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Міністерство транспорту та зв’язку України

Державна адміністрація зв’язку

Одеська національна академія зв’язку ім. О.С. Попова

Кафедра іноземних мов

О.А. Радіус, І.М. Шамановська


Навчальний посібник
для студентів дистанційного навчання
факультетів ЕП та МО
1-й курс

Одеса 2009

Міністерство транспорту та зв’язку України
Державна адміністрація зв’язку
Одеська національна академія зв’язку ім. О.С. Попова

Кафедра іноземних мов

О.А. Радіус, І.М. Шамановська


Навчальний посібник
для студентів дистанційного навчання
факультетів ЕП та МО
1-й курс

Одеса 2009
УДК 8111.111 (075) План НМВ 2009 р.

Радіус О.А., Шамановська І.М. Economics: Навчальний посібник – Одеса:

ОНАЗ, 2009. 125с.

Від. ред. – доц. Чугунова Н.В.

Навчальний посібник призначено для студентів дистанційного навчання 1-го

курсу економічного факультету ОНАЗ.
Оригінальний текстовий матеріал, набір граматичних та комунікативних
вправ сприятимуть підвищенню, як термінологічної компетенції студентів, так і
розвитку навичок мовлення в межах професійного спілкування.

Затвердженно методичною радою

та рекомендовано до друку.
Протокол № 6 від 10.06.08 р.


Module I

Variant I. Text “Economic Situation in Ukraine”…………………………...6

Variant II. Text “Economic development of Great Britain”………………..13
Variant III. Text “Joint venturing of HP”…………………………………….19
Variant IV. Text “Distance learning”…………………………………………25

Module II

Variant I. Text “Videoconferencing”………………………………………..32

Variant II. Text “Money and its functions”………………………………….39
Variant III. Text “The federal reserve system”………………………………46
Variant IV. Text “Crime in banking. Money washing”……………………...54

Module III

Variant I. Text “The Bank of America”…………………………………….61

Variant II. Text “Ukrainian’s Economy Business and Investment
Opportunities in Ukraine. International Relations”……..67
Variant III. Text “Ukrainian – British Relationships” ……………………...72
Variant IV. Text “Business and Investment Opportunities in Ukraine:
Ukraine Open for Business”………………………………77

Module IV

Variant I. Text “Project Economics”………………………………………..82

Variant II. Text “Where do Banks get Their Money?”……………………..88
Variant III. Text “СAPITAL I” ………………………………………………93
Variant IV. Text “CAPITAL II”………………………………………………97


Module I

Present Indefinite and Present Continuous…………………………………102

A/an - The Indefinite Article …………………………………………………103
The - Definite Article …………………………………………………………104
The Zero Article ……………………………………………………………....105
The Use of Articles with the Names of Months, Days, Seasons, Meals,
Languages, Some Nouns (day, night, evening, morning, etc.) ……………..106
The Use of Articles with the Nouns School/College, Hospital, Bed, etc. …..107
The Use of Articles with Names of Persons …………………………………108

Nouns Plural form ……………………………………………………………110

Many/much, few/a few, little/ a little ………………………………………...111

Module II

The Past Continuous and Past Indefinite (Simple) …………………………112

Types of questions …………………………………………………………….113
Degrees of Comparison ……………………………………………………….114

Module III

Present Perfect ………………………………………………………………..116

Present Perfect Continuous ………………………………………………….116
Past Perfect ……………………………………………………………………117
Past Perfect Continuous………………………………………………………117
Modal Verbs…………………………………………………………………...118

Module IV

Future Indefinite ……………………………………………………………...120

Future Continuous………………………………………………………….....120
Future Perfect……………………………………………………………….....121
Future Perfect Continuous……………………………………………………121
The Sequence of Tenses. Indirect Speech…………………………………....122

Irregular Verbs ……………………………………………………………….124

Module I

Variant I

1. Rewrite the text and translate it into your native language.

Перепишите текст и переведите его на родной язык.
Перепишіть текст і перекладіть його рідною мовою.


To describe the economic situation in Ukraine let's begin with its foreign
economic relations. After its departure from the former USSR Ukraine took an
independent way of economic development. It means that our country can regulate its
internal and foreign trade. Deep political, social and economic transformations are
taking place in Ukraine. Our country is going over to а market economy. Now it has
only а primitive market sector in the form of cooperatives, joint ventures, joint - stock
companies, leaseholders. The transition to а market economy is burdened by many
circumstances: the slow process of privatization of state property, inconvertibility of
national currency, low competitiveness of our goods in foreign markets, shortage of
hard currency, the production slump, hyperinflation, and others.
Our foreign experience is rather modest. We need highly qualified specialists in
marketing and management, in organization of foreign economic activity. Ukraine is
establishing new foreign ties with many countries. Among them are neighbour -
countries - Russia, Hungary, Poland, countries with а high percentage of Ukrainian
citizens - Canada, Australia, Argentina and countries that are crucial for Ukraine's
economy (for instance, oil - producing Iran and Kuwait), as well as special - interest
states, like the Vatican and Israel. Barter arrangements (exchanges) may provide
solution of different problems. For example, Ukraine cannot survive without oil and
gas. In its turn, Iran needs steel, cement and chemical industry products. It is not а
secret that Ukraine is short of hard currency now. According to some experts it can
export manganese ore, steel, iron ore, sulphur, electrical and radio technology. Yet,
many branches of industry are in need of urgent technological reconstruction. It goes
without saying, while dealing with foreign partners national interests should be taken
into consideration.
It is evident now that the interest of foreign businessmen in significant
investments in Ukraine's economy has recently grown. Free economic zones are
supposed to be set up in our country. It means that free customs and а favourable
regime of foreign economic activity should be set up in these regions. There is an
opinion that one must not expect "an economic miracle". It is essential now to
elaborate new laws and mechanism on entrepreneurship and foreign economic

Learn new words
Запомните новые слова
Запам’ятайте нові слова

Departure from – вихiд із

To go over to – приєднатися до, перейти до
Joint - stock company – акціонерне товариство
Leaseholder – орендатор, наймач
To be burdened by – бути обтяженим
Inconvertibility – неконвертованість
Shortage – нестача
Slump – різке падіння, економічна криза
Modest – скромний, стриманий
Crucial – вирiшуючий
Interest – важливість, значення
Arrangement – угода
To be short of – не діставати
Regime – режим
Customs free – безмитний
Miracle – диво
It goes without saying – звичайно


1. Answer the following questions.

Ответьте на вопросы.
Дайте відповіді на наступні запитання.
1. When did Ukraine take an independent way of economic development?
2. What does an independent way of economic development mean?
3. Are deep political, social and economic transformations taking place in
4. What is our country going over to?
5. What circumstances is the transition to a market economy burdened by?
6. What specialists do we need in marketing and management?
7. What countries is Ukraine establishing new foreign ties with?
8. Why is Ukraine establishing foreign ties with Canada, Australia and Argentina?
9. Without what cannot Ukraine survive?
10. What can Ukraine export?
11. What has recently grown?
12. What can you say about free zones?

2. Arrange these words in the right word order.
Поставте слова в правильный порядок.
Поставте слова у правильному порядку.
1. Are, goods of, in, this company, you, interested.
2. He terms, want to, with him, we, of delivery of our equipment, we, discuss.
3. A discount, you, for а large order, can, us, give?
4. Heavy, at this price, we, with orders, are.
5. A 2% discount, we, offer, you, can.
6. You, can, our delivery terms, accept?

3. Find the synonyms to the following words.

Найдите синонимы к данным словам.
Знайдіть синоніми до поданих слів.

1. leaseholder
2. inconvertibility
3. shortage
4. slump
5. modest
6. crucial
7. interest
8. arrangement
9. regime
10.customs free

4. Read the following passage and choose where to insert these sentences.

a) Magazines such as Fortune and Business Week were all mocking him.
b) But it is true that Jobs was still losing money. In the early 1990s he was going
bankrupt at an alarming rate.
c) Pixar Animation Inc. was also bleeding cash fast.
d) His two businesses, Next (a company firm) and Pixar (a computer animation
company), were rapidly going bankrupt.

Entrepreneurs can go through long periods of bad luck and fall on hard times.
Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, is one of these people. Since enjoying
tremendous success in the 1980s he spent 11 years of humiliating failure.
After he was sacked by Apple, he lost millions of dollars by selling his shares
at the wrong time. ………….. . Next had spent $180 million of its shareholders’
money and had nothing to show it. ……….. .
For five years, the criticism from the business press was universal and
deafening. ………….. . Then a writer called Randall Stross published a book
called Steve Jobs and the Next Big Thing which accused him, among other things,

of fostering false opinions on successes that didn’t exist and having no financial
know-how. It was a humiliating attack. …………. . By 1995 he had lost $ 200m
out of a fortune of $300m.
Now all that is behind him. Pixar now makes animated movies in partnership
with Disney. Toy Story was the third-highest earning animation of all time and the
launch of the iMac was a huge success. We haven’t heard the last of Mr. Jobs.

5. Match the columns making word-combinations:

Подберите колонки, составляя словосочетания:
Підберіть колонки, складаючи словосполучення:

economic economy
deep interests
taking experience
foreign place
industry competitiveness
market products
hard currency
national political
low qualified
highly situation

6. Translate from into English.

Переведите на английский.
Перекладіть англійською мовою.

1)Я упевненій, що впровадження нових технологій приведе до створення

додаткових робочих місць в промисловості і сільському господарстві.
2) Ця компанія об'єднує виробництво (сільськогосподарській продукції) з її
обробкою і продажем, об'єднуючи в собі торгівлю, промисловість і сільське
3) Історія – це результат (продукт) взаємодії суспільних і економічних
4) Долар був сильною валютою. Зараз головною валютою в Європі стала
5) На ці товари немає попиту.
6) Банки створюють гроші і ссужівают їх під відсотки.
7) Нова цільова позика на будівництво залізниці.

7. Test.
1. Circle the correct tense.
Обведите правильное время.
Підкресліть правильний час.
1. Please be quiet. concentrate.
a) tries b) am trying c) tried d) try e) have tried
2. If you need money, why.................?
a) is you don't get a job b) don't you get a job c) aren't you getting a job
3. Next week he................on business trip to the USA.
a) go b) is going to go c) is going d) goes
4. George is on the ladder because he ……………… the ceiling.
a) was painting b) paints c) is painting d) painted e) has painted
5. The phone …………someone ………….. to talk to you.
a) rings b) is ringing a) wants b) is wanting c) is wants

2. Open the brackets using Present Indefinite or Present Continuous.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Indefinite или Present Continuous.
Розкрийте дужки, використовуючи Present Indefinite чи Present
1. The kettle (to boil). Can you turn it off?
a) The kettle is boiling. Can you turn it off?
b) The kettle boils. Can you turn it off?
c) The kettle boil. Can you turn it off?
d) The kettle boiling. Can you turn it off?
2. Please be quiet! I (to work).
a) Please be quiet! I is working.
b) Please be quiet! I work.
c) Please be quiet! I am working.
d) Please be quiet! I am working.
3. I (not to watch) TV very often.
a) I does not watch TV very often.
b) I am not watching TV very often.
c) I not watch TV very often.
d) I do not to watch TV very often.
4. I (to be tired), I (to want) to go home.
a) I be tired. I wanting to go home.
b) I am tired, I want to go home.
c) I am tired. I am wanting to go home.
d) I is tired. I am want to go home.
5. I (to have) dinner now.
a) I am having dinner now.
b) I is have dinner now.

c) I have dinner now.
d) I having dinner now.

3. Put in the right article or -.

Поставьте правильный артикль или -.
Поставте правильний артикль чи -.
1. There is ………….. bridge over ………. river.
a) There is the bridge over a river.
b) There is a bridge over the river.
c) There is the bridge over a river.
d) There is - bridge over the river.
2. Yesterday I spoke to ….. man who had just returned from …… Amazon
a) Yesterday I spoke to the man who had just returned from - Amazon River.
b) Yesterday I spoke to a man who had just returned from an Amazon River.
с)Yesterday I spoke to a man who had just returned from the Amazon River.
d) Yesterday I spoke to the man who had just returned from the Amazon River.
3. They bought …….table. …………… table is made of oak.
a) They bought an table. A table is made of oak.
b) They bought a table. The table is made of oak.
c) They bought - table. The table is made of oak.
d) They bought the table. The table is made of oak.
4. I go to ………………. dentist four times ……………….… year.
a) I go to the dentist four times a year.
b) I go to - dentist four times the year.
c) I go to a dentist four times a year.
d) I go to - dentist four times a year.
5. ……… weather was so fine that we decided to have ……… swim.
a) The weather was so fine that we decided to have swim.
b) - eather was so fine that we decided to have - swim.
c) The weather was so fine that we decided to have a swim.
d) A weather was so fine that we decided to have a swim.

4. Make plural of the following words.

Сделайте множестивенное число из следующих слов.
Зробіть множину з наступних слів.
1. Child - a) children, b) childs, c) childrens,d) child.
2. Money - a) moneys, b) money, c) monies, d) moneye.
3. Meat – a) meates, b) meats, c) meat, d) meatts.
4. Mouse - a) mouses, b) mice, c) mouse, d) mices.
5. Trousers – a) trousers, b) trouser, c) trouserses, d) trouseries.
6. Lady-bird – a) ladies-bird, b) lady-birds, c) ladies-birds, d) ladys-bird.
7. Man - a) mans, b) mens, c) man d) men.
8. Fly – a) flys, b) flies, c) fly, d) fleies.
9. Hero – a) hero, b) heros, c) herois d) heroes.

10.Lady - a) ladies, b) ladys, c) lady, d) lades.
11.Fruit – a) fruites, b) fruit, c) fruits, d) fruittes.
12.Photo – a) photoes, b) photo, c) photos d) photo.
13.Handkerchief – a) handkerchiefes, b) handkerchief c) handkerchiefs,
d) handkerchieves.
14.Foot - a) feet, b) foots, c) footes, d) foot.
15.Box-office – a) boxes-offices, b) boxes-office, c) box-offices,
d) boxen-оffice.
16.Monkey – a) monkeies, b) monkeys, c) monkey, d) monkes.
17.Tea – a) teas, b) teaes, c) teais, d) tea.
18.Gentleman - a) gentleman, b)gentlemen

5. Put the verb in brackets in the required form.

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в необходимую форму.
Поставте дієслова в дужках в необхідну форму.
1. I know my hair (to be) _beautiful, everybody says that.
a) are b) am c) is
2. His clothes (to be) _wet as he had been walking in the rain.
a) being b) are c) is
3. The news you’ve brought (to be) _very important.
a) is b) be c) am
4. His old grandfather's watch (to be made) _of gold.
a) to be made b) is made c) are made
5. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine (not to be) _sharp enough.
a) are not b) is not c) be not

6. Underline the right form of quantity.

Подчеркните правильную форму количества.
Підкресліть правильну форму кількості.
1. We have to hurry. We don't have……time, (many / much / a lot of).
2. Are there going to be….guests at the party? (many / much / a lot of).
3. He doesn't speak much English. Only…..words(few / a few / little /a/little).
4. I've got…………, I could lend you … (few / a few / little / a little).

Variant II

1. Rewrite the text and translate it into your native language.

Перепишите текст и переведите его на родной язык.
Перепишіть текст і перекладіть його рідною мовою.


Great Britain is а highly developed industrial country. Shipbuilding is one of the

principal industries of Great Britain. For centuries Britain has been the leading
shipbuilder in the world.
Coal is the main source for the development of British industry. The biggest
centres of iron and steel industries are situated in the neighbourhood of coal basins.
They are Middlesbrough, Newcastle, Cardiff, Glasgow, 8heffield. The district around
Birmingham is а land of factories and mines.
Coal-mining, metallurgy , textile, shipbuilding are the older branches of industry.
The new industries are the chemical, electrotechnical, automobile, aviation and
electronics. The new industries have developed hand in hand with science and
technology and are equipped to meet present technical demands.
Big cities and towns such as London, Glasgow, Manchester, Liverpool,
Newcastle, Sheffield and Birmingham have enterprises of nearly all branches of
industry, old and new. The main centres of cotton and woolen industry are Leeds,
Bradford and Manchester.
London, Liverpool and Glasgow are the biggest English ports. The products of
Britain economy, for example, automobiles, textile, machinery, electronic equipment
and many others, are exported to many countries of the world.
Agriculture is one of the largest and most important activities in Great Britain.
The greater part of the land here is used for sheep-, cattle-, and dairy farming. The
chief grain crops are wheat and barley. Vegetables are grown in all parts of the

Learn new words

Запомните новые слова
Запам’ятайте нові слова
Coal – (кам'яне) вугілля
neighbourhood – сусідство, добросусiдськi стосунки
mine – рудник; шахта
to equip – обладнати, оснастити
to meet demands – задовольнити вимоги
enterprise – промислове підприємство
woolen – шерстяний
cattle-farming – розведення сільськогосподарських тварин
hand in hand – пліч-о-плiч
wheat and barley – пшениця i ячмінь


1. Answer the following questions.

Ответьте на вопросы.
Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. What are the main industrial centres of Great Britain?
2. What can you tell about Birmingham?
3. What is the main source for the development of British industry?
4. Why have the new industries developed hand in hand with science and
5. What are the biggest English ports?

2. Complete the following sentences:

Дополните предложения:
Доповніть речення:
1. Coal is the main source for the development of ... .
2. The main center of cotton and woolen is ... .
3. Shipbuilding is one of the principal ... .
4. ... is one of the largest and most important activities in Great Britain.

3. Find the synonyms to the following words and word combinations

Найдите синонимы к данным словам или словосочетаниям.
Найдіть синоніми до слів та словосполучень.

1. development
2. industry
3. branch
4.hand in hand
5. enterprise
6. textile
7. equipment
8. export
9. agriculture
10. machinery

4. Complete the sentences using these verbs.

develop market be obtain spend

 Before she went to Lancaster University, Susan …………….. three ‘A’ level.
 Before she got her degree in biology, she ………….. three years in Landcaster.

 Before she joined Fisons, she ………………… on a marketing coursrse.
 Before she worked at Rootes AgriTec, she …………………. Disease-resistant
 Before she became a Product Manager at Boots, she …………………. remedies
for Alzheimer’s disease.

5. Match the columns making word-combinations:

Подберите колонки, составляя словосочетания:
Підберіть колонки, складаючи словосполучення:

highly country
principal crops
coal shipbuilding
hand demands
technical activities
important farming
leading basins
industrial industries
dairy developed
grain in hand

6. Translate from into English.

Переведите на английский.
Перекладіть англійською мовою.
1) У міру збільшення наший залежності від техніки будь-яка її несправність
викликатиме зростання руйнувань в бізнесі, освіті і повсякденному житті.
2) Британії необхідно зменшити імпорт, щоб підтримати вітчизняне
3) Вони продають свою продукцію у середині країни, але на експорт поки не
4) Сальдо торгового балансу визначається як різниця між загальною сумою
імпорту і експорту.
5) Хороший продукт не означає хороший бізнес.
6) Краще наводити довідки користуючись першоджерелом.
7) Ця модель буде запущена в серійне виробництво не раніше кінця 2008

7. Test.

1. Circle the correct tense.

Обведите правильное время.
Підкресліть правильний час.
1. I ....... birthday in September.
a) has b) have c) having d) am having
2.They…………………………. each other very often.
a) аre not seeing b) don’t see c) is not see d) doesn’t see
3.Where are you? – We …………… at the party.
a) dance b) is dancing c) are dancing d) are dance
4.She has got three children,.................?
a) doesn't she b) does she c) isn't she d) hasn't she e) did she
5.This silly boy.................this stupid mistake!
a) is always making b) always makes c)always make d) have always made

2. Open the brackets using Present Indefinite or Present Continuous.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Indefinite или Present
Розкрийте дужки, використовуючи Present Indefinite чи Present
1. She always (to come) to work in time.
a) She always come to work in time.
b) She is always coming to work in time.
c) She always coming to work in time.
d) She always comes to work in time.
2. Where (to be) the children? – They (to play) in the yard. –
a) Where is the children. – They is playing in the yard.
b) Where are the children? – They are playing in the yard.
c) Where are being the children? – They are playing in the yard.
d) Where is being the children. – They is playing in the yard.
3. They (to drive) to the country every weekend.
a) They are driving to the country every weekend.
b) They drive to the country every weekend.
c) They drives to the country every weekend.
d) They am driving to the country every weekend
4. They (to spend) the money now.
a) They spend the money now.
b) They are spending the money now.
c) They spends the money now.
d) They spending the money now.

3. Put in the right article or if necessary.
Поставьте правильный артикль, если необходимо.
Поставте правильний артикль, якщо необхідно.
1. Would you like………cup of………..tea?
a) Would you like the cup of a tea?
b) Would you like a cup of - tea?
c) Would you like the cup of - tea?
d) Would you like cup of tea?
2.We have…… ………nice apartment in…… …….center of St. Petersburg.
a) We have - nice apartment in the center of St. Petersburg
b) We have the nice apartment in - center of St. Petersburg
c) We have a nice apartment in the center of St. Petersburg
d) We have a nice apartment in a center of St. Petersburg
3….Earth goes round…… …………..Sun.
a) - Earth goes round the Sun.
b) The Earth goes round - Sun.
c) An Earth goes round the Sun.
d) The Earth goes round the Sun.
4. Every day I have…………….breakfast in……………..morning.
a) Every day I have - breakfast in the morning.
b) Every day I have a breakfast in the morning.
c) Every day I have the breakfast in - morning.
d) Every day I have - breakfast in a morning.
5. He lives in ……the….most beautiful building in our city on …the……tenth
a) He lives in a most beautiful building in our city on the tenth floor.
b) He lives in - most beautiful building in our city on a tenth floor.
c) He lives in the most beautiful building in our city on the tenth floor.
d) He lives in the most beautiful building in our city on - tenth floor.

4. Make plural of the following words.

Сделайте множестивенное число из следующих слов.
Зробіть множину з наступних слів.
1) Tooth – a) toothes, b) teeth, c) tooths, d) teethes.
2) Paper (папір) –a) paperes, b) papers, c) paper, d) paperrs.
3) Dairy – a) dairies, b) dairys, c) daires, d) dairyes.
4) Roof - a) roofs, b) rooves, c) roofes, d) reef.
5) Boy – a) boies, b) boys, c) boyes, d) boyies.
6) Match – a) matchs, b) match, c) matchies, d) matches.
7) Baby-sitter – a) babies-sitter, b) babys-sitter, c) baby-sitters, d) baby-sitteres.
8) Life – a) lives, b) lifes, c) life, d) lifies.
9) Hair – a) hair, b) hairs, c) haires, d) hairies.
10) Love – a) loves, b) lofes, c) lovies, d) love.
11) Piano – a) piano, b) pianoes, c) pianos, d) pianox.

12) Glass (стакан) – a) glass, b) glasses, c) glassies, d) glasss.
13) Photo – a) photoes, b) photos, c) photo, d) photons.
14) Glasses (скло) – a) glasses, b) glases, c) glassies, d) glass.
15) Fox – a) foxes, b) foxies, c) foxs, d) fox.
16) Fish – a) fishes, b) fish, c) fishs, d) fishies.
17) Mother-in-law – a) mother-in-laws, b) mother-in-law, c) mother-ins-law,
d) mothers-in-law.
18) Sheep – a) sheeps, b) shoop, c) sheep, d) sheepes.
19) Thief – a) thieves, b) thiefs, c) thiefes, d) thieves.

