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Datrend Systems Inc.

introduces Incutest, the first test system meeting the

requirements of the IEC Standards for incubators (IEC 60601-2-19).

When an individual test can take more than an hour, and the Standard requires 5 or
more tests, you don’t want to have to wait till the end of all the tests to find out there has
been a problem. With Datrend’s unique wireless display and control capabilities, the
sensing is done in the incubator and the results are viewed in real-time on the color
graphics display external to the incubator. Changes to the operation can be made
without disturbing the heating environment.

The sensor matrix is placed centrally on the incubator or radiant warmer mattress. The
four ‘quadrant’ temperature sensors can be adjusted to be centered on the mattress
quadrants, per the requirements of the Standard. In addition, the optional precision
controlled heater allows testing of the body temperature sensor accuracy.



Measurement Range: 0oC - 50oC

Accuracy: T1: +/- 0.1oC
Resolution: 0.1oC
Convection: 5 ‘puck’ sensors (T1 - T5) - radiant warmer
Air Convection: 5 sensors (alternate ‘post’ T1 - T5) - incubator
Skin Sensor:** Sensor ‘oven’ with thermal pad contact
28oC to 40oC in 2oC increments
+/- 0.1oC resolution

Measurement Range: 0.1 to 1 m/s

Accuracy: +/- 0.1 m/s
at 50% RH +/- 15%
Sound Level:

Measurement Range: 30 dbA to 90 dbA, Type III

Accuracy: +/- 5 dbA
Resolution: 0.1 dbA

Relative Humidity:

Measurement Range: 0 - 100%

Accuracy: +/- 2 % to 100% RH
Resolution: 0.1% RH

Data Retention:

Capacity: up to 48 hours per test

Sample rate: 1/min or 1/sec

** optional accessory Note: specifications are subject to change without notice

Test Specifications
Incubator Testing Specifications

A Measures tem perature at 5 points as per IEC 60601-2-19 (sub-clause 50.102)

A Measures hum idity at the center of the enclosure per IEC 60601-2-19 (sub-clause 103.1)
A Measures airflow at 4 points in the enclosure per IEC 60601-2-19 (sub-clause 104.1)
A Measures sound level inside the incubator per IEC 60601-2-19 (sub-clause 102.1)
A Measures sound level inside the incubator during alarm per IEC 60601-2-19 (sub-clause 102.2)
A Measures sound level outside the incubator per IEC 60601-2-19 (sub-clause 102.3)
A Measures incubator tem perature at center point (A) of incubator as per IEC 60601-2-19 (sub-
clause 50.102)
A Measures average incubator tem perature (AIT) per IEC 60601-2-19 (sub-clause 2.9.106)
A Measures incubator tem perature (IT) per IEC 60601-2-19 (sub-clause 2.9.105)
A Measures average tem perature (AT) per IEC 60601-2-19 (sub-clause 2.9.103)
A Measures average tem perature at 4 points per IEC 60601-2-19 (sub-clause 50.102)
A Measures skin tem perature sensor accuracy per IEC 60601-2-19 (sub-clause 50.104) 2
A Confirm s skin tem perature sensor control of incubator per IEC 60601-2-19 (sub-clause 50.105)
A Confirm s independent incubator tem perature sensor accuracy per IEC 60601-2-19 (sub-clause
A Measures difference between average tem perature and control tem perature per IEC 60601-2-19
(sub-clause 50.107)
A Measures actual warm -up tim e com pared to operating m anual per IEC 60601-2-19 (sub-clause
A Measures overshoot and recovery to steady state per IEC 60601-2-19 (sub-clause 50.109)
A Confirm s hum idity reading per IEC 60601-2-19 (sub-clause 50.110)

Transport Incubator Testing Specifications 3

A follows incubator standard IEC 60601-2-19 above, subject to sm all variations in lim its per IEC
A Measures incubator response under cold conditions per IEC 60601-2-20 (sub-clause 50.112)

Radiant Warmer Testing Specifications 1

A Measures skin tem perature sensor accuracy per IEC 60601-2-21 (sub-clause 50.101) 2
A Measures average warm er tem perature at 4 points per IEC 60601-2-21 (sub-clause 50.102)
A Measures average warm er tem perature at center point (A) of incubator as per IEC 60601-2-21
(sub-clause 50.102)
A Confirm s skin tem perature sensor control of warm er per IEC 60601-2-21 (sub-clause 50.103)
A Confirm s airflow is less than 0.1 m /s per IEC 60601-2-21 (sub-clause 50.102)
A Measures sound level on the m attress per IEC 60601-2-21 (sub-clause 102.1)
A Measures sound level on the m attress during alarm per IEC 60601-2-21 (sub-clause 102.1)
A Measures sound level in front of the warm er per IEC 60601-2-21 (sub-clause 102.1)

Radiant warm er software tentatively to be released in the 3 rd quarter
Sensor accuracy heater is an optional accessory
Transport incubator software tentatively to be released in the 4 th quarter

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