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Exodus 20:5,” Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I
the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon
the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
A Powerful Prayer to Break Generational Curses
“And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, ‘The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and
gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and
forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the
children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.’" Exodus
34:6-7 ESV

Generational curses are behaviors we adopt because of the environment we are brought up in.
Addictions and abuses can influence our behavior, but ultimately, we all have the choice to shake off
those chains and embrace freedom in Christ. “The sins of the fathers are punished in the children
through becoming the children’s own sin,” John Piper explains, “the hatred of God is the
embodiment of what the father’s problem was.” Consequences for repeated sins are definitely
generational. God proclaimed to Moses in the verses above He would not leave the guilty
unpunished. Why would He want His children to continue on in deplorable habits that would bring
them no true happiness or satisfaction? God so love the world, He sent His only Son to save us. (John
3:16) He is slow to anger, always good, and He provided a way for us to break the curse of sin we are
all born under.

Paul wrote, “because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from
the law of sin and death.” (Romans 8:2)

A Prayer to Break Generational Curses

Father, Goodness and grace define You. Abba, Father. The One True, Triune, God, glory be to You for
who we are and all You have made. As our Creator and Author, You know the mountains of sin that
stare us down here on earth. The curse of sin Adam and Eve ushered in is still ravaging the earth and
every human bit of flesh existing in it. Yet, from the beginning of time, You made a way for us to
experience freedom from the death warranted for the sin we cannot avoid. Jesus, You are the Way,
the Truth, and the Life. Jesus, You freed us from every sin, curse, hex, and chain when You took on
the cross. You know how we feel and faithfully walk alongside us. Holy Spirit, our comforter, we are
grateful that You live in every Christ Follower. Thank You that our salvation in You, O Lord, breaks
generational curses. In Christ, the power of sin and death no longer holds us.

God, when we forget our freedom and shelve our peace, remind us of who and Whose we are. You
have given us a purpose that is unique, and beyond all we can ever ask for or imagine. You know us
better than we know ourselves. Our hearts cry out in murmurs only the Spirit can translate to
heaven. Lead us to the truth of Your Word, complete with explanation and answer. May we bravely
come to You for clarification and have ears to hear Your answers. From the first page of Scripture to
the last, we believe in Your divinely inspired Word to be the only rock-solid truth. Help us to build
the foundation of our lives upon Your Word. Each day, assist us as we armor up to face the world.
May our eyes, our hearts, our ears, and our very being turn to You, over and over.

Generational curses are no match for the power of the One True God. You are mighty to save,
faithful, and abounding in love for Your family. In Christ, we are no longer who we were without You
but are adopted into Your family. We become workers for the Kingdom of God and look forward to
eternity in Heaven. Jesus, the hope of Your return to right all wrongs and relieve all pain lifts our
countenance and reminds us how loved we are. Thank You for loving us for who we are, right where
we are at. We meet You here in this place today, God, and know undoubtedly nothing this world can

throw at us is more powerful than You. No person, or thing, can stop the plan You have for our lives.
You tell us not to worry. Increase our trust in You. In a world throwing us curveballs …keep us alert
and focused on You at all times.

Jesus, You came for all of us, and You chose us. Forgive us for our sins and soften our hearts to Your
Word. We believe in You, Jesus. Thank You for embracing us when we thought curses and sins would
surely kill us. Continue to rescue us from the pain of this world. Savior, God. We love you. Protect us
from the tendencies and strongholds of sin we struggle with. Help us to name them, look at them
head-on, and do the work to turn from them to You. We lift the burden and weight of them up to
You. We know You are able to crush our enemy and sustain us through unbearable circumstances.
The temporary pain of this world will one day pass, but Jesus, our Savior, You reign forever. Humbled
are we to call you Savior, Lord, and friend. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Scriptures about Breaking Generational Curses

“Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us- for it is written, ‘Cursed is
everyone who is hanged on a tree-‘“ Galatians 3:13 NIV

“And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive
together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses,” Colossians 2:13 ESV

“‘But if they will confess their sins and the sins of their ancestors- their unfaithfulness and their
hostility toward me, which made me hostile toward them so that I sent them into the land of their
enemies- then when their uncircumcised hearts are humbled and they pay for their sin, I will
remember my covenant with Jacob and my covenant with Isaac and my covenant with Abraham,
and I will remember the land.’” Leviticus 26:40-42 NIV

“No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall confute every tongue that
rises against you in judgement. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their vindication
from me, declares the LORD.” Isaiah 54:17 ESV

“For our struggle is not against the flesh and blood, but against the authorities, against the powers
of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12 NIV

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32 ESV

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The
prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16 NIV

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all
unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 ESV

“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 ESV

“All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins
through his name.” Acts 10:43 NIV

What Are Generational Curses?

Generational curses are inherited from behaviors that trickle down one generation after another, or
they can be habits and strongholds we ourselves fall into and struggle to stumble out of.
Pornography, alcoholism, eating disorders, drug addiction, sexual abuse, adultery. All of these

categorically sinful habits can be considered generational curses. “When we acquire a sinful habitat
believe that negatively affects our lives or those around us, this is known as a generational curse,”
Hank Hanegraaff explains, “It is the shadow side of behavior passed down through the generations.”

Less taboo generational habits can be just as dangerous and entrapping. Laziness, gossip, self-pity,
condemnation and criticism, stubbornness, and overspending can be the damaging roots of sinful
strongholds. A wise mentor once advised me, if I was acutely bothered by a noticeable behavior in
someone else, it was most likely because I struggled with a tinge of it …or possibly sat fully entangled
in it ….myself. God alerts us in many ways! We are not to blame our parents or grandparents for our
behaviors. Even if we’ve inherited the same tendencies, we all have the opportunity to embrace
freedom in Christ.

How Are Generational Curses Broken?

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has
come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV

Jesus has broken every curse on the cross. Our cursed chains are snapped the minute we hand them
over to Him. We have to do the hard work of turning from our sinful behavior, but in Christ, we are
part of a new family, God’s family! The power of the cross sets us free from the curse of sin that is
death. Christ came for all, and all have the opportunity to embrace freedom in Him. “Generational
curses are a phenomenon of human nature and learnt by example and influence,” Isaac Makashinyi
wrote for The Gospel Coalition, “Consequences, not curses, are passed on through the generations.”

If we are in Christ, every curse has already been broken. There will always be consequences for sin
and disobedience. God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good. A good father disciplines His
children. So does our Father lovingly guide us, despite the painful onslaught of our bad and
disobedient decisions. But we are not held accountable for someone else’s sin. Ezekiel 18:20
proclaims, “The one who sins is the one who will die. The child will not share the guilt of the parent,
nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to
them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them.”

Jesus is our everything. His saving act was God’s plan from the beginning. The Spirit is faithful to
nudge and reminds us, daily, we are loved. “If you dwell forever in fellowship with the Heavenly
Father, it won’t be because you somehow managed to avoid the mistakes made by previous
generations. It will be because you accepted God’s merciful offer of unmerited deliverance and
salvation” (Focus on the Family). Love drives out all generational curses. Our earthly families will
frustrate and fail us because we are all imperfect. But God has adopted us into His family. Jesus has
called us friends, and the Living God lives in us. Generational curses have no power over the One
True King.

Destroy Witchcraft: 12 Steps to Uproot Evil Altars

He made his sons pass through the fire [as an offering to his gods] in the Valley of Ben-hinnom;
and he practiced witchcraft, used divination, and practiced sorcery, and dealt with mediums and
spiritists. He did much evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking Him to anger. (2 Chronicles 33:6)

Perhaps of all the ancient evil vices there is no occultic craft that is as widely known as witchcraft.

Unfortunately, witchcraft is a force to reckon with in any country of the world. In the United States
of America in the month of October the entire country pays homage to the altar of witchcraft in the
form of Halloween. I am convinced that many of the race riots we are now seeing on the streets of
America are the chickens coming home to roost in a nation that celebrates witchcraft alongside the
Bible. Coming out of Africa where witchcraft is practiced at a very high level, we lived under the fear
of this oppressive force. Before I gave my life to Christ, I was attacked viciously by witches during my
sleep. I would wake up feeling like I had just survived the Second World War or a strenuous
marathon. In those days I dreaded going to sleep and hated the night. Thankfully, after I came to
Christ God gave me dominion over this spirit and people who operate under it. I have seen
highranking witches give their life to Christ through my ministry.

Nevertheless, witchcraft is not limited to witches and wizards flying on mystical brooms in Harry
Potter. Witchcraft can also manifest itself as a spirit of stubbornness toward the things of God or
obeying the truth. First Samuel 15:23 says, “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,” and Galatians
3:1 says, “O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth?” From
these two passages of Scripture it is clear that God hates these other forms of witchcraft as much He
hates the occultic practices such as sorcery, incantations, casting spells, necromancy, star-gazing,
astrology, fortune-telling, and so forth. The powerful prayer of activation below is meant to destroy
the evil altars of witchcraft of any kind in your bloodline.

Prayer of Activation

1. Address the Father in Praise and Worship

Heavenly Father, holy is Your name and greatly to be praised. I worship and adore You in Jesus’
name. May Your Kingdom manifest in my life as it is in Heaven. Plead my cause, O Lord, with those
who strive with me; fight against any entity or person who is contending against me. Heavenly
Father, it is written in Psalms 27:6, “And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me,
in His tent I will offer sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.” Abba,
I enjoin my worship to the heavenly chorus of worship of Your holy angels and the crowd of
witnesses, in Jesus’ name.

2. Ask for the Court to Be Seated

Heavenly Father, Righteous Judge, I ask that the Courts of Heaven be seated according to Daniel 7:9-
10. I ask this in Jesus’ mighty name. It is written:

I kept looking until thrones were set up, and the Ancient of Days (God) took His seat; His garment
was white as snow and the hair of His head like pure wool. His throne was flames of fire; its wheels
were a burning fire. A river of fire was flowing and coming out from before Him; a thousand
thousand were attending Him, and ten thousand times ten thousand were standing before Him; the
court was seated, and the books were opened.

Heavenly Father, I am requesting the privilege of standing before the courtroom of the Ancient of
Days according to what was revealed to the prophet Daniel, in Jesus’ name, I pray. Heavenly Father, I
stand in Your royal courtroom because of the blood and finished work of Jesus on the cross. I have
come to receive Your righteous judgment over my life against the spirit and altar of witchcraft that
Satan planted in my generational bloodline. Heavenly Father, I call upon Your holy angels to be
witnesses to my lawsuit and righteous prosecution of the evil altar of witchcraft. I decree and
declare that this evil altar of witchcraft will not destroy me or my family members nor stop us from
pursuing our God-given destiny here on earth, in Jesus’ name I pray.

3. Surrender Your Rights to Self-Representation to the Lord as Your Advocate

Heavenly Father, Your Word in 1 John 2:1-2 says, “My little children, these things I write to you, so
that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the
righteous. And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole
world” (NKJV). I thank You that Jesus is my faithful Advocate before the Righteous Judge in the
Courts of Heaven. Lord Jesus, I surrender my rights to self-representation and summon You as my
Advocate to help me plead my case before the Righteous Judge and prosecute the evil of altar of
witchcraft that Satan planted in my bloodline. I also ask the blessed Holy Spirit, who is the highest
officer of the Courts of Heaven here on earth, to make me sensitive to the proceedings of this Court
in order to successfully prosecute the evil altar of witchcraft in Jesus’ name.

4. Summon the Evil Altar and the Idol That Sits on It to Appear in Court

Heavenly Father, even as I stand in Your royal courtroom I present myself as a living sacrifice, holy
and acceptable before You according to Romans 12:1. Heavenly Father, Righteous Judge, I summon
the altar of witchcraft in my bloodline and the idol that sits on it to appear in Your royal courtroom
to face prosecution in Jesus’ name. For it is written in 1 Corinthians 6:3, “Do you not know that we
[believers] will judge angels? How much more then [as to] matters of this life?” Heavenly Father, I
exercise my God-given authority in Christ Jesus to judge demons and principalities, in Jesus’ name I
pray. Righteous Judge, it is also written in the Constitution of Your Kingdom in 1 John 3:8, “For this
purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil” (NKJV).

