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Project Status Briefing

Airports Development Division

June 2009

Project Status Briefing

Airports Development Division
June 2009

Program TBIT Interior Improvements Program Security Program In-Line Baggage Screening Systems North Terminal (T3) Ontario (T2 & T4) Elevators/Escalators Systems Upgrade Equipment Procurement Notes & Abbreviations Page 3 7 10 13 16

Project Status Report June 2009


TBIT Interior Improvements Program Interior Improvements & Baggage Screening Facilities
Project File No: 01003 Airport: LAX Project Manager: Van Thompson Architect/Engineer: Leo A Daly Construction Manager: Parsons General Contractor: Clark/McCarthy Joint Venture Original/Current Forecast Total Project Cost: $692.6 M/$720.5 M Federal Funds: PFC/TSA Original/Current Construction Contract Amount: $503.5 M/$572.1 M Project Start: Apr-04 Design Completion: Nov-05 Construction Start: Planning Feb-07 Construction Completion: Feb-10





Percent Complete: 80% This month Percent Complete: 78% Last month

Description: This project will renovate the interior public spaces (including the departure lobby; departure concourses; arrival concourses; bus hold room; meter-greeter area; in-transit lounge; in-bound and outbound baggage system; upgrade the buildings paging system, all IT Systems and upgrade the existing elevators, escalators, and moving walks) and construct the North NLA Gates. The outbound baggage system will be pursuant to the requirements of the TSA and will include new matrix buildings to house the security screening equipment and TSA personnel.

Comments/Issues: Major accomplishments to date include completions of: Customs Phases A1, A2, A3, and A4; Sprung structures; North and South Matrix building; Gates 101, 102, 103, 104, 104, 105, 119, 120, 121, 122, & 123; Departure Phases D1, D2, D3, & D4; TBIT power substation; and Fan Room #7 and #8. Completed TSA-ISAT commissioning of CTX machines in North Matrix screening Phase B3 and installation of 4 BRS workstations to support baggage Phase B1. Construction of phase A6, D6, Bus Gates, IT rooms, Fan Room #3 and #4, and IT backbone are in progress. Current issues include continued systems commissioning and coordination for the implementation of TBIT Enhance Arrival Experience (WOW-EAE) design, concession renovations and facility relocation plans.

Cost Status

(All costs in millions)

TBIT Interior Improvements Project Design & Construction Support Current Construction Contract Current Construction Contingency Other Soft Costs Subtotal of TBIT Interior Improvements Project Other Related Project Cost TBIT NLA South Gate Terminal Operations Relocation Passenger Boarding Bridge LAWA Staff (2) Subtotal of Other Related Project Cost Total Program Cost
(1) Expended as of June 30, 2009

Original Budget 38.5 503.5 72.0 78.6 692.6

Approved Budget Changes 0.0 68.1 (43.5) 3.3 27.9

Current Budget 38.5 571.6 28.5 81.9 720.5

Expended (1) 34.3 443.6 n/a 69.2 547.1

Pending Budget Changes 0.0 6.5 (6.5) 0.0 0.0

Fcst Cost at Completion 38.5 578.1 22.0 81.9 720.5

9.0 8.5 8.5 5.2 31.2 723.8

(1.5) (0.4) 0.4 0.0 (1.5) 26.4

7.5 8.1 8.9 5.2 29.7 750.2

7.5 8.1 11.6 6.1 33.3 580.4

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

7.5 8.1 14.0 5.2 34.8 755.3

Project Status Report June 2009

Project Status Report June 2009

Issues and Resolutions:

The issues related with the relocation of Mexicana Airlines from the arrivals to the departures lobby are currently being discussed and addressed in the weekly meeting. The PMT, CMAJV and related stakeholders meet in a weekly basis planning for the seamless relocation. Issues related with the overfill conduits that created electrical short on TC3 and other subsystems wiring issues have been reviewed by the team. The team is working on proper documentation, remediation plan and future wiring plans to avoid reoccurrence. Although issues related to the BSM data have been resolved, SITA is working on issues related with loosing some incoming data from certain flights. CMAJV/SASCO and JCI are in the process of correcting the focus and views of the cameras commissioned for the concourse and interstitial areas. The Health Department permitting & plan check issues related with the TBIT WOW/Enhanced Arrival Experience (EAE) work is likely to impact the completion schedule. However, LAWA/CMJV/GWA are meeting daily on design bulletin plan check reviews with agencies such that all work is completed on time. The terrazzo quality issues pertaining to pin holes in surface, different shading of adjoining surfaces, bad joints, high concentration of aggregates and less slurry and damaged terrazzo in various areas continues. Parties involved are working for an appropriate solution. Issuance of Virtual Matrix in CCTV design continues. PMT is currently working with the designers. Likewise, design for interface between ACAMs and rolled up doors (BHS) is outstanding from Siemens. Commissioning of integrated system from CMJV is outstanding and PMT is pursuing the issue. Design modification (Bulletin 115) for the south ramp in the arrivals lobby area is in its completion state. This will resolve the issues related to electrical room relocation in the area.

