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Johansen Hutajulu1, Hafizah Che Hassan2, Santhna Letchmi Panduragan3, Henny Syapitri4,
Tanti Yosepha Ompusunggu5, Jagentar Parlindungan Pane 6, Sandeep Poddar7

Faculty of Pharmacy & Health Science Sari Mutiara Indonesia University
Jalan Kapten Muslim No. 79 Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Lincoln University Collage, Jl. Stadium SS 7/15, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Stikes Santa Elisabeth Medan North Sumatra, Indonesia
*Coresponding Author’s Email :


Various efforts continue to develop human resources in the face of disaster, but the
high number of victims of disaster events can not be avoided. Nurses as one part of the
first responder in disaster management need to be better prepared in the care of mass
victims including starting when finding victims, stabilising to do reference. The ICN
Core Competencies in Disaster Nursing are organised within eight domains which have
been updated from those used in ICN Core Competencies 3.0 based on research and
experiences over the intervening years. A nurse needs to have knowledge and skills
regarding disaster and disaster management. The purpose of this study is to determine
the effect of disaster nursing simulation on nurses behavior in Medan. Methods the
research uses quantitative methods, Quasy Experimental research design was used in
this research. The population in this research were nurses in the city of Medan is 94
nurses and The targeted sample size was 76 respondents. This research focused on
the emergency Nurse in Hospital Type B Medan City. Majority of the age 20 – 30 Years
(40,8%), majority of the gender female (57.9%) majority of the length of working > 4
Years (47,4%), and majority of the job status non goverment (86,8%). There is a
significant effect of attitude toward behavior on behavior with a P value of 0.028 and a
value of t = 2.193 > 1.96; There is a significant effect of attitude toward behavioral
towards Intention with a P value of 0.000 and a value of t = 3.493 > 1.96; There is a
significant effect of Subjective Norm on Intention with P Values of 0.000 and t value =
6.650 > 1.96; There is a significant effect of Perceived Behavioral Control on Intention
with a P Value of 0.035 and a value of t = 2.106 > 1.96; There is a significant effect of
Perceived Behavioral Control on behavior (Behavior) with a P value of 0.017 and a
value of t = 2.386 > 1.96; There is no significant effect of intention on behavior
(Behavior) with a P value of 0.889 and a value of t = 0.139 > 1.96. Continuous
improvement is needed using the Disaster response action skills. Important to conduct
emergency training or disaster response training and then carrying out
joint/coordinating activities with cross-sectors in order to prepare human resources for
disaster response.
Keywords: effect, disaster, nursing, simulation, theory planned behavior

