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P3_Tenses Ex_8 成績:

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P3_Tenses Ex_8
姓名:_________________ 家長簽閱:___________________

1. Boys ( listen ) to me, I ( talk ) to you.

2. Don’t ( play ) computer games anymore.

3. The students ( skip ) in the playground now.

4. Every night, Kate ( help ) her to ( dry ) the dishes.

5. Can you ( do ) your homework by yourself ?

6. My father enjoys ( watch ) film on Sunday.

7. Cindy ( want ) to ( send ) an e-mail to her friend.

8. Lily ( not do ) her homework last night.

9. My parents ( take ) me to Disneyland last week.

10. The children ( draw ) now.

11. I ( have ) a cat. It ( be ) so lovely.

12. Ada ( be ) hardworking. She always ( get ) full mark.

13. Jason ( cut ) his finger last night.

14. Kenny and Tom ( like ) sports. Kenny ( like )

Football and Tom ( not like ) it. He likes

( swim ). They ( not play ) basketball both.


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