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Error handling in JavaScript Sebin Benjamin

What we’ll learn today

• Types of programming errors
• Handling Errors in JavaScript

If debugging is the process of
removing bugs, then
programming must be the
process of putting them in.

Edsger W. Dijkstra
Types of Errors
When developing programs there are several types of error that can occur.

• Syntax Errors
• Semantic Errors
• Logic Errors
• Arithmetic Errors
• Compile time/static error
• Run time/Dynamic Errors
• Resource Errors
• Interface Errors
Syntax Errors
• Syntax errors are errors that occurs when the pre-defined syntax (rules) of
the language is not respected.
• Syntax errors are detected while interpreting or parsing the source code.
• The compiler/interpreter will give you the location of the syntax error,
which makes it rather easy to find/fix.
• In English, a convoluted example would be, “THE dog bit, the mahn.”
• Example,
console.log("Hello World);
Semantic Errors
• A semantic error is one related to the meaning of something.
• These are errors due to an improper use of program statements.
• Some semantic errors are detected by the computer, but some remain
hidden to produce unexpected errors.
• In English, it might be a conversation like, “Bit me the dog
• Example: Wrong order of statements - trying to use a variable without
assigning it a value.
const x = y + 5;
// Uncaught ReferenceError: y is not defined
Logic Errors
• Logical errors are caused when the requirements are not met. The
program is run without any errors but does not generate the
requested result.
• Your computer will do EXACTLY what you told it to do.
• Often, the program you wrote is not the program you wanted to
• Logical errors are the hardest of all error types to detect.
• In English, this is what might happen when you might have intended
to say, “A dog bit a man” but end up with, “A man bit a dog”.
Arithmetic Errors
• An arithmetic error is a type of logic error that involves mathematics.
• Usual examples include, division by 0, but not in JavaScript.
• Wrong math concepts and formulas could be included in this.
• Functional tests that always include edge-cases like zero, or negative
numbers is an one way to stop these arithmetic errors in their tracks.
// Adds two numbers and returns the sum.
function addNumbers(firstNumber, secondNumber)
return firstNumber - secondNumber;
Compile-time errors
• Computers can only understand machine code, int x = 5;
which is a low-level programming language*,
generally being made up entirely of numbers
(0’s & 1’s).
• Compiling is converting programming language
code to machine code. Some programming
languages like C, C++, C# Java, Go require a 01101000 01100101
compilation step, before it can be executed. 00100000 01110111

Compiling code -

Compile-time errors
• There is no compilation in JavaScript as it is an interpreted language.
• There are no compile time errors in JavaScript as there is no
compilation step. An interpreter in the browser/node.js reads over
the JavaScript code, interprets each line, and runs it.
• JavaScript linters kind of detect what we could relate to compile time errors.
• Typescript works a little differently, although it is technically not compiled.
Runtime errors
• A runtime error is the one that occurs unexpectedly when your
software is executed, or while it’s running
• Often software will most likely work well on your end, and the
compiler won’t flag any abnormalities, but mess up when the end-
user runs it.
• Example,
display('Hello World’);
// Uncaught ReferenceError: display is not defined
Resource errors & Interface errors
• These are a type of runtime error that could occur.
• Resource errors occur when a resource could not be accessed.
• Example, when you exceed the fixed amount of resources allocated to the program
or try to read a file without proper access permissions.
• Interface errors occur when there is a disconnect between how you meant
your program to be used and how it is actually used.
• Example, if you have an API that requires that specific parameters are set and those
parameters are not set.
• Having clear documentation and catching these errors to pass back to the caller in a
useful way is the best way of saying, “Hey, you haven’t given us what we need to
process this request.”
Handling Error
Avoiding errors, using validation for external systems, try-catch-finally
Avoiding Errors
• A JavaScript linter or good editor (VS Code) can catch syntax errors
such as misspelled statements and missing brackets.
• You can use validation to catch errors in data from users or other
• Example: client-side validation in the UI, server side validation to check the
API params.
• However, some runtime errors are impossible to avoid
• the network can fail
• a busy server or application could take too long to respond
• a host’s infrastructure can fail
Showing errors to the user
• Showing an error to the user is the last resort.
• Some are useful
• The file already exists. Would you like to overwrite it?”
• Some are NOT very useful
• Something went wrong !
• You may be able to ignore some less-critical errors such as an image failing to
• Best way is to ensure the user can take some appropriate actions.
Error Handling in JavaScript
• When an error occurs JavaScript creates an object and hands it off to the runtime.
• An error in JavaScript is an object, which is later thrown to halt the program.
• An error is thrown to raise an exception (exceptional event).
• An error object becomes an exception only when it's thrown.
• Exceptions can be caught and handled later.
• The runtime system searches the call stack for a method that contains a block of code that can handle
the exception. This block of code is called an exception handler
• You can catch exceptions in a try ... catch block.
• This executes the code in the try {} block but, when an exception occurs, the catch
{} block receives the object returned by the throw.
• You can define an optional finally {} block if you require code to run whether the
try or catch code executes
Catching an exception
• Exceptions are like an elevator going up: once you throw one, it
bubbles up in the program stack, unless it is caught somewhere.
• When, and where you catch an exception in your code depends on
the specific use case.
• Read more :
• The try...catch statement is comprised of try {
a try block and either a catch block, a try_statements
finally block, or both. }

• The code in the try block is executed first, catch (exception_var) {

and if it throws an exception, the code in catch_statements

the catch block will be executed. The
finally {
code in the finally block will always be
executed before control flow exits the
entire construct.
The try...catch statement allows you
to catch exceptions and handle
them gracefully.
Sometimes, you want to execute a
block whether exceptions occur or
not. In this case, you can use the
try...catch...finally statement

Thank you Sebin Benjamin

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