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Blog Entry #4 – May 26th 2023

Since the last update I have made quite a bit of progress. This includes re watching all the
interviews and gathering the responses from each question, compiling them into a google doc.
This step is important because then when I go to record the podcast, I am able to clearly see all
the answers in one place. Since this week has been incredibly busy I haven’t been able to sit
down and record the podcast yet, but that is what I plan on doing this Sunday. During this
podcast I will address what the most common response was to each question that way future
students know what advice is most important and what issues are common amongst many
As mentioned above an issue this week was lack of time. Due to me missing 2 days of
school last week for volleyball nationals, I was put back quite a bit in many of my classes. This
meant that I had to really use my time management skills to make sure that other new assignment
were being completed on time. Because the week was so busy I knew that I wouldn’t be able to
work on capstone until the weekend, but I am making sure to put aside time on Sunday to sit
down and get the majority of the remainder of the project done.
To complete the project all that is left to do is the complete the podcast and then to make a
website. This website will be used to showcase all the interviews as well as the finished podcast.
Since capstone is due next Thursday June 1st , I will be spending time early next week making a
new website and designing it how I would like. Once the website is complted I will be able to
upload all the videos and the podcast right onto it.
Once my capstone is completed and has been handed in I need to complete the final step of the
project which is to prepare for the presentation. To do so I will need to prepare a slideshow or
decide on a medium in which I want to showcase what I have spent the last few months creating.
Once the medium has been created, I will also need to do practice run throughs about what I
think is important to talk about during the actual interview. This way I will be as prepared as
possible and ready to fully demonstrate what I have made.
As the project progressed, I continued to use my time management skills to make sure, especially
now that everything is being finished in time for the capstone due date. I have also had to use
problem solving skills to find ways to be able to work on the project when time during the school
day has been limited. All contributing to the almost completed capstone project.

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