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Biology Note on Nutrient Cycles & Populations

Nutrient cycle refers to the circulation of certain nutrients in nature. Carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and
water are the main inorganic nutrients that are usually recycled in nature, as they are necessary for
the maintenance of life. For life to exist, these elements must be recycled or else they become
locked up in dead bodies and life becomes extinct.

The Carbon Cycle

Carbon is the main inorganic element that forms the building block of all living organisms. It is
constantly being removed from the atmosphere and returned to it as carbondioxide.

Plants obtain their carbon from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, while animals get their carbon
from plants.

Processes of Carbon Cycle

Processes involved in carbon cycle are;

I. Photosynthesis by green plants

II. Respiration

III. Combustion or burning of fossil fuels and carbonaceous substances

IV. Volcanic eruption

V. Decomposition of organic matter

VI. The release of carbon from the sea (chalk, coral, marble)

N/B: Photosynthesis is the only process that can remove carbon from the atmosphere.
Describe the carbon cycle

 Plants absorb carbon-dioxide from the atmosphere to make organic molecules via

 Animals obtain their organic carbon-containing molecules by feeding on plants.

 Carbon-dioxide is released back into the atmosphere by respiration from plants and animals.

 Decomposers feed on dead plants and animals, releasing carbon-dioxide into the air or

 Combustion or burning of fossil fuels also releases carbon-dioxide into the air or

Sometimes, dead of plants and animals do not easily decompose, the carbon in them becomes
trapped and compressed to form fossil fuels like coal, petroleum and natural gas. Also, shells and
exoskeletons of some animals can become fossilised.

N/B: Burning of fossil fuels and deforestation increase the concentration of carbon-dioxide in the
atmosphere. Photosynthesis decreases the atmospheric carbon-dioxide concentration.

A slight increase in atmospheric carbondioxide may result into a warming of the earth crust (global
warming or green-house effect) with disastrous effects- such as the melting of the polar ice cap and
climatic change that may affect humans and farm produce.

Importance of the Carbon Cycle in Nature

I. Plants use carbondioxide from the atmosphere to manufacture food during photosynthesis.

II. Carbon is the major building block of plants and animals bodies.

III. It helps to purify the atmosphere and maintain the atmospheric concentration of
carbondioxide (0.03%).

IV. It helps to replenish soil nutrient by combining with other nutrients.

The Water Cycle

Water cycle is the continuous circulation of water from the soil by evaporation to the atmosphere
and back to the soil by precipitation.

Processes which release water in form of water vapour into the atmosphere are transpiration,
respiration, evaporation, excretion and decomposition.

Water gets into living organisms by absorption from the soil via the root hairs in plants and by
drinking in animals. Water vapour in the atmosphere condenses and precipitates as rainfall.

Describe the water cycle

 Water from lakes and oceans evaporates.

 The evaporated water condenses into clouds and returns to the earth as precipitation.
 The water from precipitation is useful for life on land.

 The water then returns to rivers and oceans via surface run off.

Why is the water cycle important?

Living organisms require water for their up keep. Water cycle provides organisms on land with a
continuous supply of water.

Importance of Water

I. It is a medium of metabolic reaction in the body.

II. It forms about 90% of cells protoplasm.

III. It aids in transportation of nutrients in organisms.

IV. It is required for seed germination.

V. It is necessary for photosynthesis in green plants.

VI. It forms the main habitat for aquatic lives.

VII. It constitutes large amount of blood and maintains osmotic content of body tissues.

The Nitrogen Cycle

Nitrogen is an essential element requires for many biologically important molecules. Amino acids,
protein, DNA and chlorophyll contain nitrogen. It is essential for healthy growth of all living
organisms. Approximately 80% of air is composed of gaseous nitrogen but only a few micro-
organisms can make use of it in the gaseous form.

Plants utilise nitrogen in form of nitrate ions from the soil.

The nitrate is converted into amino acids and plant proteins in the plant’s body.

Animals feed on plants to obtain their nitrogen in form of plant protein.

When plants and animals die, they are acted upon by decomposers and be converted to nitrate
which can be absorbed by root hairs.

Processes Involved in Nitrogen Cycle

I. Nitrogen fixation: Chemical (lightning) and biological nitrogen fixation)

II. Putrefaction

III. Ammonification

IV. Nitrification

V. Denitrification

Nitrogen Fixation: This is the process by which atmospheric nitrogen can be made fit for plant
uptake. It occurs in two ways; chemical and biological nitrogen fixation.

Chemical Nitrogen Fixation (lightning and thunderstorm)

During lightning, gaseous nitrogen in the air reacts with oxygen to form nitrogen oxides. This oxides
are washed into the soil by rain and then combined with mineral salts and humus to form nitrate.

N/B: Nitrate ions can be washed out of the soil beyond the reach of plant by a process called

Biological Nitrogen Fixation: Nitrifying bacteria found in the soil or root nodules of leguminous
plants convert gaseous nitrogen into amino compound and protein which they use for their up keep.
When they die or decompose, they fix nitrogen into the soil in form of nitrates.

N/B: Bacteria found in the root nodules of leguminous plants receive protection and carbohydrate
contents form the host plants and in turn, provide the plants with amino compound. This type of
relationship is called symbiosis.

Putrefaction (decay): This is the process by which plants and animals die or excrete and decay into
substances such as water, ammonia and carbondioxide.

