8 Energy Transfers

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Lesson 8 Title: Energy Transfers Year: 7

Topic: Energy Unit: Energy transfer
Date Set: w/c 19/04/21

Information to read / watch:

BBC Bitesize – Energy transfers

BBC Bitesize – Energy transfer diagrams


Youtube: Energy stores and transfer

Youtube: Energy Efficiency – Energy – Physics – Fuse school


Watch the videos and read through the information and use your knowledge
to complete the tasks below.
Energy Transfers:

Skills Drill:
1. Name three energy stores.
2. Describe two examples of renewable energy and where it comes from.
3. Describe what a transverse wave looks like.
4. Define interdependence
5. Explain how you could separate iron filings from silver filings.


Explain what is meant by the ‘law of conservation of energy’ using your own
You must write in full sentences.
Examples of energy transfers:

Think about; Which energy is useful and dissipated?

Sankey Diagrams:

ME time:
Green: State what is meant by the law of conservation of energy. Give an
example (e.g. lightbulb)

Q1. The drawings below show what happens to the energy supplied to four appliances.

(a)     (i)      What percentage of energy of the light bulb is given out as light?
Write your answer on the line by the light bulb.
1 mark

(ii)     What percentage of energy is wasted by the mixer?

Write your answer in the box by the mixer.
1 mark

(iii)     Complete the sentence below.

Parts of the mixer become hot because some of the electrical

energy is changed into .......................................... energy which is

1 mark

(b)     Energy is wasted as sound in many appliances.

Which appliance in the drawings produces sound which is not wasted?

1 mark

(c)     In which of the appliances is the highest percentage of energy wasted?

1 mark
Maximum 5 marks

Q2. In a power station, coal can be used to generate electricity.

(a)     Use words from the box to answer the questions below.
chemical                   electrical                   gravitational potential
kinetic                   light               sound                 thermal
1 mark

(i)      What is the useful energy transfer when coal is burnt?

............................... energy is transferred to ............................. energy

1 mark

(ii)     Some of the energy stored in coal is wasted when it is burnt.

Give the name of one type of energy released that is not useful.

1 mark
(b)     Wind turbines are also used to generate electricity.
The wind turns the turbine blades and the turbine
blades turn a generator.

Use words from the box opposite. Complete the sentence to show the useful energy
transfer in a wind turbine and generator.
............................... energy is transferred to ............................. energy
1 mark

(c)     Suggest one disadvantage of using wind to generate electricity.


1 mark

(d)     Sugar cane is a plant.

The sugar from the cane is used to make alcohol.
Alcohol is a fuel.
(i)      Which energy source do plants use to produce

1 mark

(ii)     Is sugar cane a renewable or non-renewable source of energy?

Tick one box.

renewable source          non-renewable source  

Give a reason for your answer.

1 mark
maximum 7 marks

Q3. The pictures show six different household appliances.

(a)     Four of the appliances, including the fan heater, are designed to transform electrical
energy into heat.

Name the other three appliances designed to transform electrical energy into heat.

1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

(b)     Complete the following sentence using one of the words from the box.

chemical            heat            kinetic             sound

Energy that is not usefully transformed by the fan heater is wasted as

................................................. energy.

(c)     The table gives information about two different fan heaters.

Useful energy Wasted energy

  transferred each transferred each
second in joules second in joules

Fan heater L 1200 10

Fan heater M 1200 20

          Complete the following sentence by drawing a ring around the line in the box that is

is more efficient than

Fan heater L has the same efficiency as fan heater M.
is less efficient than
(Total 5 marks)

Q4. Sam turns his bicycle upside down and turns the pedals fast so that the back wheel spins.

          Sam holds a piece of card close to the back wheel.

The spokes hit the piece of card and Sam hears a ‘musical’ tone.

(a)     Explain why the card produces a ‘musical’ tone.


1 mark
(b)     When the spokes hit the piece of card, the wheel slows down

(i)      Describe the energy change which occurs as the wheel slows down.


1 mark

(ii)     Describe and explain what will happen to the pitch of the ‘musical’ tone as the wheel
slows down.


2 marks
Maximum 4 marks
Challenge: Sankey Diagrams

A Sankey diagram shows you how well a machine uses energy. In other words, it tells you if it uses it
efficiently (without much waste) or inefficiently (with a lot of waste).

The thickness of the arrows shows how much energy is involved. (The length of the arrows does not matter
in a Sankey Diagram.) Useful energy transfers are shown going left to right. Wasteful energy transfers are
shown going downwards.

Light energy
100 J
(50 %)
200 J


100 J

1. Write in these labels on the diagram above:


Note: On this scale, each tiny square on the graph paper represents 10 J (10%)

2. A normal filament bulb transfers 100 J of electrical energy to 10 J of light energy

(useful) and 90 J of thermal energy (wasted). Draw a Sankey diagram in the space

3. An energy efficient bulb transfers 100 J of electrical energy to 40 J of useful light

a. How much energy is wasted as heat? _____________________

b. Draw a Sankey Diagram in the space below


4. A team of scientists test an “old banger” car. They find out that only 10% of
the energy is transferred as kinetic energy (useful) and 70% is
transferred as heat energy (wasted).

a. How much energy is wasted as sound?


b. Draw a Sankey Diagram in the space below

Label the arrows with input energy, useful output energy (kinetic), wasted output energy (heat),
wasted output energy (sound)

5. A team of scientists test a brand new hybrid car. They find out
that 40% of the energy is transferred as kinetic energy
(useful) and 55% is transferred as heat energy (wasted).

a. How much energy is wasted as sound? _______________________

b. Draw a Sankey Diagram in the space below

Remember to label each of the arrows!!!

6. Explain why driving a newer car is ‘greener’ than driving a very old car.






Learning Lockdown:
1. State two methods of energy transfer.
2. Explain what is meant by a kinetic energy store.
3. Describe the effect of increasing population on energy demand.

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