5. Address Satan’s Accusations and Agree with the Adversary

Heavenly Father, I know that until the end of the age of sin, satan still has legal access to the Courts
of Heaven to level accusations against the children of men; for it is written in the book of Revelation

Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom
(dominion, reign) of our God, and the authority of His Christ have come; for the accuser of our
[believing] brothers and sisters has been thrown down [at last], he who accuses them and keeps
bringing charges [of sinful behaviour] against them before our God day and night.”

Heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus also said in the book of Matthew 5:25:

Come to terms quickly [at the earliest opportunity] with your opponent at law while you are with him
on the way [to court], so that your opponent does not hand you over to the judge, and the judge to
the guard, and you are thrown into prison.

Heavenly Father, in all humility, while renouncing the spirit of pride, I choose to quickly agree with
the legal accusations of my adversary, Satan. Righteous Judge, every accusation that Satan has filed
against me and my bloodline in this Court is true.

6. Repent

Heavenly Father, I repent for my personal transgressions, and for the sins and iniquities of my
forefathers that opened the door for the spirit and altar of witchcraft to oppress my life, in Jesus’
name I pray. Lord, every sin of my forefathers that the enemy is using as a legal right to build cases
against me and to deny me my destiny, I ask that the blood of Jesus would just wash them away. I
repent for any time I have celebrated Halloween; consulted a medium, fortune-teller, tarot card
reader, or psychic; or watched movies that were dedicated for the single purpose of glorying
witchcraft. I repent for anytime I fantasied about being a witch or consulted with a necromancer in

order to talk to dead loved ones, in Jesus’ name I pray. I also repent for witchcraft that comes in the
form of rebellion and not listening to the truth of the gospel of Christ. I also repent for self-inflicted
word curses and all covenants with demons that have existed in my ancestral bloodline. I am asking
that every covenant with demonic powers will now be revoked and that their right to claim me and
my bloodline would now be dismissed before Your court, in Jesus’ name. Thank You, Lord, for
revoking these demonic covenants and evil altars in Jesus’ mighty name! Heavenly Father, in my
heartfelt desire to divorce myself from the spirit and altar of witchcraft, I give back everything and
anything that the devil would say came from his kingdom. I only want what the blood of Jesus has
secured for me.

7. Appeal to the Blood of Jesus to Wipe Out All Sin (Satan’s Evidence)

Lord Jesus, thank You for cleansing me by Your blood so Satan has no legal footing against me in
Your courtroom. It is written in 1 John 1:9:

If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just [true to His own
nature and promises], and will forgive our sins and cleanse us continually from all unrighteousness
[our wrongdoing, everything not in conformity with His will and purpose].

Righteous Judge, I appeal to the blood of Jesus to wipe out all my shortcomings, transgressions, and
iniquities, in Jesus’ name, I pray. I receive by faith the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus.

8. Ask the Court to Dismiss All of Satan’s Accusations and Charges

Heavenly Father, based upon Jesus’ finished work and my heartfelt repentance, I now move on the
Court of heaven to dismiss all of satan’s accusations and charges against me and my bloodline in
Jesus’ name. For it is written that the accuser of the brethren has been cast down. So, I ask you
Father to cast down, all of satan’s accusations against me, in Jesus’ name, I pray.

9. Ask the Lord to Send Angels to Destroy the Evil Altar and Execute the Lord’s Judgement Against

Heavenly Father, Righteous Judge, I ask that You send high-ranking angelic officers of the Courts who
excel in strength to execute the judgment of Your supreme court and destroy the evil altar of
witchcraft and the idol that sits on it that Satan planted in my bloodline, in Jesus’ name I pray. By the
spirit of prophecy, I prophesy the complete destruction of the evil altar of witchcraft in my life, in
Jesus’ name. For it is written in Psalms 91:11-12, “For He will command His angels in regard to you,
to protect and defend and guard you in all your ways [of obedience and service]. They will lift you up
in their hands, so that you do not [even] strike your foot against a stone.” I receive angelic assistance,
right now, in Jesus’ name.

10. Present Scriptures That Will Be Used in Issuing a Divine Restraining Order

Heavenly Father, I present before Your Supreme Court the following scriptures as my rock-solid
evidence against the spirit and altar of witchcraft in my life. It is written:

For there is no enchantment or omen against Jacob, nor is there any divination against Israel. At the
proper time it shall be said to Jacob and to Israel, what has God done! (Numbers 23:23)

You shall not allow a woman who practices sorcery to live (Exodus 22:18).

Righteous Judge, based upon the aforementioned scriptures, it is clear that the spirit and altar of
witchcraft, if allowed to succeed, would cause great injury to my life, destiny, and also inflict
irreparable damage to the purposes of God. I ask that that every legal right the spirit and altar of

witchcraft is holding be revoked in Jesus’ glorious name. Righteous Judge, based upon the
aforementioned scriptures, it is clear that I qualify for a divine restraining order against the altar of
witchcraft and the idol that sits on it, in Jesus’ name.

11. Ask the Court to Issue a Divine Restraining Order and Receive the Divine Restraining Order by

Heavenly Father, Righteous Judge, I now ask that a divine restraining order and a permanent
injunction against the spirit and altar of witchcraft in my life would now be issued on by the
authority of Your Supreme Court, in Jesus’ name. Heavenly Father, I decree and declare that any
form of witchcraft, whether it be white or black magic or enchantments the devil has issued or is
orchestrating against my life are now cancelled in Jesus’ glorious name. Heavenly Father, I receive
this divine restraining order and permanent injunction by faith, in Jesus’ name. For it is written in the
Constitution of Your Kingdom in Hebrews 11:6, “But without faith it is impossible to [walk with God
and] please Him, for whoever comes [near] to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that
He rewards those who [earnestly and diligently] seek Him.” I believe and declare by faith that the
spirit and altar of witchcraft in my life has been judged, in Jesus’ name!

12. Ask the Lord to Seal Your Righteous Verdict and Court Proceedings in the Blood of Jesus

Heavenly Father, Righteous Judge, I now ask You to seal my righteous verdict against the spirit and
altar of witchcraft in the precious blood of Jesus. May You also cover with the blood of Jesus all my
legal proceedings in this Court in Jesus’ name. I decree and declare that my righteous verdict of
release and breakthrough from the evil altar of witchcraft is now secured in the documents of the
Courts of Heaven. For it is written in John’s Gospel, chapter 8:36, “So if the Son makes you free, then
you are unquestionably free.” I decree and declare that I am free of the evil altar of witchcraft in
Jesus’ name, amen!

5 Divine Restraining Orders You Can Issue from the Courts of Heaven Right Now!

Divine Restraining Order #1: Against Premature Death

He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor
him. With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation (Psalm 91:15-16).

Heavenly Father, I stand in Your royal courtroom because of the blood and finished work of Jesus on
the cross. I have come to receive Your righteous judgment over my life. Heavenly Father, I ask that
the Courts of Heaven be seated according to Daniel 7:10. I ask this in Jesus’ mighty name. Heavenly
Father, I call upon Your holy angels to be witnesses to this legal and righteous transaction. I also
decree and declare that all the demonic entities, institutions, and human beings who will be
impacted directly by the divine restraining order that I am requesting will be duly notified by Your
holy angels who service the Courts of Heaven, in Jesus’ name I pray. Heavenly Father, I decree and
declare that every demonic entity, earthly institution, and human being will respect, honor, and
abide by Your righteous judgment, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Heavenly Father, thank You for allowing me to stand before You and address the Courts of Heaven.
Thank You, Lord, for the gift of revelation. Lord, I repent for any and everything that would be
stopping my destiny from becoming a reality. Heavenly Father, even as I stand in your royal
courtroom I present myself as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable before You according to Romans
12:1. Lord, I ask that any place in me that is displeasing to You, that is unrighteous before You, would
be unveiled and so I can repent of it. O God, let the blood of Jesus speak on my behalf. Lord, I repent
before You for any place of sin concerning wrong motives, wrong associations, or any place where I

have not guarded my heart. Lord Jesus, I am sorry for my sins; cleanse me by Your blood so Satan
has no legal footing to resist any divine restraining order I need from the Court. Heavenly Father,
Your Word says that Jesus is my faithful Advocate before the Righteous Judge in the Courts of
Heaven. Lord Jesus Christ, I summon You as my Advocate to help me plead my case before the
Righteous Judge for a divine restraining order against any and all forms of premature death.
Heavenly Father, I present before the Court the following Scriptures as evidence against the spirit of
premature death in my life.

It is written:

He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor
him. With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation (Psalm 91:15-16).

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have
life, and that they may have it more abundantly (John 10:10).

Heavenly Father, based upon the aforementioned Scriptures, it is clear that premature death would
do great injury to my life, destiny, and inflict irreparable damage to the purposes of God. Heavenly
Father, I repent for my sin, my personal transgressions, and for the iniquities of my bloodline that
may have opened a door for premature death in my life. In Jesus’ name I pray. Lord, every sin of my
forefathers that the enemy would be using as a legal right to build cases against me and to deny me
my destiny, I ask that the blood of Jesus would just wash them away. It is written that a “Curse
causeless would never arise.” I ask that that every legal right the spirit of premature death is holding
on to be revoked in Jesus’ glorious name. Let the chains of the enemy be removed from my life.

Heavenly Father, I also repent for all covenants with demons that have existed in my ancestral
bloodline. I am asking that every covenant with demonic powers will now be revoked and that their
right to claim me and my bloodline would now be dismissed before Your court, in Jesus’ name.
Thank You, Lord, for revoking these demonic covenants and altars in Jesus’ mighty name! Heavenly
Father, in my heartfelt desire to divorce myself from the spirit of premature death, I give back
everything and anything that the devil would say came from his kingdom. I only want what the blood
of Jesus has secured for me. So, I give back anything demons and demonic altars would claim that
they have given me, in Jesus’ name, I pray.

Heavenly Father, I now ask that a divine restraining order against premature death would be issued
on my behalf from Your Supreme Court.

Heavenly Father, I decree and declare that any and all forms of premature death plans the devil has
issued or is orchestrating against my life are now cancelled in Jesus’ glorious name. Heavenly Father,
I receive this divine restraining order by faith, in Jesus’ name. I decree and declare that You shall
fulfill all “the days of my life” that You wrote in my book of destiny long before You created me.

Divine Restraining Order #2: Over Your Home

No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; for He shall give His angels
charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash
your foot against a stone (Psalm 91:10-12).

Heavenly Father, I stand in Your royal courtroom because of the shed blood and finished work of
Jesus on the cross. I have come to receive Your righteous judgment over my life. Heavenly Father, I
ask that the Courts of Heaven be seated according to Daniel 7:10. I ask this in Jesus’ mighty name.

Heavenly Father, I call upon Your holy angels to be witnesses to this legal and righteous transaction. I
also decree and declare that all the demonic entities, institutions, and human beings who will be
impacted directly by the divine restraining order that I am requesting will be duly notified by Your
holy angels who service the Courts of Heaven, in Jesus’ name I pray. Heavenly Father, I decree and
declare that every demonic entity, earthly institution, and human being will respect, honor, and
abide by Your righteous judgment, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Heavenly Father, I repent for any and everything that would be stopping my destiny from becoming
a reality. Heavenly Father, even as I stand in Your royal Courtroom I present myself as a living
sacrifice, holy and acceptable before You according to Romans 12:1. Lord, I repent before You for
any place of sin concerning wrong motives, wrong intentions, or any place where I have not guarded
my heart. Forgive me for letting evil thoughts and ideas to cling to my mind. Lord Jesus, wash me
with Your blood so Satan has no legal footing to resist any divine restraining order I need from Your
Supreme Court.

