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Entrepreneurship Quarter 2 — Module 1- Lesson 1: The 4Ms of Production in Relation to the Business Opportunity Cha 4 Beanie torte own roduc exile ad est 4 What I Know 1 Operstn Hains Describe the 4Ms of Production in| Relation to the Business Opportunity Inthe previous modules, me have discussed about mateing sie (7 in QD wraeen ati A. Tin We) wraes new J STupiecese tht ay accompih bat’ Operatons Management he ons te inpiementaton ofthe bases yn Once tar pecauses ese ‘Ee ony in rhe podria Ge nda Pare 1. Methods sugus the process of combing as mater and ow ches eke seo fob inordinate anne of roto, Lobsecmtret a teat tet _SeeS eS fechnolgy ar moan that a enact cane teh Be No in th rads of pad he ning nen i ‘Spent and steal that are capt inienae. 2. Manpower the righ buna resources who wll handle certain musnese ‘uth ier gra he cineca sal Ni quienes Ie wil be eo dy aces anc ca ton ian a ee ‘Stele and unos of he bases 5 Lae sin sande mate omen in SEAS Guba and ching te ean mer 4. machine -technolagy va in fice operating he Dunes wa ao “dere tthe" hic ofmanpoern prog potest ‘eran serces. Machines we ot ued oni ope! pment Sue ig pera tome echoes Ie repre san ‘Sipe capi tinh ico cen Ae re Shnarapebleconly and with iw gal. ‘spy chain anne ber ewan nt and ther sgresensa nn MM + The tection of he appli depends on ow they will cause Invertpdions inthe proucton 0 gods and svg custome Options + macatctrng own prodacts ofr eee iis th Company a ester ac However, tech ths enepeenere ca ‘Seaforth gua emu an nut + outeouring of manuictenng or mrvice atin tthe ey hte rth paces where company appoint nd pare Stromennrtrociewabme ce amen the a api, ben oe uteuree party coms business tif ‘he produced mbeandard procure en outsourcing te enrepreneur must protec its oduct, "hoop a tademar oa patent sos nencompstng ‘pondlaconare agreement” © haga on : ecm: peas paaeriowoaee, ~ Puehing om pode oven om pon apes = ‘radonaly, hese ae he ceil Hour (domain of reduction where one Money - io Sun source use purchase lhe resbures need by In he conan anata of producti, the resource ina mentone abe ‘eunaormaton to products fined product. They 76a ell a0 Prac inputs because oto ranting properties. Tis ieutes| ‘Sher manpower capita feaciney land an enna had vane Mey have es pti he py sri, Sse weet pre tel yy woes ge re Now shat we aoa know how important 4M ae in the buses proces tagther wth e Pv ef maveng my evan eiey aks the Ai or oe 1Upeaea rn or th ancy righ We sud only ned Wo ners an Kay how so enue our pronpetive buyers 0 buy Sur pou ow wil we do tha? Deitey though an ete peeductdeeripton, you an gunrantoe that they wil he tha af eat baton an Inte radu Geveripion one ofthe Snporant apet of lig Jou ve 1 vue wh our ‘Sarge mares wl patonse and would ket ave ee’ the 3 an to Veale Product Descriptions That Sel 1. Mow who your target miencein— you might want to highligh te things thar mi ret our penta) buyers, You can sea ote By flo aciewe ance you ral Your produce, femur and teneta. A prac future 8 fakultet aout the ‘rodut tht prone techie eration. A proetbonft om te ter Fan ells how the pod can tmprove the buyer ie. I yu ar the 1 god produc imager ~ se om te destin, ¢ gut inage i do toe tick Why? eemune Ge cmon thin tn pdt get Sepet of your profuct deeespin in actually in she pot fae Qui Poaswl show the cuore all ofthe key Ystses about Jour produce, ‘hey ln alow the curr to agin rng pout he, ‘once you sendy hav lear vison af wha should be