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Carl Benedict C.

Abrera SA 4: Introduction to Culinary Arts


Culinary arts integration in college curriculum, according to my research culinary arts

integration, is an activity used to enhance student content knowledge. Culinary arts integration
have a big impact to college students and in college curriculum. Culinary arts integration help us
to improve our knowledge in cooking and on preparation of foods. Culinary arts integration is
more on joy and how you enjoy the foods.

Now culinary arts integration have a big impact to college curriculum, because culinary arts
integration has the advantages and have been widely documented, and commonly neglected in
discussions. And in also culinary arts integration helps the college student to know more about
how different cultures store their foods. Culinary arts integration have different parts there are,
Gastronomy experiments, well here in gastronomy, we the students should consider the texture,
flavor and smell. Next is Food storage experiments here is where the students should study the
different cultures on how they storing their foods.

Well for me culinary arts integration in college curriculum, it helps a lot because even if you are
not culinary student in culinary school, you can experience and we can study the culinary arts
even we are in department of college of education. Well of course we should study culinary arts,
why? It is because some of the college students didn't know how the proper preparation of food
how to store it and the proper arrangements of ingredients in cooking. So it helps a lot even in
the instructor it helps them to improve their knowledge in preparation of foods specially for us
the students that we don't have enough knowledge in proper way of preparation and cooking.
And also it helps the curriculum to improve itself.

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