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PARK JAE WOO SU JOK THERAPY Author PARK, JAE WOO (The Originator of Su Jok Acupuncture) Stone and Bone Needles (Be. 3000) Ouned by the National Museum of Korea Unearthed on May, 1929 at Songryong-Dong. WoonkiKun, Korea ‘According to the “Nei Ching”, Pyomsok (Bianshi: 227), which means a stone needle, originated in the Eastern region of China. The eastem region means, according to the study of many scholar, thé Korean peninsula. There are several stone relics 10 serve as proof of ths fact. Relics including several stone needles land bone needles wore excavated in fact as the "Nei Ching” said, at Songpyong- Dong, Woonki-Kun, HamfyongbukDo, Korea in May, 1929. These relics testily to the possiblity that ancient Korea must have been one of the cradles of ‘acupuncture PARK JAE WOO SU JOK THERAPY Written by ! Park, Jae Woo uly 20, 1993 (O-Haeng Publishing Co. Chong-Ro Ku Dang-Ju Dong 145, Seoul 110-071, Korea Publisher Park, Jae Woo Resistrtion : Dee. 26 1987 No, 1-606 Copytight July 7, 1993 Al rights, including that of translation into other languages, reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the publisher. Printed in the Republic of Korea by Aram Printing Co. on July 15, 1993, Distributed by KOREA SU JOK ACUPUNCTURE INSTITUTE Intemational Su Jok Acupuncture Association Address : KPO. BOX 697, Seoul 110~ 606, Korea Tel (02) 735-4588, (02)926-4588 Fax : (02) 732~6288, (02)923-9691 ‘TELEX: KITSEL K29271~2 EXT 1649 SU JOK SU JOK ACUPUNCTURE SERIES Basic Therapy Course THUMB IS HEAD PARK JAE WOO SU JOK THERAPY Author PARK, JAE WOO (The Originator of Su Jok Acupuncture) INTERNATIONAL SU JOK ACUPUNCTURE ASSOCIATION (991) SU JOK AKADEMY MOSKOW, RUSSIA, 1994 3 : i 2 i z 3 £ a8 Acspurcual Tnatnaet on he Yn sa hard (9 th et ast esas), Acipnctual renieree ‘Gent fe one compen scare, "peace pn fhe it test the Dovang po repardoce ets, Concent sts ae them conrpncs t fe or eer lem gan Caresponsence Fonts Hand PREFACE Hands and feet are special place where orderly correspondence cure systems have been planted for the purpose of keeping us in good health. Since | happened to be interested in the correspondence cure systems of hands and feet, I have embodied the idea of correspondence structure ‘of hands and feet with the thumb corresponded to the head. As the result, there have been given a lot of clinical experiences and lectures on the theme. Such objectively proved cure effects and clinical experiences are sufficient to feel that it is important to study and widespread this meaningful theory at a new sight angle. 1 am very grateful for having an opportunity to devote myself to this glorious duty Realizing that the assigned duty is not usual but a very important work of spreading the will of the Heaven, | have set up the true will of realizing the health welfare society where everybody can protect his own health by means of this method. This book has been written as part of the plan to have such true will accomplished. I'd like to emphasize that we will have to realize that the ‘great power, which has made the human being exist, has taken such perfect ex post factum actions by means of the mysterious cure system planted in hands and feet It is obvious that such correspondence cure systems stem from the will of the deep love for the mankind. Therefore, it is recommended that those who are to use the cure systems will do so in a pure love according to such principles. It looks rather strange that the body correspondence system in hands and feet regarding the thumb or the big toe as the head has not been found in details until around the end of the 20th century, considering its resemblance to the body. I dare to assert that it’s the great discovery of the 20th century and further the great discovery in the medical history 1 feol a lot regretful in that there are still many people who do not know the correspondence principles or do not realize the importance of such body comespondence cure systems yet or get confused with other theories although they have already learned about them It is also regretful that some people do not face this immortal truth {a5 it is by persisting in some existing principles which used to appear in the course of discovery of the body correspondence principles in hands and feet with the thumb or the big toe corresponded to the head. 1 may be partially attributable to the lack of the skill to express the principles or importance of such principles properly or easily enough to make people readily understand it The correspondence cure systems planted in hands/feet can't be compared with some goods which are manufactured and competed by many business enterprises. That's because we can realize how much the Creator loves us and what the Creator intends to do by tracing and ‘observing how resemblant to the human body our hands/feet are Consequently all the people who has realized such principles will join us in disseminating the body correspondence systems in hands/feet which contain the greatest love. I'm sure this will conform to the right road to putting the Heaven's will into practice ‘As a natural flow, since the Su Jok Therapy was fist developed, innumerable medical professionals and general citizens have learned and mastered this new therapy the world over. As they begin to take care of not only themselves but also thelr neighbors and patients, this has become 8 great popular therapy. ‘The Su Jok Therapy includes both pure acupuncture science and others with the features of daly therapy a lite different from the professional ings so that not only medical professionals but also general citizens can easily approach acupucture science. This book embraces dally therapic and master the principles and make the best of them as one of civil remedies. In other words, this book focuses on making people cue simple diseases for themselves, thus suiting the medical purpose of general Improvement of national health ‘The Comespondence Therapy or the Byol Meridian Therapy to be discussed in this book belongs to natural therapy securing medical cure fect without damaging the skin of the human body. Out of them, the Conespondence Therapy of Hands and Feet is physical natural therapy, and the Byol Meridian Therapy, as it employs the principles of meridian system, 15 metaphysical natural therapy. Ie is convinced that a good command of the two therapies could govern various minor diseases we may encounter during daily Ife. Portculasiy, the Byol Meridian Therapy, employing the principles of meridian system, should presuppose the judgment on excessiveness- deficiency diagnosis, requiring particular attention in utilizing, Therefore, it would be desivable to fully understand the principles and how to use first and then tread in fullfledged treatment This book was written during my stay in Alma-Ata, the capital of Kazakhstan, for the Seminar on Onnuri Su Jok Therapy, The author ‘extends hearily gratitude to all seminar attendants and Dr. Tamara, who served as an Interpreter, for the passion and devoted cooperation toward the Su Jok Therapy, which encouraged me to complete this book ‘Those who have since mastered and disseminated the Su Jok Therapy have long for a detailed introductory explanatory book. | hope this book could meet a slightest deal of such demand ‘The author hereby expresses the heartily thanks to Me. Kim HalcKon for giving a devoted helping hand to have this English edition published this. soon. Alma-Ata March, 1993 International Su Jok Acupuncture Association President Prof Park, Jae Woo FOREWORD The true meaning of life may be found on the basis of sound mind and healthy body. Accordingly it will be everybody's wish and fundamental Instinct to lead a healthful life free of diseases. Such wish of the human being gave birth to professional means to prevent and cure diseases. The medical art born like this have seen steady growth up to now centering around the Western medicine and the Oriental medicine together with the history of the human culture Whether it Is the Western medicine, the Oriental medicine or the folk medicines based on experiences peculiar to each district on eatth, the purpose ‘of medicine is to provent or treat diseases interfering our pleasant lif. If it is the ultimate goal of medicine to cure diseases, medical professionals should ponder on which theories and methods would bring most effective result and provide peoples with convenionces for their daily wes. With the surdden advent of the Su Jok Acupuncture theories quite different from the existing medicines in terms of principles or applicable approaches, there is spreading an epochal development of the medical history, which is bound to attract a great attention to the medical circles. Experiencing the innumerable provable cure effects of the refreshed ‘cure system of the Su Jok Acupuncture based on logical theories, I, one of the western medical professionals, have been surprisingly amazed at the welarranged simplicity of the theories but fast, exact and pratical result It is even more surprising fact that the Su Jok Acupuncture, newly established by Prof. Park Jae Woo, can be easily mastered in short period not only by medical professionals but also general citizens without professional knowledge of medicine so that they could control their diseases, retaining the feature of a popular therapy. You are now holding, in your hands, a wonderful book of healing which will help relieve sufferring neighbors from pain in every part of the world ‘The author, Prof. Park, created @ new, safe and effective method of treating diseases. Today he is continuously striving to share his knowledge with all and everybody. His work caused a major breakthrough in the field of traditional acupuncture too. The Oriental Medicine has now become comprehensible to many Western medical professionals. And part of the Healing Arts described in the book may be used not only by health care professionals, but also anyone seeking health, Doctors who spent many years of their lives studying the Western medicine or traditional Oriental acupuncture do not cease to be amazed by the results of this method, when they begin to work according to this system, The Su Jok Therapy is the Healing Art of the 2ist Century Reading this book you can help yourself and your beloved people ‘maintain and get back health, You will serve yourself and others quickly with good results. The Su Jok Therapy is an extremely effective method ‘of Healing Believe in yourself, and the result will surely come ‘This book is composed of only some parts of theories and methods, which may be easily mastered and utilized by general citizens, out of the bulky therories of the Su Jok Acupuncture This book will provide those who have already mastered the theories ‘of the Su Jok Acupuncture with more detailed knowledge of the Correspondence Therapy and the Byol Meridian Therapy. Those who get to know this therapy for the first time by reading this book will experience amazing cure effects by studying it, and will realize what an important ‘meaning these principles and theories retain in the medical history 1 sincerely hope this Su Jok Therapy would be disseminated to every part of the world and all world citizens could enjoy more improved healthy life, and I believe those days will come true soon. With great respect and gratitude to Prof. Park Jae Woo's work Moscow, June 1993 Dr, Petrakova Tamara Alekseevna MD. CONTENTS Preface (Prof. Park, Jae Woo) Foreword (Dr. Petrakova Tamara Alekseevna ) CHAPTER I ‘The Correspondence Therapy «-----rns Bee 1, What is the Su Jok Therapy? (1) Synopsis and. History“ (2) Meaning of the Su Jok Therapy “~ 2 The Correspondence Systems in Hands and Feet ~ (1) The Comespondence Systems in Hands ~~ © The Similarity of Protrusions @ Similar Height of Protrusions ~ © The Regional Parts are Similar to each other r @ Correspondence in the Yin area and the Yang area n @ The Centerline Corresponds to each other in a Symetry B © The Thumb is the Head ~~ 1a The Head is on the Exact Centerline, and is Located Atop in a Natural Posture cereetont eli Be The Head has Different Running Direction The Protrusion of the Head Consists of the Head and Neck =" 17 d.The Head Controls the Arms and Legs ~ @ The Head is Short and Thick“ © Why the Thumb Runs Dowmwards (2) The Correspondence System in the Feet ~ 1) The Main Canepondence end Secondary Comempondence (4) The Partial Corespondence Structure oo © “Bowling Pins Conespondence Structure ~ @ Partial Correspondence Structure of the Head ® Partial Comespondence Structure of the Knee © Abdomen Comerondence Sete ofthe Bowed Pt of the Sole ~ (6) The Skin Correspondence and Anatiomic Correspondence ~ (6) The Correspondence Electric Wave Principles ~~ (7) The Four-Axis Reflection Principle ~~ (8) Understanding of Important Corespondence Points ~ Suit the Shape of the Body to the Yin and Yang Pats of Hands and Feet and Commpard Corespondence Relation © Make the Concept of the Left and the Right Side Clear with @ Border of the Hand/Foot Conespondence Centerline 2 BEERB & ‘and the Diaphragm Correspondence Line.