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Advance release

This report will be included in the USGS Minerals Yearbook 2017–2018, volume III, Area Reports—International.

The Mineral Industry of Tanzania in 2017–2018

This workbook includes an embedded Word document and two tables (see tabs below).

Tanzania 2017-18

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First posted March 8, 2022


(Metric tons, gross weight, unless otherwise specified)

Commodity2 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Bauxite 25,641 50,000 r, e 72,779 r 12,090 7,140
Copper, mine, concentrates, Cu content 16,400 16,800 17,400 15,800 10,000
Gold, mine, Au content kilograms 40,964 43,780 r 45,883 r 43,490 39,300
Iron and steel, steel:
Raw steele 190,000 210,000 230,000 r 250,000 300,000
Products, rolled 129,555 142,963 r 154,079 r 183,337 224,402
Silver, mine, Ag content kilograms 14,493 15,569 17,984 r 10,911 12,041
Tin, mine, Sn content 79 3 179 3 138 r, 3 91 8
Cement, hydraulic thousand metric tons 2,809 3,135 4,071 r 4,200 4,509
Clay, kaolin 3,809 1,953 656 r 13,816 129,383
Diamond, gem and industrial4 carats 252,875 216,491 239,896 r 304,456 383,391
Gemstones, excluding diamond:
Alexandrite kilograms 1 -- r, e -- r, 5 1 1e
Amethyst do. 28,925 r 59,000 r, e 88,636 r 19,937 20,000 e
Aquamarine do. 1,540 r 16,000 r, e 31,161 r 5,967 6,000 e
Emerald do. 138 90 e 42 12 12 e
Garnet do. 6,204 r 130,000 r, e 244,490 r 131,278 130,000 e
Quartz do. 40,178 90,000 e 145,785 71,275 71,000 e
Rubye do. 3,100 r 2,900 r 2,800 r 2,800 2,800
Sapphiree do. 3,100 r 1,900 r 860 r 850 850
Sunstone do. 31,349 20,000 e 10,298 9,377 9,400 e
Tanzanite do. 4,065 6 2,396 6 2,400 r, e 2,400 e 2,400 e
Tourmaline do. 73,575 r 49,000 r, e 23,464 r 33,041 33,000 e
Gypsum, including anhydrite, crude 200,179 239,302 213,744 r 123,645 241,259
Lime 16,710 r 88,617 r 238,776 r 26,918 27,000 e
Phosphate rock:
Gross weight 75,000 r, e 50,000 r, e 23,658 r 15,896 --
P2O5 content 22,000 r, e 14,000 r, e 6,900 r, e 4,600 e --
Pumice and related materials, pozzolan 68,925 342,628 230,045 r 79,085 91,645
Salt, all types 74,967 r 92,158 170,553 r 100,017 36,392
Stone, sand, and gravel, construction:
Sand and gravel, sand 7,283,177 10,000,000 r, e 12,916,978 r 7,743,254 8,300,000 e
Crushed, limestone 1,116,827 4,443,600 r 4,170,057 r 3,300,899 2,940,000
Other, size and shape unspecified:
Calcite -- r -- r, e 1r 1 1e
Marble 27,000 r, e 43,000 r, e 58,512 r 42,729 43,000 e
Coal, bituminous 246,128 r 255,884 276,030 r 558,553 725,911
Natural gas, marketable million cubic meters 958 1,053 1,173 1,218 1,463
Estimated. rRevised. do. Ditto. -- Zero.
Table includes data available through October 24, 2019. All data are reported unless otherwise noted. Estimated data are rounded to no more than three
significant digits.
In addition to the commodities listed, such gemstones as spinel, and raw construction materials, including brick clay, may have been produced, but
available information was inadequate to make reliable estimates of output.
Reported exports.
About 85% gem quality and 15% industrial quality.
Production was less than 1/2 kilogram.
Reported sales by TanzaniteOne Tanzanite Mine.

