instead of the employee's local currency. Once imported, these values are used to calculate the cycle budgets. 76/102
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The imported file must include the target amount for each employee in the cycle, and the names must match the names displayed in the Organization
tab exactly. If one or more employee names are entered incorrectly, the import fails. You can enter either the employee’s name or the employee's
number. All employees in the organization need not be included in the import.

When you upload a new file in the Budgets tab, it overwrites any data that was previously uploaded.

To import target equity for employees:

1. Go to the Budgets tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

2. In the Import > Target Equity by Employee drop-down list, click Create Import Template to open a template for the import in Microsoft Excel.
3. Enter the required information and save the list as a CSV file on your computer.
4. In the Import > Target Equity by Employee drop-down list, click Import File. The application opens the Import File wizard.
5. Enter a name for the import set, and then click Next.
6. Click Add File and select the file that you saved on your computer.
7. Click Upload in the wizard to import the target equity for employees and refresh the data in the Budgets tab.

If needed, you can review the files that were imported by selecting Import History in the Import > Target Equity by Employee drop-down list. The
application opens a dialog box displaying a list of all the files that have been imported for the compensation cycle.

Once you publish the cycle, the Import > Target Equity by Employee drop-down list is replaced with the Target Equity by Employee Import History
button in the toolstrip.

Worksheet Setup

Before You Begin: The employee properties that are used as worksheet column options are configured in HR Admin > Employee Properties. For
more information, see “Employee Properties†in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.

In the Worksheet Setup tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles, you can select from a list of standard employee data fields and
employee properties to define which columns are available to managers in their worksheets. Some columns are included in the Selected list by
default, it is recommended that you do not remove them from this list.

Note: This list of column options includes both a Compensation Manager and a Manager option. Compensation Manager displays the name of the
worksheet manager who is responsible for allocating budget to each employee in the compensation cycle. Manager displays the name of the primary
manager assigned to each employee in the HR record.

Important: If needed, you can change all the settings in the Worksheet Setup tab after the cycle is published.

To add a column to the worksheet:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

2. Click the Worksheet Setup tab for the compensation cycle.

3. In the Available list, select a column or employee property that you want to include in the worksheet and then click the right arrow ( ) to move
the item to the Selected list.

4. Note: You can press and hold the Ctrl key to select and move multiple items, or you can click the move all right arrow ( ) to move all items
from the Available list to the Selected list. If needed, you can also move items from the Selected list back to the Available list using the left

arrow ( ) or the move all left arrow ( ).

4. (Optional) In the Selected list, select the Show by default checkbox for the columns to display it by default in your compensation worksheets.
When the Show by default checkbox is cleared for a column, it is still available to managers in compensation worksheets and can be added
from the View panel according to each manager's individual needs.
5. Click Save.

For compensation cycles configured to use market data, note the following:

The Market Hourly Rate 50th Percentile and Market Hourly Salary 50th Percentile columns must be included in your worksheet. If you do not
include these columns, managers can't view market data for their employees.
If your market data set uses experience level as a mapping field, the Experience Level column must be included in your worksheet. If you try to
publish the cycle without including the Experience Level column, the application displays an error message in the Problems panel.

For compensation cycles configured to use reward history data files in the Details tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles, the reward
history data columns are shown with the data file name as the prefix in the Available list.

Note: Employee Number and Currency columns are not shown in the Available list.

The required reward history data columns must be selected from the Available list and moved to the Selected list. In the Selected list, the Show by
default checkbox must be selected for the columns to show by default in the compensation worksheets. You need to include the required columns for
managers to view their employees' reward history data in the worksheets. The columns are shown as a group under the reward history data file in the
worksheet: 77/102
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Worksheet Pay Components

Before You Begin: This section is displayed only for pay components configured with the Equity reward type in the Pay Components tab of
Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

In the Worksheet Setup tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles, you can select the pay component attributes to show in the worksheet
for managers. Managers can see the configured attributes in the Details tooltip in the pay component header of the worksheet column. Compensation
administrators can view the pay component attributes (if configured for the cycle) even if they are not set in this section.

By default, all the attributes are selected for the equity pay component. Click the X to exclude attributes from displaying in the worksheet.

To display the pay component attributes in the worksheet, click the Equity drop-down list and select the attributes you would like to include. The
following options are available:

Grant Date
Grant Price
Vesting Schedule
Vesting Start Date
Expiration Date

The values configured in the Pay Components tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles shows in the worksheet.

You can also leave this field blank if needed.

Worksheet Charts

In the Worksheet Setup tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles, you can select which charts will be displayed for managers when they
open their compensation worksheets.

Select the checkbox next to each chart that you want to include. The following options are available:

Job Assignment in Salary Range and Performance Rating: Provides a visual representation of each employee’s salary range in relation
to their performance rating so that managers can more easily identify the employees who require attention because they are high performers
who are not paid enough, or low performers who are paid too much.
Gender Pay Equality: Provides a visual representation of average compensation based on gender and job assignment so that managers can
more easily identify and address inequality while making compensation decisions for the employees in the worksheet.

For more information, see Manager Worksheet Overview.

Note: To view these charts, managers must be assigned the corresponding role feature access in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles. This
allows you to include the charts in the compensation cycle, and then define which specific user roles have access to each. For more information, see
Role Features for Compensation.


In the Instructions tab, enter the instructions displayed for the different manager levels and roles in the compensation cycle.

The application displays the following sections in which you can enter the instructional text as needed:

Manager Worksheets: Enter the instructions that are displayed to managers when they open their worksheets.
Worksheet Approvers: Enter the instructions that are displayed to approvers when they review a manager’s worksheet.
My Organization Tab: Enter the instructions that are displayed to senior managers in the My Organization tab when they review the
worksheets in their organization.

Schedule and Approval

In the Schedule and Approval tab, you define the allocation schedule and the approval process for the compensation cycle. You can also select the
reward letter template that will be available to managers in the worksheet and, if needed, you can generate a preview of the worksheet for any
manager in the organization. Configure the fields shown in each section of the tab as follows:

Section Field Configuration 78/102
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Section Field Configuration

Allocation Start Date: Enter the date on which managers can begin allocating their assigned budget. On this date, the
application sends all affected managers a notification indicating that their worksheet is now active.

If the cycle is published before the allocation start date, managers can view the details in the worksheet, but they must wait
until the defined start date to allocate their budget.

As an administrator, you may want to publish the cycle early to give managers time to review the worksheet and inform you
of any issues (for example, missing employees) before the allocation start date. This allows you to unpublish the cycle, fix
the issues, and then republish before the start of the allocation period.

Allocation Due Date: Enter the due date for the manager worksheet. Managers should complete the allocations and
submit their worksheets by this date.

Note: The allocation due date is for informational purposes only, the application does not automatically close the cycle after
this date has passed. It’s the compensation administrator’s responsibility to ensure that all worksheets are
completed and that the cycle is locked by this date.

Use Organization Level Submission: When selected, the application uses the Compensation Organization Approval
system-defined workflow for the compensation cycle. This workflow requires senior managers to approve the worksheets for
all of their direct reports before they can submit their own worksheet for approval, ensuring that all worksheets are approved
before moving forward. For this approval process, only one level of approval is required for each worksheet (that is, once
approved by the senior manager, it moves to the Pending Final Approval state automatically).

Workflow: This field is only displayed when the Use Organization Level Submission checkbox is cleared. The Workflow
drop-down list allows you to select a workflow for the compensation cycle; it includes the Compensation Worksheet
Approval system-defined workflow, as well as any additional custom workflows that you've configured for your organization
in Workflow Administration > Workflow Designer, and to which your user role is assigned access in Workflow
Administration > Role Privileges. For more information, see Configure Worksheet Approval Workflows.

When Workflow is selected for a compensation cycle, each worksheet goes through the approval process independently
and senior managers are not restricted from submitting their own worksheet for approval if the worksheets of the managers
Approval below them are still pending. For this approval process, the worksheet must be approved by a manager at each level of the
Process organization hierarchy before moving to the Pending Final Approval state.

Set Top Level Approvals: (Optional) This field is only displayed when the Use Organization Level Submission checkbox
is cleared. Click the Set Top Level Approvals button to open a dialog box in which you can select the users who will act as
the final level of approval for all worksheets below them in the organization hierarchy. This allows you to stop the approvals
at a certain level so that the people at the very top of the hierarchy are not required to approve the worksheets for the entire
organization. Once a worksheet is approved by a defined top-level approver, it moves to the Pending Final Approval state

For more information about worksheet approvals, see Worksheet Approval Process.

Note: Once a worksheet enters the Pending Final Approval state, it's up to the compensation administrator to complete the
approval process by locking and approving the compensation cycle in the Compensation Administration > Compensation
Cycle Administration feature. This process is the same regardless of the approval process selected for the cycle in the
Schedule and Approval tab. For more information, see Post Completed Compensation Cycles. 79/102
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Section Field Configuration

Default Template: In the drop-down list, select the reward letter template that you want to provide to managers in the
compensation cycle. This list includes the system-defined reward letter template, as well as any custom templates that
you've configured. For more information, see Configure Reward Letters.

If you want to configure multiple reward letter templates for the compensation cycle, click + Add and select another reward
letter template in the drop-down list. This list does not show reward letter templates that were already selected.

If you want to download and preview a reward letter template in the PDF format, click the Preview button next to the drop-
down list.

