Influence of Diaphragm Wall Install

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Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW

Land Reclamation No 48 (3), 2016: 243–253
(Ann. Warsaw Univ. of Life Sci. – SGGW, Land Reclam. 48 (3), 2016)

Influence of diaphragm wall installation in overconsolidated sandy

clays on in situ stress disturbance and resulting wall deformations
Intitute of Geotechnics, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Cracow University of Technology

Abstract: Influence of diaphragm wall installa- with small strain overlay (Benz 2006)
tion in overconsolidated sandy clays on in situ proved to be one of the most efficient
stress disturbance and resulting wall deforma-
tions. Numerical modeling of deep excavations
tools in the considered class of problems.
becomes a standard practice in modern geotechni- Its robustness was confirmed by several
cal engineering. A detailed numerical model for real life applications. Ability to calibrate
a given case is able to reproduce major effects of this model using results of drained triaxial
soil-structure interaction by taking into account compression tests, enhanced by measure-
any kind of drainage conditions, strong stiffness
ment of shear wave velocity, is the main
variation due to effective stress and strain chang-
es, creep and cracking, when reinforced concrete source of its success. Proper prediction
is used as a structural material, but also interface of the in situ effective stress state, ini-
effects between subsoil and structure. Calibrating tial pore water pressures, but also spatial
soil constitutive models is one of the most dif- distribution of the overconsolidation ra-
ficult tasks and due to several sources of uncer- tio (OCR) has a significant influence on
tainty there is no one unique set of the data that
should be used in numerical predictions. Lack or quality of numerical predictions. Most of
incompleteness of experimental data, significant deep excavations are protected with aid
mismatch between laboratory and field tests is of diaphragm walls, anchored, or stiff-
an another source of difficulty. Contrary to sev- ened by steel pipes (for smaller distances
eral simplified methods, that are usually limited between opposite walls) or partial slabs
to two dimensions, numerical models allow a full
3D analysis in which many simplifications can be
supported by temporary columns. Each
eliminated. This paper is devoted to the problem of the wall stiffening systems has its ad-
of in situ stress disturbance caused by diaphragm vantages and disadvantages and it strong-
wall installation in overconsolidated quaternary ly influences deflections of the wall and
sandy clays and its influence on final wall defor- settlements behind it. Apart from all the
aforementioned factors influencing wall-
Key words: deep excavations, diaphragm walls, in subsoil interaction there is a problem of
situ stress disturbance in situ stress disturbance, caused by dia-
phragm walls installation and foregoing
aging and creep of the concrete. Careful
INTRODUCTION analysis of this phenomenon, basing on
previous author’s studies, carried out for
Application of advanced soil constitutive
the Supersam deep excavation (Truty and
models is one of the most important as-
Podleś 2010), is the aim of this paper.
pects when solving complex deep exca-
For its better understanding a simplified
vations problems. Hardening soil model
244 A.A. Truty

assumption of a homogenious subsoil is and undrained shear strength), are ma-

made, while a more careful attention is jor parameters causing different subsoil
paid to the comprehensive description behavior and foregoing wall deflections.
of aging concrete. This paper presents Part of this subject was tackled by Gorska
problem of in situ stress disturbance in her PhD thesis (Gorska 2008) where a
caused by wall installation. A 3D mod- comprehensive analysis of stability of a
el of wall installation followed then by trench filled with the bentonite was ana-
subsequent excavations and anchoring is lyzed. A detailed review of the publica-
described. Results of two analyses, in- tions concerning the matter is made by
cluding detailed modeling of wall instal- Ng and Yan (1998). Several correspond-
lation, and a simplified one, neglecting ing aspects are included in the PhD thesis
installation effects, are presented. Basing by Montalti (2000) and paper by Gour-
on the achieved results final conclusions venec and Powrie (1999). In the paper by
are drawn. Ng and Yan (1998) a 3D arching effect
is analyzed, however constitutive model
they used for soil description is relative-
IN SITU STRESS CONDITIONS ly simple. More advanced analyses were
AND ITS DISTURBANCE published in the paper by Schäfer et al.
CAUSED BY INSTALLATION (2006) in which extended (to small strain
OF DIAPHRAGM WALL regime) hypoplastic model was used for
a normally consolidated subsoil, while
In most real life applications an assump- concrete behavior was described in a
tion of lack of effective stress distur- very crude manner.
bance due to installation procedure is In this paper a detailed 3D analysis of an
made, when diaphragm walls are dis- anchored diaphragm wall installation in the
cretized using beam (2D) or shell ele- uniform layer of quaternary overconsoli-
ments (in 3D). This is so due to the fact dated sandy clays (in Warsaw) is presented.
that most formulations for these struc- Soil behavior is described by the Harden-
tural elements are basing on assumption ing Soil-small (HSs) model and its param-
of inextensible fibers in the direction eters were determined based on drained
perpendicular to the axis (2D)/midsur- triaxial compression tests in the course of
face (3D). Moreover skipping this stage designing of the Supersam construction
saves a significant amount of CPU time (Truty and Podleś 2010). Concrete behav-
in practical computations. In the real- ior is described using the extended Lee and
ity installation procedure consists of a Fenves plastic damage model (Lee and
simultaneous excavation of a ground Fenves 1998) with aging an creep follow-
panel, usually 0.6 or 0.8 m thick, 3 to ing the EC2 (2008) standard (Truty 2016).
6 m wide, protected by the bentonite To make some qualitative assessments the
pressure. In the latter stage the bentonite analyzed case study deviates from the final
is replaced by concrete going from the Supersam design and assumes an uniform
bottom of the trench to the top. The in subsoil while the wall panel, 6.5 m wide
situ effective stress coefficient (Ko) but and 26 m long, is anchored with two rows
also the OCR (in consequence stiffness of prestressed anchors.
Influence of diaphragm wall installation in overconsolidated sandy clays... 245