‘ “4 3) Understand the Hand/Foot Contespondence to the Part Above and Below the Diaphragm ~~ ee “49 ® Unersand the Conesponience Cotrine of Yang Se of Hands/Feet ~ . Understand the Comespondence Points to the Fark Understanding of the Leg Comespondence Structure Understanding of the Correspondance Location of the Foot Undetaring tthe Conspnioce Lne othe Dap tn Foot. rns ve (9) Important Conespondence Point Seking Exercise . © The Comaparson of the Important Correspondence Points © The Energy Points in Hands and Fest ~ ‘3. Practical Correspondence Treatment ~~ (1) How to Seek Correspondence Balls (2) The Depth and Scope of the Stimulus for Treatment (3) Number of Application and Duration of Treatment -- (4) Bloodeting -= eee (5) Three-Point Comespondence Therapy ~ (6) The Fue Steps of Conespondence Therapy © Step 1: Comespondence Point Stimuls = ae ee Besxees222 ® Step 2: Subsidiary Comespondence Points Stimulus 10 ® Step 3: Yin and Yang Organs Correspondence Points Seimulus ~ 105 @ Step 4: Spinal Cord Comespondence Reaction Point Stimulus -~ 106 © Step 5: Brain Comrespondence Reaction Point Stimulus 107 (7) Precaution in Treatment 109 @ Do not give too Strong Stimulus to 2 Weak Patient “ML ® Give Stimulus Carefully to a Patient in Extremely, Emotional Tension ~ emenennre @ Do not give a Strong Stimulus When a Patient has not Slept Well or Starved ~ @ Do not give too Strong Stimulus on the Correspondence Point to the Head ~ ie eter eee oars © Do not give a Strong Stimulus to a Patient who Is Fraid of Treatment ~ Pattie itlt tlic Mm Mm “a CHAPTER I ‘The Byol Meridian Therapy 1. What is the Byol Meridian Therapy 3 2. The 12 Meridians and the 12 Byol Mendians s+ ~ 3. The Place and Method of Byol Meridian Tonifcation/Sedation (1) The Flowing Direction and Location of the Tonification/Sedation| Byol Meridians ~ © The Fouing Direction of the Tonication/Sedation Byol Meridians ~~ aaa ry @ The Locations of the Tonfiation/Sedation Byol Meriians ~~ 125 @ The Method and Place of the Byol Meridian Tonitication Sedation ference “1B 4. The Classification of the Byol Meridian Tonification/Sedation ~~~ 190) © The Simple Byol Meridian Tonification/Sedation += ® The Long Byol Meridian Tonifeation/Sedation ® The Yin-Yang Byol Meridian Tonification/Sedation 5. The Method of the Byol Meridian Tonification/Sedation 136 (1) The Relevant Byol Meridian Tonification/Sedation 17 (2) The Byol Meridian Yin-Yang Tonification/Sedaton ~ 138 (3) The Byol Meridian Subjugation Tonifcation/Sedation (4) The Byol Meridian Anti-Subjugation Tonifcation/Sedation ~ (5) The ScKi Byol Meridian Tonificaion/Sedation (6) The Byol Meridian Tonification/Sedation Using Finger Magnets =~ 145, ‘6 The Byol Meridian Tonification/Sedation Diagnosis 7. The Meridian Muscle Diagnosis ~ (1) The Location of the Meridian Muscles in Hand (2) The Location of the Meridian Muscles tn Foot 158 (@) The Meridian Muscle Diagnosis in Hand “154 (4) The Meridian Muscle Diagnosis in Foot 161 CHAPTER Ill ‘The Clinical Experiences CHAPTER The Introduction to the Su Jok Instruments and the Method of their Applications ~ APPENDIX I. The Correspondence Therapy 1. What is the Su Jok Therapy ? (1) Synopsis and History Hands and feet (Su Jok) have @ proper cure system for curing the diseases of the human body based on the body correspondence Principles. This cure system te 2 special one with intentional will only for prevention or cure of diseases Hands and feet are the only places selected as artlcal cure regions points by the strong wil of the Heaven, which pure love towards the human being may be easily grasped by the dull reason of our mankind. “The correspondence cure system implanted in hands end feet is really perfect Independent cure system realm which is logical, systematic, diversified, detailed and thorough and contains warm love. Therefore, they have a limitless potentalty to be more clarified in the future Hands and feet have the closest resemblance to the human body, Particularly hands are too closely similar to the human body in terms of shape. Even a slightest attention would be sufficient enough for us to find the resemblance intuitively and ponder what this means, and come to a conclusion that such resemblance aims at the prevention and cure of diseases for our heath. This conclusion conforms to the Creator's consideration and intention to make mankind realize that He has created hands and feet in similar shape to the humand body to this end ‘Until the analogy of hands and feet to the human body and subsequent cure system are found to exist, a long time has elapsed to combine ‘empirical cure effects with the reason of human being. ‘There are some therapies making some parts of the human body cure points; hand acupuncture, foot acupuncture, ear acupuncture and head ‘acupuncture in China, and the hand or foot reflection therapy etc. They belong to empirical therapy, making use of some parts of the human body Including hands and feet for cure which are found to have some independent cure effects. In France, an ear was thought to have resemblance to the fetus. Based on the analogy, there was developed ‘2 new ear correspondence acupuncture therapy. This ear acupuncture and Korea's existing theory of the hand human body correspondence system considering the middle finger as the head are one step further advanced theory in that some parts are considered as the miniature of the human body. ‘The hand and foot-body correspondence system which has recently clarified that the thumb correspondence to the head would have been noticed by a lot of our ancestors. As the hand-body correspondence system ‘considering the thumb as head contains the Heaver’s will o let the human race know this truth and maintain health, it is believed natrual that any person with upright spirit and sight angle could happened to find the resemblance, ‘As for myself, while looking at my hand around 1953, 1 suddenly came across an idea that the thumb would comrespond to the head. During the veterans training one day in 1974, | tried to explain the resemblance fof hand to the human body to a reserve officer for a long time, which was similar to today’s body correspondence system considering the thumb as the head Tt was not until 1984 that T launched the body correspondence cure system which included hands and feet. That's because it was thought that hands and feet, being same kinds of bodily parts on the Yin-Yang relation, would have the same body correspondence structure composed of the same principles. In addition, feet were thought to have even stronger body correspondence system as they are subject to more frequent stimulus end even stronger strength. Such idea has been proved to be true. The body correspondence system of hands and feet, which was completed at that time, was partially announced formally in 1987 through some newspapers with some delay due to another research. In October 1987, “Su Jok 14 Byol Meridian Chart" was published, and in December of the same year “Su Jok Acupuncture Constitution Chart” was published. Thanks to the publishing of “Su Jok Acupuncture” in August 1988, which includes general theories of Su Jok Acupuncture, there were known to the world simultaneously the body comespondence cure system of hands and feet and all metaphysical principles based on this cure system such as the principles of Ten-Stem Constitution, SicKi Constitution and SixKi Treatment (2) Meaning of the Su Jok Therapy Since the Su Jok Acupuncture principles based on the body correspondence cure system viewing the thumb of hands and feet as the head was publicly announced, innumerable medical professionals and general citizens have studied these theories and recorded outstanding cure effects at home and abroad. In some research institutes there are being made scientiic researches on the principles. One of the best wishes of the human being would be enjoying his life in good health. A person's diseases are not limited to his own misfortune. It is directly linked to the loss to his family, his group or company, and the community and the country. Therefore, it would be one of the great concerns of all races and countries worldwide to select and disseminate the way to effectively cure such diseases. Wrong medical policy not only brings about budget waste of the country bbut also makes its people suffer from a lot of inconvenience. Such social loss and aftermath may result badly in the national policy of constructing a weltare society, ‘The Su Jok Therapy has established an academic foundation which can make great contribution to the world citizens’ medical welfare Improvement which is the pending goal of the human being with the clinical experiments and the features of the principles taken into consideration Now it is considered necessary to divide the system into the Su Jok ‘Therapy for general citizens and the Su Jok Acupunctue for medical professionals to realize even deeper medical effects. If basic therapies have been developed in a society to the extent that every ciizen can cure his own diseases, people will don't have to go to hospital to have minor diseases cured. For an individual he could avoid 1ee of going to hospital for every disease or subsequent waste fof time and could be freed from vague fears against diseases, thereby leading a better life In the meantime, the health authorities or the government will be able to save the budget nécessary to build more hospitals or establish medical schools and produce more medical professionals. Such budget can be converted to urgent industrial constructions or national welfare projects. Everybody has a right to master the knowledge and techniques for ‘curing his own diseases. ‘The Su Jok Therapy is a collection of natural therapies abstracted from the already developed Su Jok Acupuncture principles so that everybody ‘could easily use without professional knowledge. Consequently it makes ‘a rule not to give any injury or scar on the hands or feet which are subject to stimulus, ‘As mentioned above, hands and feet have the body correspondence cure system implanted by the Creator's love towards mankind. By respecting such spirit, the author intends to make the primary therapy of the body correspondence cure system of the hands and feet all world citizens could learn and use. ‘The body correspondence cure system of hands and feet is simple to sufficiently learn and use within a short period of time without professional knowledge, but achieves outstanding cure effect. It does not employ professional medical tools including acupuncture needles injuring the skin. It can attain its goal sufficiently with specially devised stimulus tools or ‘natural stimulus materials such as seed and sand. This clearly shows that the hand/foot correspondence cure system retains a feature of natural therapy. ‘One of the fundamental causes of disenses may be unbelanced energy supply by the 12 merdian systems. The therapy using the 12 meridian systems belongs to metaphysical therapy other than the correspondence theraphy which belongs to physical therapy. Out of the metaphysical therapies, the Byol Meridian Therapy is a way to achieve cure effect by tonifying or sedating the Byol meridian systems which exist respectively in the hands and feet as a miniature form. The Principles of the Byol Meridian Therapy are comperatively simple and can be learned and mastered within a short period of time. Its cure effect is outstanding to the extent that itis called an objective therapy. Therefore, it is designated as the secondary therapy of the Su Jok Therapy for popular use. ‘The correspondence therapy of hands and feet and the Byo! Meridian ‘Therapy will be the two main therapies of the Su Jok Therapy which has meaning as the Ist medical treatment for the world citizens in the future. 