Defining a reward letter template for the compensation cycle is optional, however, if you leave this field blank, the Reward
Letter button does not show in the worksheet for managers. Managers should then communicate reward information to
employees using an alternative method, for example, verbally or through a letter prepared outside of Dayforce.

Section Display Options: Specify which sections show in the reward letter in each column:

Include in Reward Letter: Select the checkbox for each section that you want to include in the reward letter. Clear the
checkboxes to exclude the sections from the reward letter. When cleared, the corresponding checkbox under the
Include in Total Reward column is cleared and disabled.
Include in Total Reward: Select the checkbox for each section that you want to include as part of the total reward in
the reward letter. Clear the checkboxes to exclude the sections from the total reward and show the sections
separately in the reward letter. For equity pay components, the checkboxes show if the grant price is configured.

Reward Letter Note: The salary increase section is selected and included in the reward letter as part of the total reward, by default.

Bonus Details Display Options: Specify the options that you want to show in the reward letter under the Bonus Details

Show Bonus Details: Select the checkbox to show the bonus details section in the reward letter.
Show Bonus Factors: Select the checkbox to show the configured bonus factors in the reward letter. This checkbox is
enabled if you selected the Show Bonus Details checkbox.
Show Weight and Payout Factor: Select the checkbox to show the weight and the payout value configured for each of
the bonus factors in the reward letter. This checkbox is enabled if you selected the Show Bonus Factors checkbox.

Equity Details Display Options: Specify the option that you want to show in the reward letter under the Equity section:

Show Vesting Schedule: Select the checkbox to show the configured vesting schedule details in the Equity Details
section of the reward letter.

Note: This section shows for pay components configured with the Equity reward type.

Reward Letter Delivery Options: Specify how you want to send reward letters to employees:

Allow delivery through Message Center: Select the check box to allow sending reward letters to employees’
Message Centers. The Send Reward Letter option shows in the Reward Letter dialog box in compensation
worksheets only if you select this checkbox. For more information, see Send Reward Letters.

Important: You can update all the reward letter settings after the cycle is published.

Manager: In the drop-down list, select the name of the manager whose worksheet you want to view and then click Preview.
Preview The application generates a preview of the selected manager’s worksheet.

Note: The Preview functionality is only available while the compensation cycle is unpublished.

You can edit the reward letter configurations even after the compensation cycle is published and the changes are shown in the approved
compensation cycles.

Localize Compensation Cycles

If needed, you can localize the information in the Details, Pay Components, and Instructions tabs of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

The following topics describe how to enter localized content in each of these tabs in more detail:

Localize Compensation Cycle Details

Localize Pay Components
Localize Bonus Factors
Localize Compensation Cycle Instructions

Localize Compensation Cycle Details

To localize the name and description for a compensation cycle:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles. 80/102
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2. Select the compensation cycle that you want to localize.

3. Click the Details tab.
4. Click Localize in the toolstrip. The application opens the Localization - Details dialog box.
5. Click Add.
6. Click the field in the Language column, and then select a language in the drop-down list.
7. Click the field in the Name column, and then enter the localized compensation cycle name.
8. (Optional) Click the field in the Description column, and then enter the localized description.
9. Click Save.

Localize Pay Components

To localize the details for a pay component in a compensation cycle:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

2. Select the compensation cycle that you want to localize.
3. Click the Pay Components tab.
4. Select the pay component that you want to localize.
5. Click Localize in the toolstrip. The application opens the Localization - Pay Components dialog box for the specific pay component that you
6. Click Add.
7. Click the field in the Language column, and then select a language in the drop-down list.
8. Click the field in the Name column, and then enter the localized pay component name.
9. (Optional) Click the field in the Description column, and then enter the localized description.
10. Click Save.

If your pay component uses target bonuses, you can also localize each individual bonus factor. For more information, see Localize Bonus Factors.

Localize Bonus Factors

To localize the bonus factors for a pay component:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

2. Select the compensation cycle that you want to localize.
3. Click the Pay Components tab.
4. Select the bonus factor that you want to localize.
5. Click Localize in the toolstrip above the Bonus Factors list:

7. The application opens the Bonus Factor dialog box for the specific bonus factor that you selected.
6. Click Add.
7. Click the field in the Language column, and then select a language in the drop-down list.
8. Click the field in the Name column, and then enter the localized bonus factor name.
9. Click Save.

Localize Compensation Cycle Instructions

To localize the instructions displayed in compensation worksheets:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

2. Select the compensation cycle that you want to localize.
3. Click the Instructions tab.
4. Click Localize in the toolstrip at the top of the screen. The application opens the Localization - Instructions dialog box.
5. Click Add.
6. Click the field in the Language column, and then select a language in the drop-down list.
7. Click each column, and then enter and format the localized instructions in the rich text editor below the list.
8. Click Save.

Compensation Plans for Compensation Cycles

Before You Begin: To complete this process, you must have one or more compensation plans configured with effective date records that are within
the compensation cycle period. The org structure must be generated for the cycle to determine eligible employees for the compensation plan in the
Organization tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles. For more information, see Organization.

You can assign compensation plans to compensation cycles in the Pay Components tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles. When you
add a new pay component and select the Bonus reward type, Dayforce displays the Source field. Select Compensation Plans as the source, and
additional fields are displayed where you can select a plan, payout period, and so on for the compensation cycle. For more information, see Bonus
Pay Component Fields. 81/102
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Once the plan is selected, budgets can be generated based on the target bonus and bonus eligible salary configuration for the compensation plan.
For more information, see Budgets.

Load Market Data for Compensation Cycles

Before You Begin: You must generate the organization and budget for the compensation cycle before loading market data. When you regenerate
the organization or budget, any previously loaded market data is removed.

When you select a market data set in the Details tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles, the application adds the Load Market Data
button to the feature toolstrip. You can click this button before publishing the cycle to load the market data values in the compensation worksheets for
your cycle, based on the mapping criteria defined by the market data definition.

After loading the market data, the application displays a View Loaded Market Data link in the Market Data section of the Details tab.

You can click this link to download a CSV file that provides you with the mapping details for each employee in the cycle.

If Experience Level is defined as a mapping field, managers will have to assign their employees an experience level in the worksheet before the
associated market data is displayed. Once the compensation cycle is completed, the experience levels are saved for the employees so that when
you click Load Data for future compensation cycles, the market data is loaded automatically based on those saved experience levels.

You can reload the market data by clicking the Load Market Data button again before or after publishing the compensation cycle. Reloading the data
ensures that your cycle is using the most recent version of the market data in case of updates in Market Pricing > Compensation Market Data.
However, once the cycle is approved in Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration, the Load Market Data button is no
longer enabled.

Important: When you click Load Market Data, any previously loaded market data is overwritten.

Publish Compensation Cycles

Note: Publishing a compensation cycle creates a snapshot of the employee data. Any changes to employee data after publishing are not reflected in
the manager worksheets, with the exceptions of performance ratings, attendance records, and unexplained absences.

When you publish a compensation cycle, the associated worksheets are made available to the assigned managers in Compensation. These
managers can view the details of their assigned worksheets but they must wait until the configured start date to allocate their budget. If possible, you
should publish the cycle well before the allocation start date to give managers time to review the worksheet and inform you of any issues (for
example, missing employees) before the start of the allocation period. This allows you to unpublish the cycle, fix the issues, and then republish
without interrupting the cycle.

Publishing the cycle also makes it available to compensation administrators in the Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle
Administration feature. Here, they can monitor the cycle’s progress, modify the organization and budgets, as well as lock, approve, and post to
HR or Payroll. For more information, see Administrator Experience.

The application displays all warnings and errors in the Problems panel at the top of the screen. Before you can publish the cycle, you must resolve
these existing errors. If needed, you can export the list to make it more manageable. Click the down arrow in the Problems panel, and select Export:

The application generates a spreadsheet listing all of the issues in the compensation cycle.

When all of the errors are resolved, click Publish in the toolstrip. The application publishes the compensation cycle and sends a notification to all
affected managers informing them that the worksheet is now available for review, and that they can begin allocating their budget on the configured
allocation date. Further, the application displays the published icon ( ) next to the cycle’s name in the compensation cycle, and the Publish
button changes to Unpublish in the toolstrip. You can click Unpublish at any time to unpublish the compensation cycle and update the details of the

Important: When you unpublish a cycle, any allocations completed in the worksheets are lost.

If the cycle includes one or more hourly employees whose pay rates are determined by a scheduled background job (for example, Base Rate
Recalc), the application displays a warning message when you publish, indicating that the manager allocations associated with the compensation
cycle may be overridden by the scheduled background job.

Copy Compensation Cycles

You can create a copy of an existing compensation cycle in Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

To create a copy of an existing compensation cycle:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

2. Select the compensation cycle that you want to copy.
3. Click Copy. The Copy dialog box opens. 82/102
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4. Select the checkbox for each tab that you want to copy from the existing cycle.
5. Click Copy. The dialog box closes, and the new compensation cycle is added in the sidebar.
6. Complete the remaining configuration for the new compensation cycle.
7. Note: Outdated information is not included when you copy an existing compensation cycle. For example, Compensation Period in the Details
tab, Effective Date and As of Date in the Pay Components tab, Allocation Start Date, Allocation Due Date and Set Top Level Approvals in the
Schedule and Approval tab are not copied from the existing cycle. You must enter any missing or outdated information.
7. Click Save.