5. Put the verb in brackets in the required form.

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в необходимую форму.
Поставте дієслова в дужках в необхідну форму.
1. The money (to be stolen) yesterday from the bank.
a) The money be stolen yesterday from the bank
b) The money was stolen yesterday from the bank
c) The money is stolen yesterday from the bank
d) The money were stolen yesterday from the bank
2. I'm going to take a taxi. The traffic (to be) too strong.
a) I'm going to take a taxi. The traffic (to be) is too strong.
b) I'm going to take a taxi. The traffic are too strong.
c) I'm going to take a taxi. The traffic am too strong.
d) I'm going to take a taxi. The traffic be too strong.
3. Fortunately the news (to be) not as bad as we'd expected.
a) Fortunately the news are not as bad as we'd expected.
b) Fortunately the news be not as bad as we'd expected.
c) Fortunately the newsbeing not as bad as we'd expected.
d) Fortunately the news is not as bad as we'd expected.
4. The trousers you bought for me (not to fit) me at all!
a) The trousers you bought for me not fit me at all!
b) The trousers you bought for medoes not fit me at all!
c) The trousers you bought for me do not fit me at all!
d) The trousers you bought for me are not fit me at all!
5. Ethics (to be) not my specialization.
a) Ethics is not my specialization.
b) Ethics are not my specialization.
c) Ethics be not my specialization.
d) Ethics not my specialization.

6. Underline the right form of quantity.

Подчеркните правильную форму количества.
Підкресліть правильну форму кількості.
1. Tom drinks ……………….milk — one liter a day. (many / much /a lot of).
2. I can't drink this tea. There is too.............sugar in it. (many / much / a lot of).
3. We've got very................ time. (few / a few / little / a little).

4. He's not popular. He has................. friends. (few / a few / little / a little).

Variant III

1. Rewrite the text and translate it into your native language.

Перепишите текст и переведите его на родной язык.
Перепишіть текст і перекладіть його рідною мовою.


Historically Hewlett-Packard (HP) has specialized in providing business support

services, but in recognition of the convergence between administrative areas and
network management itself, the company decided to create а joint venture with
Ericsson to supply network management systems on а worldwide basis.
Ericsson has been developing network management products for а number of
years. Ericsson's capabilities in the computer aspects of this technology is rather
limited, and а joint venture with Hewlett-Packard was announced, in which Ericsson
has а 60% share.
Under the terms of the agreement, product responsibility for Telecommunications
Management and Operations Support and also Ericsson's Network Management
System will be transferred to the new company, leaving а number of other Ericsson
network management products in the main company. The new company, which has
still not been given а name, will have its headquarters in Stockholm, and employ
around 250 staff. The product will be sold through Ericsson's distribution channels,
with HР providing support services, including integration on the client site.

Learn new words

Запомните новые слова
Запам’ятайте нові слова
То announce – оголошувати, заявляти
То create – створювати
Distribution – розподілення
То employ – надавати роботу, наймати
Headquarters – головне управління; штаб-квартира
Joint venture – сумісне підприємство
То sell (sold; sold) – продавати
Share – акція, частка, частина
Staff – штат; персонал
The terms – вимоги
То specialize in – спеціалізуватися на будь-чому


1. Make up 5 questions to the text.

Поставьте 5 вопросов к тексту.
Складiть 5 питань до тексту.

2. Find out synonyms to the following words and word-combinations.

Найдите синонимы к данным словам и словосочетаниям.
Знайдіть синоніми до слів та словосполучень.

1. announce
2. create
3. employ
4. distribute
5. headquarters
6. joint venture
7. share
8. staff
9. terms
10. integration

3. Complete the sentences using the verbs in the boxes.

have say being introduce open

In 1985 Simon Bell ………………. his computer at the University of

Southampton. In 1987 his company …………… the Z5000 machine which the
magazine PC Journal ……………. ‘may become the next industry benchmark’. The
following year he ……………… an office in the United States and soon
………………… offices in 28 countries.

4. Put the words into correct order.

Поставьте слова в правильный порядок.
Поставте слова у правильний порядок.

 Has, for, management, of, network, products, number, years, developing, а,

Ericsson, been.
 Capabilities, joint, Ericsson's, the, aspects, rather, was, announced, in,
technology, this, of, is, limited, and, а, venture, with, Hewlett-Packard,
computer, which, Ericsson, has, а, 60% share, in.
 The, headquarters, Stockholm, new, been, company, which, have, still, not,

given, а, name, will, its, in, , and, employ, around, 250, has, staff.
 The, will, support, sold, site, including, through, distribution, client, channels,
HР, providing, product, services, be, integration, Ericsson's, on, with, the.

5. Match the columns making word-combinations:

Подберите колонки, составляя словосочетания:
Підберіть колонки, складаючи словосполучення:

providing services
convergence management
administrative basis
joint aspects
worldwide the terms
computer responsibility
under business
network areas
support venture
product between

6. Translate from into English.

Переведите на английский.
Перекладіть англійською мовою.

1) Багато компаній розоряються із-за непрофесійного керівництва.

2) Ціни змінюються залежно від попиту і пропозиції.
3) Ми можемо поставляти товари з нашого центрального магазина.
4) Штаб-квартира (головний офіс) компанії знаходиться в Лондоні.
5) Все що йому було потрібно зробити - це розрекламувати себе як лідера
партії, що володіє достатнім досвідом і чесністю для виконання цієї роботи.
6) Кошти для існування в цій місцевості дають значний експорт білого вина.
7) Така розкіш забезпечувалася процвітаючою торгівлею.

7. Test.

1. Circle the correct tense.

Обведите правильное время.
Підкреслить правильний час.
1. I ....... birthday in September.
a) has b) have c) having d) am having.
2.They…………………………. each other very often.
a) аre not seeing b) don’t see c) is not see d) doesn’t see.
3.Where are you? – We …………… at the party.
a) dance b) is dancing c) are dancing d) are dance.
4.She has got three children,.................?
a) doesn't she b) does she c) isn't she d) hasn't she e) did she.
5.This silly boy.................this stupid mistake!
a) is always making b) always makes c)always make d)have always made.

2. Open the brackets using Present Indefinite or Present Continuous.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Indefinite или Present
Розкрийте дужки, використовуючи Present Indefinite чи Presen
1. She always (to come) to work in time.
a) She always come to work in time.
b) She is always coming to work in time.
c) She always coming to work in time.
d) She always comes to work in time.
2. Where (to be) the children? – They (to play) in the yard. –
a) Where is the children. – They is playing in the yard.
b) Where are the children? – They are playing in the yard.
c) Where are being the children? – They are playing in the yard.
d) Where is being the children. – They is playing in the yard.
3. They (to drive) to the country every weekend.
a) They are driving to the country every weekend.
b) They drive to the country every weekend.
c) They drives to the country every weekend.
d) They am driving to the country every weekend.
4. They (to spend) the money now.
a) They spend the money now.
b) They are spending the money now.
c) They spends the money now.
d) They spending the money now.

3. Put in the right article or -.

Поставьте правильный артикль или -.
Поставте правильний артикль чи -.
1. Would you like………cup of………..tea?
a) Would you like the cup of a tea?
b) Would you like a cup of - tea?
c) Would you like the cup of - tea?
d) Would you like cup of tea?
2. We have…… ………nice apartment in…… …….center of St. Petersburg.
a) We have - nice apartment in the center of St. Petersburg.
b) We have the nice apartment in - center of St. Petersburg.
c) We have a nice apartment in the center of St. Petersburg.

d) We have a nice apartment in a center of St. Petersburg.
3….Earth goes round…… …………..Sun.
a) - Earth goes round the Sun.
b) The Earth goes round - Sun.
c) An Earth goes round the Sun.
d) The Earth goes round the Sun.
4. Every day I have…………….breakfast in……………..morning.
a) Every day I have - breakfast in the morning.
b) Every day I have a breakfast in the morning.
c) Every day I have the breakfast in - morning.
d) Every day I have - breakfast in a morning.
5. He lives in ……the….most beautiful building in our city on …the……tenth
a) He lives in a most beautiful building in our city on the tenth floor.
b) He lives in - most beautiful building in our city on a tenth floor.
c) He lives in the most beautiful building in our city on the tenth floor.
d) He lives in the most beautiful building in our city on - tenth floor.

4. Make plural of the following words.

Сделайте множественное число из следующих слов.
Зробіть множину з наступних слів.
1. Tooth – a) toothes, b) teeth, c) tooths, d) teethes.
2. Paper (папір) –a) paperes, b) papers, c) paper, d) paperrs.
3. Dairy – a) dairies, b) dairys, c) daires, d) dairyes.
4. Roof - a) roofs, b) rooves, c) roofes, d) reef.
5. Boy – a) boies, b) boys, c) boyes, d) boyies.
6. Match – a) matchs, b) match, c) matchies, d) matches.
7. Baby-sitter – a) babies-sitter, b) babys-sitter, c) baby-sitters, d) baby-sitteres.
8. Life – a) lives, b) lifes, c) life, d) lifies.
9. Hair – a) hair, b) hairs, c) haires, d) hairies.
10.Love – a) loves, b) lofes, c) lovies, d) love.
11.Piano – a) piano, b) pianoes, c) pianos, d) pianox.
12.Glass (стакан) – a) glass, b) glasses, c) glassies, d) glasss.
13.Photo – a) photoes, b) photos, c) photo, d) photons.
14.Glasses (скло) – a) glasses, b) glases, c) glassies, d) glass.
15.Fox – a) foxes, b) foxies, c) foxs, d) fox.
16.Fish – a) fishes, b) fish, c) fishs, d) fishies.
17.Mother-in-law – a) mother-in-laws, b) mother-in-law, c) mother-ins-law,
d) mothers-in-law.
18.Sheep – a) sheeps, b) shoop, c) sheep, d) sheepes.
19.Thief – a) thieves, b) thiefs, c) thiefes, d) thieves.

5. Put the verb in brackets in the required form.
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в необходимую форму.
Поставте дієслова в дужках в необхідну форму.
1. The money (to be stolen) yesterday from the bank.
a) The money be stolen yesterday from the bank.
b) The money was stolen yesterday from the bank.
c) The money is stolen yesterday from the bank.
d) The money were stolen yesterday from the bank.
2. I'm going to take a taxi. The traffic (to be) too strong.
a) I'm going to take a taxi. The traffic (to be) is too strong.
b) I'm going to take a taxi. The traffic are too strong.
c) I'm going to take a taxi. The traffic am too strong.
d) I'm going to take a taxi. The traffic be too strong.
3. Fortunately the news (to be) not as bad as we'd expected.
a) Fortunately the news are not as bad as we'd expected.
b) Fortunately the news be not as bad as we'd expected.
c) Fortunately the newsbeing not as bad as we'd expected.
d) Fortunately the news is not as bad as we'd expected.
4. The trousers you bought for me (not to fit) me at all!
a) The trousers you bought for me not fit me at all!
b) The trousers you bought for medoes not fit me at all!
c) The trousers you bought for me do not fit me at all!
d) The trousers you bought for me are not fit me at all!
5. Ethics (to be) not my specialization.
a) Ethics is not my specialization.
b) Ethics are not my specialization.
c) Ethics be not my specialization.
d) Ethics not my specialization.

6. Underline the right form of quantity.

Подчеркните правильную форму количества.
Підкресліть правильну форму кількості.
1. Tom drinks ………………..milk — one liter a day. (many / much /a lot of).
2. I can't drink this tea. There is too.............sugar in it. (many / much / a lot of).
3. We've got very................ time. (few / a few / little / a little).
4. He's not popular. He has................. friends. (few / a few / little / a little).

Variant IV

1. Rewrite the text and translate it into your native language.

Перепишите текст и переведите его на родной язык.
Перепишіть текст і перекладіть його рідною мовою.


New technological developments provide increasing potential for the assessment

of an individual's competence to perform the necessary skills in the workplace.
Computer aided learning is an effective method of acquiring knowledge,
understanding and, in some cases, skills-depending upon the degree of sophistication
and the interactive nature of the programming. Simulation modeling can readily be
used with the powerful PC's of today to take reality in the workplace. The use of
distance learning programmes is an attractive option. Support from CD-ROM and CD-
1 systems can ensure that library information and other databases are readily available.
Many practical training programmes can now be transferred to the workplace.
Programmes dealing with operational practices can be sent «down-line» to allow for
changes in technology and procedures.
How individuals can be monitored for competency standards is а little more
difficult but not beyond solution.
Distance learning programmes consist of professionally developed and
instructionally designed learning units with built-in teaching and learning mechanisms.
Typically, they provide student interaction, feedback and evaluation and direct tutor
contact. А typical distance learning unit may consist of а unit guide, а study guide
supplemented by а reading book. It may be further supported by а text book, computer
software, or other media such as video or audio tape.
Teleconferencing, video conferencing and attendance at summer schools may all
be features of the programme. The unit may be formally assessed. Units are structured
to provide the student with the sense of communicating and interacting with the
educational or training institution and the designated tutor. Correspondence courses
lack most of these elements.
Assignments can be transmitted, marked and returned within а very short period
of time. Queries can be responded to in а matter of hours by either fax, telex or
telephone. The student benefits from the early response and feedback and the links
developed with the tutor. The tutor benefits from а rapid perception and understanding
of the student's difficulties and rate of progress. Examinations may be arranged to be
taken in the workplace.
However, distance learning programmes must be planned carefully and be
instructionally designed and edited by professionals so they are suitable for the market.
This means producing relevant and qualitative units with effective and speedy
feedback mechanisms. Computer-aided learning and computer-based resources can
provide interactive support to the learning, training and skilling process.

Learn new words
Запомните новые слова
Запам’ятайте нові слова
assessment – оцінка
skill – здібності; взаєморозуміння, досвід
sophistication – мудрість; пізнання
simulation modelling – програма моделювання
option – вибір; право вибору
to ensure – забезпечувати, гарантувати
to deal (dealt) with – мати справу з; займатися
to down-line – передавати (дані) з центрального вузла мережі
procedure – методика; прийоми проведення
is not beyond solution – не може не мати рішення
feedback – зворотний зв'язок
tutor – керівник групи студентів; наставник
to lack – потребуватися будь-чого; відчувати нестаток
attendance – присутність
query – питання; сумнів
to benefit – допомагати, приносити користь; отримувати пользу (допомогу)
perception – сприйняття, усвідомлення, поняття
relevant – доречний, той, що відноситься до справи


1. Answer the following questions:

Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
Дайте відповіді на наступні питання:
1. Why must new technological developments be provided?
2. What can readily be used to take reality in the workplace?
3. What do distance learning programmes consist of?
4. What do they provide?
5. What other features of the programme do you know?
6. Within what period of time can assignments be transmitted, marked and
7. What can provide interactive support to the learning, training and skilling

2. Arrange these words and word groups in the right order. Use a capital
letter to begin each sentence.
Поставьте слова и словосочетания в правильный порядок.
Используйте заглавную букву для начала каждого предложения.

Складіть зі слів та словосполучень речення. Використовуйте
велику літеру для написання кожного речення.

1. To be, every company, а software company, appears.

2. Developed, at an increasing pace, а variety of purposes, software, to serve, is.
3. For, the technical integration, future extension, to offer, needs, scalability and
openness, flexibility.
4. Thousands of dollars, organizations, purchasing, spend, computer hardware.
5. Work closely, and management consultants, must, human-resource specialists,
hardware and software vendors.
6. These new business models, for clients, are embracing, companies, and,
delivering innovative solutions.

3. Find out synonyms to the following words and word combinations

Найдите синонимы к данным словам и словосочетаниям.
Знайдіть синоніми до слів та словосполучень.

1. procedure
2. feedback
3. attendance
4. perception
5. relevant
6. assessment
7. to ensure
8. to down-line
9. option
10. sophistication

4. Match the columns making word-combinations:

Подберите колонки, составляя словосочетания:
Підберіть колонки, складаючи словосполучення:

technological skills
acquiring teaching
interactive nature
video training
necessary method
operational practices
effective learning
practical development
distance knowledge
built-in conferencing

5. Complete the sentences using the verbs in the box.

amount decide employ run go

In 1989, Bell ………… public. By now the firm ……….. 750 people and sales
…………. to over $159 million. Then two years later employees ……….. to celebrate
1April by hanging a giant inflatable banana outside company headquarters, the first of
many publicity stunts. On another occasion the CEO ……………… the London

6. Translate from into English.

Переведите на английский.
Перекладіть англійською мовою.
1) Сітка обкладення аналогом була складена на основі передбачуваної
чисельності населення.
2) Необхідно стежити, щоб розмір оподаткування не був завищений.
3) Нам украй необхідні фахівці з технічними навичками, оскільки ми
комп'ютерізували лінію виробництва.
4) Ми твердо маємо намір забезпечити рівні можливості для всіх.
5) У них прійнято щорічно підвищувати зарплату співробітникам.
6) Високий рівень кваліфікації необхідний для призначення на посаду.
7) Існують курси по навчанню різним спеціальностям.

7. Test.

1. Circle the correct tense.

Обведите правильное время.
Підкресліть правильний час.
1. I ....... birthday in September.
a) has b) have c) having d) am having
2. They…………………………. each other very often.
a) аre not seeing b) don’t see c) is not see d) doesn’t see
3. Where are you? – We …………… at the party.
a) dance b) is dancing c) are dancing d) are dance
4. She has got three children,................?
a) doesn't she b) does she c) isn't she d) hasn't she e) did she
5. This silly boy................this stupid mistake!
a) is always making b)always makes c)always make d)have always made

2. Open the brackets using Present Indefinite or Present Continuous.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Indefinite или Present
Розкрийте душки, використовуючи Present Indefinite чи Present
1. She always (to come) to work in time.
a) She always come to work in time.
b) She is always coming to work in time.
c) She always coming to work in time.
d) She always comes to work in time.
2. Where (to be) the children? – They (to play) in the yard.
a) Where is the children. – They is playing in the yard.
b) Where are the children? – They are playing in the yard.
c) Where are being the children? – They are playing in the yard.
d) Where is being the children. – They is playing in the yard.
3. They (to drive) to the country every weekend.
a) They are driving to the country every weekend.
b) They drive to the country every weekend.
c) They drives to the country every weekend.
d) They am driving to the country every weekend
4. They (to spend) the money now.
a) They spend the money now.
b) They are spending the money now.
c) They spends the money now.
d) They spending the money now.

3. Put in the right article or -.

Поставьте правильный артикль или -.
Поставте правильний артикль чи -.
1. Would you like………cup of………..tea?
a) Would you like the cup of a tea?
b) Would you like a cup of - tea?
c) Would you like the cup of - tea?
d) Would you like cup of tea?
2. We have…… ………nice apartment in…… …….center of St. Petersburg.
a) We have - nice apartment in the center of St. Petersburg.
b) We have the nice apartment in - center of St. Petersburg.
c) We have a nice apartment in the center of St. Petersburg.
d) We have a nice apartment in a center of St. Petersburg.
3….Earth goes round…… …………..Sun.
a) - Earth goes round the Sun.
b) The Earth goes round - Sun.
c) An Earth goes round the Sun.

d) The Earth goes round the Sun.
4. Every day I have…………….breakfast in……………..morning.
a) Every day I have - breakfast in the morning.
b) Every day I have a breakfast in the morning.
c) Every day I have the breakfast in - morning.
d) Every day I have - breakfast in a morning.
5. He lives in …the…most beautiful building in our city on …the…tenth floor.
a) He lives in a most beautiful building in our city on the tenth floor.
b) He lives in - most beautiful building in our city on a tenth floor.
c) He lives in the most beautiful building in our city on the tenth floor.
d) He lives in the most beautiful building in our city on - tenth floor.

4. Make plural of the following words.

Сделайте множественное число из следующих слов.
Зробіть множину з наступних слів.
1. Tooth – a) toothes, b) teeth, c) tooths, d) teethes.
2. Paper (папір) –a) paperes, b) papers, c) paper, d) paperrs.
3. Dairy – a) dairies, b) dairys, c) daires, d) dairyes.
4. Roof - a) roofs, b) rooves, c) roofes, d) reef.
5. Boy – a) boies, b) boys, c) boyes, d) boyies.
6. Match – a) matchs, b) match, c) matchies, d) matches.
7. Baby-sitter – a) babies-sitter, b) babys-sitter, c) baby-sitters, d) baby-sitteres.
8. Life – a) lives, b) lifes, c) life, d) lifies.
9. Hair – a) hair, b) hairs, c) haires, d) hairies.
10.Love – a) loves, b) lofes, c) lovies, d) love.
11.Piano – a) piano, b) pianoes, c) pianos, d) pianox.
12.Glass (стакан) – a) glass, b) glasses, c) glassies, d) glasss.
13.Photo – a) photoes, b) photos, c) photo, d) photons.
14.Glasses (скло) – a) glasses, b) glases, c) glassies, d) glass.
15.Fox – a) foxes, b) foxies, c) foxs, d) fox.
16.Fish – a) fishes, b) fish, c) fishs, d) fishies.
17.Mother-in-law – a) mother-in-laws, b) mother-in-law, c) mother-ins-law,
d) mothers-in-law.
18.Sheep – a) sheeps, b) shoop, c) sheep, d) sheepes.
19.Thief – a) thieves, b) thiefs, c) thiefes, d) thievs.

5. Put the verb in brackets in the required form.

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в необходимую форму.
Поставьте дієслова в скобках в необхідну форму.
1. The money (to be stolen) yesterday from the bank.
a) The money be stolen yesterday from the bank.
b) The money was stolen yesterday from the bank.
c) The money is stolen yesterday from the bank.
d) The money were stolen yesterday from the bank.
2. I'm going to take a taxi. The traffic (to be) too strong.

a) I'm going to take a taxi. The traffic (to be) is too strong.
b) I'm going to take a taxi. The traffic are too strong.
c) I'm going to take a taxi. The traffic am too strong.
d) I'm going to take a taxi. The traffic be too strong.
3. Fortunately the news(to be) not as bad as we'd expected.
a) Fortunately the news are not as bad as we'd expected.
b) Fortunately the news be not as bad as we'd expected.
c) Fortunately the newsbeing not as bad as we'd expected.
d) Fortunately the news is not as bad as we'd expected.
4. The trousers you bought for me (not to fit) me at all!
a) The trousers you bought for me not fit me at all!
b) The trousers you bought for medoes not fit me at all!
c) The trousers you bought for me do not fit me at all!
d) The trousers you bought for me are not fit me at all!
5. Ethics (to be) not my specialization.
a) Ethics is not my specialization.
b) Ethics are not my specialization.
c) Ethics be not my specialization.
d) Ethics not my specialization.

6. Underline the right form of quantity.

Подчеркните правильную форму количества.
Підкресліть правильну форму кількості.

1. Tom drinks ……………….milk — one liter a day. (many / much /a lot of).
2. I can't drink this tea. There is too.............sugar in it. (many / much / a lot of).
3. We've got very................ time. (few / a few / little / a little).
4. He's not popular. He has……………. friends. (few / a few / little / a little).