THREE-DIMENSIONAL MODEL by applying normal pressure, using fluid

OF DIAPHRAGM WALL head option implemented in the ZSoil
code (Truty et al. 2016) (h(t) = – p(t)/γ
The 3D model of an anchored diaphragm + y; here minus sign is used as compres-
wall is shown in Figure 1. Two rows of sive stresses are negative), to the outer
prestressed anchors, 17 m long (fixed and inner element facets of all excavated
anchor zone length is equal 8 m), are in- elements in the panel zone, but also, to
stalled at depths 5 and 11 m, according- the external facets of remaining elements
ly, with 1.6 m spacing four anchors per adjacent to the excavated panel. At end
panel). Modeling of the wall installation of the excavation the trench is exposed
stage follows, in general, the approach to the bentonite pressure only. Later on
proposed by Schäfer and Triantafyllidis bentonite is replaced progressively by a
(2006). Excavation stage of each panel, fresh concrete going from the bottom to
lasting 0.5 day, is carried out progres- the top with vc = 5 m/h rate. Due to set-
sively by removing elements, row by ting of fresh concrete, but also due to ge-
row, in 26 time steps. Simultaneously ometry of the trench, concrete pressure
a hydrostatic bentonite pressure (unit distribution is not hydrostatic. It is com-
weight of bentonite is assumed as γb = mon to assume that this distribution fol-
10.3 kN/m3) is applied in the excavated lows so-called bilinear law (Ng and Yan
zone. This stage can easily be modeled 1998), in which the initial gradient cor-

FIGURE 1. FE mesh
246 A.A. Truty

responds to the unit weight of concrete 3) facets. Therefore, in zone of these two
(γc), while below a certain depth, called remaining panels, h1(t) = –26 m at the
as critical, and usually equal to the 1/3 of beginning, and then it switches to h1(t)
the trench depth, pressure is significantly = 0 m once wall panels 1, 2 and 3 are
reduced, and follows the bentonite one. installed. The second record h2(t) cor-
This kind of effect is well known in the responds to the normal pressure applied
community of designers of concrete in the direction opposite to the external
formworks and worked out in several normal of soil elements facets, in the
standards. Before setting time instance trench, and is defined as follows
concrete behaves as a Bingham fluid, but
then as an aging solid. In this first period ­
(till setting time instance) evolution of ° H for t d t1
fresh concrete pressure front is shown ° t  t1 H
in Figure 2. To obtain such a variable h2 (t ) = ® H (1  ) for t1 < t d t1 
° H / vc vc
in time, distribution, a linear combina- ° H
tion of three pressure load records, using °0 for t > t1 
¯ vc
ZSoil fluid head definition, is to be used.
The first record h1(t) = 0 corresponds to
The third record h3(t) corresponds to
the bentonite pressure and can be applied
the normal pressure applied in the direc-
in zones of panels 1, 2 and 3, from the
tion that coincides with the external nor-
very beginning. In panels 4 and 5 ben-
mal of soil elements facets, in the trench,
tonite pressure is applied to the subsoil
and is defined as follows
elements facets and wall (panels 1, 2 and