Delete Compensation Cycles

Before You Begin: You can only delete unpublished compensation cycles. 

To delete a compensation cycle:

1. Go to Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

2. Select the compensation cycle that you want to delete.
3. Click Delete in the toolstrip. The application displays a confirmation dialog box.
4. Click OK to confirm the deletion and remove the cycle from the list.

Configure Target Bonuses

Configuring target bonuses for your organization allows you to create flexible bonus plans with different payout metrics. This allows you to create
incentive plans for your employees to ensure that you are rewarding them when they meet their targets and that you are effectively retaining talent.

Target bonuses are defined as a percentage of the employee’s annual salary and are used when adding payout metrics to bonus pay
components in compensation cycles.

In general, target bonuses are assigned to employees based on their job assignment, however, you can override the job assignment-level target
bonus for individual employees. Each of these methods are described in the following sections:

Add Job Assignment-Level Target Bonuses

Add Employee-Level Target Bonuses

You can see an employee’s assigned target bonus by opening their employee card, and then clicking View in the Target Bonus field of the Pay

Add Job Assignment-Level Target Bonuses

To set a target bonus at the job assignment level:

1. Go to Org Setup > Jobs and Job Assignments.

2. In the sidebar of the Jobs and Job Assignments tab, select the job assignment that you want to add a default target bonus for. When you select
a job assignment, the corresponding details are displayed on the right side of the screen.
3. In the Compensation Details section, enter the value of the target bonus in the Default Target Bonus (%) field.
4. Click Save.

You can also use the import and export functionality in Org Setup > Jobs and Job Assignments to import target bonuses for multiple job
assignments at once. The bonuses are defined in the Target Bonus field of the CSV file used in this process. For more information about the job
assignment import process, see “Import Org Information†in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.

Add Employee-Level Target Bonuses

You may have employees who require a different target bonus (for example, if you negotiated a higher bonus based on individual performance). In
these cases, you can override the job assignment-level target bonus for the affected employees.

To set a target bonus at the employee level: 83/102
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1. Go to People, open the employee profile, and click Employment > Employment, Compensation and Policy Settings.
2. In the Employment Status tab, in the Compensation and Hours section, Dayforce displays the Target Bonus Override (%) field, along with a
read-only Default Target Bonus (%) field containing the employee’s job assignment-level bonus value (if defined) for your reference:

3. In the Target Bonus Override (%) field, enter the custom target bonus for the employee.
4. Click Save.

If the job assignment-level target bonus is updated, the read-only value is updated in the profile, but the employee will continue to receive the value
entered in the Target Bonus Override (%) field. The new job assignment-level value will only be used if the override value is deleted.

You can also import employee-level target bonuses using the TargetBonusOverride token in the HR Import. For more information, see the HR
Import Interface Specification.

Market Pricing Configuration

Before You Begin: Access to the functionality described in this section is controlled by the Market Pricing feature and sub-features in System Admin
> Roles. For more information about the access provided by each of these role features, see Role Features for Compensation.

The Market Pricing feature allow you to import market data (supplied by a third-party survey vendor) into Dayforce. Once imported, this data can be
used for salary benchmarking in compensation cycles, allowing you to compare each employee's salary or hourly rate with the market rate for similar
jobs at other companies. This information can help managers ensure that they're providing employees with a competitive rate when allocating
budgets in their compensation worksheets.

You configure and import market data in the Market Pricing sub-features, each of which is described in more detail in the following sections:

Experience Levels
Market Data Definitions
Compensation Market Data

Experience Levels

Before You Begin: Configuring experience levels is optional and is only required if your organization uses experience levels to map market data to
employees in compensation worksheets.

In Market Pricing > Experience Levels, you can define the experience levels used in your organization's compensation worksheets. When experience
level is used as a mapping criterion, managers will have to assign one of the configured levels to each employee to load the applicable market data
in their worksheets.

The following sections describe how to add and maintain the list of experience levels in more detail:

Add Experience Levels

Localize Experience Levels
Deactivate Experience Levels

Note: The experience levels entered in compensation worksheets are not currently tracked in employee profiles and do not directly correspond with
the years of experience an employee has in their job assignment.

Add Experience Levels

In Market Pricing > Experience Levels, you define the experience levels that are used for employees in compensation worksheets. If you want to view
market data based on these experience levels, you should ensure that they correspond with the experience levels used by your market data service

To add an experience level:

1. Go to Market Pricing > Experience Levels.

2. Click Add.
3. Do the following in each column:
Sort Order: (Optional) Enter a number to define the sort order for the experience level in relation to the other levels in the list.
Name: Enter a name for the experience level. This name is displayed in the Experience Level drop-down list in compensation worksheets.
Description: (Optional) Enter a description for the experience level. This description is displayed in a tooltip when you click the help icon (

) next to the Experience Level drop-down list in compensation worksheets. This description helps managers determine which
experience level is appropriate, so it is best practice to provide a useful description.
Country: (Optional) Click the field and select a country in the drop-down list. When a country is specified, the experience level is only
displayed for employees if the physical location of their primary work assignment has the same country code. 84/102
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Active: By default, the checkbox in this field is selected and the experience level is active. If needed, you can clear the checkbox to set
the experience level as inactive. Only experience levels that are marked as active are displayed for employees in your compensation
Reference Code: Enter a unique reference code for the experience level. Reference codes are used to export data from Dayforce to
other applications.
Note: Do not use special characters such as hyphens in reference codes.
4. Click Save.

If needed, you can create a copy of an existing experience level by selecting it and then clicking Copy. You can then update the values in each field
as needed, rather than creating a new level using the Add button. You can also delete experience levels that are no longer needed by selecting them
in the list and clicking Delete.

Note: Once an experience level has been selected in a compensation cycle, it can no longer be deleted. However, you can deactivate it so that it can
no longer be selected, by clearing the checkbox in the Active column.

Localize Experience Levels

If needed, you can localize the name and description for experience levels so that users who speak different languages in your organization have
access to this information when managing experience levels in Market Pricing > Experience Levels, and when assigning experience levels to
employees in compensation worksheets.

To localize experience levels:

1. Go to Market Pricing > Experience Levels.

2. Select the experience level that you want to localize.
3. Click Localize in the toolstrip. The application opens the Localization - Experience Level dialog box.
4. Click Add.
5. Click the field in the Language column, and then select a language in the drop-down list.
6. Click the field in the Name column, and then enter the localized name for the experience level.
7. (Optional) Click the field in the Description column, and then enter the localized description.
8. Click Save.

If needed, you can create a copy of an existing localization by selecting it in the list and then clicking Copy. You can then update the fields as
needed, rather than creating a new localization using the Add button. You can also delete localizations that are no longer needed by selecting them
in the list and clicking Delete.

Deactivate Experience Levels

If you no longer need an experience level, you can set it as inactive in Market Pricing > Experience Levels. Inactive experience levels are removed
from the Experience Level drop-down list in compensation worksheets. Inactive experience levels remain in the worksheets in which they were
already selected, however, they are no longer available when assigning new experience levels.

To set an experience level as inactive:

1. Go to Market Pricing > Experience Levels.

2. Clear the checkbox in the Active column for the experience level that you want to deactivate.
3. Click Save.

You can change the status back to active at any time by selecting the checkbox in the Active column.

Market Data Definitions

Market data definitions allow you to specify which data is included in market data imports, and how that data is mapped for employees in your
compensation worksheets. You can configure one or more market data definitions (based on the needs of your organization) in Market Pricing >
Market Data Definition.

When creating market data definitions, you should ensure that you include a dedicated column for all of the data that you want to import from your
market survey vendor. If you are using data from multiple survey vendors, you can combine the data in a single import file as long as each column in
the import file is represented in the data definition.

The following topics provide more detail about adding and maintaining market data definitions for your organization:

Add Market Data Definitions

Edit Market Data Definitions
Localize Market Data Definitions

Note: Currently, only the columns for the 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles are used in compensation worksheets. When available, this data is
displayed in the market data distribution graph for each employee. The 50th percentile values are also displayed in the Market Hourly Rate 50th
Percentile or Market Hourly Salary 50th Percentile columns in the worksheet. You can include other percentile columns in the data definition if
needed, however, this data is not displayed in the worksheet.

Add Market Data Definitions

In Market Pricing > Market Data Definition, you can configure one or more market data definitions for your organization.

Important: If you're planning on using a definition to import market data for a compensation cycle, you must ensure that one or both of the Hourly
Rate - 50% and Salary - 50% columns are included. If you don't include at least one of these columns, the imported data will not be accepted when 85/102
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configuring compensation cycles in Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

To create a market data definition:

1. Go to Market Pricing > Market Data Definition.

2. Click Add.
3. In the General section, do the following in each field:
Name: Enter a name for the market data definition. This name is displayed in the Data Definition drop-down list in Market Pricing >
Compensation Market Data. For more information, see Add Compensation Market Data Sets.
Description: (Optional) Enter a description for the market data definition.
4. In the Columns section, define the columns that will be used to import market data as follows:
a. In the Available list, select the columns that you want to include.
b. Click the move right arrow to move the columns to the Selected list.
c. Note: If needed, you can remove columns that are not included by default by selecting them in the Selected list and then clicking the
move left icon. You can also add or remove all columns at once by clicking the move all left or move all right icon.
c. (Optional) In the Selected list, clear the Show by default checkbox for columns that you don't want displayed by default in market data
imports. These columns are still available in the market data slide-out panel of Market Pricing > Compensation Market Data and can be
added to the list of displayed columns from the View panel, if needed. For more information, see Adjust the Column View for Market
Data Records.
5. In the Mapping section, select the Include checkbox for the job and employee attributes that you want to map the market data to in your
compensation worksheets. The application adds job and employee attributes to the Mapping list based on your selections in the Columns
section. Some of these columns are included in the Mapping list by default and cannot be removed. For more information, see How Market
Data Is Mapped.
6. Click Save.