Introduction North Sumatera is one of the regions in

Indonesia with a potential disaster that
has the worst impact. The death toll,
injuries, economic losses and individual/ family/ community/
environmental damage could not be said organisation functioning or moving it to a
to be slight. Various efforts continue to higher level; Domain 8 : Law and Ethics
develop human resources in the face of the legal and ethical framework for
disaster, but the high number of victims disaster/emergency nursing (Loke et al.,
of disaster events can not be avoided. 2014).
Nurses as one part of the first responder
in disaster management need to be Simulation has been used widely in the
better prepared in the care of mass clinical training of health-care students
victims including starting when finding and professionals. A tabletop exercise
victims, stabilising to do reference. But usually lasts from 1 to 4 hours, but can
the field is still in the situation that the vary depending on the incident.
victims found immediately carried out Simulation method Table Top Disaster
without any optimal stabilization process Nursing Simulationis a method of
(Wenji et al., 2014). simulation using the media in the form of
a map image catastrophic incident on a
The competencies of Level I and Level II flat board or table (tabletop) along with
nurses were outlined in the ICN Core disaster scenarios and comes to the
Competencies in Disaster Nursing 2.0 implementation of role play all
released in 2019. These Competencies participants to resolve problems related
for Nurses involved in Emergency to the management of victims in disaster
Medical Teams supplement those response in accordance with scenario.
expected of the practicing nurse as Thus, application of Table Top Disaster
defined by ICN. The domains include : Nursing Simulation is very effective
Domain 1 : Preparation and Planning when applied to the emergency
actions taken apart from any specific conditions of disaster management in
emergency situation to increase providing disaster victims effectively and
readiness and confidence in actions to efficiently (Xia & Yang, 2016).
be taken during an event; Domain 2 :
Communication approaches to
conveying and updating essential Methods
information within one’s place of work or
emergency assignment and This section will describe the
documenting actions taken, and quantitative research design, methods of
decisions made; Domain 3 : Incident data analysis used in quasi-
Management the structure of disaster/ experimental designs. This research
emergency responses required by focused on the emergency Nurse in
countries/ organisations/ institutions and Hospital Type B Medan City. Names of
actions to make them effective and the participant were obtained in the data
efficient; Domain 4 : Safety and Security from INNA Medan. The targeted sample
assuring that nurses, their colleagues, size was 76 respondents in the current
and patients do not add to the burden of research; a simple random sampling
response by unsafe practices; Domain 5 technique was used in collecting the
: Assessment gathering data about data from the population. The survey
assigned patients/ families/ communities instrument used in current study is
on which to base subsequent nursing divided in few sections as discussed.
actions; Domain 6 : Intervention - clinical After the data was collected, this study
or other actions taken in response to utilized PLS path modelling.
assessment of patients/ families/
communities within the incident
management of the disaster event; Results
Domain 7 : Recovery steps taken to
facilitate resumption of pre-event
A total of 76 respondents completed and Figure 1. Measurement Model (Inner
replied the questionnaire. Table 4.1 Model)
summaries the data pertaining to
respondent’s background information.
The data shows respondent’s age, Table 2. Matrix Patch Coefficient
gender, Length of working and job

Table 1. Socio - Demographics of

Based on the description of table 1. an
Demographics Frequency % overview of the structural model is
n=76 obtained as follows:
Age 1. There is a positive effect of attitude
<20 Years 21 27.6 toward behavioral towards Intention
20 – 30 Years 31 40.8 with a parameter coefficient value of
>40 Years 24 31.6 0.494.
2. There is an effect of Subjective
Gender Norm on Intention with a parameter
Male 32 42.1 coefficient value of 0.728.
Female 44 57.9 3. There is no positive effect of
Perceived Behavioral Control on
Length of Working Respondents Intention with a parameter
<2 Years 13 17.1 coefficient value of -0.230.
2 – 4 Years 27 35.5 4. There is a positive influence of
>4 Years 36 47.4 Perceived Behavioral Control on
behavior (Behavior) with a
Job Status parameter coefficient value of
Goverment 10 13.2 0.469.
Non Goverment 66 86.8 5. There is a positive influence of
Intention on behavior (Behavior)
with a parameter coefficient value of

The next stage is to test the structural

model. At this stage the goal is to
determine the influence of variables.
This test uses a comparison t test (t-
test), if the calculated t value is greater
than t table, t-value> 1.96 means the
test is significant.

Table 3. Patch Coefficient – Mean,

STDEV, T Values, P Values
1. There is a significant effect of Planned Behavior-Based Disaster
attitude toward behavior on behavior Response Improvement Model in the
with a P value of 0.028 and a value context of local cultural wisdom in
of t = 2.193 > 1.96. Pacitan Regency can be applied.
2. There is a significant effect of
attitude toward behavioral towards
Intention with a P value of 0.000 and
a value of t = 3.493 > 1.96.
3. There is a significant effect of Discussions
Subjective Norm on Intention with P 1. The Effect Of Attitude Toward
Values of 0.000 and t value = 6.650 Behavior On Intention In Responsive
> 1.96. Behavior Disaster
4. There is a significant effect of
Perceived Behavioral Control on There is an influence between
Intention with a P Value of 0.035 attitude toward behavioral towards
and a value of t = 2.106 > 1.96. Intention . Fishbein and Azjen, (2010)
5. There is a significant effect of explain intention as a cognitive and
Perceived Behavioral Control on conative representation of an
behavior (Behavior) with a P value individual's readiness to perform a
of 0.017 and a value of t = 2.386 > behavior. Intention is the determinant
1.96. and disposition of behavior, so that
6. There is no significant effect of the individual has the opportunity and
intention on behavior (Behavior) the right time to show a behavior
with a P value of 0.889 and a value concretely.
of t = 0.139 > 1.96.

