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Potassium Chloride

Date and Time ordered: April 12, 2023 @ 7:50 PM

Ordering Physician: Dr. Estellon
Generic Name: Clarithromycin
Classification: Electrolyte Supplements
Dosage, Route of Administration and Frequency: 2 tabs TID for 6 dose, PO
Mechanism of Action: Maintains acid-base balance, isotonicity, and electrophysiologic
balance of the cell.
Desired Effect: This is given to the patient to restore potassium level within normal range

Nursing Responsibilities Rationale

1. Verify the doctor’s written order  To identify patients, know the dosage,
frequency and route of administration,
and to prevent medical error

2. Observe the 12 R’s  in medication  To promote safe and accurate

administration. administration of the medication.

3. Review the allergic history of the  To prevent hypersensitivity reaction to

patient to potassium chloride, the medication and other complications
tartrazine and aspirin

4. Review if the patient has hyperkalemia  This medication if given with a high
or taking potassium-sparing diuretic level of potassium and taking water pills
(water pill) such asamiloride, can aggravate a present condition
spironolactone, ortriamterene

5. Explain the indication and possible side-  To provide knowledge and give
effects (e.g., diarrhea, nausea and assurance that the medication is safe
vomiting) of the drug

6. Monitor for renal, hepatic, and  To provide timely intervention and

hematopoietic functions during prevent further complications like
prolonged therapy nephrotoxicity

7. Monitor serum potassium and vital signs  To address and prevent immediately the
before and periodically during the possible complications

8. Monitor fluid intake and output, BUN  To ensure that the patient has proper
and serum creatinine intake of fluid and other nutrients
because the medication can cause
diarrhea. To detect signs of

9. Administer drug with or after meals, and  This is to decrease GI upset and
a full glass of water (8 ounces/240 mL) irritation

10. If there is trouble swallowing, dissolve  Taking the medication properly can
the tablet in a half glass of water (4 attain its desired effect
ounces/120 milliliters) before taking it.
After the tablet dissolves (about 2
minutes), stir the mixture for 30 seconds
then drink all the liquid. Add one more
ounce (30 milliliters) of water to the
glass, swirl, and drink

11. Do not lie down for at least 10 minutes  To prevent nausea and stomach upset
after taking the medication

12. Instruct the patient that a missed dose  To prevent very low blood pressure, a
should be taken as soon as possible low heartbeat, or extra side effects
within 2 hours, if it is near the time of (dizziness, fainting, falling).
the next dose, skip the missed dose.
Take next dose at the regular time. Do
not double the dose to catch up

13. Store in a tightly closed container  To not reduce the therapeutic effect and
between 68°F to 77°F (20°C to 25°C) and it may cause adverse effects if it was
out of the light stored in an improper way

14. Instruct to swallow tablets wholly  To avoid the release of all the drug at
without breaking, crushing, dissolving, once, which tend to increase the risk of
or chewing. side effects.

15. Watch out and monitor for the following  To identify and quantify the risks
adverse effects: associated with the use of drugs and
a. CV: arrhythmias, hypotension, help to timely reduce the harmful
effects of therapeutic products.
b. Respiratory: respiratory paralysis
c. Dermatologic: rash
d. GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
abdominal discomfort, GI
obstruction, GI bleeding
e. Others: paresthesia and weakness

16. Provide health teaching to patient and  To enhance patient and significant
significant others: other’s knowledge on drug therapy, to
a. Explain the drug's effect to the body raise awareness of how and when to
take the medication and to recognize
and manifestations that would need
side effects and know what to do if they
occur, and promote adherence
b. Emphasize the importance of strict
adherence to drug therapy. To ensure
maximum therapeutic effects.
c. Provide information to address the
adverse effects:
i. Cardiovascular effects:
arrhythmias, and hypotension
1. For hypertension, encourage to
not immediately rise when
coming up from a lying position
2. If symptoms of arrhythmia and
hypotension persist, consult
primary health care provider
ii. Respiratory effects: respiratory
1. Encourage to perform deep
breathing exercise
2. Instruct to notify physician or
any primary healthcare provider
immediately if symptom persist
iii. Dermatologic effects: rash
1. Encourage the patient to bathe in
warm water using a mild soap,
then air dry the skin and gently
pat to dry.
2. Instruct to notify physician or
any primary healthcare provider
immediately if symptom persist
iv. Gastrointestinal effects: nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal
discomfort, GI obstruction, GI
1. Suggest reporting to the
physician before taking over-the-
counter NSAIDs.
2. Encourage fluid intake to prevent
3. Report immediately to the
attending physician, especially
with a black tarry or bloody stool
4. For vomiting: Encourage to eat
dry crackers; eat slowly and eat
smaller, more frequent meals.
5. For diarrhea: Encouraged to have
a diet known as BRAT may also
quickly relieve diarrhea. BRAT
stands for bananas, rice,
applesauce, and toast.
v. Others: paresthesia and
1. Encourage rest.
2. Encourage to have slight
exercises and avoid extraneous
3. Report to the attending physician
4. If symptoms of persist, consult
primary health care provider

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