Completed CTX commissioning in the north & south. Successful completion and commissioning of the Phase II of the Bus gate hold rooms. Completed MEP, HVAC, FLS, Terrazzo and ramp at the meters/greeters phase A6.1. Completed Baggage Inspection Room (BIR) 3310 and the other BIR rooms 2313 and 1212 are nearing completion. Completed south matrix BHS lower security lines dynamic and functional commissioning and lower BHS commissioning. Delivery of MUX equipment for the BIR rooms are ongoing. TASS deployment continues successfully.

Project Status Report June 2009

Accomplishments (continued):
Deployment of VoIP continues successfully. Continuation of Wi-Fi deployment. Progress continues on the TBIT WOW (enhance arrivals experience) and weekly meeting continues between LAWA/PMT/CMJV/GWA/others on design scope concepts, plumbing/HVAC surveys, scope development, budget & task order status/negotiation schedules etc.

Next Steps:
DCN system acceptance. PA system installation & commissioning at Departures. Complete basement MEP and commission south matrix building. Start Pre-ISAT and PLC testing on the north matrix lower loop and south matrix upper loop BHS systems. Construction of Departure Phase D6. Concessions improvements at the mezzanine level per the WOW EAE concepts. Complete phase A6.1 and move to phase A5.1 at the meters /greeters area. Continue mechanical and electrical installation associated with the BHS in the south matrix building.- Phase B2 Continue mechanical and electrical installation associated with the BHS in the north matrix building.- Phase B3 Continue mechanical and electrical installation associated with the BHS in the interstitial phase I2-B4.1 Complete commissioning Fan rooms 3 & 4. Close out process for completed phases continues.

The total TSA approved reimbursable amount is $130,904,556. A total of $102,028,564.24 covering thru the period of August 2008 has been forwarded to the Inline SIPI team for recommendation to TSA for reimbursement. The issues pertaining TSA reimbursable costs has been resolved and costs thru May 2009 in the amount of $118,385,249 will be submitted to the Inline Team. The FAA has approved amendment to TBIT project PFC application 05-05-C-00-LAX. The total PFC eligible cost approved is $456,667,992 that includes the amendment amount of $222,000,000.

Project Status Report June 2009


Security Program In-Line Baggage Screening Systems T3

Project File No: 03009 Airport: LAX Project Manager: Mark Vicelja Architect/Engineer: Gensler & Associates Construction Manager: PBSJ - CM, Turner - SIPI General Contractor: Swinerton Builders Original/Current Forecast Total Project Cost: $273.7 M/$160 M Federal Funds: TSA MOA/LOI Original/Current Construction Contract Amount: $192.0 M/TBD Description: This project will construct in-line baggage screening system in LAX Terminal 3 pursuant to the requirements of TSA. This projects original budget also included construction of an in-line baggage screening system at Terminals 1 and 2. This project includes replacement of the existing airline baggage handling spaces; construction of new baggage screening rooms; replacement of the outbound baggage conveyor systems; and installation/integration of TSA-provided Explosion Detection System (EDS) machines. Also included are Explosion Trace Detection (ETD) work stations, On-screen Resolution (OSR) Control Room and CCTV systems. Project Start: Oct-03 Design Completion: Mar-06 Construction Start: Planning Design Bid/Proc Constr Jan-08 Percent Complete: 90% This month Construction Completion: Percent Complete: 88% Last month Feb-10


Comments/Issues: In June, Swinerton Builders (SB) continued BHS conveyor installation, Baggage Inspection Room and screening matrix room construction. SB BHS Subcontractor began initial line testing of the conveyor system in the matrix area. In March 2008, LAWA terminated the in-line baggage screening work for Terminals 1 and 2 from the Swinerton contract. Current Construction Contract Amount and forecast costs are still being evaluated.