Module II

Variant I

1. Rewrite the text and translate it into your native language.

Перепишите текст и переведите его на родной язык.
Перепишіть текст і перекладіть його рідною мовою.


Enterprises can save money by cutting back on travel and substituting

videoconferences for some face-to-face meetings. The savings come both in actual
travel costs and in the costs of having employees out of action during а trip. However,
videoconferencing should be implemented with care. The two general categories-
conference room systems and desktop systems - have different benefits and drawbacks,
but both impose costs and complexities beyond their initial installation.
Room systems are relatively expensive and usually work over switched circuits
(generally ISDN), which ensure high quality, but impose ongoing costs.
Desktop systems are relatively inexpensive and work through the enterprise
Videoconferencing technology allows people to create the environment of а face-
to-face meeting so that fast, interactive decisions can be made, wherever they may be
in the world. Unlike email, or even а telephone call, videoconferencing facilitates
closer relationships as you can clearly see who you are communicating with and
respond to their body language-often essential on international calls when trying to
overcome cultural barriers. It also allows individuals to share documents and
demonstrate а product or visual concept.
Moreover, ongoing costs will decline and return on investment will increase over
time as networks are upgraded and the quality differential declines.
Enterprises can save money with videoconferencing by reducing travel, but
neither the initial investment nor the ongoing cost is trivial.
Room-based, circuit-switched conferencing provides the best quality, reliability
and ease of use, but with higher initial cost and ongoing line charges. Systems can be
installed with ISDN lines and migrated to network protocols when the infrastructure is
sufficiently robust.

Learn new words

Запомните новые слова
Запам’ятайте нові слова
Charges – витрати; плата, вартість
То cut back – зменшувати; скорочувати
То decline – зменшуватися, вбивати
Drawback – нестача; перешкода
Employee – робочий, службовець, той хто працює по найму
То ensure – забезпечувати, гарантувати
Enterprise – підприємство, підприємництво
То facilitate – допомагати, сприяти
Impose – обкладати
То migrate –переміщуватися, пересуватися
Moreover – крім того, більш того
Ongoing – продовжуючий, неперервний
Robust – важкий, що потребує зусиль
Trivial – незначний
Wherever – де б то не було


1. Answer the following questions:

Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
Дайте відповіді на наступні питання:
1. How can enterprises save money?
2. Why should videoconferencing be implemented with care?
3. Are room systems relatively expensive?
4. What does videoconferencing technology allow?
5. Will return on investment increase over time?
6. What lines can systems be installed with?

2. Paraphrase the following sentences referring them to the future and to

the past:
Перефразируйте предложения в будущее и прошедшее время:
Перефразуйте речення у майбутній та минулий часи:
1. He may watch television in the evening.
2. You must learn foreign languages.
3. They must pay attention to this postcard.
4. Desktop video appliances can deliver acceptable performance.
5. Uncontrolled conferencing can overload а network and affect the performanc of
other applications and users.
6. Some products may have difficulty connecting with other types of equipment.
7. To get around the risks of lost business and lost revenue, companies must use
application management tools.

3. Put the Infinitives in brackets in the Past Indefinite tense. Translate the
Поставьте инфинитив в скобках в прошедшее неопределенное
время. Переведите предложения на родной язик.
Поставте інфінітив у дужках у минулий невизначений час.

Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.

1. We (to provide) an understanding of different customer behavior and

preferences two weeks ago.
2. For the business market, our company (to cover) subscriber segmentation,
valuechain and cost/benefit analysis.
3. Based on market segmentation, they (to design) service feature packages with
different pricing approaches.
4. More than а third of the mobile telephone customers worldwide (to use)
Prepaid cards last year.
5. By conducting а detailed analysis of the technical solution and investment, the
manager (to forecast) а precise cost and profit situation.

4. Insert the prepositions.

Вставьте предлоги.
Вставте прийменники.

іnto from for on to with

1. Most of the real benefits your organization will derive ... а digital asset
2. Mobile business will give rise ... new applications and services for а variety of
everyday transactions.
3. An essential success factor will be the provision of an adequate payment
method ... consumers and service providers.
4. The company offers а business implementation workshop ... the goal of helping
to develop an efficient and effective marketing plan.
5. When implementing new technology ... the software globalization process,
companies will gain most by planning the implementation.
6. The company's strength is based ... its in-depth industry knowledge.

5. Find out synonyms to the following words and word combinations

Найдите синонимы к данным словам и словосочетаниям.
Знайдіть синоніми до слів та словосполучень.

1. decline
2. drawback
3. employee
4. enterprise
5. impose
6. trivial
7. to cut back
8. benefit
9. network

10. interactive

6. Complete the sentences using the verbs in the box.

set up launch total offer

In 1992 Bell …………… free installation of applications software as a standard

opinion and in 1993 ………………. the low-priced Explorer PCs, one of the most
highly praised system in the industry. In 1996 Bell …………… an Internet computer
store, through its website Last year sales ……………. more than $10
million a day.

7. Test.

1. Circle the correct tense (Past Simple or Past Continuous).

Обведите правильное время (Past Simple or Past Continuous).
Підкресліть правильний час (Past Simple or Past Continuous).
1. Excuse me, … you … your friend at 5 yesterday?
a) do see b) was seeing c) did see d) was saw.
2. Somebody …. us an anonymous letter the day before yesterday.
a) was sending b) sended c) were sending d) sent.
3. Usually she ….. to work at 9 o’clock last month.
a) come b) came c) was coming d) comes.
4. Why ……. you all the evening last Sunday?
a) is laughing b) was laughing c) were laughing d) laughed.
5. She did not want juice, she ….. coffee at that moment.
a) drunk b) drank c) was drinking d) were drinking.

2. Ask disjunctive, alternative and general questions.

Задайте разделительный, альтернативный и общий вопрос.
Поставте роздільне, альтернативне і загальне питання.
She speaks English more slowly than her sister
a) Does speak English more slowly than her sister?
b) Do she she speak more slowly than her sister?
c) Does speaks English more slowly than her sister?
a) Does she speaks English or German more slowly than her sister?
b) Do she speak English or German more slowly than her sister?
c) Does she speak English or German more slowly than her sister?

3. Put the questions to the following answers.
Задайте вопросы к следующим ответам.
Поставте питання до наступних відповідей.
1. - No, I don't like playing football.
a) Do you like to play football?
b) Do you like playing football?
c) Can you play football?
2. - I don’t know this young man quite well.
a) Do you know this young man well?
b) You this young man quite well, don’t you?
c) How well do you know this young man?

4. Translate into English using necessary form of comparison.

Переведите на английский язык, используя необходимую форму
Перекладіть англійською мовою, використовуючи необхідну форму
1. В минулому році зима була самою холодною.
a) Last year the winter was the colder.
b) Last year the winter was the coldest.
c) Last year the winter was the most cold.
2. Вам потрібно частіше розмовляти іноземною мовою.
a) You should speak foreign language more oftener.
b) You should speak foreign language oftener.
c) You should speak foreign language more often.
3. Це найкумедніший фільм, який я коли-небудь бачив.
a) This is the most funniest film I have ever seen.
b) This is the funniest film I have ever seen.
c) This is the more funniest film I have ever seen.
4. Ця квартира дуже велика для неї, вона хоче купити щось поменше.
a) This flat is too big for her, she wants to buy something more smaller.
b) This flat is too big for her, she wants to buy something more small.
c) This flat is too big for her, she wants to buy something smaller.

5. Underline the correct forms of the irregular verbs.

Подчеркните правильные формы неправильных глаголов.
Підкресліть правильні форми неправильних дієслів.

Come sell teach take bring shine keep fall

a)comes a)seld a)taught a)take a)brought a)shone a)keept a)fell
b)came b)sell b)tought b)took b)bring b)shon b) kept b)feel
c) come c)sold c)tauch c)tooken c)braught c) shine c) keep c) felt
a) came a)selld a)taught a)took a)brong a) shined a)keped a)fall
b)coming b)sold b)teach b)taken b)brought b)shoned b) kept b)fell
c)come c)solld c)thought c)take c) bring c) shone c)keapt c)fallen
6. Make up degrees for the next adjectives and adverbs.
Образуйте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных и наречий.
Утворіть ступені порівняння наступних прикметників та

short a) shorter a) the more short

b) more short b) the shorter
c) the shorter c) shortest
beautiful a) more beautiful a) the most beautiful
b) beautifuler b) the beautifulest
c) the more beautiful c) most beautiful
nice a) the nicer a) the nicerest
b) nicer b) the most nice
c) more nicer c) the nicest
little a) the littler a) the littlest
b) less b) the least
c) more less c) the most least
wonderful a) wonderfuller a) the most wonderful
b) the more wonderful b) the wonderfullest
c) more wonderful c) most wonderfullest
old a) older/elder a) the old/eld
b) more old/eld b) the oldest/eldest
c) old c) most old
happy a) the happier a) the happiest
b) more happy b) the most happiest
c) happier c) most happy
clever a) cleverer a) the most clever
b) the more cleverer b) the cleverest
c) more clever c) most cleverest
long a) longerer a) the long
b) longer b) longest
c) more longer c) the longest
far a) further/farther a) farest/furest
b) farer b) the farest
c) furer c) the furthest/farthest

7. Translate into English using the Past Simple or Past Continuous tense.
Переведите на английский язык, используя Past Simple or Past
Continuous Tense.
Перекладіть англійською мовою, використовуючи Past Simple or
PastContinuous Tense.
1. Я їх не бачив в останньому місяці.
a) I did not see them last month.
b) I did not saw them last month.
c) I was not seeing them last month.
2. Домробітниця вбирала кімнату в той момент.
a) The housekeeper were doing the room at that moment.
b) The housekeeper did the room at that moment.
c) The housekeeper was doing the room at that moment.
3. В минулому році вони побудувалили нову школу.
a) Last year they builded a new school.
b) Last year they built a new school.
c) Last year they were building a new school.
4. А ви коли зробили ремонт?
a) Last year they built a new school.
b) Last year they was builting a new school.
c) Last year theywere building a new school.
5. На жаль, вчора о п’ятій годині ми не знали про цю зустріч.
a) Unfortunately, we did not knew about this meeting at 5 o’clock yesterday.
b) Unfortunately, we did not know about this meeting at 5 o’clock yesterday.
c) Unfortunately, we were not knowing about this meeting at 5 o’clock yesterday.

Variant II

1. Rewrite the text and translate it into your native language.

Перепишите текст и переведите его на родной язык.
Перепишіть текст і перекладіть його рідною мовою.


All values in the economic system are measured in terms of money. Our goods
and services arc sold for money, and that money is in turn exchanged for other goods
and services. Coins arc adequate for small transactions, while paper notes are used for
general business. There is additionally а wider sense of word "money", covering
anything which is used as а means of exchange, whatever form it may take. Originally,
valuable metal (gold, silver or copper) served as а constant store of value. Because
gold has been universally regarded as а very valuable metal, national currencies were
for many years judged in terms of so-called "gold-standard". (The US Government
abandoned the gold standard in 1971.)
Nowadays however valuable metal has generally been replaced by paper notes.
National currencies are considered to be as strong as the national economics which
support them. Paper notes are issued by governments and authorized banks, and are
known as "legal tender". Other arrangements such as cheques and money orders are
not legal tender. They perform the function of substitute money and are known as
"instruments of credit". Credit is offered only when creditors believe that they have а
good chance of obtaining legal tender when they present such instruments at а bank or
other authorized institution. If man’s assets are known to be considerable, then his
credit will be good. If his assets are in doubt, then, it may be difficult for him to obtain
large sums of credit or even to pay for goods with а cheque.
The value of money is basically its value as а medium of exchange, or, as
economists put it, its "purchasing power". This purchasing power is dependent on
supply and demand. The demand for money is reckonable as the quantity needed to
effect business transactions. An increase in business requires an increase in the amount
of money coming into general circulation. But the demand for money is related not
only to the quantity of business but also to the rapidity with which the business is done.
The supply of money, on the other hand, is the actual amount in notes and coins
available for business purposes. If too much money is аvаilаble, its value decreases,
and it does not buy as much as it did, say, five years earlier. This condition is known as
"inflation". (Tom McArthur. "А Rapid Course in English for Students of Economics".

Learn new words

Запомните новые слова
Запам’ятайте нові слова
value – цінність
transaction – справа, операція, угода

а means of exchange – засіб обміну
а store of value – засіб зберігання вартості, засіб заощаджування
а constant store of value – постійне нагромаджування вартості
to back (paper, money, currency) – підтримувати, забезпечувати паперові
гроші, валюту
store – запас
the store of gold – золотий запас
currency - 1. грошi – звичайно наявні гроші, монети, банкноти; 2. валюта
to abandon the gold standard – відмовитись від золотого стандарту
to issue - випускати, пускати в обіг
authorized - офіційно прийнятий, дозволений, санкціонований
authorized banks - банки, наділені ухваленими правами, уповноважені банки
legal tender (banknotes) – законний платіжний засіб, офіційно прийняті
державою банкноти
а money order – платіжне доручення
substitute money – представник платіжних засобів
instruments of credit – кредитні зобов’язання, векселі, чеки, облігації
assets – 1. активи; 2. засоби, капітал, фонди
the value of money – вартість грошей
а medium of exchange – 1. засіб обміну; 2. засіб обігу (як функція грошей)
purchasing power – купівельна спроможність
to reckon – підраховувати, обчислювати
circulation (of money, capital) – обіг грошей, капіталу
to соme into general circulation – поступати в сукупний обіг
to put into circulation – пускати в обіг
the demand for money – попит на гроші
the supply of money (money supply) – 1. грошова маса, 2. сума грошей
the quantity of business – кількість операцій, об’єм бізнесу
the rapidity of business – швидкість здійснення операцій в бізнесі


1. Ask disjunctive questions to the sentences.

Задайте альтернативные вопросы к предложениям.
Поставте альтернативні питання до речень.
1. Most of people use money every day.
2. All American currency today is in the form of paper money and coins.
3. Many commodities have served as money.
4. Coinage wasn't the invention of the Italians.
5. The U.S. Congress authorized the issue of paper money.
6. We'll clarity the details tomorrow.
7. Some opponents disliked the idea of central authority.

8. He didn't pay in cash for his house.
9. People usually buy expensive goods on financing.
10. This store doesn't accept credit cards.

2. Find out synonyms to the following words and word combinations

Найдите синонимы к данным словам и словосочетаниям.
Знайдіть синоніми до слів та словосполучень.

1. value
2. transaction
3. currency
4. to issue
5. authorized
6. circulation
7. assets
8. sum
9. credit
10. cheque

3. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

Дополните предложения словами из рамки.
Доповніть речення словами з рамки.

delay choose improve give make stabilize hinder

Last year the international situation in the hydrocarbons industry ……… some
extent. However, the volatile foreign exchange rates ………...currency management
more difficult and relatively weak demand …………. expansion projects. We
therefore ……………… focus our efforts on specific opportunities where our
know-how ………… a technical advantage over particularly aggressive
competition. As the result we propose doubling our dividend.

4. Give the right answer on the following questions.

Дайте ответы на данные вопросы.
Надайте відповіді на дані питання.
1. What is money?
2. How did the valuable metal serve?
3. What is “gold - standard”?
4. How would you describe the term “paper note”?
5. What is understood under the term “legal tender”?

5. Put the words into correct order.
Составьте из слов предложения.
Складіть зі слів речення.
1. Note, nowadays, paper, however, generally, valuable, by, replaced, metal, has,
2. Tender, other, legal, arrangements, not, such, are, as, orders, cheques, money,
3. Transactions, the, business, effect, demand, to, for, needed, money, the, is, as,
quantity, reckonable.
4. Money, all, of, in, the, in, terms, economic, measured, system, are.
5. Them, national, which, are, support, considered, economics, to be, national, as,
the, as, strong, currency.

6. Translate from into English.

Переведите на английский.
Перекладіть англійською мовою.
1. Вони вклали гроші в державні цінні папери і бони.
2. В середині століття золото було приблизно в шістнадцять разів дорожче
за срібло.
3. Корисно знати мови, якщо ви працюєте в компанії, що займається
4. Він сплатив рахунок п'ятидесятидоларовими банкнотами.
5. Вона погодилася на всі його умови.
6. Ми прийняли заходи по забезпеченню їх безпеки.
7. Президент висунув вимоги про відставку уряду.

7. Test.

1. Circle the correct tense (Past Simple or Past Continuous).

Обведите правильное время (Past Simple or Past Continuous).
Підкресліть правильний час (Past Simple or Past Continuous).
1. Where … you in the evening last Monday?
a) did be b) was c) were d) were being
2. Mary ….to work to the department store more than a year ago.
a) went b) were gone c) gone d) were went
3. It … still …. when I left the house.
a) was rain b)did rained c) did rain d) was raining
4. … rather dark in the room at 3 in the afternoon last Friday?
a) was being b) was c) be d) been
5. At the moment he …. what had happened.
a) didn΄t realized b) didn΄t realize c) wasn΄t realizing d)was not realize

2. Ask disjunctive, alternative and general questions.
Задайте разделительный, альтернативный и общий вопрос.
Запитайте роздільне, альтернативне і загальне питання.
He is wandering in the forest and has nothing to eat.
a) He is wandering in the forest and has nothing to eat isn’t he?
b) He is wandering in the forest and has nothing to eat, doesn’t he?
c) He is wandering in the forest and has nothing to eat, don’t he?
a) Is he wandering in the forest and has nothing to eat?
b) Is he wandering in the forest or in the city and has nothing to eat?
c) Where is he wandering and has nothing to eat?
a) Is he wandering in the forest and has nothing to eat?
b) Who is wandering in the forest?
c) He is wandering in the forest and has nothing to eat?

3. Put the questions to the following answers.

Задайте вопросы к следующим ответам.
Поставте питання до наступних відповідей.
1. It takes me 20 min to get to my work.
a) Does it take you 20 minutes to get to work?
b) How much time does it take you to get to your work?
c) Why do you get to work?
2. I am moving to St. Petersburg in an hour.
a) Who is going to move to St. Petersburg?
b) Are you moving to St. Petersburg?
c) When are you moving to St. Petersburg?

4. Translate into English using necessary form of comparison.

Переведите на английский язык, используя необходимую форму
Перекладіть на англійську мову, використовуючи необхідну форму
1. Я читав обидві книги, перша цікавіше, ніж друга.
a) I was reading both books, the first is more interesting than the second one.
b) I am reading two books, the one is more interesting.
c) I was reading two books, the first is most interesting.
2. Начальник хотів бачити вас для подальших пояснень.
a) The chief is wanting to see you for the farther explanations.
b) The chief want to see you for the furthest explanations.
c) The chief wanted to see you for the further explanations.
3. Мій брат молодший за мене на десять років.
a) My brother is young than me ten years.

b) My brother is ten years younger than me.
c) My brother is the youngest ten years that I.
4. Це найсмачніший суп на всьому світі. Майже не знаю, хто готує
a) This is the most tasty soup in the world. I don’t know who cook best.
b) This is the tastier soup in the world. I don’t know who cooks more good.
c) This is the tastiest soup in the world. I don’t even know who cooks better.

5. Underline the correct forms of the irregular verbs.

Подчеркните правильные формы неправильных глаголов.
Підкресліть правильні форми неправильних дієслів.

Shine get understand write freeze hit shake

a)shone a)got a)understand a) wrote a) frize a) hit a)shake
b)shine b)get b)understood b)wrotten b)froze b) hot b)shook
c) shined c)gotten c)understund c)writed c) freeze c) hitt c)shakеd
a) shon a)getted a)understood a) write a) frizen a) hat a)shake
b)shone b)gott b)understend b) wroten b) freezen b) hite b) shokе
c)shine c)got c)understand c)written c)frozen c)hit c)shaken

6. Make up degrees for the next adjectives and adverbs.

Образуйте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных и
Утворіть ступені порівняння наступних прикметників та
big a) bigger a) bigest
b) biger b) biggest
c) biggier c) the biggest
little a) less a) least
b) the less b) the least
c) more little c) the most little
small a) the smaller a) smallest
b) smaller b) the most small
c) more smal c) the smallest
bad a) badder a) the baddest
b) worse b) the most bad
c) the worse c) the worst
sunny a) sunnier a) the sunniest
b) the sunnier b) most sunny
c) more sunnier c) the sunny
young a) younger a) the most young
b) the young b) the youngest
c) more young c) youngest
tall a) more tall a) the tall
b) the tall b) the tallest
c) taller c) the most tall
friendly a) more friendly a) the friendly
b) the friendlier b) the most friendly
c) more friendlier c) most friendliest
good a) gooder a) the most good
b) the more good b) the best
c) better c) the goodest

7. Translate into English using the Past Simple or Past Continuous tense.
Переведите на английский язык, используя Past Simple or Past
Continuous tense.
Перекладіть англійською мовою, викорисовуючи Past Simple or Past
Continuous tense.
1. Минулої ночі на другому поверсі хтось розбив вікно.
a) Last night somebody was broken the window on the second floor.
b) Last night somebody was braking the window on the second floor.
c) Last night somebody broke the window on the second floor.
2. А ти де був? – Я стояв у той час у черзі.
a) And where was you? – I am standing in a queue that time.
b) And where you were? – I standing in a queue that time.
c) And where were you? – I was standing in a queue that time.
3. Ми слухали музику, тому не чули дзвінка.
a) We were listening to the music. That’s why we did not hear the bell.
b) We listened to music. That’s why we were not hearing the bell.
c) We was listening to music. That’s why we did not heard the bell.
4. Вона обмірковувала цю проблему весь вечір учора.
a) She thinking about this problem all the evening yesterday.
b) She was thinking about this problem the whole evening yesdterday.
c) She thought about this problem all the evening yesterday.
5. Ніхто про нього нічого більше не чув.
a) Nobody heard anything about him any more.
b) Nobody heard nothing about him any more.
c) Nobody was hearing nothing of him no more.

Variant III

1. Rewrite the text and translate it into your native language.

Перепишите текст и переведите его на родной язык.
Перепишіть текст і перекладіть його рідною мовою.


The Federal Reserve System (or Fed) is а complex and intricate system composed
of а Board of Governors, а Federal Advisory Council, а Federal Open Market
Committee, 12 Reserve Banks, 25 branch banks, many member banks, and several
minor organizations. It is an instrument of the government and yet is not owned by the
government. Instead, it is owned by the member banks; however, its most important
officials are appointed by the president of the United States. Each body within the Fed
has its own individual function, but the functions of each body are interrelated.
The most important instrument of monetary management is the Federal Reserve
open-market operations. Open-market operations are the Fed's continuous purchases
and sales of government securities on the open market, to affect bank reserves. The
securities used are primary U.S. Treasury bills (T-bills), with а maturity of 1 year or
less. Most banks hold government securities, and the Fed can induce banks to sell or
buy government securities by offering to buy them at а premium price or to sell them
at а discount.
А bank's ability to create money is affected by the amount of reserves it must hold
for its checkable deposits. An increase in the reserve requirement decreases the bank's
ability to increase the money supply, and vice versa. The Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve has the authority to determine, within limits, the amount of reserves
that banks must hold against checkable deposits. These moneys as designated by the
Fed, are referred to as required reserves. Any reserves over and above this amount that
bank may have are excess reserves. Both are important to the potential size of the
money supply. The Fed may decrease the reserve requirements during periods of low
production, income, and employment, to increase the money supply and expand
business activity.
The Fed can decrease the banks' ability to expand the money supply by raising the
reserve requirement. If the Fed increases the reserve requirement from 10 per cent to
20 per cent, the banks will be short of required reserves. As а result, they must either
increase their reserves or recall some of the loans outstanding to bring their reserves up
to 20 percent of their checkable deposits. The action of the banks in recalling loans
reduces their checkable deposits.
The Fed is an independent organization within the government, not apart from it.
As such, it exercises а considerable amount of autonomy. Because the Fed is
responsible only to Congress, it may or may not agree with the economic policies of а
given presidential administration. But since both have the same objectives (economic
growth and high employment, along with а stable price level), their actions usually
complement each other.