If needed, you can delete market data definitions that are no longer needed by selecting them in the left sidebar and clicking Delete. However, once
a data definition has been selected for a market data set in Market Pricing > Compensation Market Data, it can no longer be deleted.

Edit Market Data Definitions

You can edit the name, description, column selections, and mapping for existing market data definitions in Market Pricing > Market Data Definition.
Although you can edit the name and description at any point, once a definition is assigned to a data set in the Compensation Market Data feature,
you can no longer edit the list of selected columns or the column mapping.

To edit a market data definition:

1. Go to Market Pricing > Market Data Definition.

2. Select the market data definition that you want to edit.
3. Update the editable sections as needed.
4. Click Save.

When you update a definition's name in the Market Data Definition feature, it's also automatically updated in any existing market data set in which it
was used in Market Pricing > Compensation Market Data.

Localize Market Data Definitions

If needed, you can localize the name and description for market data definitions so that users who speak different languages in your organization
have access to this information when viewing the definition in Market Pricing > Market Data Definition, and when importing market data in Market
Pricing > Compensation Market Data.

To localize market data definitions:

1. Go to Market Pricing > Market Data Definition.

2. Select the market data definition that you want to localize.
3. Click Localize in the toolstrip. The application opens the Localization - Market Pricing Data Definition dialog box.
4. Click Add.
5. Click the field in the Language column, and then select a language in the drop-down list.
6. Click the field in the Name column, and then enter the localized name for the market data definition.
7. (Optional) Click the field in the Description column, and then enter the localized description.
8. Click Save.

If needed, you can create a copy of an existing localization by selecting it in the list and then clicking Copy. You can then update the fields as
needed, rather than creating a new localization using the Add button. You can also delete localizations that are no longer needed by selecting them
in the list and clicking Delete.

Compensation Market Data

In Market Pricing > Compensation Market Data, you can create one or more market data sets with the information supplied by your market data
service provider. Each of these sets can use a different market data definition so that only the relevant data is included.

When you go to the Compensation Market Data feature, the application displays all existing market data sets in a list. This list includes the name and
description of the market data set, the name of the market data definition that was used, and the number of records that the data set currently
includes. You can click the name to open the market data slide-out panel with the individual imported records.

The following topics provide more detail about adding and maintaining market data sets for your organization: 86/102
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Add Compensation Market Data Sets

Import Compensation Market Data
Adjust the Column View for Market Data Records
Filter Compensation Market Data Records
Localize Compensation Market Data Sets

Once configured, market data sets can be assigned to compensation cycles in the Details tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

Add Compensation Market Data Sets

Before You Begin: Before adding market data sets, you must ensure that at least one market data definition is configured for your organization in
Market Pricing > Market Data Definition. For more information, see Market Data Definitions.

In Market Pricing > Compensation Market Data, you create market data sets that can be assigned to your organization’s compensation
worksheets. Once created, these market data sets are displayed in the Market Data drop-down list in the Details tab of Compensation Setup >
Compensation Cycles.

To add a market data set:

1. Go to Market Pricing > Compensation Market Data.

2. Click Add. The application opens the Add dialog box.
3. For each field, do the following:
Name: Enter a name for the market data set. When configuring compensation cycles, this name is displayed in the Market Data drop-
down list in the Details tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.
Description: (Optional) Enter a description for the market data set.
Data Definition: In the drop-down list, select the market data definition that you want to use for the market data set.
4. Click Add. The dialog box closes, and the market data slide-out panel opens displaying the columns that were configured in the market data
definition. If needed, you can modify which columns are displayed using the View panel. For more information, see Adjust the Column View
for Market Data Records.
5. Import the market data supplied by your market data service provider. For more information, see Import Compensation Market Data.
6. Once the import is completed, the application displays the data in the appropriate columns in the slide-out panel.
6. Click the arrow next to the market data set's name to close the slide-out panel.

If needed, you can remove market data sets that are no longer needed by selecting them in the list and clicking Delete.

Note: Once a market data set has been selected for a compensation cycle in the Details tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles, it can
no longer be deleted.

Import Compensation Market Data

Important: You can import a new market data file at any time, however, when you do so, it overwrites any data that was previously imported. If you
want to import new market data without overwriting the previous data, you can create a data set using the same market data definition. For example, if
you have a 2018 data set, you can create a set for 2019 rather than overwriting the existing data for 2018.

You can import the data supplied to you by your market data service provider in Market Pricing > Compensation Market Data. Once imported, this
data can be added to compensation cycles in the Details tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

Currently, the maximum size of this file is 20MB which could accommodate 50 -70 thousand records depending on the number of columns and the
length of the job descriptions. If the file size exceeds 20 MB, it is recommended that you remove the data for jobs that do not apply to your

To import market data:

1. Go to Market Pricing > Compensation Market Data.

2. Click the name of the market data set that you want to import data for. The market data slide-out panel opens.
3. (Optional) In the Import drop-down list, click Create Column Reference to download a reference sheet that provides a description, as well as
the expected format, for each column included in the market data definition.
4. In the Import drop-down list, click Create Import Template to download a template for the import.
5. In the template, enter the information supplied by your market data service provider, and then save the template as a CSV file on your
6. Important: The columns included in this file must match the columns in the template provided exactly; do not add or remove columns from the
template. Further, each value that you enter must match the format defined for the associated column in the column reference sheet.
6. In the Import drop-down list, click Import File. The application opens the Import File wizard.
7. Enter a name for the import set in the field provided, and then click Next. This name will appear in the import history for the market data set.
8. Click Add File and select the file that you saved on your computer.
9. Click Upload to close the wizard and view the imported data in the slide-out panel.

If needed, you can view the status of your import by clicking Import History in the Import drop-down list. The application opens a dialog box in which
you can view the status of your past imports. If any errors occurred, the application displays a problems icon, a count of the number of errors, and an
export icon for the import set in this list: 87/102
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You can click the export icon to download a list of the errors that includes more detail. Once you fix these errors, you can reimport the entire file using
the Import File option described above.

Adjust the Column View for Market Data Records

The default column view in the market data slide-out panel is determined by the market data definition that you selected when creating the data set.
Any column that was added to the definition with the Show by default checkbox selected is displayed in the market data slide-out panel by default.
Columns that were added with the Show by default checkbox cleared must be added manually from the View panel in the market data slide-out

To adjust the column view for the market data records:

1. Go to Market Pricing > Compensation Market Data.

2. Click the name of the market data set that you want to view. The market data slide-out panel opens.
3. Click View in the toolstrip to open the View panel.
4. Click Choose Columns. The application displays the Column Options dialog box.
5. Use the arrows to move columns from the Available list to the Selected list, and to adjust the order.
6. Click Select. The dialog box closes, and the selected columns are displayed in the View panel.
7. Click Apply.

Filter Compensation Market Data Records

If needed, you can filter market data records so that only the data that is relevant to you is displayed in the market data slide-out panel. For example,
you could filter the data to display only the records that use the Canadian currency.

Filtering can also help you find specific records more quickly if you want to verify that the data was imported correctly or check that the mapping in a
compensation worksheet is correct.

To filter your market data records:

1. Go to Market Pricing > Compensation Market Data.

2. Click the name of the market data set that you want to view. The market data slide-out panel opens.
3. Click the Filter button to open the Filter panel.
4. If the field you want to filter on is not already displayed in the Filter panel:
a. Click Add Filter.
b. In the dialog box that opens, select the checkboxes for the filters that you want to add.
c. Click Update.
5. Configure the filter parameters.
6. Click Apply Filter.

Localize Compensation Market Data Sets

If needed, you can localize the name and description for market data sets so that users who speak different languages in your organization have
access to this information when managing the sets in Market Pricing > Compensation Market Data and when selecting the sets for compensation
cycles in Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

To localize the name and description for a market data set:

1. Go to Market Pricing > Compensation Market Data.

2. Select the market data set that you want to localize.
3. Click Localize in the toolstrip. The application opens the Localization dialog box.
4. Click Add.
5. Click the field in the Language column, and then select a language in the drop-down list.
6. Click the field in the Name column, and then enter the localized name for the data set.
7. (Optional) Click the field in the Description column, and then enter the localized description.
8. Click Save.

If needed, you can create a copy of an existing localization by selecting it and then clicking Copy. You can then update the fields as needed, rather
than creating a new localization using the Add button. You can also delete localizations that are no longer needed by selecting them in the list and
clicking Delete.

Configure Reward History Setup

Before You Begin: To use the functionality described in this section, your user role must be assigned access to the Reward History Setup feature and
its sub-features in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles. 88/102
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Managers can view reward history data when making compensation decisions for employees in the compensation cycle. In Reward History Setup,
you can create one or more reward history data definitions and import reward history data based on these definitions. After importing the data, you
can configure it to show in compensation worksheets.

