Catablan Integrated School - Pre Demo 11

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Urdaneta City
Urdaneta City Pangasinan

Detailed Lesson Plan



At the end of the session, the students should be able to:

A. identify the values of first aid;

B. list down the importance of first aid, and
C. apply first aid on a certain situation .


Topic: The basics of first aid (H9IS-IIIa-36)

Materials: Powepoint Presentation, Video Clip, First aid kit

Values integration: Self- Discovery, Sense of Responsibility

Reference: Physical and Health 9 learner’s copy pp, 270-275

MAPEH 8, pp 292, 301
Authors: Paz A. Buenviaje, Isabelo R. Magbitang, Servillano A Padiz, Jr,
Corazon Ramos-Wi

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Pre-developmental Activity

Please stand and let us pray.
Please lead the Prayer Dear Lord….
Good morning class.! Good morning sir!
Okay Class you may now take your seat
Checking of Attendance
(seat plan)

Okay class, before we start our lesson I have

prepared a video clip and I want you to watch
it closely and after the video ll ask you

Do you understand class? Yes, Sir.

So let’s start!
(Shows Video Clip)

Now Class, What have you notice at the Sir, We notice about a man got
video? accident.
Very Good! What else?
Sir, also noticed someone saving the
man’s life.
Very Good!

Based on the activity that we did, what do

you think is our lesson for today? It is all about first aid sir!


2. Developmental Activity


Ok class, First aid is the immediate care given

and generally needed by anyone who is
injured or gets suddenly ill until the services
of a physician can be obtained.
Actually, there are two main points to
remember when applying for first aid.
First, attend at once to the most seriously
Second, always remember that speed is
necessary. Because It can spell out life and


Give urgently necessary first aid

-Every second is very important in giving first
aid in urgent cases, like severe bleeding:
stoppage of breathing: and poisoning.

Class, while first aid is being administered to

the patient, What will the other person should

Very Good! Sir, the other person should call for a

Did you understand Class?
Yes Sir!
Keep the patient lying down
-Protect the patient from necessary
disturbance and handling. Keep him lying
down. Keep the patient warm but not heated
to prevent shock.

As a first aider what should be the position of

the patient?

Very Good!
Sir the patient must be lying down and must
Did you understand Class keep warm but not heated to prevent shock.

Check on Injuries
In checking for injuries, consider the Yes sir!
important clues which includes the story of
what happened, reaction of the patient after
the incident, and your own findings upon

As a first aider what should you considered in

finding for injuries?

Very Good! Sir, try to observe the patient’s reaction

where the injuries could be.
Did you understand Class?

Yes, sir!
Plan What to do

Call a doctor or ambulance to get medical

assistance through the telephone. Take all
precautions in handling the patient while
checking for injuries in order to prevent
further injuries. Discuss the problem with
responsible relatives or friends present or the
victim if he is conscious. If helpers are need,
instruct them on what to do

As the first aider after you called the doctor or

the ambulance to get medical assistance,
what should you do?

Very Good! Sir, discuss the problem with responsible

relatives or friends present or the victim if
Did you understand class? he is conscious.

Carry out the indicated first aid

Stop the bleeding first, then find out if there Yes, Sir.
is a need for artificial respiration, after which
a more thorough examination may be done.
As a first aider what should be observed to
the patient?

Did you understand class?

Sir, examine the patient if there a possible
3. Post developmental Activity bleeding and need of artificial respiration.
Okay class, I will divide you into four groups.
Create a 2-3 minute roleplay showing a good Yes, Sir.
first aider helping in certain emergency
situation at home, in school, or in the
community. Choose a representative to
explain what first aid did you apply based on
the scenario given.

GROUP 1- . You and your friends went for an

outing in a beach resort. While having a
swim, you noticed that one of your friends is
drowning. You quickly swam towards him and
brought him to the shore. The victim was
unconscious and she needs to be given first
aid as soon as possible.
Question What you do as a First Aider?

GROUP 2- While on the street, you noticed a

boy biking then suddenly his bike was out of
As a first aider Sir, we will give him a CPR
control and the boy fell on a ground.
and after the man got consious will rush him
Suddenly,he started to bleed continuously
to the hospital immediately.
Question : What do you do as a First Aider?

Group 3- Together with your family, you went

on a hiking, while walking, your sister got
bitten by a snake. As a first aider Sir, we try to stop the
Question: What do you do as a First Aider? bleeding by applying a clean cloth. After we
apply the clean cloth we must rush him to
the hospital immediately.

Group 4-You, are mowing the grass in his

front lawn as your two sisters play nearby. As
you push the mower, some of the grass Sir, The best answer to do is to try to tie the
begins to back up at his mower’s discharge affected part to avoid the poison to run
opening. You reach into the discharge chute freely into the blood stream and immediately
to try to brush away a clump of grass, when a rush him to the hospital.
rock shots out and hits your sister in her arms
She screams in pain as blood runs down her
arm. What do you do?
Question: What do you as a First Aider?

A. Generalization
Before we end our lesson, what have we
learned today?
We apply pressure and elevated the
bleeding part to avoid the blood to be

What are the different First aids that you Sir, we learned that First aid is the
haved learned today? immediate care given and generally needed
by anyone who is injured or gets suddenly ill
Very Good! until the services of a physician can be
IV. Evaluation / Assessment
You will be given a situation. Read it carefully
then answer the question in whole sheet of Sir, we learned about severe bleeding,
paper stoppage of breathing and poisoning.

Situation: A group of boys are playing “Tug of

war” While pulling the rope, one of the boys
gets hurt. He suffers a cut on his right hand
and falls. He is complaining of dizziness and
of a severe bleeding on his right hand
1. What first-aid procedure would you
2. What are the reasons for your

Situation- A boy about 10 years old is helping

his dad work on the car. The boy's younger
sister is outside with her brother and dad.
She is playing in the garage. Before dad ran
in the house to answer the phone, dad told
the boy to "watch your sister for a few
minutes". A few minutes later, the boy turns
and finds his younger sister with a bottle of
brake fluid. Some is spilled on her shirt, and
some is around her mouth. She is acting
1. What first-aid procedure would you
2. What are the reasons for your

V. Assignment
Read Intentional and Unintentional Injuries in
your book.
Prepared by:

Prepared by: Checked by:


Practice Teacher Teacher III
Critic Teacher

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