The Fed bought securities in open-market conditions, lowered reserve
requirements, reduced the discount and Fed fund rates, and used moral suasion in an
attempt to increase the money supply during the 1990-1981 recession. Similar
measures were taken in previous recessions.
During inflationary periods over the past three decades, the Fed has tried to slow
the growth of money supply by selling government securities, raising the discount rate,
and (at times) raising the reserve requirements. It has also attempted moral suasion,
especially through strong public testimony before Congress, in an effort to combat
Although the Fed usually works hand-in-hand with the administration to stabilize
the level of economic activity and the price level, differences of opinion do occur. The
most recent instance of this was in 1990, when the annual rate of economic growth fell
below 2 percent and the annual rate of inflation moved above 5 percent. As the
economy slowed, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Director of the Office of
Management and Budget, the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, and
even the president made public statements asserting that lower interest rates were
needed to stimulate the economy. The Fed, however, steadfastly maintained its high
interest rates at least into the fall of 1990 as а means of combating the inflationary
pressures that it felt were developing in the economy.

Learn new words

Запомните новые слова
Запам’ятайте нові слова
intricate – складний
Board of Governors – Нарада Керівників
Federal Advisory Council- Федеральна консультативна нарада
а member bank - банк – член Федеративної резервної системи
а Treasury bill (T-bill) – скарбницький вексель
maturity (of а bill) – строк (термін) викупу, погашення (векселя)
required reserves – запропоновані законом резерви
to sell at а discount – продавати нижче номінальної ціни
excess reserves – надлишкові резерви
reserve requirements – резервні вимоги Федеральної резервної системи до
to recall а loan – вимагати погашения позики
an outstanding loan – несплачена, прострочена позика
moral suasion – моральне діяння
recession – спад (економічний)
public testimony – суспільна заява
the Office of Management and Budget – Адміністративне бюджетне
управління у складі Виконавчого управління Президента США
the Council оf Economic Advisers – Нарада консультантів при Президенті


1. Check your comprehension, answer the questions:

Проверьте свое понимание текста, ответьте на вопросы:
Перевірте своє розуміння тексту, дайте відповіді на запитання:
1. What is the structure of the Federal Reserve System (Fed)?
2. Is the Fed an instrument of the government?
3. Is the Federal Reserve System owned by the government?
4. What can you say about the functions of each body within the Fed?
5. What is the most important instrument of monetary management?
6. How would you describe the Fed open-market operations?
7. What is the Fed responsible to?
8. In what way has the Fed tried to slow the growth of the money supply during
inflationary periods?
9. The Fed usually works hand-in-hand with the administration, doesn't it?
10. Do the differences of opinion occur or not? Give an example if any.

2. Study the text and:

Изучите текст и:
Вивчить текст і:
а) pick out word combinations with the word "reserve";
b) translate them and use in the sentences of your own;
с) find all the terms which you would use speaking on Т-bill;

3. Give English equivalents of the following:

Дайте английский эквивалент следующих слов:
Надайте англійський еквівалент наступних слів:
1. Скарбницький вексель.
2. Запропоновані законом резерви.
3. Надлишкові резерви.
4. Резервні вимоги.
5. Спад (економічний).
6. Несплачена, прострочена позика.
7. Вимагати погашення позики.
8. Відсотки.
9. Бездіяльні гроші.
10.Нарахування (грошове).
11.Обмінювати (погашати) банкноти на золото.
12.Фінансовий, фіскальний.
13.Акціонерний капітал.

4. Complete the sentences:
Дополните предложения:
Доповніть речення:
1. The Federal Reserve System (Fed) is а complex and intricate system composed
of … .
2. The Fed is an instrument of the government and yet it ... .
3. The Fed's most important officials are... .
4. Each body within the Fed has its own individual function, but ... .
5. The most important instrument of monetary management is... .
6. Open-market operations are the Fed's ... .
7. The securities used are primarily ... .
8. The Fed can decrease the bank's ability to expand ... .
9. Because the Fed is responsible only to Congress ... .
10. During inflationary periods over the past three decades, the Fed has tried to
slow the growth of the money supply by ... .
11. Although the Fed usually works hand-in hand with administration ... .
12. The most recent instance of this was... .

5. Find out synonyms to the following words and word combinations

Найдите синонимы к данным словам и словосочетаниям.
Знайдіть синоніми до слів та словосполучень.

1. intricate
2. bill
3. recession
4. interrelated
5. monetary
6. purchase
7. premium price
8. discount
9. requirement
10. attempt

6. Complete the sentences using the verbs in the box with two tenses past
simple or present perfect.
Закінчить речення, використовуючи дієслова з таблиці двома часами
past simple чи present perfect.
Окончите предожение, используя глаголы из таблицы двумя
временами past simple или present perfect.

agree buy give issue slump

In a gigantic deal, BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACO, the world’s second-large
international cigarette maker, ………………… to take over ROTHMANS (the first-
largest) for $ 8.7 billion.
Shares in MARKS AND SPENCER, Britain’s biggest retailer, ……………. by
more than 10% in the last 24 hours after the firm ……………… a profit warning.
Europe’s postal market is becoming increasingly competitive. Only weeks after
the British government ……………….. the state-controlled POST OFFICE greater
commercial freedom, it …………………. Germany’s third-largest private carrier.
GENERAL PARCEL has a big distribution network and a large stake in GENERAL
PARCEL, which operates Europe-wide.

7. Test.

1. Circle the correct tense (Past Simple or Past Continuous).

Обведите правильное время (Past Simple or Past Continuous).
Підкресліть правильний час (Past Simple or Past Continuous).
1. Excuse me, … you … your friend at 5 yesterday?
a) do see b) was seeing c) did see d) was saw.
2. Somebody …. us an anonymous letter the day before yesterday.
a) was sending b) sended c) were sending d) sent.
3. Usually she ….. to work at 9 o’clock last month.
a) come b) came c) was coming d) comes.
4. Why ……. you all the evening last Sunday?
a) is laughing b) was laughing c) were laughing d) laughed.
5. She did not want juice, she ….. coffee at that moment.
a) drunk b) drank c) was drinking d) were drinking.

2. Ask disjunctive, alternative and general questions.

Задайте разделительный, альтернативный и общий вопрос.
Поставте роздільне, альтернативне і загальне питання.
She speaks English more slowly than her sister
a) Does speak English more slowly than her sister?
b) Do she she speak more slowly than her sister?
c) Does speaks English more slowly than her sister?
a) Does she speaks English or German more slowly than her sister?
b) Do she speak English or German more slowly than her sister?
c) Does she speak English or German more slowly than her sister?

3. Put the questions to the following answers.

Задайте вопросы к следующим ответам.
Поставте питання до наступних відповідей.

1. - No, I don't like playing football.
a) Do you like to play football?
b) Do you like playing football?
c) Can you play football?
2. - I don’t know this young man quite well.
a) Do you know this young man well?
b) You this young man quite well, don’t you?
c) How well do you know this young man?

4. Translate into English using necessary form of comparison.

Переведите на английский язык, используя необходимую форму
Перекладіть англійською мовою, використовуючи необхідну форму
1. В минулому році зима була самою холодною.
a) Last year the winter was the colder.
b) Last year the winter was the coldest.
c) Last year the winter was the most cold.
2. Вам потрібно частіше розмовляти іноземною мовою.
a) You should speak foreign language more oftener.
b) You should speak foreign language oftener.
c) You should speak foreign language more often.
3. Це найкумедніший фільм, який я коли-небудь бачив.
a) This is the most funniest film I have ever seen.
b) This is the funniest film I have ever seen.
c) This is the more funniest film I have ever seen.
4. Ця квартира дуже велика для неї, вона хоче купити щось поменше.
a) This flat is too big for her, she wants to buy something more smaller.
b) This flat is too big for her, she wants to buy something more small.
c) This flat is too big for her, she wants to buy something smaller.

5. Underline the correct forms of the irregular verbs.

Подчеркните правильные формы неправильных глаголов.
Підкресліть правильні форми неправильних дієслів.

Come sell teach take bring shine keep fall

a)comes a)seld a)taught a)take a)brought a)shone a)keept a)fell
b)came b)sell b)tought b)took b)bring b)shon b) kept b)feel
c) come c)sold c)tauch c)tooken c)braught c) shine c) keep c) felt
a) came a)selld a)taught a)took a)brong a) shined a)keped a)fall
b)coming b)sold b)teach b)taken b)brought b)shoned b) kept b)fell
c)come c)solld c)thought c)take c) bring c) shone c)keapt c)fallen

6. Make up degrees for the next adjectives and adverbs.
Образуйте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных и наречий.
Утворіть ступені порівняння наступних прикметників та

short b) shorter a) the more short

b) more short b) the shorter
c) the shorter c) shortest
beautiful c) more beautiful a) the most beautiful
d) beautifuler b) the beautifulest
c) the more beautiful c) most beautiful
nice c) the nicer a) the nicerest
d) nicer b) the most nice
c) more nicer c) the nicest
little c) the littler a) the littlest
d) less b) the least
c) more less c) the most least
wonderful d) wonderfuller a) the most wonderful
e) the more wonderful b) the wonderfullest
f) more wonderful c) most wonderfullest
old c) older/elder a) the old/eld
d) more old/eld b) the oldest/eldest
c) old c) most old
happy c) the happier a) the happiest
d) more happy b) the most happiest
c) happier c) most happy
clever d) cleverer a) the most clever
e) the more cleverer b) the cleverest
f) more clever c) most cleverest
long d) longerer a) the long
e) longer b) longest
f) more longer c) the longest
far d) further/farther a) farest/furest
e) farer b) the farest
f) furer c) the furthest/farthest

7. Translate into English using the Past Simple or Past Continuous tense.
Переведите на английский язык, используя Past Simple or Past
Continuous Tense.
Перекладіть англійською мовою, використовуючи Past Simple or
PastContinuous Tense.
5. Я їх не бачив в останньому місяці.
d) I did not see them last month.
e) I did not saw them last month.
f) I was not seeing them last month.
6. Домробітниця вбирала кімнату в той момент.
a) The housekeeper were doing the room at that moment.
b) The housekeeper did the room at that moment.
c) The housekeeper was doing the room at that moment.
7. В минулому році вони побудувалили нову школу.
a) Last year they builded a new school.
b) Last year they built a new school.
c) Last year they were building a new school.
8. А ви коли зробили ремонт?
a) Last year they built a new school.
b) Last year they was builting a new school.
c) Last year theywere building a new school.
5. На жаль, вчора о п’ятій годині ми не знали про цю зустріч.
a) Unfortunately, we did not knew about this meeting at 5 o’clock yesterday.
b) Unfortunately, we did not know about this meeting at 5 o’clock yesterday.
c) Unfortunately, we were not knowing about this meeting at 5 o’clock yesterday.

Variant IV

1. Rewrite the text and translate it into your native language.

Перепишите текст и переведите его на родной язык.
Перепишіть текст і перекладіть його рідною мовою.


Washing money, once а Swiss speciality, was made а crime in that country in
1990. Switzerland's Federal Banking Commission has now published some belated tips
for bank employees on how to recognize dirty money on the move when they see it.
Grounds for suspicion unastonishingly include sudden activity in а previously dormant
account; cash being withdrawn soon after it is deposited; dealings outside the usual
pattern; transactions with no recognizable economic motive; а customer's refusal to
provide information, or provision of false information.
Banks are told to check carefully when they are asked to open accounts with more
than $67,800 of cash or precious metals. Subsequent big transactions should be
scrutinized. Counter staff should question people without accounts who produce
suitcases full of bills that they want to change into other currencies.
All this is fine, as long as banks do not then ignore what they find. In
Switzerland's the biggest money-laundering scandal it emerged that Credit Suisse had
been told by an internal audit committee that two Lebanese brothers were conducting
questionable business through their account. The bank did nothing about it. In 1990 the
brothers were jailed for laundering millions of drug-dollars (“The Economist”)

Learn new words

Запомните новые слова
Запам’ятайте нові слова
Belated tips – запізнілі поради, відомості, інформація
Ground for suspicion – підстава для підозри
Dormant account (inactive account) –пасивний, депозитний рахунок у банку
Dealings outside the usual pattern – незвичайні, нехарактерні види угод,
To scrutinize – ретельно перевіряти
Provision – забезпечення, резерв
Precious – дорогоцінний, дорогий
Subsequent – наступний
To launder (to wash) money – відмивати гроші
Currency – валюта
Money-laundering – „відмиття коштей”
Credit Suisse (in Zurich) – крупний банк (у Цюріху)
Audit – аудит, перевірка, аналіз фінансової діяльності
Questionable business – сумнівний бізнес, підозрілі комерційні або фінансові
Drug-dollar – зловживання коштами


1. Answer the following questions.

1. What is “Swiss speciality”?

2. What was published in Switzerland's Federal Banking Commission?
3. What was the purpose of belated tips?
4. Tell about the biggest money-laundering scandal.
5. Who are Lebanese brothers?

2. Put the words into correct order.

Поставьте слова в правильный порядок.
Поставте слова у правильний порядок.

1. Should, people, accounts, counter, question, staff, without, currencies, who,

other, produce, into, suitcases, to change, full, want, of, they, bills, that.
2. It, the, did, bank, about, nothing.
3. Big, be, subsequent, should, transactions, scrutinized.
4. Find, all, they, this, what, is, ignore, fine, then, as, not, long, as, do, banks.
5. Drug-dollars, in, were, of, 1990, the brothers, millions, jailed, laundering, for.

3. Find out synonyms to the following words and word combinations

Найдите синонимы к данным словам и словосочетаниям.
Знайдіть синоніми до слів та словосполучень.

1. suspicion
2. to scrutinize
3. provision
4. to recognize
5. withdrawn
6. precious
7. refusal
8. to check
9. to emerge
10. audit

4. Complete the sentences:

Дополните предложения:
Доповніть речення:

1. Banks are told to check carefully….. .

2. Grounds for suspicion unastonishingly include……. .
3. In Switzerland’s biggest money-laundering scandal…… .

4. The bank did ….. .
5. Washing money, once a Swiss…… .

5. Complete the sentences using the verbs in the box.

have go though fell beat move whisper come lie shout

I have worked as a nightwatchman here for six years and there has never been any
trouble. But on the night in question at about 3 a.m. I was looking at the closed circuit
TV screens in my room and saw someone ……………… about in one of the offices.
So I took my torch and went to investigate. I decided not to take the lift because an
intruder would hear it …………. . I walked upstairs as quietly as I could. I stopped on
the second floor and listen to my heart …………… . I took out my revolver and took
off the safety catch. At that moment I imagined myself …………………. a gun battle
and I couldn’t prevent myself from ……………. afraid. I imagine myself in a pool of
blood in the deserted building. Then I continued up to the third floor and walked down
the corridor. I could hear two people …………… to each other. I walked on, and
through an open door I observe two masked men ………….. the contents of the CEO’s
desk. Then after about 30 second-but it seemed like an eternity – I heard someone
…………………. something for a split second, then everything went blank.

6. Translate from into English.

Переведите на английский.
Перекладіть англійською мовою.
1. Можна із задоволенням відзначити, як добре складений штат
співробітників банку.
2. Адміністративний відділ фінансового бюро представлений директором,
заступником директора, аналітиком з адміністративних питаннях і секретарем.
3. В більшості випадків покупки товарів в кредит або надання послуги фірма
вимагає часткової передоплати, що повинно підтвердити серйозність намірів
4. У деяких банках важко відкрити рахунок.
5. Я думаю, ти повинна дізнатися, по яких мотивах вони пропонують тобі у
позику гроші.
6. Ми не могли зрозуміти, чому вона відмовилася допомогти у вирішенні
проблеми з її зарплатою.
7. Вона прийняла пропозицію з приводу роботи за умови, що її зарплата
буде не менше трьохсот доларів.

7. Test.
1. Circle the correct tense (Past Simple or Past Continuous).
Обведите правильное время (Past Simple or Past Continuous).
Підкрисліть правильний час (Past Simple or Past Continuous).
1. Where … you in the evening last Monday?
a) did be b) was c) were d) were being
2. Mary ….to work to the department store more than a year ago.
a) went b) were gone c) gone d) were went
3. It … still …. when I left the house.
a) was rain b)did rained c) did rain d) was raining
4. … rather dark in the room at 3 in the afternoon last Friday?
a) was being b) was c) be d) been
5. At the moment he …. what had happened.
a) didn΄t realized b) didn΄t realize c) wasn΄t realizing d)was not realize

2. Ask disjunctive, alternative and general questions.

Задайте разделительный, альтернативный и общий вопрос.
Запитайте роздільне, альтернативне і загальне питання.
He is wandering in the forest and has nothing to eat.
a) He is wandering in the forest and has nothing to eat isn’t he?
b) He is wandering in the forest and has nothing to eat, doesn’t he?
c) He is wandering in the forest and has nothing to eat, don’t he?
a) Is he wandering in the forest and has nothing to eat?
b) Is he wandering in the forest or in the city and has nothing to eat?
c) Where is he wandering and has nothing to eat?
a) Is he wandering in the forest and has nothing to eat?
b) Who is wandering in the forest?
c) He is wandering in the forest and has nothing to eat?

3. Put the questions to the following answers.

Задайте вопросы к следующим ответам.
Поставте питання до наступних відповідей.
1. It takes me 20 min to get to my work.
a) Does it take you 20 minutes to get to work?
b) How much time does it take you to get to your work?
c) Why do you get to work?
2. I am moving to St. Petersburg in an hour.
a) Who is going to move to St. Petersburg?
b) Are you moving to St. Petersburg?
c) When are you moving to St. Petersburg?

4. Translate into English using necessary form of comparison.
Переведите на английский язык, используя необходимую форму
Перекладіть англійською мовою, використовуючи необхідну форму
1. Я читав обидві книги, перша цікавіше, ніж друга.
a) I was reading both books, the first is more interesting than the second one.
b) I am reading two books, the one is more interesting.
c) I was reading two books, the first is most interesting.
2. Начальник хотів бачити вас для подальших пояснень.
a) The chief is wanting to see you for the farther explanations.
b) The chief want to see you for the furthest explanations.
c) The chief wanted to see you for the further explanations.
3. Мій брат молодший за мене на десять років.
a) My brother is young than me ten years.
b) My brother is ten years younger than me.
c) My brother is the younngest ten years that I.
4. Це найсмачніший суп в усьому світі. Майже не знаю, хто готує
a) This is the most tasty soup in the world. I don’t know who cook best.
b) This is the tastier soup in the world. I don’t know who cooks more good.
c) This is the tastiest soup in the world. I don’t even know who cooks better.

5. Underline the correct forms of the irregular verbs.

Подчеркните верные формы неправильных глаголов.
Підкресліть правильні форми неправильних дієслів.

Shine get understand write freeze hit shake

a)shone a)got a)understand a) wrote a) frize a) hit a)shake
b)shine b)get b)understood b)wrotten b)froze b) hot b)shook
c) shined c)gotten c)understund c)writed c) freeze c) hitt c)shakd
a) shon a)getted a)understood a) write a) frizen a) hat a)shake
b)shone b)gott b)understend b) wroten b) freezen b) hite b) shok
c)shine c)got c)understand c)written c)frozen c)hit c)shaken

6. Make up degrees for the next adjectives and adverbs.

Образуйте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных и наречий.
Утворіть ступені порівняння наступних прикметників та

Big a) bigger a) bigest

b) biger b) biggest
c) biggier c) the biggest
little a) less a) least
b) the less b) the least
c) more little c) the most little
small d) the smaller d) smallest
e) smaller e) the most small
f) more smal f) the smallest
bad d) badder d) the baddest
e) worse e) the most bad
f) the worse f) the worst
sunny d) sunnier d) the sunniest
e) the sunnier e) most sunny
f) more sunnier f) the sunny
young d) younger d) the most young
e) the young e) the youngest
f) more young f) youngest
tall d) more tall d) the tall
e) the tall e) the tallest
f) taller f) the most tall
friendly d) more friendly d) the friendly
e) the friendlier e) the most friendly
f) more friendlier f) most friendliest
good d) gooder d) the most good
e) the more good e) the best
f) better f) the goodest

7. Translate into English using the Past Simple or Past Continuous tense.
Переведите на английский язык, используя Past Simple or Past
Continuous Tense.
Перекладіть англійською мовою, використовуючи Past Simple or
Past Continuous Tense.
1. Минулої ночі на другому поверсі хтось розбив вікно.
a) Last night somebody was broken the window on the second floor.
b) Last night somebody was braking the window on the second floor.
c) Last night somebody broke the window on the second floor.
2. А ти де був? – Я стояв у той час у черзі.
a) And where was you? – I am standing in a queue that time.
b) And where you were? – I standing in a queue that time.
c) And where were you? – I was standing in a queue that time.
3. Ми слухали музику, тому не чули дзвінка.
d) We were listening to the music. That’s why we did not hear the bell.
e) We listened to music. That’s why we were not hearing the bell.
f) We was listening to music. That’s why we did not heard the bell.
4. Вона обмірковувала цю проблему весь вечір учора.
a) She thinking about this problem all the evening yesterday.
b) She was thinking about this problem the whole evening yesterday.
c) She thought about this problem all the evenіng yesterday.
5. Ніхто про нього нічого більше не чув.
a) Nobody heard anything about him any more.
b) Nobody heard nothing about him any more.
c) Nobody was hearing nothing of him no more.

Module III

Variant I

1. Rewrite the text and translate it into your native language.

Перепишите текст и переведите его на родной язык.
Перепишіть текст і перекладіть його рідною мовою.


We can learn something about banking in the United States from the history of а
particular bank – the Bank of America, one of the nation's largest commercial banks.
In 1904, Amadeo Peter Gannini, а 34-year old son of Italian immigrant, founded the
Bank of Italy in the Italian district of San Francisco.
Gannini showed the sort of entrepreneurial zeal in banking that would be expected
from his previous track record. As an illustration, consider the following example:
In 1906, the city of San Francisco was rocked by earthquake and swept by fire. As
the flames approached the little Bank of Italy, the young banker piled his cash and
securities into а horsedrawn wagon and took them to his home at San Mateo, where be
buried them into the garden; and while the ruins of the city were still smoking be set up
а desk in the open air, put up а sign over the desk which read Bank of Italy, and began
doing business again. Gannini's bank prospered and grew. By the time be was 50, it
had over 25 branches. This was the fourth largest commercial bank in the country.
In 1930, Gannini's bank was renamed the Bank of America. In the next 50 years,
the Bank of America grew and grew. By 1983, it had deposits of about $ 90 billion,
and was the largest commercial bank of the United States.

