ETIKS M2 C1 Notes

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Human Person as Moral Agent Aquiñas- “soul is in the human mind.”

That’s the reason why the human mind has
Thales (ancient philosopher from the the functions of:
ancient Greek City of Miletus) now Turkey 1. seeking the truth due to his or her
- “the most difficult thing to do in life is capacity to reason out, and
to know oneself.” 2. choosing the good due to his or her
free will.
Avery Dulles (Jesuit prof. in contemporary
ethics and a Catholic Theologian)- “human A. THINKING BEING
person is full of mystery.” A mystery is an Human person is a thinking being.
occurrence or a being that is difficult to -attribute w/c makes the person diff. from
comprehend because it has no clear other beings.
explanation. Like the origin of the human -Power bestowed to everybody to figure out
world or person. problems, discover laws within nature,
improve one’s life as human beings, form
NECESSARY ELEMENTS OF A MORAL and articulate language, express emotions,
AGENT and dream dreams. A power that assists a
Human person according to: person to communicate, feel and
Karl Rahner (Jesuit priest and theologian of
the 20th century)-is a union of body and B. FREE BEING
soul. They are not the same but always All social scientists admit that a person, as
together. Separate them then the person a rational being, does have a certain
will cease to exist. amount of freedom (limited, not
absolute), which enable him or her to
 Body- visible realities in a person choose. This ability is known as.
like the eyes or limbs; while.
 Soul- spiritual part, the invisible Free will- faculty of the human mind that
part, like the mind. enables the person, to choose among many
options, most especially to choose between
Although the term ‘soul’ is purely good and evil.
conceptual, nonetheless,
Without free will, it is impossible to decide
Aristotle and Aquiñas (two great western and do what is right and avoid what is
philosophers)- “soul is really existing, and wrong.
the one that animates the body.”
Frederic Skinner (20th century behavioral
Aristotle- “body becomes the extension psychologist and empiricist)- “freedom is
of the soul,” i.e., through the body, soul is an illusion.” i.e., it is not true that a person
being expressed or even felt. In this sense, is free, it is just a concept in the mind, it is
the body becomes the door where the soul not tangible. “Things not tangible, do not
interacts or communicates with the physical exist.”
he likes. e.g., a person wanting to be
Some people believe that human person’s a valedictorian, but is lazy to study,
freedom is limited because of the ff: so it is impossible for him or her to
get high grades.
1. Human person is an embodied
spirit. 4. Due to a person’s habits.
Person is both matter and spirit. Habits are things a person repeatedly
Matter exists within the boundary of do. Sometimes harmful, sometimes
time and space unlike the spirit. i.e., a not. Nonetheless, habits affect greatly
person lives only for a specific time the person’s choices. E.g., smoking,
and in a certain location. No person if the person is addicted to it, his or
can live in this world eternally. A her desire to quit will be hampered.
person dies at a certain point in time.
No person can be in the same place 5. Due to the person’s motivations.
at same time. There are many reasons why a
person does something, e.g.,
2. Human person is restricted by his smoking, maybe because of curiosity
or her behavior. or stress. The person’s motivations
Psychology is the science of human restrict him or her to choose freely
behavior and the study of the human and clearly.
mind. Human behavior can either be
physical or emotional. Behaviors 6. The concept of predestination.
are any actions or mannerism of a Predestination is a religious teaching
person as a response to his or her that everything happens to a person
own feelings, other persons’ is caused by a powerful force outside
behaviors, and environment. e.g., a himself or herself. There are forces
physical behavior is talking at full outside the person that guide his or
volume. Nobody is restricted from her direction in life. Forces that
talking loudly except when you are in influence him or her to act or not to
the library. Because the person may act on a certain situation, such as the
disturb the people quietly studying person’s belief that all occurrences in
there. To get angry is an emotional his or her life are fixed and designed
behavior. Anybody has the right to by a Supreme Being. This influences
express his or her anger to anybody, the person’s ability to choose freely.
as long as, it does not result to
violence, such as hitting the face of Human Person is Free
another person. From the examples,
human person is not totally free to do Jean Jacques Rousseau (18th century
what he likes to do in all situations. Swiss-born rationalist philosopher) -human
freedom refers to the ability of human
3. The person’s present concrete beings to act differently and do anything
situation. they want.
When a person’s present situation
restricts him or her to do something
Thomas Hobbes (English materialist
philosopher- “freedom is an act based on 4. Due to rewards and punishment.
self-interest.” Many times, a person may notice, if
he or she does good things, he or
Thomas Aquinas (angelic doctor of the she receives a reward. If he or she
Catholic church)- “freedom as an act does bad things, he receives a
based on the person’s ability to decide punishment. So, the person chooses
for himself and make a choice.” between doing good or bad,
because of reward and punishment
In modern times, human person is he or she will get. Thus, freedom
considered free because of the ff: determines or shapes the person’s
1. The person’s openness to the
possibility that anything can The Human Person as Moral Agent
happen to him or her every day.
