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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. Define taught and supported curriculum.
b. Evaluate how these curricula were used in various educational
c. Contextualize on how to develop and manage curriculums to be
responsive to the students and teachers


Topic: Taught and Supported Curriculum

References: Internet Sources (Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan)
Materials: Visual Aids, Handouts, Laptop, Television

A. Preparation
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Motivational Activity
B. Presentation
 Recall the previous lesson and introduce the topic
C. Discussion
 What is taught curriculum?
- The “taught curriculum” is defined as that which teachers actually
teach day-by-day (Glatthorn, 2000). So, the curriculum that is
delivered by the teachers to the students is termed as Taught
- Also defined as the ‘curriculum in action’ or the ‘taught curriculum’.
This is about the implementation of the written curriculum. The actual
teaching and learning activities take place in schools through
interaction between learners and teachers as well as among learners
(e.g. how the intended curriculum is translated into practice and
actually delivered).
- Taught curriculum varies according to the learning styles of students
and teaching styles of teachers
 What is supported curriculum?
- This is described as support materials that the teacher needs to make
learning and teaching meaningful.
print materials like books, charts, posters, worksheets, or non-print
materials like Power Point presentation, movies, slides, models, realia
mock-ups and other electronic illustrations.
- Supported curriculum also includes facilities where learning occurs
outside or inside the four-walled building. These are the places where
authentic learning through direct experiences occurs.
Examples: playground, science, laboratory, audio-visual rooms, zoo,
museum, market, or the plaza.
 Research Article:
1. Taught Curriculum- This case is present in the study of Yapicioglu &
Karabacak (2020) entitled “The Alignment between the Official Curriculum
and the Taught Curriculum: An Analysis of Primary School English
2. Supported Curriculum - “Curriculum Support and Curriculum Neglect:
Second-Year Teachers’ Experiences” by David Kauffman (2005), he provided
various descriptions and related studies about the curriculum materials, other
practical tools in the classroom, how teachers use these materials and there
negative and positive opinions about some of the materials such as textbooks
and teachers’ guides
D. Application
Question and Answer Activity:
 What is the difference between taught and supported curriculum?
 What is the importance of these curriculums in schools?
E. Generalization
 Define Taught Curriculum
 Define Supported Curriculum
 Situational Examples
 Importance of each curriculum

IV. Evaluation
 In a 1 whole sheet of paper, explain how the curricula are used in various
educational institutions and provide example(s) of each curriculum.
V. Assignment
 Research 2-3 research studies published online that are related to taught
and supported curriculum. Summarize the findings of the study and write it
in a 1 whole sheet of paper.

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