You can configure and import reward history data in the Reward History Setup sub-features. See:

Reward History Data Definitions

Reward History Data

Reward History Data Definitions

Before You Begin: Your user role must be assigned access to the Reward History Setup > Reward History Data Definition feature in the Features tab
of System Admin > Roles.

Reward history data definitions allow you to define which data can be included in reward history data imports. You can create one or more reward
history templates with system and custom columns. You can also define the data types for the custom columns to specify the format of the reward
history data to be imported.

The following topics provide more information about adding and maintaining reward history data definitions for your organization:

Add Reward History Data Definitions

Edit Reward History Data Definitions
Localize Reward History Data Definitions

Add Reward History Data Definitions

In Reward History Setup > Reward History Data Definition, you can configure one or more reward history data definitions for your organization.

To add a reward history data definition:

1. Go to Reward History Setup > Reward History Data Definition.

2. Click Add in the toolstrip.
3. In the General section, do the following for each field:
Name: Enter a name for the reward history data definition.
Description: (Optional) Enter a description for the reward history data definition.
Reward Type: The Equity reward type is shown by default.
Active: By default, the checkbox is selected, and the reward history data definition is active. You can clear the checkbox if you don’t
want the data definition to be available to assign to reward history data files.
4. In the Template Columns section, define the system and custom columns used to import reward history data. The Employee Number and
Employee Name columns are added by default.
To add custom columns, click Custom Column in the Add drop-down list.
Column Name: Enter a unique name for the custom column.
Data Type: Select from the available data types: Amount, Date, Number, or String.
Reference Code: Enter a unique reference code for the custom column. Special characters are not supported.
Description: (Optional) Enter a description for the custom column.
Required: Select the checkbox to specify the column needs to be filled out in the file that is imported to Dayforce.
To add system columns, click System Column in the Add drop-down list.
Column Name: Select the column name in the drop-down list. The Data Type and Reference Code columns are shown based on
the selected Column Name.
Description: (Optional) Enter a description for the system column.
Required: Select the checkbox to specify the column needs to be filled out in the file that is imported to Dayforce.
Note: Ensure that you add a system column with the Currency column name and the Required checkbox selected before adding a
column with the Amount data type.
5. Click Save.

You can also create a new data definition record by copying an existing record and modifying the details.

Note: Once a data definition has been selected for a reward history data file in Reward History Setup > Reward History Data, it can no longer be

Edit Reward History Data Definitions

You can edit the name, description, and template columns for existing reward history data definitions in Reward History Setup > Reward History Data
Definition. The name automatically updates in any associated reward history data file in Reward History Setup > Reward History Data. Although you
can edit the name and description at any point, once a data definition is assigned to a reward history data file in the Reward History Data feature, you
can no longer edit the list of selected columns.

To edit a reward history data definition:

1. Go to Reward History Setup > Reward History Data Definition.

2. Select the reward history data definition that you want to edit in the left-side panel.
3. Update the editable sections as needed.
4. Click Save.

Localize Reward History Data Definitions 89/102
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If needed, you can localize the name and description of reward history data definitions so that users who speak different languages have access to
this information when viewing the definition in Reward History Setup > Reward History Data Definition and when importing reward history data in
Reward History Setup > Reward History Data.

Note: You can localize custom columns in the Template Columns section in Reward History Setup > Reward History Data Definition. You cannot
localize system columns.

To localize reward history data definitions:

1. Go to Reward History Setup > Reward History Data Definition.

2. Select the reward history data definition you want to localize in the left-side panel.
3. Click Localize in the toolstrip. The application opens the Localization - Reward History Data Definition dialog box.
4. Click Add.
5. Click the field in the Language column and select a language in the drop-down list.
6. Click the field in the Name column and enter the localized name for the reward history data definition.
7. (Optional) Click the field in the Description column and enter the localized description.
8. Click Save.

Reward History Data

Before You Begin: Your user role must be assigned access to the Reward History Setup > Reward History Data feature in the Features tab of System
Admin > Roles. You must ensure that at least one reward history data definition is configured for your organization in Reward History Setup > Reward
History Data Definition. For more information, see Reward History Data Definitions.

In Reward History Setup > Reward History Data, you can create one or more reward history data files. Each of these files can use a different reward
history data definition so that you import only the relevant data.

The Reward History Data feature shows all existing reward history data files in a list. You can click the name of the data file to open the slide-out panel
with the individual imported data.

The following topics provide more detail about adding and maintaining reward history data files for your organization:

Add Reward History Data

Import Reward History Data

Once configured, reward history data files can be assigned to compensation cycles in the Details tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation

Add Reward History Data

In Reward History Setup > Reward History Data, you can create a reward history data file and associate it to a reward history data definition. You can
then import data for the columns defined in the data definition. After you import the reward history data, the reward history data file can be assigned
to a compensation cycle in the Details tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

To add reward history data:

1. Go to Reward History Setup > Reward History Data and click Add.
2. Enter name, effective dates, and description. You can associate the data file to a compensation cycle if it has an effective date that overlaps
the compensation cycle period.
3. In the Data Definition field, select the reward history template in the drop-down list. These are configured in Reward History Setup > Reward
History Data Definition.
4. Click Add and the application shows the columns configured in the reward history data definition.
5. Import the reward history data. See Import Reward History Data. After the import is completed, the application shows the data in the
appropriate columns.

If needed, you can edit or delete the reward history data file by selecting it in the list and clicking Edit or Delete in the toolstrip. You can edit the
Name, Effective From and Effective To details of the reward history data file.

Note: Once you select a reward history data file for a compensation cycle, you cannot delete it or edit the Effective From date of the reward history
data file.

Import Reward History Data

Important: You can import a new reward history data file at any time; however, when you do so, it overwrites any previously imported data. If you
want to import new reward history data without overwriting the previous data, you can create a separate data file that uses the same reward history
data definition. For example, if you have reward history data record for 2021, you can create a record for 2022 rather than overwriting the existing
data for 2021.

You can import reward history data in Reward History Setup > Reward History Data. Once imported, the data can be selected for compensation
cycles in the Details tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.

To import reward history data:

1. Go to Reward History Setup > Reward History Data.

2. Click the name of the reward history data record to open the slide-out panel open.
3. (Optional) In the Import drop-down list, click Create Column Reference to download a reference sheet that provides a description, and the
expected format, for each column included in the reward history data definition. 90/102
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4. In the Import drop-down list, click Create Import Template to download a template for the import.
5. In the template, enter the reward history details, and save the template as a CSV file on your computer.
6. Important: The columns in this file must match the columns in the template provided. Do not add or remove columns from the template.
Further, each value that you enter must match the format for the associated column in the column reference sheet.
7. Note: An employee can only have one record in the file. If employee names are not provided in the file, the employees’ names will be
shown based on the employee number after a successful import. Dates must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
6. In the Import drop-down list, click Import File to open the wizard.
7. Enter a name for the import and click Next.
8. Click Add File and select the file that you saved on your computer.
9. Click Upload to close the wizard and view the imported data. The data includes the imported file name, imported date, and who imported the

If needed, you can view the status of your import by clicking Import History in the Import drop-down list. The application shows the status of your past
imports. If any errors occur, the application shows a problems icon, a count of the number of errors, and an export icon for the import set in this list.
You can click the export icon to download a list of the errors that include more detail. Once you fix these errors, re-import the entire file using the
Import File option described above.

Compensation Notifications
The following notifications are used in Compensation:

Compensation Cycle Approval: Notifies users when a compensation cycle is approved.

Compensation Cycle Publish: Notifies users when a compensation cycle is published.
Compensation HR Posting Status: Notifies HR administrators and other users about the status of salary increase changes resulting from a
compensation cycle.
Compensation Payroll Posting Status: Notifies Payroll administrators and other users about the status of bonuses awarded during a
compensation cycle.
Compensation Reward Letter Notification: Notifies employees when a reward letter is sent.
Compensation Worksheet Reset: Notifies users when a compensation worksheet with the Pending Final Approval or Error status is reopened by
clicking the Reset to In Progress button in the toolstrip of the worksheet to make changes.

You can assign these notifications to the necessary users and user roles in System Admin > System Notifications.

For more information about assigning notifications, see “System Notifications Configuration†in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.

Compensation Administrator Role Security

There are two types of access you can give compensation administrators:

Description Configuration

In the Management Assignments tab of

Compensation Setup > Compensation
This type of access provides compensation administrators with access to
worksheets for specific managers in a compensation cycle. When these Cycles, add one or more compensation
administrators go to the Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle administrators and then specify which
Cycle-Level managers' worksheets they will have
Administration feature and select a compensation cycle, only the worksheets that
they've been assigned access to in Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles access to.
are displayed.
For more information, see Management

In the Features tab of System Admin >

This type of access provides the assigned user roles with access to all worksheets
Roles, assign the Access to All Cycles
in your organization's compensation cycles. When these users go to the
feature (under Compensation
Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration feature and
Organization- Administration > Compensation Cycle
Level select a compensation cycle, all worksheets are displayed.
Administration) to the required user roles.
This access takes priority over the management assignments in Compensation
For more information, see Role Features
Setup > Compensation Cycles.
for Compensation.

In System Admin > Roles, you can also control which worksheet actions are available to each user role in the Compensation Cycle Administration
feature. For more information, see Role Features for Compensation.