1k is convinced that positive dissemination of these therapies will play a leading role in realizing the Su Jok Acupuncture spirit of “Construction ‘of the Health Welfare Society through General Health Improvement of Mankind” And we will hove to deeply understand that the development ‘and dissemination of such popular therapies conform to this immortal cure system where our hands and feet have been specially selected and the strong love has been implanted 2. The Correspondence Systems in Hands and Feet There are several body correspondence systems with remote cure and ‘control functions to prevent or cure the diseases in our body, which autonomously protect our health It may be understood that the body correspondence cure systems with such remote control function spring from the Creator who has animated the human being with life as the sequential action so as for him to enjoy his life to the full Consequently, the body comespondence cure systems have been formed where frequent friction takes place so that we may achieve the disease prevention and cure effect by unconscious friction and stimulus given to the particular parts while we lead a daily life. They are amazing, convenient automatic cure devices. ‘There are implanted the body correspondence cure systems even in the intemal muscles or organs as well as in eyes, inside of nose, ears, tongue, gum, armpits, breasts, joints such as elbows and knee joint, hips, sexual organs, navel, face etc. They are all functioning as remote control systems taking care of our health primarily, ‘They bring about reactions on the correspondence points of the diseases by means of electric wave, and the stimulus on the points transmits cure electric wave for cure effect, thus forming a electric wave remote comespondence relationship. While all body correspondence systems including hands and feet play the primary role of taking care of the health of the human body, it should be noted that hands and feet are granted additional duties to the primary role. While the other correspondence systems are designed to prevent or cure diseases only by natural friction or stimulus which takes place while er Foot toa) Conezercoce leading a daily life, hands and feet correspondence system are equipped with particular structural conditions, very similar to the human body, which can exactly cure diseases of all parts of the body by giving intentional stimulus together with natural stimulation, ‘The special structure called the resemblance of hands and feet to the human body is precise so as not to view it accidental, and represents correct correspondence reactions and cure effects. ‘The body correspondence system of hands and feet may be a selected correspondence system in preparation for the time when the human being recognizes that hands and feet are very similar to the human body and such resemblance is linked to the means for keeping our health and begins to positively make the most of it ‘As natural friction and stimulus of the correspondence cure systems accompanied by dally life are not sufficient to perfectly prevent and cure diseases, it would have been necessary for the hand and foot correspondence cure systems to exist which can positively cure the already on-set diseases by giving artificial stimulus precisely. Hands and feet have been selected and shaped in resemblance to the body by such need to ‘make the human being realize such analogy and cure diseases correctly without any confusion. That's because hands and feet are the uniquely selected cure systems ‘which contain extreme love and steadfast will for the prevention and cure of diseases. We will persist in an attitude to exert maximum effort to have the profound love spread uprightly by correctly grasping how the cure system has been planted in hands and feet (1) The Correspondence Systems in Hands Hands are most similar to the human body. It may come from the Providence to make us readily notice thelr resemblance to the human body as we may see our hands very often The human being lives between the heaven upwards and the earth downwards, This stern order of the cosmos composes of one spirit, which 's reflected on all things. The orderly spirit of Yin-Yang called the heaven land the earth is also reflected in our human body.So the head is round and atop with the heavenly spirit received and the feet are located nearest to the earth and stand on the land with the spirit of the earth received, Hands exist between the head of heaven and the feet of earth, So they look like the human being with the spirit of the human being who represents all living creatures on the earth received. How do hands look after the human body’? © The Similarity of Protrusions In the human body, there are five protrusions such as the head (neck), the left arm, the right arm, the left leg and the right leg centering around the body. In the hand, there are five protruded fingers centering around the palm, (Maroon of te Ponctng Pa requ Fe ‘The only parts of the human body to have such five extrusions are hands and feet. This is a wonderful resemblance providing the most fundamental ground for resemblance of hands to the human body. @ Similar Height of Protrusions When a man sits down or stands up in a natural way, the head ‘out of the five protrusions is located atop, the two hands are in the middle ‘and the two feet are located in the lowest place. When you slip hands down in natural way, the thumb is located atop, which corresponds to the head. The 2nd finger and the Sth finger are located in the middle, which comespond to the two arms, and the 3rd and 4th fingers are located in the lowest position, which correspond to the two legs. It goes without saying that if you put your hand in a position which 's far from natural position, the height may become different This Is just like the principle that when we change our position by intentionally standing on the head, the legs are located atop instead of the head. It will be a natural principle to compare the human body with hands in a natural position. inal Ponte ip @ The Regional Parts are Similar to each other The human body is divided into some parts with the border of the seeming features or the joints, the diaphragm and so on, ‘The hand is also divided into some parts with the border of the knuckles or the hand lines. The parts divided this way in the human body and the hands correspond to each other. ‘This resemblance of parts is a typical example to show how closely similar to the human body the hand is. @® Correspondence in the Yin area and the Yang area ‘The human body is divided into the Yin area and the Yang area. In an animal position the inside is the Yin area and the outside is the Yang area. When shrinking the body, the hiding part is the Yin area and the exposed part is the Yang area. ‘The hand is also definately classified into the Yin area and the Yang area, which correspond to those of the human body. When clenching the fist, the hiding part of the palm is the Yin area and the exposing part of the back of the hand is the Yang area, ‘The hand is a place where the Yin and Yang areas are more expressly distinguished than any correspondence cure system together with the foot -u- (US, ; Lig ‘hm Baer Lo of the Yn=Yang See Har Ye Se am ott Hard) (Gx ot a Han) ‘Tm Hand Shows car Oscrmaton Setwean Ys Sls a Yong See © The Centerline Corresponds to each other in a Symmetry ‘The left end the right of the human body are symmetrical by the centerline of the left and the right and have the same appearence, anatomical bone structure and equal number of bones. It is possible to decide a centerline in hand which makes a symmetry of the left and the ight just like the human body. This correspondence centerline is the unique centerline which makes perfect symmetry in the anatomical bonestructure and the number of bones of the hand oe Based on the correspondence centerline, the left and right correspondence structure of the hand is decided. In other words, the left ‘and right are decided with the Yin area facing forwards both in the human. body and the hand, Take the left hand for example. When comparing the upper part above the diaphragm, the end of the thumb shall be placed atop. The part towards the 2nd finger from the centerline will be the left and the outer part shall be the right. When comparing the lower part under the diaphragm, the four fingers except the thumb will face the ground. At this time the wrist line will correspond to the diaphragm. When the Yin area faces forwards, the part towards the thumb will be the left and the part towards the Sth finger will be the right. Consequently, the 2nd finger will be the left arm and the 5th finger the right arm. Likewise the 3rd finger will be the left leg and the 4th finger the right leg © The Thumb is the Head Which will corospond to the head out of the 5 fingers is the most Important factor in understanding the correspondence system of the hand. Which finger has the Heaven chosen to comespond to the head and what structure has the Heaven formed there to let the human being notice such fact? ‘The head is on the exact centerline, and is located atop @ natural posture. ‘As already mentioned above, the hand has the correspondence centerline running from the spot where the 3rd finger and the 4th finger meet together to the center of the wrist centerline and then extending to the central point of the top of the thumb, This correspondence centerline is the unique centerline making a perfect symmetry left and right ea ‘Thur on ne Arai Conespondance Cente off Hin oe Boy Canta Meat ‘even in the anatomical structure There exist the thumb on the centerline ‘This is a decisive reason to regard the thumb as the head correspondent The thumb is located atop when observing in a natural posture with the hand dropping down, This conforms to the fact that the head is located atop of the body, b. The head has different running direction, In our body the head runs towards the heaven and the two arms ‘and two legs run dowanwards toward the ground in parallel. It may be considered that they run in different directions because they respectively have different roles to play. In other words, the head contains the brain, which arouses thoughts ‘and plays a metaphysical role of giving the arms and legs some commands for action. That's why the head runs towards the heaven which is Yang. In the meantime the arms and the legs play the passive role to move according to some thoughts and commands transferred from the brain, ‘That's why they run towards the ground, which is Yin -6- Aten Orion tom sen and Ui othe Ear ome of or Ore Popcng Deon” fem Obes When spreading the hand, the thumb only runs in a different direction, ‘and the other four fingers run in the same direction ©. The protrusion of the head consists of the head and the neck. In the human body the head protrusion is divded into the two parts such as the head and the neck, and the arms and the legs have the three parts distinguished by the joints respectively, ‘The three parts are bordered by the wrist joint, the elbow joint and the shoulder joint in the arm, and by the ankle joint, the knee joint and the hip joint in the leg, (Out of the five fingers, the thumb is only divided into two parts by the two joints, and the rest of the fingers are divided into three parts by the three joints. Therefore, the thumb divided into the two parts is regarded as the correspondent of the head. ape 4. The head controls the arms and legs. ‘As mentioned above, the head and the legs and arms play different roles respectively. The head gives commands to the arms and legs to bring about some behaviors. Therefore, it is located in the center of the arms and legs. In the hand too, the thumb is only located facing the other fingers ‘and can naturally feel them, thus having a figure of controlling them. fe. The head is short and thick In the body the head is the shortest and thickest. The leg is longer and thicker than the arm, and the arm is shorter than the leg but longer than the head In the hand too, the thumb is shorter but thicker than the other fingers, s0 corresponding to the head. The 3rd and 4th fingers are longer and stronger than the 2nd and 5th fingers, corresponding to the legs. The 2nd and 5th fingers are shorter than the 3rd and 4th fingers but longer than the thumb, thus corresponding to the arms In this way the hand has also resemblance to the human body even in the size ratio. -2- nays Shot ard Tek the Shot end The It shall not be an accidental natural phenomenon but the result of the action of a firm will with 2 definate purpose to make the hand resemblant to the human body. Such resemblance of the hand is an external suggestion to let us know that it retains a wonderful correspondence cure system in it. ‘The diseases arising everywhere of the human body bring about the exact reaction on the resemblant correspondence point of the hand, and a stimulus thereupon is linked to immediate cure effects, Based on ‘innumerable experiences in such effects, it is convinced that the hand has @ perfect independent cure system equipped with both the appearance and the substantiality, ‘Through the experience that the hand has apparent resemblance and brings the strict result of real cure effect based on such resemblance, it may be realized that this truth includes the will of the Heaven's love to thoroughly protect the living things. @® Why the Thumb runs Downwards ‘The thumb and its bottom part are turned downwards 140° from the stomach pit correspondence point. In the human body there is the chest above the abdomen, and the neck and the head are located in the rising order. In the hand, however, the chest, the neck and the head have been formed in different angle from the abdomen , showing a shape different from the human body. ‘The hand has the two different functions. One is to grasp things as 2 part of the body, and the other is to work as a body correspondence cure system ‘The Heaven meant to establish a form to satisfy both