Heavenly Father, Your Word says that Jesus is my faithful Advocate before the Righteous Judge in
the Courts of Heaven. Lord Jesus Christ, I summon You as my Advocate to help me plead my case
before the Righteous Judge for a divine restraining order over my home. Lord, it is not Your will for
my home not to be a place of safety and peace against spiritual forces of darkness, in Jesus’ name I

Heavenly Father, I present before Your Court the following Scriptures as evidence You should use to
grant me a protective order over my home.

It is written:

No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; for He shall give His angels
charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash
your foot against a stone (Psalm 91:10-12).

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe (Proverbs 18:10).

Heavenly Father, based upon the aforementioned Scriptures, it is clear that if the Court does not
impose a protective order over my home, the devil would cause great injury to my life, family,
destiny, and inflict irreparable damage to the purposes of God. Heavenly Father, I repent for my sin,
transgressions, and for the iniquities of my bloodline that may have opened a door for demons to
attack the sanctity of my home. Lord, every sin of my forefathers that the devil is using as a legal
right to build legal cases against me, to deny my destiny, I ask that the blood of Jesus would just
wash them away. I ask that that every legal right the devil has over my home be revoked, in Jesus’
glorious name.

Heavenly Father, I also repent for any covenant with demons that has existed in my ancestral
bloodline. Lord, I ask that any agreement with demons in my life would be rescinded. Lord, any
demonic legal right to claim me, and my bloodline is now dismissed before Your royal court, in Jesus’
name. Thank You, Lord, for revoking these demonic covenants and altars in Jesus’ mighty name!

Heavenly Father, I divorce myself from all and any spirits of darkness that are after my home. I give
back everything that the devil and demonic altars would say came from them. I only want what the
blood of Jesus secured for me. Heavenly Father, I now ask that a divine restraining order against
spiritual darkness be issued over my home by Your Royal and Supreme Court. In Jesus’ name I pray.
Heavenly Father, I decree and declare that any and all forms of spiritual attacks Satan is
orchestrating against my home are now cancelled in Jesus’ glorious name. Heavenly Father, I receive

this divine restraining order by faith, in Jesus’ name. I decree and declare that You shall fulfill all “the
days of my life” that You wrote in my book of destiny long before You created me, in Jesus’ name I
pray. Amen!

Divine Restraining Order #3: Over Your Church

Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And
walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied (Acts 9:31).

Heavenly Father, I stand in Your royal courtroom because of the shed blood and finished work of
Jesus on the cross. I have come to receive Your righteous judgment over my life. Heavenly Father, I
ask that the Courts of Heaven be seated according to Daniel 7:10. I ask this in Jesus’ mighty name.
Heavenly Father, I call upon Your holy angels to be witnesses to this legal and righteous transaction. I
also decree and declare that all the demonic entities, institutions, and human beings who will be
impacted directly by the divine restraining order that I am requesting will be duly notified by Your
holy angels who service the Courts of Heaven, in Jesus’ name I pray. Heavenly Father, I decree and
declare that every demonic entity, earthly institution, and human being will respect, honor, and
abide by Your righteous judgment, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Heavenly Father, I repent for any and everything that would be stopping the destiny of our church
from becoming a reality. Heavenly Father, even as I stand in your royal courtroom I present myself
as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable before You according to Romans 12:1. Lord, I repent before
You for any place of sin concerning wrong motives, wrong intentions, or any place where I have not
guarded my heart. Lord Jesus, wash me with Your blood so that Satan has no legal footing to resist
any divine restraining order I need from Your Supreme Court concerning our church.

Heavenly Father, Your Word says that Jesus is my faithful Advocate before the Righteous Judge in
the Courts of Heaven. Lord Jesus Christ, I summon You as my Advocate to help me plead my case
before the Righteous Judge for a divine restraining order over our church. Lord, it is not Your will for
our church not to be a place of safety and peace against spiritual forces of darkness, in Jesus’ name I

Heavenly Father, I present before Your Supreme Court the following Scriptures as evidence as to
why You should grant me a protective order over our church.

It is written:

Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And
walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied (Acts 9:31).

And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of
Hades shall not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18).

Heavenly Father, based upon the aforementioned Scriptures, it is clear that if the Court does not
impose a restraining or protective order over our church property, the devil could cause great injury
to members of our church and inflict irreparable damage to the church’s destiny. I ask that that every
legal right the devil has over our church be revoked in Jesus’ glorious name. Heavenly Father, I also
repent for any covenant with demons that has existed in my ancestral bloodline. Lord, I ask that any
agreement with demons that my church has be rescinded. Lord, any demonic legal right to claim our
church is now dismissed before Your royal courtroom, in Jesus’ name. Thank You, Lord, for revoking
these demonic covenants and altars in Jesus’ mighty name!

Heavenly Father, I divorce myself and members of our congregation from spirits of darkness that are
after our church. I give back everything that the devil, messengers of Satan and demonic altars
would say came from them. I only want what the blood of Jesus secured for me on the cross.
Heavenly Father, I now ask that a divine restraining order against spiritual darkness be issued over
our church by Your Royal and Supreme Court. In Jesus’ name I pray. Heavenly Father, I decree and
declare that any and all forms of spiritual attacks Satan is orchestrating against our church are now
cancelled in Jesus’ glorious name. Heavenly Father, I receive this divine restraining order by faith, in
Jesus’ name. Amen!

Divine Restraining Order #4: Against Witchcraft

For there is no sorcery against Jacob, nor any divination against Israel. It now must be said of Jacob
and of Israel, “Oh, what God has done!” (Numbers 23:23)

Heavenly Father, I stand in Your royal courtroom because of the shed blood and finished work of
Jesus on the cross. I have come to receive Your righteous judgment over my life. Heavenly Father, I
ask that the Courts of Heaven be seated according to Daniel 7:10. I ask this in Jesus’ mighty name.
Heavenly Father, I call upon Your holy angels to be witnesses to this legal and righteous transaction. I
also decree and declare that all the demonic entities, institutions, and human beings who will be
impacted directly by the divine restraining order that I am requesting will be duly notified by Your
holy angels who service the Courts of Heaven, in Jesus’ name I pray. Heavenly Father, I decree and
declare that every demonic entity, earthly institution, and human being will respect, honor, and
abide by Your righteous judgment, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Heavenly Father, I repent for any and everything that would be stopping my destiny from becoming
a reality. Heavenly Father, even as I stand in royal courtroom I present myself as a living sacrifice,
holy and acceptable before You according to Romans 12:1. Lord, I repent before You for any place of
sin concerning wrong motives, wrong intentions, or any place where I have not guarded my heart.
Lord Jesus, wash me with Your blood so Satan has no legal footing to resist any divine restraining
order I need from Your Supreme Court.

Heavenly Father, Your Word says that Jesus is my faithful Advocate before the Righteous Judge in
the Courts of Heaven. Lord Jesus Christ, I summon You as my Advocate to help me plead my case
before the Righteous Judge for a divine restraining order against any and all forms of witchcraft.
Lord, it is not Your will for me to be harassed by the spirit of witchcraft, in Jesus’ name I pray.
Heavenly Father, I present before Your Supreme Court the following Scriptures as evidence as to
why You should grant me a divine restraining or protective order against any form of witchcraft.

It is written:

For there is no sorcery against Jacob, nor any divination against Israel. It now must be said of Jacob
and of Israel, “Oh, what God has done!” (Numbers 23:23)

You shall not permit a sorceress to live (Exodus 22:18).

Heavenly Father, based upon the aforementioned Scriptures, it is clear that if the Court does not
impose a divine restraining order against the spirit of witchcraft on my behalf, the devil would cause
great injury to my life, destiny, and inflict irreparable damage to the purposes of God. Heavenly
Father, I repent for my sin, transgressions, and for the iniquities of my bloodline that opened a door
for witchcraft to attack me. Lord, every sin of my forefathers that the enemy would be using as a
legal right to build legal cases against me and to deny my destiny, I ask that the blood of Jesus would

just wash them away. I ask that that every legal right the devil has over my life be revoked, in Jesus’
glorious name.

Heavenly Father, I also repent for any covenant with demons that has existed in my ancestral
bloodline, especially with the spirit of witchcraft. Lord, I ask that any agreement with demons would
be rescinded. Lord, any demonic legal right to claim me and my bloodline is now dismissed before
Your courts, in Jesus’ name. Thank You, Lord, for revoking these demonic covenants and altars in
Jesus’ mighty name!

Heavenly Father, I divorce myself from any and all forms of witchcraft that are after me. I give back
everything that the devil, his messengers, and demonic altars would say came from them. I only
want what the blood of Jesus secured for me on the cross. Heavenly Father, I now ask that a divine
restraining order against witchcraft be issued over my life by Your Supreme Court. In Jesus’ name I
pray. Heavenly Father, I decree that any and all forms of witchcraft that Satan is orchestrating
against me are now cancelled in Jesus’ glorious name. Heavenly Father, I receive this divine
restraining order by faith, in Jesus’ name. I decree and declare that You shall fulfill all “the days of my
life” that You wrote in my book of destiny long before You created me, in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!

Divine Restraining Order #5: Against the Spirit of Poverty

The rich man’s wealth is his strong city; the destruction of the poor is their poverty (Proverbs 10:15).

Heavenly Father, I stand in Your royal courtroom because of the blood and finished work of Jesus on
the cross. I have come to receive Your righteous judgment over my life. Heavenly Father, I ask that
the Courts of Heaven be seated according to Daniel 7:10. I ask this in Jesus’ mighty name. Heavenly
Father, I call upon Your holy angels to be witnesses to this legal and righteous transaction. I also
decree and declare that all the demonic entities, institutions, and human beings who will be
impacted directly by the divine restraining order that I am requesting will be duly notified by Your
holy angels who service the Courts of Heaven, in Jesus’ name I pray. Heavenly Father, I decree and
declare that every demonic entity, earthly institution, and human being will respect, honor, and
abide by Your righteous judgment, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Heavenly Father, I repent for any and everything that would be stopping my financial prosperity
from becoming a reality. Heavenly Father, even as I stand in your royal courtroom I present myself
as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable before You according to Romans 12:1. Lord, I repent before
You for any place of sin concerning wrong motives, wrong intentions, or any place where I have not
guarded my heart. Lord Jesus, wash me with Your blood so Satan has no legal footing to resist any
divine restraining order I need from Your Supreme Court.

Heavenly Father, Your Word says that Jesus is my faithful Advocate before the Righteous Judge in
the Courts of Heaven. Lord Jesus Christ, I summon You as my Advocate to help me plead my case
before the Righteous Judge for a divine restraining order against the spirit of poverty. I decree and
declare that poverty’s chokehold on my life is broken. Lord, it is not Your will for me to be poverty
stricken, in Jesus’ name I pray. Heavenly Father, I present before Your Supreme Court the following
Scriptures as evidence as to why You should grant me a divine restraining order against the spirit of

It is written:

The rich man’s wealth is his strong city; the destruction of the poor is their poverty (Proverbs 10:15).

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He
became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9).

Heavenly Father, based upon the aforementioned Scriptures, it is clear that if the Court does not
impose a divine restraining order against the spirit of poverty controlling my life, the devil will cause
great injury to my life, destiny, and inflict irreparable damage to the purposes of God. Heavenly
Father, I repent for my sin, transgressions, and for the iniquities of my bloodline that opened a door
for the spirit of poverty to afflict me. Lord, every sin of my forefathers that the devil is using as a
legal right to build cases against me and to deny me financial prosperity, I ask that the blood of Jesus
would just wash them away. I ask that that every legal right the devil has over my life be revoked, in
Jesus’ glorious name.

Heavenly Father, I also repent for all covenants with demons that have existed in my ancestral
bloodline. Lord, I ask that any agreement any legal right the devil has to claim me and my bloodline
is now dismissed before Your royal court, in Jesus’ name. Thank You, Lord, for revoking these
demonic covenants and altars in Jesus’ mighty name! Heavenly Father forgive me for times I have
opened doors to the spirit of poverty by failing to give God my tithes of honor.