(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)

Commodity Major operating companies and major equity owners Location of main facilities Annual capacity
Cement Dangote Cement plc Plant at Mtwara 3,000,000.
Do. Tanzania Portland Cement Company Ltd. (TPCC) Plant at Wazo Hill 2,200,000.
(Scancem International DA, 69.3%)
Do. Tanga Cement Company Ltd. [Afrisam Consortium Plant at Tanga 1,800,000.
(Pty) Ltd., 62.5%]
Do. ARM Cement Ltd. Plant at Dar es Salaam1 1,600,000.
Do. Mbeya Cement Company Ltd. (LafargeHolcim Ltd., 61.5%) Plant at Mbeya 1,100,000.
Do. Lake Cement Ltd. Plant at Kimbiji 500,000.
Do. Kisarawe Cement Ltd. Plant at Nazimuzubwi 108,000.
Coal, bituminous Intra Energy Corp. Ltd., 70%, and National Ngaka Mine in Ruvumu District 960,000.
Development Corp., 30%
Copper, mine Artisanal and small-scale miners Mine at Mbesa 12,000.e
Do. Acacia Mining plc (Barrick Gold Corp., 63.9%) Buzwagi Mine1 4,200.
Do. do. Bulyanhulu Mine near Kahama1 3,200.
Diamond carats Williamson Diamonds Ltd. (Petra Diamonds Ltd., 75%, Williamson Mine near Shinyanga 340,000.
and Government, 25%)
Do. do. El Hillal Minerals Ltd. Near Shinyanga 17,000.e
Do. do. Artisanal and small-scale miners do. 12,000.e
Alexandrite and emerald do. Mines near Lake Manyara NA.
Garnet ` do. Mines near Merelani and other locations NA.
Ruby and sapphire do. Mines at Kibuko, Kiswila, Songea, NA.
Tunduru, Winza, and other locations
Tanzanite kilograms TanzaniteOne Mining Ltd. (Sky Associates Ltd., 50%, Mine at Merelani, Block C 2,000.e
and State Mining Corp., 50%
Do. Tanzanite Africa Ltd. (IPP Media Ltd.) Mine at Merelani, Block D Extension NA.
Do. Kilimanjaro Mines Ltd. Mine at Merelani, Block A NA.
Do. kilograms Artisanal and small-scale miners Mines at Merelani, Blocks B and D 7,500.e
Gold do. Acacia Mining plc North Mara Mine in Tarime District 11,500.
Do. do. do. Bulyanhulu Mine near Kahama 10,500.
Do. do. do. Buzwagi Mine 4,800.
Do. do. Geita Gold Mining Ltd. (AngloGold Ashanti Ltd., 100%) Geita Mine near Nyakabale 16,700.
Do. do. Shanta Gold Ltd. New Luika Mine in Mbeya Region 2,600.
Do. do. Stamigold Co. Ltd. (State Mining Corp.) Biharamulo Mine 1,200.e
Do. do. Small-scale miners At least 65 plants in various locations 1,500.e
Lime Neelkanth Lime Ltd. Plant at Tanga 180,000.
Do. Athi River Mining Ltd. (ARM) Plant at Tanga1 40,000.
Natural gas million Etablissements Maurel et Prom SA, 48.06%; Wentworth Gasfield at Mnazi Bay in Ruvumu Basin 2,170.
cubic meters Resources Ltd., 31.94%; Tanzania Petroleum
Development Corp., 20%
Do. do. Orca Exploration Group Inc. Gasfield on Songo Songo Island 1,140.
Phosphate rock Minjingu Mines and Fertilizers Ltd. (Mac Group Mine at Minjingu1 100,000.
of Companies)
Salt Nyanza Mines (Tanganyika) Ltd. (Mac Group Nyanza Mines at Uvinza 60,000.
of Companies)
Silver kilograms Acacia Mining plc Bulyanhulu Mine near Kahama 8,900.
Do. do. do. Buzwagi Mine 4,300.e
Do. do. do. North Mara Mine in Tarime District 1,300.e
Do. do. Shanta Gold Ltd. New Luika Mine in Mbeya Region 3,400.e
Do. do. Geita Gold Mining Ltd. Geita Mine near Nyakabale 2,300.e
Steel Aluminium Africa Ltd. Plant at Dar es Salaam 70,000e rolled.
Do. MM Integrated Steel Mills Ltd. do. 36,000e rolled.
Do. Aluminium Africa Ltd. do. 70,000 galvanized.
Do. MM Integrated Steel Mills Ltd. do. 36,000 galvanized.
Estimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits. Do., do. Ditto. NA Not available.
Not operating at the end of 2018.

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