functions. By forming the upper part with a border of the diaphragm at the existing angle, the Heaven could keep the order of same regional part in the body correspondence structure in hand, and grant its original function of gripping things. It’s obvious that the shape of the hand is really the Creator's wonderful masterpiece. (2) The Correspondence Systems in the Feet The foot has the most resemblant structure to the human body next to the hand. Just as the human body has the five protrusions, the foot has the five protrusions called the five toes. This shows that the foot has the fundamental elements of its most resemblance to the human body except the hand. When comparing it with the body, however, it may not be easy to find the resembalnce of the foot to the human body. Consequently, it would be better to understand the resemblance of the hand to the human body first, and then grasp the resemblance of the foot to the hand in order to grasp the resemblance of the foot to the human body. The resemblance of the hand to the human body has already been explained in details, How is the foot resemblant to the hand? ‘The fourleg animals have almost similar forefeet and hindlegs. ‘The relation between human being’s hands and feet may be compared to that between the animals’ forelegs and hind legs. In other words; they used to belong to the same category originally and have similar functions. ‘This is proved by the resemblance of their anatomical bone structure, “Tm Bone Srackea of he Hand The Sone Stee ot the Fat “te Seay of te Hand Bons Stace te te Consequently, the resemblance of the foot to the human body may be clarified by corresponding the body of foot to the body of the hand, the big toe of the foot to the thumb of the hand, the 2nd toe to the 2nd finger, the 3rd toe to the 3rd finger, the 4th toe to the 4th finger, and the Sth toe to the Sth finger. ~2 Like the hand, the Yin and Yang areas of the foot are expressly classified in the form of the sole and the instep. ‘The comespondence of the hand and the foot is as follows: The Conpation of he Haod-FootCongonsne 10 By vane Sa va Ste ye see Cine Soe Yn Se, The stp Yg Se) ‘The body correspondence structure of the foot is generally similar to that of the hand. If you could confirm some key points, you won't have any big problems in understanding the overall correspondence structure of the foot ‘The following Is the correspondence structure of the foot to the human body. The Consgonnen Regs othe Fost (ne Sime Hombre Covent Each Oe) ‘Yarn Sia B07 Coespondafcs of te Fat Although the foot does not have so exquisite resemblance to the human body as the hand, it has been so designed as to exactly grasp its body correspondence structure. Although every detail of the correspondence structure of the foot has been clarified with an aid of the correspondence structure of the hand, the foot has clear order system as @ correspondence structure, and the regional boundaries of such correspondence structure are obvious. So it ‘also has a perfect body correspondence structure not so different from the hand in terms of cure and use Even though the foot has inferior correspondence resemblance compared with the hand, it is shown that its correspondence force as body correspondence structure is superior to the hand. ‘The foot is subject to the most frequent friction and stimulus and the strongest stimulus out of the human body. That means that it has been developed to the most advanced body correspondence cure system among all body parts, It is considered that we owe the most deal of our health to the corresponding work force which is automatically created by the feet. It is natural that the foot which brings about most powerful contact stimulus and frequent friction has the resemblance to the human body for curing diseases. How such comespondence structure of the foot will be utilized for our health would be the task we have to undertake from now @ The Main Correspondence and Secondary Correspondence ‘The terms of main correspondence and secondary correspondence have been titled to distinguish the correspondence points as there are two hands and two feet and subsequently there exist two correspondence points of @ particular point of the human body in the hands or the feet while there 's only one human body. For example, main correspondence is such a area which exists in the left correspondence part of the left hand or foot to the left of the human body when dividing the body into the two, the left and the right with a border of the centerline Secondary correspondence is such a area which exists in the left correspondence part of the right hand or foot to the left of the human body when dividing the body into the two, the left and the right with border of the centerline ‘Take the appendix for example. Being in the right of the human body, Its main correspondence is in the right correspondence area of the right hhand or foot, while its secondary correspondence is located in the right correspondence area of the left hand or foot See Comore Ft ot ts Cocum ne Let Ha Congas of te Man = Secondy ro a ot a tn Stcendiy Conspendarce Poet of Man Corepordnes Font of Mn Conepanren Font of ort fw Lot Eom be Lett Hand tw Lo for fe Lat Fost tw Let Eaves he Bap foot ‘There ate alvays one correspondence of a particular point of the human body in the left hand or foot and another correspondence in the right hand or foot. To cure diseases, it is required to check both of the correspondence areas and select a point where even stronger oppression pain reaction takes place as the cure point. If you can exactly find the main correspondence and the secondary correspondence of a particular point of the human body once or at the same time, you may have understood the body correspondence system in hand and foot perfectly (@) The Partial Correspondence Structure It was leamt that the hand and the foot have the original correspondence system with the thumb regarded as the head ‘Those original correspondence cure systems have been planted for the purpose, of taking care of the health of the human being. In case these ‘are not sufficient enough to thoroughly prevent and cure diseases with ‘only them, there are needed some additional correspondence systems in the parts partially resemblant to the human body, In other words, the partial correspondence structure is an independent comepondence cure system which covers the roles of the original comespondence structure can't fully undertake but contributes to the preservation of human health ‘These also represent partial resemblance and independent cure effects just like the original correspondence cure systems @ Bowling Pin Correspondence Structure This structure was titled so as it looked like bowling pins. ‘As the thumb has sts nail on its extremity bar, the other fingers have their respective nails on their extremity bars, demonstrating resemblance to one another. Accordingly, just as the extremity bar of the thumb is the head, the extremities of the other fingers become the correspondences of -2- Boning Pa Conaspniane Satie. he Hed and Fost the head, In the original correspondence structure, each finger has played its role fof each part of the body, organizing a cooperative system in a ‘correspondence function as a whole, Just like a person who used to engage in his own role of social life plays an independent role by leading his family upon returning home, these fingers also have independent correspondence structures. ‘The extremity bar of the thumb corresponds to the head, the 2nd bar to the neck, and the convex area below the thumb which used to be regarded as the chest in the original correspondence structure corresponds to the trunk of the body. The other fingers also organize their independent body correspondence structure respectively likewise. Consequentlythey compose of partial correspondence structure without the arms and the legs ‘The same is applied to the feet. The toes compose their independent body correspondence structure equivalent to the head, the neck and the trunk from the extremity bar of each toe toward the trunk of the foot ‘The bowling pin correspondence structures sometimes prove to tum out conrect correspondence reaction or cure effects not second to the original conrespondence structure For example, when a man has headache, he can also obtain exact cure ‘effect on the 4th finger. If the comespondence structure of the head has been limited to the thumb as the original correspondence structure, there would be no choice ‘but to depend on the friction or stimulus of the thumb for preventing or ‘curing the diseases of the head which is the most important element of the human body. To ease such limited effect and have more opportunities to give stimulus, there must have been required additional independent body correspondence structures like the bowling pin correspondence structure, ® Partial Correspondence Structure of the Head ‘There may be innate view and postnatal sight angle in dividing the head into the Yin and Yang parts. From the innate view, as the human being also belongs to the animal, the Yin and Yang parts of his head may be decided with a border of his mouth as in other animals. ving Soe of he haat wng —YOCNI en 0 Lt ad Tha ‘So Steven Anmaiea86 Tar In other words, the part lower than the mouth is the Yin area, and the upper part is the Yang atea. The existing acupuncture sclence follows this innate view. Therefore, the Governor Meridian(Yang) is down to the upper part of the mouth, and the Conception Meridian(Yin) is up to the lower part of the mouth. 1K the mouth becomes the border in dividing the head into the Yin and Yeng areas, the thumb, corresponding to the head, has @ mouth on tenet rate Mand Conspodence of the Thumb th Hand and Foot ‘hans and Bg Ton few Yorg San of he Pages the border between the Yin and Yang areas. Consequently, the Yang part of the thumb having nail becomes the correspondence of the face, and the bottom of the nail comresponds to the bottom of the jaw. ‘The correspondence of the face formed in the Yang part of the thumb Is as follows: In this comespondence structure, the fingernail or toenail corresponds to the tongue end teeth the root of the fingernail or toenail to the upper teeth, and the bottom of the fingernail or toenail to the lower teeth Each of the fingers and toes corresponds to the head according to the touting pin correspondence structure. So its Yang aréa ic. the part of fingernail and toenail has addtional face correspondence structure In the meantime, from the postnatal view the face is regorded as the Yin area and the back of the head as the Yang area, essering that the border between Yin and Yang has been moved to the extremity of the heed since the forehead has been upheaved and the face has become generally flat as the human brain gets developed and grows larger “The original body correspondence structure In hands/feet elect to adopt the postnatal head correspondence structure ae Petra Hand Comms of he ‘The innate head correspondence structure shows the good development ‘of the mouth, teeth and jaw under the nose, while the postnatal head correspondence structure features the balanced shape in similar way to the human head and the well developed space of the brain secured on above the forehead, ‘As both the two head correspondence structures put forth good result In clinical cure effect, sometimes it is difficult to decide which is superior, © Partial Correspondence Structure of the Knee It makes a rule that the body correspondence structure of the hands and the feet is decided according to the Yin-Yang principles. Consequently, the concrete correspondence Is decided with the knee divided into the Yin area and the Yang area. In the knee structure, the Yin and Yang areas are bent half and half, which is different from the ‘middle finger which corresponds to the leg and Is bent from the Yang ‘area towards the Yin direction, Unlike the correspondence relationship between the elbow and the Index finger, the knee of the leg and the 2nd joint of the middle finger are inconsistent with each other in terms of Yin and Yang when they get bent. We may find another correspondence relation considering only the bending angles regardless of the Yin and Yang areas, This is the partial correspondence structure of the knee. @e\® io alo O]*@s]/@ / Beck Seo of ope me Fro Se of rom ts eee retry nor te Frowtto) Lage smite Consponnes i Hard Foot (ihe Namber ve Conapengence Pant) Regardless their Yin-Yang area, as they share bending similarity, they have structural resemblance and satisly the requirements of the partial correspondence structure ‘The knee correspondence structure also calls forth outstanding cure effect @ Abdomen Correspondence Structure of the Bowed Part of the Sole The bowed or bow.angled part is equipped with the correspondence structure which corresponds to the abdomen of the body and part of the instep has the correspondence structure of the back of