Blog 4

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Blog #4

I have had a very busy week, but I have gotten ahead with my cover art. I believe I will
complete Chapter 9 today and begin chapter 10. My goal is to get to chapter 15. I have been
refining the plot. Components of the plot I haven’t wrote down yet need to be written down.
The things I have in my head can’t be seen by everyone else, and I realized that, so I must write
them down as evidence. I am further along in the story than I let on, but no one else will be
able to recognize that unless I show it.
This past weekend I had absolutely no time to do anything, every day of the long
weekend I was in a softball tournament. I hate giving excuses, but I should at least explain why
things are coming by slower. I am content with the pace I am at; I would like to get out some
more of the plot so the small portion of the book I wrote starts to make sense.
I anticipate that I will struggle to get out 15 chapters, but I am going to push myself to
do it. My house gets super busy, and I get distracted, so I must find a small, isolated space to
create. Once I do this, I should have no problem getting out the story because I already have it
laid out in my mind.
Once this capstone is finished, I am going to continue my work. I want to get this
finished and published if I can. I will have more time in the summer, but also more distractions.
My only problem is my focus and ability to produce through the distractions.
Some of the core skills I have used are creative thinking, personal accountability, and
social responsibility. Personal accountability is because I need to manage my time well and
keep myself accountable for my efforts towards my capstone. Social responsibility is because,
as you will see further into my book, my book tackles some social and political topics as well
some mental health topics. These need to be brought up with respect and proper research.
I noticed I haven’t put my resources up on my website, so I will do that asap.

Evidence and Artifacts page will be update after school, the cover is at home right now. I have
been regularly updating so there should be something there that is new from last time by the
end of the day.

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