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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IVA CALABARZON - Schools Division Office o1 Laguna - Sub-Otticeo! Rizal CRISTOBAL S. CONDUCTO MEMORIAL INTEGRATED NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL REQUEST FOR WORK IMMERSION Elmina M. Nicolas Human Resource Department Head - LGU Rizal Rizal, Laguna Sir/ Madame: This is to request permission from your good office to please allow, ANGELA MAE S. ANGELES, a Senior High School - Grade 12 student. to undergo a 80 hours WORK IMMERSION in your establishment to acquire industrial ORIENTATION. The training period will start immediately upon your acceptance of the bearer under the terms and conditions as stipulated in the duly accomplished memorandum of agreement hereto attached for your confirmation. Moreover, a student evaluation is provided where a student is assessed on his! her performance, attitude and behavior to be attested by the supervisor. The Industry Linkage Coordinator and teachers handling each technology area from our school will visit your restaurant’shop from time to time to find out how the student perform in the working area. ‘Thank you very much for your usual cooperation and assistance extended to the school. ENDORSEMENT LETTER Sir/ Madame: This is to introduce, ANGELA MAE S. ANGELES, who is a grade 12 Senior High School student enrolled in our school under the K to 12 program with specialization in Science, ‘Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, and to further endorse < his/her > application ‘with your company to undergo WORK IMMERSION for a minimum of 80 hours as a requirement of the curriculum, We believe that schools must link up with industry in order to update, upgrade and make the ‘education of our youth more relevant to the actual needs of the industry. It is in this regard that ‘we request you to give such opportunities to our students by allowing them to do part time work with your company. Together with this letter is an Acceptance Form. We request that said form be accomplished and returned to this office upon acceptance of our student in your company. ‘We are confident that given the opportunity, our student will be an asset to your company. ‘Thank you for the favorable action and we look forward to a more fruitful linkage with you, Very truly yours, MARITA B. DIONGLAY Partnership Focal Person Noted: LAURITA P. ARCA, Ph. D. Principal Ill Address: 9035 Subida St, Paule 2, Rizal, Laguna, Philippines 4003 i Telefax > (049) 502.9451 Email 307903: 1ovph i School; 307903 Page Sof 8 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IVA CALABARZON - Schools Division Office o1 Laguna - Sub-Otticeo! Rizal CRISTOBAL S. CONDUCTO MEMORIAL INTEGRATED NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Tam fully aware of the duties and responsibilities | will undertake through the Work Immersion Program with cooperating industry through the request of Cristobal S. Conducto Memorial Integrated National High School | recognize the authority of my cooperating industry which | may be placed and submit myseff to all the rules and regulations that may be imposed upon myself the following duties. | renounce and waive any claim against the cooperating industry and the CRISTOBAL S. CONDUCTO MEMORIAL INTEGRATED NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL for any injury that | may sustain/loss that | suffer, personal/inancial in the performance of my duties / function. Name of Student: ANGELA MAE S. ANGELES Signature: Date: PARENTAL/GUARDIAN’S CONSENT And |, the minor's parent and/or legal guardian, allow my son/daughter to undergo work immersion for a minimum of 80 hours starting on May 2, 2023 until May 15, 2023 at Local Government Unit -Rizal- COMELEC Office in partial {fulfillment of the requirements for Senior High School It is understood that he/she abides by the rules and regulations that may be imposed by the Supervisor/Staff-in-Charge for his/her welfare and safety | fully agree to waive any responsibility on the part of Cristobal S. Conduct MINHS, in case of any untoward incident that may happen to my son/daughter during the duration of the WORK IMMERSION Name of Parent/Legal Guardian: Elvira S. Angeles Signature: Date : Address: 9035 Subida St, Paule 2, Rizal, Laguna, Philippines 4003 i Telefax > (049) 502.9451 Email 307903: 1ovph i School; 307903 Page of 8 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IVA CALABARZON - Schools Division Office o1 Laguna - Sub-Otticeo! Rizal CRISTOBAL S. CONDUCTO MEMORIAL INTEGRATED NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL OTHER TASKS (not included in the training plan ) Core Competencies Actual | bate remarks | Suasested Hours hours COMPANY PROFILE (Photo with Brief Description ) Z The small town of Rizal, Laguna was once a barrio of Nagcaran, Province of Laguna, In 1912, it obtained municipal \ status with Pedro Urrea, Sr. as its \ Municipal President. Nevertheless, \ Rizal's township lasted only for a brief \ two years. Its inability to support its y rs administrative expenses caused Rizal to As affiliate once more with its mother town. However, between 1912 and 1915, residents led by Fortunato Urrea Arban, Agustin Vista, and Felix Isles, former municipal councilors campaigned to regain their municipal status. The petition included the inclusion of barrios Antipolo, Entablado, Laguan, Pook, Mayton, Pauli, Talaga and Tuy. On December 18, 1918, Governor Francis Burton Harrison issued Executive Order 56 creating the Municipality of Rizal, naming the town after the foremost national hero Dr. Jose P. Rizal Officials inaugurated the new town a year after on January 7, 1919 and had Fortunato Urrea Arban as mayor. Address: 9035 Subida St, Paule 2, Rizal, Laguna, Philippines 4003 i Telefax > (049) 502.9451 Email 307903: 1ovph i School; 307903 age 20 of 33 Republic of the Philippines COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS Office of the Election Officer Rizal, Laguna This Certificate of Satisfactory Completion Is hereby award to ANGELA MAE S. ANGELES Of Cristobal S. Conducto Memorial Intergated National High School, under Work Immersion Program for Grade 12 for having completed 80 hours On-The-Job Training From May 02, 2023 to May 15, 2023 Given this 15" day of May 2023, at Comelec Office Rizal, Laguna cai B. ERMITA Election Officer

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