Role Features for Compensation

To use the functionality in the Compensation module, you must assign one or all the following features to the appropriate user roles in the Features tab
of System Admin > Roles:

Compensation Features

To enable access to the compensation functionality, assign the following features: 91/102
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Compensation: Enables the Compensation feature in which managers and senior managers can allocate budget to their employees in a
Gender Pay Equality: Enables the Gender Pay Equality chart in the manager worksheet which provides a visual representation of
average compensation based on gender and job assignment. This chart is only displayed if it was selected during compensation cycle
Job Assignment in Salary Range and Performance Rating: Enables the Job Assignment in Salary Range and Performance Rating
chart in the manager worksheet which provides a visual representation of each employee’s salary range in relation to their
performance rating. This chart is only displayed if it was selected during compensation cycle configuration.
Promotions: For compensation cycles configured to allow promotions, enables the Promote button for worksheets in Compensation.
View Market Data: Enables employee market data in compensation worksheets.
View Organization in Single Worksheet: Enables access for senior managers to view the single worksheet across the organization.
Compensation Administration: Enables the Compensation Administration container feature in the Dayforce navigation panel.
Compensation Cycle Administration: Enables the Compensation Cycle Administration feature in which compensation administrators
can monitor and adjust compensation cycles after they are published. Further, they can use this feature to approve, and post pay
components to HR or Payroll once the cycle is completed.
Note: This feature displays confidential information for employees and should only be assigned to user roles that are authorized to view
such information.
Access to All Cycles: Enables all compensation worksheets for your organization. When enabled, the user role can see worksheets
for managers even if they're not specifically assigned access to them in the Management Assignments tab of Compensation Setup
> Compensation Cycles.
Add Employees: Enables the Add button in manager worksheets. This button allows administrators to add employees to a
compensation cycle.
Note: Administrators with cycle-level access can only add employees that they have access to in Dayforce. Administrators with
organization-level access (Access to All Cycles) can add any employee. For more information about compensation administrator
security, see Compensation Administrator Role Security.
Approve Cycles: Enables the Approve button in the My Organization tab. This button allows administrators to approve a locked
compensation cycle.
Approve Worksheets: Enables the Approve Worksheet option in the Manager Actions drop-down list in the My Organization tab.
Delete Employees: Enables the Delete button in manager worksheets. This button allows administrators to delete employees from a
compensation cycle.
Edit Budgets: Enables the ability to edit worksheet budgets in the My Organization tab.
Lock Cycles: Enables the Lock button in the My Organization tab. This button allows administrators to lock the worksheets in the
compensation cycle so that the details can no longer be modified by other users.
Move Employees: Enables the Move button in manager worksheets. This button allows administrators to move employees from one
manager's worksheet to another in a compensation cycle.
Post Cycles: Enables the Post button in the My Organization tab. This button allows administrators to post the pay components for
a compensation cycle.
Promotions: For compensation cycles configured to allow promotions, enables the Promote button for worksheets in
Compensation Cycle Administration.
Reject Worksheets: Enables the Reject Worksheet option in the Manager Actions drop-down list in the My Organization tab.
Reset To In Progress: Enables the Reset to In Progress button in the toolstrip for compensation worksheets. This button allows
administrators to reopen worksheets with the Pending Approval or Error status from the Compensation Cycle Administration feature.
Submit Worksheets: Enables the Submit Worksheet (or Approve and Submit) option in the Manager Actions drop-down list in the
My Organization tab.
Update Bonus Factors: Enables the Update Bonus Factors button in the toolstrip for compensation worksheets. This button allows
administrators to update the bonus factors in the Compensation Cycle Administration feature after bonus payouts are imported.
You can update bonus factors even after the compensation cycle is already published.
View Organization in Single Worksheet: Enables access for compensation administrators to view the single worksheet across the
Compensation Plan Administration: Enables the Compensation Plan Administration feature in which compensation administrators can
monitor and update compensation plans assigned to employees once a compensation cycle is published. Further, this feature allows
administrators to manage target bonus overrides and update plan assignment dates.
Compensation Setup: Enables the Compensation Setup feature in which compensation administrators configure guideline, compensation
cycles, and reward letter templates for your organization.
Compensation Cycles: Enables the Compensation Cycles sub-feature in which compensation administrators configure and publish
compensation cycles.
Compensation Metrics: Enables the Compensation Metrics sub-feature in which compensation administrators configure the
compensation metrics used for compensation plans.
Metrics Data: Enables the Metrics Data tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics in which administrators import bonus
payment values for compensation worksheets that use compensation plans.
Metrics Definition: Enables the Metrics Definition tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Metrics in which administrators
configure metrics definitions for compensation plans.
Compensation Organization Approval: Enables the Use Organization Level Submission checkbox in the Schedule and Approval
tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.
Compensation Plans: Enables the Compensation Plans sub-feature in which compensation administrators configure compensation plans
that can be used in compensation cycles.
Compensation Worksheet Approval: Enables the Workflow drop-down list and the Set Top Level Approvals button in the Schedule
and Approval tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles.
Equity Setup: Enables the Equity Setup sub-feature in which compensation administrators configure equity types and vesting schedules. 92/102
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Guidelines: Enables the Guidelines sub-feature in which compensation administrators configure guidelines for use in compensation
Reward Letter Templates: Enables the Reward Letter Template sub-feature in which the compensation administrators can configure
custom reward letter templates for use in compensation cycles.
Rounding Rules: Enables the Rounding Rules sub-feature in which compensation administrators can configure rules to round allocations
and quantity for equity rewards in compensation cycles.

Market Pricing Features

To enable access to the market data functionality, assign the following features:

Market Pricing: Enables the Market Pricing features in the Dayforce navigation panel.
Compensation Market Data: Enables the Compensation Market Data feature where you can import the market data records that are
used in your organization's compensation cycles.
Experience Levels: Enables the Experience Levels feature where you can configure experience levels for your employees. Experience
levels can be assigned to employees in compensation worksheets that include market data.
Market Data Definition: Enables the Market Data Definition feature where you can create one or more market data definitions to specify
which data is required and how it's mapped to employee information in Dayforce.

Reward History Setup Features

To enable access to the reward history setup functionality, assign the following features:

Reward History Setup: Enables access to the Reward History Setup feature.
Reward History Data: Enables access to the Reward History Data feature, where you can create reward history data files and import data
to use in your organization's compensation cycles.
Reward History Data Definition: Enables access to the Reward History Data Definition feature, where you can create one or more reward
history data definitions to specify which data can be imported to Dayforce.

Payroll Features

To enable access to the compensation functionality in Payroll, assign the following features:

Payroll > Data Entry > Compensation Data: Enables the Compensation Data tab in Payroll > Data Entry.
Payroll > Pay Run Management > Compensation Data: Enables the Compensation Data tab in Payroll > Pay Run Management. 93/102
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Reference Information
This section provides additional information about the following topics:

How Compa-Ratio and Range Penetration Are Calculated

How Market Data Is Mapped
How Salary Is Calculated for Hourly Employees
Worksheet Approval Process
How Eligibility is Determined for Compensation Cycles
Eligibility Criteria and Operators

How Compa-Ratio and Range Penetration Are Calculated

Compa-ratio and range penetration are used in the Compensation module to evaluate each employee’s pay based on control values or ranges
defined for their job assignment in the Pay Grades tab of Org Setup > Jobs and Job Assignments.

The following is a description of how compa-ratio and range penetration are calculated for both hourly and salaried employees:

Compa-Ratio: Compa (or comparative) ratio is usually expressed as a percentage and looks at how each employee’s pay compares to
either the control salary or control rate defined for their job assignment, depending on the employee’s pay type and pay class.
Compa-ratio is calculated as follows:
For full-time salaried employees: Employee Salary ÷ Control Salary
For part-time salaried employees: Employee Rate ÷ Control Rate
For full-time hourly employees: Employee Rate ÷ Control Rate
For part-time hourly employees: Employee Rate ÷ Control Rate
For example, if the control salary is $50,000 and the employee is paid $40,000, their compa-ratio is 80% because they are being paid 80% of
the control salary:
40,000 ÷ 50,000 = .80 (80%)
If the control rate is $48.08 and the employee is paid $64.10, their compa-ratio is 133% because they are being paid at 133% of the control
64.10 ÷ 48.08 = 1.33 (133%)
For more information, see "Compa-Ratio Calculation" in the HR Administration Guide.
Range Penetration: Range penetration is usually expressed as a percentage and looks at each employee’s pay in relation to their job
assignment salary range or hourly rate range to determine how far into the range the employee has progressed.
Range penetration is calculated as follows:
For salaried employees: (Employee Salary – Range Minimum Salary) ÷ (Range Maximum Salary – Range
Minimum Salary)
For hourly employees: (Employee Rate – Range Minimum Rate) ÷ (Range Maximum Rate – Range Minimum Rate)
A range penetration of 0% means the employee is paid at the range minimum, a range penetration of 100% means the employee is paid at the
range maximum, and a range penetration of 50% means the employee is at the mid-point of the range.
For example, if the salary range is $40,000 - $60,000 and the employee’s salary is $50,000, then their range penetration is 50% because
they are at the mid-point of the salary range:
($50,000 - $40,000) ÷ ($60,000 - $40,000) = .50 (50%)

In compensation worksheets, even if a part-time employee and a full-time employee have the same Current Salary value, their Current Compa-Ratio
and Range Penetration values will be different because they are based on different annualized hours. When you allocate the same amount to each of
these employees, the resulting compa-ratio and range penetration increase will also be different for each employee.

