Chapter 2 For Research

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This chapter presents the research design, locale of the study,

respondents of the study, methods of gathering data, data gathering instruments,

and treatment of data.

Research Design

The researchers used qualitative-descriptive method of research to

determine and analyze the effects of Astray Animals on Vehicular Traffic

accidents in Tabuk City, Kalinga. The researchers gathered information through

the use of a survey questionnaire in a form of a Focus Group Discussion (FGD)

or interview as an instrument. Through this method, the researchers were able to

present and interpret relevant data needed in the study. The interview questions

are framed to answer the specific question as it involves the collection of

statements on the dangers brought by astray animals on the highway of Tabuk

City, Kalinga.

Locale and Population of the study

This study has been conducted in selected barangays in Tabuk City,

Kalinga which is Bulanao and Magsaysay. The participants of this study are the 8

Motorists, 8 Pet Owners, and 4 PNP Personnel. The participants have been

chosen through purposive sampling. Purposive sampling, also known as

judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling, is a form of non-probability

sampling in which researchers rely on their own judgment when choosing

members of the population to participate in their surveys.

Design and Methodology 22

Data Gathering Tool

The researchers used an informal interview guide as the main gathering

instrument in collecting the needed data for the study. The interview guide

contains specific questions needed to address the given objective on the

Dangers brought by Astray Animals on the highway of Tabuk City, Kalinga.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers sought the approval of the College Dean to gather the

needed information. Upon the approval of the request, the researcher made a

personal visitation, and sought the consent of the participants through signing of

Prior Informed Consent. The interview was done at noon in their respective

houses. Before the conduct of the interview, the researchers explain that this

research is for educational purposes and will respect the confidentiality of the


Treatment of Data

The gathered data has been analyzed and interpreted through a thematic

analysis. Thematic Analysis is a method for analyzing qualitative data. It is

usually applied to a set of text; such as interviews or transcripts. The researcher

closely examines the data to identify common themes- topics, ideas, and

patterns of meaning that come up repeatedly (Caulfield 2019).

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