the body. From the big toe of the foot there are formed the respective correspondence structures of the head, the neck and the chest, and just below the chest correspondence there Is the bowed part, which corresponds to the abdomen, ‘This partial correspondence structure of the abdomen has the merit of convenience in real use when some part of the Yin area of the foot may be inconvenient to give stilumus for cure. sosaran Coreg “Tare Coremindoce of he of te Boned Pn ot vane Sawn Foot eco (6) The Skin Correspondence and Anatomic Correspondence Although the hands or the feet are regionally resemblant to the humanbody in their correspondence structure, they are not just same. To precisely understand the correspondence to the human body, it is required to dlassify it to skin comespondence and anatomic correspondence. Skin correspondence is to correspond the borders discernable by eye fon the skin around the knuckles or on palm of the hands or feet to the equivalent skin border of the body. ‘Anatomic correspondence means that unlike the seeming borders on the skin of the hands or feet, their inside bones and corresponding Yin and Yang organs have formed their respective correspondence structures. Accordingly, you may frequently fail to find the exact correspondence point considering only the seeming borders on the skin of the hands or feet when you seek correspondence points of the inside bone structures ‘or Yin and Yang organs. In the Yang area of the hands and feet, the skin correspondence and the anatomic correspondence generally conforms to each other, but in some case they show a considerable difference in the Yin area. To seek such correspondences, it is required to understand the anatomic correspondence principles. ‘The skin correspondence and the anatomic correspondence of the left inguinal region may be compared as follows: ‘As the Yin and Yang organs of the human body are located deep Inside, their correspondence area should be found according to their anatomical features ‘The correspondences of the chest appear overlapped with some part ‘of abdomen. Therefore, It will be more certain to avoid confusion by using the secondary correspondence regions instead of the main correpondence areas where overlapping takes place. Lier May Coremponaanes Le Secon Conesponserce Fagor agen We Chat ne Radovan a opp, fe Abd Scone Conaponcerce Pont canto ua fr Tennant (© The Correspondence Electric Wave Principles ‘The hands/feet and the human body bring about the correspondence reaction by means of electric wave Not only hands and feet but also all independent correspondence structures over the body have correspondence relation to the human body through the electric wave. Being the subject of our precious life phenomenun, our body should always be kept in good health As one of the concrete method, the correspondence electric wave principles are applied to the body and play such role. When a disease takes place in a part, our body emits the electric wave to all correspondence structures to notify such fact, and command them to immediately cure it scams B resrme pe | Een ae ek eee Seance oe Gane wert a cee wand SE Baty Cota Eee Wave Staten ‘Soy and te Pec Conepawen Show (Goay as» Cantal Ewcte Ware Stor Cemepandene Stustee es Darah Bact Wave San) Upon receipt of such “notice electric wave", each correspondence structure immediately forms a “comespondence ball”, which is sensitive to electricity, around the correspondence area, and when given an opportunity of fiction, it transmit “cure electric wave" to the affected part of the body and cure the disease. In other words, the occurtence of an abnormality in our body means that there has taken place an abnormality in the vvicurzent flowing the area. When such symptom is serious to the extent to cause pain, the vivieurrents have got united, emiting an electric wave.These notice electric waves" are immediately transmitted to each correspondence point of the various comespondence structures of the body, which, upon receipt of such clecie waves, forms the “correspondence ball”, which is sensitive to electricity Such correspondence bells which are very sensitive to electricity bring about electric short circuit with a slightest fiction or stimulus and cause pain, and at the same time generate the “cure electvic wave", and transmit it to the part affected with the disease. The “cure electric waves” sent from body correspondence structures arrive in the part where the disease has taken place, and camry out the duty of normalizing the flow of the electric current. When the vivicurrent of the sick part has redeemed normality, the pain disappears, and the physiological functions of the body organization therearound begin to work normally. This way the disease is cured Moe Conaepndence Bat Aaa Conezenrce Bot The Cenaesenoce Cconerponaance Bal fora he Hardest ge Like this there is a wonderful electric wave cure system similar to an automatic remote control system between our body and each body correspondence structure to maintain the living phenomenun in good health Consequently, when you are to cure any disease by using the body comespondence structure of the hands/feet as an artificial stimulus cure system, you will obtain satisfactory cure effect by correctly finding and stimulate the “correspondence ball. (7) The Four-Axis Reflection Principle In the human body there are four axes, arid all phenomena of the body are reflected by the axes to various spots. This is the Four-Axis Reflection Principle. ott fatetne As ert Ongena atctng Ane alt Dagon Rating Ait Up—Down Rating Ase “he Four Rating Ans oft Boy aaa ‘This may be compared with the fact that you can alter the television channel by manipulating the remote contro! towards the mirror on the ‘opposite site of the television set ‘The four axes include the leftright (vertical) reflection axis which acts as the exact centerline which divides the body into the left and the right, the up-down (horizontal) reflection axis which passes through the center of the naval, the left diagonal reflection axis which penetrates into the center of the left arm, the body and the right foot diagonally, the right diagonal reflection axis which penetrates the center of the right arm, the body and the left foot diagonally. The metaphysical four axes disperse harmonize and flow the energy, and dissolve diseases. ‘The left-right reflection axis reflects the left onto the right and the right conto the left or the front onto the rear and the rear onto the front. The up-down reflection axis reflects the low onto the high and the high onto the low. The left diagonal reflection axis reflects the high right onto the low left and the low left onto the high right direction. And the right diagonal reflection axis reflects the high left onto the low right and the low right onto the high left. In the human body, the four axes are inclined to selectively reflect what is benelitial to the life phenomenun, For example, when there is a disease on the right, this is not reflected ‘onto the left, but when there is given a stimulus to the left, this is reflected by the leftright reflection axis onto the right and the disease on the right gets cured ‘The more correspondence balls there are formed in body correspondence cure systems of hands or feet, the higher the probability of cure becomes. Therefore, the correspondence reflection axes diminutively formed in the correspondence structures reflect all phenomena as they are. It may be interpreted as the wonderful harmony phenomenun from the Providence of the nature that the meaning of body correspondence structures of hands/feet as cure system looks more outstanding by the 4: ae Axis Reflection ‘The pressure pain points which are caused by the reflection of these correspondence reflection axes in case of abnormality on the left front knee fe as follows: These include only the plane reflection points. There will be minimum 8 reaction points including cubic reflection points Dy) Ae Latte Rating oat etc Luft agra Retcing UP Sewn eee ng Set onal Rating eying Pot ~ ae [ju Letom Rete Lat Dera ating Pont Cn St Fo om ee Fatectng scion Ponts by Conspenaires Ralcing Ae There are created more treatment points by the work of the 4 correspondence reflection axes which exist in hands/feet. Such phenomenun also takes place In the partial correspondence structures at the same time, Therefore, it may lead to a blunder to grasp the body correspondence structures with emphasis placed on the cure effects only. In addition to the 4-axis reflection principle of hands/feet, there exists some systematic cure principles of obtaining cure effects. In the Byol muscle system a stimulus given to the pertinent Byolgyol is transferred to the troubled point through the Byol muscle although its location may be far from the correspondence point, Therefore, there take place varied ape cure effects in really innumerable points in the body correspondence structures of hands/feet. To systematically grasp the varied mysterious cure effects from the overall sight angle, it will be the best way to master various principles and phenomene applied herein as explained thus far. (8) Understanding of Important Correspondence Points Ik the most important firt step to correctly find the points in hhands/feet which correspond to the affected part of the body. Although you have understood the overall body correspondence principles in hands/feet, if you cannot find the correct points and give stimuli, there will be no decisive cure effects. Therefore, such rough understanding of hands/feet correspondence structures will mean nothing In the respect of medical cure ‘There are some basic ways to correctly grasp the body correspondence structures in hands/feet. And the correspondence points of some particular parts should be additionally confirmed. By doing so, you may be equipped with how to comectly find out the comespondence points of any part of the body through connection of such knowledge to the overall body correspondence structures. © Suit the Shape of the Body to the Yin and Yang Parts of Hands and Feet and Compare Correspondence Relation ‘The five protrusions of hands/feet have been found to be the ‘elements which recpectively comespond to the head, the two arms and the two legs of the body. The joints and lines of hands and feet play the role of border between correspondence areas, thus establishing basic resemblance which should be included in the body correspondence structures, ‘They ate divided into the Yin area and the Yang arer. which division makes the conespondence relation more detailed While the palm and the sole, which belong to the Yin area, face the same direction and the back of the hand and the instep, which belong to the Yang area, face the same direction, the legs or arms of the body tun forwards with half of Yin and half of Yang mixed each other Therefore, such fact may make us feel confused when studying their correspondence relations. ‘As the palm or sole shows only the Yin side, compare their conrespondence relations with the shape of the body changed so as for the Yin atea to face forwards In others words, as the front of the body faces forwards as the Yin ‘area, turn the arms and the legs outwards so that the Yin areas of the farms and legs may face forwards. It goes without saying that not only the palms but also the soles should face forwards. Congre Yoot ane Boy We feng the Cnr the Say Wit Hand Foot wee Ye eof the Fou foward © Make the concept of the left and the right clear with a border of the hand/foot correspondence centerline and the diaphragm correspondence line. When comparing the body correspondence relation in hands or feet, some people look at the palms or the soles, and others the back of the hand or the instep. They may feel confused in understanding the left/right correspondence relations of the body. To avoid such confusion, you will have to clarify the body correspondence relations of the left and right by making the most of the Yin body center correspondence line and the diaphragm correspondence line of hands and feet Tine stoachra vont) or tw Dass vert The Yin body corespondence center line is classified to the ‘genital ‘organs correspondence point’ or the lowest part, the ‘stomach pit correspondence point’ or the center area, and the ‘head top correspondence point’ or the highest port. When comparing the body parts ee below the diaphragm or both arms, have the ‘genital organs correspondence point’ face downwards and the “stomach pit correspondence point” face upwards vertically with the Yin area of hands/feet facing forwards. When comparing the part above the diaphragm, place the "head top correspondence point’ upwards and the ‘stomach pit correspondence point’ downwards vertically with the Yin area of hands/feet forwards, and then compare the left and right correspondence regions. When comparing the body correspondence relation of hands and feet fn the sald position, the left of the correspondence