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Samantha S.

Hauser, PhD | (973) 454-7494
LinkedIn profile:
ResearchGate profile:
Ithaca, NY

Senior Scientist I Embark Veterinary,
April 2022 – May 2023
 Project managed and scientifically contributed to improvements and validation to core breed
ancestry product including updating the phasing panel, developing code and process for future
phasing panel updates, and developing a framework for updating relative inferences based on best
available science
 Facilitated daily team check-in meetings (SCRUM), oversaw stakeholder meetings across
interdisciplinary teams, and provided biweekly company-wide updates
 Responsible for drafting DEI Inclusive Norms document that sets company guidance on large
meetings, supervisor and direct report meetings, and performance evaluations
 Expert consultation on conservation genetic best practices and concepts
Research Scientist II Embark Veterinary,
August 2021 – April 2022
 Led a research project on scientific improvements and validation to core breed ancestry products
including creating an internal SNP-based parentage tool, developing code for internal validation
and inference of parent-offspring trios, and validation of expected COI calculation for Embark’s
Pair Predictor product
 Expert consultation on conservation genetic best practices and concept
Postdoctoral Fellow University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee
August 2018 – July 2021
 Led conservation genetics research of Hawaiian monk seal population dynamics | Collaborator:
NOAA-NMFS Hawaiian monk seal research program
 Advisor to San Diego Zoo Global for implementation of genetic tools to enhance conservation
breeding programs
 Evaluation of existing metrics of genomic relatedness to develop framework for future wildlife
conservation studies | Collaborator: University of Canterbury
 Communicated with federal government (NOAA) collaborators, provided formal presentations and
federal government reports as technical expert for biological management
 Communicated with external collaborators (academic and industry) through regular meetings
 Mentored and managed graduate students
University Fellow/Research Assistant University of Louisiana at
August 2013 – August 2018
 Led movement ecology research on source-sink dynamics and landscape corridors of the
previously endangered Black-capped Vireo | Collaborators: University of Washington Seattle,
Fort Hood Department of Natural Resources, and Department of Defense
Hauser, Samantha

 Coordinated field work and communicated scientific findings regularly with external stakeholders
(University of Washington Seattle, Fort Hood Department of Natural Resources, and Department
of Defense)
Doctorate of Philosophy August 2018
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
PhD in Environmental and Evolutionary Biology
Advisor: Dr. Paul Leberg; Committee: Drs. Joseph Neigel, Scott Duke-Sylvester, Brad Moon,
and Jinelle Sperry.
Bachelor of Science (Cum Laude) May 2013
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
B.S. in Ecology and Natural Resources
Certificate in Geographic Information Science (GIS)
 Project management
o Agile, SCRUM, Trello, Atlassian, Jira, Confluence, Slack
 Scientific analysis programs
o ESRI ArcGIS Suite (GIS Certified as of 2013)
o Population genetic analyses and software (CERVUS, COLONY, STRUCTURE, Stacks,
GATK, PLINK, Vcftools, R packages)
o Population management software (HexSim, CDmetaPop, PMx)
 Laboratory genetic protocols
o DNA isolation, microsatellite PCR amplification and genotyping, Sanger sequencing,
RAD library preparation, DNA quantification and qualification
 Programming in computer languages R, Perl, Python (best), SQL
10. Hauser S., Robinson S., Latch, E. (In Review) Genomic analysis of population history and
reproduction for Hawaiian monk seals. Endangered Species Research.
9. Hauser S., Galla S.J., Steeves, T.E., and Latch E. (2022) Comparing genomic-based estimates of
relatedness for use in pedigree-based conservation management. Molecular Ecology Resources,
22(7), 2546-2558.
8. Galla, S.J., Brown, L., Eason, D., Cubrinovska, I., Gooley, R.M., Hauser, S.S., Carolyn J. Hogg,
C.J., Emily Latch, E., Koepfli, KP, Matocq, M.D., Richardson, A., Santure, A.W., Winters, D.J.,
Wold, J.R., Steeves, T.E. (2022) The relevance of pedigrees in the conservation genomics era.
Molecular Ecology 31(1), 41-54.
7. Kardos, M., Armstrong, E., Fitzpatrick, S., Hauser, S., Hedrick, P., Miller, J., Tallmon, D., Funk,
W.C. (2021) The crucial role of genetic variation in conservation. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Science. Proceedings of National Academy of Science, 118(48), e2104642118.
6. Hauser S., Athrey G., Leberg P. (2021) Waste not, want not: microsatellites remain an economical
and informative technology for conservation genetics. Ecology and Evolution, 11(22), 15800-15814.