Heavenly Father, I divorce myself from the spirit of poverty and lack. I give back everything that the
devil, his human messengers, and demonic altars would say came from them. I only want what the
blood of Jesus secured for me. Heavenly Father, I now ask that a divine restraining order against the
spirit of poverty be issued over my life by Your Supreme Court. In Jesus’ name I pray. Heavenly
Father, I decree that any and all forms of financial bankruptcies that Satan is orchestrating against
me are now cancelled and made void in Jesus’ glorious name. Heavenly Father, I receive this divine
restraining order by faith, in Jesus’ name. I decree and declare that You shall fill my cup to
overflowing, in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!

Personal Assessments: Uncovering Obstacles Keeping You From Connecting with Holy Spirit

Over the course of my life, I have had a massive variety of experiences with Holy Spirit.

Some of these experiences were very powerful and formative. Some of my experiences were gentle
and comforting. And yet other experiences were eye-opening and very educational.

I’ll never forget the time when I was five years old and my babysitter failed to come pick me up at
my bus stop. She had been confused about the time that she was supposed to meet me, and I was
left to figure out what to do. Cell phones weren’t around yet, so I couldn’t call my parents.

As I started to try to find my way home, I was really scared; however, I sensed Holy Spirit gently
walking by my side and encouraging me to keep walking. I received step-by-step impressions as to
where I was to walk: down a sidewalk, up a hill, across a stream, and up to our house. When I arrived
at my home, Holy Spirit reminded me about the hide-a-key I could use to unlock the back door. I let
myself in the house and used the phone in the kitchen to call my parents to let them know I was safe
at home.

In another experience with Holy Spirit, I was living in China for the summer and was startled awake
from a violent nightmare. I remember trying to calm myself down by going to the bathroom and
reading my Bible, but the images and residue emotions from the dream kept accosting me. Finally, I
went out in the hallway of the dorm where I was staying and asked Holy Spirit to help me settle
down and give me peace. Holy Spirit met me there. After about thirty minutes, I was able to return
to my bed and fall back to sleep.

These two experiences communicate that Holy Spirit helps us in times of crisis, which is super
comforting! But I also want to share that Holy Spirit can help us during a normal day as we live out
our routine existence. During the COVID-19 pandemic, when we were all in lockdown and doing the
work-from-home adventure, I endeavored to take a walk every day. It was abundantly helpful.

On these walks, Holy Spirit and I would talk about the stress of being locked in, the uncertainty of
the future, various struggles from my childhood, present conflicts in relationships, and the weak
spots in my emotions. One of the positive outcomes for me from the pandemic was the daily walk I
had with Holy Spirit. I have also experienced many supernatural demonstrations and miracles
because of Holy Spirit’s presence. Some of these experiences include healings, supernatural
information, divine direction, protection, miracles, and lots more.

It seems to me that we can have hindrances that prevent us from cultivating a growing relationship
with Holy Spirit. For some people, supernatural stuff is problematic. For others, miracles and divine
demonstrations are to be valued and pursued. These people gravitate to Holy Spirit gifts that are
discussed in 1 Corinthians 12. On the other side, some people are very comfortable with Holy Spirit
being character oriented and enjoy working on their integrity and the fruits of the Spirit that are
discussed in Galatians 5, while the supernatural stuff makes them jittery. Furthermore, I’ve talked
with lots of people who have asked Holy Spirit for supernatural help, such as healing or miracles, but
they haven’t seen or experienced what they requested. The subsequent disappointment can be
perplexing and frustrating.

To be clear, all relationships have obstacles. I have often found, however, that working through
those obstacles is a great way to deepen the connection we can have. The same is true for our ability
to connect with Holy Spirit. Let’s look at some hindrances and difficult experiences that might
present challenges in our pursuit of deepening our relationship with Holy Spirit.

Let’s assess and explore your own experiences with Holy Spirit. In the following assessment, consider
which answers most apply to you.


1. How much background do you have with Holy Spirit?

A. None—Holy Spirit is entirely new to me

B. Some exposure in religious contexts
C. Interacting with Spirit-filled people
D. Attend(ed) a Charismatic church
E. Studying the gifts and/or fruit of Holy Spirit
F. Believe that Pentecost was when Holy Spirit got promoted

2. What interactions describe your experiences with Holy Spirit?

A. Hearing a priest or pastor talk about Holy Spirit in a prayer

B. Conversations with other believers about Holy Spirit “extremists”
C. Being prayed over to receive Holy Spirit by praying in tongues
D. Experiencing one of Holy Spirit’s gifts (healing, miracle, prophecy, etc.)
E. Vague awareness of Holy Spirit from occasional mentions in church, prayers, creeds, etc.
F. Hearing or reading an occasional sermon, podcast, blog about Holy Spirit
G. Disappointment from not receiving a Holy Spirit gift
H. Repelled by strange behavior a Spirit-filled Christian exhibited

I. Speaking in tongues
J. Supernatural experience that has influenced your awareness of Holy Spirit

3. What is interesting to you about Holy Spirit?

A. Gifts of Holy Spirit

B. Trinity relationships among Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
C. Fruits of Holy Spirit
D. Expression on Pentecost
E. Demonstration in daily living
F. Involvement in Jesus’ ministry
G. Descriptions and discussion in Paul’s epistles
H. Presence in daily living
I. Presence in the Old Testament

4. What would you consider to be your greatest hurdle toward connecting more with Holy Spirit?

A. Holy Spirit seems illogical, not well-explained in rational intellect

B. Intangible nature: not seen, audibly heard, physically felt, etc.
C. Bad experiences around Spirit-filled people
D. Sketchy theology in sermons, podcasts, blogs, etc.
E. Lack of personal experience with Holy Spirit
F. Other?

5. In what way(s) would you be open to knowing and/or experiencing Holy Spirit?

A. Power demonstration to include Holy Spirit gifts

B. Comfort in your heart and soul
C. Greater biblical awareness
D. Character formation
E. Help in daily living

Identify, Connect, and Deepen


Now, let’s look at some lesser-known Bible verses that reveal and describe Holy Spirit’s activity. As
you read through these verses, note the characteristics that stand out to you. Then circle the
characteristics that you want to know better or experience more.

Isaiah 11:2–“The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit
of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.”

Judges 14:6–“The Spirit of the Lord came upon him [Samson] mightily, so that he tore him as one
tears a young goat though he had nothing in his hand….”

Luke 3:22–“And the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove, and a voice came out
of heaven, ‘You are My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased.’”

Matthew 4:1–“Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.”

John 20:22–“And when He [Jesus] had said this, He breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the
Holy Spirit.’”

Acts 2:4–“And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the
Spirit was giving them utterance.”

Romans 5:5-“…because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit
who was given to us.”

Romans 8:16–“The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God.”

1 Corinthians 2:10–“For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things,
even the depths of God.”

2 Corinthians 13:14–“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of
the Holy Spirit, be with you all.”

Ephesians 3:16–“That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened
with power through His Spirit in the inner man.”


Something Creative: Do you have a medium for creativity that you enjoy? Is cooking a creative
outlet for you? How about scrapbooking? Do you enjoy playing a musical instrument or singing? Or
is painting or drawing something enjoyable to you? Perhaps you like to write, whether fiction,
poetry, or nonfiction. Pick your preferred creative outlet and select one of the verses to express
through your preferred medium for creativity. For cooking, maybe you could think about the
ingredients from Holy Spirit that could go into the verse you’ve selected and identify processes to
facilitate that verse—marinating, proofing, blending, seasoning, baking, etc.

Something Active: What are some activities you enjoy? These can be activities related to physical
exercise—walking, weightlifting, jogging, swimming, team sports, yoga, etc.—or activities related to
cleaning, organizing, decorating, yard work, gardening, etc. Whatever activity you prefer, select one
of the verses and memorize it while you’re doing that activity. As you memorize it, imagine how you
could see that verse being active in your daily life.

Something Contemplative: Do you enjoy being in nature? Do you find it fulfilling to let a sunrise
slowly brighten your soul? Are you a night owl who enjoys the stillness and quiet that happens when
everyone is sleeping? Pick a verse from the list and find a word in that verse that particularly
captures your attention, and then settle into that word. Let it echo in your thoughts, feelings,
desires, and presence. Consider journaling or making a verbal memo about your experiences.


As you reflect on your answers from the Assessment, bring whatever obstacle, challenge, hurdle, or
struggle that you’ve identified as a hindrance for you with Holy Spirit in prayer. How do you sense
Holy Spirit replying to this challenge? Are there some people you need to forgive? Might you need to
repent for some unforgiveness, pride, independence, or something that could have caused some
disconnect with Holy Spirit?

4 Steps to Break Soul Ties And Demonic Curses

I want to talk about soul ties.

The Word of God doesn’t use the term or phrase “soul ties,” but it is very present and important
issue. What is a soul tie? A soul tie is a spiritual connection or covenant relationship between two
individuals, established mutually. Soul ties are established legally through intimacy, contractually,

and/or verbally. There are legal or illegal soul ties. There is nothing wrong with building a great
partnership, covenant relationship with others.

A godly soul tie is legal and pure. Ungodly relationships are established illegally through multiple
sexual partners, or even illicit business relationships that should never have been made. Many times
a soul tie begins when two people become physically intimate. Other times, a soul tie forms over
time, after an intensely close emotional or spiritual relationship. I would view a soul tie as like a knot
in a rope. It’s a tying of two soul cords, like shoestrings, that links them together. A person cannot tie
their shoestrings with one hand. It takes two hands to tie them together.

Likewise, when it comes to soul ties both people are involved. Sometimes people are unaware of the
emotional, spiritual, and mental affect that a soul tie brings with it. The longer the bond of the soul
tie exists, the tighter, stronger, and bigger it becomes, making it harder to severe if it becomes
unhealthy. People think that once they break off a relationship, the soul tie automatically is broken.
This is not true. Common examples of soul ties are marriages, family, business partnerships, ministry
involvement, and good friendships, which are considered good soul ties. The ungodly, illegal, or
negative soul ties are relationships that ultimately bring a person into bondage or robs or controls a
person’s will that potentially brings harm as a result of the bond. It is a devil’s tactic in spiritual
warfare for believers to establish unhealthy, toxic, unproductive, ungodly, negative, and life-altering
relationships, connections, and commitments with people outside of God’s will for them.

Breach the Contract or Agreement

Unhealthy, illegal, unproductive relationships or soul ties to past or present relationships hurts,
pains and wounds keeps believers from being able to give their whole selves to God and the person
He may have chosen as their true “soul mate.” The soul is the seat of the mind, will, and emotions.
Unhealthy and toxic relationships of the past and present can negatively play a part in how a person
thinks, acts, and feels. A soul tie is the joining of two people of like heart and mind. Again, there is
nothing wrong with good, pure, and godly partnerships and connections that produce blessings,
favor, fruitfulness, and mutual love, honor, and respect.

But, we are not to get involved in sexual relationships outside of marriage. This, to the Lord, is
considered an illegal or illicit soul tie. Having sexual encounters with others who are not your spouse
by marriage is spiritually and technically a marriage. In other words, any sexual involvement with
someone not our spouse links the two souls together. God showed me an illustration of an illegal
soul tie by brings to mind the Disney classic fictional character Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi. Pinocchio
was bound and controlled by his puppet master. The strings controlled his movements.

When a person is involved in an unhealthy, ungodly, and negative soul tie, invisible strings knit the
two hearts together and their movements, emotions, and feeling are shared. That’s why when a
person moves on or ends a relationship, years later they are still thinking about that person and
can’t break free from that person emotionally. Another prime example is when people are in an
abusive (physical or verbal) relationship yet they won’t remove themselves from that hurtful
environment because of the bond, the soul tie that holds them together.

