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INDU 6241–Lean Manufacturing


Due back on October 31, 2022, 2:45 PM.

• This is an individual assignment. Submit only your own work. Your submitted work will be
carefully checked for plagiarism.

A summary of the solution for the TWI example is given in the textbook (Learning to See) but some of the
details are missing and some decision lack justification. Your assignment is to follow the 8 questions and
propose your own solution from scratch.

You can benefit from the given solution in the book, but you are expected to work out all the missing details
by using all the knowledge you have acquired in class to propose a future state solution. If you agree with
the decisions made and the numbers given in the solution, you need to show how you arrived at those
numbers and provide your own justification for the decisions made. If you do not agree with some of the
decisions made or numbers given, propose your own solution along with your justification. Make sure that
you provide detailed analysis for every single process given in the future state map.

Finally, prepare a table (such as the one below) to compare the key performance indicators between the
current state and the future state solutions.

Before After
Total Production Lead time
Value added time
Non-value-added time
Inventory Turns 12
Number of Operators
Operator Productivity

Submit the following two files on Moodle:
1. MS Word file (not PDF)of your report containing your detailed answers to 8 questions.
Your report should also include a picture of your FSM.
2. MS Visio file for the FSM (even if your solution is the same as the one in the book) - ignore the
error message you get when you upload your Visio file.

Moodle will close at 2:45PM and late assignments will not be accepted. Please check the files after you upload
them to make sure that you submitted the correct file. It is not possible to make any type of correction after
the deadline. Since submitted files are automatically checked for plagiarism, email submission of the
assignment files is not possible either.

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