Hauser, Samantha

5. Hauser S., Leberg P. (2020) Riparian areas potentially provide crucial corridors through fragmented
landscape for black-capped vireo (Vireo atricapilla) source-sink system. Conservation Genetics
22(1), 1-10.
4. Seaborn, T., Hauser S., Konrade, L., Waits, L., & Goldberg, C. (2019) Landscape genetic inferences
vary with sampling scenario for a pond‐breeding amphibian. Ecology & Evolution, 9(9), 5063-5078.
3. Hauser S., Walker, L., Leberg, P. (2019) Asymmetrical gene flow of the recently delisted passerine
black-capped vireo (Vireo atricapilla) indicates source-sink dynamics in central Texas. Ecology &
Evolution, 9(1), 463-470.
2. Hauser, S., Wakeland, K., and Leberg, P. (2019) Inconsistent use of multiple comparison
corrections in studies of genetic spatial structure: Are some Type I errors more tolerable than others?
Molecular Ecology Resources, 19(1), 144-148.
1. Hauser, S., Meixler, M. S., & Laba, M. (2015) Quantification of impacts and ecosystem services
loss in new jersey coastal wetlands due to Hurricane Sandy storm surge. Wetlands, 35(6), 1137-


2. Robinson, S., Hauser, S., & Latch, E. (2021). Preliminary Report on Genomics Research
Collaboration between NOAA/NMFS/PIFSC Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program and
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee for the Study of Hawaiian Monk Seal Conservation Genomics.
1. Hauser, S., Leberg, P., Lawler, J., & Heinrichs, J. (2017). Sources and Sinks: Elucidating
Mechanisms, Documenting Patterns, and Forecasting Impacts. University of Washington Seattle
United States in partial fulfillment of DOD SERDP grant requirements.

PUBLICATIONS IN PREP [*preprints available upon request]

3. Hauser S., Ivy, J., Putnam, A., and Latch E. Evaluating bioinformatics pipelines in estimating
relatedness for conservation breeding programs.
2. Hauser S., Heinrichs, J, and Leberg P.L. Projected movement and population dynamics of the
Black-capped Vireo under future landscape scenarios*

ORAL PRESENTATIONS (* = invited talk)

11. Hauser S. 2023 Genetic Rescue Panel. Research Coordination Network for Evolution in Changing
Seas. Virtual*
10. Hauser S. 2022 Incorporating genetic COI into breeding practice. International Panel For Dogs
Virtual Workshop 2: Theme: Genetic Diversity. Virtual*
9. Hauser S. 2022. Why should we consider genetic COI in breeding decisions? Canine Health
Summit. Virtual.
8. Hauser, S., Robinson, S., Latch, E. 2019. Genomic analysis of population history and reproduction
for Hawaiian monk seals. The Wildlife Society & American Fisheries Society 2019 Joint Meeting,
Reno, NV*
7. Hauser, S., Latch, E., Ivy, J., and Putnam, A. 2019. An update on integrating addax genomic data
into population management. Association of Zoos and Aquariums 2019 Mid-Year Meeting. Phoenix,
6. Hauser, S., Walker, L., and Leberg, P. 2018. Using conservation genetics to elucidate the movement
ecology of the Black-capped Vireo. Ecological Society of America 2018 Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Hauser, Samantha