centerline always corresponds to the left of the body, and the right of the corresopndence centerline always corresponds to the right of the body. Consequently, the left of the correspondence ‘centerline of the left hhandjfoot becomes the main correspondence of the left of the body, and the right of the correspondence centerline of the left hand/foot becomes the secondary correspondence of the right of the body. The right of the comrespondence centerline of the right hand/foot becomes the main correspondence of the right of the human body, and the left of the correspondence centerline of the right hand/foot becomes the secondary correspondence of the left of the body. @® Understand the Hand/Foot Correspondence to the Part above and below the Diaphragm ‘The correspondence of hands/feet to the body features being separated by the border of the diaphragm correspondence. ‘The delayed discovery of the original correspondence structure in hands may have been attributable to peculiar bending of the correspondence of hand to the part above the diaphragm, which seems to have been shaped 0 to maintain the original function of hand of gripping things and have resemblance as a body correspondence structure in hands. Such shaping of hand is linked to foot similarly, which leaves a difficult task in grasping the correspondence points in hands and feet to 2 part above and below the diaphragm In the Yin area of hand, the correspondence to the part above the diaphragin is turned about 14° at the stomach-pit comepondence point (correspondence to the dent spot below the chest in the human body). ae ‘The stomach-pit correspondence point in hand is the point where the correspondence centerline 1o the part above the diaphragm and the correspondence centerline to the part below the diaphragm meet together. It is generally the triengular point about Smm~10mm away from the mid point of the wrist centerline, When finding a correspondence point to a part above the diaphragm Im the Yin area of the hand, the diaphragm corresponds to the low extremity of the life line (palm reading), while when finding a correspondence point to a part below the diaphragm, the diaphragm comresponds to the wrist line oud Top Coetponcece Font “Two Diet Cuphagm Coniponaince Leas Hard and the Foon of Shmach =P Cormpentnrce Pont beta Tram [As the correspondence area to the chest particularly in hand are overlapped by some abdomen correspondence area, some attention is required to find a correspondence and correspondence pressure pain point of such area ‘The correspondence to the chest in the left hand is the convex below the thumb which seems thick at the low part of the thumb. Some of the correspondence points in left hand to heart, left lung and right lung are overlapped with some of the correspondence points to stomach, spleen, pancreas, large intestine, small intestine and kidney, and such correspondence pressure pain reaction takes place at the same time. ee ‘Accordingly, when you check the correspondence pressure pain reaction point on the secondary correspondence area on the right hand instead fof the main correspondence area of stomach, spleen, pancreas, large intestine, small intestine and kidney below the diaphragm which are ‘overlapped with the correspondence to the chest above the diaphragm, you may see exactly which intemal organ represents such reaction, epee Deptagm Conepensres Loe Saconay Connpncnc Fat can ba see han tat Rapon i ome Lapp wih ep above Dogtagm m Mo Cnarpndence Sym In the right hand, the correspondence to the chest is also the convex below thumb, which is thick inside of the border of life line. Some of the heart and the two lungs are overlapped with some corfespondence points of liver, gall bladder, duodenum, large intestine, small intestine and Kidney. Such overlapping may result in correspondence pressure pain reaction in similar places. Therefore, it is sometimes dificult to discern which internal organ makes such pain reaction, ‘As for some correspondence points of liver, gall bladder, duodenum, large intestine, small intestine and kidney below the diaphragm, it would be better to take their secondary correspondence region on the left hand to avoid confusion and make correct cure. ae ‘ome Pr of he Rant Man Conspansince Ran tvs Dapvegm Rat Hand cant Cheng for iment Shmatton tw Para! far Sacndsy Caergndece Pat Late hand In the Yang area, there is no serious overlapping of correspondences, above and below the diaphragm In foot, the correspondence of chest above the diaphragm is comparatively narrow. and its overlapping with abdomen below the diaphragm is not very large. Therefore, it may not bring about serious confusion. However, it makes no big difference in that there is also overlapping area basicaly. © Understand the Correspondence Centerline of Yang Side of Hands/Feet ‘The correspondence centerline of the Yang side of hand begins from the ‘anus correspondence point’ where the middle finger and the ring finger meet together, is linked to the “chestabdomen correspondence point’ in the vicinity of the center of the Yang wrist joint, and runs from another ‘chestrebdomen correspondence point’ around the low wrist of the Yang area to the “head top correspondence point” which is the center ‘extremity of the thumb, Dagragn Canizendoncs Ln ‘The correspondence centerline of the Yang side of foot also runs from the ‘anus correspondence point” where the middle toe and the 4th toe meet together to the ‘chest-abdomen correspondence point’ in the center fof the Yang ankle joint, and also run from another ‘chestabdomen correspondence point’ in the center of the low extremity of the Yang side ‘of the big toe to the “head top correspondence point’ on the central extremity of the big toe. Viewing at the border of the correspondence centerline of hands and feet, t may be understood that main correspondence parts are a litle more developed than secondary correspondence side. © Understand the Correspondence Points to the Flank Which point corresponds to the flank in hand? Although the hand {is resemblant to the human body, its not just same. To identify the == correspondence of ¢ particular part, it is frequently required to make logical Inference based on the body correspondence principles in hand and foot The body comespondence structure of hands/feet has not been established inductively based on experiences of cure effects, but sprung ln a deductive manner which may reveal all comespondences and cure points for itself when we understand its resemblance planted by the will fof the Heaven end its fundamental structure. Therefore, f we make a reasonable, logical inference according to the human reason, we can find all body corespondence points we need to in hands and feet Let us seek the correspondence points to the flank. You are expected to acquire an ability to find the correspondence points of the other parts through this course First of all confirm that the flank is located at the border between the Yin and Yang sides of the body, and observe the correspondence where the Yin and Yang meet together in the trunk of hand. If you went to seek the comespondence point of the left flank, keep the main correspondence area of the left hand and the secondary correspondence area of the right hand in mind Ne conmpertrc UR, soy eager he OS tb Lan ince tn) Now see if the part is located above or below the diaphragm. If it 1s above the diaphrgam, place the top of the thumb upwards, and if below the diaphragm, place the “stomach pit correspondence point” upwards and the “genital organs correspondence point’ downwards vertically. If it is the left flank, seek the correspondence point on the left side, and if it is the right flank, seek the comespondence on the right side For example, if the part is located above the diaphragm on the left flank, its main correspondence point will be located on the life line which Is the left chest border of the left hand. If the part Is located below the diaphragm, its main correspondence point will be from the Yin-Yang border of the left vist line in the palm to the Yin-Yang border between the thumb and the root of index finger. Mer Coenporamece Arse oF hw Foot Ha) ‘he Compaen of he Man and Secandary Corespondence of he Lat Flank of Baty shove Detar ‘The main correspondence area to the flank above the diaphragm is expressed only on the life line, which belongs to the Yin area, but the secondary correspondence area on the right hand whose correspondence border is distinctive retains more concreteness in terms of Yin-Yang principles. Therefore, it has even higher resemblance value than the main correspondence. See Saconny Conpontonce Are ‘Bo Fenton Hr) ‘he Canpateon of tw Mar and Sacanday Conpordace of ta Left Fork of the Bat How Sesto [As for the correspondence points to the left flank below the diaphragm, the secondary correspondence, which has evener Yin-Yang boarder than the main correspondence where the thumb has been protruded, is of more favorable structure for cure, Re Comepandence Aes of fe Lett Fane ape In the meantime the part between the correspondence arm and the correspondence leg may represent correspondence reaction and cure effect, as one of the correspondence area to the flank as the flank exists between the arm and the leg. In the flank of the human body there is a long space between the arm and the leg, but there is no such space on the comrespondence structure of hand, Therefore, such reaction may appear along the palm between the index finger which corresponds to the arm ‘and the middle finger which corresponds to the leg Hf you use the “bowling pin correspondence structure’, you may simply seek the correspondence points of the overall flank LY] "Ronn hy conte ‘owing Pn, Covssodarce Fork Coogee of Se Teowing Pr, Corepondance Seem You may seek the correspondence points of the flank in feet in the similar manner. The Compaen of the Mae and Sesrsny Cameouednce Ragan above Daghgn Fost Lam Pane soo Dapagm Man Coneporsoce Ans wR RT Ft ry Conapndorce on Fat) oF Fock rat at) Capaym Conspnteors Le Daprogm Cenpennce Line tee Doshagm Seow Dastaoe Left Fak ow Dapeng Man Conaiponcance Ao ‘icon Conspondence Aiea ta Fanta Fo) oF Parca oot ‘The Cempatson of ha Mai and Sacony Conipntncs Ragen tow Dagtagm i Fost © Understanding of the Leg Correspondence Structure You may be confused in understanding the leg correspondence structure in hands and feet. Particularly many people are lacking in thorough understanding of the correspondence points to knee and feet ‘The Yin-Yang principle, which belongs to the fundamental principle of the body comespondence structure In hands/feet, is also applied to the leg correspondence structure. When seeing the leg from the front, the inside is Yin and the outside Is Yang. The centerline passing through the front knee will be the Yin- Yang border. intet ane sie Pager Towa ae Ye—Yang Bot Loe Fegan Lat Hane oF oe Lo Lop The clbow joint is bent towards the Yin area. Likewise its correspondence the 2nd knuckle of the index finger is bent towards the Yin area. On the other hand the knee joint Is bent with Yin and Yang mixed half and half, but its correspondence the middle finger is bent towards the Yin area only. Therefore, it may confuse understanding of its correspondence situation. Set It is key to understanding of the leg correspondence without confusion to notice the fact that the location of Yin and Yang areas of the leg corresponds to the Yin and Yang areas of the the middle finger, and to tell the difference between the front knee and the rear knee (the crook). In other words, there are two centerlines in the middle finger, where the Yin and Yang sides meet together. The line facing the 2nd finger is the front knee and the line facing the 4th finger is the rear knee, ‘Te Camparien ote Koc Fors of ha Yen Caespongence Regn f Rt Ley For example, when seeing from the palm, the Yin side of the left hand, the middle finger shows only the Yin region. If you turn the left leg of the body outwards, the rear knee (crook) will be located inside and the front knee will be located outside, thus facilitating correspondence ‘comparison with the middle finger. ee Lp Unaostondg of he Conaspntance Forts Lat Los © Understanding of Correspondence Location of Foot ‘The correspondence in foot seems to be simple, but it is not very ‘easy as you expect Its fortunate that the correspondence area to hand Is precisely formed ‘on the extremity bar of the 2nd finger without confusion. However, the correspondence area to foot is not so simple as in hand, Down to the ankle it was sufficient to tell the difference between the Yin and Yang areas under the Yin-Yang principles just a8 in leg, Below the ankle, however, the instep becomes the Yang area and the sole becomes the Yin area, ie. the angle of the Yin and Yang areas are about 900 turned inside. But in its correspondence area of the middle finger, the Yin and Yang correspondence areas of foot are kept continue without