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The Realm of Stonkheim

estled away from the world in a small and The Bogdanoff Brothers are two entities that share the same
unassuming mountain range, lies the body. This two-headed monstrosity, like all Stonkholders,
hidden city of Stonkheim. Legends say that began as a simple trader, but like Sminem, soon became
to reach this city, you must not only travel exceptionally wealthy. Unlike Sminem, however, the
through the mountains, but must also Bogdanoff Brothers' power allowed them to know when to
make your way into a secret cavern, get out of a currency, while Sminem's allowed him to know
through which only those deemed worthy when to get in. The Brothers see the city of Stonkheim as an
by the masters of the realm may pass. Citizens of Stonkheim untamed, chaotic city that must be reined in before it
are well respected travellers, as their pockets always seem to collapses in on itself. They are constantly trying to exert more
be brimming with coin. Many scholars and fortune hunters and more stringent requirements, rules, and regulations on
have sought the secrets that make Stonkheim such a wealthy the Stonk market, and use their powers to threaten,
city, but few learn the truth, and even fewer survive to bring intimidate, and in some cases even remove those that stand
their stories back to the material plane. in their way.
Like Sminem, they possess powers that allow them above
The Stonk Market average control over the Stonks and over those that surround
In the city of Stonkheim, residents trade with a strange them. However, in opposition to Sminem's postive probability
currency. One that is unused and often unheard of by the fields, they exert negative probabilities that weaken those
denizens of the material plane. While gold and silver may be around them, making it exceptionally difficult for even trained
the currency of that realm, Stonkheim residents trade in professionals to fight effectively.
Stonks. This magical currency is capable of instantly
converting itself into an equally valuable amount of any other
type of currency, or back again, at the will of the holder. Using
this unique ability, the residents of Stonkheim (typically
referred to as "Stonkholders") have become particularly
adept at getting a sense for how the values of different
currencies shift, and transforming their stonks at exactly the
right times. In this way, most Stonkholders have become
incredibly wealthy individuals.
A Fight for Control
Among the Stonkholders, two powerful creatures have
emerged as the most powerful controlling forces of this
valuable resource, and they are constantly at odds with one
another. On one side of this conflict is the chaotic but kind
master of rising value, Sminem. On the other side, favoring
control and caution are the sinister Bogdanoff Brothers.

Sminem is a kind and generous soul whose goal is to see
every denizen of Stonkheim succeed in their endeavors. He is The Bogdanoff Brothers
constantly surrounded by admirers, and has even been
granted a personal set of guards by the city leaders
themselves. Though Sminem started his life as any other
Stonkholder does, attempting to grow his Stonks through the
transformation process, it quickly became apparent that he
had exceptional ability where that process was concerned.
Now, later in his life, he has learned that not only are his
abilities to read currency changes exceptional, but that he has
natural powers that allow him to exert positive probabilities
on himself, and those around him. These powers reach well
beyond the realm of Stonks, allowing him to bolster allies in
combat, and making him a force to be reckoned with. He is
not a particularly capable fighter in his own right, but his
mere presence can make even the most paltry force of guards
a truly powerful force to be reckoned with.

The Bogdanoff Brothers

Sminem In The Green. Whenever a creature Sminem can see
regains hit points, Sminem regains the same amount of
Medium humanoid, Chaotic Good
hit points. This healing can increase Sminem's total HP
Armor Class 20 (probability armor) above his max HP. If Sminem's HP total is equal to or
Hit Points 132 (24d8 + 24) greater than his maximum HP, he is "In the Green."
Speed 30 ft. While Sminem is in the green, allied creatures within
30 feet gain 20 temporary hit points at the beginning
of their turn, and deal an additional 10 points of
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA damage whenever they hit with an attack.
10 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 22 (+6) 23 (+6) 24 (+7) Actions
Condition Immunities Frightened Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Senses passive Perception 22 target. Hit 3 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
Languages Common, Stonkholder Green Candles of Healing. An allied creature that
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP) Sminem can see within 60 feet is surrounded by green
candles. That creature regains 40 (6d10+7) hit points.
Probability Positivity. When an allied creature within 60
feet of Sminem rolls a natural 1, it may treat the roll as Stonk Conversion (Recharge 5-6). Sminem throws
if it were a natural 20. stonks into the air, then converts these stonks into the
lowest coin of a nearly worthless currency which fall
Bolstering Presence. While within 30 feet of Sminem, all onto all creatures in a 30 foot radius cylinder. Each
allied creatures gain a +5 bonus to AC, attack rolls, creature in the area must make a DC 21 Dexterity
saving throws, and ability checks. saving throw, taking 55 (10d10) bludgeoning damage
on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. A
creature that fails this save is restrained beneath the
load of coins. A restrained creature may use its action
to attempt a DC 20 Strength saving throw, freeing
itself on a success.
The Bogdanoff Brothers Actions
Medium humanoid, Lawful Evil Multiattack. The Bogdanoff Brothers use their Psychic
Assualt three times, attacking a different creature with
Armor Class 18 (probability armor) each attack.
Hit Points 204 (24d10 + 72)
Speed 30 ft. Psychic Assault. Ranged Spell Attack: +14 to hit, range
60 ft., one target. Hit 18 (4d8) psychic damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Stonk Exchange. The Bogdanoff Brothers cast a spell
that transmutes up to three items they can see within
19 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 25 (+7) 23 (+6) 20 (+5) 30 feet into other items of equal value. For instance,
they might change the weapons held by their
Condition Immunities Frightened opponents into fancy clothes, or transform valuable
Senses passive Perception 23 armor into jewlery. This transmutation lasts 2 rounds,
Languages Common, Stonkholder or until the Bogdanoff brothers lose concentration on
Challenge 22 (41,000 XP) the spell.
Red Candles of Pain (Recharge 3-6). An enemy creature
Negativity Field. When an enemy creature within 60 that The Bogdanoff Brothers can see within 60 feet is
feet of The Bogdanoff Brothers rolls a natural 20, it surrounded by red candles. That creature must make a
must instead treat the roll as if it were a natural 1. DC 21 Wisdom saving throw, taking 36 (8d8) psychic
Weakening Presence. While within 30 feet of The damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
Bogdanoff Brothers, all enemy creatures recieve a -4 successful one.
penalty to all attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, Domp Eet (Recharge 6). The Bogdanoff Brothers cast
and ability checks. their most powerful spell, which requires the verbal
Equivalent Exchange. Whenever an enemy creature that component, "Domp Eet." Each creature in a 30 foot
The Bogdanoff Brothers can see regains hit points, The radius sphere, centered on a point the Bogdanoff
Bogdanoff Brothers deal psychic damage equal to the Brothers can see within 120 feet, must make a DC 21
amount of healing that creature recieved, divided Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, that creature's
evenly amongst up to three target creatures. hit point maximum and highest ability score are
reduced to 1/2 of their original value. This change
In The Red. When an enemy creature's hit point total is cannot be reversed except by a wish spell, or greater
at less than 1/4 of its hit point maximum, that creature restoration cast at 9th level.
is "In the Red". The Bogdanoff Brothers can use their
reaction each turn to deal 14 (4d6) psychic damage to
each creature that they can see that is "In the Red", and
have a +5 bonus to attack and damage rolls against any
creature that is "In the Red".

"Domp Eet."

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