5. Hauser, S., Walker, L., and Leberg, P. 2018. Elucidating Black-capped Vireo movement ecology in
central Texas using genetics and modeling. American Ornithology 2018, Tuscon, AZ.
4. Hauser, S. and Leberg, P. 2017. Population and landscape genetics of the Black-capped Vireo
(Vireo atricapilla) around its stronghold, Fort Hood, TX. Louisiana State University Museum of
Natural History Seminar*
3. Hauser, S. and Leberg, P. 2017. Understanding landscape variables that influence gene flow in the
black-capped vireo (Vireo atricapilla). American Ornithology 2017: Joint meeting of American
Ornithological Society and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists
2. Hauser, S. and Leberg, P. 2017. Understanding landscape variables that influence gene flow in a
highly vagile species, the black-capped vireo (Vireo atricapilla). US-IALE 2017 Annual
Meeting, People, Places, Patterns: Linking Landscape Heterogeneity and Socio-Environmental
Systems, Baltimore, Maryland*
1. Hauser, S. and Leberg, P. 2017. Elucidating source-sink dynamics of the endangered Black-capped
Vireo (Vireo atricapilla) using molecular markers. BOU 2017 Annual Conference, From Avian
Tracking to Population Processes, Warwick, UK.
4. Boyko. A.R., Ford, B., Hauser S., Jensen, M., Nelson, T., and Sams. A. 2022. The hidden costs of
inbreeding in domestic dogs. The biology of genomes. Cold Spring Harbor, New York.
3. Hauser, S. and Leberg, P. 2016. Black-capped Vireo (Vireo atricapilla) population genetics in
central Texas. 2016 Landscape Genetics Synthesis Meeting, Couer d’Alene, Idaho.
2. Hauser, S. and Leberg, P. 2016 Black-capped Vireo (Vireo atricapilla) population genetic structure
in central Texas: Looking at the last 10 years. 2016 Golden-cheeked and Black-capped Vireo
Symposium, Austin, Texas.
1. Hauser, S., Meixler, M. and Laba, M. 2014. Quantification of impacts and ecosystem services loss
in New Jersey coastal wetlands due to Hurricane Sandy storm surge. 14th Annual Graduate Student
Symposium, University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Lafayette, Louisiana.


Fellowships/Assistantships ($96,000+):
University of Louisiana at Lafayette Teaching Assistantship ($7,500/semester) 2017-2018
University of Louisiana at Lafayette Fellowship ($18,000/year) 2013-2017
Small Grants ($1,700+):
University of Louisiana Graduate Student Organization Research Grants 2013-2016, 2018
Awards ($4,200+):
AOS 2018 Conference Travel Award ($382.50) 2018
University of Louisiana Graduate Student Organization Travel Awards ($300 each) 2017-2018
University of Louisiana Graduate Student Organization Travel Awards ($500 each) 2016-2018
University of Louisiana Student Government Association Travel Award ($200) 2017-2018
Diversity in Ornithology Honorable Mentions, AOS/SCO 2017 Conference ($225) 2017
AOS/SCO 2017 Conference Travel Award ($510) 2017
United States International Association of Landscape Ecologist (US-IALE) Honorable Mention for Best
Student Presentation ($150) 2017
United States International Association of Landscape Ecologist (US-IALE) Student Travel Award
($500) 2017
H. Dickson Hoese & Richard Moore Award for Best Graduate Student Publication Award

Hauser, Samantha

($150) 2016
 Formal professional development mentor to junior scientist at Embark Veterinary
 Coordinated scientific contributions with junior scientist at Embark
 Project management on numerous (8+) scientific projects across appointments at Embark
Veterinary, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
 Graduate student management in data analysis, publication writing, and professional
 Supervision of independent research projects for 3 undergraduate researchers at University of
Louisiana at Lafayette.

Fundamentals of Biology Laboratory Teaching Assistant (100 level course)
University of Louisiana at Lafayette (2014-2018)
Taught and led laboratory exercises in classes comprised of approximately 25 students. Designed
lectures, weekly quizzes and assignments for multiple sections.
Spatial Data and Management Teaching Assistant (500 level course)
University of Louisiana at Lafayette (2017)
Assignment preparation and student assistance during bi-weekly GIS laboratory exercises in classes
comprised of approximately 10 graduate students.
Fundamentals of Biology Laboratory Instructor on Record (100 level course)
University of Louisiana at Lafayette (2017)
Taught and led laboratory exercises in classes comprised of approximately 25 students. Designed
lectures, weekly quizzes and assignments, lab protocols, and practical exams for multiple sections.
Ornithology Guest Teaching Assistant (400/500 level course)
University of Louisiana at Lafayette (2016)
Supplementary teaching assistant for field trips, particularly long field trips, to help students learn how
to identify birds.
Biology for Elementary/Middle Education Majors Teaching Assistant (200 level course)
University of Louisiana at Lafayette (2016)
Taught and led laboratory exercises in classes comprised of approximately 25 students. Designed
lectures for multiple sections of students who were not familiar with science.
4. Hauser, S. 2021. Hawaiian monk seal conservation genetics. University of Southern Mississippi
Marine Observation Guest Lecture. Virtual.
3. Hauser, S. 2021. #BirdQuiz: making a game out of birding and the importance of science
communication. Loyola Marymount University Avian Ecology Guest Lecture. Virtual.
2. Hauser S. 2020. Conservation genetics and the black-capped vireo source-sink dynamics. University
of Florida Avian Ecology and Conservation Guest Lecture. Virtual.
1. Hauser, S. 2019. Creating an online presence. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Department of
Psychology, Professional Development Series. Milwaukee, WI.