change ‘of angle. So correct correspondence cure for feet diseases may be accomplished when clarifying the detailed correspondence relations about this part first, (Qh stows 90" Tum inmard the Eno the Ae Jot of the Foot) ‘The correspondence of foot will be the extremity bar of the middle finger or toe. Take the Yin area of the left hand for instance. There is Achilles’ tendon at the inside Yin-Yang border of the ankle, and the Achilles’ tendon is linked to the heel. Therefore, the correspondence to the heel is formed at the Yin-Yang border a little past the extremity joint of the left middle finger or toe facing the 4th finger or toe. In the ‘meantime, as the big toe is adjacent to the outside Yin-Yang border of eg the Yin ankle joint, there is the correspondence area to the big toe in the extremity of the Yin-Yang border of the middle finger or toe facing the 2nd finger or toe. After all the correspondence points to the heel and the big toe form the sole correspondence by passing the Yin extremity bar of the middle finger or toe dianogally ‘The correspondence area to the left sole is as follows The correspondence area to the left instep has the following shape under the same principles Fact Cemgunoce the Extmty Bat of a Mie Feger/Teo( Left Yong Se) ee In the correspondence area to the instep, the middle finger or toe nail is divided into 5, and cach of which plays the role of each toe as correspondence part. In the meantime, there Is another sole correspondence area that the sole Is purely regarded as the Yin side, the heel of the sole is formed from the point where the extremity bar of the Yin part of the middle finger begins, and the correspondence areas of the five toes are formed “he Sole Carespondece of he Fost the Mite Fg /Toe of Lat Hon and Feat ® Understanding of Correspondence Line of the Diaphragm in Foot What coresponds to the diaphragm of the body in the foot correspondence structure? In hands part of the life line of the palm passing through the low extremity of the convex erea below the thumb was the diaphragm correspondence line of the conespondence region above diaphragm, and the wrist line was the diaphragm conespondence line of the part below of the ¢iaphragm of the human body [As all of the correspondence structure of the foot could be clarified through the resemblance of it to hand, the correspondence line of the e- diaphragm can be grasped in the same context Consequently, the low extremity of the life line, which comesponds to the diaphragm for the part above the diaphragm in hand, organizes a correspondence relation which conforms to the diaphragm correspondence formed at the low extremity of the chest comespondence below the big toe. The wrist line, which is the correspondence line for the part below the diaphragm in hand, makes a correspondence relation which conforms to the diaphragm correspondence line formed at the foot joint passing through the Achelles's tendon. Detar Conspensres Le © upevogn Coneponnen Lea aptagn ‘Tre Conputson of the Deptioyn Coesbenderce Loe above Dahan aa Depron Componaice Line ‘uo Cozzi Line {aw Dartagm The Congason ofthe Duphagm Coneponaance Line Hen an Fact Below the rear ankle joint line, which is the correspondence to the diaphragm for the part below the diaphragm, there are formed comrespondences to intemal organs including stomach, liver, spleen and pancreas, The correspondences to the internal organs are as shown by the following figure. Laphoan Caneenderce Line tn Daphin ‘Another diaphragm correspondence line in the foot is the Yin area line ff the ankle joint. This correspondence line exists under the principle that the diaphragm correspondence line for the part below diaphragm conforms to the wrist line of the palm. Such a partial correspondence structure is {as shown by the following figure: Independent Dapiogn Censpindonce Line and Coraiondance hal Opis babw Desesom (9) Important Correspondence Point Seeking Exercise ® The Comparison of the Important Correspondence Points om Conepesrce Sic Han Yang St) ‘Yang Side Carespandone Canttra Hand su “cenazontioes Fart of the Dstve ons Ogee dew Depeegm Lat Hens Unctaea ofthe gona! Conspenaincs Font © the Yara Se of he oy Lnesrdng of the mparart Assen! Creipordnnce Ponts 10 fe Ars and Lea of ‘80 Body nsetanng of te Yn Se Carasardonce Are Sew Daphngm Foot Inoonu Conespendercs Fonts of the Boy Cenate( Yang Sie) @ The Energy Points in Hands and Feet It can be used to give energy as a energy treatment, Ye Si Energy Pots Deptgm Comspndince Le Son ang ‘re Sie Canependece Canine n Fe! Ye So» Enay Poets 3. Practical Correspondence Treatments In order to apply correct correspondence treatment in hand and foot, you must have thorough knowledge of the hand and foot correspondence structure which has been explained thus far. The first step to this direction is to understand the skin correspondence system in hand/foot, the second step is to grasp anatomic correspondence structure system depending on the bone structure or the depth of internal ‘organs and then seek reasonable cubic correspondences. If you have mastered this detailed course, now you are ready to engage in correct correspondence cure. (1) How to Seek Correspondence Balls There necessarily exists a comespondence ball for treatment. When stimulating this comespondence ball, the patient is bound to feel severe pressure pain. If you have exact knowledge of the body correspondence structure principles in hand/foot, it would be rather strange not to find this correspondence ball, which is correspondence cure point. ‘Once some parts aro considered to be main correspondence or secondary correspondence region, try to confitm the correspondence ball reaction points by pressing the area with pressure instrument (diagnostic stick) with which you can confirm the pressure pain points When the diagnostic stick has correctly stimulated a correspondence ball, the patient feel severe pain beyond endurance. Stimulus on this point 's immediately linked to cure effect To seck correct correspondence balls, it is important 10 use a good quality diagnostic stick, which does not slip down, and press with equal pressure when seeking the pressure pain points. If you press too hard, the patient will complain pain everywhere. If you press too weakly, it would be difficult to confirm pressure pain points. Therefore, you should search the expected correspondence area ‘with proper equal pressure, which you consider would be sufficient 10 find correspondence pain points only. In ease the part of disease is deeply located in the body or is located between joints and on slope of bones, you wil have to seek the correspondence balls with deep pressure considering the structural resemblance of bone according to the anatomic contespondence structure. Sometimes you may not seek the “correspondence bal’ existing in the nearest place with wrong angle of the diagnostic slick. In case the part of disease is expected to be on a slope of bone, you should pay particular attention to the pressure angle and strength of the diagnosis sick In case an expected comespondence area has no support of bone inside, you may have difficulties in seeking pressure pain points. I you give diagnosis pressure with the part supported with your fingers on the opposite side, you may easily find the pressure pain points. Contr the wet “Carsoendance Bat (2) The Depth and Scope of the Stimulus for Treatment To find exact correspondence point, it is important to know where the disease has taken place in the body, but also we need to know the =e depth of stimulation and stimulus instrument may differ for the better treatment effectiveness depending on how deep the disease has been located from the skin. Therefore, you should seek correspondence balls. with this in mind, After seeking the treatment point, you will decide which instrument would be favorable in emitting “cure electric wave" Depending on whether the disease is acute or chronic or what kind the disease belongs to, the part of onset by the disease and the scope and depth of stimulus are decided. In correspondence therapy, you have only to stimulate the correspondence balls regardless of the quality or kind of the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to begin the treatment after making a correct judgment on how deeply and widely the correspondence balls are spread. Even when you have given sulficient stimulus on the correct pain reaction points in the vicinity of the correspondence area, the patient may not be completely relieved of pain. This means that there are still some correspondence balls left requiring stimulus. Out of the correspondence balls, you will select the one which represents the severest pain, and give stimulus thereon first. Mes 0 Comsponionce NCovegonsrce Bar cu Geet Waves se Fadi when tuted euct en he “Canard Ba -% While seeking correspondence balls with a diagnostic stick, the patient ‘may say i's very painful just there, and you are apt to decide that area as the correspondence ball and begin treatment application thereupon. However, you may frequently find other pressure pain reaction points with even severer pain in its vicinity. IF you rush to decide treatment points and begin to stimulate, the cure effect may be limited. You will search the expected correspondence reaction points everywhere and check how many correspondence balls have bbeen formed before deciding the application for treatment. If there have been formed several correspondence balls, the disease fof the pertinent part of the body &s completely removed when all the balls have been stimulated and sulicient cure electric waves have been transmitted to the affected part of the body: Some diseases may be completely cured by applying only once, but ‘ther diseases require repeated treatments for seeking and breaking all the comespondence ball. The correspondence therapy is not such a treatment to eliminate the cause of diseases by meridian influence, but a partial therapy of normalizing the present abnormality of the existing disease. It goes without saying, however, that while such partial cures continuously given and gathered may result in the removal of the cause of the disease How can you know if the glven stimulus has hit the correspondence balls right on the head ? Although you have found the most painful place round the comespondence balls, you cannot look in the skin of the hand or foot Therefore, itis impossible to know how correctly you have stimulated the correspondence balls by seeing the outside only Consequently, there is no choice but to confirm it by the patient's reaction right after the stimulation and the cure result It may be possible to seek the corespondence balls by using an clectronic detector. For the correspondence treatment system where body ae comespondence structure Is clear as in’ hands/feet, however, using such machine may take more time and make the work more complicated. That's because reconfirmation is necessary by means of pressure pain reaction ‘again although such parts have been found by using such machine. Such electronic detectors may be utlzable as a subsidiary means when 12 body correspondence structure is not obvious or there is not concrete conviction on correspondence points. Therefore, there is little opportunity to use such electronic detectors in the Su Jok therapy. If shallow stimulus has been given where correspondence balls are deeply seated, sufficient cure electric waves would not be emitted and sent to the affected area of the body. When the stimulus has gone a litle astray, a certain cure effect won't be oblained likewise When you can remove 95% or more of the pain rising from any disease by once correspondence application, you may have got to the required level of comespondence therapy. If the patient reveals severe pressure pain when given a treatment stimulus, it may be considered that the correct correspondence ball has been touched. The stronger the pain reaction on the treatment stimulus is, the stronger ccure electric wave takes place and correct cure effect is turned out When there is no patient's pain reaction despite treatment stimulus given by something other than electronic or laser machine, such stimulus {is no longer meaningful. In such case, you will continue to search and give stimulus until the patient shows a definate pain reaction. For example, although you have found correct pressure pain points with ' diagnostic stick, if the patient does not show severe pressure pain reaction in the course of attaching a skin stimulator or something like that, It Is necessary to find another place where the patient says it hurts most there and give correct stimulus thereupon In case correspondence balls ate formed deeply in the hand or foot, it Is customary to use acupuncture or laser stimulator. When the pricked = 98 needle has hit the correspondence ball right on the head, the patient represents a flinching pain reaction in such case, too, If it has gone astray, the