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Effect of Interior design on Customer behavior.

* Indicates required question

1.  Which color combination do you like *

Mark only one oval.

Black White Skip to question 2 Red White Skip to question 4

Blue white Skip to question 3

Which Zudio outlet  you prefer

2. Which Zudio outlet  you prefer *

Mark only one oval.

Zudio _ Kumar pacific Zudio_ Phoenix

Skip to question 5 Skip to question 5

Zudio _ Seasons
Skip to question 5

Which max outlet you prefer

3. Which max outlet you prefer *

Mark only one oval.

Max_Kumar Pacific Max_Pheonix Skip to question 5

Skip to question 5

Max_Seasons Skip to question 5

Which Unlimited outlet you prefer

4. Which Unlimited oulet you prefer *

Mark only one oval.

Unlmited_Kumar Pacific Unlmited_Pheonix

Skip to question 5 Skip to question 5

Skip to question 5

Why do you like this outlet 

5. Reasons  *

Mark only one oval.

Color scheme of the store Lighting of the store

Skip to question 6 Skip to question 7

Product arrangement
Skip to question 8

Color of the Store.

6. What do you like in color of the store. *

Mark only one oval.

Brightness Skip to question 9 Darkness Skip to question 9

Color Co-ordination
Skip to question 9

Lighting of the Store

7. What do you like in lighting of the Store *

Mark only one oval.

Color Skip to question 9 Brightness Skip to question 9

Movement Skip to question 9

Product Arrangement Of the Store

8. What do you like in product arrangement of the store *

Mark only one oval.

Furniture Layout Accessibility Skip to question 9

Skip to question 9

Visually appealing
Skip to question 9

What dose it gives you. 

9. What dose it gives you.  *

Check all that apply.

Sense of luxury
Sense of Safety and security
Visual rhichness
Feeling of being pleased
Feeling of excitement


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