Hauser, Samantha

15. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution Review Editor 2022-present
14. Journal of Heredity Reviewer 2021-present
13. The Condor: Ornithological Applications Reviewer 2020-present
12. Conservation Genetics Reviewer 2019-present
11. Landscape Ecology Reviewer 2019-present
10. Molecular Ecology Resources Reviewer 2018-present
9. Molecular Ecology Reviewer 2018-present
8. BOU 2018 Twitter Conference Coordinator 2018
Responsibilities included scoring and choosing ‘speakers’ from submitted abstracts to participate in
the worldwide twitter conference for the British Ornithological Union.
7. AOS 2018 Molecular Ecology Moderator 2018
Responsibilities included moderating the conservation genetics symposium at the joint meeting of
American and Canadian Ornithology Societies.
6. BOU 2017 Twitter Conference Moderator 2017
Responsibilities included moderating the Eastern standard time-zone session and compiling a digest
of the presentations for the worldwide twitter conference for the British Ornithological Union.
5. AOS/SCO 2017 Conference Conservation Genetics Symposium Chair 2017
Responsibilities included moderating the conservation genetics symposium at the joint meeting of
American and Canadian Ornithology Societies.
4. 17th Annual Graduate Student Symposium Committee Chair Advisor 2017
Responsibilities include advising committee on finding and booking a keynote speaker, planning and
coordinating symposium, reception, and fundraisers, acquiring enough funds to run symposium with
associated reception, pay keynote speaker’s expenses and honorarium, and fund presentation awards.
3. Louisiana Audubon Bird Observatory Banding Volunteer 2013-2018
Responsibilities included mist netting, banding, bleeding and limited public outreach during the
banding events.
2. 16th Annual Graduate Student Symposium Committee Chair 2016
Responsibilities included finding and booking a keynote speaker, planning and coordinating
symposium, reception, and fundraisers, acquiring enough funds to run symposium with associated
reception, pay keynote speaker’s expenses and honorarium, and fund presentation awards.
1. Annual Audubon Yellow Rails and Rice Festival Volunteer 2014-2016
Responsibilities included mist netting and catching grassland birds (e.g. sparrows, rails, etc.) during
the festival.
8. Canine Health Summit Presenter and Q&A session 2021
“Why should we consider genetic COI in breeding decisions?”
7. Presenter for McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center’s September Super Stellar Friday. 2020
Outreach presentation on Hawaiian monk seal conservation genetics.
6. The Women in Ecology and Evolution Podcast Guest Contributor 2020
5. Women Birders (Happy Hour) Podcast Guest Contributor 2020
4. Skype a Scientist Contributor 2019 – 2020

Hauser, Samantha

Responsibilities include presenting ongoing research and doing a Q & A session with K-12
classrooms (6 presentations).

3. 46 Questions for Scientists Founder & Co-moderator 2019 - 2021

Responsibilities include recruiting moderators, building website and social media presence, curating
interviews with scientists from across STEM disciplines and career paths and from different stages
in their careers worldwide, and dissemination and marketing of interviews.
2. #Birdquiz Twitter Game Founder & Curator 2017 - 2021
Responsibilities include compilation and curation of appropriate bird photos, dissemination and
engagement of the bird identification quiz, and explanation of the correct bird identification.
1. Project Front Yard Outreach Contributor (Lafayette, LA) 2018
Responsibilities included developing and/or aiding in K-12 outreach events about the Whooping
Crane, American Alligator, mist netting and common bird identification.
The Wildlife Society (TWS)
Member of the Molecular Ecology Working Group
Society of Conservation Biology (SCB)
Member of the Conservation Genetics Working Group
Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA)
Previous Member of the Molecular Scientific Advisory Group
American Ornithology Society (AOS)
North American Regional Association of the International Association of Landscape Ecologists (NA-
IALE; formerly known as US-IALE)


Aaron J. Sams, Director of Research and Development

Phone: 608-772-7115; E-mail:
Research and Development, Embark Veterinary Inc.

Emily K. Latch, Professor

Phone: 414-229-4245; E-mail:
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Paul L. Leberg, Department Head, John E. and Joretta Achee Chance Professor of Biology
Phone: 337-482-6637; Email:
Department of Biology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Tammy Steeves, Associate Professor

Phone: 643-369-5378 (New Zealand); Email:
School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury

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