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package com.baeldung.


import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert;
import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.Arrays;

import static org.hamcrest.core.IsCollectionContaining.hasItems;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

* Unit test that demonstrate the different assertions available within JUnit 4
public class Junit4AssertionsUnitTest {

public void whenAssertingEquality_thenEqual() {
String expected = "Baeldung";
String actual = "Baeldung";

assertEquals(expected, actual);

public void whenAssertingEqualityWithMessage_thenEqual() {
String expected = "Baeldung";
String actual = "Baeldung";

assertEquals("failure - strings are not equal", expected, actual);


public void whenAssertingArraysEquality_thenEqual() {
char[] expected = {'J', 'u', 'n', 'i', 't'};
char[] actual = "Junit".toCharArray();

assertArrayEquals(expected, actual);

public void givenNullArrays_whenAssertingArraysEquality_thenEqual() {
int[] expected = null;
int[] actual = null;

assertArrayEquals(expected, actual);

public void whenAssertingNull_thenTrue() {
Object car = null;

assertNull("The car should be null", car);


public void whenAssertingNotNull_thenTrue() {
Object car = new Object();

assertNotNull("The car should not be null", car);


public void whenAssertingNotSameObject_thenDifferent() {
Object cat = new Object();
Object dog = new Object();

assertNotSame(cat, dog);

public void whenAssertingSameObject_thenSame() {
Object cat = new Object();

assertSame(cat, cat);

public void whenAssertingConditions_thenVerified() {
assertTrue("5 is greater then 4", 5 > 4);
assertFalse("5 is not greater then 6", 5 > 6);

public void when_thenNotFailed() {
try {
fail("Exception not thrown");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
assertEquals("Operation Not Supported", e.getMessage());

private void methodThatShouldThrowException() {

throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operation Not Supported");

public void testAssertThatHasItems() {
MatcherAssert.assertThat(Arrays.asList("Java", "Kotlin", "Scala"),
hasItems("Java", "Kotlin"));

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