2. Effect Of Subjective Norm On

Table 4. Goodness of fit on Model Fit Intention In Responsive Behavior
An influence of Subjective Norm on
Intention . According to Fishbein
and Azjen (2010) subjective norm is
defined as a social factor that
indicates social pressure that is felt
to do or not to do an act, this social
factor is influenced by perceptions
To validate the overall structural model, or beliefs about other people's
Goodness of Fit (GOF) is used. The expectations of him (Normative
GOF index is a single measure to beliefs) and motivation in meet
validate the combined performance of expectations (Motivation to comply).
the measurement model and the
structural model. The goodness of fit in
this research model is seen from the
SRMR value where the value is 0.031 3. Effect Of Perceived Behavioral
<0.1, so the fit model has been fulfilled Control On Intention In Disaster
and the model is suitable. Response Behavior
The Goodness Of Fit (GOF) value There is an influence of Perceived
ranges from 0 to 1 with the interpretation Behavioral Control on Intention. As
of values: 0.1 (small GOF), 0.25 stated by Conner et al., (2014),
(moderate GOF), and 0.36 (good GOF). intention (intention) is based more
The GOF value in this research model is on a feeling about going to perform
0.826 > 0.36, meaning that the Theory a behavior (affective attitude), which
in previous thoughts there are all Acknowledgements
possibilities or consequences of an
action that will performed (cognitive First of all, I thank Allah for inspiring me
attitudes), and was also associated with the ability, strength and patience to
with better behavior prediction. So perform this modest study. My deepest
that with a good and strong attitude gratitude and appreciation to my
will bring positive intentions. supervisor I am most grateful to my
Meanwhile , perceived behavior supervisor Prof Datin Hafizah Che
control is more likely to perceive Hassan. I am most grateful to my Co
obstacles that are easy or difficult supervisor Prof Santhna Letchmi
for a behavior to be implemented. Panduragan for her bright ideas. I wish
This variable is assumed to reflect to express my most sincere appreciation
past experience, and anticipate to Rector of Sari Mutiara Indonesia
obstacles that may occur. University Dr. Dra. Ivan Elisabeth Purba,
SH, M.Kes. Finally, my
acknowledgement would not be
completed without recognizing the role
4. The Effect Of Intention On of my beloved wife Tanti Yosepha
Responsive Behavior Disaster Ompusunggu, my beloved children
There is no influence of Intention on Fortune Libby Hutajulu and Jeofrey
behavior. According to research Tangwin Hutajulu.
conducted in Martinez and Lewis,
(2016), Attitude is the first predictor
and is a function of a very strong References
desire and the likelihood of the
expected outcome and what has
been proven will be a strong Ajzen, I. (2005). Attitudes, Personality
predictor of some behavior. and Behavior. New York. USA:
Knowledge is the most important Open University Press
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value of knowledge possessed, Conner, M., McEachan, R., Lawton, R.,
there is a desire to prove what has Gardner, P., 2014. Basis of
been learned. The next factors that Intension as a Moderator of the
support the formation of behavior Intension-Health Behaviour
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Fishbein, M. and Ajzen, I. (2010).
with the original theory of TPB.
Predicting and Changing Behavior:
However, an intention does not
The Reasoned Action Approach.
always turn into a behavior. Many
Psychology Press (Taylor &
things can affect a person's
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an action. So there appears a gap Haryati, T. D. (2013). Emotional
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Enchantment. Journal of
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Nursing : Implications for
Curriculum Development and
Public Health. 3289–3303. and effects of a disaster nursing simulation training for Chinese
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