In the Word of God there are examples of godly covenant soul tie relationships that the Lord
established. We can see one such relationship in the story of David and Jonathan: “As soon as he had
finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him
as his own soul” (1 Samuel 18:1 NKJV). Some pervert this particular text to make it ungodly, or an
immoral relationship. Jonathan loved David as a brother and treated him how he would treat

himself. This was not a homosexual or illegal relationship between two men. Jonathan was not in
love with David, he loved him as if he was family.

Battle Buddies

Have you met people and felt connected to them and they became like family? This was the same
case and God desire for us to have relationship like this. I boot camp training, recruits are assigned a
“battle buddy.” Everywhere you go, your battle partner is with you. This technique can be applied to
prayer partners as well. Choose a person who will pray with you and for you. This type of
relationship is bonding and will help you to be accountable. Battle buddies in times of war will even
die for each other.

When a person has had many partners, a person’s soul is knitted together to each individual,
whether love is involved or not. We need God-ordained and legal relationships for two to be
blessed. What is the point of connecting with a person(s) who is making your life miserable? The
Bible says in Amos 3:3 (ESV), “Do two walk together, unless they have agreed to meet?” I love what
the website Bible Study Tools Commentary shares about Amos 3:3, about believers walking in
concert and agreement between humans and God, spiritually speaking:

Unless they meet together, and appoint time and place, when and where they shall set out, what
road they will take, and whither they will go; without such consultation and agreement, it cannot be
thought they should walk together; and not amicably, unless united in friendship, and are of the
same affection to each other, and of the same sentiments one with another; or it is much if they do
not fall out by the way. The design of these words is to show, that without friendship there is no
fellowship, and without concord no communion; as this is the case between man and man, so
between God and man; and that Israel could not expect that God should walk with them, and show
himself friendly to them, and continue his favors with them, when they walked contrary to him; when
they were so disagreeable to him in their sentiments of religion, in their worship, and the rites of it,
and in the whole of their conduct and behavior. And to a spiritual walk with God, and communion
with him, agreement is requisite. God and man were originally chief friends, but sin set them at
variance; a reconciliation became necessary to their walking together again.

In this unseen warfare, we must be aware and discerning. We must make wise decisions and seek
the Lord about every relationship, whether about a future spouse, business partnership, friendship,
etc. He will give us direction and wisdom how to build long-lasting, fruitful relationships.

Knitting of Hearts

Matthew 19:5 says, “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his
wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This is how soul ties work. Marital soul ties are acceptable
and ordained of God. Soul ties established on fornication, sexual immorality, adultery, and other
sexual contact outside of marriage are not of God. Intimate relationships knit two people together as
one soul whether a person is married or unmarried (single).

The Lord wants His people to enjoy godly soul ties. A covenant is a legal and binding agreement or
contract; a marriage is a legal union or covenant between a man and a woman. Again, the enemy
respects no one and would love to establish ungodly and unbiblical unions, even civil unions or
marriages between two men and two women. This is not biblical. Just because your nation, country,
or state law considers it legal or right doesn’t mean it is morally or scripturally right and acceptable.
God has ordained marriage to be between the opposite sex—one woman and one man.

The agenda of hell is to make what is ungodly and illegal in the sight of God right and acceptable in
the sight of humans. That’s why the works of the devil—and what I spoke about in the previous
chapter about principalities, power, rulers of darkness and spiritual evils in high places—influences
and controls the world system that spiritually blinds people to the truth of God and His Word. I
firmly believe that abortion, same sex marriages, and other violations of the Word of God are what
need to be abolished and overruled in the systems of the world.

Keep in mind that we can also establish unhealthy toxic relationships with our employers,
employees, church leadership and membership, parents, kids, and anyone we invite into our lives.
Just because some of these relationships are supposed to be spiritual and godly, they could be
relationships that God never directed or intended for us. Again, we need to discern every
connection. Ask God if this relationship, job, career, school, church, leader, etc. are ordained of Him.
Also, the Spirit within you will also make it clear which relationships are not of the Lord.

Soul Tie Symptoms

The Word of God says in 2 Corinthians 6:14 (ESV), “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For
what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?”
Clearly, this passage of Scripture is a powerful question and statement to ponder. Darkness and light
have no commonality and righteousness and lawlessness are the opposites.

What are soul tie symptoms? Soul tie symptoms are usually what a person feels, thinks, and is
emotionally moved by the person after a particularly intense relationship ends. In other words, I call
it the aftereffect of a breach in a relationship that causes further codependence manifestations. For
example, if a person is used to eating a particular food for some time and when that food is
removed, the person will go through some levels of withdrawal.

Soul ties, depending on how long the relationship or connection lasted, can cause withdrawals.
These soul tie symptoms can impact a person’s mind, will, and emotions long after the relationship
has ended, even years later. Soul tie symptoms can cause an irate, erratic, or spontaneous mood
swings attributed to that past or present relationship. The following are a few soul tie symptoms:

• Suddenly imagining, visualizing, or hearing the person’s face and voice in your head that can
trigger a certain attitude, mood swings, memory, or physical manifestation.

• Stalking, overly referring to the person in conversation, obsessing about the individual(s) in
your thoughts—particularly at certain times during the day or night.

• Regularly pondering, thinking, fantasizing, or dreaming about this person while single
(unmarried) or married.

• Some symptoms are secrets, lusts, or desires from how the soul tie was mutually created.

• Emotionally, mentally, and financially traumatized by the negative results or outcomes of

what this person(s) did that hindered, controlled, or manipulated you.

It is possible to move on to another relationship and still be bound by the soul tie with people from
your past. People who are married currently can still be emotionally attached and married
(spiritually speaking) to their past marriage or intimate relationships. Most are unable to please their
current spouse because of their fractured soul that is still knitted with the other person(s). Just
because someone moves on or marries doesn’t mean the soul tie is broken.

But there is good news, relationships can be severed by the power of God and through the power of
our decisions that created them. Just like ungodly soul ties are established by our decisions, they are
broken by our decision to be free.

I want you to know that just because a person prophesies or says they are called to be connected to
you or walk with you, doesn’t mean that they are God-ordained relationships. We must be alert in
this hour and especially when it comes to those we allow in our hearts. We must guard our hearts.
Proverbs 4:23-26 makes that clear. We are admonished and reminded by the Word of God of all the
things that try to come against us. Being wise and discerning through the Holy Spirit, especially in the
relationships we build in this hour, is what it means to guard your hearts.

We must overcome temptations every day and the works of the devil. He will use people to get close
to us—who will become more like an enemy than a friend. Guarding our hearts is setting the right
boundaries and personal preferences for who you allow in. A soul tie symptom has the power to
reach levels that can negatively impact your current and future relationships.

Threefold Cord

God wants us to establish strong relationships, friendships and partnerships whether in business,
ministry, family, etc. The Bible talks about the “three-fold” cord that is not easily broken or severed.
We need relationships that are God-ordained making it impossible to break them by others or
ourselves. It says in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12:

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls
down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if
two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be
overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

I don’t believe we need a whole entourage to feel important, respected, valued, and secure.
Personally, I have three amazing, work, spiritual, and God-ordained relationships, and we keep each
other accountable. These are godly soul ties of covenant built on trust, transparency, love, respect,
and value. We pray for each other, can discern if one is in trouble or in need financially, emotionally,
and spiritually. Love has no hidden agenda or motive.

The Lord will send you friends, comrades, battle buddies, prayer partners, associates, people who
are filled with the love of God and will tell you the truth no matter what. Not to hurt, harm, or abuse
you, but save your life, time, and money.

While writing this book I faced tremendous warfare, especially on the eve of a global pandemic.
There were only a handful of people who checked in on me to see if I was okay. There were many I
thought were my friends and covenant partners in God, but they weren’t when it counted.

You must value and revaluate those who you allow in your circle. Soul ties are real and there is a
silver cord in the Spirit that links us to God and His people. Just like an umbilical cord that connects a
mother and her unborn child. All of God’s people have an invisible silver cord or ribbon that
supernaturally connects us to the Lord.

How to Break Illegal Soul Ties

Ecclesiastes 12:6-7 (GW) says, “Remember your Creator before the silver cord is snapped, the
golden bowl is broken, the pitcher is smashed near the spring, and the water wheel is broken at the
cistern. Then the dust of mortals goes back to the ground as it was before, and the breath of life goes
back to God who gave it.” This silver cord nourishes our spirits and gives us life; when cut, we return

to our Creator. However, spiritual speaking when it comes to illegal, toxic, ungodly, unhealthy, and
illicit soul ties of the past and even present, each must be cut, burned, severed, snapped, broken,
and shattered for divine breakthrough and liberty.

In other words, severing a soul tie is imperative and a necessary step to take before you can move
forward with your life. People are stuck in relationships because they are bound by the contract or
terms of agreement established. It’s time to rip, tear, and burn the mutual agreement. It doesn’t
always have to be both parties coming together to break it. One person can actual break free from
the soul connection.

So, how do we break soul ties? There are typically four simple steps to break a soul tie:

1. Acknowledge a soul tie exists and be honest with yourself that you are ready to move on and be
free from it. For example, if a person has an addiction, they must first confess by acknowledging the
problem. That is the first step. James 5:16 instructs us to “Therefore confess your sins to each other
so that you may be healed….” The word “confess” is the Greek word exomologeō, which basically
means “to declare, to say out loud, to exclaim, to divulge, to blurt, or to profess that one will do
something, to promise, agree, engage” (Strong’s G1843). In other words, acknowledging is basically
confessing. The first step!

2. Choose to end the relationship. This could be having a conversation with the person or parties
involved in the relationship. Also, praying and/or fasting to sever the cord that was established and
calling out their names in prayer to break the cord between you. I do prophetic acts when I pray by
spiritually visualizing a cord being severed by calling out the person’s name and using my hand as a
sword to cut the cord. I see myself cutting the cord and it is broken by faith.

It may seem foolish at first; however, the effect is powerful when done in faith in prayer. I must say,
you will know that an illegal, illicit, unhealthy, or ungodly soul tie is really broken when you start
receiving emails, text messages, social media messages, unexpected phones calls, or start randomly
seeing the person or anyone connected to them. When this happens, you must know that your
prayers worked, and now it’s up to you not to reconnect. The enemy will test and tempt you to see if
you are truly over this person and have moved on.

3. Choose to forgive, which is the most powerful form of personal liberty and freedom from an
ungodly soul tie. Forgiveness takes action and can be the most difficult step to take. In some cases,
this might be because you feel that the other person in the bond should be asking for your

To forgive is the most powerful spiritual warfare weapon to discharge because the enemy doesn’t
want people to forgive and be set free. Evil wants you to remain the victim or victimized unwilling to
forgive the offender. Forgiveness means identifying any outstanding or pending mental “debts” that
are keeping the soul tie active, and releasing them. Therefore, you must forgive yourself first in
acknowledging that you made a mistake—which can be very difficult to do when you feel that it
wasn’t your fault in the first place.

4. Remove any and all physical objects that link you to the person. For example, if the person was a
drug addict, remove all the paraphernalia associated with drugs. Action is required to remove
anything closely related to our past and the individual. I will also go so far as to say that you must
not connect with people who are associated with that person. However, if you have children with
someone from a past relationship or marriage, it doesn’t mean you have to cut them totally off. But
be wise in your actions so that old doors will not be reopened. Removing objects such as gifts,

photos, clothing, love notes, etc. is vital to moving on. Keep in mind that these objects are symbols
of the bond and must be removed from your life.

Also, seek help from spiritual leaders to get spiritual insight. It is possible to seek counselling, a
therapist and professionals who can help you in your journey to freedom. No longer will you be
controlled by the puppet master of your past through a soul tie. Changing your phone number,
unfollowing and blocking people on social media, moving to another city, state, or country will not
remove the soul tie. Only you hold the scissors to cut the soul tie and keep it cut.