the deseo of your oduct Wes now ete om Proll rout wil ake a hangs nd how iwi ben great bp co eae ur We ses Flweres ha we have ind ie exis be CUR to tpn swe oat 8 Iona of what the fin rac lk ike, is pene A Petey a {Rta cei oe red ahr te bs at prt a a at gure: potrype example Adrants of Prototype: 1, Creating pote sien you. the oppetnity to eet aad mf te ‘a ot yourdetgs bl to tx the performance and goal the ator in you anebe your producta mere sfiacively with potential 4. teil encourage other to teat you more setoualy ic) What's More What I Have Learned ‘ip What ICan Do Ra Conran! You ae now rudy to appr what you have nara about nee ‘A tmamerte and define thee of pedi +1 your omn word fesenpson nat wil entice jour custom ta ake » putea. b9 Sm — In the bopnning of thi made we Rave aur pretest, Naw, tit wil serve st ee pre Te eyo yes wee eo ata te ano ea Mutinte Chote. Chose the eter othe best anawer ite he cbnen ter on 8 fr the thr ety sop. What hey eed to do ceompah sich? Use dear be he pele ‘ede unl oering sevice, —_——_ 5 Food Overboard agro to gi Crangs ty Kaye il accone to any ‘Stanyne lac Wha pe af agrees: ay have? 3 Posen 1 Nonalore 6, en the M where one should look net by, intellect and cen ee 7. When lokng era mupper ane mu consider the flowing ect ne Batty 2 Qual of he produce 15. inconidered a the most ipertnt factor in the pout. odio Tr or Falke Wee TRUE Whe sxent in carvet FALSE undesne and 1. the Ae of production cannot funtion props ane a he Me sot inlide 12 prover pote Ie the fn pratuct tt you isl Inthe ‘sella acantagr 15 A gu product destipton ca doe the sles, Additional Activities nior High School Entrepreneurship Quarter 2 - Module 1- Lesson 2: The Supply Chain and the Recruitment Process in Relation to the Business Enterprise G vw 11001 ree to desert the The Supp Chain sn the ecrlrent Proce in lon To the leering situations The language ed recgnaes the dere voxbulary ler of {Se orcer in wich yo red tem canbe cnangd Io crreapond withthe ebook ot ter i ough he modu, you ae expecta ow the proeat an how a recut uae peopi for one business Dy vrccrx00 ‘Axon practi we wl ave ea ou ngs et o chock yo pir eed 3 iin celeant storey 2. Inthe ue chain eonept, uppraing IP x conser wht kind of asi? Seve dei Suppor Ary MP Reraitent «Supp chin 5, Which tem doris a udy of wate dore by enploces ho old various Job sues? ere Job Deseripon Bob Anaya {4 ob Speiteation Gove, Wie Tespnstisies tt den, the work condos, and she 1 Deerton| (4 Spectcation 7. Ata timiog re of eel etog fi Which sno sep nthe econ proces? takings phyaealenan” —— d nemeof the above 9. The sty tht ewients new empajon othe organo, 0 elo empases, “t enpuyee ocean ‘nator Piaeied The Supply Chain and the BIg Roornitment Process in Relation to the Business Enterprise how ne can make @protetepe ei your prod Let Us have our feiew of wel me ee What's In ‘Aetiiy: tn your own words desrbe cach othe 41 Ms of Proton and How are (3 ‘wot thy hve oan before proceeding wth anew lean We whae's new ‘This acti give you a vere’ of wha we wil ican i hilton Actirtey ot the blank i-dtafrm low. We wil use hf oF ne QD) rmaeten Prt of he 4Ma of Prodton he Met and Manpower, hi son we sei ar dryer what te the proces tbat eine inthe tang ow Jane bow (oat Dental supp a he companys te salts tad ‘deren alec forthe "supey chain in reluion to the busiaes ‘Somer hae tat erie pce ep iy dant a ee ae pent apes icy roe than scanning scanning ein opie at. Ter ar a lot of tore 0 ‘Shon tach nu vl or mine, rans sd ence How you weigh