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Award Ceremony Speech - 11+ Examples,

Format, Sample

7–8 minutes

Ceremonies, events, speech. What do these three words have in

common? They are almost always associated with important milestones for
someone or a group of people. An award ceremony is almost always
associated with a speech. Like any other event that may happen whether
formal or informal. It would always be associated with making speeches.

1. Award Ceremony Speech Template


File Format


Size: 78 KB


2. Award Ceremony Presentation Speech


File Format


Size: 288 KB


3. Global Chemical Leasing Award Ceremony Speech

4. Sample Award Ceremony Speech


File Format


Size: 364 KB


5. Teacher Award Ceremony Speech


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Size: 231 KB


6. Award Ceremony Speech at College


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Size: 119 KB


7. Presentation Speech at Public Award Ceremony


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Size: 118 KB

8. Population Award Ceremony Speech


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Size: 328 KB


9. Award Ceremony Speech Example


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Size: 77 KB


10. Career Award Ceremony Speech


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Size: 76 KB


11. Formal Award Ceremony Speech


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Size: 551 KB

12. Award Ceremony Speech in PDF


File Format


Size: 81 KB


Definition of Ceremonies

A ceremony or ceremonies is a series of formal acts or occasions. They

are usually a traditional or a religious occasion. An important event that is
celebrated. A ritual or a convention. A set of traditional activities performed
during traditional or religious events.

Definition of Events

An event is anything or something that happens. It is usually something

very important or sometimes very unusual. An activity that is planned for
something very special. A celebration. It often involves a lot of individuals
with the same purpose.

Definition of Speech

A speech is a type of communication wherein two or more people share

their output, their opinion and their ideas. It may be through a formal
discussion like public speaking or an informal discussion like a simple
discussion inside a classroom. In addition to that, a speech is also a way
for individuals to share the same dialect, a method of communication. A
public discourse.

Definition of Award

An award is anything that can be given like money, a medal, a prize. It is

something bestowed upon someone who has won something like an event.
To give something very valuable to an individual or a group of individuals
for doing a good job, like a reward.

Importance of Award Ceremony

The importance of an award ceremony is to acknowledge an individual’s

contribution in anything they have done. It also boosts their self esteem
and shows everyone their worth. An award ceremony is important because
it celebrates the hard work and dedication the person has done and the
individual feels the respect and the appreciation from the people who have
made the ceremony in honor of them.

Importance of Award Speech

The use and importance of an award speech is to acknowledge the person

who did a great job at a field they excelled in. It is also to let others
recognize the person and to boost their reputation.

Importance of Speech

Ever asked yourself why is speech so important? The reason for this is
because it allows people to form a connection with those who share the
same interest as them. Speech is also a motivation for change. If people
were to stop making speeches or stop talking altogether, the world would
be nothing but a silent, and sad place. Making speeches can be scary
sometimes but it is still an important form of communication.

Tips for Writing an Award Speech

Ever thought of writing an award speech or any type of ceremonial speech

for fun or simply because you were told to do so? If you answered yes to
both questions, you’re in luck. An award speech is just like any other type
of speech you may have written or heard about, there are guidelines to
follow and there are tips to be familiar with. Regardless of what you heard
about composing an award speech can be tricky, it really is not. All you
need to do is to be familiar with the following tips.

• Start at the beginning: You may have heard or read some articles about
writing a good speech, you must start at the beginning. Well, it is true. If
you want to write a good speech, you must start by thinking about the type
of speech you are going to be composing. Since there are a lot of types, be
specific. Once you have thought about it, let’s move to the next tip.

• Write the necessary details: Ask yourself, what are the necessary details
required for the award speech? The necessary details are the name or the
names of the individuals who are accepting the award. What is the name of
the award that they are given? Who is going to be the one to present the
award to them? These are just a few of the necessary details. You may add
more if you want, as long as they are still part of your speech.

• Make a copy of your work: Make a draft of your speech and make a final
copy. Begin with your draft. This is where you are going to polishing your
work before you reach your final copy. Don’t be embarrassed at making a
draft for your speech, it is also useful as this can help you rearrange your

• Revision is key: Finalizing your work before passing it. Check to see if
you have placed all the necessary details. Check your spelling and
grammar as well. Also do not make your speech too long nor too short.
The reason for this will be explained in the next part of the article.

Tips for Presenting an Award Speech for Students and


Now that you have finished your work, it’s time for some tips for presenting
your speech. It is common for people presenting to get overcome by stage
fright. But that can be avoided, so listed below are some tips to help you
present your award speech.

• Practice before you present

• Breathe in and out

• Be familiar with your work

• Make eye contact

• Smile

Why is it necessary to be familiar with your essay?

The reason for this is because you are not going to be bringing your full
copy in front of the stage. You may lose the interest of your listeners and
making eye contact with them is also important. Avoid bringing your copy
with you, practice and be familiar with your work. If you must bring a copy,
it is best to use index cards and write the most important information.

What should I say if I have no idea of the names of the


If you are not able to get the names of the awardees, ask them
beforehand. The reason for this is to avoid embarrassment and confusion
for you and the people involved.

Do I need to make a thank you speech in addition to the

award speech?

You may use a little of the thank you speech in a way that you are thanking
everyone present. But your main focus is the award speech.

There you have it, some tips on writing an award speech, some tips to
present your speech. By being familiar with the tips and adding some tricks
of your own, you are going to ace composing that speech. Good luck!

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