FIGURE 2. Evolution of concrete pressure front

Influence of diaphragm wall installation in overconsolidated sandy clays... 247

­ h
° H for t d t1  c
° vc
°° t  t1  hc /vc h h H  hc
h3 (t ) = ® H (1  ) for t1  c < t d t1  c 
° ( H  hc )/vc vc vc vc
° h H  hc
°0 for t > t1  c 
°̄ vc vc

In the pressure head record h1 re- Subsoil consists of a uniform over-

quired artificial medium unit weight consolidated quaternary sandy clay
γ = γb = 10.3 kN/m3, while in records h2 layer for which triaxial drained and
and h3 γ = γc – γb = 25 – 10.3 = 14.7 kN/m3. field CPTU tests were carried out (Tru-
The diaphragm wall depth is denoted by ty and Podleś 2010). Material prop-
(here H = 26 m), critical depth is denoted erties for the HSs model used to rep-
by hc (hc ≈ H/3) and t1 is some arbitrar- resent behavior of the analyzed soil
ily assumed time instance at which ben- layer are as follows E0ref 328 MPa,
tonite is progressively replaced by con- ref ref
crete (here t1 = 0.6 day). The assumed Ȟ = 0.2, E50 20 MPa, Eur 70 MPa,
order of installation of wall panels (1, 2,
3, 4, 5) is shown in Figure 1. Once the
instalation is finished and concrete is ful- m = 0.55, γ0.7 = 4 · 10–5, ø′ = 29°, ψ′ = 0°,
ly matured progressive excavation, with c′ = 7 kPa, OCR = 7.5, K oinsitu 1.4,
simultaneous dewatering, takes place till k = 10–8 m/s. Contrary to the author’s
5 m depth, then first row of anchors, in- publication (Truty and Podleś 2010) a
clined at angle 25°, is installed and pre- reduced value of the reference small
stressed with force 750 kN, then exca- ref
strain moduli E0 is used due to more
vation and dewatering progresses till 11 conservative stiffness estimation derived
m depth at which second row of anchors from the measurement of shear wave
is installed and prestressed with force velocity in the triaxial apparatus. The
650 kN. The whole analysis is terminated OCR and in situ Ko coefficients were
when design excavation depth (16 m) is derived from the CPTU test (at depth
reached. To analyze the influence of wall 17 m an average value of qc ≈ 7 MPa
installation and induced effective stress and fs ≈ 330 kPa). The aforementioned
disturbance in subsoil the two cases are value of the OCR was derived using low-
considered. In the first case (A) whole er bound estimate OCR ≈ 0.2Qt while
installation procedure is included while
K oinsitu | (1  sin I c)ȅCR0.5 . These val-
in the second one (B) concrete wall is in-
ues match relatively well the estimates
stalled without in situ stress disturbance.
given by Kaczyński et al. (2008). Stabi-
In both cases a fully coupled (con-
lized (due to quasi-undrained conditions
solidation) and quasi-undrained analyses
during installation stage and equal order
are run assuming that the free water table
interpolation of displacements and pore
behind the wall remains at depth of 4 m.
water pressures) eight-node brick BBAR
248 A.A. Truty