up th stag A strep approach to chosing supp un sho lp you to undersand ‘hw you on pte cutnere meh fp thee pursuing een “hia uide tates a epi atep approach ou caw tha hol ep evi penta sapere and choose your spp 1, Thlaking strategically when sletog wupper Haves supper ha an nate wh the quality of sap, sek or mes awe ag serie ‘tal sommisiaton finaly seu and have a ara parurthip prea thie dori prose supper ough abosommerdatos Unter ssn ashes sor seahorse ‘Coconlng eapplinr.Whes considering the hart ak ‘an hese sppir dine wht you want, hen you ma ‘ie an ave hy bt eb? 1 ethey oan approved supp ham rae anon of Do same each and yt i your at down aaa mae thn ou secant oe you en he pti wep 5: Stig eh eter ox your bonnes by wming yor nth. es schon ca pend enon ean and ake hate, EEnthavejata sage one 7 Now that we have ezete our suppers, we can sow gt he ton ‘ileterntate the salu chan ne sup chan spats udwalue to them tous prefucton manulctrg ed the prose i sneer ts in ne eee Wie spp chain oles psi fling a. customer request and aeattying potential auppiene trough vasity of channels est 0 ‘supiy cen are somites Teed to aa vat eh beau they feel te concept that ae le added ego ees progr ough the chan she Doses grows, the entrepreneurs sha hire a que enplgees ‘at ces handle operational functions, wo tha he op shel be eee fom ay ‘The folowing our guide on how company secs the right Maman reanuren A Sob Desert = enunessen te dition and responses of te otetad expyes, laeluting the ope, nustions and terae, sod ‘Sinan of npn are ofthe desc ines 1, BmployeeQualifiaon = hi inches the eter ofthe compay the a + Ehtcatona, background, Work emperiene, Specie sl or 6. Prepartany Reletion of Job Applicata Aer the o> deciption ane (Sepiyee gusibeona are faazed by the ezepeneu, beet she Som [role hae of rantates forthe pelenrequre. Hower, ence the Fen Resoure Department 0) that wil hale the sen Selection of Job Aplieate~Sezenng ent prkng te most si nd fren aed candidte for te ob The peininay scrounge through fpf: Unuay they cond: guaing exams in Mat, Baga ae ipl saline Exams or Msceloy fon an an itenew for The start se eee ht nan inv he enter ree nm werk spesene or oluetonal Deckard 1, Job Offer ~ Once the enteeprencur us ben cone len of the jb “roentiais andthe nservioesnamors a he conde, hej contact F, Bmployment Development - Training people i one of the biggest deoae a aaeges on how to keep enpoyes ssid wong nthe ‘Trlntng tots for emplayece 1. ployee venation 6. Pare Trine 2. On-hesiobTrning OUT]. Online asring Progr 3 uaa Syste 8 vert ring Pepa 5 Sieosson Man Symp soins. ‘Strtege for Employee Menngemeat 2. Non monetary beni dial coverage lene cri, decent job What's More id ou nly te inet ofthe eo What I Have Learned chock what we have ino ty titng down te important acs the have Acting: = Wrte down Ylow your the Hay akenways on the tape that we have leo) What I Can Do fe SS) Assesement utile Chote. Chee the eter othe het anamer rte he chosen eter on 8 {sling aren become excep or ne the process of senrching fr peompoctive empleyees ant sting ‘Ba to upiy oot in the organization ‘ape th pation, ‘ake ged human eure esos? 1 Poormance Appia “Slaton 6, The process of scion of mployes usally nunca hy fs Pancpes ad propre Steps snd pec 3 Roles nd eens 4. Rane tthe above wh Aide et «Prec et | When the anit put to hardhip dig intervie Inept ere rena er tS apacaton fans test aor ierem, reference Cece ani physical 1 Phyacat emmiaton, tet and/or interew, application frm and 4 Test ander