Learn new words

Запомните новые слова
Запам’ятайте нові слова
District – округ, район
Entrepreneurial zeal – предпринимательское усердие
Approach – подход к решению, методика, прием
Piled – накопленный
Security – защита, безопасность, надежность, залог, обеспечение
Horsedrawn – конная тяга
Prosper – процветать, преуспевать
Branch – ветвь, отделение, отрасль
Commercial bank – коммерческий банк
Deposit – вклад, задаток, депозит

1. How bank operates.
2. Commercial Banks.
3. Member banks.

Sample dialogue
In the bank
А: When does the Bank close?
В: At 5 р.m. Do not be in а hurry. You've got plenty of time.
A: I'd like to open а checking account.
В: You are welcome. In а minute you’ll have your checkbook. Here it is.
А: Can I open а saving account with $1 ОО?
В: I’m sorry it's impossible. You may have credit card instead.
А: О.К Should I fill out the form? And where should sign?
В: That’s the place. Thank you. You are always welcome.
A: I have a number of questions to you:
First, I’d like to deposit this check. Second, can you cash this check? Then …
B: Sorry for interruption, but do you have an account here?
A: Here is my checkbook.
Third, will you accept my check?
B: Do you have identification? We require two proofs of identity.
A: Yes, of course. But… I’ll continue my list…
Large bills, please. Oh, can you give me some small charge?
Thanks a lot…. Then….
Fourth, do you accept traveler’s checks?....
Please cash this traveler’s check….
And, at last, what papers do I have to fill out to get a credit card?


1. Answer the following questions.

Ответьте на поставленные вопросы.
Дайте відповіді на данні питання.
1. What is status of the Bank of America?
2. Who was the founder of the Bank of Italy?
3. What had happened in 1906?
4. How many branches did the Bank of Italy has?
5. When was the Gainnini’s Bank renamed?
6. How much deposits had the bank of the United States?

2. Insert the necessary words into the sentences.
Вставьте пропущенные слова в предложения.
Вставте пропущені слова в речення.
1. The city of San Francisco ………… by earthquake and …….. by the fire.
2. Amadeo Peter Gainnini, a 34-year old son of Italian immigrant, ……… the
Bank of Italy district of San Francisco.
3. Gainnini ………. showed the sort of entrepreneurial zeal in banking that would
be ……….. from his previous track record.
4. This ……..the fourth largest commercial bank in the country.
5. In the next 50 years, the Bank of America ……. and grew.

3. Find out synonyms to the following words and word combinations

Найдите синонимы к данным словам и словосочетаниям.
Знайдіть синоніми до слів та словосполучень.

1. district
2. approach
3. piled
4. prosper
5. branch
6. deposit
7. rename
8. illustration
9. to rock
10. security

4. Decide where each of the phrases (a-h) fits into the passage.
a) might also be capable of producing large earthquakes.
b) may be too low.
c) could cause more damage than the Loma Prieta quake.
d) will result in changes in probability estimates.
e) could strike at any time, including today.
f) could be the first quake of such a pair.
g) may involve significant expense.
h) could result from future major earthquakes.

The next big earthquake in the Bay area may come sooner than you think. There
is a 67 percent chance of at least one earthquake of magnitude 7 or larger in the San
Francisco Bay area between now and 2020. Such an earthquake …………….. . Some
scientists believe that the 67 percent probability estimate ………………….. . They
have noted several instances of pairs of earthquake of magnitude 6.5 or larger in
northern California, and they are concerned that the Loma Prieta earthquake
…………………… . Other fault segments in northern California ……………….. .
Therefore it seems prudent to consider the 67 percent chance of a large earthquake

within the next 20 years as a minimum estimate.
Future studies are also likely to produce additional data that ………………. .
However, the major conclusions are not likely to chance. Scientists agree that:
 Earthquake of magnitude 7 and larger highly likely within the Bay area during
the next few decades.
 Each of these events ………………… because each will probably be located to
densely populated areas.
 Action is needed now to reduce the damage and the number of deaths that
……................. even if this …………….. .

5. Put the words into correct order.

Поставьте слова в правильный порядок.
Поставте слова у правильний порядок.
1) record, showed, track, Gannini, the, previous, sort, his, of, from,
entrepreneurial, expected, zeal, would, in, be, that, banking.
2) fire, the, in, 1906, city, by, San Francisco, swept, was, and, rocked, earthquake,
3) grew, Gannini, and, prospered, bank.
4) country, this, the, was, in, fourth, bank, commercial, largest.
5) trenty five, dranches, over, time, had, be, it, was, fifty.

6. Translate from into English.

Переведите на английский.
Перекладіть англійською мовою.
1. Лоренцо проводив банківську справу, але справа йшла неважливо і він
зазнавав великий збиток.
2. Торгівля в наший країні займає одне з перших місць серед інших видів
промислової діяльності.
3. Ви можете заплатити чеком або готівкою.
4. Цей банк був перейменований після набуття чинності нової Ради
5. Сподіваюся, ви плідно використовували ваш візит в кредитний відділ і
вам вдалося обговорити умови виплати кредиту.
6. Мільярди доларів щодня перераховуються з одного рахунку на іншій.
7. У нього були деякі сумніви з приводу свого ризикованого проекту, який
пізніше став геніальним.

7. Test.

1. Open the brackets using either Perfect or Simple tense.

Раскройте скобки, кпотребляя Perfect, или Simple tense.
Розкрийте дужки, використовуючи Perfect чи Simple tense.
1. How’s Jack? When you (to see) him? — Oh, I (not to meet) him for ages.
a) did see a) did not meet
b) have seen b) have not met
c) did saw c) has not meet
2. What you (to do) since I last (to see) you?
a) did do a) saw
b) have you been doing b) had seen
c) had done c) have seen
3. I didn’t recognize him. He (to change) a lot.
a) changed b) has changed c) had changed

2. Translate the following sentences into English using the Past Indefinite
or the Past Perfect Tense.
Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык,
используя the Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect Tense.
Перекладіть англійською мовою, використовуючи the Past
Indefinite or the Past Perfect Tense.
1. Коли я повернувся з театру, гості вже розійшлися (пішли).
a) When I returnt the guests had already leaved.
b) When I returned the guests had already left.
c) When I had returned the guests already left.
2. Вони сказали, що приїхали сюди на поїзді.
a) They said they had come here by train.
b) They sayed they had came here by train.
c) They had said they come here by train.
3. Він не хотів обідати у нас тому, що вже поїв в інституті.
a) He did not wanted to eat at us, because he already ate in the Institute.
b) He had not want to eat at us, because he had already eat in the Institute.
c) He did not want to eat at us, because he had already eaten in the Institute.
4. На сходах стояли гості, яких вона не запрошувала.
a) There were the guests on the stairs whom she had not invited.
b) There was the guests on the stairs whom she did not invited.
c) There had been the guests on the stairs whom she had not invite.

3. Сircle the right modal verb.
Подчеркните правильный модальный глагол.
Підкресліть правильние модальне дієслово.
1. You................ring the bell, I’ve got a key.
a) needn’t b) mustn’t c) shouldn’t d) cannot
2. fast. There is a speed limit.
a) needn’t b) mustn’t c) don’t have to d) are not to
3. The train................arrive in five minutes.
a) must b) can c) has to d) is to
4. The bus we took didn’t go up the hill and we..................walk.
a) were to b) had to c) could d) should
5. The fire spread through the building very quickly but everyone………
a) could b) had to c) was able to d) must

4. Translate into English using modal verbs instead of underlined words.

Переведите на английский язык, используя модальные глаголы
вместо подчеркнутых слов.
Перекладіть англійською мовою, використовуючи модальні дієслова
замість підкреслених.
1. Тобі не слід так багато їсти, ти можеш розповніти.
a) You should not eat so much, you can gain weight.
b) You ought not toeat so much, you may gain weight.
c) You should not have eat so much, you could gain weight.
2. Тобі варто було поговорити з нею. Вона могла б тобі допомогти. Тепер
тобі доведеться придумувати все самому.
a) You should spoken to her. She can help you. Now you will have to think
everything yourself.
b) You should have spoken to her. She could help you. Now you will have to
think everything yourself.
c) You have to speak to her. She might help you. Now you will have to think
everything yourself
3. Йому призначено було стати військовим, всі чоловіки в їх роду служили в
a) He had to serve in the Army, all the men in his family had been serving in the
b) He must serve in the Army, all the men in his family had been serving in the
c) He was to serve in the Army, all the men in his family had been serving in the
4. З увязненими не можна розмовляти іноземною мовою.
a) You needn’t speak foreign language with prisoners
b) You may not speak foreign language with prisoners
c) You mustn’t speak foreign language with prisoners.

Variant II

1. Rewrite the text and translate it into your native language.

Перепишите текст и переведите его на родной язык.
Перепишіть текст і перекладіть його рідною мовою.



Ukraine as a sovereign state establishes a lot of new relations with countries

throughout the world. Our country sets direct contacts with many foreign countries,
signing treaties and agreements. Ukraine is one of the members of the United Nations
Organizations and participates in the work of many international organizations. Our
country possesses competitive strength namely a strategic geographical position and
mild climate, rich natural resources, sizeable consumer market, highly educated labour
force, sophisticated research and development infrastructure.
Prior to independence more than 80 percent of total “exports” and “imports” were
accounted by for interrepublic trade. As well as being tightly integrated with the
economy, Ukraine accounted for a major share about 25 percent of the Net Material
Product (NMP). Needless to say the foreign trade links of Ukraine play a key role in
the Ukrainian economy. A fundamental reshaping of foreign policy could only be
affected on the basis of a strictly scientific and objective reassessment of the present-
day realities. This evaluation the in-depth analysis of international affairs and the
consideration of our national interests resulted in the political thinking. Nowadays the
political life is giving fresh grounds for the relations of mutual understanding between
Ukraine and the USA, Great Britain, Canada and other English-speaking countries.
The reason for the new type of relations is that all English-speaking countries want to
see broader economic ties with Ukraine. The exchanging of opinions with the
delegations from the English-speaking countries are generally marked with the
goodwill and intense interest a lot of delegations, businessmen, specialists and tourists
from the English-speaking countries keep coming to Ukraine.

Learn new words

Запомните новые слова
Запам’ятайте нові слова
Direct – безпосередньо, негайно, адресувати
Contact – зв’язки, контакти
Treaty – договір, угода, переговори
United Nations Organizations – Організація Об’єднаних Націй (ООН)
Participate – брати участь, поділяти, користуватися
Possess – володіти, захоплювати, зберігати
Mild climate – м’який клімат
Sizeable consumer market – великий споживчий ринок
Labour force – примусова праця
Sophisticated research – наукове дослідження

Infrastructure – інфраструктура
Prior – попередній, вагоміший, колишній
Interrepublic trade – торгівля між республіками
Tightly – щільно, компактно, важкий, недостатній, акуратний
Integrate – об’єднувати, завершувати, інтегрувати, складати ціле
Reshape – змінюватися
Reassessment – переоцінювати майно для оподаткування, перекладання
Evaluation – оцінювання, визначення
In-depth – всебічний, ретельний
Ground – підстава, мотив
Mutual – спільний, взаємний
Goodwill – доброзичливість, престиж фірми

1. Answer the following questions.

Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
Дайте відповіді на наступні питання.

6. What are the new relations between Ukraine and foreign countries?
7. What is the advantage of our country among other countries?
8. What is the percentage of the total “exports” and “imports”?
9. What give new relations to Ukraine?
10.What are the future prospects of relations with English-speaking countries?

2. Find out synonyms to the following words and word combinations

Найдите синонимы к данным словам и словосочетаниям.
Знайдіть синоніми до слів та словосполучень.

1. to establish
2. member
3. strategic
4. consumer
5. infrastructure
6. interrepublic
7. affair
8. to integrate
9. delegation
10. account

3. Put the words into the correct order.

Поставьте слова в правильный порядок.
Поставте слова у правильний порядок.
1) agreement, our, and, country, treaties, sets, signing, direct, countries, contact,
foreign, many, with.

2) economy, needless, Ukrainian, to, the, say, role, in, the, foreign, key, trade, a,
links, pay, of, Ukraine.
3) world, Ukraine, the, as, throughout, a, countries, state, with, sovereign,
relations, establishes, new, a, of, lot.
4) strength, our, competitive, country, possesses.
5) all, Ukraine, countries, with, want, ties, economic, see, broader.

4. Match each countable noun with an uncountable noun with a similar meaning.
traffic equipment insurance machines accidents cars
employment policies travel advice news laws
legislation damage jobs journey bulletins hints

Countable Uncountable

5. Match the columns making word-combinations:

Подберите колонки, составляя словосочетания:
Підберіть колонки, складаючи словосполучення:

mild force
labour trade
international market
competitive position
major research
costumer share
sophisticated role
geographical strength
interrepublic organization
key climate

6. Translate from into English.

Переведите на английский.
Перекладіть англійською мовою.
1) Я думаю, наші товари сподобаються вашим покупцям.
2) Він вже 20 років займається тільки роздрібною торгівлею.
3) Закон про торгівлю надає президентові широкі права в області укладання
торгових угод із зарубіжними країнами.
4) Міжнародний рахунок виражає підсумкові знання фінансового положення
5) Дана стратегія дозволить нам вигідно позиціонуватися на ринку.
6) На міжнародний рахунок поступає прибуток від інвестицій в акції
іноземних компаній.
7) Акції – це цінні папери, що свідчать про внесення певної суми до
власного капіталу компанії.

7. Test.
1. Open the brackets using either Perfect or Simple tense.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя Perfect, или Simple tense.
Розкрийте дужки, використовуючи Perfect чи Simple tense.
1. I can reach my work easily now, as I (to buy) a car.
a) bought b) have bought c) has bought.
2. It (to stop) raining, and the sun is shining.
a) has stopped b) stopped c) have stopped.
3. Nick hoped there (to be) no post since Friday.
a) had been b) was c) has been.
4. She (to get) a message saying he (to pass) his exam.
a) had gotten a) had passed.
b) got b) passed.
c) has got c) have passed.

2. Translate the following sentences into English using the Past Indefinite
or the Past Perfect Tense.
Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык,
используя the Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect Tense.
Перекладіть англійською мовою, використовуючи the Past Indefinit
or the Past Perfect Tense.
1. Коли вона прийшла, ми вже обговорили перше питання.
a) When she cames we already discussed the last question.
b) When she come we havealready discussed the last question.
c) When she came we had already discussed the last question.
2. Він був схвильований, тому що отримав телеграму з будинку.
He were excited as he received a telegram from home.
a) He was excited as he had received a telegram from home.
b) He had been excited as he received a telegram from home.
3. Коли я знайшов їх будинок, вже стемніло (get dark).
a) When I found their house it had already got dark.
b) When I had found their house it already got dark.
c) When I founded their house it had already gotten dark.
5. Вона отримала погану оцінку на іспиті тому, що зробила дуже багато
a) She gots a bad mark at the exam as she had make many mistakes.
b) She had got a bad mark at the exam as she made many mistakes.
c) She got a bad mark at the exam as she had made many mistakes.

3. Сircle the right modal verb.
Подчеркните правильный модальный глагол.
Підкресліть правильне модальне дієслово.
1. Carol has passed her driving test, but only next year she …………hire a car
from Jane.
a) has to b) must c) will be able to d) should
2. British pupils...............stay at school till the age of 16.
a) should b) must c) can d) have to
3. The train................arrive in five minutes.
a) has to b) must c) is to d) should
4. I................forget to post the letter mother gave me.
a) shouldn't b) mustn't c) don't have to d) cannot
5. If you want to be fit, sweets.
a) don't have to b) shouldn't c) mustn't d) cannot

4. Translate into English using modal verbs instead of underlined words.

Переведите на английский язык, используя модальные глаголы
вместо подчеркнутых слов.
Перекладіть англійською мовою, використовуючи модальні
дієслова замість підкреслених.
1. Ендрю повинен був зустрітися з Майком за ланчем наступного дня.
a) Andrew must meet with Mike at lunch next day.
b) Andrew had to meet with Mike at lunch next day.
c) Andrew was to meet with Mike at lunch next day.
2. Не треба було їй вставати, ця прогулянка може остаточно підірвати (to
undermine) її здоров'я.
a) She needed not get up. This walking can underline her health.
b) She shouldn’t have got up. This walking can underline her health.
c) She may not get up. This walking would underline her health.
3. У тебе вкрали всі гроші? Тобі слід було бути поуважніше.
а) Have they stolen all your money? You should have been more attentive.
b) Have they stolen all your money? You should be more attentive.
c) Have they stolen all your money? You should to be more attentive.
4. Концерт був призначений на п'ятницю, але його довелося відкласти із-за
a) The concert was arranged on Friday? But it was to be posponed because of the
b) The concert was arranged on Friday? But it had to be posponed because of the
c) The concert was arranged on Friday? But it must be posponed because of the

Variant III

1. Rewrite the text and translate it into your native language.
Перепишите текст и переведите его на родной язык.
Перепишіть текст і перекладіть його рідною мовою.


In 1992 Ukraine and Great Britain established diplomatic relations. Since then
Ukraine has its Embassy in London. Great Britain is taking particular step to support
Ukraine’s policy of transformation. Close relation between the United Kingdom and
Ukraine are profitable for both countries. There are a lot of things to do in the
commercial sphere. A lot of problems to solve too. Joint British- Ukrainian ventures
have appeared. A new joint venture British- Ukrainian shipbuilders has been recently
opened. It will benefit shipbuilding industries of both countries. The joint British-
Ukrainian venture to develop gas and oil fields in the Crimea and Poltava Region
shows the potential rewards for cooperation.
In Great Britain there are organizations which support the development of
Ukrainian sciences and economy.
The British Council is the United Kingdom’s international organization for
educational and cultural relations. The British Council in Ukraine provides the access
to The British experience relevant to the development of an open society and a market
economy. It works with the individuals and institutions in Ukraine to build long-term
partnership with Britain. The British Council is responding to the huge demand for the
English language learning in Ukraine by working in partnership with the Ministry of
Education on project to develop and strengthen teacher training and the teaching of
business English. Besides, the British Council offers learners of English the
opportunity to take examinations set by the University of Cambridge, which are
internationally recognized bench-marks of English language competence.

Learnnew words
Запомните новые слова
Запам’ятайте нові слова
profitable – прибутковий
to solve – вирiшувати (проблему)
joint venture – сумiсне пiдприємство
keep coming – продовжують приїздити
new political thinking – нове полiтичне мислення
participate – брати участь
economic ties – економiчнi зв'язки
evaluation – оцiнка
to sign agreements – пiдписувати угоди
reassessment – переоцiнка
mutual understanding – взаєморозумiння
to take into consideration – приймати до уваги



2. Complete the sentence with one of the following words:

Дополните предложения следующими словами:
Доповніть речення наступними словами:

сommunity investments relations participates joint ventures

1. Ukraine … in the work of many international organizations.

2. Great Britain became member of the European … .
3. Great Britain has placed large … in Ukraine’s national economy.
4. The British-Ukrainian … are expected to expand.
5. … British-Ukrainian … have appeared.

3. Topics for discussions:

Темы для обсуждения:
Теми для обговорення:
1. Establishment of diplomatic relations.
2. Opportunities for cooperation.
3. Ukraine’s relations with other English-speaking countries.
4. The British-Ukrainian relations are expected to expand.
5. the British Council presents the best of British achievements.

4. Find out synonyms to the following words and word combinations

Найдите синонимы к данным словам и словосочетаниям.
Знайдіть синоніми до слів та словосполучень.

1. profitable
2. to solve
3. participate
4. evaluation
5. transformation
6. cooperation
7. institution
8. partnership
9. competence
10. project

5. Complete the sentences using the verbs in the box.

Окончите предложения, используя глаголы в таблице.
Закінчіть речення, використовуючи слова у таблиці.

Refreshment premises valuables goods

works crossroads outskirts means

1. Their offices are on the ………………….. of Milan.

2. The money was acquired by dishonest …………….. .
3. Please hand in all ……………….. at the reception desk.
The demand for ……………….. and services is lower this year.
4. Our new ……………… are located downtown near the municipal library.
5. He’s the official in charge of the engineering …………….. .
6. ………………: tea, coffee and snacks, will be served during the break.
7. When I became redundant for the first time I felt I had reached a
…………….. in my life.

5. Match the columns making word-combinations:

Подберите колонки, составляя словосочетания:
Підберіть колонки, складаючи словосполучення:

joint ties
commercial relations
market economy
long-term industry
teacher agreement
shipbuilding thinking
political partnership
diplomatic training
to sign sphere
economic venture

6. Translate from into English.

Переведите на английский.
Перекладіть англійською мовою.
1) Угода про співпрацю дозволяє обом сторонам вкладати грошові суми і
отримувати прибуток в рівних долях.
2) Можеш не питати його з приводу кредитів, він працює в абсолютно іншій
3) Сьогодні завод «Стальканат» підписав довгостроковий контракт з
іноземними інвесторами.
4) Наше підприємство організувало практичні заняття за спеціально
розробленіою методикою, завданням якоъ є вироблення важливих професійних
5) З'ясувалося, що деякі міністри отримали гроші від нелегально
зареєстрованих компаній.
6) Будь-яку операцію потрібно було організувати за допомогою контрактів і
перевірених справ.
7) Він повідомив, що навіть якщо компанія буде не в змозі платити йому
зарплату, він все одно продовжуватиме працювати на неї, хай і безкоштовно.

7. Test.

1. Open the brackets using either Perfect or Simple tense.

Раскройте скобки, кпотребляя Perfect, или Simple tense.
Розкрийте дужки, використовуючи Perfect чи Simple tense.
4. How’s Jack? When you (to see) him? — Oh, I (not to meet) him for ages.
a) did see a) did not meet
b) have seen b) have not met
c) did saw c) has not meet
5. What you (to do) since I last (to see) you?
a) did do a) saw
b) have you been doing b) had seen
c) had done c) have seen
6. I didn’t recognize him. He (to change) a lot.
a) changed b) has changed c) had changed
2. Translate the following sentences into English using the Past Indefinite
or the Past Perfect Tense.
Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык,
используя the Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect Tense.
Перекладіть англійською мовою, використовуючи the Past
Indefinite or the Past Perfect Tense.
1. Коли я повернувся з театру, гості вже розійшлися (пішли).
a) When I returnt the guests had already leaved.
b) When I returned the guests had already left.
c) When I had returned the guests already left.
2. Вони сказали, що приїхали сюди на поїзді.
a) They said they had come here by train.
b) They sayed they had came here by train.
c) They had said they come here by train.
3. Він не хотів обідати у нас тому, що вже поїв в інституті.
a) He did not wanted to eat at us, because he already ate in the Institute.
b) He had not want to eat at us, because he had already eat in the Institute.
c) He did not want to eat at us, because he had already eaten in the Institute.
4. На сходах стояли гості, яких вона не запрошувала.
a) There were the guests on the stairs whom she had not invited.
b) There was the guests on the stairs whom she did not invited.
c) There had been the guests on the stairs whom she had not invite.