N/B: The conversion of amino compounds in dead and decaying organic matter into ammonium ions
is called ammonification.

Nitrification: This is the process by which ammonia produced during putrefaction is converted to
nitrate by nitrifying bacteria. It is first converted to nitrite by some group of bacteria and then to
nitrate by another group of bacteria. The nitrate is absorbed by the root hairs of plants.

N/B: Farmers add inorganic fertilizers or manure containing nitrogen into the soil to replenish soil
nitrate for plant uptake.

Denitrification: This is the process by which denitrifying bacteria in the soil convert soil nitrate to
gaseous nitrogen. Hence, reducing the nitrogen content and the fertility of the soil. They are usually
found in water-logged soil.
Nitrogen Cycle

Describe How Nitrogen is recycled in an Ecosystem

 Nitrogen is fixed by lightning and bacteria.

 Decomposers break down organic matter into ammonium ions.

 Nitrifying bacteria convert ammonia into nitrites and nitrates.

 Plants absorb nitrates ions.

 Denitrifying bacteria release nitrogen back to the atmosphere.

State FOUR Roles of Bacteria in the Nitrogen Cycle

 Decomposition

 Nitrification

 Denitrification

 Nitrogen fixation


Decomposers are organisms (like fungi and bacteria) that feed on dead and decaying organic matter
by breaking them down into simple molecules or substances in the environment to cause decay.
They secrete extracellular enzymes into their food source to breakdown complex organic
compounds into simple inorganic compounds. Substances released during decomposition include
carbondioxide, water, ammonia, hydrogen sulphide and some salts. The speed of decomposition
depends on the abundance of microbes, warm temperature, water and oxygen.

Types of Decomposers

1. Micro-decomposers: Bacteria and fungi

2. Macro-decomposers: Earthworm, termite, mushroom

Roles of Decomposers in the Ecosystem

1. They prevent unsightly accumulation of materials in the environment.

2. They enhance the recycling of nutrients in the ecosystem.

3. They enrich the soil with nutrients required for plant growth.

4. They contribute to environmental pollution.

N/B: When decomposers themselves die, auto-digestion occurs, releasing their products into the soil
or the surrounding water to be taken up again by the producers (plants) in the ecosystem.

Populations, Communities and Ecosystem

Population: This is a group of organisms of the same species living together in the same habitat at
the same time. Examples include; the population of orange trees in a school compound, the
population of Tilapia fishes in a particular lake.

Population Size is the total number of organisms of a population in a given area.

Community: This refers to populations of different species of organisms that exist together in an
ecosystem. For example, community of a rotten log will consist mainly of bacteria, fungi, insects and

An ecosystem is a self- supporting unit regardless of size, containing community of organisms and
their environment, interacting together. It is made up of biotic and abiotic components The biotic
(living) community include producers, consumers and decomposers, while the abiotic (the non-
living part or physical factors) include climatic factors (sunlight, temperature, winds, pH), edaphic
factors (inorganic nutrients, air, water, soil.

Factors that determine the size of a population

i. Birth rate (natality)

ii. Death rate (mortality)

iii. Immigration

iv. Emigration

The main factors affecting the rate of population growth include;

 Availability of food

 Competition
 Predation

 Disease

Bacterial Growth

Growth in bacteria or microorganisms is defined as an increase in number of cells rather than

increase in cell size. Under favourable conditions, most species of bacteria divide every 20 minutes
and multiply by means of binary fission to form two daughter cells. A graph depicting bacterial
growth is called sigmoid growth curve.

Sigmoid Growth Curve.

Growth Phases in Bacteria

There are four phases of growth in bacteria and they are:

1. Lag phase: Here, bacteria take up nutrients, make new cytoplasm, DNA and enzymes. No
appreciable growth occurs, since the bacteria are taking time to adjust to their new environment.

2. Log (exponential) phase: In this phase, growth proceeds rapidly to maximum as population
increases by doubling and there is no limiting factors.

3. Stationary phase: Here, growth rate eventually comes to an abrupt end as bacterial cells are dying
at the same rate as they are produced. This is due to shortage or competition for food and space,
exhaustion of nutrient and accumulation of toxic wastes.

4. Death or Decline phase: In this phase, the bacterial cells are dying than they are produced. As
toxic wastes increase and nutrient decreases, the cells stop dividing. These dormant cells begin to
die, leading to a decline in population.

Human Populations

The human population has increased exponentially over the past 300 years due to the following

i. Improved agriculture, leading to better nutrition and absence of diseases.

ii. Improved public health, decreasing epidermis of water-borne diseases.

iii. Good medical care and health services, preventing infectious diseases like diphtheria and

N/B: These will result in a decrease in death rate and childhood mortality due to diseases, starvation
and malnutrition (lack of food). Also, an increase in life expectancy as people begin to live much

The shape of the graph is an upwards exponential curve. This shows that the population size is
increasing more and more rapidly.

Why does the human population growth curve has a long lag phase and a short exponential phase

Implications of a Rapidly Increasing Population

i. Greater demands on food supplies.

ii. More lands needed for living.

iii. Greater demands on healthcare.

iv. Greater demands on education.

v. More pressure on the environment for housing, energy needs and space to dispose our waste or

N/B: The most obvious way to control human population is to reduce or control birth rate.

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