Cost Status

(All costs in millions)

In-Line Baggage (T1-T3) North Project Design & Construction Support (*1) Current Construction Contract (*1) Current Construction Contingency (*1) Other Soft Costs (*1) Total Project Cost Other Related Project Cost LAWA Staff (*) Subtotal of Other Related Project Cost Total Program Cost (*1)

Original Budget 16.0 192.0 19.2 46.5 273.7

Approved Budget Changes 0.0 1.5 (1.5) 0.0 0.0

Current Budget Expended (1) 16.0 15.0 193.5 70.0 17.7 n/a 46.5 224.6 273.7 309.6

Pending Budget Changes TBD

Fcst Cost at Completion TBD

3.7 3.7 277.4

0.0 0.0 0.0

3.7 3.7 277.4

2.5 2.5 312.1



(*) Includes LAWA Staff charges expended on the Temporary Construction Facilities. (*1) The Construction contract is being de-scoped, which will reduce the contract amount. (1) Expended as of end of June 2009

Project Status Report June 2009

Project Status Report June 2009

Issues and Resolutions:

. Terminals 1 and 2 Awaiting additional cost and pricing proposal/information from Swinerton for evaluations and negotiations of incurred and de-scoped work. Terminal 3 Working with TSA and their Contractor G.E., to coordinate new software upgrades to the CTX 9400 machines and complete integration with the Baggage Handling System (BHS). Working with TSA on resolving and defining the ISAT Phasing requirements for Battelle testing and system certification.

Continued construction on the Baggage Inspection Rooms (BIR). Continued construction of the structure for the ramp side baggage system inputs. Continued construction of new oversized baggage conveyor for the Westside ticket counters. Complete BHS electrical installation in the new BIR. Completed installation of inspection tables and TSA telecommunication infrastructure in the BIRs. The Contractor began their testing of BHS matrix system conveyors in preparation for Pre-ISAT testing. Received and reviewed the Site Specific Testing Plan for the T-3 In-Line System prepared by the TSA testing consultant, Battelle.

Next Steps:
Build-out and finishing of various rooms. Complete work at Gate 39 and final ramp striping to allow for Aircraft parking operations. Complete delivery and installation of CTX integration hardware and screening equipment. Continued coordinate system commissioning and testing with TSA and their Venders, GE and Battelle.

LAWA has received $179.1 million reimbursement from TSA of the total available $256.4 million as per existing MOA/LOI.

Project Status Report June 2009


Security Program In-Line Baggage Screening Systems - ONT

Project File No: 02206 Airport: ONT Architect/Engineer: CH2MHill Construction Manager: SIPI Turner PBSJ CMCMTS General Contractor: Austin-Barnhart Joint Venture (ABJV) Original/Current Forecast Total Project Cost: $70.0 M/$73.0 M Federal Funds: TSA MOA/LOI Original/Current Construction Contract Amount: $48.5 M/$53.9 M Project Start: Oct-03 Design Completion: Jan-06 Construction Start: Dec-06 Construction Completion: Apr-09






Project Manager: Mark Vicelja

Percent Complete: 99.9% This month Percent Complete: 99% Last month

Description: This project will construct in-line baggage screening systems in Terminals 2 and 4 pursuant to the requirements of TSA. This project includes replacement of the existing airline baggage handling spaces; construction of new baggage screening rooms; replacement of the outbound baggage conveyor systems; and installation/integration of TSA-provided Explosion Detection System (EDS) machines. Also included are Explosion Trace Detection (ETD) workstations, On-screen Resolution (OSR) Control Rooms and CCTV systems. .

Comments/Issues: In June, ABJV completed submission of final maintenance and warrantee documentation and made minor modification to the fire life safety system to comply with Building Department correction notices. New in-line systems at Terminal 2 and Terminal 4 have th been in use since Dec. 9 and Dec 16, 2008, respectively.

Cost Status (All costs in millions)

In-Line Baggage Screening Project Design & Construction Support Current Construction Contract Current Construction Contingency* Other Soft Costs Total Project Cost Other Related Project Cost LAWA Staff (2) Subtotal of Other Related Project Cost Total Project Cost Original Budget 6.2 48.5 4.9 10.4 70.0

Approved Budget Changes 0.0 5.4 (2.4) 0.0 3.0

Current Budget Expended (1) 6.2 5.8 53.9 52.0 2.5 n/a 10.4 9.1 73.0 66.9

Pending Budget Changes 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Fcst Cost at Completion 6.2 53.9 2.5 10.4 73.0

1.1 1.1 71.1 (*)

0.0 0.0 3.0

1.1 1.1 74.1

1.4 1.4 68.3

0.0 0.0 0.0

1.1 1.1 74.1

(*)Current budget for construction contingency includes $3.0 M increase from the original budget as a result of BOAC approval of the change order funding for Terminal 1A renovation. (1)Expended as of the end of June 2009.


