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Andres Gutierrez

Core Values Reflection

My compassion grew during the mental health quarter. During the mental health quarter, I

learned how to be a group leader with compassion. I created a group activity to help recognize

their negative self-talk and manifest positive self-talk. By creating positive self-talk, you will

relieve stress, be optimistic, and you will become an exceptional person. I am able to listen to

others with kindness and concern, but this group activity put me to the test. I had to put my

feelings to the side, empathize, and be attentive the person who was sharing their experience.

Once a member was done sharing their experience, I responded with questions that would help

them process their experience into something positive. I have not had a similar experience with

a group, but I have had it with friends and family. I show compassion by only listening or

listening, helping them process their emotions by asking questions, and help them find a

solution on how to go about the situation differently. During my community service, teamwork,

integrity, and humility were at the top of all the other LLU core values. I helped translate a book

into Spanish with my mother and the author to make sure that the author’s message was

understood. I helped the Loma Linda Garden by translating in Spanish their need for material

and stayed past closing in order to maintain their garden. Community service helped me

develop an understanding for teamwork, integrity, and humility, but most importantly it brought

a nurturing feeling. Through humility, I recognized that the community could move forward as a

whole because not only am I giving myself for the community, but the community is helping me

develop skills to help others in the future. With integrity, I can see the effectiveness of honest

work and how it gives others satisfaction. Lastly, teamwork allows for the group to be efficient in
their task to meet their shared purpose. As a future clinician, I will carry the values of

compassion, teamwork, humility, and integrity to make an impact on my patients. I will continue

to empathize and help other be exceptional in their meaningful occupations. I will continue to

treat everyone with patience and look at all my experiences as teachable moments to grow as a

professional so that my patients may receive good services. I will collaborate with rehabilitation

professional, treat the patient holistically, and be honest and trustworthy with everyone in

order for the patient to reach optimal health.

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