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To whom it may concern

Our reference: 771.13-wfm Contact person: Martina Wyss Franz Phone: (+84) 4 3934 65 89 Fax: (+84) 4 3934 65 91 Hanoi, 06.09.2011

Swiss Government Scholarships for University Academic year 2012/2013

Dear Madam/Sir, The Embassy of Switzerland has the pleasure to announce that, through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS), the Swiss government will be granting university scholarships to gifted and young foreign students. I kindly ask you to read carefully the enclosed APPLICATION GUIDELINES. All information and links can be found there. In addition, allow me to highlight some important points: SELECTION: The scholarship will be given primarily to Research Fellowhips. There are no scholarships for a first degree in Switzerland. There are no scholarships for arts students. Candidates who already hold a Master degree and wish to undertake a second Master degree are not considered as a priority for the Swiss Government Scholarships The applicant must apply for only ONE University The applicant must be under 35 years of age when applying (born prior to 1.1.1977). Applications which are incomplete or poorly prepared cannot be considered!

The Swiss Embassy does only the pre-selection the final selection will be taken by the FCS.

c/o Hanoi Central Office Building, 15th floor 44B Ly Thuong Kiet Street G.P.O. Box 42 Hanoi Phone: +84 (0)4 39346589, Fax: +84 (0)4 39346591,

A COMPLETE APPLICATION MUST INCLUDE: 3 completed copies of the APPLICATION FORM: It is essential that the applicant fills in these forms electronically, prints them out and attaches a photo (forms filled in by hand will not be accepted). Copies of CERTIFICATES FROM UNIVERSITIES /colleges and diplomas with grades RECOMMENDATION LETTERS of two professors. For Research Fellowships: Research proposal (5 pages) + confirmation of a professor who is willing to supervise his/her research project. For Master Programme: Personal statement (2 pages). CV MEDICAL CERTIFICATE: This form must be completed by a Vietnamese or international medical examiner. Copy of PASSPORT (main page with personal data) LANGUAGE CERTIFICATE , minimum level C1, (CEF), see Guidelines page 7.

DEADLINE: The application package must be handed in before November 30, 2011 at: Embassy of Switzerland 15th Floor, Hanoi Central Office Building 44B Ly Thuong Kiet Street, HANOI The applicant must, at the same time she/he applies for the Swiss Government Scholarship, apply for the chosen Master programme. The two procedures are separate and the applicant must undertake both procedures. Application deadlines must be respected.

Useful information about the Swiss Government Scholarship, studying in Switzerland and about Swiss universities can be found at:

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely, For the Ambassador of Switzerland

Martina Wyss Franz



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