“aha” experience. The truth is, A tract on human acts is necessary,
nobody knows what will happen to but it does not lead to the thought that
him or her the next day. Yet, he or morality is only a matter of actions, as if,
she is free to accept or ignore that because of the trees one will miss the
reality. forest. The person is more than the sum of
his actions. In truth, more than an embodied
2. Due to human person’s spirit, with the ability to reason out and
experience of responsibility. make a choice, the person is also a social
Any person experiences that in being. A being that interacts with other
everything he or she has willingly beings including his or her environment. It is
done, in words or in deeds, it always his or her very nature. From infanthood to
entails responsibility. Responsibility adulthood, the person never misses to
is a person’s obligation to do the interact. The person is more than his brain,
things that he or she is supposed to freedom, body, and spirit. The human
do and accept the consequences of person is also a social being. He either
his or her actions. In such case, the affects or be affected by others in society.
person chooses to be or not to be a For this reason, the person must assess
responsible person. first his or her action or behavior in society,
if it is appropriate or inappropriate; good or
3. Due to immediate experience of bad; right or wrong.
making decision or choice.
Sometimes there are people who The capacity of the human person to
say, “I don’t like to choose or decide” discern what is ‘good and bad,’ ‘right or
or “I can’t make a choice or wrong,’ ‘appropriate or inappropriate,’ and
decision.” No one can escape from be responsible for one’s actions or
making a choice or decision. behaviors are the basis for which human
Everybody chooses or decides. Not person is called a moral agent.
to choose is a “choice,” not to decide
is a decision.
All actions of the human person can means, that the person is not responsible
be called “human acts.” But the concept for his or her action. i.e., the action is
here is restricted to those actions that neither ethical (an action which conform to
proceed from reason and freewill. Acts for standards) or unethical (an action which
which the human person is responsible. does not conform to standards). E.g., in the
mastication of the food inside our stomach,
In Christian ethics, under the we don’t need to command our stomach to
influence of Thomas Aquinas, there are two act neither willed it to happen, since it will
types of actions which are being tackled, act by itself. Other examples are
they are the “act of man or actus “somnambulism” or walking while sleeping,
hominis” and the “human act or actus which is a behavior disorder. Thus, these
humanus”. actions are things that happens to a
human person involuntarily or not
1. Actus Humanus or “human act”- deliberately. But mind you, there are “actus
“human actions that one does hominis” that becomes human acts when
consciously and wilfully or they are intentionally used, such as, using
deliberately.” Nobody forces the person to the sense of sight when a man is looking at
act. He or she alone does the action with a woman lustfully. 
all his or her knowledge and with full
freedom. Thus, the person is morally liable However, modern ethicist will not
or accountable for her own actions just center on human actions as the main
because it is resulted from his own culprit in the spread of “good and evil” in
discretion or choice. For this reason, the this world, but on human behaviors (i.e.,
action has a moral significance. Like the way one conduct itself) and human
looking lustfully to a woman or killing nature (i.e., what a human person in itself).
intentionally a person.
  “Human persons as Moral agents have a
Under this type of action comes a more moral responsibility not to initiate or
complex act known as “forced act.” start groundless harm to other people, to
society and environment” (Haring, 1978).
Forced act- action which is not wilfully or
deliberately committed by the actor itself. A With an exception, children as well
third party compels the person to act as adults with mental disabilities, are not
against his or her will or desire. considered moral agents. Moreover, adults
with full mental capacity are not held full
2. Actus hominis or the “act of man”- an responsibility for their actions in extreme
involuntary action of the person, thus it circumstances, like if the adult is being held
is regarded as “amoral” or “neutral”. It is hostage or being forced to act against his or
not “willed” nor “desired.” It is not “yearned” her will. Thus, only people who can
nor “prayed for” to happen. It just happens intentionally, consciously, or deliberately do
to us from “dusk to dawn” spontaneously or good things to others or harm others are
instantaneously. Thus, it entails no responsible or accountable for their
responsibility or accountability on the part behavior or actions.
of the one carrying out the action. It
Hence, we can also ask, do
commercial and industrial establishments
have moral agency? As humanoids with
artificial intelligence progresses in the field
of robotic technology, do they have moral
agency? How about dogs, dolphins, and
monkeys, do they have moral agency, in
fact, there are socially intelligent animals.

Ethicists today are facing more and more

challenging questions that need a lucid and
precise solution in the coming years. And
they will need to mull over moral agency as
it applies to these circumstances.

Everyone is called to be a good person

and ‘bringer’ of goodness
spontaneously and constantly to
everybody in society. Of course, it is not
an easy task. And not just to obeying
and following stiff rules and regulations.
Thus ‘good’ behaviors must become a
habit to everybody.

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