patient won't feel any pain. If a needle has been pricked where there is no pain reaction, such acupuncture won't bring any cure effect. It may ‘cause Interference wave against the cure waves emitted when the correspondence balls have been correctly hit, thus giving a bad effect on the generation and transmission of some powerful cure waves If you have found a point with obvious pressure pain reaction to the extent you are convinced that its a correspondence ball, you may instantly cure the disease by collectively pricking several needles on the point and Inducing powerful cure waves at once (3) Number of Application and Duration of Treatment ‘The number of treatment stimulus differs depending on whether the disease Is serious or not, and the cure effect will also differ depending fon which instrument is used. ‘The duration required for treatment will differ depending on the method and technique of stimulus and doctor/s ability including knowledge and sincerity, ‘The moment the correspondence balls are correctly touched with a powerful enough stimulus, the cure has been finished. Therefore, five minutes or less will be sufficient in the correspondence therapy However, stimulus may go a little astray. There may be more correspondence balls therearound. Sometimes the treatment stimulus may be too weak to arouse cure wave powerful enough to completely cure the disease instantly. Therefore, the time for one application is about 30 ‘minutes to increase the cure effect by steadily transmitting cure waves. Of course the time for stimulus may be elongated or shortened depending on the technique and instrument quality of treatment. The times of treatment makes a great difference according to the diseases. In the realm of correspondence therapy, however, it is necessary Hogi to have a confident goal of obtaining the maximum cure effect within five days. ‘There are a lot of inveterate diseases which can't be approached only bby correspondence therapy. In case the Six-Ki Treatment, a metaphysical therapy, is applied together for such diseases, every effort should be exerted to bring good effect within a short period of time even in the correspondence therapy sector. In reality it's possible (4) Bloodletting As the Su Jok Therapy makes it a principle not to directly injure the human body, we make it a rule not to use needle or bleeding instrument for phlebotomy. ‘The goal of Su Jok Therapy is to preserve health with cure offect obtained by a slightest stimulus on the skin. Therefore, i's a rule not to Use anti-natural tools such as needle or bleeding instrument which pricks the skin, If its possible to get the same effect without depleting blood, you don't have to employ the bloodletting therapy. By the way, in the correspondence therapy by acupuncture, it bleeds frequently when the needle is removed, Judging from the fact that such bleeding frequently takes place at correct correspondence reaction points, it may be empirically assumed that the correspondence ball has something to do with the blood pressure of the neighboring area If the blood flow is bad and is congested in an infected part of the body and subsequently the blood pressure of the part is partially high, ‘a similar correspondence phenomenun may take place in the comrespondence areas of hand and foot, too. Consequently, it may be the result of correspondence reaction by a certain disease of the body that it bleeds of itself from the correspondence treatment points when a needle is removed, ont It has not been clarified yet how much influence such bleeding at the comespondence treatment points has on cure effect clinically, That's because it is impossible to tell such cure effect is from given stimulus or from bleeding, In case it naturally bleeds from correspondence phenomenun, such bleeding is considered to be positive for the cure effect It is true that good cure effect may be secured without pricking the skin in correspondence therapy. Bleeding takes place when needle is removed after the cure has been completed and all disorderly symptoms have disappeared with correspondence needles pricked in acupuncture, too. ‘Therefore, it is considered that you don't have to persist in bloodletting for cure except special cases (5) Three-Point Correspondence Therapy ‘The three-point therapy is a cure technique based on the Byol muscle system theory and clinical experiences to simply and effectively ‘engage in correspondence therapy. When a disease has taken place in a part of the body, you stimulate the neigboring joints pressure pain points up and down as well as the correspondence point to improve cure effect. This is the three-point therepy. “wee Ponts Componcene Therapy La Dabo ~101- Generally this therapy employs three correspondence treatment points including the two pain correspondence points which will be located around the upper joint and the lower joint. Therefore, it is named so. ‘This therapy is very convenient to instantly cure simple diseases with ‘outstanding cure effects The examples of the application of the three-point therapy are shown below: “Trae Fonts Conapendence ‘ray afte Neck Coniponaence iat (©) The Five Steps of Correspondence Therapy Correspondence therapy is a physical therapy which cures diseases by giving physical stimulus on the objective correspondence reaction points to the infected part of the body in the cure system where body comrespondence structure has been formed as in hands or feet. ‘This is an objective therapy as everybody can obtain the same cure effect by seeking the correspondence points and giving stimulus of the seme strength thereupon. Depending on how technically this Correspondence Su Jok Therapy is applied, however, there is a big difference in cure effect. Therefore, it is necessary 10 acquire refined technical expertise based on wide-ranged understanding of overall body correspondence principles of hands and fect including how such cure effect takes place to achieve an economic effect ‘of obtaining the maximum cure effect with the minimum stimulus. within the shortest period of time. ‘The method of simple corespondence therapy has already been presented by Introducing the three-point therapy. Some diseases may require more theoretical, concrete correspondence application. Therefore, it is recommended to follow the following five steps of correspondence treatment in order 10 secure the maximum cure effect ® Step 1: Correspondence Point Stmulus The Ist step Is to seck the pressure pain point in the expected correspondence area to the infected part of the body and stimulate it. In most cases only this Ist step correspondence therapy may result in good cure effect. As treatment point, main correspondence or secondary correspondence area may be selected. Sometimes a _ reflection correspondence point may be selected, which appears based on the Four ‘Axis Reflection Principle, Sometimes a cure point may be selected out of the partial correspondence structures such as “Bowling Pin Correspondence ae Structure’ other than the original correspondence structure Generally stimulus on main correspondence or _ secondary correspondence points will assure sufficient cure effect. Using feet in addition to hands may guarantee even better cure effect Hand belongs to Yang and foot belongs to Yin. When these are used together in treatment, you may bring an harmony between Yin and Yang and get more stabled cure achievements, © Step 2: Subsidiary Correspondence Points Stimulus Subsidiary correspondence points mean addtional sensitive “correspondence balls’ formed around the main or secondary correspondence reaction point They form @ group of comespondence reaction points centering around the correspondence reaction point, and ave interrelated to one another. [Although you have won obvious cure effect thanks to stimulus given on the main correspondence point, the subsidiary correspondences related hereto may restore it to the previous situation as time elapses. Therefore, itis necessary to stimulate such subsidiary correspondence reation points, too age Conspodence Fant ae ght Tar ‘Assan Congonenca Pont Tiairant Ea Osbese Ht ‘These subsidiary correspondence point are spread around the main correspondence point Some subsidiary comespondences are considerably far away according to Byol muscle systems When checking the vicinity of correspondence area up and down, and left and right, there are found @ few sensitive pressure pain points, which ‘are just subsidiary correspondence points ‘As explained in the three-point therapy, such subsidiary correspondence points are spread vertically in a correspondence structure on neighboring Joinis or special structure points breadthwise, Take some ear disease for Instance, Subsidiary correspondence points are spread centering around the central correspondence reaction point of the ear It Is learned that stimulus on these subsidiary correspondence points {as well as on the correspondence point will bring more earlier stabled cure effect © Step 3: Yin and Yang Organs Correspondence Point Stmutus Some disorder in a part of the body means the disorder on the pertinent meridian muscle system affected by the meridian of the same system. The key organ of the meridian muscle system is the corresponding Yin or Yang organ. Therefore, a stimulus given on the corresponding internal organ showing pressure pain reaction will be directed to cure effect fon the infected area of the body as an indirect cure effect or it may remove the fundamental cause of the disease. In other words, it Is presupposed that any disease on a part of the body is partially caused by an internal organ of the body. By stimulating the correspondence point to the internal organ, an indirect cure effect may be secured, In the course of searching correspondence reaction point of internal organs, you may see reactions on two or three organs. Some patients may reveal sensitive reaction on several organs. In such case, you will select ~ 05 - ‘one or two points with the most sensitive pain reaction and stimulate them to improve correspondence cure effect, @® Step 4! Spinal Cord Correspondence Reaction Point Stimulus ‘The spinal cord assumes an important duty of adjustment. It tansmits all informations from every comer of the body to the brain and delivers all commands from the brain to every place of the body so that the human body can exert maximum function in the most balanced state. In case the spinal cord does not carry out its adjusting and liaison duties properly due to its partial disorder, the body is subject to confusion ‘and congestion, which result in diseases. When there has taken a disease in the body, it is sure that some part ‘of the spinial cord will also has disorder. If you seek such correspondence reaction point in spinal cord of hands/feet and stimulate it, you may increase indirect cure effect for the disease The spinal cord comespondence area in hand or foot is generally the correspondence centerline of the Yang side. So you will seek pressure pain mh O ppoints largely on the back of the hand or the instep and stimulate them, If there are found two pressure pain points, you will stimulate both of them, Sometimes you may stimulate the correspondence centerline of the Yin area of the hands/feet deeply © Step 5 : Brain Correspondence Reaction Point Stimulus ‘The brain is the key organ of the central nervous system with ‘general command over every section of the body, The brain has established liaison network throughout every comer of the body through its central nervous organization. It is the most important organ which collects all information from the body by way of the spinal cord, analizes it, makes 2 decision and then give proper command so that all organizations may bbe kept in good function in the body. When there takes place a disorder in a part of the body, the brain is immediately informed thereof, and the charging division of the brain deals with this problem. The charging division of the brain enters in an emergency system until the disease gets removed. So, such division becomes more sensitive than any other parts, which phenomenun is immediately transferred to all the body correspondence structures and forms ‘comespondence balls’ which is expressed as the pressure pain on the correspondence area of the thumb or the big toe ete After all curing by stimulating the pressure pain correspondence points ‘on thumb or big toe which is the correspondence structure to the brain retains the same meaning that the brain gives a command to remove the sick conditions of the disease on the alfected part of the body. Curing the correspondence pressure pain points to the brain may be ‘compared with the situation that final consent is obtained from the decision maker on the agreed cure actions which consist of correspondence treatment points of other steps. Therefore, the treatment according to the concerted agreement will bring the best effec. -m-

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