Finally, after all of the physical markers, gifts, substance, mental debts, and spiritual ties that link you
to the person have been dissolved in prayer, you should be well on the way to overcoming the
power of the soul tie symptoms. If you want to learn more about how to dissolve, disarm, and break
illegal soul ties, generational, and demonic words curses, I suggest reading my book entitled
Prophetic Breakthrough: Decrees that Break Curses and Release Blessings as a powerful resource on
the topic.

I pray that the take-aways from reading this spiritual warfare manual will empower you to not only
destroy the works of the darkness but to disarm to destroy his works. Jesus came to destroy the very
works of the devil not just displace them. He was able drive them out—and remember that you are
called to enforce the victory of Calvary that Jesus Christ has already won! The rules of engagement
are not the same for every spiritual battle, so you must fight from the position of a winner and
conqueror in Christ.

In modern-day warfare, the United States military sends drones into places to spy out the land and
later send an air patrol followed by ground troops to fight. Likewise, we must first discern what type
of battle you are presently fighting and use the right weaponry to engage and defeat the works of
the adversary. This is done through a series of warfare prayers activations that shift and change your
spiritual climate for the glory of God.

I salute you, soldier of God, that you are a survivor; and I pray that you are awarded the Purple Heart
as a symbol of your dedication to the Lord and your service in the army of God.


Leviticus 20:9 9 For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death: he
hath cursed his father or his mother; his blood shall be upon him.

Isaiah 10:27 And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy
shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.
Introduction A family curse is a generational problem and can only be solved by warfare prayers ,
deliverance and through breaking away from sins. This is a common experience in Africa. The force
of family problem is a serious stumbling-block. A lot of people are confronted by stubborn bondage
because of curses issued upon them. That’s why it is very hard for many to break long term curses.
The evil pronouncement of a person in a family can negatively affect so many destinies. Ancestral
curses are another form of demonic obstacles that prevents successful ending. Many of the
problems troubling people today started from their foundation – the mistake of the parents, curses,
covenant, polygamous inheritance spirit, generational setbacks, afflictions etc. When a child of God
is operating on a curse, he will begin to notice gradual sluggishness, demotion, shame, hunger, debt
and later extends to poverty, marital delay, divorce, death, sickness etc. The journey of a man can be
stopped by a curse. A woman can experience lateness in child bearing due to witchcraft and
foundation curses and covenant in the family line. Breaking Family Curses and their consequences.

Proverbs 20:20 Whoso curseth his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in obscure
darkness. The symbol of a family is directly rooted to a bloodline. Bloodline is a spirit and has a
voice! This means the same blood connects family together. If you happens to have a Jezebel among
your family relatives, perhaps a woman who simply hate you and your children, you are bound to
experience a mysterious attack. Why? because both of you share the same inheritance. A particular
curse in the family may trigger so many problems in your life. In most families, the curses that is
hijacking people’s destiny is the curse of thou shall not prosper. Sad to notice the high rate of
failures, disappointments, confusions at the edge of breakthrough. Many people are suffering from
curses which they know nothing about because the cause of the curses took place a very long time
ago in their lineage. As a matter of fact, these curses are the reasons why most people are very far
away from their blessing. There are so many people who are hardworking, brilliant, gifted, but
today, the enemy has tied down their greatness. Affected people thought that they are moving
forward whereas they are being stagnated. It is not because they offended God, or they did one evil
thing. Perhaps, the major cause is the evil things our forefathers have done through sacrifices,
bloodshed before they died. As a Child of God, we need to pray more in order to break the evil
effects of these curses in our lives through the blood of Jesus. Do not be afraid. There is still hope for
you in Christ as far as your prayer life is not drain away then you will surely be free from slavery.

Quick prayers to break family curses

Foundational problems stealing away my blessings, be burnt to ashes, in the name of Jesus. O Lord,
lay your hands of protection upon me and my family, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, close every
entrance of the enemies into my life and my family, in the name of Jesus. Holy Ghost fire, destroy
every evil monitoring gadget put in place to spy me and my family, in the name of Jesus. Blood of
Jesus, paralyze the link between my family and the family evil strongman, in the name of Jesus. Wind
of disgrace and shame, cover them that want to petition me and my family or evil, in the name of
Jesus. Every evil secret working against me and my family be exposed and scattered, in the name of
Jesus. Oh Lord, let the troublers of my life and family be troubled and be disgraced, in the name of
Jesus. Holy Ghost fire, destroy the evil personality hiring evil weapons to fight me and my family, in
the name of Jesus. Holy Ghost fire, locate and destroy evil power and their weapons hired against
my family, in the name of Jesus. Oh Lord, ordain your horrible tempest against the oppressors of my
destiny and my family, in the name of Jesus. Oh Lord, let the hiding places of the enemies of my
family be tormented and collapse, in the name of Jesus. Every evil hand and tongue, raised to
trouble my peace and my family, paralyze and die, in the name of Jesus.

Have you noticed any demonic trace among your own family members? Do you frequently have
nightmares? Are the male of female people in your marry fulfilling their purposes? Has your father,
mother, relatives ever laid a curse on you? Are your people still worshiping idols ? Are your parents
born again or still living together as husband and wife, if no, why? In your polygamous home, are
there strange attacks? Are your siblings, relatives happy with you or supporting your destiny? No
doubts, the above questions are provided to make every believer know the root causes of their long
term bondage, unbroken curses and evil family patterns.

The fire of God, blood of Jesus and the name of Jesus are enough to scatter ones faulty foundation
and repair it. In our generation where we see mothers cursing their children carelessly. The devil
uses every negative words and keep it in their custody for future attacks. This is why so many
children are suffering from their parents careless mistakes and errors in the past. A tongue that has
been poisoned to issue curses to others will one day eat the fruit thereof. Some curses can be
reversed while many are not reversible. Some curses can glue to a person forever. This kind of evil
pronouncement will keep on hunting the destiny of people. In that case, for a person to come out

from this curse inflicted bondage, he or she must go for a thorough deliverance. But the good news
is that: Any strange curses issued against any true child of God will go back to senders, in the name
of Jesus.

Bible verses to break or destroy family curses

Psalm 7:16 His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down
upon his own pate. Galatians 5:22-23 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Colossians 2:14-15
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it
out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew
of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Galatians 3:13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse
of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:
Nehemiah 4:4 4 Hear, O our God; for we are despised: and turn their reproach upon their own head,
and give them for a prey in the land of captivity: Nehemiah 13:2 Because they met not the children
of Israel with bread and with water, but hired Balaam against them, that he should curse them:
howbeit our God turned the curse into a blessing. Curses, be it generational, ancestral, household,
marine, they are very dangerous. The above Bible verses should give you the direction on how to
break the family curses. Breaking inherited curses is very important for your deliverance. It requires
lots of deliverance prayers. If for example, you notice that your family worships idols, waters, and
perform other unholy activities then that’s the more reason you should go for deliverance. Because
failure to address it may leave you with generational bondage and sorrow. I pray, may that not be
your portion, in Jesus name. In some families, it is very common to see anger, bitterness in prevalent
among the women. This is not a God given attitude, it is an evil inheritance. They inherited it
perhaps from their mother to slow them down and shatter their marital hope to pieces.

A woman who has anger spirit will keep her from getting married on time let alone a married
woman having constant issues with her husband. This is what bloodline curses can do to innocent

What curses can do to a person?

Curses can make a journey of 10 days to be 100 years. Curses can make a person not to achieve
something despite his money. Curses can make a person to work outside the divine plans and
purpose. Curses can make a man or woman to marry the wrong person. Curses can influence a
person to be attached to the wrong person. Curses can make a person to invest all his money on
sickness or other unnecessary things. Generational curses can drag a man backward and spoil his
reputation. Curses if frequent can steal a man’s dignity, gift, promotion, will power and prayer life.
Ancestral curses can make a person to be depressed, confused and even go mad. Parental curse
especially mother can keep you in the pit of stagnancy, limitation and rejection. Curses can make
your destiny helper to easily forget about you. Some curses can make a woman not to be fruitful or
bear children. When a curse is placed upon a person, he make a person to wander aimlessly. If you
suspect there is a particular curse in your family, it will introduce the spirit of poverty, hardship,
sorrow, marital delay, wasted efforts etc. Some curses can make a woman/man not to stay with one
person. If you come from a polygamous family, foundation inherited curses will force you to share in
that same line of polygamous marriage.

There are 2 different kind of curses that can upon a man. We have the following: Divine curse
Demonic curse Deuteronomy 28:15 15 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the

voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command
thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:

1. Divine curse: God hardly curse a man. He is a lovely God. But before He can place a curse on man,
there must have been several warnings for the person in order to make correction and amend his
ways (Genesis 2:15-17). Several Bible text has indicated where God cursed people, country, plant,
animal. First, let’s look at Adam and Eve. They made a regretful mistake by disobeying God. From
there, God placed a curse upon them and their generation. Since then, all people have been under a
curse, and the only way to find blessing is to turn from sin, trusting in the Lord’s promise of salvation
(12:1–3; Gal. 3:10–14). God’s curses are eternal, and not any man of God can reverse it except a few
anointed prophets that can plead on behalf of the affected person. Constant divine disobedient can
force God to curse a man forever. Such person is likely not to be useful in life. Be careful and live

2. Demonic curse. They are curses from witchcraft powers. They are negative utterances issued to
destroy a person’s life and destiny. Some demonic curses can come from friends, strangers,
relatives, parents and the aim is to render you a hopeless in life. If you find yourself experiencing
losses, less or no appreciation for every work done you might be operating on a curses. If you live in
a house where the foundation is cursed, no matter your efforts, it will certain affects your dreams
and destiny and this tells you have inherited the curse of the land. If you are yet to married at the
age of 40 years for example you should know that there is a demonic curse in place. So you need to
take your time to break the curses and evil covenant that is frustrating your efforts and connections
as a child of God. The Bible says, And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of
heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force (Matt 11:12).

How to break out family curses

inheritances Give your life to Christ. Confess your sin and forsake them. No curse will be broken if
you continue in sin. Ask for the mercy and forgiveness of God over every ancestral sin. Stand on the
word of God in your prayers so that your prayers can be more effective. Renounce all attachment
and involvement with any curses. Break all links and contacts with the enemy. For example break
evil soul ties , and blood covenants properly and thoroughly. Break all the curses associated with the
evil dedication. Resist the devil. Refuse to give room to the devil. Refuse to yield to his temptation.
Release yourself from all curses standing on your redemption through the blood of Jesus. Galatians
3:13-14, Colossians 2:14-15. Replace all curses with blessings using Deut 28. Identify the root causes
of the problems and deal with it prayerfully. Flee away from fornication and other unholy activities.
Plead the blood of Jesus upon your life more often. Go for deliverance if you seem the curses are still

CONFESSION “No weapon that is formed against me and my family shall prosper, and every
tongue/curse that shall rise against me in judgments I shall condemn. This is my heritage as the
servant of the Lord and my righteousness is of the Lord” The Lord will disappoint the devices of the
crafty against me, their hands will not be able to perform their wicked enterprises in Jesus name.
The Lord will hide me in his secret place from the pride and plans of the wicked, He will keep me
secretly in his pavilion from the strife of tongues. According to Psalm 5:10, O Lord, destroy thou
them that are plotting against my life, let them fall by their own counsels, cast them out in the
multitude of their transgression, for they have rebelled against God. Amen.

