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S/4HANA ACR, Brazil Option

Alexandre Moura
Carolina Hefler
Juliano Bellini
Bruno Maciel
Eduardo Kyono
January, 2021
Tax Reporting for Brazil
Tax and compliance in Brazil
Main Differences between TDF and ACR

ACR Design eSocial

Time eFinanceira
Tax Declaration Framework (TDF) No Yes
S/4HANA ACR, Brazil Option for S/4HANA OP ≥ 1809 Yes No
S/4HANA ACR, Brazil Option for S/4HANA CE EX Yes No
S/4HANA ACR, Brazil Option for S/4HANA CE ES Yes No

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TDF using SLT

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ACR Design eSocial

Time eFinanceira
Tax Declaration Framework (TDF) No Yes
S/4HANA ACR, Brazil Option for S/4HANA OP ≥ 1809 Yes No
S/4HANA ACR, Brazil Option for S/4HANA CE EX Yes No
S/4HANA ACR, Brazil Option for S/4HANA CE ES Yes No

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S/4HANA ACR, Brazil Option for S/4HANA

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Reports covered in TDF

NFS-e CT-e


MDF-e eSocial


EFD Contribuições
Reports covered in ACR

NFS-e CT-e




EFD Contribuições

*There are other local reports for state and municipality that can be developed using design time
Technical Differences

Functionality TDF S/4HANA ACR, Brazil Option

Integration S/4HANA, ECC, Legacy System Native

Other tax obligations SPED and Messaging Framework Design Time

File Repository File Server, Table, Custom Attachment Services

CTR HANA Repository HDI

Frontend SAP GUI and UI5 FIORI

Services Available to report related operations RFC Communication

RFC Communication to ERP (limited)
Fill Shadows
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Others configurations:

SPRO > Financial Accounting > General Ledger Accounting > Periodic Processing > Report > Statutory
Reporting: Brazil > Company Settings :

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There is the sapnote 3012632 where is recommended to execute the


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Accountant for Brazil Reporting catalog

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Classic Reports
EFD ICMS IPI, EFD Contribuições, ECD and ECF
Classic Report

Category ID: BR_SPED_EFD

Report Definition: BR_SPED_EFD_ALL

For Execution:



For Storage:

• Classes:

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© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. ǀ PUBLIC 45


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EFD ICMS IPI – Substitution of original file

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EFD ICMS IPI – Substitution of original file

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EFD ICMS IPI – Substitution of original file

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EFD ICMS IPI - Substitution of original file

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EFD ICMS IPI - Substitution of original file

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EFD ICMS IPI - Substitution of original file

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EFD ICMS IPI - Substitution of original file

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EFD ICMS IPI - Substitution of original file

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EFD ICMS IPI - Substitution of original file

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EFD ICMS IPI - Substitution of original file

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EFD ICMS IPI - Substitution of original file

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ECD Analytics

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ECD Analytics

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Configuration – Organizational Structure

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Enhanced Reports
Files by ACR Category
BR_REI_PER Closing Files
Periodic Files

Non Periodic files (Ad-hoc) R5001

R2010 R2020
Business Business R2040
place, place, Business
Business Business place
Tabela Partner Partner R2099 R5011
R1000 R1070
tpProc, Closing
Table Table
nrProc Non periodic
Non periodic
tpProc, (AdHoc)

R2050 R2060
Business Business
place R2098
Non periodic

Exclusion File
Non periodic

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Assign Tax Types and Tax Code

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Run Compliance Reports

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Run Compliance Reports

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Adding Ad-hoc Tasks

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Adding Ad-hoc Tasks

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Adding Ad-hoc Tasks

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Create New Run

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Create New Run

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Create New Run

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Run Status

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Files and Log

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File Log

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File Display

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Government Submission

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Government Response

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Government Retuning File

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Reopening Files

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EFD-Reinf Government Communication
SCP – Digital Signature and Communication Log

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Create Report Submission Unit

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Create Report Submission Unit

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Upload Digital Certificate

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Communication Log

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Migration Cockpit
EFD-Reinf File Migration
Migration Cockpit

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Migration Cockpit – Reinf file migration

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Complementary Table Data
Complementary Table Data

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Generate File Template

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File Template

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Import and Delete Complementary Data

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Additional Documentation &
Communication Channels
• Blog posts tagged with Advanced Compliance

• Documentation for Advanced Compliance

Reporting for Brazil CE
Additional Documentation
& Communication Channels • Documentation for Advanced Compliance
Reporting for Brazil OP

• Documentation for SAP Localization Hub

• Customer Influence

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