3. Сircle the right modal verb.
Подчеркните правильный модальный глагол.
Підкресліть правильние модальне дієслово.
1. You................ring the bell, I’ve got a key.
a) needn’t b) mustn’t c) shouldn’t d) cannot
2. fast. There is a speed limit.
a) needn’t b) mustn’t c) don’t have to d) are not to
3. The train................arrive in five minutes.
a) must b) can c) has to d) is to
4. The bus we took didn’t go up the hill and we..................walk.
a) were to b) had to c) could d) should
5. The fire spread through the building very quickly but everyone………
a) could b) had to c) was able to d) must
4. Translate into English using modal verbs instead of underlined words.
Переведите на английский язык, используя модальные глаголы
вместо подчеркнутых слов.
Перекладіть англійською мовою, використовуючи модальні дієслова
замість підкреслених.
1. Тобі не слід так багато їсти, ти можеш розповніти.
a) You should not eat so much, you can gain weight.
b) You ought not toeat so much, you may gain weight.
c) You should not have eat so much, you could gain weight.
2. Тобі варто було поговорити з нею. Вона могла б тобі допомогти. Тепер
тобі доведеться придумувати все самому.
a) You should spoken to her. She can help you. Now you will have to think
everything yourself.
b) You should have spoken to her. She could help you. Now you will have to
think everything yourself.
c) You have to speak to her. She might help you. Now you will have to think
everything yourself
3. Йому призначено було стати військовим, всі чоловіки в їх роду служили в
a) He had to serve in the Army, all the men in his family had been serving in the
b) He must serve in the Army, all the men in his family had been serving in the
c) He was to serve in the Army, all the men in his family had been serving in the
4. З увязненими не можна розмовляти іноземною мовою.
a) You needn’t speak foreign language with prisoners
b) You may not speak foreign language with prisoners
c) You mustn’t speak foreign language with prisoners.

Variant IV

1. Rewrite the text and translate it into your native language.
Перепишите текст и переведите его на родной язык.
Перепишіть текст і перекладіть його рідною мовою.


Having recently gained its independence, Ukraine is a country com parable in
geographical size and population to Italy and France. The country possesses
numerous competitive strengths, namely a strategic geographical position and mild
climate, rich natural resources, sizeable consumer market, highly educated labour
force, well developed transport infrastructure, significant achievements in natural
sciences and military-related research, and a sophisticated research and
development infrastructure.
However, the Ukrainian economy is currently in a critical position. This is
due to the fact that the economy of Ukraine was previously quite isolated, not
oriented towards satisfying the national interest of the country. The pricing
policy was basically inappropriate because the prices for raw materials and fuel
supply were very low and were not stimulating their rational use and the
introduction of high technology to industry.
Ukrainian efforts to be integrated to the world market were, over the first
three years, very reticent and did not realize the national potential.
Counted for by inter-republic trade. As well as being tightly integrated with
the economy, Ukraine accounted for a major share about 25 per cent of the Net
Material Product (NMP) of the former Soviet Union.
Needless to say, at independence the severance of the inter-republic links had
a particularly disruptive effect on Ukrainian enterprises and on the national
economy as a whole.
The foreign trade linkages of Ukraine will no doubt play a key role in the
recovery of the Ukrainian economy in this transition period.
Upon gaining independence in 1991, Ukraine has become an equal member of
the international community. There is little doubt that the economic, scientific and
human potential of Ukraine is one of the most promising in Europe and offers
many business and investment opportunities.
Attraction of new investments in the Ukrainian economy, including foreign
investments, is one of the effective ways of overcoming this situation.

Learn new words.

Запомните новые слова.
Запам’ятайте нові слова.

Gain – вигода, користь, прибутки, приріст, заробляти

Comparable – порівнянний
Possess – володіти, зберігати
Numerous – численний
Sizeable consumer market – великий споживчий ринок
Labour force – примусова праця
Infrastructure – інфраструктура
Sophisticated research – наукове дослідження
Currency – грошовий обіг, валюта
Critical position – ризикована / критична позиція
Due to – завдяки, через те, що
Isolate – відокремлювати
Pricing policy – цінова політика
Inappropriate – неналежний, недоречний, невідповідний
Raw material – сировина
Fuel supply – постачати пальне
Rational use – доцільне / раціональне використання
Integrate – об’єднувати, завершувати, інтегрувати, складати ціле
Reticent – стриманий, потайний
Prior – попередній, вагоміший, колишній
Severance – відокремлення, розрив
Disruptive – підривний, що спричиняє розрив
Enterprise – підприємство
Linkage – сполучення

2. Find out synonyms to the following words and word combinations

Найдите синонимы к данным словам и словосочетаниям.
Знайдіть синоніми до слів та словосполучень.

1. isolated
2. infrastructure
3. policy
4. inappropriate
5. reticent
6. prior
7. disruptive
8. linkage
9. numerous
10. labour force

3. Complete the following memo using the words in the box.

Little few much too a great deal of

a little a few many enough


TO: Malcolm Bridgewater
Date: May 4th
Subject: Sales and promotion

Sales figures for the year to date have been ……………. Disappointing as
……………………. Distributors are willing to promote our products as
………………. As we would like. The commission is relatively low and therefore
there is very ………………. Incentive for them to ensure volume sales. This said,
sales of some lines have done better in the run-up to Christmas.
We recently did a survey of 1,500 customers. Unfortunately, very ……………
of those questioned (7%) said that our design were attractive and …………………..
people (over half of the respondents) felt they were ………….. old-fashioned. As a
result I have commissioned a new design and spent …………….. time with the
marketing department. I am sending you ……………….. sample for you to comment
on and, if you have ……………….time between now and the New Year, I’d be
grateful for your comments.

4. Test.

1. Open the brackets using either Perfect or Simple tense.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя Perfect, или Simple tense.
Розкрийте душки, використовуючи Perfect чи Simple tense.
1. I can reach my work easily now, as I (to buy) a car.
a) bought b) have bought c) has bought
2. It (to stop) raining, and the sun is shining.
a) has stopped b) stopped c) have stopped
3. Nick hoped there (to be) no post since Friday.
a) had been b) was c) has been
4. She (to get) a message saying he (to pass) his exam.
a) had gotten a) had passed
b) got b) passed
c) has got c) have passed

2. Translate the following sentences into English using the Past Indefinite
or the Past Perfect Tense.
Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык,
используя the Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect Tense.
Перекладіть англійською мовою, використовуючи the Past Indefinit
or the Past Perfect Tense.
1. Коли вона прийшла, ми вже обговорили перше питання.
a) When she cames we already discussed the last question.

b) When she come we havealready discussed the last question.
c) When she came we had already discussed the last question.
2. Він був схвильований, тому що отримав телеграму з будинку.
He were excited as he received a telegram from home.
c) He was excited as he had received a telegram from home.
d) He had been excited as he received a telegram from home.
3. Коли я знайшов їх будинок, вже стемніло (get dark).
a) When I found their house it had already got dark.
b) When I had found their house it already got dark.
c) When I founded their house it had already gotten dark.
5. Вона отримала погану оцінку на іспиті тому, що зробила дуже багато
a) She gots a bad mark at the exam as she had make many mistakes.
b) She had got a bad mark at the exam as she made many mistakes.
c) She got a bad mark at the exam as she had made many mistakes.

3. Сircle the right modal verb.

Подчеркните правильный модальный глагол.
Підкресліть правильне модальне дієслово.
1. Carol has passed her driving test, but only next year she …hire a car from Jane.
a) has to b) must c) will be able to d) should
2. British pupils...............stay at school till the age of 16.
a) should b) must c) can d) have to
3. The train.............arrive in five minutes.
a) has to b) must c) is to d) should
4. I forget to post the letter mother gave me.
a) shouldn’t b) mustn’t c) don’t have to d) cannot
5. If you want to be fit, sweets.
a) don’t have to b) shouldn’t c) mustn’t d) cannot

4. Translate into English using modal verbs instead of underlined words.

Переведите на английский язык, используя модальные глаголы
вместо подчеркнутых слов.
Перекладіть англійською мовою, використовуючи модальні дієслова
замість підкреслених.
1. Ендрю повинен був зустрітися з Майком за ланчем наступного дня.
a) Andrew must meet with Mike at lunch next day.
b) Andrew had to meet with Mike at lunch next day.
c) Andrew was to meet with Mike at lunch next day.
2. Не треба було їй вставати, ця прогулянка може остаточно підірвати (to
undermine) її здоров'я.
a) She needed not get up. This walking can underline her health.

b) She shouldn’t have got up. This walking can underline her health.
c) She may not get up. This walking would underline her health.
3. У тебе вкрали всі гроші? Тобі слід було бути поуважніше.
а) Have they stolen all your money? You should have been more attentive.
b) Have they stolen all your money? You should be more attentive.
c) Have they stolen all your money? You should to be more attentive.
4. Концерт був призначений на п'ятницю, але його довелося відкласти із-за
a) The concert was arranged on Friday? But it was to be posponed because of the
b) The concert was arranged on Friday? But it had to be posponed because of the
c) The concert was arranged on Friday? But it must be posponed because of the

Module IV

Variant I

1. Rewrite the text and translate it into your native language.

Перепишите текст и переведите его на родной язык.
Перепишіть текст і перекладіть його рідною мовою.


I am a second-year student o0f the Odessa State Economic University of day-time

department. Our university trains specialists of different specializations at our
university: Management, Accounting at enterprises and in agriculture, Banking,
Statistics, Project, etc.
My future speciality is Project Economics .It is rather new speciality at the
university. My future profession is connected with planning and analyzing the project.
But before speaking about my speciality, we have to understand what is the” project”.
Project is a complex of activities worked out to achieve different goals in economics,
in investment, material and labour resources, technology and business, etc. Any
manager, facing the necessity to project his business activity has to know methods of
the project analysis and its management. Analysis of the project is a set of different
methods and activities, used as an instrument for organization’s planning and
development. The main participants of the project organization are initiator, customer,
investor, manager of the project and contractor. According to the character and sphere
of activity the are: industrial, organizational, economical, social and projects of
development. All projects can be divided into commercial and non-profit.
Industrial projects are connected with production and sale, housing, technology
Organizational – deal with reformation of management system, organization of
conferences, etc.
Social projects are connected with social security, health care, environmental and
social problems, etc.
Projects of development-concerned with scientific and research activity,
information, new materials and constructions.
Economical resources –are aimed to develop capital market, to reform system of
privatization, resources taxation and other macroeconomical problems.
The analysis of economical aspects has to clarify, whether the given project
contributes to achieve national goals and if there are alternative ways to get
economical profits with less expenses. Economical analyzing has to estimate the
relationship between project and its environment which can stimulate the production
and trade, and can influence on incomes. Estimation of economical effectiveness of
projects is carried out to define results after utilization of limited resources within the
project. For such determination can be used terms of alternative costs, shadow prices,
transfer payments, profits and expenditures, customer surplus and externals. This can
help to estimate the positive results-profits, and negative results-expenditures, and
benefit in case of realization of the project. In case of providing economical analyzing

one has to correct financial indexes which show the real cost of goods. For these
purposes one should avoid the influence of transfer payments and costs of the project’s
resources. Real costs of resources can be determined with the help of shadow prices.
To determine project influence on country’s economy, we have to find out incidental
factors and further consequences. The realization of the project can promote the
reduction of prices to customer products and services, deficit liquidity, etc. Project
determination is concerned with its possibility to achieve economical goals of
country’s development.
Economical analyzing is made up to determine its influence on general society’s
welfare, not on separate investors.

Learn new words.

Запомните новые слова.
Запам’ятайте нові слова.
Project – проект
Enterprise – підприємство
Rather – досить
To be connected – бути пов`язаним з
Planning – планування
Analyzing – проведення аналізу, аналіз
To achieve – досягти
To face – зіткнутися
Initiator – ініціатор
Improvement – удосконалення
Non-profit – некомерційний
To deal with – мати справу з
Aim – мета
Taxation – оподаткування
Expenses – витрати
To stimulate – стимулювати
Cost – вартість
Shadow prices – тіньові ціни
Transfer payments – трансфертні платежі
Surplus – надлишок
Externals –екстернація
Expenditures – витрати
Incidental – побічні

2. Translate words and phrases from the text.

Переведите на английский язык слова и выражения из текста.
Перекладіть англійською мовою слова тa вирази з тексту.

тіньові ціни

альтернативні шляхи
спрямовані на розвиток ринку
з меншими витратами
позитивні наслідки
зіткнутися з необхідністю
бути пов’язаним з ….
комерційні та некомерційні
справжня ціна товару
система оподаткування

3. Insert words from the box into the given sentences.

Впишите слова из рамки в данные предложения.
Помістіть слова з рамки у речення.
Analysis … the project is a set of different methods and activities, used … an
instrument … organization’s planning and development.
1. All projects … divided into … commercial and … .
2. … project influence on countries economy, we have to find out … factors and
further … .
3. Social projects are … with social security, health care, … and socialproblems.
4. In case of providing economical … one has to correct financial indexes which
show the … of goods.
5. Real cost of resources can be determined with the help of … .
6. Project determination is … with its possibility to … economical goals of
country’s development.
7. … of economical effectiveness of project is carried out to … results after
reutilization of limited resources within the project.
8. For these purposes one should avoid the influence of … and costs of the
project resources.
9. Any manager facing the necessity to project his business activity has to know
… and its management.

4. Match pairs of synonyms antonyms of the following list of words.

Подберите пары синонимов и антонимов со следующего списка слов.
Підберіть пари синонімів та антонімів до наступного списку слів.

goal expenses profit costs commercial

to clarify to stimulate limited positive results
purpose expenditures benefit non-profit to reduce
unlimited negative results to find out

5. Give derivatives of noun, adjective, verb:

Дайте производные: существительное, прилагательное, глагол:

Дайте похідні: іменник, прикметник, дієслово:

Noun Adjective Verb


6. Find out synonyms to the following words and word combinations.

Найдите синонимы к данным словам и словосочетаниям.
Знайдіть синоніми до слів та словосполучень.
1. project
2. enterprise
3. to achieve
4. initiator
5. non-profit
6. to stimulate
7. surplus
8. taxation
9. to deal with
10. payment

7. Translate from into English.

Переведите на английский.
Перекладіть англійською мовою.
1) Ми отримали замовлення на поставку товарів в одну із європейських
2) У процесі вивчення предмета студенти набудуть теоретичних знань та
навичок у сфері професійного аналізу.
3) Організовуючи різноманітні виставки, наша компанія сприяла розвитку
4) Його відсутність була пов’язана з відрядженням за кордон.
5) Його вдача сприяла просуненню наших продуктів на ринку.
6) Цей проект не був прийнятий та ухвалений через його високу вартість.
7) Якими б не були труднощі, ми повинні забезпечити просунення товарів
на ринок.
8) Ми зазвичай зітrаємось з різноманітними проблемами, коли починаємо
проводити переговори щодо створення сумісних підприємств.

9) Вони висунули ряд дуже цікавих пропозицій.
10) Він поставив перед собою багато задач, але жодна з них не досягнена.

8. Test.
1. Put the verb in brackets into the right tense form.
Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильную временную форму.
Поставте дієслово в дужках у правильну часову форму.
Dear Suzanna,
Thank you for your letter I got last week. It was really good to hear from you.
You said you (see) 1 a) had seen, b) saw, c )have seen Angela recently, but you
didn’t say how she (be) 2 a) is, b) was, c ) had been. Please, let me know and give her
my regards. I (be) 3 a) had been, b) am, c ) have been in Carolina for six weeks, and I
am enjoying life here very much. I (work) 4 a) am working, b) have been working,
c) had been working hard since I (arrive) 5 a) arrived, b) have arrived, c) am
arriving. Before I came to Carolina I (stay) 6 a) stayed, b) was staying, c) had been
staying in New York. I ( be robbed) 7 a) had been robbed, b) was robbed, c) have
been robbed there. While I (look) 8 a) was looking, b) had been looking, c) has
been looking in the shop window on Sixth Avenue, I felt my shoulder bag (move) 9 a)
had been moving, b) was moving, c) is moving. I looked down at it and realized
someone (take) 10 a) took, b) was taking, c) had taken my wallet out of my bag. If I
(be) 11 a) had been, b) were, c) was more careful at that moment, it (not happen) 12
a) will not happen, b) would not have happened, c) would not happen. But I’m
trying to forget all that. I (live) 13 a) live, b) am living, c) was living in a small hotel
at the moment. But my colleague Bill who (live) 14 a) is living, b) lived, c )lives in
Carolina (offer) 15 a) offered, b) is offering, c) offers me to share his flat the workers
(decorate) 16 a) decorate, b) are decorating, c) will decprate it at the moment, but
I’m sure it (be) 17 a) is, b) was, c) will be OK. We already (arrange) 18 a) have
arranged, b) are arranging, c) had arranged everything and I (move) 19 a) am
moving, b) will be moving, c) will move next week. Some friends of mine (go) 20 a)
are going, b) will go, c) go on holiday soon. If I (not have to work) 21 a) am not
having, b) will not have, c) do not have so hard, I (go) 22 a) will go, b) am going, c)
go with them. Would you like come here at Christmas? If you (come) 23 a) came, b)
comes, c) come , we (have) 24 a) will have, b) will be having, c) are having a great
Write soon.
Love. Steve

3. Make the following sentences indirect.

Поставьте следующие предложения в косвенную речь.
Поставте наступні речення у непряму мову.
1. She asked me, “Do you think it’s right?”
a) She asked me did you thought it is tight.

b) She asked me if I thought it was right
c) She asked me if thought I it was right
2. He said, “Bill wants to know if you are free tomorrow”.
a) He said that Bill wanted to know if you were free next day.
b) He said that Bill want to know if are you free tomorrow?
c) He said that Bill wanted to knew if you was free next day.
3. He asked Bert, “When did you decide all this?”
a) He asked Bert when did you decided all this.
b) He asked Bert when he decided all this.
c) He asked Bert when he had decided all that.
4. Mother said, “Don’t eat so many cakes, kids!”
a) Mother told kids not to eat so many cakes.
b) Mother said did not to eat so many cakes, kids!
c) Mother told kids did not to eat so many cakes.
5. The teacher asked his students, “Where does the Mississippi flow?”
a) The teacher asked his students where did the Mississippi flow?
b) The teacher asked his students where the Mississippi flows.
c) The teacher asked his students where the Mississippi flew.

4. Correct the mistakes.

Исправьте ошибки.
Виправте помилки.
1. Is you afraid of dogs?
a) Are you afraid of dogs?
b) Do you afraid og dogs?
c) Is you afraid of dogs?
2. Have you ever was to India?
a) Have you ever were to India?
b) Did you ever be to India?
c) Have you ever been to India?
3. Is it often rain in St. Petersburg?
a) It often rain in St. Petersburg?
b) Does it often rain in St. Petersburg?
c) Is it often rains in St. Petersburg?
4. I hasn’t got money.
a) I hasn’t money.
b) I don’t hasn’t got money.
c) I haven’t got money.
5. He has got a lot of brothers, isn’t he?
a) He has a lot of brothers, isn’t he?
b) He has got a lot of brothers, hasn’t he?
c) He has got a lot of brothers, doesn’t he?

Variant II

1. Rewrite the text and translate it into your native language.
Перепишите текст и переведите его на родной язык.
Перепишіть текст і перекладіть його на рідну мову.


Banks have a wide range of possible sources of funds. The best way to see where
a bank gets its funds is to look at its balance sheet. Specifically, a bank gets money
from its liabilities and capital accounts. In addition to deposits and the other sources
discussed below, a bank may obtain loanable funds by borrowing in the Eurodollar
market, selling commercial paper through its holding company, borrowing from Federal
Reserve Banks, issuing bankers acceptances, selling loans outright or through sale and
leaseback arrangements. In every case the banks must pay competitive rates for these
funds. The cost of funds must, in turn, be built into the rates banks earn on their loans
and other assets
Deposits are obligations of a bank to pay the person, firm, or institution that
placed funds with the bank. The deposit may be payable, on request, in which case it is
known as a demand deposit, or it may be payable after the passage of a period of time, in
which case it is known as a time deposit.
There are numerous types of deposit accounts, including noninterest-bearing
checking accounts, interest-bearing NOW accounts, and super NOW accounts, regular
savings accounts, certificates of deposit, club accounts, and money market deposit
accounts. The names may vary among institutions.
Every commercial bank seeks to attract additional deposits because
deposits are the source of a bank’s ability to provide services and earn profits.
Over 90 percent of loanable funds come from depositors’ money. Without
deposits, the credit needs of individuals and business es could not be met by the
banks. Banks have developed many deposit plans to appeal to the customer’s
needs for convenience, flexibility, and coordinated services. Also, the interest
rate that banks pay influences the volume of deposits. This is particularly
important because banks are in competition with all forms of savings and
investment alternatives, such as savings and loan associations, savings banks,
credit unions, and money market mutual funds.
Federal Funds
The law requires that all depository institutions maintain reserves as
prescribed by the Federal Reserve System. On any given day some institutions
hold reserves in excess of their required reserve position, while others are
below their required position. Institutions with excess reserves may lend them
to institutions in need of reserves. These reserves, commonly called federal
funds, are generally lent out on one day and repaid the following morning.

Learn new words.

Запомните новые слова.
Запам’ятайте нові слова.
Deposit – завдаток, застава, внесок, депозит
Obligation – обов’язок, зобов’язання, борг
To pay – платити, виплачувати
Fund – капітал, фонд, державні цінні папери (funds)
Payable – прибутковий, вигідний, оплачуваний
Numerous – численний
Account – рахунок
Noninterest-bearing checking account – безпроцентний поточний рахунок
Saving account – ощадний рахунок
Club account – клубний рахунок
Vary – різнитися, відрізнятися, розходитися, різноманітний
To seek – шукати
Additional – додатковий
To provide – забезпечувати, вживати заходів
Profit – прибуток, доход
Loanable – той хто дає кредит, давати в позичку
To appeal – апелювати, просити
Flexibility – еластичність, гнучкість
Coordinate – узгоджувати, координувати
Interest rate – відсотковий коефіцієнт
Investment – інвестування, вкладання капіталу
Maintain – зберігати, підтримувати
Federal fund – федеральні фонди


2. Answer the following questions.

Дайте ответы на вопросы.
Дайте відповіді на питання.
1) Where banks get their funds?
2) What is the best way of getting money from?
3) What banks can do for their existence?
4) What do you understand under the term “deposit”?
5) Can you numerate the types of deposit account?
6) What is the percentage of loanable funds?
7) Do you know the purpose of the bank to give the deposits?
8) What is understood by the “federal fund”?

3. Find synonyms to the following words and word combinations

Найдите синонимы к данным словам и словосочетаниям.

Знайдіть синоніми до слів та словосполучень.

1. obligation
2. to pay
3. deposit
4. additional
5. to appeal
6. coordinate
7. investment
8. account
9. savings
10. profit

4. Put the words into the following sentences.

Поставьте слова в данные предложения.
Помістіть дані слова у речення.

last major former obvious present previous

 Mrs. Thatcher is a …………….. British prime minister.