Below are several prayers you should make now to God that are effective in breaking family

1. Dear Father in heaven, I ask that you clear all consequences of sins that might want to take effect
on my head in Jesus’ name. 2. O Lord, I call on you to break every generational curse that might
want to have power of me and the events of my life. No generational curse will turn my life upside
down in Jesus name. 3. Dear God, please protect me and my family from every evil family curse that
might want to destroy our lives. 4. Father, I ask for your grace and protection. I ask that you protect
me from all curses of any form. 5. Oh God, please bless me abundantly so that no family curse on
poverty that is trying to make me poor will succeed in its endeavours, in Jesus’ name, Amen. 6.
Father in heaven, I pray that you break every evil yoke that the curses might have placed today.
Break them by fire o God, destroy them and scatter all my evil yoke. Amen. 7. My Father, my Lord,
keep protecting me as you’ve been doing before. Don’t turn your back on me so that no family curse
or generational curse can have its effect on me. Amen. 8. I ask for guidance o Lord, I know I can’t
choose my family members, I therefore I’m very susceptible to repercussions of other family
members’ actions. Protect me from such evil repercussions o Lord! Protect me, guide me, in Jesus’
name. 9. Have mercy on me o God, I know that I commit sins and therefore I’m bound to reap some
of the curses and repercussions in the Bible that come with breaking your commandments and look
upon me with mercy and forgive me of my iniquities so that I don’t reap any of the repercussions
associated with it Amen. 10. O Lord, deliver me from the repercussions of the sins of my ancestors.
Help me to not reap from the repercussions of their offences. Protect me and my family from
negative consequences, Amen. 11. O God my Father, I ask for divine deliverance from all ancestry,
family and generational curses that are hindering my development in one way or the other. Deliver
me now o God! I ask of you God, to please deliver me today from such curses. They shall, as from
today henceforth never have effect over me again. Amen. 12. Lord please hear my heart’s cry.
Though family curses might have been haunting and following my ancestors in the past, when it gets
to my family, let such curses cease to exist by the powerful name of Jesus Christ! 13. Host of heaven,
I call on you in this hour. Deliver my children from all yokes placed on them by family curses. Free
them today. 14. Dear God, you said in your Word that we should ask and it shall be given, I ask that
you give me freedom from ancestral yolks and curses today. Amen. 15. O Lord in Heaven, every
curse causing financial problems in my life right now, deliver me from such curses now and forever
Amen. Restore my financial glory once and for all today in Jesus name. 16. God my Father. I ask for
your grace to overcome all obstacles that might come my way due to ancestral curses and
consequences. 17. Lord, i ask for the grace, please and mercy to be able to conquer all principalities
and powers that may have laid curses on me and my family before. Wipe out the curses and render
them ineffective. Amen. The curses of the wicked ones over my family shall not have effect in Jesus
name. 18. My Father and my God, I cannot break family curses by myself, I need your help to be able
to break them. Lord come to my rescue and help me to break these curses totally in Jesus’name.
They shall have no hold over my children and generation again in Jesus’ name. Amen. 19. O Lord my
Father, I call on you today, you delivered Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego from the burning
furnace through your divine intervention, O God, I call on you today just like those three men called
on you in times past, answer me speedily and deliver me from the wicked curses that the evil ones
might have placed on me and my family. From today onwards, they lose their hold over me and my
family Amen. 20. O God in Heaven, I ask for your help in my family life. Grant us prosperity, and
victory over all sicknesses/ diseases. Whatever ancestral curse that the enemy may have laid on my
family preventing us from soaring high financially, break them in Jesus mighty name. Here are
another powerful prayers for breaking family curses, generational curses, bondage, evil covenant,
collective bondage.

Instruction: Embark on 7 days prayers and fasting between morning and 6pm. Take your time to
use the blood of Jesus, Holy Ghost fire and the power of God to pray more.


Pray the following prayers with 2 Cor 10:3-5. My head reject every word of misfortune, failure and
stagnation in the name of Jesus. I break the power of every negative pronouncement (enchantment,
curse, divination, spell and incantation) released upon me through evil foundation, in Jesus name.
Lord, turn away the curse afflicting my family into generational blessings, in Jesus name. I break and
scatter every curse of marital delay affecting us in the family, in Jesus name. I break and loose
myself, from every collective evil covenant, in the name of Jesus. I command, the foundational
strongmen attached to my family to die, in the name of Jesus. I release myself, from the curse of evil
idols of my father’s house, in the name of Jesus. Any strange personality in my family working
against our destinies, be wasted, in Jesus name. Blood of Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost fire, come in-
between me, evil dedication and alters, in the name of Jesus. Holy Ghost fire, break and destroy
every destructive covenant operating in my life, in the name of Jesus. Blood of Jesus Christ, break
and release me from every covenant with idols of my father’s house, in the name of Jesus. By the
fire of heaven, I break and release me from every covenant with idols of my mother’s house, in the
name of Jesus. Oh Lord, release your axe of fire into my foundation and destroy every evil covenant
speaking against me and my family, in the name of Jesus. I break and release myself from every evil
covenant my parents have put me, in Jesus name. Blood of Jesus, break and release me from every
blood and sexual covenant, in the name of Jesus. Holy Ghost fire, blood of Jesus, break and release
me from every evil covenant operating between me and my place of birth, in the name of Jesus.
Mention the name of your place of birth I cover and soak myself and my foundation with the blood
of Jesus Christ Every secret evil covenant working against me, Holy Ghost fire, uproot and destroy
them, in the name of Jesus. Every curse of poverty upon my family line due to evil covenants, break
and die, in the name of Jesus. Every bad inherited pattern in my family line affecting my destiny, I
break the spirit, in the name of Jesus.


Isa 65 :15, Ps 109 :28, Deut 23:5

With your axe of fire Lord Jesus, enter my foundation and set me free, in the name of Jesus. Blood of
Jesus Christ, wash me and my foundation clean and make me whole, in Jesus name. Foundational
curses that want to work against my life and destiny, break and die, in the name of Jesus. Blood of
Jesus Christ, enter my blood line and release me from evil blood linkage, in the name of Jesus. O
Lord, deliver me by fire from every ancestral curses that i have been initiated into in Jesus name.
Anyone among my father’s children or my mother’s children that my blessings has been given to,
retrieve them back to me now in Jesus name. O Lord! Every curse of hatred and blood shedding in
my family are washed by the blood of the Lamb, in Jesus name. All inherited infirmities and
sicknesses in my body due to evil flow, dry up and die, in the name of Jesus. Oh Lord! Let your blood
wash away every satanic pronouncement I have made, that is working against my life in Jesus name.
Any family idol still demanding for my worship; I cut you off by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.
Family evil altars receiving sacrifices and manipulating my life, receive fire, burn to ashes, in Jesus
name. .Any idol or village river that I have been dedicated to when I was a baby; Release me by fire
and die, in the name of Jesus. Altars of generational poverty operating in my lineage, be wiped off by
the blood of Jesus. I break and release myself from every form of inherited poverty and sickness, in
Jesus name. Father, uproot all curses and their consequences that have been linked to my name
and wash it away with your blood in Jesus name. With the blood of Jesus, I cut off myself from every

evil flow from my foundation, in Jesus name. Every curse of like father like son and like mother like
daughter collective bondage, break and die, in the name of Jesus. Any part of my body handed over
to Satan due to evil dedication, I repossess you back, in the name of Jesus. Polygamous witchcraft
form my place of birth challenging my destiny; depart from my destiny, in the name of Jesus. Blood
of Jesus Christ break and scatter every curse my parents have placed upon my life, in the name of


Every curse issued on my head from my father’s house; die in the name of Jesus. I release myself
from the strongholds of my father’s house in the name of Jesus. Any evil soul tie between me and
my father; Break by the Fire of the Holy Ghost. Any evil soul tie between me and my mother; Break
by the fire of the Holy Ghost. I release myself from the dedication and covenant between me and
serpent, in Jesus name. I break any ancestral curses and covenant following me about, in Jesus
name. Strange hands and legs tying down my foundation; Receive the Fire of Judgment, in Jesus
name. I break every covenant I have entered into with the spirit of affliction and sorrow, in the name
of Jesus. Family taboos and Idols crying against my breakthroughs, break by the blood of Jesus. Great
earthquake of God, destroy the ancestral prison holding me captive, in Jesus name. I release myself
from every evil domination and control in the name of Jesus. Anything program into my life to make
the suffer the way people are suffering in my family, I cancel it by the blood of Jesus. Ancestral Idols
crying against my moving forward, die, in the name of Jesus. Innocent blood shed by my ancestors,
crying against my destiny, be silenced by the blood of Jesus. Fire of deliverance; destroy every battle
in my blood in the name of Jesus. Spirit of poverty and begging afflicting my destiny from birth,
COME OUT and return to senders, in the name of Jesus. Blood of Jesus, deliver me from generational
ancestral battles in the name of Jesus. I refuse to be limited or share from the evil consequences in
my lineage, in the name of Jesus. Lord, arise and attack every evil member attacking us with curses
in Jesus name. I hide myself and my destiny inside the blood of Jesus Christ.


I cover my children’s life with the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. Father, cancel every curse on the
head of my children, in Jesus name. Any curses issued on my children carelessly is declared
impotent, in Jesus name. I separate my children from any evil link I share with my ancestors, in the
name of Jesus. I release my children from every ancestral curse from the strange woman, in Jesus’
name. Thou power of my father’s house; Release the glory of my kids, in Jesus name. Every link
between my children and evil foundation, break, scatter and die, in Jesus name. I break and scatter
any evil curses and covenant working against my children, in Jesus name. Any problem that came
into my children’s life through my mistakes, you are a liar, DIE!!! in the name of Jesus. I declare that
my children are free from every curse from my father’s house in Jesus name. 2 Timothy 1:7 I decree
that my children be baptized by the spirit of boldness, to resist every negative fear, in Jesus name. I
withdraw the name of my children from the book of death, in the name of Jesus. My children, you
will not answer the call of death, in the name of Jesus. Every witch/wizard that wants to terminate
the lives of my children, be roasted, in the name of Jesus. Any portion in the body of my children
that is infected with diseases, be cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Any poison eaten by my children in
the dream and reality, be neutralized by the blood of Jesus. The agenda of the enemy concerning my
children shall scatter unto desolation, in Jesus name. Yokes holding back the stars of my children,
break, in the name of Jesus. I refuse to work against the destiny of my children, in Jesus name. Blood
of Jesus silence any spirit from my foundation troubling their destiny, in Jesus name.


Blood of Jesus Christ, wipe away every bewitchment from my head, hands and certificates, in Jesus
name. Fire of God burn to ashes every witchcraft monitoring gadget used to monitor my progress, in
Jesus name. Every seed of witchcraft in my house and body, receive fire burn to ashes, in Jesus
name. Witchcraft curses used on any area of my life, receive fire, burn to ashes, in Jesus name. Holy
Ghost fire, crush to pieces every witchcraft curses on my way to greatness, in Jesus name. Witchcraft
curses of untimely death and poverty upon my life, break and die, in Jesus name. Witchcraft curses
of hardship upon my life, break and scatter, in Jesus name. Any part of my destiny arrested by
witchcraft receive power of God and come alive now, in Jesus name. Lord Jesus, let blessings and
favor locate me anywhere I go, in Jesus name. Every joint effort of witches and wizard against my life
and family, fire of God, scatter them. Any witchcraft power, that has stolen from me, in the dream,
be arrested now, in the name of Jesus. Stubborn curses attacking me at the edge of my
breakthrough, break by fire, in Jesus name. Strange curses hunting after my family at all cost, your
assignment is over, die, in Jesus name. I declare that no weapon fashioned against my life shall ever
prosper in Jesus name. All evil giants on the mountain of my life, scatter, in Jesus name. I break every
satanic stronghold in my life, in the name of Jesus. Anything planted in my doorpost to demote me,
be neutralized by fire, in Jesus name. Every stronghold attached to my breakthrough, I bind you, in
Jesus name. Generational yoke of sorrow and weeping in my foundation, die, in Jesus name. Any
strongman in my family that is keeping our breakthrough in prisons, release it and die, in Jesus


O God of gods, I thank you for the grace I received from you, in the name of Jesus. O Lord that has
power over all things, glory be to your name, in the name of Jesus. God of mercy, have mercy on me
and cover me with the garment of mercy, in the name of Jesus. Blood of Jesus, Holy Ghost Fire,
purify my foundation, in the name of Jesus. Any form of witchcraft practice deeply rooted in my
family, fire of God, push them out, in Jesus name. Any power assigned to pull me down, swell upon,
burst and die, in the name of Jesus. Every serpent in my life determined to waste the destiny of my
children due to envy and jealousy, roast, in the name of Jesus. Powers that have vowed to make sure
I remain like this, be wasted by fire, in Jesus name. O God of Elijah, arise in your power, set me free
from strange attacks in my life, in the name of Jesus. Every arrow of affliction fired to my life to
waste my time and money, back fire, in the name of Jesus. Any evil personality manipulating my life,
confess and run mad, in Jesus name. My family glory! Hear the word of the Lord, appear by fire, in
Jesus name. Envious witchcraft that causes people not to marry in the family, be dismantled, in Jesus
name. Every evil wind directed at me to scatter what I am gathering, scatter, in the name of Jesus. O
Lord, activate and restore your miracles into my life and family, in the name of Jesus. Let my
breakthrough battle my enemies, in the name of Jesus. I command you witches and witchcraft to
remove your hands from my case, in Jesus name. Any witchcraft rat, lizard, cat assigned to shut
down my blessings, die by fire, in Jesus name. Holy Ghost fire destroy the foundation of delay and
failure in my life, in Jesus name. O God arise and expose the evil personality waging war against my
family, in Jesus name.