Project Status Report June 2009


Project Status Report June 2009

Issues and Resolutions:

City of Ontario Building Department required approval of BHS spare storage room addition in Terminal 4. Revised emergency egress calculations were submitted to the Building Department as well as modification to the storage room to obtain final permit signoff. City of Ontario Building Department has identified corrections needed to an electrical distribution panel in Terminal 4, which was relocated due to field interferences. The correction work has been completed to correct the issue and obtain final permit signoff.

ABJV completed procurement of electrical distribution panel equipment at Terminal 4. ABJV completed submission of warrantee, as-build drawings and maintenance manuals. Completed negotiations and processing of final change order.

Next Steps:
Obtain final Building Department permit signoff. Delivery of final BHS Spare Parts. Final Payment and filing of ABJV Contract Acceptance with the County Recorders Office is anticipated in July.


Project Status Report June 2009


Elevators/Escalators System Upgrade Program Equipment Procurement

Project File No: Airport: LAX Project Manager: Greg Campbell Architect/Engineer: HOK Construction Manager: Airports Dev. Group General Contractor: Manufacturer: KONE, Inc. General Cont: TBD Original/Current Forecast Total Project Cost: $263 M / $217 M Federal Funds: n/a Original/Current Construction Contract Amount: $29.8 M / $23.7 M Description: This program will upgrade/replace all 285 elevators, escalators and moving walks at LAX with heavy duty, transit rated units. Units will be upgraded/replaced in staggered Priority Groups. Some locations will be reconfigured to allow the larger units while certain locations will add units for redundancy. All code and disabled access requirement upgrades are included in the new work. Project Start: Dec-08 Design Completion: Dec-09 Construction Start: Planning Design Bid/Proc Constr Closeout Sep-09 Percent Complete: Completed Procurement Construction Completion: Oct-13 Comments/Issues: The first Priority Group includes 65 units and is divided into three phases as follows: Equipment Procurement, Terminal Modifications, and Parking Structure Modifications/Equipment Installation. Equipment procurement and fabrication for this Group has begun. GC1 Terminal Area modifications work bids nd due on July 2 . Parking Structure Modifications bid package being prepared for September advertisement.

Cost Status

(All costs in millions)

Elevators/Escalators Project Design & Construction Support Construction Contracts Construction Contingency Other Soft Costs Total Program Costs
(1) Expended as of end of June 2009

Original Budget 19.7 166.0 24.9 6.7 217.3

Approved Budget Changes


Current Budget 5.8 23.7 2.4 6.7 38.6

Expended (1) 3.2 0.0 0.0 3.2

Pending Budget Changes


Fcst Cost at Completion 5.8 23.7 2.4 2.4 34.3


Project Status Report June 2009


Project Status Report June 2009

Issues and Resolutions:

Analysis and determination of bulk equipment purchase is pending. Parking garage elevator shaft designs contain different architectural feature options, designs nearing completion for presentation and decision on which option to implement.

Received bids for Priority I Terminal area modifications. Nearing design completion for parking structure elevators. Submitted plans for B&S plan check.

Next Steps:
First elevator upgrades in the Terminals to begin in September. Complete review of GC1-Terminal Area Modifications bids. Prepare BOAC report for award. Continue equipment surveys for the Priority II and Priority III Group of 157 units. Meet with Properties/Concessions, Terminal Ops, Airlines, Security and Tenants to discuss upcoming construction boundaries, schedules and impacts.


Project Status Briefing

Airports Development
Notes & Abbreviations
Notes: 1. Expended represents actual payments through June 30, 2009 and exclude retention, where applicable. 2. LAWA Staff costs are an Operating Expense and are not included in the Capital Project Budget.

Abbreviations & Acronyms: BHS Baggage Handling System CCTV Closed-circuit Television EDS Explosion Detection System EFGS End Fire Glide Slope ETD Explosive Trace Detection FAA Federal Aviation Administration FAT Factory Acceptance Test IT/ITG Information Technology / Information Technology Group ITSMP Information Technology Security Master Plan LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design MOA/LOI Memorandum of Agreement/Letter of Interest NTP Notice to Proceed OSR On-screen Resolution PBB Passenger Boarding Bridges PCC Portland Cement Concrete RFI Requests for Information TASS TBIT Airlines Support Systems TBIT Tom Bradley International Terminal TCF Temporary Construction Facilities TSA Transportation Security Administration USCB United States Customs and Border Patrol


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