 This is the …………………time I make excuses for him.
 The ……………….. decision was overturned by the committee.
 In the …………….. situation it’s better to act without delay.
 The high value of the pound was a …………… problem for British exporters.
 The company representative will be …………..; she’ll be wearing a red

5. Put the word in the correct order.

Поставьте слова в правильный порядок.
Поставте слова у правильний порядок.
1)funds, banks, of, have, range, sources, a, possible, wide, of.
2)bank, deposits, the, are, with, obligations, funds, of, placed, a, that, bank,
institution, to, or, pay, person, the.
3)institutions, the, vary, among, names, may.
4)money, over, depositors, ninety, funds, percent, from, of, come, loanable.
5)system, the, reserve, law, federal, requires, the, that, by, all, prescribed,
depository, as, institutions, reserves, maintain.

6. Test.

1. Put the verb in brackets into the right tense form.
Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильную временную форму.
Поставте дієслово в дужках у правильну часову форму.
Dear Jo and Ian,
This is a picture of the hotel we (to stay) 1 a) are staying, b) is staying, c) am
staying at. We (be) 2 a) was, b) were, c) had been lucky to get one of the rooms
overlooking the sea. We (to have) 3 a) have, b) will have c) had a good journey over
here and kids (to enjoy 4 a) enjoyed, b) has 91анням91, c) are enjoing the flight.
They (to have) 5 a) are having, b) have, c) had a lovely room of their own. In
general, we (to have) 6 a) have been having, b) had had, c) have had a great time
since we (to arrive) 7 a) had arrived, b) arrived, c) arrive .Unfortunately, Penny
(to get) 8 a) got, b) has got, c) is getting a very sunburn back on the first day so she
(to have) 9 a) is having, b) had, c) has had to wear a T-shirt since then. Jeremy (to
meet) 10 a) met, b) had met, c) is meeting an English boy of about the same age
and they (to get) 11 a) are getting, b) had got, c ) got on very well. They (to go) 12
a) went, b) had gone, c) have gone into town on their own last night. And tonight
they (to go) 13 a) will go, b) are going, c )went to a disco. We (to spend) 14 a)
spend, b) are spending, c) have spent most of our time on the beach so far.
Tomorrow we (to go) 15 a) will be going, b) are going, c )go on a boat trip to one of
the islands and we (to have) 16 a) have, b) are having, c) will have a barbecue on the
island. I really (to look) 17 a) will look forward, b) look forward, c) am looking
forward to that. Anyway, I (to give) 18 a) give, b) will give, c) am giving you a ring
when we (to get back) 19 a) will get back, b) get back, c) are getting back and we
(to see) 20 a) will see, b) see, c) are seeing you next week.
Best wishes, Sally and Robin

2. Make the following sentences indirect.

Поставьте следующие предложения в косвенную речь.
Поставте наступні речення у непряму мову.
1. Jane said, “I work as a sales manager.”
a) Jane said she worked as a sales manager.
b) Jane said she works as a sales manager.
c) Jane said she work as a sales manager.
2. “But I’m not working at the moment. I’m on holiday.”
a) Jane said she is not working at the moment because she is on holiday.
b) Jane said she was not working at the moment because she was on holiday.
c) Jane said she were not working at the moment because she am on holiday.
3. “Did you get this place a year ago?”
a) They asked me if had I got that place a year before.
b) They asked me if I had got that place last year.
c) They asked me when I had got that place a year before.
4. “Why have you never been abroad yet?”
a) My friends asked me why I have never been abroad yet.

b) My friends asked me why you had never been abroad yet.
c) My friends asked me why I had never been abroad yet.
5. “Go to France next year.”
a) My mother told me to go to France the following year.
b) My mother told me to go to France next year.
c) My mother told me go to France next year.

3. Correct the mistakes.

Исправьте ошибки.
Виправте помилки.
1. If it’ll rain tomorrow we won’t go to the beach.
a) If it rain tomorrow we won’t go to the beach.
b) If it rains tomorrow we won’t go to the beach.
c) If it’ll rain tomorrow we will not go to the beach.
2. Open the door, do you?
a) Open the door, will you?
b) Open the door, don’t you?
c) Open the door, arre you?
3. I am playing tennis since 2 o’clock.
a) I was playing tennis since 2 o’clock.
b) I have been playing tennis since 2 o’clock
c) I play tennis since 2 o’clock
4. Do you know the man who live next door?
a) Does you know the man who live next door?
b) Do you knows the man who lived next door?
c) Do you know the man who lives next door?
5. He had much more friends than I expected.
a) He had more friends than I expected.
b) He had much more friends then I expected.
с ) He had much more friends than I had expected.

Variant III

1. Rewrite the text and translate it into your native language.
Перепишите текст и переведите его на родной язык.
Перепишіть текст і перекладіть його рідною мовою.

Common Stock
Common stock is an attractive source of financing since, theoreti cally, it
does not represent a fixed claim on a bank’s earning. Banks
realize, however, that stockholders often expect dividends and that
without a reasonably attractive dividend policy, it might be difficult to
raise funds in the equity markets.
Since new issues of common stock dilute the ownership rights of current
shareholders, the cost of common stock as a source of new equity must reflect that
dilution. The issuance of new shares involves two major types of costs. First,
there are direct costs related to the stock issue itself, such as underwriting costs.
Second, new shares often can be sold only below the market price of outstanding
shares, so a new issue might eventually depress, if only temporarily, the market
price of the firm’s stock.
Preferred Stock
Preferred stock combines some of the features of long-term debt and
common stock. It has a stated dividend which takes priority over divi dends on
common stock, but not over interest on debt. Also, dividends do not have the
advantage of tax deductibility that interest on bonds has.
Recently, adjustable-rate preferred stock has been introduced into bank
equity markets. The dividend rate on these issues has been based on a spread
from the highest of the three-month Treasury bill or 10-year or 20-year
constant-maturity Treasury rates. The stock also has high and low boundaries
within which the annual dividend rate floats. This floating rate has been major
attraction to investors.

Learn new words.

Запомните новые слова.
Запам’ятайте нові слова.
Common stock – звичайні акції
Financing – фінансування
Claim – рекламація, позов, стверджувати
Stockholder – акціонер, власник акцій
Dividend – квота, дивіденд, частина
Equity market – ринок акцій
Issue – цінні папери, виробництво, випускати
Dilute – слабіти
Ownership – власність, право власності
Shareholder – акціонер, власник акцій
Reflect – відображати

Involve – вволікати, включати
Underwriting costs – вартість підписки
Outstanding shares – випущенні акції
Eventually – в кінці кінців
Depress – знизати
Priority – пріоритет
Adjustable rate – регульований рівень
Boundary – границя, предел
Annual dividend rate float – потоки річного дивідендного потоку
Investor – вкладник, інвестор


2. Find synonyms to the following words and word combinations

Найдите синонимы к данным словам и словосочетаниям.
Знайдіть синоніми до слів та словосполучень.
1. shareholder
2. priority
3. dividend
4. reflect
5. cost
6. boundary
7. depress
8. rate
9. annual
10. stock

3. Complete the text with the adjectives in the box.

increasingly easily extremely unfortunately

hugely deeply suitable awfully

If there is one certainty in life, it is that things change. And in the modern world
things are changing ………………. Fast. This is especially true in the workplace
where there is no longer the concept of a job for life. People are ……………………
likely to work for many different companies throughout their careers. It is
…………………. Common – and ………………….. disturbing – for companies to
say ‘ Why should we train staff for them to leave for better jobs?’ This is an
………………… outmoded concept because staff will move regardless of whether
they receive training or not.
So how can individuals be …………………. Prepared to meet the challenges of
change? This is not a question that can be ……………….. answered, but we at TMP

Consultants believe we have developed some ……………… successful recipes that
will help you get the best out of your employees while they stay with you.

4. Test.

4. Put the verb in brackets into the right tense form.

Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильную временную форму.
Поставте дієслово в дужках у правильну часову форму.
Dear Suzanna,
Thank you for your letter I got last week. It was really good to hear from you.
You said you (see) 1 a) had seen, b) saw, c )have seen Angela recently, but you
didn’t say how she (be) 2 a) is, b) was, c ) had been. Please, let me know and give her
my regards. I (be) 3 a) had been, b) am, c ) have been in Carolina for six weeks, and I
am enjoying life here very much. I (work) 4 a) am working, b) have been working,
c) had been working hard since I (arrive) 5 a) arrived, b) have arrived, c) am
arriving. Before I came to Carolina I (stay) 6 a) stayed, b) was staying, c) had been
staying in New York. I ( be robbed) 7 a) had been robbed, b) was robbed, c) have
been robbed there. While I (look) 8 a) was looking, b) had been looking, c) has
been looking in the shop window on Sixth Avenue, I felt my shoulder bag (move) 9 a)
had been moving, b) was moving, c) is moving. I looked down at it and realized
someone (take) 10 a) took, b) was taking, c) had taken my wallet out of my bag. If I
(be) 11 a) had been, b) were, c) was more careful at that moment, it (not happen) 12
a) will not happen, b) would not have happened, c) would not happen. But I’m
trying to forget all that. I (live) 13 a) live, b) am living, c) was living in a small hotel
at the moment. But my colleague Bill who (live) 14 a) is living, b) lived, c )lives in
Carolina (offer) 15 a) offered, b) is offering, c) offers me to share his flat the workers
(decorate) 16 a) decorate, b) are decorating, c) will decprate it at the moment, but
I’m sure it (be) 17 a) is, b) was, c) will be OK. We already (arrange) 18 a) have
arranged, b) are arranging, c) had arranged everything and I (move) 19 a) am
moving, b) will be moving, c) will move next week. Some friends of mine (go) 20 a)
are going, b) will go, c) go on holiday soon. If I (not have to work) 21 a) am not
having, b) will not have, c) do not have so hard, I (go) 22 a) will go, b) am going, c)
go with them. Would you like come here at Christmas? If you (come) 23 a) came, b)
comes, c) come , we (have) 24 a) will have, b) will be having, c) are having a great
Write soon.
Love. Steve

5. Make the following sentences indirect.

Поставьте следующие предложения в косвенную речь.
Поставте наступні речення у непряму мову.
1. She asked me, “Do you think it’s right?”
a) She asked me did you thought it is tight.

b) She asked me if I thought it was right
c) She asked me if thought I it was right
2. He said, “Bill wants to know if you are free tomorrow”.
a) He said that Bill wanted to know if you were free next day.
b) He said that Bill want to know if are you free tomorrow?
c) He said that Bill wanted to knew if you was free next day.
3. He asked Bert, “When did you decide all this?”
a) He asked Bert when did you decided all this.
b) He asked Bert when he decided all this.
c) He asked Bert when he had decided all that.
4. Mother said, “Don’t eat so many cakes, kids!”
a) Mother told kids not to eat so many cakes.
b) Mother said did not to eat so many cakes, kids!
c) Mother told kids did not to eat so many cakes.
5. The teacher asked his students, “Where does the Mississippi flow?”
a) The teacher asked his students where did the Mississippi flow?
b) The teacher asked his students where the Mississippi flows.
c) The teacher asked his students where the Mississippi flew.

6. Correct the mistakes.

Исправьте ошибки.
Виправте помилки.
7. Is you afraid of dogs?
d) Are you afraid of dogs?
e) Do you afraid dogs?
f) Is you afraid of dogs?
8. Have you ever was to India?
d) Have you ever were to India?
e) Did you ever be to India?
f) Have you ever been to India?
9. Is it often rain in St. Petersburg?
d) It often rain in St. Petersburg?
e) Does it often rain in St. Petersburg?
f) Is it often rains in St. Petersburg?
10.I hasn’t got money.
d) I hasn’t money.
e) I don’t hasn’t got money.
f) I haven’t got money.
11.He has got a lot of brothers, isn’t he?
d) He has a lot of brothers, isn’t he?
e) He has got a lot of brothers, hasn’t he?
f) He has got a lot of brothers, doesn’t he?

Variant IV

1. Rewrite the text and translate it into your native language.
Перепишите текст и переведите его на родной язык.
Перепишіть текст і перекладіть його рідною мовою.

Convertible Securities
The convertible security has a price at which it is convertible to com mon
stock. Thus, before conversion it is equivalent to debt; whereas after, it is
counted as equity.
Banks do not rely heavily on convertible debt. One reason is that convertible
securities introduce an element of uncertainty by requiring the issuer to decide on
the conversion price well in advance of actual conversion. Also, the time of
conversion is not known with certainty, despite the usual call option.
Capital Notes and Debentures
Long-term debt is a relatively low cost source of financing, since the interest
on capital notes and debentures is tax-deductible. Also, unlike equity financing, it
preserves the ownership rights of the bank’s shareholders.
Long-term debt has a fixed interest obligation, and a commitment to repay
the principal. It can be expensive if obtained in a period of high interest rates.
Relying on long-term debt as a source of funds requires access to capital markets,
which may not be available to some banks. Also, the debt agreements may place
various restrictions on the operations of the bank and require the bank to meet
certain earnings criteria and other stipulations.
Retained Earnings
Retained earnings are the main source of equity to banks. They are relatively
less expensive and are more easily controlled by a banker than now common stock.
Although there is not a direct cost of retained earnings, the shareholder must
forego his dividend or some portion of it so that the firm can retain earnings.
Retained earnings are generally considered the best means for Increasing
equity because of cost and their accessibility. However, an increase in retained
earnings without an accompanying increase in over-ull earnings could result in a
reduction in dividends. This would be undesirable because of stockholders’

Learn new words.

Запомните новые слова.
Запам’ятайте нові слова.
Financing – фінансування
Issue – цінні папери, виробництво, випускати
Ownership – власність, право власності
Shareholder – акціонер, власник акцій
Convertible securities – конвертовані цінні папери
Price – вартість
Conversion – модернізація, переробка
Equivalent – еквівалент, рівноцінний
Equity – звичайні акції, частка акціонера у капіталі
Long-time debt – довготривалий борг / заборгованість
Debenture – долговое обязательство
Tax-deductible – що підлягає обкладенню прибутковим податком
Rights – права
Obligation – облігації
Commitment – капіталовкладення, вкладення
Repay – повертати гроші
Principal – капітал, основна сума, номінал векселя
Access – доступ
Agreement – угода
Restriction – перешкода, обмеження
Criterion – критерій
Stipulation – договір, умова, угода
Retain – зберігати, утримувати, наймати
Accessibility – доступність
Increase – збільшувати
Accompanying – супроводжуючий
Reduction – зменшення, відновлення, скорочення


2. Find synonyms to the following words and word combinations

Найдите синонимы к данным словам и словосочетаниям.
Знайдіть синоніми до слів та словосполучень.

1. agreement
2. rights
3. stipulation
4. repay
5. price
6. reduction
7. restriction
8. issue
9. debt
10. commitment

3. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

Окончите предложения словами из таблицы.
Завершіть речення словами з таблиці.

1. We very much regret 4. Hope you will understand the reason

2. Once again we apologize 5. I assure you we are doing everything in
3. We are very concerned our power

……………….. to hear that the consignment of spare parts that was ordered from
us in February has not reached you …………. The disruption this has caused to your
………………… to make sure the consignment arrives as soon as possible. The
delay is due to an expected delivery of components from Spain which has been help up
as a result of industrial unrest. However, the components have now arrived and the
consignment has been sent to you airfreight. ………….. for the inconvenience and
……………………. .

4. Match the columns making word-combinations:

Подберите колонки, составляя словосочетания:
Підберіть колонки, складаючи словосполучення:

a) You can be fined  by using a heat recovery process.

b) Our products minimize damage  for breaking pollution laws.
c) Most plastics don’t bio-degrade  to the environment.
d) We’re oping to use more energy  from alternative sources.
e) We can save energy

4. Complete the sentences with the correct verb.

Дополните предложения правильными глаголами.
Доповніть речення правильнимі дієсловами.
1. We need to …………………………. up our production process
2. We are tring to…………………… down the amount of packing we use
3. You can ……………………. down plastic and make it into a different product
4. It’s better to recycle glass bottles than to ……………………them away
5. Most hamburger boxes don’t ………………………… down in the
environment (take/bring/call).
6. The EU will ………………………… in new legislation next year
7. When fossil fuels are burnt, they give ……………………off CO2

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Дополните предложения правильной формой глагола в скобках.
Доповніть речення правильнимою формою дієслова у дужках.
a) You’ll need to…………………… (drain) the system completely.
b) Try …………………… (adjust) the release valve.
c) I think you should …………………….. (switch off) the power.
d) You’ll have to ………………..(upgrade) your software.
e) Have you tried ………………..(replace) the bearings?
f) Quick, ………………(close) the valve!
g) The power keeps …………………..(cut out).

6. Test.
1. Choose the right form of the verb.
Dear Ann,
It (rain) 1 a) was raining, b) has been raining, c) is raining all day today. I
suspect it always (rain) 2 a) rains, b) rain, c) is raining on Sundays in England.
Anyhow, it (rain) 3 a) had been raining, b) was raining, c) has been raining every
Sunday since I 4 (come) 4 a) came, b) had come, c) come here three month ago. I just
(begin) 5 a) begun, b) have begun, c) began to get used to it and I find it rather
boring. I (live) 6 a) live, b) lives, c) am living in a boarding house in Manchester
at the moment, but before that I (stay) 7 a) had been stayng, b) was staying, c) stayed
at a hotel. I already (meet) 8 a) met, b) have met, c) meet a lot of interesting people
here, who (come) 9 a) came, b) comes, c) had come from all over the world. Like me,
they (study) 10 a) study, b) had been studying, c) are studying English here.
Some of them (live) 11 a) have been living, b) live, c) are living here for quite a
long time but even they (not all speak) 12 a) not speak, b) don’t speak, c) are not
speaking English very well. In a few weeks I (have) 13 a) am having, b) will have, c)
have my first exam. If I (be) 14 a) will be, b) be, c) am ucky I (not have) 15 a) don’t
have, b) am not haning, c) won’t have any troubles. I already (pick up) 16 a) picked
up, b) have picked up, c) has picked up enough English to be able to understand
native-speakers, but I still (have) 17 a) having, b) am having, c) have some problems
with spelling. I constantly (forget) 18 a) am forgetting, b) forgot, c) forget how the
words are written!!!
Sincerely yours, Alice.

2. Turn sentences into Reported speech.

1........................................................................................."You like Italian food,
don't you?"
a) He asked me didn’t you like Italian food?
b) He asked me if I liked Italian food.
c) He asked me did I liked Italian food.
1. "How long have you been learning Russian, Dan?"

a) She asked how long had you been learning Russian, Dan?
b) She asked Dan how long had he been learning Russian?
c) She asked Dan how long he had been learning Russian.
2. "Don't ever enter this room."
a) She told not ever to enter that room.
b) She said didn’t ever enter this room.
c) She said not ever to enter this room.
3. "Will Ted and Alice be at the party?"
a) She asked if Ted and Alice would be at the party.
b) She said would Ted and Alice be at the party?
c) She asked if would Ted and Alice be at the party.
4. "Kangaroos live in Australia.'
a) He said kangaroos lived in Australia.
b) He said kangaroos liveing in Australia.
c) He said kangaroos live in Australia.

3. Correct the mistakes.

1. It's Sunday tomorrow. So I haven't get up early tomorrow.
a) It's Sunday tomorrow. So I don’t have to get up early tomorrow.
b) It's Sunday tomorrow. So I won’t got up early tomorrow.
c) It will Sunday tomorrow. So I will haven't got up early tomorrow.
2. This magazine have become not interesting.
a) This magazine have became not interesting.
b) This magazine has become not interesting.
c) This magazine became not interesting.
3. There were very dark in the room.
a) It were very dark in the room.
b) There was very dark in the room.
c) It was very dark in the room.
4. He are such an interesting man!
a) He am such an interesting man!
b) He are such interesting man!
c) He is such an interesting man!


Module I

The Verbs to be and to have

Дієслова to be и to have
to be Present Past Future
1) «бути», I am was will be
2) допоміжне He is
дієслово They are were
to have
1) «мати» I have
2) допоміжне He has had will have
дієслово We have

Present Indefinite and Present Continuous

Характеристика дії

Present Indefinite Present Continuous

Звичайна, регулярна дія, Продовженна дія,

Як? факт процесс, що відбувається в
окремий момент чи період
дієслово be + -ing

1) usually, generally, 1) now, at present, at the

Коли always, never, often, seldom, moment
every day, sometimes Listen; look; I see…; I
2) майбутня дія, hear…
пов’язана з розкладом, 2) майбутня запланована
графіком дія
 The Earth moves round  Look, it is moving.
Приклади the Sun.  She is living in that flat
 She lives in London. now.
 I work in my garden  He is working in the
every day. garden at present.
 The next train leaves in  He is leaving for
an hour. Moscow tomorrow.

The Indefinite Article
Неозначений артикль
Неозначений артикль використовується лише з обчислювальними
іменниками в однині
Зaпам’ятайте дані іменники, які в англійській мові не використовуються у
множині та з артиклем a/an

Advice News Trouble

Furninure Information Weather
Money Progress Work
Luggage Success Traffic

1. У функції предикатива (частина складного присудка) :

e.g. He is a student.

2. Якщо перед іменником описовеозначення:

e.g. She wants a dress. She wants a new dress.

3. Якщо предмет використовується вперше:

e.g.They live in a new house with a garden and a swimming pool.

4. Якщо предмет розглядається як один із класу подібних, будь-який, один:

e.g. Give me a pen. A doctor should help people.

5. У граматичних стійких виразах:

It is a … There is a … He has a …

6. У виразах з дієсловами для означення короткочасної дії:

to have a talk to give a smile
to have a swim to give a look
to give a cry to to take a nap
to have a smoke to have a bite

7. У окличних реченнях:
e.g. What a nice dress!

8. Для означення “одна порція”:

e.g. I’d like a beer, please.

9. Для визначення конкретного часу або проміжку часу:

e.g. He will be back in a minute.
e.g. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

10. У стійких виразах:

a lot of for a short time

a number of in a loud?
a few to be at aloss
a little to have a good time
as a result to have a cold
at a speed of to have a headache
it’s a pity to go for a walk
to be in a hurry to take a seat
it’s a shame at aglance
it’s a pleasure to tell a lie

11. Після such, rather, quite

12. З назвою професій:
e.g. She is a doctor.