Prayer Against Evil Altars

Every prayer point against evil altars has to be said loudly, with violence, with faith and with an
aggressive spirit.

I release myself from the bondage of evil altars, in Jesus’ name.

I vomit every satanic poison that I have swallowed, in Jesus’ name.

I cancel every demonic dedication, in the name of Jesus. Be repeating, “I cancel you, in the name of

(Place your two hands on your head.) I break every evil authority over my life, in the name of Jesus.
Be repeating, “I break you, in the name of Jesus.”

Mention the underlisted with authority and say, “Break, in the name of Jesus”, seven hot times.

a. every evil authority of family shrine or idol

b. every evil authority of witchcraft and family

c. spirits – every evil authority of remote-control powers – every evil authority of the strongman

Every owner of evil load carries your load, in the name of Jesus.

I render every aggressive altar impotent, in the name of Jesus.

Every evil altar erected against me, be disgraced, in Jesus’ name.

Anything done against my life under demonic anointing be nullified, in the name of Jesus.

I curse every local altar fashioned against me, in the name Jesus.

Let the hammer of the Almighty God smash every evil altar erected against me, in the name of Jesus.

O Lord send Your fire to destroy every evil altar fashioned against me, in the name of Jesus.

Every evil priest ministering against me at the evil altar, receive the sword of God, in the name of

Let the thunder of God smite every evil priest working against me at the evil altar and burn him to
ashes, in the name of Jesus.

Let every satanic priest ministering against me at evil altars fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

Any hand that wants to retaliate or arrest me because of all these prayers I am praying, dry up and
wither, in the name of Jesus.

Every stubborn evil altar priest drink your own blood, in the name of Jesus.

I possess my possession stolen by the evil altar, in Jesus’ name.

I withdraw my name from every evil altar, in the name of Jesus.

I withdraw my blessings from every evil altar, in the name of Jesus.

I withdraw my breakthroughs from every evil altar, in Jesus’ name.

I withdraw my glory from every evil altar, in the name of Jesus.

I withdraw my prosperity from every evil altar, in Jesus’ name.

I withdraw anything representing me at every evil altar, in the name of Jesus.

(Mention any of your organ that you know is not behaving the way it should and say:) I withdraw
you from every evil altar, in the name of Jesus.

Prayer Points Against Family Evil Altars

Exodus 20:5, ”Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am
a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth
generation of them that hate me; Psalms 2: 9 says, “Thou shall break them with a rod of iron and
thou shall dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.” It is not an easy thing to pull down family evil
altars. It is also not an easy thing to destroy the evil altar of the father’s house or mother’s house.
The powers behind evil idols and altars are very strong and hardest. Because if you try to wage war
against them with low spiritual powers, they will just crank your bones and put you in captivity for
challenging their power and authority in the family. Many families have continued to hire pastors to
conduct all kinds of deliverance or liberation in their hometown. Kindly watch Evangelist Joshua
powerful videos on YouTube Subscribe now Instead of the same problems to subside or die, the
ancestral spirits will rise in more aggressive ways against the family because of the deliverance
prayers of the man of God. For this reason, it becomes a long term battles that never finishes. Most
times, many pastors that went for such liberation come back with sickness or a serious attack. What
kind of altars that have been erected against your family? Is it an altar of poverty, sickness, death,
hardship, joblessness, working without reward, disfavor, delay, disappointments. When you see
some families, your knowledge will inform you that they are cursed. Until these altars are crushed
out of your family completely, they will continue to assign setback, downfall, or affliction to any
families linked to the altars. You are wondering how these altars can loose their grip over you and
family; You are wondering the best method to pull down, destroy or silence the ancestral evil voice
of your father’s house or mother’s house. So many people are easily controlled and manipulated by
evil spirits. When you see some families, almost all of them are going in the same negative line of
direction. No success, no progress, no achievement, no early marriage and so on. By the grace of
God, we are going to take some prayers against the family altars. These set of prayers are very
effective to bring about peace, calmness, restoration, progress and deliverance. An evil altar is the
power house of the wicked. It is a place of offering sacrifices and exchanging people’s glory. Even in
this 21st century, lot of families are still bowing and worshipping some of these gods. Many of these
families glory can no longer shine, prosper, or progress because of the yoke of the ancestral powers
militating against their deliverance. A lot of people begin to ask the easiest ways to attack and
destroy the altars that have delayed the glory of their families. If your foundation is bad, you need to
ask the Holy Spirit to heal your foundation or ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the man of God that can
silence these collective spirit moving around your bloodline. In Kings 13, the Bible says, Jeroboam
cried against the altars in Bethel. We had the story of Gideon pulling down and destroying the altars
of his father’s house, this evil foundation has delayed and robbed him of his blessings. Until God


Satanic altars of my father’s house and mother’s house, delaying my breakthrough, catch fire, in the
name of Jesus. Altars of wickedness, against my promotion and freedom, catch fire, in the name of
Jesus. All combined altars of darkness, fashioned against my success, scatter by fire, and destroy
yourself by thunder, in Jesus name. Every satanic altar erected in the village by forefathers and

foremothers’, tonight, I set you ablaze by fire, in the name of Jesus. Every altar from my father’s
house and mother’s house, against my greatness in life, I release the fire of God to scatter you by
fire in Jesus name. I fire back every arrow from the altar of darkness against my destiny, in the name
of Jesus. Any ancestral altar older than my village, your time is up, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
All my blessings on the altar of the wickedness of the wicked, arise and locate me now, in Jesus
name. Any curse issued against me from the evil altar, GO BACK TO SENDER, in Jesus name Any man
or woman that carried sacrifice because of me, shall fall down and die, in Jesus name. The journey of
return shall be their portion, in Jesus name Any incantation placed upon me by witch doctor from
evil altar, it shall not affect me, every evil plan against me shall BACKFIRE, in Jesus name Any animal
blood shed on any evil altar against me, shall backfire, in the name of Jesus. Any human blood shed
on any evil altar because of my glory, BE NEUTALIZED BY FIRE, in the name of Jesus. My destiny,
wake up from satanic altar by the blood of Jesus Every arrow of sickness fired into my life from evil
altar, backfire, in the name of Jesus Every satanic altar, operating from my mother’s village to put an
embargo on my journey, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. Any part of my life and family captured by
satanic altars, be ignited by fire, in Jesus name You that evil personality standing on the family altar
against me, receive fire and fall down, in Jesus name Blood of Jesus, speak on my behalf day and
night, in the name of Jesus. Evil altars, generational gods and idols of my father’s family from the
establishment of this family till today (Mention your ancestral family names). I decalre to you today
from now henceforth you will no longer speak for or against me and (family name). I use the blood
of Jesus to silence you forever, in Jesus name O God of Elijah, release fire upon the altar of my
enemy, in the name of Jesus. Every family idol crying against my blessings on the evil altar, catch
fire, in the name of Jesus Satanic altar crying against my blood, you are a failure, catch fire, in the
name of Jesus. O Lord, keep my altar burning 24 hours of the day, in the name of Jesus. Any evil altar
that has accepted evil sacrifice to destroy me, burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus Any satanic altar
of darkness where they have tendered my money, picture, scatter unto desolation, in Jesus name
Every stubborn altar feeding on my destiny and future, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. I withdraw
my greatness from every satanic altar of my environment, in the name of Jesus. I withdraw my
marital glory from every evil altar, in the name of Jesus I withdraw my progress from every wicked
altar erected against me, in the name of Jesus. Any evil altar raised by my landlord against me in
order to hinder my greater blessings, be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus. Whatever has been
buried in my present house that is bringing setbacks to the tenants, be exhumed by fire, in the name
of Jesus. Evil altars of my father’s house, where are you? collect your problems back by the blood of
Jesus. I am free today. Evil workers among my trusted friends going too for my sake, they shall
embark on a journey of no return, in the name of Jesus. I raise the blood of Jesus against you. BE
PARALYZED. Any child of darkness from my father’s house and mother’s house cooking my glory at
the forest, receive madness in the name of Jesus. Anyone in my family (If you are from polygamous
family) spreading my case to different strongman for my destruction, your time is up, fire of God
shall descend on you in Jesus name. Any environmental evil altars working against my success and
the works of my hand, be wiped off by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. Blood of Jesus, enter into
any evil altar in my foundation and destroy them in the name of Jesus. You evil altar of bondage,
break by the blood of Jesus. Ancestral evil altars, covering my glory, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
Any evil done against my destiny so far through the powers of the evil altars, be reversed by the
blood of Jesus. Every decision or vow of household altars affecting the plans of God for my life, be
melted by the blood of Jesus. I release myself from polygamous evil altar by the blood of Jesus.
Blood of Jesus cover me from the crown of my head to the sole of my feet in the name of Jesus. O
Lord open my eyes to see those who are taking my case to the underworld, in the name of Jesus. I
retrieve my spiritman from the altars of marine powers, in the name of Jesus. Any problem in my
family that is affecting us from evil altar, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus. My Father, whoever is

making pronouncement, decree on my family names in order to useless us, O God arise and turn
them to dust, in Jesus name. Evil Goliath that kills destiny at the evil altar, I am not your candidate,
fall down and die, in Jesus name. Any rituals done against me at any evil altars by any unfriend
friend, fire of God expose them with your fire, in the name of Jesus. Every satanic priest, monitoring
my progress from their mirror, go blind by fire, in Jesus name. Every evil altar connecting day and
night to work against me, receive fire and die, in Jesus name. The glory of my life stolen from the
satanic altar, I recover you by fire, in Jesus name Any of my destiny that has just been declared dead
by evil priest, O God arise and wake it up by fire, in Jesus name. I speak destruction unto every evil
altar attaching themselves to me. I scatter you by fire, in Jesus name My name, hear the word of the
Lord, depart from the strange altar of blood sucking demon, in Jesus name. My Father, let all those
that want me dead among my friends, family members etc, let that person die before sunset
tomorrow, in Jesus name Stubborn sacrifice of my father’s house that has caged generation, you
time is up, burn to ashes, and release destinies from your altar in Jesus name Today I raise up an
altar of continuous prosperity upon my destiny, in the name of Jesus Satan, you will not settle down
on my destiny, in the name of Jesus. Blood of Jesus save me from sin of my forefathers, in the name
of Jesus. O LORD, on the time, the evil priest want to abort my glory, let the thunder of God strike
them and their customers to death in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, every satanic priest,
every satanic sacrifice on any evil altar ministering against me, hear the sound of the blood of the
Lamb, scatter by fire, in Jesus name. Dark powers, discussing my destiny in the night season for
destruction, hear the fire of ELIJAH, receive the arrows of God and die, in Jesus name Every tree in
my father’s house that is standing as an altar against my family, wither and die, in Jesus name


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