elements were used to discretize subsoil match between kinematical and pressure
(Truty and Zimmermann 2006). degrees of freedom in this artificial inter-
In all cases diaphragm walls are face (Puso 2003).
discretized with aid of Q4 MITC shell
elements possessing typical brick B8
geometry. For proper representation of ANALYSIS OF RESULTS
concrete behavior a plastic damage mod-
el was used taking into account aging and In order to assess stress disturbance due
creep, compatible with the Eurocode 2 to wall installation the horizontal effec-
standard (Truty and Zimmermann 2015, tive and total stress diagrams (σz compo-
Truty 2016, Truty et al. 2016). This de- nent) at two different depths 4.5 m and
scription is definitely more appropriate 20.5 m, in soil elements adjacent to the
than the one used by Schäfer and Trian- wall, for two types of drainage condi-
tafyllidis (2006) who arbitrarily reduced tions, are analyzed. Distribution of σz,
value of E modulus in the linear elastic at depth 4.5 m for the undrained condi-
model of the matured concrete, in the tions are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4
wall, to 2,000 MPa. Major reinforce- while for partial drainage in Figure 5 and
ment (60 cm2/m) is put on both sides of Figure 6, respectively. The correspond-
the cross section, in the vertical direc- ing results at depth 20.5 m are shown
tion, minor one is 15 cm2/m. Material in Figure 7 and Figure 8 for undrained
properties for fully matured concrete are conditions and in Figure 9 and Figure 10
as follows: E28 = 30,000 MPa, v = 0.2, for partial drainage. In all cases stress
γ = 25 kN/m3, fc = 25 MPa, fco/fc = 0.4, fcbo/ diagrams are smoothed to cancel fluc-
tuations near panel vertical edges. On
/fc = 1.16, D c 0.5 at ıc / f c 1.0, Gc= may observe that averaged total hori-
= 17.55·10–3 MN/m, ft = 2 MPa, D t 0.5 zontal stresses after wall installation are
at ıt / ft 0.5, Gt = 0.135·10–3 MN/m, always smaller that those corresponding
so = 0.2, αp = 0.2, αd =1.0. Notion of to the in situ state. As far as effective σ′z
these parameters is given in the origi- stresses are concerned one may observe
nal paper by Lee and Fenves (1998) and that at depth 4.5 m differences between
atricle of Truty et al. (2016). Additional the state just after the installation of the
creep parameters of the model derived wall and in situ are negligible. At depth
from the EC2 standard are øoβ(fcm)/E28 = 20.5 m the undrained condition yields
= 9·10–5 MPa, βH = 1,500 days, s = 0.38. averaged effective σ′z stresses larger than
To model strong displacement discon- those corresponding to the in situ state
tinuity a frictional contact interface is while in the case of partial drainage situ-
assumed between wall and subsoil (fric- ation is the opposite. The resulting wall
tion angle in the interface is øi = 20°). In deflections in all four analyzed cases are
order to reduce number of nodes denser shown in Figure 11. It is well visible that
mesh is used in zone adjacent to the wall resulting deformations are much more
while coarser one elsewhere. Connec- sensitive to the drainage conditions rath-
tion of these two meshes using so-called er than to the detailed modeling of instal-
mesh tying method preserves a perfect lation effects. The latter ones generate
Influence of diaphragm wall installation in overconsolidated sandy clays... 249

FIGURE 3. Distribution of effective stresses σ′z in the first row of elements adjacent to the diaphragm
wall at depth 4.5 m (quasi-undrained solution)

FIGURE 4. Distribution of total stresses σz in the first row of elements adjacent to the diaphragm wall
at depth 4.5 m (quasi-undrained solution)

some differences in terms of deflections Hence response of the system at this

at larger depths. This can be explained stage is closer to the plane strain model.
by the fact that in shallow subsoil layers This is usually observed by means of
averaged minor effective stresses do not excessive horizontal wall tip movement
deviate too much from the in situ state that is significantly reduced when true
while at larger depths these differences 3D models are used. However, qualita-
are much larger. It has to be emphasized tive assessment is still possible. It has
that analyzed models, at excavation and to be mentioned that to avoid exces-
anchoring stages, do not represent real sive pore water suctions zero dilatancy
3D effects due to assumed symmetries. angle was assumed (HSs model yields
250 A.A. Truty

FIGURE 5. Distribution of effective stresses σ′z in the first row of elements adjacent to the diaphragm
wall at depth 4.5 m (partial drainage conditions)

FIGURE 6. Distribution of total stresses σz in the first row of elements adjacent to the diaphragm wall
at depth 4.5 m (partial drainage conditions)

FIGURE 7. Distribution of effective stresses σ′z in the first row of elements adjacent to the diaphragm
wall at depth 20.5 m (quasi-undrained solution)
Influence of diaphragm wall installation in overconsolidated sandy clays... 251

FIGURE 8. Distribution of total stresses σz in the first row of elements adjacent to the diaphragm wall
at depth 20.5 m (quasi-undrained solution)

FIGURE 9. Distribution of effective stresses σ′z in the first row of elements adjacent to the diaphragm
wall at depth 20.5 m (partial drainage conditions)

FIGURE 10. Distribution of total stresses σz in the first row of elements adjacent to the diaphragm wall
at depth 20.5 m (partial drainage conditions)
252 A.A. Truty

FIGURE 11. Diaphragm wall deflections at end of excavation (140 days after wall installation) for two
different drainage conditions and two situations in which installation effects is neglected or taken into

unlimited undrained shear strength for age conditions, were considered. It was
nonzero dilatancy angles (Truty and Obr- shown that the final effective stress dis-
zud 2015). This conservative assumption turbance caused by wall installation does
will always lead to overestimation of de- not influence significantly its deflections.
formations. This result must be verified in the future
by using a modified version of the HSs
model in which p′-stiffness dependency,
CONCLUSIONS rather than the σ′3 one, is used.
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TRUTY A., OBRZUD R. 2015: Improved
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Instytut Geotechniki
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