Definite Article
Означений артикль

1. Якщо мова йде про конкретний предмет:

e.g. I cleaned the car yesterday (my car).
2. Якщо про предмет говорять не вперше:
e.g. For lunch I had a sandwich. The sandwich wasn’t very good.
3. Якщо іменник або субстантивізований прикметник означає катeгорію
людей або предметів:
e.g. the rich, the poor, the blind, the dead, the British, the middle class.
4. Якщо перед іменником є прикметник у найвищому ступені порівняння:
e.g. It’s the funniest book.
5. З єдиними у своєму роді іменниками:
e.g. the earth, the Sun, the sky, the world, the center of the city, the President of
the country.
6. З імениками: the police, the fire department, the army, the post office, the
doctor, the dentist, the hospital, the sea, the movie, the theatre, the radio, the cinema.
7. З назвою музикальних інструметіів:
e.g. Can you play the guitar?
8. З назвою країн, до яких входять слова kingdom, states, union, federation,
republic, emirates:
e.g. The Russian Federaion, the United Kingdom.
9. З географічними назвами: групи островів, гірські хребти, річки, моря,
океани, канали, озера (якщо нема слова “lake”)
e.g. The Alps, the Irish Sea.
10. З назвою англійських газет, журналів:
e.g. The Times
11. З назвою частин світу:
e.g. The North
12. З назвою готелей, ресторанів, театрів, кінотеатрів, музеїв, галерей,
кораблів, монументів:
e.g. The Hilton Hotel, The National Galery, The Washington Monument.
13. Перед прізвищем у множині:
e.g. The Browns.
14. У стійких виразах:

in the morning/afternoon/evening the other day

in the country What’s the time
on the left/right to tell the truth
on the one/other hand to run the risk
the day before yesterday in the original
the day after tomorrow to keep the house

The Zero Article

Нульовий артикль

1. З обчислювальними іменниками у множині у функції предикатива:

e.g. We are students.
2. З загальними іменами:
e.g. Ann Smith is an English teacher.
3. З необчислювальними іменниками: абстрактні, види діяльності, речовини:
e.g. Water freezes at 100 degrees.
e.g. Money can’t buy love.
e.g. I like music.
4. В окличних реченнях з необчислювальними іменниками:
e.g. What terrible weather!
5. З іменниками в загальному сенсі:
e.g. Winners make things happen.
6. З назвою навчальних дисциплін:
e.g. I like English, but I don’t like Mathematics.
But: The English language.
7. З назвою видів спорту з дієсловом to play:
e.g. Tom is good at playing football.
8. З назвою хвороб:
e.g. He suffered terribly from flu.
9. З іменниками у зверненнях:
e.g. My headache is awful, doctor.
10. З назвою країн та континентів:
e.g. America, great Brittain.
But: the Netherlands, the Philippines.
11. З географічними назвами: місто, окремий острів, окрема гора:
e.g. London. But the Hague.
e.g. Ireland.
e.g. Ben Nevis.
12. З назвою вулиць, бульварів, скверів, авеню, площ:
e.g. Fifth Avenue, Trafalgar Square.
13. З назвою аеропортів, університетів, парків, палаців, якщо до них входять
загальні імена:
e.g. Kennedy Airport, Hyde Park.
14. У стійких виразах:

in bed to have breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper

by boat/tram/bus/car/train/plain/ from day to day
air/water/sea/land/post/airmail from morning till night
/mistake/chance/heart from beginning to end
on foot from head to foot
at/to school/work at breakfast/lunch/dinner/super
to go/come home at present
at home at first sight
all day long at war/peace
all year round in front of
at sunrise/sunset in time
on deck in fact
out of doors in conclusion
on/for sale

The Use of Articles

With the Names of Months, Days, Seasons, Meals, Languages, Some
Nouns (day, night, evening, morning, etc.)
Місяці, Частини
дні, Сезони дня: day,
Їжа : English,
Іменники тижні: summer, night,
lunch, dinner French,
May, winter morning,
Monday evening
Звичайно I saw him I like I had Do you It was
без in May/on summer. lunch at speak morning.
артикля Monday. school. French?
'The' - We'll We met The The I’ll never
якщо є always in the lunch we French of forget the day
індивідуа remember winter of had yester- Canada we met.
the May of 1995. day was very differs from
1945. good. the French
of France.

'а' – якщо A cold lt was a We had lt was a

є опису- May is a beautiful a good hard day.
вальне usual thing spring. dinner
here. yesterday.

Стійкі -early/late -to have - the English - early/late

вирази spring breakfast (French) morning
(autumn) (lunch) language (afternoon);
- What is the - at night;
English -from morn-
ing till night;
- by day;
-in the

The Use of Articles

With the Nouns School/College, Hospital, Bed, etc.

/college/ Hospital Bed Home Work
Без - to be at -to go to - to go to - to go - to go to
коли school, to hospital bed home work

іменник go to (лягти до спати) ; (йти до йти на

означає school лікарні); - to be/to дому); - to be at
не (вчитися в -to be in stay in - to come work
конкрет (працювати)
ний школі); hospital bed (спати; home
предмет, - to leave ся в лежати в (приходити
а його school лікарні) постелі) до дому);
призна- (закінчу- - to be at
чення вати школу) home

Звичайні - to go to the When our There is a new Thеу like

вила school friend was a bed, two home the work
викорис (прийти до we went to armchairs they are

тання будівлі the hospital and a table doing now.

артикля конкретної to visit in the a work of аrt
коли школи) (ходили до room.
іменник конкретної
означає лікарні як
предмет вачі)

The Use of Articles with Names of Persons

Іменники Без артикля Артикль the

1. Загальні імена I met Ann yesterday. перед прізвищем сім’ї у

Old John often visits множині:
us. The Browns have left London.
перед ім’ям (прізвищем), яке
має описання:
Is he the Sheldon who is a

2. Родичі, члени a) при Якщо не використовуються

сім’ї використанні членами сім’ї:
членами тієї ж сім’ї The daughter was as beautiful
пишуться з великої as the mother.
літери Використання артиклів у
I'll ask Father about it. виразах:
b) при the son/daughter of a ...
використанні з Lomosov was the son of a
загальною назвою fisherman.
Uncle George

3.Професія, Professor
звання, титул, Doctor
Mr\Mrs + General Smith
загальна назва Count

Plural form

1. До іменників, що закінчуються на -s, -ss, -sh, -sh, -tch, -x, -o додається
Buses, boxes, teachers, wіtches, heroes.
Але! Photos, solos, pianos, radios.
2. У іменників, що закінчуються на -у, літера змінюється на –і та
додається –es:
City – cities.
Але якщо перед літерою -у голосна, тоді додається лише –s:
Day – days.
3. У іменників, що закінчуються на -f, -fe, літера (-и) змінюються та –v
та додається -s:
Wife – wives.
Roof – roofs, hoof – hoofs, scarf – scarfs, warf – warfs, chief – chiefs,
handkerchief – handkerchiefs.
4. У наступних іменниках змінюється коренева голосна:
Man – men, woman – women, foot – feet, goose – geese, tooth – teeth,
mouse – mice, louse – lice, child – children, ox – oxen.
5. У наступних іменників однина та множина співпадають:
Sheep, swine, deer, trout.
6. Наступні іменники використовуються тільки в однині:

advice news trouble

furniture information weather
money progress work
hair luggage baggage
traffic data money

7. Наступні іменники використовуються тільки у множині:

Trouseres, glasses, scales, jeans, pyjamas, pants, scissors, wages, clothes.
8. Складені іменники:
а) іменник + іменник + s (-es):
б) іменник + s(-es) + прийменник + іменник:
в) іменник + s(-es) + прийменник:
г) man (woman) + іменник + s(-es)– men (women) + іменник:
д) якщо слова не є іменниками, тоді –s (-es) додається до останнього
Many/much, few/a few, little/ a little

Тип Обчислювальні Необчислювальні

багато Many Much
Did many people attend Do you spend much time
the meeting yesterday? on your homework?
Has he got many friends? I haven’t much work to do
мало Few Little
There are very few books We’ve made little
in our library. progress.
Few visitors came to our I had very little money
party. left.
небагато, A few A little
декілька I have to see a few people Cuold you give me a little
this afternoon. help?
I’ve got a few ideas. Would you like a little

Module II

The Past Continuous and Past Indefinite (Simple)

Характеристика дії
Past Continuous Past Indefinite
Дія, що проходила в Повсякденна дія, факт у
окремий момент чи період часу минулому
Як? в минулому
was doing did
were doing
at 5 o’clock yesterday yesterday
from 3 to 6 yesterday last week
Коли? for 3 hours yesterday in 1990
the whole evening 5 years ago
on Monday last week
all day long
during the war
when I came in
 I was watching TV at 5  We went to the theatre
o’clock yesterday. yesterday.
 It was raining all day long  He visited his friends
Приклади yesterday. each weekend last year.
 He was reading a book  They arrived here 5 years
when I came. ago(1990).

Types of questions

1. General – задається до усього речення за допомогою допоміжних
дієслів do, does, did; чи винесенням першого дієслова у присудку на перше
e.g. She speaks four languages. – Does she speak four languages?
e.g. They will come next time. – Will they come next time?
2. Alternative – задаться як General, але додається частка or (чи):
e.g. She speaks four languages. Does she speak four or three languages?
e.g. They will come next time. – Will they come or drive next time?
3. Disjuncive – порядок слів у реченні прямий, питання – у кінці речення
після коми за допомогою допоміжних дієслів та частки not (див. пункт 1):
e.g. She speaks four languages, does not she?
e.g. They will not come next time, will they?
4. Special – задається до окремого слова у реченні за допомогою
питальних слів (How, when, why, when, whose, whom …) + General питання,
але виключно те слово, до якого ставиться питання:
e.g. She speaks four languages. – How many languages does she speak?
e.g. They will come next time. – When will they come?
Special до підмета задається без допомоги допоміжних дієслів, з прямим
порядком слів, замість присудка використовується Who та додається
дієслово (присудок) у третій особі однині (тобто як до he, she, it):
e.g. She speaks four languages. – Who speaks four languages?
e.g. I am at home. – Who is at home?

Degrees of Comparison

Positive degree Comparative Superlative degree
hot hotter the hottest

easy (adj) easier the easiest

early earlier the earliest
soon (adv) sooner the soonest

correctly (adv) more correctly the most correctly

exactly more exactly the most exactly
beautiful (adj) more beautiful the most beautiful
comfortable more comfortable the most
old (adj) older elder* the oldest the eldest

often (adv) oftener the oftenest

more often the most often
slowly slower the slowest
more slowly the most slowly
quickly quicker the quickest
more quickly the most quickly
far farther the farthest

further' the furthest

well/good (adj) better the best
badly/bad worse the worst
much more the most
little less the least


1. У прикметниках, як hot, big, fat, sad, wet, etc (1 голосна+1приголосна)

подвоюється кінцева приголосна: hot— hotter— the hottest
2. У прикметниках як nice (fine, large, late, safe) додається -r, -st:
e.g. nice — nicer — the nicest
3. У прикметниках як busy -у (після приголосної) переходить до -i
e.g. busy— busier - the busiest.

Для порівняння якості предметів використовують такі формули:

1. than (ніж): Moscow is larger than St. Petersburg. This book is less
interesting than that one.
2. as … as (такий … як): He is as young as my brother. He works as hard as you.
3. not so … as (не такий … як): She is not so beautiful as her mother. This train
goes not so quickly as that one.
4. the +пор. ст. … the+пор. ст. (чим … тим): The more you work the better
you know the language. How much money do you need? The more the better.
5. much, far (набагато, значно) (для підсилення порівняльного ступеню):
The husband was much older than the wife.
а bit, a little (трохи): Could you speak a bit louder?

Module III

Present Perfect
To have+3форма дієслова

Характерізує дію, яка вже відбулася, пов’язана з теперішнім та має

результат у теперішньому часі.

I have written, worked I haven’t written, worked

has written, worked hasn’t written, worked
I have written, worked I haven’t written, worked
Have I have written? Yes, I have No, I haven’t
Has Yes, has No, hasn’t
written? Yes, has No, haven’t

Today, this week (day, month, year); never, ever, for, since, already, yet (негат.)

Present Perfect Continuous

To have+been+дієслово-ing

Характерізує дію, яка відбувалася в минулому чи продовжувалася до конкретного

моменту та пов’язана з теперішнім часом.
I have been writing I haven’t been writing
has been writing hasn’t been writing
been writing haven’t been writing

Have I been writing? Yes, I have No, I haven’t

Has been Yes , has No, hasn’t
writing? Yes, have No, haven’t
Have been
Since morning, for an hour, for a long time.

Past Perfect.
had+3форма дієслова
Характерізує дію, яка вже відбулася до конкретного моменту в минулому

I, he, she, it, + had written I, he, she, it, + hadn’t

you, we, they written
you, we, they

Had + I, he,she, Yes, I, he,she, No, I, he,she,

it, you, we, they it, you, we, they had. it, you, we, they
+written? hadn’t.

By that time, when I came, never, ever, for, since, already, yet (негат..), before,
Past Perfect Continuous

Характерізує дію, яка відбувалася в минулому часі чи продовжувалася до

конкретного моменту в минулому часі.

I, he, she, it, + had been I, he, she, it, + had been
writing writing
you, we, they you, we, they

Had + I he,she, Yes, I, he,she, No, I, he,she,

it, you, we, they + been it, you, we, they it, you, we, they
writing? had. hadn’t.

Since that morning, for an hour, for a long time, before, after.

Модальні дієслова та еквіваленти

дієслова та Present Past Future
саn can could
(можливість Modern computers You could use
виrконання дії) can multiply these data in
(можу, вмію) two numbers in one your research work
Сучасні обчислю-
Ви могли вико-
вальні машини
ристати ці дані у
можуть множити
нашій науковій
два числа за одну
to be able to am (is, are) able to was (were) able to shall (will) be
able to
(бути He is able to cope He was able to cope He will be able to
спроможним) with the testing of this with the testing of cope with the test
(вдається) device. Він може this device. Він міг ing of this device.
впоратися з перевір- впоратися з пере- Він зможе впора-
віркою цього при- тися з перевіркою
кою цього приладу
ладу цього приладу
must must had to will have to
обов‘язковість The atom must be
used for the good of
(повинен) Атом повинен
служити людині
to have to have (has) to had to will have to
(необхідність The engineer has to Тhе engineer had to The engineer will
виконання дії) examine this device. examine this device. have to examine
(приходиться) Інженер повинен Інженер повинен this device.
оглянути цей прилад був оглянути цей Інженер повинен
прилад буде оглянути цей
to be to am (is, are) to was (were) to will be to
(запланованість) We are to begin our We were to be gin
дії) (повинен за experiment this week. our experi ment last
розкладом, Ми повинні почати week.
контрактом, пла- експеримент на Ми повинні були
ном, домовле- цьому тижні почати експеримент
ністю) на минулому тижні

may may might will be allowed to

The engineers may The engineers might
examine this device. have examined this
Інженери можуть device. Iнженери
(можна, дозвольте)
оглянути цей могли оглянути цей
пристрій пристрій
am (is, are) allowed was (were) allowed
to be allowed to will be allowed to
to to
The engineers are The engineers were The engineers will
allowed to examine allowed to examine be allowed to
(дозволяється) this device. this device examine tis device.
Інженерам Інженерам Інженерам
дозволено оглянути дозволили оглянути дозволять
цей пристрій цей пристрій оглянути цей

Дієслово must з Perfect Infinitive перекладається повинен був, можливо,

мабуть, дієслово could — можливо, міг, міг и may — можливо, might — міг

He must have found out about the Він можливо дізнався про
conference from the newspaper. конференцію з газет.
I could have gone to the conference. Я міг би поїхати на
But I was not invited. конференцію. Але я не був

You might have made the ex- Ви могли б провести

periment more carefully. експеримент більш ретельно.

Дієслова can й could у негативній формі в Perfect Infinitive виражають

сумнів можливости виконаня дії в минулому та перекладається не може бути
щоб + дієслово в минулому часі, не міг + початкова форма дієслова.

He could not have used this He може бути, щоб він використав
device, it was out of order. цей прилад, він був невідремонтований

Module IV

Future Indefinite
Wll+І форма

Характерізує дію, яка буде відбуватися у майбутньому часі.

I, he, she, it, will I, he, she, it, will not work
work you, we, they
you, we, they

Will + I, he, she, Yes, he will No, he will not

it ,you, we, they + work? (he'll not, he won't)

Tomorrow, the next day (week, month, year), in 2010.

Future Continuous
Will be + дієслово-ing

Характерізує дію, яка буде відбуватися в майбутньому часі в окремий
момент часу.

I, he, she, it, will be working I, he, she, it, will not work
you, we, they you, we, they

Will + I, he, she, Yes, he will No, he will not (he'll

it ,you, we, they +be not, he won't)

Tomorrow at 5 o’clock, the whole day (week, month, year), during 2010.

Future Perfect
Wll have +3 форма

Характерізує дію, яка вже відбудеться в майбутньому часі та завершиться.

I, he, she, it, will have written I, he, she, it, will not have
you, we, they written
you, we, they

Will + I, he, she, it, Yes, I will. No, I will not.

you, we, they + have +

By this time tomorrow, when you come, never, ever, for, since, already, yet

Future Perfect Continuous

Will have been + дієслово-ing

Характерізує дію, яка буде відбуватися в майбутньому часі чи буде

продовжуватися до конкретного моменту в майбутньому часі.

I, he, she, it, will have been I, he, she, it, will not have
writing been
you, we, they you, we, they

Will + I, he, she, it, Yes, I will. No, I will not.

you, we, they + have +
been + writing?

Since next morning, for an hour, for a long time tomorrow.

Ми не використовуємо Future Tense після if, when, till, until, after, before,
as soon as, замість нього використовується Present Tense.

The Sequence of Tenses

Indirect Speech

В англійськіи мові при перекладі з прямої мови в непряму діє правило

узгодження часів:
Якщо присудок головного речення є дієсловом у минулому часі, тоді
дієслово додаткового речення не може використовуватися у формі майбутнього
чи теперішнього часу — воно повинно бути в одному з минулих часів.
Згідно з простим правилом в цьому випадку всі часи в додадковому реченні
рухаються на одну сходинку вниз:

Present Continuous (am/is/are dong) Past Continuous (was/were doіng)

Present Indefinite (do/does) Past Indefinite (did)

Past Indefinite (did) Past Perfect (had done)

Present Perfect (have/has done) Past Perfect (had done)

Can; may; must could; might; must (had to)

Will would

Які шаги необхідно виконати:

1. Поставити з’єднуюче "чи" — if/whether
1. Перетворити питальне речення на позитивне:
Is he a student? => he is a student.
Does he live here? => he lives here.
3. Застосувати правила узгодження часів:
Не is ... => Не was ...
Не lives ... => Не lived ...

Змінa обставини місця та часу:

Here there
This that
These those
Now then
Tomorrow next day
Next following
Today that day
Tonight that night
Yesterday the day before
Ago before
Last before

Пряма мова Непряма мова

"They live in Kiev." They lived in Kiev.

"They are working now" They were working then
Past Ind./Past Cont.

knew they had lived in Kiev.

"They lived in Kiev before." He said they had done it.
"They have done it." thought they had been working.
"They were working when Past Perfect

"They will come soon." They would come soon.

"They will be waiting for us” They would be waiting for us.

Спеціальне питання (where? when? ... )

Пряма мова Непряма мова
"Where do you live?"
"When did he come?" where I lived,
"What are you doing?" asked me when I had come,
“ How have you done He wanted to know what I was doing
it?" wondered how I had done it.

Irregular Verbs
Неправильні дієслова

Увага! Форма Іnfіnіtіve відповідає на питання: Що робити? Форма Past

Tense відповідає на питання: Що зробив? Дієприкметник ІІ (для перехідних
дієслів) - на питання: Який? Дієприкметник І відповідає на питання: Який? Як?

N V1 V2 V3 Значение/Значення
1 arise arose arisen подниматься/ підніматися
2 be was, were been быть, являться/ бути
3 bear bore born родить/ народжувати
4 become became become сделаться, стать/ стати
5 begin began begun начинать(ся)/ починати(ся)
6 bend bent bent гнуть/ гнути
7 bind bound bound связывать/ зв’язувати
8 bite bit bit кусать(ся)/ кусати(ся)
9 bleed bled bled истекать кровью/ кровоточити
10 blow blew blown дуть/ дути
11 break broke broken ломать(ся)/ ломати(ся)

12 breed broke bred воспитывать/ виховувати
13 bring brought brought приносить/ приносити
14 build built built строить/ будувати
15 burn burnt burnt гореть, жечь/ горіти
16 buy bought bought покупать/ купувати
17 cast cast cast кидать/ кидати
18 catch caught caught ловить, схватывать/ схопити
19 choose chose chosen выбирать/ обирати
20 come came come приходить/ приходити
21 cost cost cost стоить/ коштувати
22 cut cut cut резать/ різати
23 dig dug dug рыть, копать/ копати
24 do did done делать/ робити
25 draw drew drawn тащить; рисовать/ тягти, малювати
26 dream dreamt dreamt мечтать; видеть во сне/ мріяти
27 drink drank drunk пить/ пити
28 drive drove driven вести, гнать/ вести, гнати
29 eat ate eaten есть, кушать/ їсти
30 fall fell fallen падать/ падати
31 feed fed fed кормить/ годувати
32 feel felt felt чувствовать/ почувати
33 fight fought fought бороться, сражаться/ боротися
34 find found found находить/ знаходити
35 flee fled fled бежать; спасаться/ рятуватися
36 fly flew flown летать / літати
37 forget forgot forgotten забывать / забувати
38 get got got получать; становиться / отримувати
39 give gave given давать / давати
40 go went gone идти, ходить / йти, ходити
41 grow grew grown расти, становиться / рости
42 hang hung hung вешать, висеть / вішати, висіти
43 have had had иметь / мати
44 hear heard heard слышать / чути
45 hide hid hidden прятать / ховатися
46 hold held held держать / тримати
47 keep kept kept держать, хранить / зберігати
48 know knew known знать / знати
49 lead led led вести / вести
50 learn learnt learnt учить(ся) / вчитися
51 leave left left оставлять, покидать / покидати
52 lend lent lent давать взаймы / позичати
53 let let let позволять / дозволяти
54 light lit lit зажигать / підпалювати
55 lose lost lost терять, проигрывать / загубити

56 make made made делать / робити
57 mean meant meant значить / значити
58 meet met met встречать / зустрічати
59 put put put класть / ставити
60 read read read читать / читати
61 ride rode ridden ездить верхом / їздити верхи
62 rise rose risen подниматься / підніматися
63 run ran run бежать / бігати
64 say said said сказать / сказати
65 see saw seen видеть / бачити
66 sell sold sold продавать / продавати
67 send sent sent посылать / посилати
68 set set set помещать; устанавливать / поміщати
69 shake shook shaken трясти / трясти
70 shine shone shone сиять, блестеть / блищати
71 shoot shot shot стрелять / стріляти
72 shut shut shut закрывать / закривати
73 sing sang sung петь / співати
74 sink sank sunk погружаться / опускатися
75 sit sat sat сидеть / сидіти
76 sleep slept slept спать / спати
77 smell smelt smelt нюхать, пахнуть / нюхати, пахнути
78 speak spoke spoken говорить / говорити
79 spend spent spent тратить / витрачати
80 spoil spoilt spoilt портить / зіпсувати
81 spread spread spread распространять / розповсюджувати
82 spring sprang sprung прыгать / стрибати
83 stand stood stood стоять / стояти
84 steal stole stolen красть; похищать / викрасти
85 strike struck struck ударять / вдаряти
86 strive strove striven бороться / боротися
87 swear swore sworn клясться / клястися
88 swim swam swum плавать / плавати
89 take took taken брать / брати
90 teach taught taught обучать / навчати
91 tear tore torn разрывать, рвать / розривати
92 tell told told сказать / говорити
93 think thought thought думать / думати
94 throw threw thrown бросать / кидати
95 understand understood understood понимать / розуміти
96 wear wore worn носить, изнашивать / носити
97 weep wept wept плакать / плакати
98 win won won выигрывать, побеждать / вигравати
99 wind wound wound крутить, заводить (часы) / заводити

100 write wrote written писать / писати

Навчальне видання

Олена Анатоліївна Радіус

Ірина Михайлівна Шамановська


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