itevow, application form, reference chek and physic 10, Key the tet ha act aa ata a caver the nce ily ofa Aiud Phys 1 & company’s supa chain Involves the fam of materiale and ‘slamation few napster, trough proton, he en da 12. In supply chain organizations, funtane must oper independehy ‘eat ote. 14. The materia inthe suppiy chain aw vom heen ofthe ha, ‘che te inom ane the pana move ovat te bgning of he ‘ney rf the conept that vale said Ba oud ad sere oteen rou the ca GD) sacstonat Actes (an we sow pactice what we ave leaned? A. newer he ong quesans eit 2, What jo description? 4 ean wy bonne stort before hy nerve? Perec tia Entrepreneurship Quarter 2 — Module 2: Business Implementation (Ch ‘aod recognans the dere noeabulary leo tents The ls 8 aang bechangd to ereapond with the tatbok au are now ig Ar ping through this mode, ou ar expat + 2. implement the business plan, vo What I Know Ht Weleome ro our 5, how are ou? thee sae ding ged and enoyd ‘Sour por knowefge sou the ope, Mou gta pres mr, sea an 1 SUEMUBSS. ian organisation or enterprising ety engnend Tether emp us eres 5. POMACTN. in eg ety formed by a rou finda Choose the letter ofthe best answer, Write the chosen letter on & separate sheet of pape 1 a riten document that describes in dtl ow 8 business it ping 0 St Iisa short sntement of why an erganaton ext, wha veal gol 4. Sxpenree Ie aan emimation of revenue asd expentes ater ape ute period of Ue ad i let by governs {pot em the ita pcg fea Ite bane on a mntating concept whieh cc Ye adopted bya npn a4 * te fr Sue pre pers [Ya Business Implementation ee What's in defre we tale about businces mpm, ite ve row reguing Bustncas Implemestation. tit wal shy do we Food to auly Busnes fm arn with «Hang In ser wea the eteprenear must ae # ang @ Qe) what's New ase study, ought the Fin tate To hamburgers Fo tht multe, seduced lo of ‘isin oor ato (nce, mtr sy and ie). Jib ew that ed ae aeeetions nce te wleine ip sugunming the sant Dense? apis yout Your bustin concep a why 7 © w= Ccongzntulional You were wie to know your cater path a8 cay st now ris ml lp you to know are he Entreprenesahip [agony curse oe Here the nro to busines plementton tat you may exe pum callg: eatin and have Entcpeneurhin dg Introduction to Business Implementation ‘The net step forthe eneepeneur is to havea very gpd business pan ise sit ii dinero thc te ens rope as he “Te purposes of the busines pan ar: 2 Cammmste nate eteprae aba what mare naa to eve, 3 ltspeopete 1 profits an 5 ita probe ae ‘he basins plan shot ep wih business concep and the ws for the corpse nthe nee oe nee "should proce to an enuseration of busines objec, hey rent ens, and sestormance tsar An ovr enteric atgy aul thea be are 0 he ie resource nets an al acho vo tense mcs 2 Tema ing anol and why tae og are ee jy 4, Bedtcteor serena eft ay ty righ he 6 Biting, he tna xpi the epmens and mtr api 7 Theveapfaltractare (hor an long tm deb, stoners of the 5. The opmrting buat, Scal peetons dncere statement alee shert, (aah ett ee tanta reopect 9, Than ne buatcss and te congo oeuare a counterpart, ‘Organising ud Structuring the Haterprae ‘he tap rgured would be tiated by the ivestnon in tie eis of he ‘inept, Theo nmi are cocsponed tthe flowing 2, The longived 0: fined’ meta Theyre compose of propery, pla ert 5. Tie lother anne They sre coaosot of eptictona and peecperaing impose > Gimers cgay She fe and caen eter cE te ene theta Bt hea be wil sl ne he one ‘muna enable hy ca opera nalty 2 mete > Bepartment trade tnd tnd (OT