As shown in the following screenshot, an allocation of 5% for each of these employees with the same current salary results in a compa-ratio increase
of 10% for the part-time employee and 4% for the full-time employee:

How Market Data Is Mapped

When you import market data in Market Pricing > Compensation Market Data, the application maps the data records according to the mapping set
up for the selected market data definition in Market Pricing > Market Data Definition.

If one or more of the mapping fields is left blank in the import file, the application considers those fields a match regardless of what is included in the
employee's profile and will map to the employee if all of the other mapping fields also match.

For example, if the State column is used for mapping, but the field is left blank for a market data record in the import file, that record is considered a
match for all employees whose primary work assignment includes a state (regardless of which state that is).

If you want to ensure that mapping is only applied when employee data matches the market data exactly, you should enter NULL for the fields in the
import file that are missing data. Fields marked as NULL are ignored during mapping and are not considered a match unless the corresponding
value in the employee's profile is also Null. 94/102
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How Salary Is Calculated for Hourly Employees

If an hourly employee has an annual salary value defined in their HR record, the application uses this value as their salary by default. If they don’t
have a salary value defined, the application calculates and displays an annualized salary value. This annualized salary is calculated by multiplying
the employee’s hourly rate with their usual worked hours.

The following table describes the priority that the application uses when determining the hours value in salary calculations (based on pay group). If
the first value in the list is not defined for the employee, the application uses the next value in the list until it finds a value, as follows:

Pay Group
Hours Used in Salary Calculation (Listed in Priority Order)

1. Normal Weekly Hours

2. Normal Pay Period Work Hours
3. Default Weekly Hours
4. 40 Hours

1. Normal Semi Monthly Hours (Top)

2. Normal Weekly Hours
Semi-Monthly 3. Normal Pay Period Work Hours
4. Default Weekly Hours
5. 40 Hours

These hours are defined as follows:

Normal Weekly Hours: Defined in the Normal Weekly Hours field of the employee’s record in the Employment > Employment,
Compensation and Policy Settings screen of People.
Normal Pay Period Work Hours: Defined for the employee’s pay group in the Normal Pay Period Work Hours field of the Payroll Properties
tab in Pay Setup > Pay Group.
Semi Monthly Hours: Defined in the Normal Semi Monthly Hours (Top) field of the employee’s record in the Employment >
Employment, Compensation and Policy Settings screen of People.
Default Weekly Hours: Defined for the employee’s pay class in the Default Weekly Hours field of HR Admin > Pay Class Admin.
40 Hours: A default value of 40 hours is used only if none of the other values are defined for the employee.

In worksheet columns that display salary information, the application includes an information icon ( ) next to the value for hourly employees. This
icon indicates that the value is annualized and when you click the icon, the application displays a tooltip showing the employee’s hourly rate and
the total annualized hours used to calculate their salary:

Worksheet Approval Process

The process for approving and submitting worksheets in the Compensation feature depends on the approval process selected for the compensation
cycle in the Schedule and Approval tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles. For more information, see Schedule and Approval.

When a front-line manager submits their worksheet, the application does the following depending on the selected approvals process:

Organization Level Submissions: The worksheet is sent to the senior manager and, once approved and submitted, moves directly to the
Pending Final Approval state. For this approval process only one level of approval in the organization hierarchy is required (that is, once
approved and submitted by a senior manager, the workflow is complete).
Senior managers can approve each worksheet individually, but they must wait until all of the worksheets assigned to them (including their own)
are done before they can submit them using the Approve and Submit button in the My Organization tab toolstrip. After submitting the
worksheets, the senior manager's own worksheet goes to the next level in the hierarchy for approval, but the front-line manager's worksheet
moves directly to the Pending Final Approval state.
Workflow: The worksheet is sent to the senior manager and, once approved and submitted, moves to the next senior manager in the
organization hierarchy, and so on until it reaches the top level. For this approval process, the worksheet must be approved by a manager at
each level of the organization hierarchy before moving to the Pending Final Approval state.
Senior managers are not restricted when submitting their own worksheets and can approve the worksheets that are pending their approval,
even if one or more of those worksheets are not done yet. After submitting the worksheet, the status changes to Pending Approval or Pending
Final Approval according to remaining levels in the organization hierarchy.
Workflows configured with the Set Top Level Approvals field defined do not require approval from every level of the hierarchy. In these
workflows, once the worksheet reaches and is approved by a defined top-level approver, it moves to the Pending Final Approval state 95/102
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Once the worksheet enters the Pending Final Approval state, it's up to the compensation administrator to complete the approval process by locking
and approving the compensation cycle in the Compensation Administration > Compensation Cycle Administration feature. For more information, see
Post Completed Compensation Cycles.

How Eligibility is Determined for Compensation Cycles

You define eligibility for compensation cycles in the Eligibility tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles. In this tab, you can create one or
more eligibility qualifier sets that use different criteria to qualify employees. For more information, see Eligibility.

The criteria in each of the qualifier sets work based on the “AND†operation. That is, employees must satisfy all of the criteria to qualify. If you
have more than one qualifier set configured, each set runs individually based on the “OR†operation. That is, employees must satisfy the
criteria for one set or another. They do not have to satisfy the criteria of all of the sets at once.

For example, in the following screenshot, two criteria are selected for the qualifier set Active as of 12/31/2020:

Active as of date = 21/31/2020

Employment Statuses in Terminated.

These criteria work based on the AND operation. Dayforce retrieves all terminated employees who were active on December 31, 2020 when
generating the organization. Both criteria must be satisfied.

In the left-side panel, there are 2 qualifier sets:

Active as of 12/31/2020 contains criteria Active as of date = 21/31/2020 and Employment Statuses in Terminated
Default contains the criterion Employment Statuses in Active

These qualifier sets work based on the OR operation. All of the criteria in either of the eligibility sets must be satisfied.

Eligibility Criteria and Operators

You define eligibility for compensation cycles in the Eligibility tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles. In this tab, you can create one or
more eligibility qualifier sets that use different criteria to qualify employees. For more information, see Eligibility.

The following table lists the different criteria and their operators that can be selected to define qualifier sets:

Criteria Operators
Active as of date =
Calendar days since most recent hire date =

not in

Employee Groups
not in

Employee Unions
not in 96/102
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Criteria Operators

Employment Status Reasons
not in

Employment Statuses
not in

First date of work

FLSA Status
not in

Hire month in

Job Categories
not in

Job Families
not in

Job Functions
not in

Job Pay Grades
not in

not in

Last salary increase date

not in

Manager Name

Does not contain

Most recent hire date

Original hire date

Pay Classes
not in 97/102
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Criteria Operators

Pay Groups
not in

Pay Policies
not in

Pay Types
not in

Job Assignment change date

Job Assignments
not in

Seniority Dates

Employee properties with the following data types

are listed:

String Operators change based on the data type of the selected employee property.
Pick List
Time 98/102
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Appendix: Frequently Asked Questions for Compensation Plans

This section covers the following frequently asked questions for compensation plans:

1. How does Dayforce calculate an employee’s compensation plan dates?

2. Why is an employee’s Eligible From date and Eligible To date different from the Plan Start date and Plan End date?
3. What payout periods are displayed for pay components based on compensation plans in compensation cycles?
4. When configuring pay components for compensation plans in compensation cycles, what year is used to determine the bonus eligible salary
for the payout?
5. What salary is used for an employee who is no longer in the compensation plan and if the Use Current Salary or the As of Date options were
configured for the bonus eligible salary in the plan effective date record?
6. How is proration calculated for employees in compensation plans?
7. What metric measurement period is used for the bonus factor payout in a plan period?
8. How is the target bonus determined for an employee in a bonus plan?
9. If a Target Bonus Override value is configured in an employee profile, is this value used to calculate bonuses for the employee in a
compensation plan?
10. How is the employee earning calculated when using Percentage of Total Pay as the target pay?
11. How is the employee eligibility calculated for a plan payout if the Payout Eligibility Cutoff Date is configured in the effective date record for a
compensation plan?
12. Why is the Compensation Plan option not displayed in the Source drop-down list in the Pay Components tab of Compensation Setup >
Compensation Cycles even though the Compensation Plan feature is enabled?

Answers to the Frequently Asked Questions for Compensation Plans

1. How does Dayforce calculate an employee’s compensation plan dates?

2. An employee qualifies in a compensation plan through groups when the employee is a member of a compensation group and the group
is associated to a compensation plan.
An employee’s Plan Start date is calculated by the Effective From date when the employee became a member in the group, or
the Effective From date when the group was associated to the plan, whichever is later.
An employee’s Plan End date is calculated by the Effective To date of the employee in the group or the Effective To date of the
group associated to the plan, whichever is earlier.
Note: If an employee’s Plan Start date or Plan End date is overridden in the Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan
Administration, then these calculations do not apply.
2. Why is an employee’s Eligible From date and Eligible To date different from the Plan Start date and Plan End date?
3. The waiting period, if configured in the relevant effective date record for the compensation plan is applied to the employee’s Plan
Start date to determine the employee’s Eligible From date.
The employee’s Eligible From date and Eligible To date can be overridden in the Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan
Administration through the UI or import.
3. What payout periods are displayed for pay components based on compensation plans in compensation cycles?
4. When defining a pay component for a compensation plan in the Pay Components tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles,
the Payout Period drop-down list displays payout periods based on the plan period, start month, and start day and those that fall within
the compensation period defined in the Details tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles. For example, a quarterly
compensation plan starting on April 1 will have four periods automatically generated for April 1 - June 30, July 1 - September 30, October
1 -December 31, January 1- March 31. If the compensation cycle has a period of January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020, then the pay
component for the compensation plan will list the payout period as January 1, 2020 - March 31, 2020 and April 1, 2020 - June 30, 2020.
4. When configuring pay components for compensation plans in compensation cycles, what year is used to determine the bonus eligible
salary for the payout?
5. The bonus eligible salary is defined for the date and month of the plan effective date record. The year appended to the bonus eligible
salary date and month is determined by the selected payout period for the pay component.