cnn ° i Sapeted a phere wh vis sete to he "Your types of Corporat ‘Exner generated by the corporation ae av iarioued fo the tundrs i 4: Grgrtion fa vl om of crt tow yw ey a Sethe sty ° Activity 1 Getting Started 2, hatin yourcompeling buries concep? What would be your ion or your iD What I Have Learned o's esc? hope yo leaned fom it, This pr inthe geri: mich 1. Al dhe mart earch mst be dae and the deed customer seen he 2. The enterriae begins fo have ie own le and may have e purpose ecparate ‘spertiae of her At heat. # Se The entepencur mt flesh out, ino move specie dtl, the information "hate ppd bibs pan us nln 6. The busines plan shoul proeed fo an enumeration of busines ott, 1 for the ginerment renders, the busne plan ahoslé provide conmpance 9. The sarup corpraion eile by entrepreneur fd so hee emily or "end hold ve OE the team is busines i et fly equipped teenialy and manseeray, tke What I Can Do Aetivty 2: ake a do-it hat woul ly sou wp about estaba your ow ‘lov ottaca that nec tobe completed bythe enteprenear, Be arate posable on. You can bea desea puesta nelade ime ne Fora re Ae tha end fen dg. Cher era tthe taka that hate been SSS . = S Assessment a. Ines popreorsp Thee St no diaieson betwen the owner and the Additional Activities a. To Ws at i sth eae ee onde is eed ith i pron ite dnc Entrepreneurship Quarter 2 — Module 3: Preparing, Analyzing, and Forecasting Financial Statements Cha D> wnat Know tay the provous lemon we Jun ete rovious esa at ave 9 pretest tens yur pr knoe sh the op 308 Bape sore, so an ip 5. They ace the fished goa when sl, 4 Gost eed od © Seon panning 4 Parspatry panning 1. tts stn when cash fins ate pater than he cash otow 1 even tow 1 Container o funds ‘Double ety scouting bet 20, heat wtb oy, sere eb, ang ee de mpc ter sata 1 Gea oti Goa inion dene etme expenses 12 la menue finds 4. Nene of the tone these are abavactons of al the business tranaacons ping on in a SS Fw of assets ©. Finanelal Statement 15 Isao called the proft and loss statement Income Statement peer Forecasting Financial Statements it We are now in our maul 4, how are you tad? 1 hope yu enone the sept 2 ape he Web gm eo, Tin fe a a be em wh @ XK We wavs new case study, Sead and understand the eas arly and aneme he pen questions below. ‘harnxcnies retefinnownt Seb updated new trond, and wasn QD) mreun + Saco Sxiat Freeing sana moons care: Nex, he Gow of Salen a ded the Sais are et ERE CaO ioe en oT seca an retoly name anea grow ois pa ans he ne to gare. ‘Dis; the fora can be tat Mp abs.00" A Me ae he oreu are ou Sle ore ng 7 a ales forthe ers 2014, et 2015" ae pen fe lable I This peer fo merely am erage of the percentage lo nclan tives year 20" to 2013, Ona ca cael ue he {Eten ost of Sale percesau 2013 0 rete’ tne mot turrene eran The ‘ew stp iat appiy ne 700 percentage tthe Snes Vara fr the yrs Bote ana 2018 tp the Cont olen pes eal rena fr these wo eae Busence thestForeeating ‘cane ur Shc of ener wl nk ein he tre ‘ower ine recasting ea protly, the reapetive totus a Assets "STEM ln Denn Fay abe me ie sable 2 provides an expe of «Pe-Rorma Hice Shot wih eptnatry eso he te to nett assump sed by heer Ive t ju tbe ocPocr incre Statement preva made Sow in ‘able. Since the Ne income Ate Taxes would o dow rom PD EDD 0 F's ee mls ood cae ety F600 er Funds Flow Forecasting ESE A se of fin we ses Arte an Dene “itl 4S athe ens ca ace, manera he subected ede to bin the Net Cash Poston (dg ash Pst Beiateneee | me:

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