5. What salary is used for an employee who is no longer in the compensation plan and if the Use Current Salary or the As of Date options
were configured for the bonus eligible salary in the plan effective date record?
6. If an employee’s eligibility ends prior to the bonus eligible salary configuration date, then the employee salary on the plan end date is
used as the bonus eligible salary. 99/102
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6. How is proration calculated for employees in compensation plans?

7. Prorate by Eligibility: The employee is prorated based on the eligibility period in the payout period (Eligible From date and Eligible To
Prorate for New Hire: The bonus payout for an employee hired within a payout period is prorated by their most recent hire date. If both the
Prorate by Eligibility and Prorate for New Hire options are selected, proration by eligibility takes priority to determine the employee
eligibility period for the payout.
Prorate for Inactive Periods: The inactive periods configured within the employee eligibility period for the payout will be considered for
7. What metric measurement period is used for the bonus factor payout in a plan period?
8. If the metric measurement period and plan period are not the same, an algorithm is used to determine which metric measurement period
is used to calculate the bonus factor payout for the plan using the metric. The logic used is as follows:
Are any metric measurement periods completely within the plan period? If yes, consider the most recent metric measurement
period. If no, check if the plan period is completely within the metric measurement period. If yes, consider the value from the metric
measurement period. If no, the plan period overlaps multiple metric measurement periods which is a violation and the bonus factor
payout cannot be calculated.
8. How is the target bonus determined for an employee in a bonus plan?
9. The priority for the target bonus for an employee in a compensation plan is as follows:
1. The target bonus override defined in Compensation Administration > Compensation Plan Administration for the employee in the
compensation plan.
2. The target bonus assigned to the primary job assignment of the employee if the plan is configured to use the job assignment target
3. The default target bonus configured in the effective date record for the compensation plan.
For a payout period, a prorated target bonus is calculated for the employee based on the target bonus changes in the priority order
mentioned above.
9. If a Target Bonus Override value is configured in an employee profile, is this value used to calculate bonuses for the employee in a
compensation plan?
10. The Target Bonus Override value configured in the employee profile is not used to calculate bonuses for employees that use
compensation plans.
10. How is the employee earning calculated when using Percentage of Total Pay as the target pay?
11. Based on the selected earning codes configured in the effective date record for the compensation plan, any employee earnings whose
pay date falls within the payout period are included in the total earnings for the bonus eligible salary.
11. How is the employee eligibility calculated for a plan payout if the Payout Eligibility Cutoff Date is configured in the effective date
record for a compensation plan?
12. An employee’s eligible start date must be on or before the cutoff date configured in the effective date record for the compensation
plan to be eligible for a payout in the period, and the employee must be eligible for a payout for at least one day within the payout period.
12. Why is the Compensation Plan option not displayed in the Source drop-down list in the Pay Components tab of Compensation Setup >
Compensation Cycles even though the Compensation Plan feature is enabled?
13. You must have at least one plan and effective date record created for the plan in Compensation Setup > Compensation Plans to see the
Compensation Plan option in the Source drop-down list in the Pay Components tab of Compensation Setup > Compensation Cycles. 100/102
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Appendix: Compensation Glossary

Allocation Period
Allocation period is the timeframe when managers are required to allocate their assigned budget to employees and submit their worksheets for
Base Pay
Base pay is the fixed compensation received by an employee at regular intervals. The base pay of an employee can be expressed as an hourly
rate or as a weekly, monthly, or annual salary.
Monetary payments added to an employee's wages as a reward for good performance.
Bonus Eligible Salary
In Dayforce, bonus eligible salary defines how much of an employee’s salary is eligible for bonus.
Bonus Factor
Bonus factors are the criteria used to determine bonus payouts. Many companies use a combination of organizational results and individual
performance as bonus factors. For example, a bonus may be determined by revenue the company earned for a specific period and an
employee’s customer service scores.
Bonus Funding Amount
The portion of the total target bonus that will be used for target bonus payouts.
Compa (or comparative) ratio is usually expressed as a percentage and looks at how each employee’s pay compares to either the control
salary or control rate defined for their job assignment, depending on the employee’s pay type and pay class.
Compensation is the monetary and non-monetary payments that are given to employees in exchange for the work they do for the business.
Compensation Cycle
Compensation cycles provide guidelines and decision support to managers as they allocate their assigned budget to employees as salary
increases or bonuses. Using Dayforce, you can create multiple compensation cycles to support various compensation structures within your
Compensation Guidelines
Compensation guidelines help managers determine the correct amount to award employees based on specific criteria. This ensures that all
employees are compensated fairly and consistently according to configuration.
Compensation Metrics
Compensation metrics define your organization's individual and business metrics to reward eligible employees in a compensation period.
Compensation Period
The compensation period is the timeframe used to evaluate employee compensation. For example, an organization might determine merit
increases or bonuses based on the calendar year or a fiscal year. Furthermore, many companies choose to align the compensation period with
their performance review cycle.
Compensation Plan
In Dayforce, compensation plans allow organizations to reward bonus to employees based on their contributions by supporting multiple bonus
plans for different groups of employees with different metrics and calculation rules. Compensation plans also track employee eligibility in
different bonus plans for a given period for changes such as employee promotions and transfers. You can configure the details of the
compensation plan with multiple effective date records. You can configure details like the waiting period, target payout, bonus eligible salary,
period details, bonus factors, and proration rules for the compensation plan.
Cost of Living Adjustments
An across-the-board salary increase, or supplemental payment intended to bring pay in line with inflation in a geographical area.
Full Time Equivalent (FTE)
An FTE is a standard of one employee working 40 hours/week. An FTE of 1.0 means that the employee is considered a full-time worker. One
FTE job assignment may be split into two job assignments, such as one job assignment for 0.4 FTE (16 hours/week) an the other for 0.6 FTE (24
Lump Sum Payment
In Dayforce, a lump sum payment is a one-time payment made to employees who have reached the maximum salary in their pay grade.
Awarding a lump sum amount allows managers to provide additional compensation for these employees.
Market Adjustment
A market adjustment is an increase to the employee’s pay based on market movement.
Market/Market Data
Data about the current labor and talent market, including information about the type of industry, company size, and locations where companies
compete to hire employees.
Merit Increase
A merit increase is a performance-based raise to an employee’s pay.
Pay Component
In Dayforce, the term Pay Component refers to the different types of rewards that can be allocated to employees during a compensation cycle.
There are two types of pay components that can be awarded in Dayforce: salary increases and bonuses.
Pay Grade
A pay grade is a range of pay that employees should earn for certain job assignments. Multiple job assignments can be grouped in the same
pay grade.
Pay Range
A pay range is the upper and lower limits of compensation including a minimum, midpoint, and maximum.
Payout Factor 101/102
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Payout factor represents the payout percentage for each factor. The default payout factor is automatically awarded to the employee and is not
currently dependent on meeting the target. This percentage can be greater than 100% if the employee exceeds the target for that factor.
A point on a rank-ordered scale, found by arranging a group of data points in order of magnitude from lowest to highest. The first percentile
approximates the lowest number found, while the 100th percentile is the highest.
The change of an employee from one job assignment to a new job assignment that has a higher salary range maximum.
Proration is to allocate by dividing or distributing proportionally based on a set of configured rules.
Proration Factor
In Dayforce, the proration factor adjusts the employee reward based on the configured rules for the pay component, depending on factors like
any inactive periods, new hire status, or salary increases during the compensation period.
Range Midpoint
The exact middle of the range, equidistant to the range minimum and range maximum, and aligned to the market value for the job.
Range Penetration
An individual’s pay compared to the complete pay range or how far into a pay range an employee’s pay has progressed. Range
penetration is calculated as (Pay Rate - Range Minimum) ÷ (Range Maximum – Range Minimum).
Reward Letter
A reward letter is a letter that recognizes an employee for contributing to the company’s success and includes monetary awards that the
employee will receive.
Salary Benchmarking
Salary benchmarking is a more focused and detailed process than a normal salary survey. Benchmarking gives a complete breakdown of the
compensation package allowing companies to compare salary and benefits available within specific sectors and companies.
Salary Increase
An employee's total salary increase in a single fiscal year. Examples of salary increases are merit increases, promotional increases, and equity
Salary Range
Salary range is the range of pay employers decide to pay employees in a particular job or function.
Target Bonus
Target bonuses ensure that you are rewarding employees when they meet their targets and that you are effectively retaining talent. Target
bonuses are defined as a percentage of the employee’s annual salary and are assigned based on job assignment. In Dayforce, target
bonuses can also be assigned at the employee level if you want to award a specific employee a different bonus than others in the same job
Variable Pay
Variable pay is the portion of compensation determined by an employee’s performance. When employees achieve their goals, variable pay
is provided as part of their compensation. Variable pay is a one-time payment that must be re-earned each performance period. 102/102

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